// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Active Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Active Template Library product.
// ATLDBCLI.H : ATL consumer code for OLEDB
#ifndef __ATLDBCLI_H_
#define __ATLDBCLI_H_
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error ATL requires C++ compilation (use a .cpp suffix)
#ifndef _ATLBASE_H
#include <atlbase.h>
#ifndef __oledb_h__
#include <oledb.h>
#endif // __oledb_h__
#include <msdaguid.h>
#include <msdasc.h>
namespace ATL {
#define DEFINE_OLEDB_TYPE_FUNCTION(ctype, oledbtype) \
inline DBTYPE _GetOleDBType(ctype&) \ { \ return oledbtype; \ } inline DBTYPE _GetOleDBType(BYTE[]) { return DBTYPE_BYTES; } inline DBTYPE _GetOleDBType(CHAR[]) { return DBTYPE_STR; } inline DBTYPE _GetOleDBType(WCHAR[]) { return DBTYPE_WSTR; }
// indicating whether the data for the accessor is automatically
// retrieved
struct _ATL_ACCESSOR_INFO { HACCESSOR hAccessor; bool bAutoAccessor; };
class _CNoOutputColumns { public: static bool HasOutputColumns() { return false; } static ULONG _GetNumAccessors() { return 0; } static HRESULT _GetBindEntries(ULONG*, DBBINDING*, ULONG, bool*, BYTE* pBuffer = NULL) { pBuffer; return E_FAIL; } };
class _CNoParameters { public: static bool HasParameters() { return false; } static HRESULT _GetParamEntries(ULONG*, DBBINDING*, BYTE* pBuffer = NULL) { pBuffer; return E_FAIL; } };
class _CNoCommand { public: static HRESULT GetDefaultCommand(LPCTSTR* /*ppszCommand*/) { return S_OK; } };
typedef _CNoOutputColumns _OutputColumnsClass; typedef _CNoParameters _ParamClass; typedef _CNoCommand _CommandClass;
#define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) \
public: \ typedef x _classtype; \ typedef x _OutputColumnsClass; \ static ULONG _GetNumAccessors() { return num; } \ static bool HasOutputColumns() { return true; } \ /* If pBindings == NULL means we only return the column number */ \ /* If pBuffer != NULL then it points to the accessor buffer and */ \ /* we release any appropriate memory e.g. BSTR's or interface pointers */ \ inline static HRESULT _GetBindEntries(ULONG* pColumns, DBBINDING *pBinding, ULONG nAccessor, bool* pAuto, BYTE* pBuffer = NULL) \ { \ ATLASSERT(pColumns != NULL); \ DBPARAMIO eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM; \ ULONG nColumns = 0; \ pBuffer;
#define BEGIN_ACCESSOR(num, bAuto) \
if (nAccessor == num) \ { \ if (pBinding != NULL) \ *pAuto = bAuto;
#define END_ACCESSOR() \
} \ else
#define END_ACCESSOR_MAP() \
; \ *pColumns = nColumns; \ return S_OK; \ }
#define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) \
#define END_COLUMN_MAP() \
#define offsetbuf(m) offsetof(_classtype, m)
#define _OLEDB_TYPE(data) _GetOleDBType(((_classtype*)0)->data)
#define _SIZE_TYPE(data) sizeof(((_classtype*)0)->data)
#define _COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, wType, nLength, nPrecision, nScale, dataOffset, lengthOffset, statusOffset) \
if (pBuffer != NULL) \ { \ CAccessorBase::FreeType(wType, pBuffer + dataOffset); \ } \ else if (pBinding != NULL) \ { \ CAccessorBase::Bind(pBinding, nOrdinal, wType, nLength, nPrecision, nScale, eParamIO, \ dataOffset, lengthOffset, statusOffset); \ pBinding++; \ } \ nColumns++;
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_EX(nOrdinal, wType, nLength, nPrecision, nScale, data, length, status) \
_COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, wType, nLength, nPrecision, nScale, offsetbuf(data), offsetbuf(length), offsetbuf(status))
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_TYPE(nOrdinal, wType, data) \
COLUMN_ENTRY_TYPE_SIZE(nOrdinal, wType, _SIZE_TYPE(data), data)
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_TYPE_SIZE(nOrdinal, wType, nLength, data) \
_COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, wType, nLength, 0, 0, offsetbuf(data), 0, 0)
// Standard macros where type and size is worked out
#define COLUMN_ENTRY(nOrdinal, data) \
COLUMN_ENTRY_TYPE(nOrdinal, _OLEDB_TYPE(data), data)
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_LENGTH(nOrdinal, data, length) \
_COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, _OLEDB_TYPE(data), _SIZE_TYPE(data), 0, 0, offsetbuf(data), offsetbuf(length), 0)
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_STATUS(nOrdinal, data, status) \
_COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, _OLEDB_TYPE(data), _SIZE_TYPE(data), 0, 0, offsetbuf(data), 0, offsetbuf(status))
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_LENGTH_STATUS(nOrdinal, data, length, status) \
_COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, _OLEDB_TYPE(data), _SIZE_TYPE(data), 0, 0, offsetbuf(data), offsetbuf(length), offsetbuf(status))
// Follow macros are used if precision and scale need to be specified
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_PS(nOrdinal, nPrecision, nScale, data) \
_COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, _OLEDB_TYPE(data), _SIZE_TYPE(data), nPrecision, nScale, offsetbuf(data), 0, 0)
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_PS_LENGTH(nOrdinal, nPrecision, nScale, data, length) \
_COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, _OLEDB_TYPE(data), _SIZE_TYPE(data), nPrecision, nScale, offsetbuf(data), offsetbuf(length), 0)
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_PS_STATUS(nOrdinal, nPrecision, nScale, data, status) \
_COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, _OLEDB_TYPE(data), _SIZE_TYPE(data), nPrecision, nScale, offsetbuf(data), 0, offsetbuf(status))
#define COLUMN_ENTRY_PS_LENGTH_STATUS(nOrdinal, nPrecision, nScale, data, length, status) \
_COLUMN_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, _OLEDB_TYPE(data), _SIZE_TYPE(data), nPrecision, nScale, offsetbuf(data), offsetbuf(length), offsetbuf(status))
#define BOOKMARK_ENTRY(variable) \
COLUMN_ENTRY_TYPE_SIZE(0, DBTYPE_BYTES, _SIZE_TYPE(variable##.m_rgBuffer), variable##.m_rgBuffer)
#define _BLOB_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, IID, flags, dataOffset, statusOffset) \
if (pBuffer != NULL) \ { \ CAccessorBase::FreeType(DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN, pBuffer + dataOffset); \ } \ else if (pBinding != NULL) \ { \ DBOBJECT* pObject = NULL; \ ATLTRY(pObject = new DBOBJECT); \ if (pObject == NULL) \ return E_OUTOFMEMORY; \ pObject->dwFlags = flags; \ pObject->iid = IID; \ CAccessorBase::Bind(pBinding, nOrdinal, DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN, sizeof(IUnknown*), 0, 0, eParamIO, \ dataOffset, 0, statusOffset, pObject); \ pBinding++; \ } \ nColumns++;
#define BLOB_ENTRY(nOrdinal, IID, flags, data) \
_BLOB_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, IID, flags, offsetbuf(data), 0);
#define BLOB_ENTRY_STATUS(nOrdinal, IID, flags, data, status) \
_BLOB_ENTRY_CODE(nOrdinal, IID, flags, offsetbuf(data), offsetbuf(status));
#define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) \
public: \ typedef x _classtype; \ typedef x _ParamClass; \ static bool HasParameters() { return true; } \ static HRESULT _GetParamEntries(ULONG* pColumns, DBBINDING *pBinding, BYTE* pBuffer = NULL) \ { \ ATLASSERT(pColumns != NULL); \ DBPARAMIO eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_INPUT; \ int nColumns = 0; \ pBuffer;
#define END_PARAM_MAP() \
*pColumns = nColumns; \ return S_OK; \ }
#define SET_PARAM_TYPE(type) \
eParamIO = type;
#define DEFINE_COMMAND(x, szCommand) \
typedef x _CommandClass; \ static HRESULT GetDefaultCommand(LPCTSTR* ppszCommand) \ { \ *ppszCommand = szCommand; \ return S_OK; \ }
// class CDBErrorInfo
class CDBErrorInfo { public: // Use to get the number of error record when you want to explicitly check that
// the passed interface set the error information
HRESULT GetErrorRecords(IUnknown* pUnk, const IID& iid, ULONG* pcRecords) { CComPtr<ISupportErrorInfo> spSupportErrorInfo; HRESULT hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(&spSupportErrorInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spSupportErrorInfo->InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(iid); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return GetErrorRecords(pcRecords); } // Use to get the number of error records
HRESULT GetErrorRecords(ULONG* pcRecords) { ATLASSERT(pcRecords != NULL); HRESULT hr; m_spErrorInfo.Release(); m_spErrorRecords.Release(); hr = ::GetErrorInfo(0, &m_spErrorInfo); if (hr == S_FALSE) return E_FAIL;
hr = m_spErrorInfo->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorRecords, (void**)&m_spErrorRecords); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Well we got the IErrorInfo so we'll just treat that as
// the one record
*pcRecords = 1; return S_OK; }
return m_spErrorRecords->GetRecordCount(pcRecords); } // Get the error information for the passed record number. GetErrorRecords must
// be called before this function is called.
HRESULT GetAllErrorInfo(ULONG ulRecordNum, LCID lcid, BSTR* pbstrDescription, BSTR* pbstrSource = NULL, GUID* pguid = NULL, DWORD* pdwHelpContext = NULL, BSTR* pbstrHelpFile = NULL) const { CComPtr<IErrorInfo> spErrorInfo;
// If we have the IErrorRecords interface pointer then use it, otherwise
// we'll just default to the IErrorInfo we have already retrieved in the call
// to GetErrorRecords
if (m_spErrorRecords != NULL) { HRESULT hr = m_spErrorRecords->GetErrorInfo(ulRecordNum, lcid, &spErrorInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } else { ATLASSERT(m_spErrorInfo != NULL); spErrorInfo = m_spErrorInfo; }
if (pbstrDescription != NULL) spErrorInfo->GetDescription(pbstrDescription);
if (pguid != NULL) spErrorInfo->GetGUID(pguid);
if (pdwHelpContext != NULL) spErrorInfo->GetHelpContext(pdwHelpContext);
if (pbstrHelpFile != NULL) spErrorInfo->GetHelpFile(pbstrHelpFile);
if (pbstrSource != NULL) spErrorInfo->GetSource(pbstrSource);
return S_OK; } // Get the error information for the passed record number
HRESULT GetBasicErrorInfo(ULONG ulRecordNum, ERRORINFO* pErrorInfo) const { return m_spErrorRecords->GetBasicErrorInfo(ulRecordNum, pErrorInfo); } // Get the custom error object for the passed record number
HRESULT GetCustomErrorObject(ULONG ulRecordNum, REFIID riid, IUnknown** ppObject) const { return m_spErrorRecords->GetCustomErrorObject(ulRecordNum, riid, ppObject); } // Get the IErrorInfo interface for the passed record number
HRESULT GetErrorInfo(ULONG ulRecordNum, LCID lcid, IErrorInfo** ppErrorInfo) const { return m_spErrorRecords->GetErrorInfo(ulRecordNum, lcid, ppErrorInfo); } // Get the error parameters for the passed record number
HRESULT GetErrorParameters(ULONG ulRecordNum, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams) const { return m_spErrorRecords->GetErrorParameters(ulRecordNum, pdispparams); }
// Implementation
CComPtr<IErrorInfo> m_spErrorInfo; CComPtr<IErrorRecords> m_spErrorRecords; };
#ifdef _DEBUG
inline void AtlTraceErrorRecords(HRESULT hrErr = S_OK) { CDBErrorInfo ErrorInfo; ULONG cRecords; HRESULT hr; ULONG i; CComBSTR bstrDesc, bstrHelpFile, bstrSource; GUID guid; DWORD dwHelpContext; WCHAR wszGuid[40]; USES_CONVERSION;
// If the user passed in an HRESULT then trace it
if (hrErr != S_OK) ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("OLE DB Error Record dump for hr = 0x%x\n"), hrErr);
LCID lcLocale = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
hr = ErrorInfo.GetErrorRecords(&cRecords); if (FAILED(hr) && ErrorInfo.m_spErrorInfo == NULL) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("No OLE DB Error Information found: hr = 0x%x\n"), hr); } else { for (i = 0; i < cRecords; i++) { hr = ErrorInfo.GetAllErrorInfo(i, lcLocale, &bstrDesc, &bstrSource, &guid, &dwHelpContext, &bstrHelpFile); if (FAILED(hr)) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("OLE DB Error Record dump retrieval failed: hr = 0x%x\n"), hr); return; } StringFromGUID2(guid, wszGuid, sizeof(wszGuid) / sizeof(WCHAR)); ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("Row #: %4d Source: \"%s\" Description: \"%s\" Help File: \"%s\" Help Context: %4d GUID: %s\n"), i, OLE2T(bstrSource), OLE2T(bstrDesc), OLE2T(bstrHelpFile), dwHelpContext, OLE2T(wszGuid)); bstrSource.Empty(); bstrDesc.Empty(); bstrHelpFile.Empty(); } ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("OLE DB Error Record dump end\n")); } } #else
inline void AtlTraceErrorRecords(HRESULT hrErr = S_OK) { hrErr; } #endif
// class CDBPropSet
class CDBPropSet : public tagDBPROPSET { public: CDBPropSet() { rgProperties = NULL; cProperties = 0; } CDBPropSet(const GUID& guid) { rgProperties = NULL; cProperties = 0; guidPropertySet = guid; } CDBPropSet(const CDBPropSet& propset) { InternalCopy(propset); } ~CDBPropSet() { for (ULONG i = 0; i < cProperties; i++) VariantClear(&rgProperties[i].vValue);
CoTaskMemFree(rgProperties); } CDBPropSet& operator=(CDBPropSet& propset) { this->~CDBPropSet(); InternalCopy(propset); return *this; } // Set the GUID of the property set this class represents.
