/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
/* File created by MIDL compiler version 5.01.0158 */ /* at Thu Mar 11 18:35:18 1999
*/ /* Compiler settings for mtsadmin.idl:
Oicf (OptLev=i2), W1, Zp8, env=Win32, ms_ext, c_ext error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data */ //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( )
/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
#include "rpc.h"
#include "rpcndr.h"
#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
#include "windows.h"
#include "ole2.h"
#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
#ifndef __mtsadmin_h__
#define __mtsadmin_h__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{ #endif
/* Forward Declarations */
#ifndef __ICatalog_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __ICatalog_FWD_DEFINED__
typedef interface ICatalog ICatalog; #endif /* __ICatalog_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __IComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
typedef interface IComponentUtil IComponentUtil; #endif /* __IComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IPackageUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __IPackageUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
typedef interface IPackageUtil IPackageUtil; #endif /* __IPackageUtil_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IRemoteComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __IRemoteComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
typedef interface IRemoteComponentUtil IRemoteComponentUtil; #endif /* __IRemoteComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IRoleAssociationUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __IRoleAssociationUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
typedef interface IRoleAssociationUtil IRoleAssociationUtil; #endif /* __IRoleAssociationUtil_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __Catalog_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __Catalog_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class Catalog Catalog; #else
typedef struct Catalog Catalog; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __Catalog_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __CatalogObject_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __CatalogObject_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class CatalogObject CatalogObject; #else
typedef struct CatalogObject CatalogObject; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __CatalogObject_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __CatalogCollection_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __CatalogCollection_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class CatalogCollection CatalogCollection; #else
typedef struct CatalogCollection CatalogCollection; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __CatalogCollection_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __ComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __ComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class ComponentUtil ComponentUtil; #else
typedef struct ComponentUtil ComponentUtil; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __ComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __PackageUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __PackageUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class PackageUtil PackageUtil; #else
typedef struct PackageUtil PackageUtil; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __PackageUtil_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __RemoteComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __RemoteComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class RemoteComponentUtil RemoteComponentUtil; #else
typedef struct RemoteComponentUtil RemoteComponentUtil; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __RemoteComponentUtil_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __RoleAssociationUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __RoleAssociationUtil_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class RoleAssociationUtil RoleAssociationUtil; #else
typedef struct RoleAssociationUtil RoleAssociationUtil; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __RoleAssociationUtil_FWD_DEFINED__ */
/* header files for imported files */ #include "unknwn.h"
#include "comadmin.h"
void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t); void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void __RPC_FAR * );
/* interface __MIDL_itf_mtsadmin_0000 */ /* [local] */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// mtsadmin.h -- COM (MTS Compatible) Administration Programming Interfaces
// This file provides the prototypes for the APIs and COM interfaces
// used by Microsoft Transaction Server applications.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <objbase.h>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1100
#define DECLSPEC_UUID(x) __declspec(uuid(x))
#define DECLSPEC_UUID(x)
extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_mtsadmin_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_mtsadmin_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
#ifndef __ICatalog_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#define __ICatalog_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
/* interface ICatalog */ /* [unique][helpstring][dual][uuid][object] */
EXTERN_C const IID IID_ICatalog;
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
MIDL_INTERFACE("6eb22870-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") ICatalog : public IDispatch { public: virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCollection( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCollName, /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppCatalogCollection) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Connect( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrConnectString, /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppCatalogCollection) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_MajorVersion( /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *retval) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_MinorVersion( /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *retval) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */
typedef struct ICatalogVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *AddRef )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Release )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfoCount )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *pctinfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfo )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [out] */ ITypeInfo __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppTInfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetIDsOfNames )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR __RPC_FAR *rgszNames, /* [in] */ UINT cNames, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID __RPC_FAR *rgDispId); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Invoke )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [in] */ WORD wFlags, /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, /* [out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetCollection )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCollName, /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppCatalogCollection); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Connect )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrConnectString, /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppCatalogCollection); /* [helpstring][id][propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *get_MajorVersion )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *retval); /* [helpstring][id][propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *get_MinorVersion )( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *retval); END_INTERFACE } ICatalogVtbl;
interface ICatalog { CONST_VTBL struct ICatalogVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl; };
#define ICatalog_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
#define ICatalog_AddRef(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
#define ICatalog_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
#define ICatalog_GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo)
#define ICatalog_GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo)
#define ICatalog_GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId)
#define ICatalog_Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr)
#define ICatalog_GetCollection(This,bstrCollName,ppCatalogCollection) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetCollection(This,bstrCollName,ppCatalogCollection)
#define ICatalog_Connect(This,bstrConnectString,ppCatalogCollection) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Connect(This,bstrConnectString,ppCatalogCollection)
#define ICatalog_get_MajorVersion(This,retval) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> get_MajorVersion(This,retval)
#define ICatalog_get_MinorVersion(This,retval) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> get_MinorVersion(This,retval)
#endif /* COBJMACROS */
#endif /* C style interface */
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ICatalog_GetCollection_Proxy( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCollName, /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppCatalogCollection);
void __RPC_STUB ICatalog_GetCollection_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ICatalog_Connect_Proxy( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrConnectString, /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppCatalogCollection);
void __RPC_STUB ICatalog_Connect_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ICatalog_get_MajorVersion_Proxy( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *retval);
void __RPC_STUB ICatalog_get_MajorVersion_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ICatalog_get_MinorVersion_Proxy( ICatalog __RPC_FAR * This, /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *retval);
void __RPC_STUB ICatalog_get_MinorVersion_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
#endif /* __ICatalog_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IComponentUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#define __IComponentUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
/* interface IComponentUtil */ /* [unique][helpstring][dual][uuid][object] */
EXTERN_C const IID IID_IComponentUtil;
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
MIDL_INTERFACE("6eb22873-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") IComponentUtil : public IDispatch { public: virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InstallComponent( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrDLLFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrTypelibFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProxyStubDLLFile) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ImportComponent( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCLSID) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ImportComponentByName( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProgID) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCLSIDs( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrDLLFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrTypelibFile, /* [out] */ SAFEARRAY __RPC_FAR * __RPC_FAR *aCLSIDs) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */
typedef struct IComponentUtilVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *AddRef )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Release )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfoCount )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *pctinfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfo )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [out] */ ITypeInfo __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppTInfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetIDsOfNames )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR __RPC_FAR *rgszNames, /* [in] */ UINT cNames, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID __RPC_FAR *rgDispId); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Invoke )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [in] */ WORD wFlags, /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, /* [out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *InstallComponent )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrDLLFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrTypelibFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProxyStubDLLFile); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *ImportComponent )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCLSID); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *ImportComponentByName )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProgID); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetCLSIDs )( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrDLLFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrTypelibFile, /* [out] */ SAFEARRAY __RPC_FAR * __RPC_FAR *aCLSIDs); END_INTERFACE } IComponentUtilVtbl;
