Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the number and text of application error messages.
Dan Hinsley (danhi) 8-Jun-1991
User Mode - Win32 Portable to any flat, 32-bit environment. (Uses Win32 typedefs.) Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments.
--*/ #define APPERR_BASE 3500 /* APP errs start here */
/***********WARNING ****************
*See the comment in netcon.h for * *info on the allocation of errors * ************************************/
* * Messages terminating multiple commands * */
#define APE_Success (APPERR_BASE + 0) /* @I
* *The command completed successfully. */
#define APE_InvalidSwitch (APPERR_BASE + 1)
*You used an invalid option. */
#define APE_OS2Error (APPERR_BASE + 2) /* @I
* *System error %1 has occurred. */
#define APE_NumArgs (APPERR_BASE + 3)
*The command contains an invalid number of arguments. */
#define APE_CmdComplWErrors (APPERR_BASE + 4) /* @I
* *The command completed with one or more errors. */
#define APE_InvalidSwitchArg (APPERR_BASE + 5)
*You used an option with an invalid value. */
#define APE_SwUnkSw (APPERR_BASE + 6 )
*The option %1 is unknown. */
#define APE_SwAmbSw (APPERR_BASE + 7 )
*Option %1 is ambiguous. */
* For additional general command line switch/argument related messages, * see section with APE_CmdArgXXX. */
/*** Use the following message only for real-mode (DOS) errors.
*** This error is here to allow real-mode Lan Manager to share *** the message file. ***/
#define APE_ConflictingSwitches (APPERR_BASE + 10)
*A command was used with conflicting switches. */
#define APE_SubpgmNotFound (APPERR_BASE + 11)
*Could not find subprogram %1. */
#define APE_GEN_OldOSVersion (APPERR_BASE + 12)
*The software requires a newer version of the operating *system. */
#define APE_MoreData (APPERR_BASE + 13)
*More data is available than can be returned by Windows. */
#define APE_MoreHelp (APPERR_BASE + 14 ) /* @I
* *More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG %1. */
#define APE_LanmanNTOnly (APPERR_BASE + 15)
*This command can be used only on a Windows Domain Controller. */
#define APE_WinNTOnly (APPERR_BASE + 16)
*This command cannot be used on a Windows Domain Controller. */
* * Starting, stopping, pausing, and continuing services * */
#define APE_StartStartedList (APPERR_BASE + 20 ) /* @I
* *These Windows services are started: */
#define APE_StartNotStarted (APPERR_BASE + 21 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service is not started. */
#define APE_StartPending (APPERR_BASE + 22 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service is starting%0 */
#define APE_StartFailed (APPERR_BASE + 23 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service could not be started. */
#define APE_StartSuccess (APPERR_BASE + 24 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service was started successfully. */
#define APE_StopSrvRunning (APPERR_BASE + 25 ) /* @I
* *Stopping the Workstation service also stops the Server service. */
#define APE_StopRdrOpenFiles (APPERR_BASE + 26 ) /* @I
* *The workstation has open files. */
#define APE_StopPending (APPERR_BASE + 27 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service is stopping%0 */
#define APE_StopFailed (APPERR_BASE + 28 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service could not be stopped. */
#define APE_StopSuccess (APPERR_BASE + 29 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service was stopped successfully. */
#define APE_StopServiceList (APPERR_BASE + 30 ) /* @I
* *The following services are dependent on the %1 service. *Stopping the %1 service will also stop these services. */
#define APE_ServiceStatePending (APPERR_BASE + 33)
*The service is starting or stopping. Please try again later. */