// Use if you didn't pass the GUID to the constructor.
void SetGUID(const GUID& guid) { guidPropertySet = guid; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, const VARIANT& var) { HRESULT hr; if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; hr = ::VariantCopy(&(rgProperties[cProperties].vValue), const_cast<VARIANT*>(&var)); if (FAILED(hr)) return false; cProperties++; return true; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, LPCSTR szValue) { USES_CONVERSION; if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString(A2COLE(szValue)); if (rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.bstrVal == NULL) return false; cProperties++; return true; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, LPCWSTR szValue) { USES_CONVERSION; if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString(W2COLE(szValue)); if (rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.bstrVal == NULL) return false; cProperties++; return true; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, bool bValue) { if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; #pragma warning(disable: 4310) // cast truncates constant value
rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.boolVal = (bValue) ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE; #pragma warning(default: 4310)
cProperties++; return true; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, BYTE bValue) { if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_UI1; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.bVal = bValue; cProperties++; return true; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, short nValue) { if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_I2; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.iVal = nValue; cProperties++; return true; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, long nValue) { if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_I4; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.lVal = nValue; cProperties++; return true; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, float fltValue) { if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_R4; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.fltVal = fltValue; cProperties++; return true; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, double dblValue) { if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_R8; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.dblVal = dblValue; cProperties++; return true; } // Add the passed property to the property set
bool AddProperty(DWORD dwPropertyID, CY cyValue) { if (!Add()) return false; rgProperties[cProperties].dwPropertyID = dwPropertyID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_CY; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.cyVal = cyValue; cProperties++; return true; } // Implementation
// Create memory to add a new property
bool Add() { DBPROP* p = (DBPROP*)CoTaskMemRealloc(rgProperties, (cProperties + 1) * sizeof(DBPROP)); if (p != NULL) { rgProperties = p; rgProperties[cProperties].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED; rgProperties[cProperties].colid = DB_NULLID; rgProperties[cProperties].vValue.vt = VT_EMPTY; return true; } else return false; } // Copies in the passed value now it this value been cleared
void InternalCopy(const CDBPropSet& propset) { cProperties = propset.cProperties; guidPropertySet = propset.guidPropertySet; rgProperties = (DBPROP*)CoTaskMemAlloc(cProperties * sizeof(DBPROP)); if (rgProperties != NULL) { for (ULONG i = 0; i < cProperties; i++) { rgProperties[i].dwPropertyID = propset.rgProperties[i].dwPropertyID; rgProperties[i].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED; rgProperties[i].colid = DB_NULLID; rgProperties[i].vValue.vt = VT_EMPTY; HRESULT hr = VariantCopy(&rgProperties[i].vValue, &propset.rgProperties[i].vValue); ATLASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); if( FAILED(hr) ) VariantInit( &rgProperties[i].vValue ); } } else { // The memory allocation failed so set the count
// of properties to zero
cProperties = 0; } } };
// class CDBPropIDSet
class CDBPropIDSet : public tagDBPROPIDSET { // Constructors and Destructors
public: CDBPropIDSet() { rgPropertyIDs = NULL; cPropertyIDs = 0; } CDBPropIDSet(const GUID& guid) { rgPropertyIDs = NULL; cPropertyIDs = 0; guidPropertySet = guid; } CDBPropIDSet(const CDBPropIDSet& propidset) { InternalCopy(propidset); } ~CDBPropIDSet() { if (rgPropertyIDs != NULL) free(rgPropertyIDs); } CDBPropIDSet& operator=(CDBPropIDSet& propset) { this->~CDBPropIDSet(); InternalCopy(propset); return *this; } // Set the GUID of the property ID set
void SetGUID(const GUID& guid) { guidPropertySet = guid; } // Add a property ID to the set
bool AddPropertyID(DBPROPID propid) { if (!Add()) return false; rgPropertyIDs[cPropertyIDs] = propid; cPropertyIDs++; return true; } // Implementation
bool Add() { DBPROPID* p = (DBPROPID*)realloc(rgPropertyIDs, (cPropertyIDs + 1) * sizeof(DBPROPID)); if (p != NULL) rgPropertyIDs = p; return (p != NULL) ? true : false; } void InternalCopy(const CDBPropIDSet& propidset) { cPropertyIDs = propidset.cPropertyIDs; guidPropertySet = propidset.guidPropertySet; rgPropertyIDs = (DBPROPID*)malloc(cPropertyIDs * sizeof(DBPROPID)); if (rgPropertyIDs != NULL) { for (ULONG i = 0; i < cPropertyIDs; i++) rgPropertyIDs[i] = propidset.rgPropertyIDs[i]; } else { // The memory allocation failed so set the count
// of properties to zero
cPropertyIDs = 0; } } };
// class CBookmarkBase
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CBookmarkBase { public: virtual ULONG_PTR GetSize() const = 0; virtual BYTE* GetBuffer() const = 0; };
// class CBookmark
template <ULONG_PTR nSize = 0> class CBookmark : public CBookmarkBase { public: virtual ULONG_PTR GetSize() const { return nSize; } virtual BYTE* GetBuffer() const { return (BYTE*)m_rgBuffer; }
// Implementation
BYTE m_rgBuffer[nSize]; };
// Size of 0 means that the memory for the bookmark will be allocated
// at run time.
template <> class CBookmark<0> : public CBookmarkBase { public: CBookmark() { m_nSize = 0; m_pBuffer = NULL; } CBookmark(ULONG_PTR nSize) { m_pBuffer = NULL; ATLTRY(m_pBuffer = new BYTE[(size_t)nSize]); //REVIEW
m_nSize = (m_pBuffer == NULL) ? 0 : nSize; } ~CBookmark() { delete [] m_pBuffer; } CBookmark& operator=(const CBookmark& bookmark) { SetBookmark(bookmark.GetSize(), bookmark.GetBuffer()); return *this; } virtual ULONG_PTR GetSize() const { return m_nSize; } virtual BYTE* GetBuffer() const { return m_pBuffer; } // Sets the bookmark to the passed value
HRESULT SetBookmark(ULONG_PTR nSize, BYTE* pBuffer) { ATLASSERT(pBuffer != NULL); delete [] m_pBuffer; m_pBuffer = NULL; ATLTRY(m_pBuffer = new BYTE[(size_t)nSize]); //REVIEW
if (m_pBuffer != NULL) { memcpy(m_pBuffer, pBuffer, (size_t)nSize); //REVIEW
m_nSize = nSize; return S_OK; } else { m_nSize = 0; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } ULONG_PTR m_nSize; BYTE* m_pBuffer; };
// class CAccessorBase
class CAccessorBase { public: CAccessorBase() { m_pAccessorInfo = NULL; m_nAccessors = 0; m_pBuffer = NULL; } void Close() { // If Close is called then ReleaseAccessors must have been
// called first
ATLASSERT(m_nAccessors == 0); ATLASSERT(m_pAccessorInfo == NULL); } // Get the number of accessors that have been created
ULONG GetNumAccessors() const { return m_nAccessors; } // Get the handle of the passed accessor (offset from 0)
HACCESSOR GetHAccessor(ULONG nAccessor) const { ATLASSERT(nAccessor<m_nAccessors); return m_pAccessorInfo[nAccessor].hAccessor; }; // Called during Close to release the accessor information
HRESULT ReleaseAccessors(IUnknown* pUnk) { ATLASSERT(pUnk != NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_nAccessors > 0) { CComPtr<IAccessor> spAccessor; hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void**)&spAccessor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ATLASSERT(m_pAccessorInfo != NULL); for (ULONG i = 0; i < m_nAccessors; i++) spAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(m_pAccessorInfo[i].hAccessor, NULL); } m_nAccessors = 0; delete [] m_pAccessorInfo; m_pAccessorInfo = NULL; } return hr; } // Returns true or false depending upon whether data should be
// automatically retrieved for the passed accessor.
bool IsAutoAccessor(ULONG nAccessor) const { ATLASSERT(nAccessor < m_nAccessors); ATLASSERT(m_pAccessorInfo != NULL); return m_pAccessorInfo[nAccessor].bAutoAccessor; }
// Implementation
// Used by the rowset class to find out where to place the data
BYTE* GetBuffer() const { return m_pBuffer; } // Set the buffer that is used to retrieve the data
void SetBuffer(BYTE* pBuffer) { m_pBuffer = pBuffer; }
// Allocate internal memory for the passed number of accessors
HRESULT AllocateAccessorMemory(int nAccessors) { // Can't be called twice without calling ReleaseAccessors first
ATLASSERT(m_pAccessorInfo == NULL); m_nAccessors = nAccessors; m_pAccessorInfo = NULL; ATLTRY(m_pAccessorInfo = new _ATL_ACCESSOR_INFO[nAccessors]); if (m_pAccessorInfo == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; else return S_OK; } // BindParameters will be overriden if parameters are used
HRESULT BindParameters(HACCESSOR*, ICommand*, void**) { return S_OK; }
// Create an accessor for the passed binding information. The created accessor is
// returned through the pHAccessor parameter.
static HRESULT BindEntries(DBBINDING* pBindings, DBCOUNTITEM nColumns, HACCESSOR* pHAccessor, ULONG_PTR nSize, IAccessor* pAccessor) { ATLASSERT(pBindings != NULL); ATLASSERT(pHAccessor != NULL); ATLASSERT(pAccessor != NULL); HRESULT hr; DBCOUNTITEM i; DWORD dwAccessorFlags = (pBindings->eParamIO == DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM) ? DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA : DBACCESSOR_PARAMETERDATA;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// In debug builds we will retrieve the status flags and trace out
// any errors that may occur.
DBBINDSTATUS* pStatus = NULL; ATLTRY(pStatus = new DBBINDSTATUS[(size_t)nColumns]); //REVIEW
hr = pAccessor->CreateAccessor(dwAccessorFlags, nColumns, pBindings, nSize, pHAccessor, pStatus); if (FAILED(hr) && pStatus != NULL) { for (i=0; i<nColumns; i++) { if (pStatus[i] != DBBINDSTATUS_OK) ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("Binding entry %d failed. Status: %d\n"), i, pStatus[i]); } } delete [] pStatus; #else
hr = pAccessor->CreateAccessor(dwAccessorFlags, nColumns, pBindings, nSize, pHAccessor, NULL); #endif
for (i=0; i<nColumns; i++) delete pBindings[i].pObject;
return hr; } // Set up the binding structure pointed to by pBindings based upon
// the other passed parameters.
