Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1997 All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Command line parser header.
Steve Kiraly (SteveKi) 29-Sept-1996
Revision History:
--*/ #ifndef _PARSER_HXX
#define _PARSER_HXX
File info structure used for command file redirection.
********************************************************************/ struct AFileInfo { PVOID pData; // File data
LPTSTR pszOffset; // Offset to usable data
Function prototypes.
********************************************************************/ static PVOID private_alloc( UINT size );
static VOID private_free( PVOID pvoid );
BOOL StringToArgv( const TCHAR *string, UINT *pac, TCHAR ***pppav, BOOL bParseExeName );
VOID ReleaseArgv( TCHAR **av );
BOOL IsolateProgramName( const TCHAR *p, TCHAR *program_name, TCHAR **string );
BOOL AddStringToArgv( TCHAR ***argv, TCHAR *word );
VOID vProcessCommandFileRedirection( IN LPCTSTR pszCmdLine, IN OUT TString &strCmdLine );
BOOL bFlushBuffer( IN LPCTSTR pszBuffer, IN UINT nSize, IN OUT LPTSTR *pszCurrent, IN OUT TString &strDestination, IN BOOL bForceFlush );
BOOL bReadCommandFileRedirection( IN LPCTSTR szFilename, IN AFileInfo *pFileInfo );
VOID vReplaceNewLines( IN LPTSTR pszLine );
// Use private_free to release the output buffer.
BOOL AnsiToUnicodeString( IN LPSTR pAnsi, OUT LPWSTR *ppUnicode );
#if DBG
VOID vDumpArgList( UINT ac, TCHAR **av );