* Chksum.c * Purpose: Print to stdout checksum of all files in current directory, and optionally * recurse from current directory. * * Created 02-15-95. DonBr * \**************************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <search.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <imagehlp.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// type definitions
#define exename "chksum"
#define MAX_EXCLUDE (30)
#define LISTSIZE 12000 // max allowable number of files and dirs in a flat directory
typedef struct List { char Name[MAX_PATH]; // file or directory name
unsigned long Attributes; unsigned long Size; } List, *pList;
// Function prototypes
VOID CheckRel(); VOID CheckSum(List *rgpList, TCHAR *x); //, TCHAR *szDirectory);
int __cdecl CompFileAndDir( const void *elem1 , const void *elem2); int __cdecl CompName( const void *elem1 , const void *elem2); int MyGetFullPathName( IN const CHAR *InPath, IN OUT CHAR *FullPath); VOID CreateOutputPath(char *CurrentDir, char *NewDir); VOID ParseArgs(int *pargc, char **argv); VOID Usage();
// Variable declarations
BOOL fRecurse = FALSE; BOOL fPathOverride = FALSE; BOOL fFileOut = FALSE; BOOL fExclude = FALSE; BOOL fFileIn = FALSE; int DirNum = 1,DirNameSize = 0, ProcessedFiles=0, endchar=0, ExclCounter=0; int grc=0; // global return code
char szRootDir[MAX_PATH]; char szRootDir2[MAX_PATH]; char *szFileOut; char szFileOutFullPath[MAX_PATH]; char *szExclude[MAX_EXCLUDE]; char *szFileIn; CHAR szDirectory[MAX_PATH] = {"."}; // default to current directory
FILE* fout; FILE* fin;
// Begin main program
VOID __cdecl main( INT argc, LPSTR argv[] )
ParseArgs(&argc, argv);
// Create File if fFileOut==TRUE
if (fFileOut) { fout = fopen(szFileOut, "w"); if (fout == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Output file %s could not be created.\n", szFileOut); exit(1); }
} /*
// Open File if fFileIn==TRUE
if (fFileIn) { fin = fopen(szFileIn, "r"); // open check file
if (fin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Check file %s could not be opened.\n", szFileIn); exit(1); } } */
// set root path
if (fPathOverride) {
// attempt to change directories
if (_chdir(szRootDir) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "Path not found: %s\n", szRootDir); Usage(); } }else{ GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szRootDir); }
fprintf(fout==NULL? stdout : fout , "Processing %s\n", szRootDir);
CheckRel(); // primary worker routine
fprintf(stdout, "%d files processed in %d directories\n", ProcessedFiles, DirNum);
if (fFileOut) { fclose(fout); }
exit(grc); }
* Checkrel * Purpose: Create an array of List structures containing file data for the current * directory, sort the array alphabetically placing Files first and * directories last, and finally process the array contents. Another instance * of checkrel is started for directories, and checksum is called for files. \**************************************************************************************/
VOID CheckRel() { HANDLE fh; TCHAR CurrentDir[MAX_PATH] = {"\0"}; TCHAR NewDir[MAX_PATH] = {"\0"};
WIN32_FIND_DATA *pfdata; BOOL fFilesInDir=FALSE; BOOL fDirsFound=FALSE; int iArrayMember=0, cNumDir=0, i=0, Length=0; pList *rgpList = NULL; // a pointer to an array of pointers to List structures
CHAR cFileNameFullPath[MAX_PATH];
pfdata = (WIN32_FIND_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); if (!pfdata) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory.\n"); grc++; return; }
// Find the first file
fh = FindFirstFile("*.*", pfdata); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(fout==NULL? stdout : fout , "\t No files found\n"); free(pfdata); grc++; return; }
// Allocate an array of pointers to List structures
rgpList = (pList *) malloc(LISTSIZE * sizeof(pList)); if (!rgpList) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory allocating rgpList[].\n"); free(pfdata); FindClose(fh); // close the file handle
grc++; return; }
// DoWhile loop to find all files and directories in current directory
// and copy pertinent data to individual List structures.
do { // while (FindNextFile(fh, pfdata))
if (strcmp(pfdata->cFileName, ".") && strcmp(pfdata->cFileName, "..")) { // skip . and ..
// If excluding files and current file matches any excluded file
// (case insensitively), then don't process current file
if (fExclude) { for (i=0; i < ExclCounter; i++) { if (!_strcmpi(pfdata->cFileName, szExclude[i])) { goto excludefound;
} } }
// If current file matches output file name, then don't process current file
if ((fFileOut) && (!strcmp(szFileOut, pfdata->cFileName)) ) {
// File names match. If full paths match, ignore the output file.
MyGetFullPathName(pfdata->cFileName, cFileNameFullPath); if ( !_strcmpi( szFileOutFullPath, cFileNameFullPath) ) { goto excludefound; } }
rgpList[iArrayMember] = (pList)malloc(sizeof(List)); // allocate the memory
if (!rgpList[iArrayMember]) { fputs("Not enough memory.\n", stderr); free(pfdata); FindClose(fh); // close the file handle
for (i=0; i<iArrayMember; i++) free(rgpList[i]); free(rgpList); grc++; return; }
strcpy(rgpList[iArrayMember]->Name, pfdata->cFileName); _strlwr(rgpList[iArrayMember]->Name); // all lowercase for strcmp in CompName
memcpy(&(rgpList[iArrayMember]->Attributes), &pfdata->dwFileAttributes, 4); memcpy(&(rgpList[iArrayMember]->Size), &pfdata->nFileSizeLow, 4);
if (!(rgpList[iArrayMember]->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { //If file
fFilesInDir=TRUE; } else { if (rgpList[iArrayMember]->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { //If directory
fDirsFound=TRUE; } if (fRecurse) { // if recursive increment directory counter
cNumDir++; } }
iArrayMember++; if (iArrayMember >= LISTSIZE) { GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, CurrentDir); fprintf(stderr, "More than %d files in %s. \nRebuild chksum.exe or eliminate some files from the root of this directory.\n", LISTSIZE, CurrentDir); free(pfdata); FindClose(fh); // close the file handle
for (i=0; i<iArrayMember; i++) free(rgpList[i]); free(rgpList); grc++; return; } excludefound: ; }
} while (FindNextFile(fh, pfdata));
if (pfdata) free(pfdata); if (fh) FindClose(fh); // close the file handle
// if no directories or files found with exception of . and ..
if ( (iArrayMember==0) || (!fFilesInDir) ){
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, CurrentDir);
CreateOutputPath(CurrentDir, NewDir);
// fprintf(fout==NULL? stdout : fout , "%s - No files\n", NewDir);
// Sort Array arranging FILE entries at top
qsort( (void *)rgpList, iArrayMember, sizeof(List *), CompFileAndDir);
// Sort Array alphabetizing only FILE names
qsort( (void *)rgpList, iArrayMember-cNumDir, sizeof(List *), CompName);
// Sort Array alphabetizing only DIRectory names
qsort( (void *)&rgpList[iArrayMember-cNumDir], cNumDir, sizeof(List *), CompName);
// Process newly sorted structures.
// Checksum files or start another instance of checkrel() for directories
for (i=0; i < iArrayMember; ++i) {
if (rgpList[i]->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // if Dir
if (fRecurse) { // if recursive
if (_chdir(rgpList[i]->Name) == -1){ // cd into subdir and check for error
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to change directory: %s (error %d)\n", rgpList[i]->Name, GetLastError()); grc++;
} else { DirNum++; // directory counter
CheckRel(); // start another iteration of checkrel function in new directory
_chdir(".."); // get back to previous directory when above iteration returns
} // end if _chdir
} // end if recurse
} else { // else if not Directory
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, CurrentDir);
CreateOutputPath(CurrentDir, NewDir);
CheckSum(rgpList[i], NewDir); }
} // end for i < iArrayMember
// Clean up the array and it's elements
for (i=0; i<iArrayMember; i++) free(rgpList[i]); free(rgpList);
} // end CheckRel
* CheckSum * Purpose: uses MapFileAndCheckSum to determine file checksum and outputs data. \*************************************************************************************/ VOID CheckSum(List *rgpList, TCHAR *x) {//TCHAR *szDirectory) {
ULONG HeaderSum, CheckSum=0, status;
if (rgpList->Size != 0) { //High != 0 || rgpList->nFileSizeLow != 0) {
status = MapFileAndCheckSum(rgpList->Name, &HeaderSum, &CheckSum); if (status != CHECKSUM_SUCCESS) { fprintf(fout==NULL? stdout : fout , "\nCannot open or map file: %s (error %d)\n", rgpList->Name, GetLastError()); grc++; return; } }
fprintf(fout==NULL? stdout : fout , "%s\\%s %lx\n", x, rgpList->Name, CheckSum);//szDirectory, rgpList->Name, CheckSum);
} //CheckSum
* CompFileAndDir * Purpose: a comparision routine passed to QSort. It compares elem1 and elem2 * based upon their attribute, i.e., is it a file or directory. \********************************************************************************************/
int __cdecl CompFileAndDir( const void *elem1 , const void *elem2 ) { pList p1, p2; // qsort passes a void universal pointer, use a typecast (List**)
// so the compiler recognizes the data as a List structure.
// Typecast pointer-to-pointer-to-List and dereference ONCE
// leaving a pList. I don't dereference the remaining pointer
// in the p1 and p2 definitions to avoid copying the structure.
p1 = (*(List**)elem1); p2 = (*(List**)elem2);
if ( (p1->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (p2->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { return 0; } //both dirs
if (!(p1->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && !(p2->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { return 0; } //both files
if ( (p1->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && !(p2->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { return 1; } // elem1 is dir and elem2 is file
if (!(p1->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (p2->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { return -1; } // elem1 is file and elem2 is dir
return 0; // if none of above
* CompName is another compare routine passed to QSort that compares the two Name strings * \********************************************************************************************/
int __cdecl CompName( const void *elem1 , const void *elem2 ) { return strcmp( (*(List**)elem1)->Name, (*(List**)elem2)->Name ); }
* CreateOutputPath just formats NewDir, the path prepended to filename during checksum output * \**********************************************************************************************/ VOID CreateOutputPath(char *CurrentDir, char *NewDir) { strcpy(NewDir, ".");
// if rootdir ends in '\' and currentdir and szrootdir2 don't match
// handles case where /p path override arg ends in a '\' char like "/p g:\"
// files listed at the root don't need the extra '\' placed in NewDir, but
// directories at the root DO need ".\" prepended to their name
_strlwr(CurrentDir); //fprintf(stdout, "szrootdir: %s, szrootdir2: %s, currentdir: %s\n", szRootDir, szRootDir2, CurrentDir);
if ( (szRootDir[strlen(szRootDir)-1] == '\\') && // if arg path ends in "\"
(strcmp(CurrentDir, szRootDir2)) && // if they don't match
(CurrentDir[strlen(CurrentDir)-1] != '\\') //&& // if currentdir doesn't end with "\"
//(szRootDir2[strlen(szRootDir2)-1] != ':') ){ // if arg path ends with ":"
){ strcat(NewDir, "\\"); }
if ( (CurrentDir[strlen(CurrentDir)-2] !=':') && (CurrentDir[strlen(CurrentDir)-1] !='\\') ){ strcat(NewDir, &CurrentDir[(strlen(szRootDir))] ); }
VOID ParseArgs(int *pargc, char **argv) {
CHAR cswitch, c, *p; int argnum = 1;
while ( argnum < *pargc ) { _strlwr(argv[argnum]); cswitch = *argv[argnum]; if (cswitch == '/' || cswitch == '-') { c = *(argv[argnum]+1);
switch (c) {
case '?': Usage();
case 'r': fRecurse = TRUE; break;
case 'p': if ( ((argnum+1) < *pargc) && (*(argv[argnum]+2) == '\0') && (*(argv[argnum+1]) != '\0') ) { ++argnum; // increment to next arg string
strcpy(szRootDir, argv[argnum]); if (szRootDir == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory for root dir.\n"); exit(1); } fPathOverride = TRUE;
// Find the full path to the root
if ( !MyGetFullPathName(argv[argnum], szRootDir) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get full path for root dir %s\n", szRootDir); exit(1); } _strlwr(szRootDir);
strcpy(szRootDir2, szRootDir); // if path given ends in a "\", remove it...
if (szRootDir2[strlen(szRootDir2)-1] == 92) szRootDir2[strlen(szRootDir2)-1] = '\0'; break;
} else { Usage(); }
case 'o': if ( ((argnum+1) < *pargc) && (*(argv[argnum]+2) == '\0') && (*(argv[argnum+1]) != '\0') ) { ++argnum; szFileOut = _strdup(argv[argnum]); if (szFileOut == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory for output file.\n"); exit(1); } fFileOut = TRUE;
// Find the full path to the output file
if ( !MyGetFullPathName(szFileOut, szFileOutFullPath) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get full path for output file %s\n", szFileOut); exit(1); } _strlwr(szFileOutFullPath); // lower case full path to output file
_strlwr(szFileOut); // lower case path to output file
} else { Usage(); }
case 'x': // check number of args given
if ( ((argnum+1) < *pargc) && (*(argv[argnum]+2) == '\0') && (*(argv[argnum+1]) != '\0') ) { ++argnum; szExclude[ExclCounter] = _strdup(argv[argnum]); if (szExclude[ExclCounter] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory for exclude name.\n"); exit(1); } fExclude = TRUE; _strlwr(szExclude[ExclCounter]); ExclCounter++;
} else { Usage(); }
case 'i': if ( (*(argv[argnum]+2) == '\0') && (*(argv[argnum+1]) != '\0') ) { ++argnum; szFileIn = strdup(argv[argnum]); if (szFileIn == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory for input file.\n"); exit(1); } fFileIn = TRUE; break;
} else { Usage(); } */ default: fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid argument: %s\n", argv[argnum]); Usage(); } //switch
} else { Usage(); } // if
++argnum; } // while
} // parseargs
LPSTR pszUsage = "Generates a listing of each file processed and its check sum.\n\n" "Usage: %s [/?] display this message\n" " [/r] recursive file check\n" " [/p pathname] root path override\n" " [/o filename] output file name\n" " [/x name] exclude file or directory\n\n" "Notes: If no /p path is given, the current directory is processed.\n" " Exclude multiple files or directories with multiple /x arguments\n" " e.g. - /x file1 /x file2\n\n" "Example: %s /r /p c:\\winnt351 /o %s.chk /x symbols /x dump\n" "";
VOID Usage() { fprintf(stderr, pszUsage, exename, exename, exename); exit(1); }
int MyGetFullPathName( IN const CHAR *InPath, IN OUT CHAR *FullPath) { int len; LPSTR FilePart; len = GetFullPathName(InPath, MAX_PATH, FullPath, &FilePart); return ( (len>0 && len<MAX_PATH) ? len : 0 ); }