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  1. //*****************************************************************************
  2. //
  3. // Microsoft Windows Media
  4. // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  5. //
  6. // FileName: wmsXMLDOMExtensions.idl
  7. //
  8. // Abstract:
  9. //
  10. //*****************************************************************************
  11. cpp_quote("//*****************************************************************************")
  12. cpp_quote("//")
  13. cpp_quote("// Microsoft Windows Media")
  14. cpp_quote("// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.")
  15. cpp_quote("//")
  16. cpp_quote("// Automatically generated by Midl from wmsXMLDOMExtensions.idl" )
  17. cpp_quote("//")
  18. cpp_quote("// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.")
  19. cpp_quote("//")
  20. cpp_quote("//*****************************************************************************")
  21. import "oaidl.idl";
  22. import "xmldom.idl";
  23. #include "colldispid.h"
  24. cpp_quote( "#ifndef __WMS_XML_DOM_EXTENSIONS_IDL__" )
  25. cpp_quote( "#define __WMS_XML_DOM_EXTENSIONS_IDL__" )
  26. cpp_quote( "#include <WMSDefs.h>" )
  27. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  28. [
  29. object,
  30. uuid(165FC383-B494-4465-AD08-4A73CEDF8791),
  31. dual,
  32. nonextensible,
  33. helpstring("Contains properties that describes a specific stream associated with the active media element of a playlist."),
  34. pointer_default(unique)
  35. ]
  36. interface IWMSActiveStream : IDispatch
  37. {
  38. typedef [public, uuid(9D6A9BE7-B08C-48a8-9755-ACBC5E79973A)] enum WMS_ACTIVE_STREAM_TYPE
  39. {
  44. [propget, id(0), helpstring("Retrieves an enumeration value that indicates the stream type.")] HRESULT
  45. Type([out, retval] WMS_ACTIVE_STREAM_TYPE* pVal);
  46. [propget, id(1), helpstring("Retrieves the stream name.")] HRESULT
  47. Name([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  48. [propget, id(2), helpstring("Retrieves the maximum bit rate of the stream, in bps.")] HRESULT
  49. BitRate([out, retval] long * pVal);
  50. };
  51. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  52. [
  53. object,
  54. uuid(5F248EA2-C018-466c-9AD7-2086CFB9A5D3),
  55. dual,
  56. nonextensible,
  57. helpstring("Contains a collection of IWMSActiveStream objects."),
  58. pointer_default(unique)
  59. ]
  60. interface IWMSActiveStreams : IDispatch
  61. {
  62. // Standard collection Methods & Properties: Item, Count & _NewEnum
  63. COLLECTION_METHODS( IWMSActiveStream*, "Retrieves a specific IWMSActiveStream object from the collection." )
  64. };
  65. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  66. [
  67. object,
  68. uuid(9D07EE1C-798F-4a28-85FA-230664650B7C),
  69. dual,
  70. nonextensible,
  71. helpstring("Contains information about the active media element in a playlist."),
  72. pointer_default(unique)
  73. ]
  74. interface IWMSActiveMedia : IDispatch
  75. {
  76. [propget, id(0), helpstring("Retrieves the active duration required to play the media element in milliseconds.")] HRESULT
  77. Duration([out, retval] long * pVal);
  78. [propget, id(2), helpstring("Retrieves the total number of data packets contained in the media element.")] HRESULT
  79. TotalPackets([out, retval] long * pVal);
  80. [propget, id(3), helpstring("Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the media element references a live source.")] HRESULT
  81. Live([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  82. [propget, id(4), helpstring("Retrieves a collection of IWMSActiveStream objects that describe the media streams associated with the media element.")] HRESULT
  83. Streams([out, retval] IWMSActiveStreams **pVal);
  84. [id(5), helpstring("Retrieves the value for a specific name-value pair associated with the media element.")] HRESULT
  85. GetProperty( [in] BSTR bstrName, [in] BSTR bstrLanguage, [out,retval] BSTR *pProperty );
  86. };
  87. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  88. [
  89. object,
  90. dual,
  91. nonextensible,
  92. pointer_default(unique),
  93. uuid(0EE1F2E7-48EF-11d2-9EFF-006097D2D7CF),
  94. helpstring("Contains methods that you can use to manage a playlist.")
  95. ]
  96. interface IWMSPlaylist : IXMLDOMDocument
  97. {
  98. [propget, id(202), helpstring("Specifies or retrieves the active playlist element.")] HRESULT
  99. CurrentPlaylistEntry( [out, retval] IXMLDOMElement **ppPlaylistEntry );
  100. [propput, id(202), helpstring("Specifies or retrieves the active playlist element.")] HRESULT
  101. CurrentPlaylistEntry( [in] IXMLDOMElement *pPlaylistEntry );
  102. [propget, id(203), helpstring("Retrieves the previous element on the call stack for the playlist.")] HRESULT
  103. CallerEntry( [in] IXMLDOMElement *pPlaylistEntry, [out, retval] IXMLDOMElement **ppCallerPlaylistEntry );
  104. [propget, id(204), helpstring("Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether a specific playlist element has been initialized and is ready to stream.")] HRESULT
  105. IsStreamCued( [in] IXMLDOMElement *pPlaylistEntry, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  106. [propget, id(205), helpstring("Retrieves the simple duration of the active playlist element in milliseconds.")] HRESULT
  107. ElapsedSimpleTime( [out, retval] long* pSimpleTime );
  108. [propget, id(206), helpstring("Retrieves an IWMSActiveMedia object containing information about the active media element in the playlist.")] HRESULT
  109. CurrentMediaInformation( [out, retval] IWMSActiveMedia **ppMediaInfo );
  110. [id(207), helpstring("Sends the specified event to the playlist object.")] HRESULT
  111. FireEvent( [in] BSTR bstrEventName );
  112. [id(208), helpstring("Cues the specified media element.")] HRESULT
  113. CueStream( [in] IXMLDOMElement *pPlaylistEntry );
  114. [id(209), helpstring("Frees the resources that were allocated for a cued media element.")] HRESULT
  115. UncueStream( [in] IXMLDOMElement *pPlaylistEntry );
  116. [propget, id(210), helpstring("Retrieves a nested playlist object.")] HRESULT
  117. NestedPlaylist( [in] IXMLDOMElement *pPlaylistEntry, [out, retval] IWMSPlaylist **ppPlaylist );
  118. };
  119. cpp_quote( "#endif" )