interface IComponentUtil { CONST_VTBL struct IComponentUtilVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl; };
#define IComponentUtil_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
#define IComponentUtil_AddRef(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
#define IComponentUtil_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
#define IComponentUtil_GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo)
#define IComponentUtil_GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo)
#define IComponentUtil_GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId)
#define IComponentUtil_Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr)
#define IComponentUtil_InstallComponent(This,bstrDLLFile,bstrTypelibFile,bstrProxyStubDLLFile) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> InstallComponent(This,bstrDLLFile,bstrTypelibFile,bstrProxyStubDLLFile)
#define IComponentUtil_ImportComponent(This,bstrCLSID) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> ImportComponent(This,bstrCLSID)
#define IComponentUtil_ImportComponentByName(This,bstrProgID) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> ImportComponentByName(This,bstrProgID)
#define IComponentUtil_GetCLSIDs(This,bstrDLLFile,bstrTypelibFile,aCLSIDs) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetCLSIDs(This,bstrDLLFile,bstrTypelibFile,aCLSIDs)
#endif /* COBJMACROS */
#endif /* C style interface */
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IComponentUtil_InstallComponent_Proxy( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrDLLFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrTypelibFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProxyStubDLLFile);
void __RPC_STUB IComponentUtil_InstallComponent_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IComponentUtil_ImportComponent_Proxy( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCLSID);
void __RPC_STUB IComponentUtil_ImportComponent_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IComponentUtil_ImportComponentByName_Proxy( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProgID);
void __RPC_STUB IComponentUtil_ImportComponentByName_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IComponentUtil_GetCLSIDs_Proxy( IComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrDLLFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrTypelibFile, /* [out] */ SAFEARRAY __RPC_FAR * __RPC_FAR *aCLSIDs);
void __RPC_STUB IComponentUtil_GetCLSIDs_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
#endif /* __IComponentUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IPackageUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#define __IPackageUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
/* interface IPackageUtil */ /* [unique][helpstring][dual][uuid][object] */
EXTERN_C const IID IID_IPackageUtil;
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
MIDL_INTERFACE("6eb22874-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") IPackageUtil : public IDispatch { public: virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InstallPackage( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrInstallPath, /* [in] */ long lOptions) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ExportPackage( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageID, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageFile, /* [in] */ long lOptions) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShutdownPackage( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageID) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */
typedef struct IPackageUtilVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *AddRef )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Release )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfoCount )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *pctinfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfo )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [out] */ ITypeInfo __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppTInfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetIDsOfNames )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR __RPC_FAR *rgszNames, /* [in] */ UINT cNames, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID __RPC_FAR *rgDispId); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Invoke )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [in] */ WORD wFlags, /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, /* [out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *InstallPackage )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrInstallPath, /* [in] */ long lOptions); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *ExportPackage )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageID, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageFile, /* [in] */ long lOptions); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *ShutdownPackage )( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageID); END_INTERFACE } IPackageUtilVtbl;
interface IPackageUtil { CONST_VTBL struct IPackageUtilVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl; };
#define IPackageUtil_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
#define IPackageUtil_AddRef(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
#define IPackageUtil_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
#define IPackageUtil_GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo)
#define IPackageUtil_GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo)
