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* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORP., 2000 * * TITLE: device.h * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: KeisukeT * * DATE: 27 Mar, 2000 * * DESCRIPTION: * Class to handle device un/installation for WIA class installer. * *******************************************************************************/
#ifndef _DEVICE_H_
#define _DEVICE_H_
// Include
#include "sti_ci.h"
#include "exports.h"
// Define
#ifndef StiDeviceTypeStreamingVideo
#define StiDeviceTypeStreamingVideo 3
// Class
class CDevice {
// Mutex for unique DeviceID/FriendlName creation.
HANDLE m_hMutex;
// // These members are set in constructor.
// HDEVINFO m_hDevInfo;
// PSP_DEVINFO_DATA m_pspDevInfoData;
CString m_csInf; // INF filename.
CString m_csInstallSection; // INF section name.
// These members are set during installation process.
CString m_csPort; // Port name.
DEVNODESELCALLBACK m_pfnDevnodeSelCallback;// Callback for devnode selection.
HKEY m_hkInterfaceRegistry; // RegKey to created interface.
CString m_csWiaSection; // WIA Section nane.
CString m_csSubClass; // Subclass.
CString m_csConnection; // Connection type.
CString m_csVendor; // Vendor name.
CString m_csFriendlyName; // Friendly name.
CString m_csPdoDescription; // Device Desc. of Devnode..
CString m_csDriverDescription; // Driver Description.
CString m_csUninstallSection; // UninstallSection.
CString m_csPropPages; // VendorPropertyPage.
CString m_csVendorSetup; // Vendor setup extention.
CString m_csDataSection; // DeviceDataSection name.
CString m_csEventSection; // EventSection name.
CString m_csIcmProfile; // ICM Profile.
CString m_csUSDClass; // USD Class GUID.
CString m_csDeviceID; // Unique device ID.
CString m_csSymbolicLink; // Symbolic link to the PDO.
CString m_csPortSelect; // Indicate needs of port selection page..
CStringArray m_csaAllNames; // Array to keep all device FriendlyName.
CStringArray m_csaAllId; // Array to keep all device ID.
DWORD m_dwCapabilities; // Capabilities.
DWORD m_dwDeviceType; // DeviceType.
DWORD m_dwDeviceSubType; // DeviceSubType.
DWORD m_dwNumberOfWiaDevice; // Number of WIA device.
DWORD m_dwNumberOfStiDevice; // Number of STI device.
DWORD m_dwInterfaceIndex; // Index of interface.
BOOL m_bVideoDevice; // Flag to indicate video device.
BOOL m_bIsPnP; // Flag to indicate PnP device.
BOOL m_bDefaultDevice; //
BOOL m_bInfProceeded; // Flag to indicate INF is proceeded.
BOOL m_bInterfaceOnly; // Flag to indicate Interface-onle device.
BOOL m_bIsMigration; // Flag to indicate migration.
PPARAM_LIST m_pExtraDeviceData; // DeviceData migrated from Win9x.
BOOL GetInfInforamtion(); VOID ProcessEventsSection(HINF hInf, HKEY hkDrv); VOID ProcessDataSection(HINF hInf, HKEY hkDrv); VOID ProcessICMProfiles(); VOID ProcessVideoDevice(HKEY hkDrv); BOOL HandleFilesInstallation(); BOOL IsInterfaceOnlyDevice(){ return m_bInterfaceOnly; }; BOOL IsPnpDevice(){ return m_bIsPnP; }; BOOL IsFeatureInstallation(){ return ( m_bIsPnP && m_bInterfaceOnly); }; BOOL CreateDeviceInterfaceAndInstall(); BOOL IsMigration(){return m_bIsMigration;};
// These members are set in constructor. These really should be in private.
HDEVINFO m_hDevInfo; PSP_DEVINFO_DATA m_pspDevInfoData;
CDevice(HDEVINFO hDevInfo, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pspDevInfoSet, BOOL bIsPnP); CDevice(HDEVINFO hDevInfo, DWORD dwDeviceIndex); CDevice(PDEVICE_INFO pMigratingDevice); CDevice::~CDevice();
BOOL CollectNames(); BOOL IsDefault() const { return m_bDefaultDevice; } VOID Default(BOOL bNew) { m_bDefaultDevice = bNew; } DWORD GetCapabilities(){ return m_dwCapabilities; }; LPTSTR GetConnection(){ return m_csConnection; }; LPTSTR GetFriendlyName(){ return m_csFriendlyName; }; VOID SetPort (LPTSTR szPortName); VOID SetDevnodeSelectCallback (DEVNODESELCALLBACK pfnDevnodeSelCallback); VOID SetFriendlyName(LPTSTR szFriendlyName);
BOOL IsDeviceIdUnique(LPTSTR szDeviceId); BOOL IsFriendlyNameUnique(LPTSTR szFriendlyName); BOOL IsSameDevice(HDEVINFO hDevInfo, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pspDevInfoSet); BOOL NameDefaultUniqueName(); BOOL GenerateUniqueDeviceId(); BOOL Install(); DWORD Remove(PSP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS lprdp); BOOL PreInstall(); BOOL PostInstall(BOOL bSucceeded); BOOL PreprocessInf(); BOOL UpdateDeviceRegistry(); DWORD GetPortSelectMode(VOID); DWORD AcquireInstallerMutex(DWORD dwTimeout); VOID ReleaseInstallerMutex();
// Prototype
// from device.cpp
VOID GetDeviceCount( DWORD *pdwWiaCount, DWORD *pdwStiCount );
HANDLE ExecCommandLine( LPTSTR szCommandLine, DWORD dwDirectory );
// from service.cpp
DWORD WINAPI StiServiceRemove( VOID );
DWORD WINAPI StiServiceInstall( BOOL UseLocalSystem, BOOL DemandStart, LPTSTR lpszUserName, LPTSTR lpszUserPassword );
BOOL SetServiceStart( LPTSTR ServiceName, DWORD StartType );
BOOL StartWiaService( VOID );
BOOL StopWiaService( VOID );
//PSP_FILE_CALLBACK StiInstallCallback;
//PSP_FILE_CALLBACK StiUninstallCallback;
UINT CALLBACK StiInstallCallback ( PVOID Context, UINT Notification, UINT_PTR Param1, UINT_PTR Param2 );
HANDLE GetDeviceInterfaceIndex( LPSTR pszLocalName, DWORD *pdwIndex );
PPARAM_LIST MigrateDeviceData( HKEY hkDeviceData, PPARAM_LIST pExtraDeviceData, LPSTR pszKeyName );
#endif // _DEVICE_H_