// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// parseAndshow.cpp
// Abstract:
// This module implements the command-line parsing and validating the filters
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 27-Dec-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 27-Dec-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "systeminfo.h"
// local function prototypes
BOOL CSystemInfo::ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[] ) /*++
// Routine Description:
// processes and validates the command line inputs
// Arguments:
// [ in ] argc : no. of input arguments specified
// [ in ] argv : input arguments specified at command prompt
// Return Value:
// TRUE : if inputs are valid
// FALSE : if inputs were errorneously specified
--*/ { // local variables
CHString strFormat; BOOL bNoHeader = FALSE; BOOL bNullPassword = FALSE;
// temporary local variables
PTCMDPARSER2 pOptionServer = NULL; PTCMDPARSER2 pOptionUserName = NULL; PTCMDPARSER2 pOptionPassword = NULL; PTCMDPARSER2 pOptionFormat = NULL;
// local variables
// set all the fields to 0
SecureZeroMemory( pcmdOptions, sizeof( TCMDPARSER2 ) * MAX_OPTIONS );
// -? option
pOption = &pcmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ]; StringCopyA( pOption->szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwFlags = CP2_USAGE; pOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pOption->pValue = &m_bUsage; pOption->pwszOptions = OPTION_USAGE;
// -s option
pOption = &pcmdOptions[ OI_SERVER ]; StringCopyA( pOption->szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY | CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT | CP2_VALUE_NONULL; pOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pOption->pwszOptions = OPTION_SERVER;
// -u option
pOption = &pcmdOptions[ OI_USERNAME ]; StringCopyA( pOption->szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY | CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT | CP2_VALUE_NONULL; pOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pOption->pwszOptions = OPTION_USERNAME;
// -p option
pOption = &pcmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ]; StringCopyA( pOption->szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY | CP2_VALUE_OPTIONAL; pOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pOption->pwszOptions = OPTION_PASSWORD;
// -fo option
pOption = &pcmdOptions[ OI_FORMAT ]; StringCopyA( pOption->szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY| CP2_MODE_VALUES| CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT| CP2_VALUE_NONULL; pOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pOption->pwszOptions = OPTION_FORMAT; pOption->pwszValues = OVALUES_FORMAT;
// -nh option
pOption = &pcmdOptions[ OI_NOHEADER ]; StringCopyA( pOption->szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwFlags = 0; pOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pOption->pValue = &bNoHeader; pOption->pwszOptions = OPTION_NOHEADER;
// now, check the mutually exclusive options
pOptionServer = pcmdOptions + OI_SERVER; pOptionUserName = pcmdOptions + OI_USERNAME; pOptionPassword = pcmdOptions + OI_PASSWORD; pOptionFormat = pcmdOptions + OI_FORMAT;
// do the parsing
if ( DoParseParam2( argc, argv, -1, MAX_OPTIONS, pcmdOptions, 0 ) == FALSE ) { return FALSE; // invalid syntax
//check whether /p without any value is specified or not..
if ( NULL == pOptionPassword->pValue ) { bNullPassword = TRUE; }
// release the buffers
m_strServer = (LPWSTR)pOptionServer->pValue; m_strUserName = (LPWSTR)pOptionUserName->pValue; m_strPassword = (LPWSTR)pOptionPassword->pValue; strFormat = (LPWSTR)pOptionFormat->pValue;
// since CHString assignment does the copy operation..
// release the buffers allocated by common library
FreeMemory( &pOptionServer->pValue ); FreeMemory( &pOptionUserName->pValue ); FreeMemory( &pOptionPassword->pValue ); FreeMemory( &pOptionFormat->pValue );
// check the usage option
if ( m_bUsage && ( argc > 2 ) ) { // no other options are accepted along with -? option
SetLastError( (DWORD)MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( ERROR_INVALID_USAGE_REQUEST ); return FALSE; } else if ( m_bUsage == TRUE ) { // should not do the furthur validations
return TRUE; }
// "-u" should not be specified without machine names
if ( pOptionServer->dwActuals == 0 && pOptionUserName->dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE ); return FALSE; // indicate failure
// "-p" should not be specified without "-u"
if ( pOptionUserName->dwActuals == 0 && pOptionPassword->dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME ); return FALSE; // indicate failure
// determine the format in which the process information has to be displayed
m_dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_LIST; // default format
if ( strFormat.CompareNoCase( TEXT_FORMAT_LIST ) == 0 ) { m_dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_LIST; } else if ( strFormat.CompareNoCase( TEXT_FORMAT_TABLE ) == 0 ) { m_dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_TABLE; } else if ( strFormat.CompareNoCase( TEXT_FORMAT_CSV ) == 0 ) { m_dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_CSV; }
// user might have given no header option for a LIST format which is invalid
if ( bNoHeader == TRUE && m_dwFormat == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_NH_NOTSUPPORTED ); return FALSE; // indicate failure
// check for the no header info and apply to the format variable
if ( bNoHeader == TRUE ) { m_dwFormat |= SR_NOHEADER; }
// check whether caller should accept the password or not
// if user has specified -s (or) -u and no "-p", then utility should accept password
// the user will be prompted for the password only if establish connection
// is failed without the credentials information
if ( pOptionPassword->dwActuals != 0 ) { if (m_strPassword.Compare( L"*" ) == 0 ) { // user wants the utility to prompt for the password before trying to connect
m_bNeedPassword = TRUE; } else if ( TRUE == bNullPassword ) { m_strPassword = L"*"; // user wants the utility to prompt for the password before trying to connect
m_bNeedPassword = TRUE; } } else if ( (pOptionPassword->dwActuals == 0 && (pOptionServer->dwActuals != 0 || pOptionUserName->dwActuals != 0)) ) { // utility needs to try to connect first and if it fails then prompt for the password
m_bNeedPassword = TRUE; m_strPassword.Empty(); }
// command-line parsing is successfull
return TRUE; }
VOID CSystemInfo::ShowOutput( IN DWORD dwStart, IN DWORD dwEnd ) /*++
// Routine Description:
// show the system configuration information
// Arguments:
// [in] dwStart : start index
// [in] dwEnd : end index
// Return Value:
--*/ { // local variables
// dynamically show / hide columns on need basis
for( DWORD dw = 0; dw < MAX_COLUMNS; dw++ ) { // point to the column info
pColumn = m_pColumns + dw;
// remove the hide flag from the column
pColumn->dwFlags &= ~( SR_HIDECOLUMN );
// now if the column should not be shown, set the hide flag)
if ( dw < dwStart || dw > dwEnd ) pColumn->dwFlags |= SR_HIDECOLUMN; }
// if the data is being displayed from the first line onwards,
// add a blank line.. If the format is CSV then there is no need
// to display any blank line..
if ( ( dwStart == 0 ) && (( m_dwFormat & SR_FORMAT_CSV ) != SR_FORMAT_CSV) ) { ShowMessage( stdout, L"\n" ); }
// display the results
ShowResults( MAX_COLUMNS, m_pColumns, m_dwFormat, m_arrData ); }
VOID CSystemInfo::ShowUsage() /*++
// Routine Description:
// This function fetches usage information from resource file and display it
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
--*/ { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = ID_HELP_START; dw <= ID_HELP_END; dw++ ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) ); } }