#define IPackageUtil_GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId)
#define IPackageUtil_Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr)
#define IPackageUtil_InstallPackage(This,bstrPackageFile,bstrInstallPath,lOptions) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> InstallPackage(This,bstrPackageFile,bstrInstallPath,lOptions)
#define IPackageUtil_ExportPackage(This,bstrPackageID,bstrPackageFile,lOptions) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> ExportPackage(This,bstrPackageID,bstrPackageFile,lOptions)
#define IPackageUtil_ShutdownPackage(This,bstrPackageID) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> ShutdownPackage(This,bstrPackageID)
#endif /* COBJMACROS */
#endif /* C style interface */
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IPackageUtil_InstallPackage_Proxy( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageFile, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrInstallPath, /* [in] */ long lOptions);
void __RPC_STUB IPackageUtil_InstallPackage_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IPackageUtil_ExportPackage_Proxy( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageID, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageFile, /* [in] */ long lOptions);
void __RPC_STUB IPackageUtil_ExportPackage_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IPackageUtil_ShutdownPackage_Proxy( IPackageUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageID);
void __RPC_STUB IPackageUtil_ShutdownPackage_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
#endif /* __IPackageUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IRemoteComponentUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#define __IRemoteComponentUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
/* interface IRemoteComponentUtil */ /* [unique][helpstring][dual][uuid][object] */
EXTERN_C const IID IID_IRemoteComponentUtil;
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
MIDL_INTERFACE("6eb22875-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") IRemoteComponentUtil : public IDispatch { public: virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InstallRemoteComponent( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrServer, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageID, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCLSID) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InstallRemoteComponentByName( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrServer, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageName, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProgID) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */
typedef struct IRemoteComponentUtilVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *AddRef )( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Release )( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfoCount )( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *pctinfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfo )( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [out] */ ITypeInfo __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppTInfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetIDsOfNames )( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR __RPC_FAR *rgszNames, /* [in] */ UINT cNames, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID __RPC_FAR *rgDispId); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Invoke )( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [in] */ WORD wFlags, /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, /* [out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *InstallRemoteComponent )( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrServer, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageID, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCLSID); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *InstallRemoteComponentByName )( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrServer, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageName, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProgID); END_INTERFACE } IRemoteComponentUtilVtbl;
interface IRemoteComponentUtil { CONST_VTBL struct IRemoteComponentUtilVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl; };
#define IRemoteComponentUtil_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
#define IRemoteComponentUtil_AddRef(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
#define IRemoteComponentUtil_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
#define IRemoteComponentUtil_GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo)
#define IRemoteComponentUtil_GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo)
#define IRemoteComponentUtil_GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId)
#define IRemoteComponentUtil_Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr)
#define IRemoteComponentUtil_InstallRemoteComponent(This,bstrServer,bstrPackageID,bstrCLSID) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> InstallRemoteComponent(This,bstrServer,bstrPackageID,bstrCLSID)
#define IRemoteComponentUtil_InstallRemoteComponentByName(This,bstrServer,bstrPackageName,bstrProgID) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> InstallRemoteComponentByName(This,bstrServer,bstrPackageName,bstrProgID)
#endif /* COBJMACROS */
#endif /* C style interface */
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IRemoteComponentUtil_InstallRemoteComponent_Proxy( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrServer, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageID, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCLSID);
void __RPC_STUB IRemoteComponentUtil_InstallRemoteComponent_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IRemoteComponentUtil_InstallRemoteComponentByName_Proxy( IRemoteComponentUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrServer, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPackageName, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProgID);
void __RPC_STUB IRemoteComponentUtil_InstallRemoteComponentByName_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