#define APE_NoErrorReported (APPERR_BASE + 34) /* @I
* *The service did not report an error. */
#define APE_ContpausDevErr (APPERR_BASE + 35 ) /* @I
* *An error occurred controlling the device. */
#define APE_ContSuccess (APPERR_BASE + 36 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service was continued successfully. */
#define APE_PausSuccess (APPERR_BASE + 37 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service was paused successfully. */
#define APE_ContFailed (APPERR_BASE + 38 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service failed to resume. */
#define APE_PausFailed (APPERR_BASE + 39 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service failed to pause. */
#define APE_ContPending (APPERR_BASE + 40 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service continue is pending%0 */
#define APE_PausPending (APPERR_BASE + 41 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service pause is pending%0 */
#define APE_DevContSuccess (APPERR_BASE + 42 ) /* @I
* *%1 was continued successfully. */
#define APE_DevPausSuccess (APPERR_BASE + 43 ) /* @I
* *%1 was paused successfully. */
#define APE_StartPendingOther (APPERR_BASE + 44 ) /* @I
* *The %1 service has been started by another process and is pending.%0 */
#define APE_ServiceSpecificError (APPERR_BASE + 47 ) /* @E
* *A service specific error occurred: %1. */
* * Information messages * */
#define APE_SessionList (APPERR_BASE + 160 ) /* @I
* *These workstations have sessions on this server: */
#define APE_SessionOpenList (APPERR_BASE + 161 ) /* @I
* *These workstations have sessions with open files on this server: */
#define APE_NameIsFwd (APPERR_BASE + 166 ) /* @I
* *The message alias is forwarded. */
#define APE_KillDevList (APPERR_BASE + 170 ) /* @I
* *You have these remote connections: */
#define APE_KillCancel (APPERR_BASE + 171 ) /* @I
* *Continuing will cancel the connections. */
#define APE_SessionOpenFiles (APPERR_BASE + 175 ) /* @I
* *The session from %1 has open files. */
#define APE_ConnectionsAreRemembered (APPERR_BASE + 176 ) /* @I
* *New connections will be remembered. */
#define APE_ConnectionsAreNotRemembered (APPERR_BASE + 177 ) /* @I
* *New connections will not be remembered. */
#define APE_ProfileWriteError (APPERR_BASE + 178 ) /* @I
* *An error occurred while saving your profile. The state of your remembered connections has not changed. */
#define APE_ProfileReadError (APPERR_BASE + 179 ) /* @I
* *An error occurred while reading your profile. */
#define APE_LoadError (APPERR_BASE + 180 ) /* @E
* *An error occurred while restoring the connection to %1. */
#define APE_NothingRunning (APPERR_BASE + 182 ) /* @I
* *No network services are started. */
#define APE_EmptyList (APPERR_BASE + 183 ) /* @I
* *There are no entries in the list. */
#define APE_ShareOpens (APPERR_BASE + 188) /* @I
* *Users have open files on %1. Continuing the operation will force the files closed. */
#define APE_WkstaSwitchesIgnored (APPERR_BASE + 189) /* @I
* *The Workstation service is already running. Windows will ignore command options for the workstation. */
#define APE_OpenHandles (APPERR_BASE + 191 ) /* @I
* *There are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on the connection to %1. */
#define APE_RemotingToDC (APPERR_BASE + 193 ) /* @I
* *The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain %1. */
#define APE_ShareSpooling (APPERR_BASE + 194 ) /* @E
* *The shared queue cannot be deleted while a print job is being spooled to the queue. */
#define APE_DeviceIsRemembered (APPERR_BASE + 195 ) /* @E
* *%1 has a remembered connection to %2. */
* * Error messages * */
#define APE_HelpFileDoesNotExist (APPERR_BASE + 210)