static void Bind(DBBINDING* pBinding, ULONG_PTR nOrdinal, DBTYPE wType, ULONG_PTR nLength, BYTE nPrecision, BYTE nScale, DBPARAMIO eParamIO, ULONG_PTR nDataOffset, ULONG_PTR nLengthOffset = NULL, ULONG_PTR nStatusOffset = NULL, DBOBJECT* pdbobject = NULL) { ATLASSERT(pBinding != NULL);
// If we are getting a pointer to the data then let the provider
// own the memory
if (wType & DBTYPE_BYREF) pBinding->dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_PROVIDEROWNED; else pBinding->dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED;
pBinding->pObject = pdbobject;
pBinding->eParamIO = eParamIO; pBinding->iOrdinal = nOrdinal; pBinding->wType = wType; pBinding->bPrecision = nPrecision; pBinding->bScale = nScale; pBinding->dwFlags = 0;
pBinding->obValue = nDataOffset; pBinding->obLength = 0; pBinding->obStatus = 0; pBinding->pTypeInfo = NULL; pBinding->pBindExt = NULL; pBinding->cbMaxLen = nLength;
pBinding->dwPart = DBPART_VALUE; if (nLengthOffset != NULL) { pBinding->dwPart |= DBPART_LENGTH; pBinding->obLength = nLengthOffset; } if (nStatusOffset != NULL) { pBinding->dwPart |= DBPART_STATUS; pBinding->obStatus = nStatusOffset; } }
// Free memory if appropriate
static inline void FreeType(DBTYPE wType, BYTE* pValue, IRowset* pRowset = NULL) { switch (wType) { case DBTYPE_BSTR: SysFreeString(*((BSTR*)pValue)); break; case DBTYPE_VARIANT: VariantClear((VARIANT*)pValue); break; case DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN: case DBTYPE_IDISPATCH: (*(IUnknown**)pValue)->Release(); break; case DBTYPE_ARRAY: SafeArrayDestroy((SAFEARRAY*)pValue); break;
case DBTYPE_HCHAPTER: CComQIPtr<IChapteredRowset> spChapteredRowset = pRowset; if (spChapteredRowset != NULL) spChapteredRowset->ReleaseChapter(*(HCHAPTER*)pValue, NULL); break; } if ((wType & DBTYPE_VECTOR) && ~(wType & DBTYPE_BYREF)) CoTaskMemFree(((DBVECTOR*)pValue)->ptr); }
_ATL_ACCESSOR_INFO* m_pAccessorInfo; ULONG m_nAccessors; BYTE* m_pBuffer; };
// class CRowset
class CRowset { // Constructors and Destructors
public: CRowset() { m_pAccessor = NULL; m_hRow = NULL; } CRowset(IRowset* pRowset) { m_spRowset = pRowset; CRowset(); } ~CRowset() { Close(); } // Release any retrieved row handles and then release the rowset
void Close() { if (m_spRowset != NULL) { ReleaseRows(); m_spRowset.Release(); m_spRowsetChange.Release(); } } // Addref the current row
HRESULT AddRefRows() { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); return m_spRowset->AddRefRows(1, &m_hRow, NULL, NULL); } // Release the current row
HRESULT ReleaseRows() { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_hRow != NULL) { hr = m_spRowset->ReleaseRows(1, &m_hRow, NULL, NULL, NULL); m_hRow = NULL; } return hr; } // Compare two bookmarks with each other
HRESULT Compare(const CBookmarkBase& bookmark1, const CBookmarkBase& bookmark2, DBCOMPARE* pComparison) const { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); CComPtr<IRowsetLocate> spLocate; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset.QueryInterface(&spLocate); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return spLocate->Compare(NULL, bookmark1.GetSize(), bookmark1.GetBuffer(), bookmark2.GetSize(), bookmark2.GetBuffer(), pComparison); } // Compare the passed hRow with the current row
HRESULT IsSameRow(HROW hRow) const { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); CComPtr<IRowsetIdentity> spRowsetIdentity; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset.QueryInterface(&spRowsetIdentity); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return spRowsetIdentity->IsSameRow(m_hRow, hRow); } // Move to the previous record
HRESULT MovePrev() { return MoveNext(-2, true); } // Move to the next record
HRESULT MoveNext() { return MoveNext(0, true); } // Move lSkip records forward or backward
HRESULT MoveNext(LONG lSkip, bool bForward) { HRESULT hr; DBCOUNTITEM ulRowsFetched = 0;
// Check the data was opened successfully and the accessor
// has been set.
ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL);
// Release a row if one is already around
// Get the row handle
HROW* phRow = &m_hRow; hr = m_spRowset->GetNextRows(NULL, lSkip, (bForward) ? 1 : -1, &ulRowsFetched, &phRow); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Get the data
hr = GetData(); if (FAILED(hr)) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("GetData failed - HRESULT = 0x%X\n"),hr); ReleaseRows(); } return hr; } // Move to the first record
HRESULT MoveFirst() { HRESULT hr;
// Check the data was opened successfully and the accessor
// has been set.
ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL);
// Release a row if one is already around
hr = m_spRowset->RestartPosition(NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Get the data
return MoveNext(); } // Move to the last record
HRESULT MoveLast() { // Check the data was opened successfully and the accessor
// has been set.
ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL);
// Release a row if one is already around
HRESULT hr; DBCOUNTITEM ulRowsFetched = 0; HROW* phRow = &m_hRow; // Restart the rowset position and then move backwards
m_spRowset->RestartPosition(NULL); hr = m_spRowset->GetNextRows(NULL, -1, 1, &ulRowsFetched, &phRow); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Get the data
hr = GetData(); if (FAILED(hr)) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("GetData from MoveLast failed - HRESULT = 0x%X\n"),hr); ReleaseRows(); }
return S_OK; } // Move to the passed bookmark
HRESULT MoveToBookmark(const CBookmarkBase& bookmark, LONG lSkip = 0) { // Check the data was opened successfully and the accessor
// has been set.
ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL);
CComPtr<IRowsetLocate> spLocate; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset.QueryInterface(&spLocate); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Release a row if one is already around
DBCOUNTITEM ulRowsFetched = 0; HROW* phRow = &m_hRow; hr = spLocate->GetRowsAt(NULL, NULL, bookmark.GetSize(), bookmark.GetBuffer(), lSkip, 1, &ulRowsFetched, &phRow); // Note we're not using SUCCEEDED here, because we could get DB_S_ENDOFROWSET
if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Get the data
hr = GetData(); if (FAILED(hr)) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("GetData from Bookmark failed - HRESULT = 0x%X\n"),hr); ReleaseRows(); }
return S_OK; } // Get the data for the current record
HRESULT GetData() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL);
ULONG nAccessors = m_pAccessor->GetNumAccessors(); for (ULONG i=0; i<nAccessors; i++) { if (m_pAccessor->IsAutoAccessor(i)) { hr = GetData(i); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } } return hr; } // Get the data for the passed accessor. Use for a non-auto accessor
HRESULT GetData(int nAccessor) { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_hRow != NULL);
// Note that we are using the specified buffer if it has been set,
// otherwise we use the accessor for the data.
return m_spRowset->GetData(m_hRow, m_pAccessor->GetHAccessor(nAccessor), m_pAccessor->GetBuffer()); } // Get the data for the passed accessor. Use for a non-auto accessor
HRESULT GetDataHere(int nAccessor, void* pBuffer) { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_hRow != NULL);
// Note that we are using the specified buffer if it has been set,
// otherwise we use the accessor for the data.
return m_spRowset->GetData(m_hRow, m_pAccessor->GetHAccessor(nAccessor), pBuffer); } HRESULT GetDataHere(void* pBuffer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ULONG nAccessors = m_pAccessor->GetNumAccessors(); for (ULONG i=0; i<nAccessors; i++) { hr = GetDataHere(i, pBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } return hr; }
// Insert the current record
HRESULT Insert(int nAccessor = 0, bool bGetHRow = false) { ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL); HRESULT hr; if (m_spRowsetChange != NULL) { HROW* pHRow; if (bGetHRow) { ReleaseRows(); pHRow = &m_hRow; } else pHRow = NULL;
hr = m_spRowsetChange->InsertRow(NULL, m_pAccessor->GetHAccessor(nAccessor), m_pAccessor->GetBuffer(), pHRow);
} else hr = E_NOINTERFACE;
return hr; } // Delete the current record
HRESULT Delete() const { ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL); HRESULT hr; if (m_spRowsetChange != NULL) hr = m_spRowsetChange->DeleteRows(NULL, 1, &m_hRow, NULL); else hr = E_NOINTERFACE;
return hr; } // Update the current record
HRESULT SetData() const { ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ULONG nAccessors = m_pAccessor->GetNumAccessors(); for (ULONG i=0; i<nAccessors; i++) { hr = SetData(i); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } return hr; } // Update the current record with the data in the passed accessor
HRESULT SetData(int nAccessor) const { ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL); HRESULT hr; if (m_spRowsetChange != NULL) { hr = m_spRowsetChange->SetData(m_hRow, m_pAccessor->GetHAccessor(nAccessor), m_pAccessor->GetBuffer()); } else hr = E_NOINTERFACE;
return hr; }
// Get the data most recently fetched from or transmitted to the data source.
// Does not get values based on pending changes.
HRESULT GetOriginalData() { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pAccessor != NULL);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IRowsetUpdate> spRowsetUpdate; hr = m_spRowset->QueryInterface(&spRowsetUpdate); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ULONG nAccessors = m_pAccessor->GetNumAccessors(); for (ULONG i = 0; i < nAccessors; i++) { hr = spRowsetUpdate->GetOriginalData(m_hRow, m_pAccessor->GetHAccessor(i), m_pAccessor->GetBuffer()); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } return hr; } // Get the status of the current row
HRESULT GetRowStatus(DBPENDINGSTATUS* pStatus) const { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(pStatus != NULL);
CComPtr<IRowsetUpdate> spRowsetUpdate; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset->QueryInterface(&spRowsetUpdate); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return spRowsetUpdate->GetRowStatus(NULL, 1, &m_hRow, pStatus); } // Undo any changes made to the current row since it was last fetched or Update
// was called for it
CComPtr<IRowsetUpdate> spRowsetUpdate; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset->QueryInterface(&spRowsetUpdate); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
HROW* prgRows; DBROWSTATUS* pRowStatus; if (phRow != NULL) hr = spRowsetUpdate->Undo(NULL, 1, &m_hRow, pcRows, &prgRows, &pRowStatus); else hr = spRowsetUpdate->Undo(NULL, 1, &m_hRow, pcRows, NULL, &pRowStatus); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (phRow != NULL) { *phRow = *prgRows; CoTaskMemFree(prgRows); } if (pStatus != NULL) *pStatus = *pRowStatus;
CoTaskMemFree(pRowStatus); return hr; } // Transmits any pending changes made to a row since it was last fetched or Update was
// called for it. Also see SetData.
CComPtr<IRowsetUpdate> spRowsetUpdate; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset->QueryInterface(&spRowsetUpdate); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
HROW* prgRows; DBROWSTATUS* pRowStatus; if (phRow != NULL) hr = spRowsetUpdate->Update(NULL, 1, &m_hRow, pcRows, &prgRows, &pRowStatus); else hr = spRowsetUpdate->Update(NULL, 1, &m_hRow, pcRows, NULL, &pRowStatus); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (phRow != NULL) { *phRow = *prgRows; CoTaskMemFree(prgRows); } if (pStatus != NULL) *pStatus = *pRowStatus;
CoTaskMemFree(pRowStatus); return hr; }
// Get the approximate position of the row corresponding to the passed bookmark
HRESULT GetApproximatePosition(const CBookmarkBase* pBookmark, DBCOUNTITEM* pPosition, DBCOUNTITEM* pcRows) { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL);
CComPtr<IRowsetScroll> spRowsetScroll; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset->QueryInterface(&spRowsetScroll); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pBookmark != NULL) hr = spRowsetScroll->GetApproximatePosition(NULL, pBookmark->GetSize(), pBookmark->GetBuffer(), pPosition, pcRows); else hr = spRowsetScroll->GetApproximatePosition(NULL, 0, NULL, pPosition, pcRows);
} return hr;
} // Move to a fractional position in the rowset
HRESULT MoveToRatio(ULONG nNumerator, ULONG nDenominator, bool bForward = true) { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); DBCOUNTITEM nRowsFetched;
CComPtr<IRowsetScroll> spRowsetScroll; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset->QueryInterface(&spRowsetScroll); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ReleaseRows(); HROW* phRow = &m_hRow; hr = spRowsetScroll->GetRowsAtRatio(NULL, NULL, nNumerator, nDenominator, (bForward) ? 1 : -1, &nRowsFetched, &phRow); // Note we're not using SUCCEEDED here, because we could get DB_S_ENDOFROWSET
if (hr == S_OK) hr = GetData();
return hr; }
// Implementation
static const IID& GetIID() { return IID_IRowset; } IRowset* GetInterface() const { return m_spRowset; } IRowset** GetInterfacePtr() { return &m_spRowset; } void SetupOptionalRowsetInterfaces() { // Cache IRowsetChange if available
if (m_spRowset != NULL) m_spRowset->QueryInterface(&m_spRowsetChange); } HRESULT BindFinished() const { return S_OK; } void SetAccessor(CAccessorBase* pAccessor) { m_pAccessor = pAccessor; }
CComPtr<IRowset> m_spRowset; CComPtr<IRowsetChange> m_spRowsetChange; CAccessorBase* m_pAccessor; HROW m_hRow; };
// class CBulkRowset
class CBulkRowset : public CRowset { public: CBulkRowset() { // Default the number of rows to bulk fetch to 10
m_nRows = 10; m_hr = S_OK; m_phRow = NULL; } CBulkRowset::~CBulkRowset() { Close();
delete [] m_phRow; } void Close() { if (m_spRowset != NULL) { ReleaseRows(); m_spRowset.Release(); m_spRowsetChange.Release(); } }
// Set the number of row handles that will be retrieved in each
// bulk row fetch. The default is 10 and this function must be called
// before Open if you wish to change it.
