Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This header file contains procedure prototypes for Remote Admin Protocol (RAP) routines. These routines are shared between XactSrv and RpcXlate.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 08-Jan-1991 Shanku Niyogi (w-shanku) John Rogers (JohnRo)
Portable to any flat, 32-bit environment. (Uses Win32 typedefs.) Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
05-Mar-1991 JohnRo Extracted Rap routines from XactSrv (Xs) code. 26-Mar-1991 JohnRo Added FORMAT_LPDESC (for debugging). Include <ctype.h>. 21-Apr-1991 JohnRo Added RapIsValidDescriptorSmb(). Reduced recompiles. Make it clear that RapAsciiToDecimal updates the pointer it is given. RapConvertSingleEntry's BytesRequired is not OPTIONAL. Clarify that OutStructure is OUT, not IN. 06-May-1991 JohnRo Added DESC_CHAR typedef. 14-May-1991 JohnRo Added DESCLEN() and FORMAT_DESC_CHAR macros. 15-May-1991 JohnRo Added conversion mode handling. Added native vs. RAP handling. 05-Jun-1991 JohnRo Added RapTotalSize(). Make output structure OPTIONAL for convert single entry; this will be used by RapTotalSize(). 10-Jul-1991 JohnRo Added RapStructureAlignment() for use by RxpConvertDataStructures(). 22-Jul-1991 RFirth Added MAX_DESC_SUBSTRING 19-Aug-1991 JohnRo Added DESC_CHAR_IS_DIGIT() macro (to improve UNICODE conversion). 10-Sep-1991 JohnRo Added DESC_DIGIT_TO_NUM(), to support changes suggested by PC-LINT. 07-Oct-1991 JohnRo Correct MAX_DESC_SUBSTRING. Use DESC_CHAR_IS_DIGIT() in t-JamesW's new macros. 07-Feb-1992 JohnRo Added RapCharSize() macro. 06-May-1993 JohnRo RAID 8849: Export RxRemoteApi for DEC and others.
#ifndef _RAP_
#define _RAP_
// These must be included first:
#include <windef.h> // BOOL, CHAR, DWORD, IN, LPBYTE, etc.
#include <lmcons.h> // NET_API_STATUS
// These may be included in any order:
#include <lmremutl.h> // DESC_CHAR and LPDESC_CHAR typedefs.
#include <ctype.h> // isdigit().
#include <string.h> // strlen() (only needed for DESCLEN()).
// The descriptor strings are really ASCIIZ strings, and are not expected to
// be translated into Unicode. So, let's define a type for them just to
// make this clearer. (That'll also make it easier to change to Unicode later
// if I'm wrong. --JR)
//typedef CHAR DESC_CHAR;
// Net buffers contain 32-bit pointers.
// DESCLEN(desc): return number of characters (not including null) in desc:
#define DESCLEN(desc) strlen(desc)
// DESC_CHAR_IS_DIGIT(descchar): return nonzero iff descchar is a digit.
#define DESC_CHAR_IS_DIGIT(descchar) isdigit(descchar)
// DESC_DIGIT_TO_NUM(descchar): return integer value of descchar.
#define DESC_DIGIT_TO_NUM(descchar) \
( (DWORD) ( ((int)(descchar)) - ((int) '0') ) )
// Format strings for NetpDbgPrint use (see NetDebug.h). Note that
// FORMAT_LPDESC_CHAR will go away one of these days.
#define FORMAT_DESC_CHAR "%c"
#define FORMAT_LPDESC "%s"
#else // DESC_CHAR_UNICODE is defined
// The descriptor strings are really ASCIIZ strings, and are not expected to
// be translated into Unicode. So, let's define a type for them just to
// make this clearer. (That'll also make it easier to change to Unicode later
// if I'm wrong. --JR)
#include <wchar.h> // iswdigit(), wcslen().
//typedef WCHAR DESC_CHAR;
// DESCLEN(desc): return number of characters (not including null) in desc:
#define DESCLEN(desc) wcslen(desc)
// DESC_CHAR_IS_DIGIT(descchar): return nonzero iff descchar is a digit.
#define DESC_CHAR_IS_DIGIT(descchar) iswdigit(descchar)
// DESC_DIGIT_TO_NUM(descchar): return integer value of descchar.
#define DESC_DIGIT_TO_NUM(descchar) \
( (DWORD) ( ((int)(descchar)) - ((int) L'0') ) )
// Format strings for NetpDbgPrint use (see NetDebug.h). Note that
// FORMAT_LPDESC_CHAR will go away one of these days.
#define FORMAT_DESC_CHAR "%wc"
#define FORMAT_LPDESC "%ws"
#define FORMAT_LPDESC_CHAR "%wc"
#endif // DESC_CHAR_UNICODE is defined
//typedef DESC_CHAR * LPDESC;
// MAX_DESC_SUBSTRING - the maximum number of consecutive characters in a
// descriptor string which can describe a single field in a structure - for
// example "B21" in "B21BWWWzWB9B". So far, largest is "B120".
// Some routines need to know whether a given item is part of a request,
// a response, or both:
typedef enum _RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE { Request, // only part of request (in)
Response, // only part of response (out)
Both // both (in out).
typedef enum _RAP_CONVERSION_MODE { NativeToRap, // native format to RAP
RapToNative, // RAP format to native
NativeToNative, // native to native
RapToRap // RAP to RAP
// The value returned by RapLastPointerOffset for a descriptor string
// which indicates that the structure has no pointers. A very high
// value is returned instead of 0, in order to distinguish between
// a structure with no pointers, such as share_info_0, and a structure
// with only one pointer, at offset 0.