*An error occurred while opening the Help file. */
#define APE_HelpFileEmpty (APPERR_BASE + 211)
*The Help file is empty. */
#define APE_HelpFileError (APPERR_BASE + 212)
*The Help file is corrupted. */
#define APE_DCNotFound (APPERR_BASE + 213)
*Could not find a domain controller for domain %1. */
#define APE_DownlevelReqPriv (APPERR_BASE + 214)
*This operation is privileged on systems with earlier *versions of the software. */
#define APE_UnknDevType (APPERR_BASE + 216)
*The device type is unknown. */
#define APE_LogFileCorrupt (APPERR_BASE + 217)
*The log file has been corrupted. */
#define APE_OnlyNetRunExes (APPERR_BASE + 218)
*Program filenames must end with .EXE. */
#define APE_ShareNotFound (APPERR_BASE + 219)
*A matching share could not be found so nothing was deleted. */
#define APE_UserBadUPW (APPERR_BASE + 220)
*A bad value is in the units-per-week field of the user record. */
#define APE_UseBadPass (APPERR_BASE + 221 )
*The password is invalid for %1. */
#define APE_SendErrSending (APPERR_BASE + 222 )
*An error occurred while sending a message to %1. */
#define APE_UseBadPassOrUser (APPERR_BASE + 223 )
*The password or user name is invalid for %1. */
#define APE_ShareErrDeleting (APPERR_BASE + 225 )
*An error occurred when the share was deleted. */
#define APE_LogoInvalidName (APPERR_BASE + 226 )
*The user name is invalid. */
#define APE_UtilInvalidPass (APPERR_BASE + 227 )
*The password is invalid. */
/* Note. The APE_UtilNomatch error message string is used in the
* WINNET project, where the string is hard coded. Therefore, if * This string changes, please do also update WINNET.RC in the * WINNET project (..\..\WINNET\WINNET.RC). Thank you. */ #define APE_UtilNomatch (APPERR_BASE + 228 )
*The passwords do not match. */
#define APE_LoadAborted (APPERR_BASE + 229 ) /* @E
* *Your persistent connections were not all restored. */
#define APE_PassInvalidCname (APPERR_BASE + 230 )
*This is not a valid computer name or domain name. */
#define APE_NoDefaultPerms (APPERR_BASE + 232)
*Default permissions cannot be set for that resource. */
/* Note. The APE_NoGoodPass error message string is used in the
* WINNET project, where the string is hard coded. Therefore, if * This string changes, please do also update WINNET.RC in the * WINNET project (..\..\WINNET\WINNET.RC). Thank you. */ #define APE_NoGoodPass (APPERR_BASE + 234 )
*A valid password was not entered. */
#define APE_NoGoodName (APPERR_BASE + 235 )
*A valid name was not entered. */
#define APE_BadResource (APPERR_BASE + 236 ) /* @E
* *The resource named cannot be shared. */
#define APE_BadPermsString (APPERR_BASE + 237 ) /* @E
* *The permissions string contains invalid permissions. */
#define APE_InvalidDeviceType (APPERR_BASE + 238 ) /* @E
* *You can only perform this operation on printers and communication devices. */
#define APE_BadUGName (APPERR_BASE + 242 ) /* @E
* *%1 is an invalid user or group name. */
#define APE_BadAdminConfig (APPERR_BASE+243)
*The server is not configured for remote administration. */
#define APE_NoUsersOfSrv (APPERR_BASE + 252)
*No users have sessions with this server. */
#define APE_UserNotInGroup (APPERR_BASE + 253)
*User %1 is not a member of group %2. */
#define APE_UserAlreadyInGroup (APPERR_BASE + 254)
*User %1 is already a member of group %2. */
#define APE_NoSuchUser (APPERR_BASE + 255)
*There is no such user: %1. */
#define APE_UtilInvalidResponse (APPERR_BASE + 256) /* @I
* *This is an invalid response. */
#define APE_NoGoodResponse (APPERR_BASE + 257)
*No valid response was provided. */
#define APE_ShareNoMatch (APPERR_BASE + 258)
*The destination list provided does not match the destination list of the printer queue. */
#define APE_PassChgDate (APPERR_BASE + 259)