#endif /* __IRemoteComponentUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IRoleAssociationUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#define __IRoleAssociationUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
/* interface IRoleAssociationUtil */ /* [unique][helpstring][dual][uuid][object] */
EXTERN_C const IID IID_IRoleAssociationUtil;
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
MIDL_INTERFACE("6eb22876-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") IRoleAssociationUtil : public IDispatch { public: virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AssociateRole( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrRoleID) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AssociateRoleByName( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrRoleName) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */
typedef struct IRoleAssociationUtilVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *AddRef )( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Release )( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfoCount )( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *pctinfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetTypeInfo )( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [out] */ ITypeInfo __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppTInfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetIDsOfNames )( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR __RPC_FAR *rgszNames, /* [in] */ UINT cNames, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID __RPC_FAR *rgDispId); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *Invoke )( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [in] */ WORD wFlags, /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, /* [out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *AssociateRole )( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrRoleID); /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *AssociateRoleByName )( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrRoleName); END_INTERFACE } IRoleAssociationUtilVtbl;
interface IRoleAssociationUtil { CONST_VTBL struct IRoleAssociationUtilVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl; };
#define IRoleAssociationUtil_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
#define IRoleAssociationUtil_AddRef(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
#define IRoleAssociationUtil_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
#define IRoleAssociationUtil_GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo)
#define IRoleAssociationUtil_GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo)
#define IRoleAssociationUtil_GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId)
#define IRoleAssociationUtil_Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr)
#define IRoleAssociationUtil_AssociateRole(This,bstrRoleID) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AssociateRole(This,bstrRoleID)
#define IRoleAssociationUtil_AssociateRoleByName(This,bstrRoleName) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AssociateRoleByName(This,bstrRoleName)
#endif /* COBJMACROS */
#endif /* C style interface */
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IRoleAssociationUtil_AssociateRole_Proxy( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrRoleID);
void __RPC_STUB IRoleAssociationUtil_AssociateRole_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IRoleAssociationUtil_AssociateRoleByName_Proxy( IRoleAssociationUtil __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrRoleName);
void __RPC_STUB IRoleAssociationUtil_AssociateRoleByName_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
#endif /* __IRoleAssociationUtil_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __MTSAdmin_LIBRARY_DEFINED__
#define __MTSAdmin_LIBRARY_DEFINED__
/* library MTSAdmin */ /* [helpstring][version][uuid] */
typedef /* [public][helpstring] */ enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mtsadmin_0123_0001 { mtsInstallUsers = 1 } MTSPackageInstallOptions;
typedef /* [public][helpstring] */ enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mtsadmin_0123_0002 { mtsExportUsers = 1 } MTSPackageExportOptions;
typedef /* [public][helpstring] */ enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mtsadmin_0123_0003 { mtsErrObjectErrors = ( HRESULT )0x80110401L, mtsErrObjectInvalid = ( HRESULT )0x80110402L, mtsErrKeyMissing = ( HRESULT )0x80110403L, mtsErrAlreadyInstalled = ( HRESULT )0x80110404L, mtsErrDownloadFailed = 0x80110405, mtsErrPDFWriteFail = ( HRESULT )0x80110407L, mtsErrPDFReadFail = ( HRESULT )0x80110408L, mtsErrPDFVersion = ( HRESULT )0x80110409L, mtsErrBadPath = ( HRESULT )0x8011040aL, mtsErrPackageExists = ( HRESULT )0x8011040bL, mtsErrRoleExists = ( HRESULT )0x8011040cL, mtsErrCantCopyFile = ( HRESULT )0x8011040dL, mtsErrNoTypeLib = 0x8011040e, mtsErrNoUser = ( HRESULT )0x8011040fL, mtsErrInvalidUserids = ( HRESULT )0x80110410L, mtsErrNoRegistryCLSID = ( HRESULT )0x80110411L, mtsErrBadRegistryProgID = ( HRESULT )0x80110412L, mtsErrAuthenticationLevel = ( HRESULT )0x80110413L, mtsErrUserPasswdNotValid = ( HRESULT )0x80110414L, mtsErrNoRegistryRead = 0x80110415, mtsErrNoRegistryWrite = 0x80110416, mtsErrNoRegistryRepair = 0x80110417, mtsErrCLSIDOrIIDMismatch = ( HRESULT )0x80110418L, mtsErrRemoteInterface = ( HRESULT )0x80110419L, mtsErrDllRegisterServer = ( HRESULT )0x8011041aL, mtsErrNoServerShare = ( HRESULT )0x8011041bL, mtsErrNoAccessToUNC = 0x8011041c, mtsErrDllLoadFailed = ( HRESULT )0x8011041dL, mtsErrBadRegistryLibID = ( HRESULT )0x8011041eL, mtsErrPackDirNotFound = ( HRESULT )0x8011041fL, mtsErrTreatAs = 0x80110420, mtsErrBadForward = 0x80110421, mtsErrBadIID = 0x80110422, mtsErrRegistrarFailed = ( HRESULT )0x80110423L, mtsErrCompFileDoesNotExist = ( HRESULT )0x80110424L, mtsErrCompFileLoadDLLFail = ( HRESULT )0x80110425L, mtsErrCompFileGetClassObj = ( HRESULT )0x80110426L, mtsErrCompFileClassNotAvail = ( HRESULT )0x80110427L, mtsErrCompFileBadTLB = ( HRESULT )0x80110428L, mtsErrCompFileNotInstallable = ( HRESULT )0x80110429L, mtsErrNotChangeable = ( HRESULT )0x8011042aL, mtsErrNotDeletable = ( HRESULT )0x8011042bL, mtsErrSession = ( HRESULT )0x8011042cL, mtsErrCompMoveLocked = ( HRESULT )0x8011042dL, mtsErrCompMoveBadDest = ( HRESULT )0x8011042eL, mtsErrRegisterTLB = ( HRESULT )0x80110430L, mtsErrSystemPack = ( HRESULT )0x80110433L, mtsErrCompFileNoRegistrar = ( HRESULT )0x80110434L, mtsErrCoReqCompInstalled = ( HRESULT )0x80110435L, mtsErrPropSaveFailed = ( HRESULT )0x80110437L, mtsErrObjectExists = ( HRESULT )0x80110438L, mtsErrRegFileCorrupt = ( HRESULT )0x8011043bL, mtsErrPropertyOverflow = ( HRESULT )0x8011043cL, mtsErrNotInRegistry = ( HRESULT )0x8011043eL, mtsErrApplidMatchesClsid = ( HRESULT )0x80110446L, mtsErrRoleDoesNotExist = ( HRESULT )0x80110447L, mtsErrObjectParentMissing = ( HRESULT )0x80110808L, mtsErrObjectDoesNotExist = ( HRESULT )0x80110809L, mtsErrCanNotExportAppProxy = 0x8011044a, mtsErrCanNotExportSystemPack = 0x8011044c } ;