void SetRows(ULONG nRows) { // This function must be called before the memory is allocated
// during binding
ATLASSERT(m_phRow == NULL); m_nRows = nRows; } // AddRef all the currently retrieved row handles
HRESULT AddRefRows() { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); return m_spRowset->AddRefRows(m_nCurrentRows, m_phRow, NULL, NULL); } // Release all the currently retrieved row handles
HRESULT ReleaseRows() { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); // We're going to Release the rows so reset the current row position
m_nCurrentRow = 0; m_hRow = NULL; return m_spRowset->ReleaseRows(m_nCurrentRows, m_phRow, NULL, NULL, NULL); } // Move to the first record
HRESULT MoveFirst() { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ReleaseRows();
// Cause MoveNext to perform a new bulk fetch
m_nCurrentRow = m_nRows;
HRESULT hr = m_spRowset->RestartPosition(NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Get the data
return MoveNext(); } // Move to the next record
HRESULT MoveNext() { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_phRow != NULL);
// Move to the next record in the buffer
// Have we reached the end of the buffer?
if (m_nCurrentRow >= m_nCurrentRows) { // If we've reached the end of the buffer and we had a non S_OK HRESULT from
// the last call to GetNextRows then return that HRESULT now.
if (m_hr != S_OK) return m_hr;
// We've finished with these rows so we need some more
// First release any HROWs that we have
m_hr = m_spRowset->GetNextRows(NULL, 0, m_nRows, &m_nCurrentRows, &m_phRow); // If we have an error HRESULT or we haven't retrieved any rows then return
// the HRESULT now.
if (FAILED(m_hr) || m_nCurrentRows == 0) return m_hr; }
// Get the data for the current row
m_hRow = m_phRow[m_nCurrentRow]; return GetData(); } // Move to the previous record
HRESULT MovePrev() { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_phRow != NULL);
// Check if we're at the start of the block
if (m_nCurrentRow == 0) { ReleaseRows();
// Go back the amount of rows in the block - 1 and fetch forward
m_hr = m_spRowset->GetNextRows(NULL, -(LONG)m_nRows-1, m_nRows, &m_nCurrentRows, &m_phRow);
// Set the current record to the end of the new block
m_nCurrentRow = m_nCurrentRows - 1;
// If we have an error HRESULT or we haven't retrieved any rows then return
// the HRESULT now.
if (FAILED(m_hr) || m_nCurrentRows == 0) return m_hr; } else { // Move back a row in the block
m_nCurrentRow--; }
// Get the data for the current row
m_hRow = m_phRow[m_nCurrentRow]; return GetData(); } // Move to the last record
HRESULT MoveLast() { ReleaseRows(); return CRowset::MoveLast(); } // Move to the passed bookmark
HRESULT MoveToBookmark(const CBookmarkBase& bookmark, LONG lSkip = 0) { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); CComPtr<IRowsetLocate> spLocate; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset->QueryInterface(&spLocate); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ReleaseRows(); m_hr = spLocate->GetRowsAt(NULL, NULL, bookmark.GetSize(), bookmark.GetBuffer(), lSkip, m_nRows, &m_nCurrentRows, &m_phRow); if (m_hr != S_OK || m_nCurrentRows == 0) return m_hr;
// Get the data
m_hRow = m_phRow[m_nCurrentRow]; return GetData(); } // Move to a fractional position in the rowset
HRESULT MoveToRatio(ULONG nNumerator, ULONG nDenominator) { ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL);
CComPtr<IRowsetScroll> spRowsetScroll; HRESULT hr = m_spRowset->QueryInterface(&spRowsetScroll); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ReleaseRows(); m_hr = spRowsetScroll->GetRowsAtRatio(NULL, NULL, nNumerator, nDenominator, m_nRows, &m_nCurrentRows, &m_phRow); if (m_hr != S_OK || m_nCurrentRows == 0) return m_hr;
// Get the data
m_hRow = m_phRow[m_nCurrentRow]; return GetData(); } // Insert the current record
HRESULT Insert(int nAccessor = 0, bool bGetHRow = false) { ReleaseRows(); return CRowset::Insert(nAccessor, bGetHRow); }
// Implementation
HRESULT BindFinished() { // No rows in the buffer yet
m_nCurrentRows = 0; // Cause MoveNext to automatically perform a new bulk fetch the first time
m_nCurrentRow = m_nRows;
m_phRow = NULL; ATLTRY(m_phRow = new HROW[(size_t)m_nRows]); //REVIEW
if (m_phRow == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT m_hr; // HRESULT to return from MoveNext at end of buffer
HROW* m_phRow; // Pointer to array of HROWs for each row in buffer
ULONG_PTR m_nRows; // Number of rows that will fit in the buffer
ULONG_PTR m_nCurrentRows; // Number of rows currently in the buffer
ULONG_PTR m_nCurrentRow; };
// class CArrayRowset
// Allows you to access a rowset with an array syntax
template <class T, class TRowset = CRowset> class CArrayRowset : public CVirtualBuffer<T>, public TRowset { public: CArrayRowset(int nMax = 100000) : CVirtualBuffer<T>(nMax) { m_nRowsRead = 0; } T& operator[](int nRow) { ATLASSERT(nRow >= 0); if( nRow < 0 ) _AtlRaiseException( EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; T* m_pCurrent = m_pBase + m_nRowsRead;
// Retrieve the row if we haven't retrieved it already
while ((ULONG)nRow >= m_nRowsRead) { m_pAccessor->SetBuffer((BYTE*)m_pCurrent); __try { // Get the row
hr = MoveNext(); if (hr != S_OK) break; } __except(Except(GetExceptionInformation())) { } m_nRowsRead++; m_pCurrent++; } if (hr != S_OK) _AtlRaiseException( EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE );
return *(m_pBase + nRow); }
HRESULT Snapshot() { ATLASSERT(m_nRowsRead == 0); ATLASSERT(m_spRowset != NULL); HRESULT hr = MoveFirst(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; do { Write(*(T*)m_pAccessor->GetBuffer()); m_nRowsRead++; hr = MoveNext(); } while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != DB_S_ENDOFROWSET);
return (hr == DB_S_ENDOFROWSET) ? S_OK : hr; }
// Implementation
ULONG m_nRowsRead; };
// Used when you don't need any parameters or output columns
class CNoAccessor { public: // We don't need any typedef's here as the default
// global typedef is not to have any parameters and
// output columns.
HRESULT BindColumns(IUnknown*) { return S_OK; } HRESULT BindParameters(HACCESSOR*, ICommand*, void**) { return S_OK; } void Close() { } HRESULT ReleaseAccessors(IUnknown*) { return S_OK; } };
// Used when a rowset will not be returned from the command
class CNoRowset { public: HRESULT BindFinished() { return S_OK; } void Close() { } static const IID& GetIID() { return IID_NULL; } IRowset* GetInterface() const { return NULL; } IRowset** GetInterfacePtr() { return NULL; } void SetAccessor(void*) { } void SetupOptionalRowsetInterfaces() { } };
// class CAccessor
// T is the class that contains the data that will be accessed.
template <class T> class CAccessor : public T, public CAccessorBase { public: // Implementation
// Free's any columns in the current record that need to be freed.
// E.g. Calls SysFreeString on any BSTR's and Release on any interfaces.
void FreeRecordMemory(IRowset* /* pRowset */) { ULONG nColumns; ULONG i;
for (i = 0; i < GetNumAccessors(); i++) { // Passing in m_pBuffer tells the column entry maps to free the
// memory for the types if appropriate
_GetBindEntries(&nColumns, NULL, i, NULL, m_pBuffer); } } HRESULT BindColumns(IUnknown* pUnk) { HRESULT hr; ULONG nAccessors; ULONG nSize; nAccessors = _OutputColumnsClass::_GetNumAccessors();
nSize = sizeof(T); hr = BindAccessors(nAccessors, nSize, pUnk); return hr; } HRESULT BindAccessors(ULONG nAccessors, ULONG nSize, IUnknown* pUnk) { ATLASSERT(pUnk != NULL); HRESULT hr;
CComPtr<IAccessor> spAccessor; hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(&spAccessor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Allocate the accessor memory if we haven't done so yet
if (m_pAccessorInfo == NULL) { hr = AllocateAccessorMemory(nAccessors); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; }
for (ULONG i=0; i<nAccessors && SUCCEEDED(hr); i++) hr = BindAccessor(spAccessor, i, nSize); }
return hr; }
HRESULT BindAccessor(IAccessor* pAccessor, ULONG nAccessor, ULONG nSize) { DBBINDING* pBindings = NULL; ULONG nColumns; bool bAuto; HRESULT hr;
// First time just get the number of entries by passing in &nColumns
_OutputColumnsClass::_GetBindEntries(&nColumns, NULL, nAccessor, NULL);
// Now allocate the binding structures
ATLTRY(pBindings = new DBBINDING[nColumns]); if (pBindings == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Now get the bind entries
hr = _OutputColumnsClass::_GetBindEntries(&nColumns, pBindings, nAccessor, &bAuto); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
m_pAccessorInfo[nAccessor].bAutoAccessor = bAuto; hr = BindEntries(pBindings, nColumns, &m_pAccessorInfo[nAccessor].hAccessor, nSize, pAccessor); delete [] pBindings; return hr; }
HRESULT BindParameters(HACCESSOR* pHAccessor, ICommand* pCommand, void** ppParameterBuffer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // In the static accessor case, the parameter buffer will be T
*ppParameterBuffer = this;
// Only bind the parameters if we haven't already done it
if (*pHAccessor == NULL) { ULONG nColumns = 0; _ParamClass::_GetParamEntries(&nColumns, NULL);
DBBINDING* pBinding = NULL; ATLTRY(pBinding = new DBBINDING[nColumns]); if (pBinding == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
hr = _ParamClass::_GetParamEntries(&nColumns, pBinding); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the IAccessor from the passed IUnknown
CComPtr<IAccessor> spAccessor; hr = pCommand->QueryInterface(&spAccessor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = BindEntries(pBinding, nColumns, pHAccessor, sizeof(T), spAccessor); } } delete [] pBinding; } return hr; } };
// CDynamicAccessor
class CDynamicAccessor : public CAccessorBase { public: CDynamicAccessor() { m_nColumns = 0; m_pColumnInfo = NULL; m_pStringsBuffer = NULL; }; ~CDynamicAccessor() { Close(); } void Close() { if (m_pColumnInfo != NULL) { CoTaskMemFree(m_pColumnInfo); m_pColumnInfo = NULL; }
// Free the memory for the string buffer returned by IColumnsInfo::GetColumnInfo,
// if necessary
if (m_pStringsBuffer != NULL) { CoTaskMemFree(m_pStringsBuffer); m_pStringsBuffer = NULL; }
delete [] m_pBuffer; m_pBuffer = NULL; m_nColumns = 0;
CAccessorBase::Close(); } bool GetColumnType(ULONG_PTR nColumn, DBTYPE* pType) const { if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) { *pType = m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].wType; return true; } else return false; } bool GetColumnFlags(ULONG_PTR nColumn, DBCOLUMNFLAGS* pFlags) const { if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) { *pFlags = m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].dwFlags; return true; } else return false; } bool GetOrdinal(TCHAR* pColumnName, DBORDINAL* pOrdinal) const { ATLASSERT(pColumnName != NULL); ULONG_PTR nColumn; if (GetInternalColumnNo(pColumnName, &nColumn)) { *pOrdinal = m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].iOrdinal; return true; } else return false; }
void* GetValue(ULONG_PTR nColumn) const { if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) return _GetDataPtr(nColumn); else return NULL; }
void* GetValue(TCHAR* pColumnName) const { ATLASSERT(pColumnName != NULL); ULONG_PTR nColumn; if (GetInternalColumnNo(pColumnName, &nColumn)) return _GetDataPtr(nColumn); else return NULL; // Not Found
template <class ctype> void _GetValue(ULONG_PTR nColumn, ctype* pData) const { ATLASSERT(pData != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize == sizeof(ctype)); ctype* pBuffer = (ctype*)_GetDataPtr(nColumn); *pData = *pBuffer; } template <class ctype> void _SetValue(ULONG_PTR nColumn, const ctype& data) { ATLASSERT(m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize == sizeof(ctype)); ctype* pBuffer = (ctype*)_GetDataPtr(nColumn); *pBuffer = (ctype)data; } template <class ctype> bool GetValue(ULONG_PTR nColumn, ctype* pData) const { if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) { _GetValue(nColumn, pData); return true; } return false; } template <class ctype> bool SetValue(ULONG_PTR nColumn, const ctype& data) { if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) { _SetValue(nColumn, data); return true; } return false; } template <class ctype> bool GetValue(TCHAR *pColumnName, ctype* pData) const { ATLASSERT(pColumnName != NULL); ULONG_PTR nColumn; if (GetInternalColumnNo(pColumnName, &nColumn)) { _GetValue(nColumn, pData); return true; } return false; } template <class ctype> bool SetValue(TCHAR *pColumnName, const ctype& data) { ATLASSERT(pColumnName != NULL); ULONG_PTR nColumn; if (GetInternalColumnNo(pColumnName, &nColumn)) { _SetValue(nColumn, data); return true; } return false; } bool GetLength(ULONG_PTR nColumn, ULONG_PTR* pLength) const { ATLASSERT(pLength != NULL); if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) { *pLength = *(ULONG_PTR*)(AddOffset((ULONG_PTR)_GetDataPtr(nColumn), m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize)); return true; } else return false; } bool SetLength(ULONG_PTR nColumn, ULONG_PTR nLength) { if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) { *(ULONG_PTR*)(AddOffset((ULONG_PTR)_GetDataPtr(nColumn), m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize)) = nLength; return true; } else return false; } bool GetLength(TCHAR* pColumnName, ULONG_PTR* pLength) const { ATLASSERT(pColumnName != NULL); ATLASSERT(pLength != NULL); ULONG_PTR nColumn; if (GetInternalColumnNo(pColumnName, &nColumn)) { *pLength = *(ULONG_PTR*)(AddOffset((ULONG_PTR)_GetDataPtr(nColumn), m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize)); return true; } else return false; } bool SetLength(TCHAR* pColumnName, ULONG_PTR nLength) { ATLASSERT(pColumnName != NULL); ULONG_PTR nColumn; if (GetInternalColumnNo(pColumnName, &nColumn)) { *(ULONG_PTR*)(AddOffset((ULONG_PTR)_GetDataPtr(nColumn), m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize)) = nLength; return true; } else return false; } bool GetStatus(ULONG_PTR nColumn, DBSTATUS* pStatus) const { ATLASSERT(pStatus != NULL); if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) { *pStatus = *(DBSTATUS*)(AddOffset(AddOffset((ULONG_PTR)_GetDataPtr(nColumn), m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize), sizeof(ULONG))); return true; } else return false; } bool SetStatus(ULONG_PTR nColumn, DBSTATUS status) { if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) { *(DBSTATUS*)(AddOffset(AddOffset((ULONG_PTR)_GetDataPtr(nColumn), m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize), sizeof(ULONG))) = status; return true; } else return false; } bool GetStatus(TCHAR* pColumnName, DBSTATUS* pStatus) const { ATLASSERT(pColumnName != NULL); ATLASSERT(pStatus != NULL); ULONG_PTR nColumn; if (GetInternalColumnNo(pColumnName, &nColumn)) { *pStatus = *(DBSTATUS*)((BYTE*)_GetDataPtr(nColumn) + m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize + sizeof(ULONG)); return true; } else return false; } bool SetStatus(TCHAR* pColumnName, DBSTATUS status) { ATLASSERT(pColumnName != NULL); ULONG_PTR nColumn; if (GetInternalColumnNo(pColumnName, &nColumn)) { *(DBSTATUS*)((BYTE*)_GetDataPtr(nColumn) + m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].ulColumnSize + sizeof(ULONG)) = status; return true; } else return false; }
// Returns true if a bookmark is available
HRESULT GetBookmark(CBookmark<>* pBookmark) const { HRESULT hr; if (m_pColumnInfo->iOrdinal == 0) hr = pBookmark->SetBookmark(m_pColumnInfo->ulColumnSize, (BYTE*)_GetDataPtr(0)); else hr = E_FAIL; return hr; }
ULONG_PTR GetColumnCount() const { return m_nColumns; }
LPOLESTR GetColumnName(ULONG_PTR nColumn) const { if (TranslateColumnNo(nColumn)) return m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].pwszName; else return NULL; }
// Note: the next method used to be defined as
// HRESULT GetColumnInfo(IRowset* pRowset, ULONG* pColumns, DBCOLUMNINFO** ppColumnInfo)
// this was causing a memory leak because we were using m_pStringsBuffer as a parameter to the
// spColumnsInfo->GetColumnInfo call. The memory pointed by m_pStringsBuffer was released
// only in CDynamicAccessor::Close.