*Your password cannot be changed until %1. */
* NET USER /TIMES format messages * */
#define APE_UnrecognizedDay (APPERR_BASE + 260)
*%1 is not a recognized day of the week. */
#define APE_ReversedTimeRange (APPERR_BASE + 261)
*The time range specified ends before it starts. */
#define APE_UnrecognizedHour (APPERR_BASE + 262)
*%1 is not a recognized hour. */
#define APE_UnrecognizedMinutes (APPERR_BASE + 263)
*%1 is not a valid specification for minutes. */
#define APE_NonzeroMinutes (APPERR_BASE + 264)
*Time supplied is not exactly on the hour. */
#define APE_MixedTimeFormat (APPERR_BASE + 265)
*12 and 24 hour time formats may not be mixed. */
#define APE_NeitherAmNorPm (APPERR_BASE + 266)
*%1 is not a valid 12-hour suffix. */
#define APE_BadDateFormat (APPERR_BASE + 267)
*An illegal date format has been supplied. */
#define APE_BadDayRange (APPERR_BASE + 268)
*An illegal day range has been supplied. */
#define APE_BadTimeRange (APPERR_BASE + 269)
*An illegal time range has been supplied. */
* Other NET USER messages * */
#define APE_UserBadArgs (APPERR_BASE + 270)
*Arguments to NET USER are invalid. Check the minimum password *length and/or arguments supplied. */
#define APE_UserBadEnablescript (APPERR_BASE + 271)
*The value for ENABLESCRIPT must be YES. */
#define APE_UserBadCountryCode (APPERR_BASE + 273)
*An illegal country code has been supplied. */
#define APE_UserFailAddToUsersAlias (APPERR_BASE + 274)
*The user was successfully created but could not be added *to the USERS local group. */
* * Misc new messages for NT * */ #define APE_BadUserContext (APPERR_BASE + 275)
*The user context supplied is invalid. */
#define APE_ErrorInDLL (APPERR_BASE + 276)
*The dynamic-link library %1 could not be loaded, or an error *occurred while trying to use it. */
#define APE_SendFileNotSupported (APPERR_BASE + 277)
*Sending files is no longer supported. */
#define APE_CannotShareSpecial (APPERR_BASE + 278)
*You may not specify paths for ADMIN$ and IPC$ shares. */
#define APE_AccountAlreadyInLocalGroup (APPERR_BASE + 279)
*User or group %1 is already a member of local group %2. */
#define APE_NoSuchAccount (APPERR_BASE + 280)
*There is no such user or group: %1. */
#define APE_NoSuchComputerAccount (APPERR_BASE + 281)
*There is no such computer: %1. */
#define APE_ComputerAccountExists (APPERR_BASE + 282)
*The computer %1 already exists. */
#define APE_NoSuchRegAccount (APPERR_BASE + 283)
*There is no such global user or group: %1. */
#define APE_BadCacheType (APPERR_BASE + 284)
* Only disk shares can be marked as cacheable */
*The system could not find message: %1. */
* * AT messages * */
*This schedule date is invalid. */
*The LANMAN root directory is unavailable. */
*The SCHED.LOG file could not be opened. */
*The Server service has not been started. */
*The AT job ID does not exist. */
*The AT schedule file is corrupted. */
*The delete failed due to a problem with the AT schedule file. */
*The command line cannot exceed 259 characters. */
*The AT schedule file could not be updated because the disk is full. */
*The AT schedule file is invalid. Please delete the file and create a new one. */
*The AT schedule file was deleted. */
#define APE_AT_USAGE (APPERR_BASE + 314) /* @I
* *The syntax of this command is: * *AT [id] [/DELETE] *AT time [/EVERY:date | /NEXT:date] command * *The AT command schedules a program command to run at a *later date and time on a server. It also displays the *list of programs and commands scheduled to be run. * *You can specify the date as M,T,W,Th,F,Sa,Su or 1-31 *for the day of the month. * *You can specify the time in the 24 hour HH:MM format. */
*The AT command has timed-out. *Please try again later. */
