Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Type safe printer data class
Steve Kiraly (SteveKi) 24-Aug-1998
Revision History:
--*/ #include <precomp.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "prndata.hxx"
TPrinterDataAccess:: TPrinterDataAccess( IN LPCTSTR pszPrinter, IN EResourceType eResourceType, IN EAccessType eAccessType ) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("TPrinterDataAccess::TPrinterDataAccess\n") );
PRINTER_DEFAULTS Access = {0, 0, PrinterAccessFlags( eResourceType, eAccessType ) };
// Null string indicate the local server.
pszPrinter = (pszPrinter && *pszPrinter) ? pszPrinter : NULL;
if (OpenPrinter( const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszPrinter ), &m_hPrinter, &Access)) { m_eAccessType = eAccessType; } }
TPrinterDataAccess:: TPrinterDataAccess( IN HANDLE hPrinter ) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("TPrinterDataAccess::TPrinterDataAccess\n") );
InitializeClassVariables(); m_hPrinter = hPrinter; m_bAcceptedHandle = TRUE; }
TPrinterDataAccess:: ~TPrinterDataAccess( VOID ) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("TPrinterDataAccess::~TPrinterDataAccess\n") );
if( !m_bAcceptedHandle && m_hPrinter ) { ClosePrinter( m_hPrinter ); } }
BOOL TPrinterDataAccess:: Init( VOID ) const { return m_hPrinter != NULL; }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT BOOL &bData ) { return GetDataHelper( NULL, pszValue, kDataTypeBool, &bData, sizeof( BOOL ), NULL ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT DWORD &dwData ) { return GetDataHelper( NULL, pszValue, kDataTypeDword, &dwData, sizeof( DWORD ), NULL ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT TString &strString ) { return GetDataStringHelper( NULL, pszValue, strString ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT TString **ppstrString, IN OUT UINT &nItemCount ) { return GetDataMuliSzStringHelper( NULL, pszValue, ppstrString, nItemCount ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT PVOID pData, IN UINT nSize ) { return GetDataHelper( NULL, pszValue, kDataTypeStruct, pData, nSize, NULL ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT BOOL &bData ) { return GetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, kDataTypeBool, &bData, sizeof( BOOL ), NULL ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT DWORD &dwData ) { return GetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, kDataTypeDword, &dwData, sizeof( DWORD ), NULL ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT TString &strString ) { return GetDataStringHelper( pszKey, pszValue, strString ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT PVOID pData, IN UINT nSize ) { return GetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, kDataTypeStruct, pData, nSize, NULL ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Get( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT TString **ppstrString, IN OUT UINT &nItemCount ) { return GetDataMuliSzStringHelper( pszKey, pszValue, ppstrString, nItemCount ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Set( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN BOOL bData ) { return SetDataHelper( NULL, pszValue, kDataTypeBool, &bData, sizeof( BOOL ) ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Set( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN DWORD dwData ) { return SetDataHelper( NULL, pszValue, kDataTypeDword, &dwData, sizeof( DWORD ) ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Set( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN TString &strString ) { return SetDataHelper( NULL, pszValue, kDataTypeString, reinterpret_cast<PVOID>( const_cast<LPTSTR>( static_cast<LPCTSTR>( strString ) ) ), (strString.uLen() + 1) * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Set( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN PVOID pData, IN UINT nSize ) { return SetDataHelper( NULL, pszValue, kDataTypeStruct, pData, nSize ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Set( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN PVOID pData, IN UINT nSize ) { return SetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, kDataTypeStruct, pData, nSize ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Set( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN BOOL bData ) { return SetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, kDataTypeBool, &bData, sizeof( BOOL ) ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Set( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN DWORD dwData ) { return SetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, kDataTypeDword, &dwData, sizeof( DWORD ) ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Set( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN TString &strString ) { return SetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, kDataTypeString, reinterpret_cast<PVOID>( const_cast<LPTSTR>( static_cast<LPCTSTR>( strString ) ) ), (strString.uLen() + 1) * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Delete( IN LPCTSTR pszValue ) { return DeleteDataHelper( NULL, pszValue ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: Delete( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue ) { return DeleteDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: GetDataSize( IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN DWORD dwType, IN DWORD &nSize ) { return GetDataSizeHelper( NULL, pszValue, dwType, &nSize ); }
VOID TPrinterDataAccess:: RelaxReturnTypeCheck( IN BOOL bCheckState ) { m_bRelaxReturnedTypeCheck = bCheckState; }
// Private functions.
VOID TPrinterDataAccess:: InitializeClassVariables( VOID ) { m_hPrinter = NULL; m_eAccessType = kAccessUnknown; m_bAcceptedHandle = FALSE; m_bRelaxReturnedTypeCheck = FALSE; }
ACCESS_MASK TPrinterDataAccess:: PrinterAccessFlags( IN EResourceType eResourceType, IN EAccessType eAccessType ) const { static const DWORD adwAccessPrinter[] = { PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS, PRINTER_READ, 0, };
static const DWORD adwAccessServer[] = { SERVER_ALL_ACCESS, SERVER_READ, 0, };
DWORD dwAccess = 0; UINT uAccessType = eAccessType > 3 ? 2 : eAccessType;
switch( eResourceType ) { case kResourceServer: dwAccess = adwAccessServer[uAccessType]; break;
case kResourcePrinter: dwAccess = adwAccessPrinter[uAccessType]; break;
case kResourceUnknown: default: break; }
return dwAccess; }
DWORD TPrinterDataAccess:: ClassTypeToRegType( IN EDataType eDataType ) const { static const DWORD adwRegTypes[] = { REG_DWORD, REG_DWORD, REG_SZ, REG_BINARY, REG_MULTI_SZ, };
UINT uDataType = eDataType;
return adwRegTypes[eDataType]; }
TPrinterDataAccess::EDataType TPrinterDataAccess:: RegTypeToClassType( IN DWORD dwDataType ) const { static const ClassTypeMap aClassMap[] = { {REG_DWORD, kDataTypeBool}, {REG_DWORD, kDataTypeDword}, {REG_SZ, kDataTypeString}, {REG_BINARY, kDataTypeStruct} };
EDataType eReturnDataType = kDataTypeUnknown;
for( UINT i = 0; i < sizeof(aClassMap) / sizeof(ClassTypeMap); i++ ) { if (aClassMap[i].Reg == dwDataType) { eReturnDataType = aClassMap[i].Class; break; } }
return eReturnDataType; }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: GetDataSizeHelper( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN DWORD dwType, IN LPDWORD pdwNeeded ) { return GetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, RegTypeToClassType( dwType ), NULL, 0, pdwNeeded ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: GetDataHelper( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN EDataType eDataType, IN PVOID pData, IN UINT nSize, IN LPDWORD pdwNeeded ) { DWORD dwNeeded = 0; DWORD dwType = ClassTypeToRegType( eDataType ); DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
SPLASSERT( pszValue );
if (pszKey) { #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500
dwStatus = GetPrinterDataEx( m_hPrinter, const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszKey ), const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszValue ), &dwType, reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>( pData ), nSize, &dwNeeded ); #else
} else { dwStatus = GetPrinterData( m_hPrinter, const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszValue ), &dwType, reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>( pData ), nSize, &dwNeeded ); }
if (!m_bRelaxReturnedTypeCheck && dwType != ClassTypeToRegType( eDataType )) { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (pdwNeeded && dwStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { *pdwNeeded = dwNeeded; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: SetDataHelper( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN EDataType eDataType, IN PVOID pData, IN UINT nSize ) { SPLASSERT( pszValue ); SPLASSERT( pData );
DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwType = ClassTypeToRegType( eDataType );
if (pszKey) { #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500
dwStatus = SetPrinterDataEx( m_hPrinter, const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszKey ), const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszValue ), dwType, reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>( pData ), nSize ); #else
} else { dwStatus = SetPrinterData( m_hPrinter, const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszValue ), dwType, reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>( pData ), nSize ); }
// SetPrinterData may return an error code that is successful but
if( dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS_RESTART_REQUIRED ) { return MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_WIN32, dwStatus ); }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus ); }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: DeleteDataHelper( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue ) { SPLASSERT( pszValue );
if (pszKey) { #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500
SPLASSERT( !pszKey );
dwStatus = DeletePrinterDataEx( m_hPrinter, const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszKey ), const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszValue ) );
} else { dwStatus = DeletePrinterData( m_hPrinter, const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszValue ) ); }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus );
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: GetDataStringHelper( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT TString &strString ) { SPLASSERT( pszValue );
DWORD nSize = 0;
HRESULT hr = GetDataSizeHelper( pszKey, pszValue, REG_SZ, &nSize );
if (SUCCEEDED( hr )) { auto_ptr<TCHAR> pData = new TCHAR[nSize+1];
if (pData.get()) { hr = GetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, kDataTypeString, pData.get(), nSize, NULL );
if (SUCCEEDED( hr )) { hr = strString.bUpdate( pData.get() ) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return hr; }
HRESULT TPrinterDataAccess:: GetDataMuliSzStringHelper( IN LPCTSTR pszKey, IN LPCTSTR pszValue, IN OUT TString **ppstrString, IN UINT &nItemCount ) { SPLASSERT( pszValue ); SPLASSERT( ppstrString );
// Get the size of the multi-sz string.
DWORD nSize = 0;
if( ppstrString ) { *ppstrString = NULL; }
HRESULT hr = GetDataSizeHelper( pszKey, pszValue, REG_MULTI_SZ, &nSize );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Allocate the multi-sz string buffer.
auto_ptr<TCHAR> pszMultiSzString = new TCHAR [nSize+1];
if (pszMultiSzString.get()) { //
// Get the actual data now.
hr = GetDataHelper( pszKey, pszValue, kDataTypeStruct, pszMultiSzString.get(), nSize*sizeof(TCHAR), NULL );
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Count the number of strings.
nItemCount = 0;
for( LPCTSTR psz = pszMultiSzString.get(); psz && *psz; psz += _tcslen( psz ) + 1 ) { nItemCount++; }
// Not much to do if there are no strings.
if( nItemCount ) { //
// Allocate an array of string objects.
*ppstrString = new TString[nItemCount];
if( *ppstrString ) { //
// Copy the multi-sz string into the array strings.
UINT i = 0; for( psz = pszMultiSzString.get(); psz && *psz; psz += _tcslen( psz ) + 1, i++ ) { if( !(*ppstrString)[i].bUpdate( psz ) ) { break; } }
// Set the return value.
hr = ( i != nItemCount ) ? E_FAIL : S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
// Something failed then abandon the whole
// operation and relase the string and nuke the count.
if(FAILED(hr)) { delete [] *ppstrString; *ppstrString = NULL; nItemCount = 0; }
return hr; }