// The value returned by RapAuxDataCount when there is no
// auxiliary data. This will be indicated by the lack of an auxiliary
// data count character in the descriptor string.
// Helper subroutines and macros.
DWORD RapArrayLength( IN LPDESC Descriptor, IN OUT LPDESC * UpdatedDescriptorPtr, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode );
DWORD RapAsciiToDecimal ( IN OUT LPDESC *Number );
DWORD RapAuxDataCountOffset ( IN LPDESC Descriptor, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN BOOL Native );
DWORD RapAuxDataCount ( IN LPBYTE Buffer, IN LPDESC Descriptor, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN BOOL Native );
// RapCharSize(native): return character size (in bytes) for characters of a
// given format.
// RapCharSize(Native)
// IN BOOL Native
// );
#define RapCharSize(Native) \
( (DWORD) ( (Native) ? sizeof(TCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR) ) )
NET_API_STATUS RapConvertSingleEntry ( IN LPBYTE InStructure, IN LPDESC InStructureDesc, IN BOOL MeaninglessInputPointers, IN LPBYTE OutBufferStart OPTIONAL, OUT LPBYTE OutStructure OPTIONAL, IN LPDESC OutStructureDesc, IN BOOL SetOffsets, IN OUT LPBYTE *StringLocation OPTIONAL, IN OUT LPDWORD BytesRequired, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN RAP_CONVERSION_MODE ConversionMode );
NET_API_STATUS RapConvertSingleEntryEx ( IN LPBYTE InStructure, IN LPDESC InStructureDesc, IN BOOL MeaninglessInputPointers, IN LPBYTE OutBufferStart OPTIONAL, OUT LPBYTE OutStructure OPTIONAL, IN LPDESC OutStructureDesc, IN BOOL SetOffsets, IN OUT LPBYTE *StringLocation OPTIONAL, IN OUT LPDWORD BytesRequired, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN RAP_CONVERSION_MODE ConversionMode, IN UINT_PTR Bias );
// RapDescArrayLength(Descriptor) - return the array length if the descriptor
// data has numeric characters, or return default length of 1.
// RapDescArrayLength(
// IN OUT LPDESC Descriptor
// );
#define RapDescArrayLength( Descriptor ) \
( ( DESC_CHAR_IS_DIGIT( *(Descriptor) )) ? RapAsciiToDecimal( &(Descriptor) ) : 1 )
// RapDescStringLength(Descriptor) - return the array length if the descriptor
// data has numeric characters, or return default length of 0, which indicates
// that there is no limit.
// RapDescStringLength(
// IN OUT LPDESC Descriptor
// );
#define RapDescStringLength( Descriptor ) \
( ( DESC_CHAR_IS_DIGIT( *(Descriptor) )) ? RapAsciiToDecimal( &(Descriptor) ) : 0 )
VOID RapExamineDescriptor ( IN LPDESC DescriptorString, IN LPDWORD ParmNum OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD StructureSize OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD LastPointerOffset OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD AuxDataCountOffset OPTIONAL, OUT LPDESC * ParmNumDescriptor OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD StructureAlignment OPTIONAL, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN BOOL Native );
DWORD RapGetFieldSize( IN LPDESC TypePointer, IN OUT LPDESC * TypePointerAddress, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode );
// RapIsPointer(
// IN CHAR DescChar
// );
#define RapIsPointer(c) ( ((c) > 'Z') ? TRUE : FALSE )
BOOL RapIsValidDescriptorSmb ( IN LPDESC Desc );
DWORD RapLastPointerOffset ( IN LPDESC Descriptor, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN BOOL Native );
LPDESC RapParmNumDescriptor( IN LPDESC Descriptor, IN DWORD ParmNum, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN BOOL Native );
// RapPossiblyAlignCount(
// IN DWORD Count,
// IN DWORD Pow2,
// IN BOOL Native
// );
#define RapPossiblyAlignCount(count,pow2,native) \
( (!(native)) ? (count) : (ROUND_UP_COUNT( (count), (pow2) )) )
// RapPossiblyAlignPointer(
// IN DWORD Pow2,
// IN BOOL Native
// );
#define RapPossiblyAlignPointer(ptr,pow2,native) \
( (!(native)) ? (ptr) : (ROUND_UP_POINTER( (ptr), (pow2) )) )
DWORD RapStructureAlignment ( IN LPDESC Descriptor, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN BOOL Native );
DWORD RapStructureSize ( IN LPDESC Descriptor, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN BOOL Native );
DWORD RapTotalSize ( IN LPBYTE InStructure, IN LPDESC InStructureDesc, IN LPDESC OutStructureDesc, IN BOOL MeaninglessInputPointers, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN RAP_CONVERSION_MODE ConversionMode );
// RapValueWouldBeTruncated(n): return TRUE if n would lose bits when we try
// to store it in 16 bits.
// RapValueWouldBeTruncated(
// IN DWORD Value
// );
#define RapValueWouldBeTruncated(n) \
( ( (n) != (DWORD) (WORD) (n)) ? TRUE : FALSE )
#endif // ndef _RAP_