* * NET ACCOUNTS error messages for NT * */ #define APE_MinGreaterThanMaxAge (APPERR_BASE + 316)
*The minimum password age for user accounts cannot be greater *than the maximum password age. */
#define APE_NotUASCompatible (APPERR_BASE + 317)
*You have specified a value that is incompatible *with servers with down-level software. Please specify a lower value. */
/* the following 2 messages have nothing to do with any ACC utility */ #define APE_BAD_COMPNAME (APPERR_BASE + 370)
*%1 is not a valid computer name. */
*%1 is not a valid Windows network message number. */
* Messenger message headers and ends. These messages are also bound into * the messenger, in case the net.msg file is not available. */
*Message from %1 to %2 on %3 */
***** */
***** unexpected end of message **** */
* Messages for the net popup service / api. */
/* Press ESC to exit*/
* * NET TIME messages * */
#define APE_TIME_TimeDisp (APPERR_BASE + 410) /* @I
* *Current time at %1 is %2 */
#define APE_TIME_SetTime (APPERR_BASE + 411) /* @P
* *The current local clock is %1 *Do you want to set the local computer's time to match the *time at %2? %3: %0 */
#define APE_TIME_RtsNotFound (APPERR_BASE + 412) /* @I
* *Could not locate a time-server. */
#define APE_TIME_DcNotFound (APPERR_BASE + 413) /* @E
* *Could not find the domain controller for domain %1. */
#define APE_TIME_TimeDispLocal (APPERR_BASE + 414) /* @I
* *Local time (GMT%3) at %1 is %2 */
* * NET USE messages * */
#define APE_UseHomeDirNotDetermined (APPERR_BASE + 415) /* @E
* *The user's home directory could not be determined. */
#define APE_UseHomeDirNotSet (APPERR_BASE + 416) /* @E
* *The user's home directory has not been specified. */
#define APE_UseHomeDirNotUNC (APPERR_BASE + 417) /* @E
* *The name specified for the user's home directory (%1) is not a universal naming convention (UNC) name. */
#define APE_UseHomeDirSuccess (APPERR_BASE + 418) /* @I
* *Drive %1 is now connected to %2. Your home directory is %3\%4. */
#define APE_UseWildCardSuccess (APPERR_BASE + 419) /* @I
* *Drive %1 is now connected to %2. */
#define APE_UseWildCardNoneLeft (APPERR_BASE + 420) /* @E
* *There are no available drive letters left. */
#define APE_CS_InvalidDomain (APPERR_BASE + 432) /* @E
* *%1 is not a valid domain or workgroup name. */
* More NET TIME messages */ #define APE_TIME_SNTP (APPERR_BASE + 435) /* @I
* *The current SNTP value is: %1 */
* *This computer is not currently configured to use a specific SNTP server. */
#define APE_TIME_SNTP_AUTO (APPERR_BASE + 437) /* @I
* *This current autoconfigured SNTP value is: %1 */
#define APE_CmdArgTooMany (APPERR_BASE + 451)
* You specified too many values for the %1 option. */
#define APE_CmdArgIllegal (APPERR_BASE + 452)
* You entered an invalid value for the %1 option. */
#define APE_CmdArgIncorrectSyntax (APPERR_BASE + 453)
*The syntax is incorrect. */
* NET PRINT and NET FILE errors */
#define APE_FILE_BadId (APPERR_BASE + 460)
*You specified an invalid file number. */
#define APE_PRINT_BadId (APPERR_BASE + 461)
*You specified an invalid print job number. */
* ALIAS related errors */
#define APE_UnknownAccount (APPERR_BASE + 463)
*The user or group account specified cannot be found. */
* FPNW related errors */
#define APE_CannotEnableNW (APPERR_BASE + 465)
*The user was added but could not be enabled for File and Print *Services for NetWare. */
#define APE_FPNWNotInstalled (APPERR_BASE + 466)
*File and Print Services for NetWare is not installed. */
#define APE_CannotSetNW (APPERR_BASE + 467)
*Cannot set user properties for File and Print Services for NetWare. */
#define APE_RandomPassword (APPERR_BASE + 468)
*Password for %1 is: %2 */
#define APE_NWCompat (APPERR_BASE + 469)
*NetWare compatible logon */