// Now the user has to provide his own pointer buffer, and is responsible for releasing the
// memory after it is no longer needed
HRESULT GetColumnInfo(IRowset* pRowset, DBORDINAL* pColumns, DBCOLUMNINFO** ppColumnInfo, OLECHAR **ppStringsBuffer) { CComPtr<IColumnsInfo> spColumnsInfo; HRESULT hr = pRowset->QueryInterface(&spColumnsInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = spColumnsInfo->GetColumnInfo(pColumns, ppColumnInfo, ppStringsBuffer);
return hr; }
HRESULT AddBindEntry(const DBCOLUMNINFO& info) { DBCOLUMNINFO* p = (DBCOLUMNINFO*)CoTaskMemRealloc(m_pColumnInfo, (m_nColumns + 1) * sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)); if (p == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; m_pColumnInfo = p; m_pColumnInfo[m_nColumns] = info; m_nColumns++;
return S_OK; }
// Implementation
// Free's any columns in the current record that need to be freed.
// E.g. Calls SysFreeString on any BSTR's and Release on any interfaces.
void FreeRecordMemory(IRowset* pRowset) { ULONG_PTR i;
for (i = 0; i < m_nColumns; i++) CAccessorBase::FreeType(m_pColumnInfo[i].wType, (BYTE*)_GetDataPtr(i), pRowset); } void* _GetDataPtr(ULONG_PTR nColumn) const { return m_pBuffer + (ULONG_PTR)m_pColumnInfo[nColumn].pTypeInfo; } bool GetInternalColumnNo(TCHAR* pColumnName, ULONG_PTR* pColumn) const { ATLASSERT(pColumnName != NULL); ATLASSERT(pColumn != NULL); USES_CONVERSION; ULONG_PTR i; ULONG nSize = (lstrlen(pColumnName) + 1) * sizeof(OLECHAR); OLECHAR* pOleColumnName = T2OLE(pColumnName);
// Search through the columns trying to find a match
for (i = 0; i < m_nColumns; i++) { if (m_pColumnInfo[i].pwszName != NULL && memcmp(m_pColumnInfo[i].pwszName, pOleColumnName, nSize) == 0) break; } if (i < m_nColumns) { *pColumn = i; return true; } else return false; // Not Found
} HRESULT BindColumns(IUnknown* pUnk) { ATLASSERT(pUnk != NULL); CComPtr<IAccessor> spAccessor; HRESULT hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(&spAccessor); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ULONG_PTR i; ULONG_PTR nOffset = 0, nLengthOffset, nStatusOffset;
// If the user hasn't specifed the column information to bind by calling AddBindEntry then
// we get it ourselves
if (m_pColumnInfo == NULL) { CComPtr<IColumnsInfo> spColumnsInfo; hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(&spColumnsInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spColumnsInfo->GetColumnInfo(&m_nColumns, &m_pColumnInfo, &m_pStringsBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
m_bOverride = false; } else m_bOverride = true;
DBBINDING* pBinding = NULL; ATLTRY(pBinding= new DBBINDING[(size_t)m_nColumns]); //REVIEW
if (pBinding == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
DBBINDING* pCurrent = pBinding; DBOBJECT* pObject; for (i = 0; i < m_nColumns; i++) { // If it's a BLOB or the column size is large enough for us to treat it as
// a BLOB then we also need to set up the DBOBJECT structure.
if (m_pColumnInfo[i].ulColumnSize > 1024 || m_pColumnInfo[i].wType == DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN) { pObject = NULL; ATLTRY(pObject = new DBOBJECT); if (pObject == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; pObject->dwFlags = STGM_READ; pObject->iid = IID_ISequentialStream; m_pColumnInfo[i].wType = DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN; m_pColumnInfo[i].ulColumnSize = sizeof(IUnknown*); } else pObject = NULL;
// If column is of type STR or WSTR increase length by 1
// to accommodate the NULL terminator.
if (m_pColumnInfo[i].wType == DBTYPE_STR || m_pColumnInfo[i].wType == DBTYPE_WSTR) m_pColumnInfo[i].ulColumnSize += 1; if( m_pColumnInfo[i].wType == DBTYPE_WSTR ) m_pColumnInfo[i].ulColumnSize *= sizeof(WCHAR);
nLengthOffset = AddOffset(nOffset, m_pColumnInfo[i].ulColumnSize); nStatusOffset = AddOffset(nLengthOffset, sizeof(ULONG)); Bind(pCurrent, m_pColumnInfo[i].iOrdinal, m_pColumnInfo[i].wType, m_pColumnInfo[i].ulColumnSize, m_pColumnInfo[i].bPrecision, m_pColumnInfo[i].bScale, DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM, nOffset, nLengthOffset, nStatusOffset, pObject); pCurrent++;
// Note that, as we're not using this for anything else, we're using the
// pTypeInfo element to store the offset to our data.
m_pColumnInfo[i].pTypeInfo = (ITypeInfo*)(DWORD_PTR)nOffset;
nOffset = AddOffset(nStatusOffset, sizeof(DBSTATUS)); } // Allocate the accessor memory if we haven't done so yet
if (m_pAccessorInfo == NULL) { hr = AllocateAccessorMemory(1); // We only have one accessor
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete [] pBinding; return hr; } m_pAccessorInfo->bAutoAccessor = TRUE; }
// Allocate enough memory for the data buffer and tell the rowset
// Note that the rowset will free the memory in its destructor.
m_pBuffer = NULL; ATLTRY(m_pBuffer = new BYTE[(size_t)nOffset]); //REVIEW
if (m_pBuffer == NULL) { delete [] pBinding; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hr = BindEntries(pBinding, m_nColumns, &m_pAccessorInfo->hAccessor, nOffset, spAccessor); delete [] pBinding;
return hr; }
static ULONG_PTR AddOffset(ULONG_PTR nCurrent, ULONG_PTR nAdd) { struct foobar { char foo; LONG_PTR bar; }; ULONG_PTR nAlign = offsetof(foobar, bar);
ULONG_PTR nResult = nCurrent + nAdd; if( nResult % nAlign ) nResult += ( nAlign - (nAdd % nAlign) ); return nResult; }
// Translate the column number to the index into the column info array
bool TranslateColumnNo(ULONG_PTR& nColumn) const { ATLASSERT(m_pColumnInfo != NULL); // If the user has overriden the binding then we need to search
// through the column info for the ordinal number
if (m_bOverride) { for (ULONG_PTR i = 0; i < m_nColumns; i++) { if (m_pColumnInfo[i].iOrdinal == nColumn) { nColumn = i; return true; } } return false; } else { // Note that m_pColumnInfo->iOrdinal will be zero if have bound
// a bookmark as the first entry, otherwise it will be 1.