#define E_MTS_OBJECTERRORS mtsErrObjectErrors
#define E_MTS_OBJECTINVALID mtsErrObjectInvalid
#define E_MTS_KEYMISSING mtsErrKeyMissing
#define E_MTS_ALREADYINSTALLED mtsErrAlreadyInstalled
#define E_MTS_DOWNLOADFAILED mtsErrDownloadFailed
#define E_MTS_PDFWRITEFAIL mtsErrPDFWriteFail
#define E_MTS_PDFREADFAIL mtsErrPDFReadFail
#define E_MTS_PDFVERSION mtsErrPDFVersion
#define E_MTS_BADPATH mtsErrBadPath
#define E_MTS_PACKAGEEXISTS mtsErrPackageExists
#define E_MTS_ROLEEXISTS mtsErrRoleExists
#define E_MTS_CANTCOPYFILE mtsErrCantCopyFile
#define E_MTS_NOTYPELIB mtsErrNoTypeLib
#define E_MTS_NOUSER mtsErrNoUser
#define E_MTS_INVALIDUSERIDS mtsErrInvalidUserids
#define E_MTS_BADREGISTRYPROGID mtsErrBadRegistryProgID
#define E_MTS_AUTHENTICATIONLEVEL mtsErrAuthenticationLevel
#define E_MTS_USERPASSWDNOTVALID mtsErrUserPasswdNotValid
#define E_MTS_NOREGISTRYREAD mtsErrNoRegistryRead
#define E_MTS_NOREGISTRYWRITE mtsErrNoRegistryWrite
#define E_MTS_NOREGISTRYREPAIR mtsErrNoRegistryRepair
#define E_MTS_REMOTEINTERFACE mtsErrRemoteInterface
#define E_MTS_DLLREGISTERSERVER mtsErrDllRegisterServer
#define E_MTS_NOSERVERSHARE mtsErrNoServerShare
#define E_MTS_DLLLOADFAILED mtsErrDllLoadFailed
#define E_MTS_BADREGISTRYLIBID mtsErrBadRegistryLibID
#define E_MTS_PACKDIRNOTFOUND mtsErrPackDirNotFound
#define E_MTS_TREATAS mtsErrTreatAs
#define E_MTS_BADFORWARD mtsErrBadForward
#define E_MTS_BADIID mtsErrBadIID
#define E_MTS_REGISTRARFAILED mtsErrRegistrarFailed
#define E_MTS_COMPFILE_DOESNOTEXIST mtsErrCompFileDoesNotExist
#define E_MTS_COMPFILE_GETCLASSOBJ mtsErrCompFileGetClassObj
#define E_MTS_COMPFILE_CLASSNOTAVAIL mtsErrCompFileClassNotAvail
#define E_MTS_COMPFILE_BADTLB mtsErrCompFileBadTLB
#define E_MTS_COMPFILE_NOTINSTALLABLE mtsErrCompFileNotInstallable
#define E_MTS_NOTCHANGEABLE mtsErrNotChangeable
#define E_MTS_NOTDELETEABLE mtsErrNotDeletable
#define E_MTS_SESSION mtsErrSession
#define E_MTS_COMP_MOVE_LOCKED mtsErrCompMoveLocked
#define E_MTS_COMP_MOVE_BAD_DEST mtsErrCompMoveBadDest
#define E_MTS_REGISTERTLB mtsErrRegisterTLB
#define E_MTS_SYSTEMPACK mtsErrSystemPack
#define E_MTS_COMPFILE_NOREGISTRAR mtsErrCompFileNoRegistrar
#define E_MTS_COREQCOMPINSTALLED mtsErrCoReqCompInstalled
#define E_MTS_PROPERTYSAVEFAILED mtsErrPropSaveFailed
#define E_MTS_OBJECTEXISTS mtsErrObjectExists
#define E_MTS_REGFILE_CORRUPT mtsErrRegFileCorrupt
#define E_MTS_PROPERTY_OVERFLOW mtsErrPropertyOverflow
#define E_MTS_NOTINREGISTRY mtsErrNotInRegistry
#define E_MTS_APPLID_MATCHES_CLSID mtsErrApplidMatchesClsid
#define E_MTS_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST mtsErrRoleDoesNotExist
#define E_MTS_OBJECT_PARENT_MISSING mtsErrObjectParentMissing
#define E_MTS_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST mtsErrObjectDoesNotExist
#define E_MTS_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_APP_PROXY mtsErrCanNotExportAppProxy
#define E_MTS_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_SYSTEM_PACK mtsErrCanNotExportSystemPack
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("6eb22881-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") Catalog; #endif
EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_CatalogObject;
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("6eb22882-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") CatalogObject; #endif
EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_CatalogCollection;
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("6eb22883-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") CatalogCollection; #endif
EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_ComponentUtil;
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("6eb22884-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") ComponentUtil; #endif
EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_PackageUtil;
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("6eb22885-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") PackageUtil; #endif
EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_RemoteComponentUtil;
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("6eb22886-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") RemoteComponentUtil; #endif
EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_RoleAssociationUtil;
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("6eb22887-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29") RoleAssociationUtil; #endif
#endif /* __MTSAdmin_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ */
/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, unsigned long , BSTR __RPC_FAR * ); unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, unsigned char __RPC_FAR *, BSTR __RPC_FAR * ); unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, unsigned char __RPC_FAR *, BSTR __RPC_FAR * ); void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, BSTR __RPC_FAR * );
unsigned long __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserSize( unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, unsigned long , LPSAFEARRAY __RPC_FAR * ); unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserMarshal( unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, unsigned char __RPC_FAR *, LPSAFEARRAY __RPC_FAR * ); unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, unsigned char __RPC_FAR *, LPSAFEARRAY __RPC_FAR * ); void __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserFree( unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, LPSAFEARRAY __RPC_FAR * );
/* end of Additional Prototypes */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif