* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1998 * * TITLE: SLIDEDIT.H * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: ShaunIv * * DATE: 1/10/2000 * * DESCRIPTION: Encapsulate the slider and edit and preview control interaction * *******************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include "vwiaset.h"
class CSliderAndEdit { private: HWND m_hWndSlider; HWND m_hWndEdit; HWND m_hWndPreview; UINT m_nPreviewMessage; CValidWiaSettings *m_pValidWiaSettings;
public: CSliderAndEdit(void) : m_hWndSlider(NULL), m_hWndEdit(NULL), m_hWndPreview(NULL), m_nPreviewMessage(0), m_pValidWiaSettings(NULL) { } bool Initialize( HWND hWndSlider, HWND hWndEdit, HWND hWndPreview, UINT nPreviewMessage, CValidWiaSettings *pValidWiaSettings ) { //
// Save all of these settings
m_hWndSlider = hWndSlider; m_hWndEdit = hWndEdit; m_hWndPreview = hWndPreview; m_pValidWiaSettings = pValidWiaSettings; m_nPreviewMessage = nPreviewMessage;
// Make sure these are valid
if (m_hWndSlider && m_hWndEdit && m_pValidWiaSettings) { //
// Set up the slider
SendMessage( m_hWndSlider, TBM_SETRANGE, TRUE, MAKELONG( 0, m_pValidWiaSettings->GetItemCount()-1 ) );
// Set the control's values
SetValue( m_pValidWiaSettings->InitialValue() );
// Everything is OK
return true; } return false; } void SetValue( LONG nValue ) { if (IsValid()) { //
// Get the index of the intial value and set the position of the slider
int nIndex = m_pValidWiaSettings->FindIndexOfItem( nValue ); if (nIndex >= 0) { SendMessage( m_hWndSlider, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, nIndex ); }
// Set up the preview control
if (m_hWndPreview && m_nPreviewMessage) { SendMessage( m_hWndPreview, m_nPreviewMessage, 0, ConvertToPreviewRange(nValue) ); }
// Set up the edit control
SetDlgItemInt( GetParent(m_hWndEdit), GetWindowLong(m_hWndEdit,GWL_ID), nValue, TRUE ); } } void Restore(void) { if (IsValid()) { SetValue( m_pValidWiaSettings->InitialValue() ); } } bool ValidateEditControl(void) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; if (IsValid()) { //
// Get the current value
LONG nValue = static_cast<LONG>(GetDlgItemInt( GetParent(m_hWndEdit), GetWindowLong(m_hWndEdit,GWL_ID), &bSuccess, TRUE )); if (bSuccess) { //
// Assume it isn't a valid value
bSuccess = FALSE;
// Check to see if the edit control has a legal value in it
LONG nTestValue = nValue; if (m_pValidWiaSettings->FindClosestValue(nTestValue)) { if (nValue == nTestValue) { bSuccess = TRUE; } } } } return (bSuccess != FALSE); } bool IsValid(void) const { return (m_hWndSlider && m_hWndEdit && m_pValidWiaSettings); } LONG ConvertToPreviewRange(LONG nValue) const { if (IsValid()) { //
// Convert the value to the range 0...100
nValue = ((nValue-m_pValidWiaSettings->Min()) * 100) / (m_pValidWiaSettings->Max() - m_pValidWiaSettings->Min()); } return nValue; } void HandleSliderUpdate(void) { WIA_PUSH_FUNCTION((TEXT("CSliderAndEdit::HandleSliderUpdate"))); if (IsValid()) { //
// Find out what the current index is
int nIndex = static_cast<int>(SendMessage( m_hWndSlider, TBM_GETPOS, 0, 0 )); WIA_TRACE((TEXT("nIndex = %d"), nIndex ));
// Get the value at that index, if it is valid set the edit control's text
LONG nValue; if (m_pValidWiaSettings->GetItemAtIndex(nIndex,nValue)) { WIA_TRACE((TEXT("nValue = %d"), nValue )); SetDlgItemInt( GetParent(m_hWndEdit), GetWindowLong(m_hWndEdit,GWL_ID), nValue, TRUE ); }
// If the preview window is valid, send it a message
if (m_nPreviewMessage && m_hWndPreview) { SendMessage( m_hWndPreview, m_nPreviewMessage, 0, ConvertToPreviewRange(nValue) ); } } }
LONG GetValueFromCurrentPos(void) { WIA_PUSH_FUNCTION((TEXT("CSliderAndEdit::GetValueFromCurrentPos"))); if (IsValid()) { //
// Find out what the current index is
int nIndex = static_cast<int>(SendMessage( m_hWndSlider, TBM_GETPOS, 0, 0 )); WIA_TRACE((TEXT("nIndex = %d"), nIndex ));
// Get the value at that index, if it is valid return it
LONG nValue; if (m_pValidWiaSettings->GetItemAtIndex(nIndex,nValue)) { return nValue; }
return m_pValidWiaSettings->Min(); } return 0; }
void HandleEditUpdate(void) { WIA_PUSH_FUNCTION((TEXT("CSliderAndEdit::HandleSliderUpdate"))); if (IsValid()) { //
// Get the current value
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; LONG nValue = static_cast<LONG>(GetDlgItemInt( GetParent(m_hWndEdit), GetWindowLong(m_hWndEdit,GWL_ID), &bSuccess, TRUE )); if (bSuccess) { //
// Round it and send it to the slider control
if (m_pValidWiaSettings->FindClosestValue(nValue)) { int nIndex = m_pValidWiaSettings->FindIndexOfItem( nValue ); if (nIndex >= 0) { SendMessage( m_hWndSlider, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, nIndex ); }
// If the preview window is valid, send it a message
if (m_nPreviewMessage && m_hWndPreview) { SendMessage( m_hWndPreview, m_nPreviewMessage, 0, ConvertToPreviewRange(nValue) ); } } } } } };