// If the column is out of range then return false
if (nColumn > (m_nColumns - 1 + m_pColumnInfo->iOrdinal)) return false;
// otherwise translate the column to an index into our internal
// binding entries array
nColumn -= m_pColumnInfo->iOrdinal; return true; } } typedef CDynamicAccessor _OutputColumnsClass; static bool HasOutputColumns() { return true; }
ULONG_PTR m_nColumns; DBCOLUMNINFO* m_pColumnInfo; OLECHAR* m_pStringsBuffer; bool m_bOverride; };
// class CDynamicParameterAccessor
class CDynamicParameterAccessor : public CDynamicAccessor { // Constructors and Destructors
public: typedef CDynamicParameterAccessor _ParamClass; CDynamicParameterAccessor() { m_pParameterEntry = NULL; m_pParameterBuffer = NULL; m_ppParamName = NULL; m_nParameterBufferSize = 0; m_nParams = 0; };
~CDynamicParameterAccessor() { delete [] m_pParameterEntry; if (m_ppParamName != NULL) { if (*m_ppParamName != NULL) CoTaskMemFree(*m_ppParamName); delete [] m_ppParamName; } delete m_pParameterBuffer; }; // nParam is the parameter number (offset from 1)
bool GetParamType(ULONG_PTR nParam, DBTYPE* pType) const { ATLASSERT(pType != NULL); if (nParam == 0 || nParam > m_nParams) return false;
*pType = m_pParameterEntry[nParam-1].wType; return true; } template <class ctype> bool GetParam(ULONG_PTR nParam, ctype* pData) const { ATLASSERT(pData != NULL); ctype* pBuffer = (ctype*)GetParam(nParam); if (pBuffer == NULL) return false; *pData = *pBuffer; return true;
} template <class ctype> bool SetParam(ULONG_PTR nParam, ctype* pData) { ATLASSERT(pData != NULL); ctype* pBuffer = (ctype*)GetParam(nParam); if (pBuffer == NULL) return false; *pBuffer = *pData; return true;
} template <class ctype> bool GetParam(TCHAR* pParamName, ctype* pData) const { ATLASSERT(pData != NULL); ctype* pBuffer = (ctype*)GetParam(pParamName); if (pBuffer == NULL) return false; *pData = *pBuffer; return true;
} template <class ctype> bool SetParam(TCHAR* pParamName, ctype* pData) { ATLASSERT(pData != NULL); ctype* pBuffer = (ctype*)GetParam(pParamName); if (pBuffer == NULL) return false; *pBuffer = *pData; return true;
} void* GetParam(ULONG_PTR nParam) const { if (nParam == 0 || nParam > m_nParams) return NULL; else return m_pParameterBuffer + m_pParameterEntry[nParam-1].obValue; } void* GetParam(TCHAR* pParamName) const { USES_CONVERSION; ULONG_PTR i; ULONG nSize = (lstrlen(pParamName) + 1) * sizeof(OLECHAR); OLECHAR* pOleParamName = T2OLE(pParamName);
for (i=0; i<m_nParams; i++) { if (memcmp(m_ppParamName[i], pOleParamName, nSize) == 0) break; } if (i < m_nParams) return (m_pParameterBuffer + m_pParameterEntry[i].obValue); else return NULL; // Not Found
} // Get the number of parameters
ULONG_PTR GetParamCount() const { return m_nParams; } // Get the parameter name for the passed parameter number
LPOLESTR GetParamName(ULONG_PTR ulParam) const { ATLASSERT(ulParam<m_nParams); return m_ppParamName[ulParam]; }
// Implementation
HRESULT BindParameters(HACCESSOR* pHAccessor, ICommand* pCommand, void** ppParameterBuffer) { // If we have already bound the parameters then just return
// the pointer to the parameter buffer
if (*pHAccessor != NULL) { *ppParameterBuffer = m_pParameterBuffer; return S_OK; }
CComPtr<IAccessor> spAccessor; HRESULT hr = pCommand->QueryInterface(&spAccessor); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Try to bind parameters if available
CComPtr<ICommandWithParameters> spCommandParameters; hr = pCommand->QueryInterface(&spCommandParameters); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
DB_UPARAMS ulParams = 0; DBPARAMINFO* pParamInfo = NULL; LPOLESTR pNamesBuffer = NULL;
// Get Parameter Information
hr = spCommandParameters->GetParameterInfo(&ulParams, &pParamInfo, &pNamesBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Create the parameter information for binding
hr = AllocateParameterInfo(ulParams); if (FAILED(hr)) { CoTaskMemFree(pParamInfo); CoTaskMemFree(pNamesBuffer); return hr; }
ULONG_PTR nOffset = 0; DBBINDING* pCurrent = m_pParameterEntry; for (ULONG l=0; l<ulParams; l++) { m_pParameterEntry[l].eParamIO = 0; if (pParamInfo[l].dwFlags & DBPARAMFLAGS_ISINPUT) m_pParameterEntry[l].eParamIO |= DBPARAMIO_INPUT;
if (pParamInfo[l].dwFlags & DBPARAMFLAGS_ISOUTPUT) m_pParameterEntry[l].eParamIO |= DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT;
if( pParamInfo[l].wType == DBTYPE_STR || pParamInfo[l].wType == DBTYPE_WSTR ) pParamInfo[l].ulParamSize += 1; if( pParamInfo[l].wType == DBTYPE_WSTR ) pParamInfo[l].ulParamSize *= sizeof(WCHAR); Bind(pCurrent, pParamInfo[l].iOrdinal, pParamInfo[l].wType, pParamInfo[l].ulParamSize, pParamInfo[l].bPrecision, pParamInfo[l].bScale, m_pParameterEntry[l].eParamIO, nOffset); pCurrent++;
m_ppParamName[l] = pNamesBuffer; if (pNamesBuffer && *pNamesBuffer) { // Search for the NULL termination character
while (*pNamesBuffer++) ; } nOffset = AddOffset(nOffset, pParamInfo[l].ulParamSize); }
// Allocate memory for the new buffer
m_pParameterBuffer = NULL; ATLTRY(m_pParameterBuffer = new BYTE[(size_t)nOffset]); //REVIEW
if (m_pParameterBuffer == NULL) { // Note that pNamesBuffer will be freed in the destructor
// by freeing *m_ppParamName
CoTaskMemFree(pParamInfo); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } *ppParameterBuffer = m_pParameterBuffer; m_nParameterBufferSize = nOffset; m_nParams = ulParams; BindEntries(m_pParameterEntry, ulParams, pHAccessor, nOffset, spAccessor);
return S_OK; } bool HasParameters() const { return true; } HRESULT AllocateParameterInfo(ULONG_PTR nParamEntries) { // Allocate memory for the bind structures
m_pParameterEntry = NULL; ATLTRY(m_pParameterEntry = new DBBINDING[(size_t)nParamEntries]); //REVIEW
if (m_pParameterEntry == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Allocate memory to store the field names
m_ppParamName = NULL; ATLTRY(m_ppParamName = new OLECHAR*[(size_t)nParamEntries]); //REVIEW
if (m_ppParamName == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; }
// Data Members
// Number of parameters
ULONG_PTR m_nParams; // A pointer to the entry structures for each parameter
DBBINDING* m_pParameterEntry; // String names for the parameters
OLECHAR** m_ppParamName; // The size of the buffer where the parameters are stored
ULONG_PTR m_nParameterBufferSize; // A pointer to the buffer where the parameters are stored
BYTE* m_pParameterBuffer; };
// class CManualAccessor
class CManualAccessor : public CAccessorBase { public: CManualAccessor() { // By default we don't have any parameters unless CreateParameterAccessor is called
m_pEntry = NULL; m_nParameters = 0; m_pParameterEntry = NULL; m_nColumns = 0; } ~CManualAccessor() { delete [] m_pEntry; delete [] m_pParameterEntry; } HRESULT CreateAccessor(ULONG_PTR nBindEntries, void* pBuffer, ULONG_PTR nBufferSize) { m_pBuffer = (BYTE*)pBuffer; m_nBufferSize = nBufferSize; m_nColumns = nBindEntries; m_nEntry = 0;
// If they've previously created some entries then free them
delete [] m_pEntry; m_pEntry = NULL;
// Allocate memory for the bind structures
ATLTRY(m_pEntry = new DBBINDING[(size_t)nBindEntries]); //REVIEW
if (m_pEntry == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; else return S_OK; } HRESULT CreateParameterAccessor(ULONG_PTR nBindEntries, void* pBuffer, ULONG_PTR nBufferSize) { m_pParameterBuffer = (BYTE*)pBuffer; m_nParameterBufferSize = nBufferSize; m_nParameters = nBindEntries; m_nCurrentParameter = 0;
// Allocate memory for the bind structures
m_pParameterEntry = NULL; ATLTRY(m_pParameterEntry = new DBBINDING[(size_t)nBindEntries]); //REVIEW
if (m_pParameterEntry == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; else return S_OK; } void AddBindEntry(ULONG_PTR nOrdinal, DBTYPE wType, ULONG_PTR nColumnSize, void* pData, void* pLength = NULL, void* pStatus = NULL) { ATLASSERT(m_nEntry < m_nColumns); ULONG_PTR nLengthOffset, nStatusOffset;
if (pStatus != NULL) nStatusOffset = (BYTE*)pStatus - m_pBuffer; else nStatusOffset = 0;
if (pLength != NULL) nLengthOffset = (BYTE*)pLength - m_pBuffer; else nLengthOffset = 0;
Bind(m_pEntry+m_nEntry, nOrdinal, wType, nColumnSize, 0, 0, DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM, (BYTE*)pData - m_pBuffer, nLengthOffset, nStatusOffset);
m_nEntry++; } void AddParameterEntry(ULONG_PTR nOrdinal, DBTYPE wType, ULONG_PTR nColumnSize, void* pData, void* pLength = NULL, void* pStatus = NULL, DBPARAMIO eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_INPUT) { ATLASSERT(m_nCurrentParameter < m_nParameters); ULONG_PTR nLengthOffset, nStatusOffset;
if (pStatus != NULL) nStatusOffset = (BYTE*)pStatus - m_pParameterBuffer; else nStatusOffset = 0;
if (pLength != NULL) nLengthOffset = (BYTE*)pLength - m_pBuffer; else nLengthOffset = 0;
Bind(m_pParameterEntry + m_nCurrentParameter, nOrdinal, wType, nColumnSize, 0, 0, eParamIO, (BYTE*)pData - m_pParameterBuffer, nLengthOffset, nStatusOffset);
m_nCurrentParameter++; }
// Implementation
// Free's any columns in the current record that need to be freed.
// E.g. Calls SysFreeString on any BSTR's and Release on any interfaces.
void FreeRecordMemory(IRowset* pRowset) { ULONG_PTR i;
for (i = 0; i < m_nColumns; i++) CAccessorBase::FreeType(m_pEntry[i].wType, m_pBuffer + m_pEntry[i].obValue, pRowset); } HRESULT BindColumns(IUnknown* pUnk) { ATLASSERT(pUnk != NULL); CComPtr<IAccessor> spAccessor; HRESULT hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(&spAccessor); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Allocate the accessor memory if we haven't done so yet
if (m_pAccessorInfo == NULL) { hr = AllocateAccessorMemory(1); // We only have one accessor
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; m_pAccessorInfo->bAutoAccessor = TRUE; }
return BindEntries(m_pEntry, m_nColumns, &m_pAccessorInfo->hAccessor, m_nBufferSize, spAccessor); }
HRESULT BindParameters(HACCESSOR* pHAccessor, ICommand* pCommand, void** ppParameterBuffer) { HRESULT hr; *ppParameterBuffer = m_pParameterBuffer;
// Only bind the parameter if we haven't done so yet
if (*pHAccessor == NULL) { // Get the IAccessor from the passed IUnknown
CComPtr<IAccessor> spAccessor; hr = pCommand->QueryInterface(&spAccessor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = BindEntries(m_pParameterEntry, m_nParameters, pHAccessor, m_nParameterBufferSize, spAccessor); } } else hr = S_OK;
return hr; } typedef CManualAccessor _ParamClass; bool HasParameters() { return (m_nParameters > 0); } typedef CManualAccessor _OutputColumnsClass; static bool HasOutputColumns() { return true; } ULONG_PTR GetColumnCount() const { return m_nColumns; }
// The binding structure for the output columns
DBBINDING* m_pEntry; // The number of output columns
ULONG_PTR m_nColumns; // The number of the current entry for the output columns
ULONG_PTR m_nEntry; // The size of the data buffer for the output columns
ULONG_PTR m_nBufferSize; // The number of parameters columns
ULONG_PTR m_nParameters; // The number of the parameter column to bind next
ULONG_PTR m_nCurrentParameter; // A pointer to the entry structures for each parameter
DBBINDING* m_pParameterEntry; // The size of the buffer where the parameters are stored
ULONG_PTR m_nParameterBufferSize; // A pointer to the buffer where the parameters are stored
BYTE* m_pParameterBuffer; };
// CAccessorRowset
template <class TAccessor = CNoAccessor, class TRowset = CRowset> class CAccessorRowset : public TAccessor, public TRowset { public: CAccessorRowset() { // Give the rowset a pointer to the accessor
SetAccessor(this); } ~CAccessorRowset() { Close(); } // Used to get the column information from the opened rowset. The user is responsible
// for freeing the returned column information and string buffer.
HRESULT GetColumnInfo(ULONG_PTR* pulColumns, DBCOLUMNINFO** ppColumnInfo, LPOLESTR* ppStrings) const { ATLASSERT(GetInterface() != NULL); if (ppColumnInfo == NULL || pulColumns == NULL || ppStrings == NULL) return E_POINTER;
CComPtr<IColumnsInfo> spColumns; HRESULT hr = GetInterface()->QueryInterface(&spColumns); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = spColumns->GetColumnInfo(pulColumns, ppColumnInfo, ppStrings);
return hr; } // Used to get the column information when overriding the bindings using CDynamicAccessor
// The user should CoTaskMemFree the column information pointer that is returned.
// Since the corresponding method in CDynamicAccessor has also been declared as deprecated
// users should use the other version of the method (one that takes the
// DBCOLUMNINFO** ppColumnInfo argument). This is due to a bug fix
// (see CDynamicAccessor::GetColumnInfo for details).
//HRESULT GetColumnInfo(ULONG* pColumns, DBCOLUMNINFO** ppColumnInfo)
// If you get a compilation here, then you are most likely calling this function
// from a class that is not using CDynamicAccessor.
//ATLASSERT(GetInterface() != NULL);
//return TAccessor::GetColumnInfo(GetInterface(), pColumns, ppColumnInfo);
// Call to bind the output columns
HRESULT Bind() { // Bind should only be called when we've successfully opened the rowset
ATLASSERT(GetInterface() != NULL); HRESULT hr = TAccessor::BindColumns(GetInterface()); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = BindFinished(); return hr; } // Close the opened rowset and release the created accessors for the output columns
void Close() { if (GetInterface() != NULL) { ReleaseAccessors(GetInterface()); TAccessor::Close(); TRowset::Close(); } } // Free's any columns in the current record that need to be freed.
// E.g. Calls SysFreeString on any BSTR's and Release on any interfaces.
void FreeRecordMemory() { TAccessor::FreeRecordMemory(m_spRowset); } };
// class CEnumeratorAccessor
class CEnumeratorAccessor { public: WCHAR m_szName[129]; WCHAR m_szParseName[129]; WCHAR m_szDescription[129]; USHORT m_nType; VARIANT_BOOL m_bIsParent;
// Binding Maps
BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(CEnumeratorAccessor) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_szName) COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_szParseName) COLUMN_ENTRY(3, m_szDescription) COLUMN_ENTRY(4, m_nType) COLUMN_ENTRY(5, m_bIsParent) END_COLUMN_MAP() };
// class CEnumerator
class CEnumerator : public CAccessorRowset<CAccessor<CEnumeratorAccessor> > { public: HRESULT Open(LPMONIKER pMoniker) { if (pMoniker == NULL) return E_FAIL;
// Bind the moniker for the sources rowset
if (FAILED(BindMoniker(pMoniker, 0, IID_ISourcesRowset, (void**)&m_spSourcesRowset))) return E_FAIL;
// Enumerate the data sources
if (FAILED(m_spSourcesRowset->GetSourcesRowset(NULL, IID_IRowset, 0, NULL, (IUnknown**)&m_spRowset))) return E_FAIL;
return Bind(); } HRESULT Open(const CEnumerator& enumerator) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IMoniker> spMoniker;
hr = enumerator.GetMoniker(&spMoniker); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return Open(spMoniker); } HRESULT Open(const CLSID* pClsid = &CLSID_OLEDB_ENUMERATOR) { if (pClsid == NULL) return E_FAIL;
HRESULT hr; // Create the enumerator
hr = CoCreateInstance(*pClsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISourcesRowset, (LPVOID*)&m_spSourcesRowset); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Get the rowset so we can enumerate the data sources
hr = m_spSourcesRowset->GetSourcesRowset(NULL, IID_IRowset, 0, NULL, (IUnknown**)&m_spRowset); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return Bind(); }
HRESULT GetMoniker(LPMONIKER* ppMoniker) const { CComPtr<IParseDisplayName> spParse; HRESULT hr; ULONG chEaten;
if (ppMoniker == NULL) return E_POINTER;
if (m_spSourcesRowset == NULL) return E_FAIL;
hr = m_spSourcesRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IParseDisplayName, (void**)&spParse); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spParse->ParseDisplayName(NULL, (LPOLESTR)m_szParseName, &chEaten, ppMoniker); return hr; }
HRESULT GetMoniker(LPMONIKER* ppMoniker, LPCTSTR lpszDisplayName) const { USES_CONVERSION; CComPtr<IParseDisplayName> spParse; HRESULT hr; ULONG chEaten;
if (ppMoniker == NULL || lpszDisplayName == NULL) return E_POINTER;
if (m_spSourcesRowset == NULL) return E_FAIL;
hr = m_spSourcesRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IParseDisplayName, (void**)&spParse); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spParse->ParseDisplayName(NULL, (LPOLESTR)T2COLE(lpszDisplayName), &chEaten, ppMoniker); return hr; }
bool Find(TCHAR* szSearchName) { USES_CONVERSION;
WCHAR *pwszSearchName = T2W(szSearchName); if( pwszSearchName == NULL ) return false;
// Loop through the providers looking for the passed name
while (MoveNext()==S_OK && lstrcmpW(m_szName, pwszSearchName)) #ifdef UNICODE
ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("%s, %s, %d\n"), m_szName, m_szParseName, m_nType); #else
ATLTRACE2(atlTraceDBClient, 0, _T("%S, %S, %d\n"), m_szName, m_szParseName, m_nType); #endif
if (lstrcmpW(m_szName, pwszSearchName)) return false; else return true; }
CComPtr<ISourcesRowset> m_spSourcesRowset; };
// CDataSource
class CDataSource { public: HRESULT Open(const CLSID& clsid, DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL, ULONG nPropertySets=1) { HRESULT hr;
m_spInit.Release(); hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDBInitialize, (void**)&m_spInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Initialize the provider
return OpenWithProperties(pPropSet, nPropertySets); } HRESULT Open(const CLSID& clsid, LPCTSTR pName, LPCTSTR pUserName = NULL, LPCTSTR pPassword = NULL, long nInitMode = 0) { HRESULT hr;
m_spInit.Release(); hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDBInitialize, (void**)&m_spInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return OpenWithNameUserPassword(pName, pUserName, pPassword, nInitMode); } HRESULT Open(LPCTSTR szProgID, DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL, ULONG nPropertySets=1) { USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr; CLSID clsid;
hr = CLSIDFromProgID(T2COLE(szProgID), &clsid); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return Open(clsid, pPropSet, nPropertySets); } HRESULT Open(LPCTSTR szProgID, LPCTSTR pName, LPCTSTR pUserName = NULL, LPCTSTR pPassword = NULL, long nInitMode = 0) { USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr; CLSID clsid;
hr = CLSIDFromProgID(T2COLE(szProgID), &clsid); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return Open(clsid, pName, pUserName, pPassword, nInitMode); } HRESULT Open(const CEnumerator& enumerator, DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL, ULONG nPropertySets=1) { CComPtr<IMoniker> spMoniker; HRESULT hr;
hr = enumerator.GetMoniker(&spMoniker); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
m_spInit.Release(); // Now bind the moniker
hr = BindMoniker(spMoniker, 0, IID_IDBInitialize, (void**)&m_spInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return OpenWithProperties(pPropSet, nPropertySets); } HRESULT Open(const CEnumerator& enumerator, LPCTSTR pName, LPCTSTR pUserName = NULL, LPCTSTR pPassword = NULL, long nInitMode = 0) { CComPtr<IMoniker> spMoniker; HRESULT hr;
hr = enumerator.GetMoniker(&spMoniker); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
m_spInit.Release(); // Now bind the moniker
hr = BindMoniker(spMoniker, 0, IID_IDBInitialize, (void**)&m_spInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return OpenWithNameUserPassword(pName, pUserName, pPassword, nInitMode); } // Invoke the data links dialog and open the selected database
HRESULT Open(HWND hWnd = GetActiveWindow(), DBPROMPTOPTIONS dwPromptOptions = DBPROMPTOPTIONS_WIZARDSHEET) { CComPtr<IDBPromptInitialize> spDBInit;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DataLinks, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDBPromptInitialize, (void**) &spDBInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComPtr<IDBProperties> spIDBProperties; hr = spDBInit->PromptDataSource(NULL, hWnd, dwPromptOptions, 0, NULL, NULL, IID_IDBProperties, (IUnknown**)&spIDBProperties);
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = spIDBProperties->QueryInterface(&m_spInit); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = m_spInit->Initialize(); } else if (hr == S_FALSE) hr = MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_CANCELLED); // The user clicked cancel
return hr; } // Opens a data source using the service components
HRESULT OpenWithServiceComponents(const CLSID& clsid, DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL, ULONG nPropertySets=1) { CComPtr<IDataInitialize> spDataInit; HRESULT hr; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSDAINITIALIZE, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDataInitialize, (void**)&spDataInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
m_spInit.Release(); hr = spDataInit->CreateDBInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, IID_IDBInitialize, (IUnknown**)&m_spInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Initialize the provider
return OpenWithProperties(pPropSet, nPropertySets); } // Opens a data source using the service components
HRESULT OpenWithServiceComponents(LPCTSTR szProgID, DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL, ULONG nPropertySets=1) { USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr; CLSID clsid;
hr = CLSIDFromProgID(T2COLE(szProgID), &clsid); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return OpenWithServiceComponents(clsid, pPropSet, nPropertySets); } // Bring up the "Organize Dialog" which allows the user to select a previously created data link
// file (.UDL file). The selected file will be used to open the datbase.
HRESULT OpenWithPromptFileName(HWND hWnd = GetActiveWindow(), DBPROMPTOPTIONS dwPromptOptions = DBPROMPTOPTIONS_NONE, LPCOLESTR szInitialDirectory = NULL) { USES_CONVERSION; CComPtr<IDBPromptInitialize> spDBInit;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DataLinks, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDBPromptInitialize, (void**) &spDBInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComPtr<IDBProperties> spIDBProperties; LPOLESTR szSelected;
hr = spDBInit->PromptFileName(hWnd, dwPromptOptions, szInitialDirectory, L"*.udl", &szSelected);
if (hr == S_OK) hr = OpenFromFileName(szSelected); else if (hr == S_FALSE) hr = MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_CANCELLED); // The user clicked cancel
return hr; } // Open the datasource specified by the passed filename, typically a .UDL file
HRESULT OpenFromFileName(LPCOLESTR szFileName) { CComPtr<IDataInitialize> spDataInit; LPOLESTR szInitString;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSDAINITIALIZE, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDataInitialize, (void**)&spDataInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spDataInit->LoadStringFromStorage(szFileName, &szInitString); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return OpenFromInitializationString(szInitString); } // Open the datasource specified by the passed initialization string
HRESULT OpenFromInitializationString(LPCOLESTR szInitializationString) { CComPtr<IDataInitialize> spDataInit;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSDAINITIALIZE, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDataInitialize, (void**)&spDataInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComPtr<IDBProperties> spIDBProperties; hr = spDataInit->GetDataSource(NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, szInitializationString, IID_IDBInitialize, (IUnknown**)&m_spInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return m_spInit->Initialize(); } // Get the initialization string from the currently open data source. The returned string
// must be CoTaskMemFree'd when finished with.
HRESULT GetInitializationString(BSTR* pInitializationString, bool bIncludePassword=false) { // If the datasource isn't open then we're not going to get an init string
_ASSERTE(m_spInit != NULL); CComPtr<IDataInitialize> spDataInit; LPOLESTR szInitString;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSDAINITIALIZE, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDataInitialize, (void**)&spDataInit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spDataInit->GetInitializationString(m_spInit, bIncludePassword, &szInitString);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *pInitializationString = ::SysAllocString(szInitString);
return hr; } HRESULT GetProperties(ULONG ulPropIDSets, const DBPROPIDSET* pPropIDSet, ULONG* pulPropertySets, DBPROPSET** ppPropsets) const { CComPtr<IDBProperties> spProperties;
// Check that we are connected
ATLASSERT(m_spInit != NULL);
HRESULT hr = m_spInit->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties, (void**)&spProperties); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spProperties->GetProperties(ulPropIDSets, pPropIDSet, pulPropertySets, ppPropsets); return hr; }
HRESULT GetProperty(const GUID& guid, DBPROPID propid, VARIANT* pVariant) const { ATLASSERT(pVariant != NULL); CComPtr<IDBProperties> spProperties;
// Check that we are connected
ATLASSERT(m_spInit != NULL);
HRESULT hr = m_spInit->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties, (void**)&spProperties); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CDBPropIDSet set(guid); set.AddPropertyID(propid); DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL; ULONG ulPropSet = 0; hr = spProperties->GetProperties(1, &set, &ulPropSet, &pPropSet); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ATLASSERT(ulPropSet == 1); hr = VariantCopy(pVariant, &pPropSet->rgProperties[0].vValue); CoTaskMemFree(pPropSet->rgProperties); CoTaskMemFree(pPropSet);
return hr; } void Close() { m_spInit.Release(); }
// Implementation
HRESULT OpenFromIDBProperties(IDBProperties* pIDBProperties) { CComPtr<IPersist> spPersist; CLSID clsid; HRESULT hr;
hr = pIDBProperties->QueryInterface(IID_IPersist, (void**)&spPersist); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ULONG ulPropSets=0; CDBPropSet* pPropSets=NULL; pIDBProperties->GetProperties(0, NULL, &ulPropSets, (DBPROPSET**)&pPropSets);
hr = Open(clsid, &pPropSets[0], ulPropSets);
for (ULONG i=0; i < ulPropSets; i++) (pPropSets+i)->~CDBPropSet(); CoTaskMemFree(pPropSets);
return hr; } HRESULT OpenWithNameUserPassword(LPCTSTR pName, LPCTSTR pUserName, LPCTSTR pPassword, long nInitMode = 0) { ATLASSERT(m_spInit != NULL); CComPtr<IDBProperties> spProperties; HRESULT hr;
hr = m_spInit->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties, (void**)&spProperties); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Set connection properties
// Add Datbase name, User name and Password
if (pName != NULL) propSet.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE, pName);
if (pUserName != NULL) propSet.AddProperty(DBPROP_AUTH_USERID, pUserName);
if (pPassword != NULL) propSet.AddProperty(DBPROP_AUTH_PASSWORD, pPassword);
if (nInitMode) propSet.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_MODE, nInitMode);
hr = spProperties->SetProperties(1, &propSet); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Initialize the provider
return m_spInit->Initialize(); } HRESULT OpenWithProperties(DBPROPSET* pPropSet, ULONG nPropertySets=1) { ATLASSERT(m_spInit != NULL);
// Set the properties if there are some to set
if (pPropSet != NULL) { CComPtr<IDBProperties> spProperties; HRESULT hr;
hr = m_spInit->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties, (void**)&spProperties); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spProperties->SetProperties(nPropertySets, pPropSet); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; }
// Initialize the provider
return m_spInit->Initialize(); }
CComPtr<IDBInitialize> m_spInit; };
// class CSession
class CSession { public: // Create a session on the passed datasource
HRESULT Open(const CDataSource& ds, DBPROPSET *pPropSet = NULL, ULONG ulPropSets = 0) { CComPtr<IDBCreateSession> spSession;
// Check we have connected to the database
ATLASSERT(ds.m_spInit != NULL);
HRESULT hr = ds.m_spInit->QueryInterface(IID_IDBCreateSession, (void**)&spSession); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spSession->CreateSession(NULL, IID_IOpenRowset, (IUnknown**)&m_spOpenRowset);
if( pPropSet != NULL && SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_spOpenRowset != NULL ) { // If the user didn't specify the default parameter, use one
if (pPropSet != NULL && ulPropSets == 0) ulPropSets = 1;
CComPtr<ISessionProperties> spSessionProperties; hr = m_spOpenRowset->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ISessionProperties), (void**)&spSessionProperties); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spSessionProperties->SetProperties( ulPropSets, pPropSet ); } return hr; }
// Close the session
void Close() { m_spOpenRowset.Release(); } // Start a transaction
HRESULT StartTransaction(ISOLEVEL isoLevel = ISOLATIONLEVEL_READCOMMITTED, ULONG isoFlags = 0, ITransactionOptions* pOtherOptions = NULL, ULONG* pulTransactionLevel = NULL) const { ATLASSERT(m_spOpenRowset != NULL); CComPtr<ITransactionLocal> spTransactionLocal; HRESULT hr = m_spOpenRowset->QueryInterface(&spTransactionLocal);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = spTransactionLocal->StartTransaction(isoLevel, isoFlags, pOtherOptions, pulTransactionLevel);
return hr; } // Abort the current transaction
HRESULT Abort(BOID* pboidReason = NULL, BOOL bRetaining = FALSE, BOOL bAsync = FALSE) const { ATLASSERT(m_spOpenRowset != NULL); CComPtr<ITransaction> spTransaction; HRESULT hr = m_spOpenRowset->QueryInterface(&spTransaction);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = spTransaction->Abort(pboidReason, bRetaining, bAsync);
return hr; } // Commit the current transaction
HRESULT Commit(BOOL bRetaining = FALSE, DWORD grfTC = XACTTC_SYNC, DWORD grfRM = 0) const { ATLASSERT(m_spOpenRowset != NULL); CComPtr<ITransaction> spTransaction; HRESULT hr = m_spOpenRowset->QueryInterface(&spTransaction);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = spTransaction->Commit(bRetaining, grfTC, grfRM);
return hr; } // Get information for the current transaction
HRESULT GetTransactionInfo(XACTTRANSINFO* pInfo) const { ATLASSERT(m_spOpenRowset != NULL); CComPtr<ITransaction> spTransaction; HRESULT hr = m_spOpenRowset->QueryInterface(&spTransaction);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = spTransaction->GetTransactionInfo(pInfo);
return hr; } // Implementation
CComPtr<IOpenRowset> m_spOpenRowset; };
// CTable
template <class TAccessor = CNoAccessor, class TRowset = CRowset> class CTable : public CAccessorRowset<TAccessor, TRowset> { public: // Open a rowset on the passed name
HRESULT Open(const CSession& session, LPCTSTR szTableName, DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL) { USES_CONVERSION; DBID idTable;
idTable.eKind = DBKIND_NAME; idTable.uName.pwszName = (LPOLESTR)T2COLE(szTableName);
return Open(session, idTable, pPropSet); } // Open the a rowset on the passed DBID
HRESULT Open(const CSession& session, DBID& dbid, DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL) { // Check the session is valid
ATLASSERT(session.m_spOpenRowset != NULL); HRESULT hr;
hr = session.m_spOpenRowset->OpenRowset(NULL, &dbid, NULL, GetIID(), (pPropSet) ? 1 : 0, pPropSet, (IUnknown**)GetInterfacePtr()); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SetupOptionalRowsetInterfaces();
// If we have output columns then bind
if (_OutputColumnsClass::HasOutputColumns()) hr = Bind(); }
return hr; } };
#if (OLEDBVER < 0x0150)
// CCommandBase
class CCommandBase { public: CCommandBase() { m_hParameterAccessor = NULL; }
~CCommandBase() { ReleaseCommand(); } // Create the command
HRESULT CreateCommand(const CSession& session) { // Before creating the command, release the old one if necessary.
// Check the session is valid
ATLASSERT(session.m_spOpenRowset != NULL);
CComPtr<IDBCreateCommand> spCreateCommand;
HRESULT hr = session.m_spOpenRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IDBCreateCommand, (void**)&spCreateCommand); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return spCreateCommand->CreateCommand(NULL, IID_ICommand, (IUnknown**)&m_spCommand); } // Prepare the command
HRESULT Prepare(ULONG cExpectedRuns = 0) { CComPtr<ICommandPrepare> spCommandPrepare; HRESULT hr = m_spCommand->QueryInterface(&spCommandPrepare); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = spCommandPrepare->Prepare(cExpectedRuns);
return hr; } // Unprepare the command
HRESULT Unprepare() { CComPtr<ICommandPrepare> spCommandPrepare; HRESULT hr = m_spCommand->QueryInterface(&spCommandPrepare); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = spCommandPrepare->Unprepare();
return hr; } // Create the command and set the command text
HRESULT Create(const CSession& session, LPCTSTR szCommand, REFGUID guidCommand = DBGUID_DEFAULT) { USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr;
hr = CreateCommand(session); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<ICommandText> spCommandText; hr = m_spCommand->QueryInterface(&spCommandText); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = spCommandText->SetCommandText(guidCommand, T2COLE(szCommand)); } return hr; } // Release the command
void ReleaseCommand() { // Release the parameter accessor if necessary, before releasing the command
if (m_hParameterAccessor != NULL) { CComPtr<IAccessor> spAccessor; HRESULT hr = m_spCommand->QueryInterface(&spAccessor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { spAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(m_hParameterAccessor, NULL); \ m_hParameterAccessor = NULL; } } m_spCommand.Release(); } // Get the parameter information from the command
HRESULT GetParameterInfo(ULONG_PTR* pParams, DBPARAMINFO** ppParamInfo, OLECHAR** ppNamesBuffer) { CComPtr<ICommandWithParameters> spCommandParameters; HRESULT hr = m_spCommand->QueryInterface(&spCommandParameters); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the parameter information
hr = spCommandParameters->GetParameterInfo(pParams, ppParamInfo, ppNamesBuffer); } return hr; } // Set the parameter information for the command
HRESULT SetParameterInfo(ULONG_PTR ulParams, const ULONG_PTR* pOrdinals, const DBPARAMBINDINFO* pParamInfo) { CComPtr<ICommandWithParameters> spCommandParameters; HRESULT hr = m_spCommand->QueryInterface(&spCommandParameters); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set the parameter information
hr = spCommandParameters->SetParameterInfo(ulParams, pOrdinals, pParamInfo); } return hr; }
CComPtr<ICommand> m_spCommand; HACCESSOR m_hParameterAccessor; };
// Used to turn on multiple result set support in CCommand
class CMultipleResults { public: bool UseMultipleResults() { return true; } IMultipleResults** GetMultiplePtrAddress() { return &m_spMultipleResults.p; } IMultipleResults* GetMultiplePtr() { return m_spMultipleResults; }
CComPtr<IMultipleResults> m_spMultipleResults; };
// Used to turn off multiple result set support in CCommand
class CNoMultipleResults { public: bool UseMultipleResults() { return false; } IMultipleResults** GetMultiplePtrAddress() { return NULL; } IMultipleResults* GetMultiplePtr() { return NULL; } };
// CCommand
template <class TAccessor = CNoAccessor, class TRowset = CRowset, class TMultiple = CNoMultipleResults> class CCommand : public CAccessorRowset<TAccessor, TRowset>, public CCommandBase, public TMultiple { public: // Create a command on the session and execute it
HRESULT Open(const CSession& session, LPCTSTR szCommand = NULL, DBPROPSET *pPropSet = NULL, LONG_PTR* pRowsAffected = NULL, REFGUID guidCommand = DBGUID_DEFAULT, bool bBind = true) { HRESULT hr; if (szCommand == NULL) { hr = _CommandClass::GetDefaultCommand(&szCommand); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } hr = Create(session, szCommand, guidCommand); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return Open(pPropSet, pRowsAffected, bBind); } // Used if you have previously created the command
HRESULT Open(DBPROPSET *pPropSet = NULL, LONG_PTR* pRowsAffected = NULL, bool bBind = true) { HRESULT hr; DBPARAMS params; DBPARAMS *pParams;
// Bind the parameters if we have some
if (_ParamClass::HasParameters()) { // Bind the parameters in the accessor if they haven't already been bound
hr = BindParameters(&m_hParameterAccessor, m_spCommand, ¶ms.pData); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Setup the DBPARAMS structure
params.cParamSets = 1; params.hAccessor = m_hParameterAccessor; pParams = ¶ms; } else pParams = NULL;
hr = Execute(GetInterfacePtr(), pParams, pPropSet, pRowsAffected); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Only bind if we have been asked to and we have output columns
if (bBind && _OutputColumnsClass::HasOutputColumns()) return Bind(); else return hr; } // Get the next rowset when using multiple result sets
HRESULT GetNextResult(LONG_PTR* pulRowsAffected, bool bBind = true) { // This function should only be called if CMultipleResults is being
// used as the third template parameter
ATLASSERT(GetMultiplePtrAddress() != NULL);
// If user calls GetNextResult but the interface is not available
// return E_FAIL.
if (GetMultiplePtr() == NULL) return E_FAIL;
// Close the existing rowset in preparation for opening the next one
HRESULT hr = GetMultiplePtr()->GetResult(NULL, 0, IID_IRowset, pulRowsAffected, (IUnknown**)GetInterfacePtr()); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (bBind && GetInterface() != NULL) return Bind(); else return hr; }
// Implementation
HRESULT Execute(IRowset** ppRowset, DBPARAMS* pParams, DBPROPSET *pPropSet, LONG_PTR* pRowsAffected) { HRESULT hr;
// Specify the properties if we have some
if (pPropSet) { CComPtr<ICommandProperties> spCommandProperties; hr = m_spCommand->QueryInterface(&spCommandProperties); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spCommandProperties->SetProperties(1, pPropSet); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; }
// If the user want the rows affected then return it back, otherwise
// just point to our local variable here.
LONG_PTR nAffected, *pAffected; if (pRowsAffected) pAffected = pRowsAffected; else pAffected = &nAffected;
if (UseMultipleResults()) { hr = m_spCommand->Execute(NULL, IID_IMultipleResults, pParams, pAffected, (IUnknown**)GetMultiplePtrAddress());
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = GetNextResult(pAffected, false); } else { // If we can't get IMultipleResults then just try to get IRowset
hr = m_spCommand->Execute(NULL, IID_IRowset, pParams, pAffected, (IUnknown**)GetInterfacePtr()); } } else { hr = m_spCommand->Execute(NULL, GetIID(), pParams, pAffected, (IUnknown**)ppRowset); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) SetupOptionalRowsetInterfaces(); } return hr; } };
// This class can be used to implement the IRowsetNotify interface.
// It is supplied so that if you only want to implement one of the
// notifications you don't have to supply empty functions for the
// other methods.
class ATL_NO_VTABLE IRowsetNotifyImpl : public IRowsetNotify { public: STDMETHOD(OnFieldChange)( /* [in] */ IRowset* /* pRowset */, /* [in] */ HROW /* hRow */, /* [in] */ DBORDINAL /* cColumns */, /* [size_is][in] */ DBORDINAL /* rgColumns*/ [] , /* [in] */ DBREASON /* eReason */, /* [in] */ DBEVENTPHASE /* ePhase */, /* [in] */ BOOL /* fCantDeny */) { ATLTRACENOTIMPL(_T("IRowsetNotifyImpl::OnFieldChange")); } STDMETHOD(OnRowChange)( /* [in] */ IRowset* /* pRowset */, /* [in] */ DBCOUNTITEM /* cRows */, /* [size_is][in] */ const HROW /* rghRows*/ [] , /* [in] */ DBREASON /* eReason */, /* [in] */ DBEVENTPHASE /* ePhase */, /* [in] */ BOOL /* fCantDeny */) { ATLTRACENOTIMPL(_T("IRowsetNotifyImpl::OnRowChange")); } STDMETHOD(OnRowsetChange)( /* [in] */ IRowset* /* pRowset */, /* [in] */ DBREASON /* eReason */, /* [in] */ DBEVENTPHASE /* ePhase */, /* [in] */ BOOL /* fCantDeny*/) { ATLTRACENOTIMPL(_T("IRowsetNotifyImpl::OnRowsetChange")); } };
}; //namespace ATL
#endif // __ATLDBCLI_H_