Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api
Kernel Mode.
Revision History: Mike McCracken (mmccr) 09/17/2001 Prints out free space for a specifed volume
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
ULONG GetUNICODE_STRING(ULONG64 ul64Address, CHAR *pszBuffer, ULONG ulSize) { ULONG64 ul64Buffer = 0; ULONG ulLength = 0; ULONG ulBytesRead = 0; WCHAR wszLocalBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};
if ((!pszBuffer) || (!ulSize)) { return E_FAIL; }
if (GetFieldValue(ul64Address, "nt!_UNICODE_STRING", "Length", ulLength)) { dprintf("Cannot get UNICODE_STRING length!\n"); return E_FAIL; }
if (GetFieldValue(ul64Address, "nt!_UNICODE_STRING", "Buffer", ul64Buffer)) { dprintf("Cannot get UNICODE_STRING buffer!\n"); return E_FAIL; } if (!ReadMemory(ul64Buffer, wszLocalBuffer, (ulLength < (MAX_PATH * 2)) ? ulLength : (MAX_PATH * 2), &ulBytesRead)) { dprintf("Failed ReadMemory at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64Buffer); return E_FAIL; }
wcstombs(pszBuffer, wszLocalBuffer, ulSize); return S_OK; } ULONG64 GetObpRootDirectoryObjectAddress() { ULONG64 ul64Temp = 0; ULONG64 ul64ObjRoot = 0;
//Get the address of the pointer
GetExpressionEx("nt!ObpRootDirectoryObject", &ul64Temp, NULL);
//Get the value in the pointer
ReadPtr(ul64Temp, &ul64ObjRoot);
return ul64ObjRoot; }
ULONG GetNumberOfHashBuckets() { FIELD_INFO Field = {(PUCHAR)"HashBuckets", NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_NO_CALLBACK_REQ , 0, NULL}; SYM_DUMP_PARAM Sym = {sizeof(SYM_DUMP_PARAM), (PUCHAR)"nt!_OBJECT_DIRECTORY", DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, sizeof (Field) / sizeof(FIELD_INFO), &Field}; // Get the size of the HashBuckets member
if (Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &Sym, sizeof(Sym))) { dprintf("Failed to get size of HashBuckets!\n"); return 0; }
return (Field.size / (IsPtr64() ? 8 : 4)); }
ULONG GetObjectTypeName(ULONG64 ul64Object, CHAR *pszTypeName, ULONG ulSize) {
ULONG ulTypeNameOffset = 0; ULONG ulObjectBodyOffset = 0; ULONG64 ul64Type = 0;
// Get the offset of the object body
if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Body", &ulObjectBodyOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot get ObjectBody offset!\n"); return E_FAIL; } if (GetFieldValue(ul64Object - ulObjectBodyOffset, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Type", ul64Type)) { dprintf("Failed to get Type value at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64Object); return E_FAIL; } if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", "Name", &ulTypeNameOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot get TypeName offset!\n"); return E_FAIL; }
return GetUNICODE_STRING(ul64Type + ulTypeNameOffset, pszTypeName, ulSize); }
ULONG64 GetObjectChildDirectory(ULONG64 ul64Object) { CHAR szTypeName[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; if (GetObjectTypeName(ul64Object, szTypeName, sizeof(szTypeName))) { return 0; }
if (!_stricmp(szTypeName, "Directory")) { return ul64Object; } return 0; }
ULONG GetRealDeviceForSymbolicLink(ULONG64 ul64Object, CHAR *pszDevicePath, ULONG ulSize) { CHAR szTypeName[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; ULONG ulLinkTargetOffset = 0;
if (GetObjectTypeName(ul64Object, szTypeName, sizeof(szTypeName))) { dprintf("Could not get TypeName for object in GetRealDeviceForSymbolicLink!\n"); return E_FAIL; }
if (_stricmp(szTypeName, "SymbolicLink")) { dprintf("Object in GetRealDeviceForSymbolicLink is a %s\n", szTypeName); return E_FAIL; } // Get the offset of the object body
if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK", "LinkTarget", &ulLinkTargetOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot get LinkTarget offset!\n"); return E_FAIL; }
return GetUNICODE_STRING(ul64Object + ulLinkTargetOffset, pszDevicePath, ulSize); }
ULONG64 FindObjectByName(CHAR *ObjectPath, ULONG64 ul64StartPoint) { ULONG64 ul64ObjRoot = ul64StartPoint; ULONG64 ul64DirEntry = 0;
ULONG ulNumberOfBuckets = 0; ULONG ulPointerSize = 4; ULONG ulHashOffset = 0; ULONG ulObjectBodyOffset = 0; ULONG ulNameInfoNameOffset = 0;
ULONG i = 0; CHAR PathCopy[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; CHAR *PathPtr = ObjectPath;
if (!PathPtr) { return NULL; } while (PathPtr[0] == '\\') { PathPtr++; }
//Copy the Path String
strncpy(PathCopy, PathPtr, min(sizeof(PathCopy)-1, strlen(PathPtr)));
if (ul64ObjRoot == 0) { // Get the address of the Root Directory Object
ul64ObjRoot = GetObpRootDirectoryObjectAddress(); if (!ul64ObjRoot) { dprintf("Could not get the address of the ObpRootDirectoryObject!\n"); return NULL; } }
if (ObjectPath[0] == '\0') { return ul64ObjRoot; }
PathPtr = PathCopy; while ((PathPtr[0] != '\\') && (PathPtr[0] != '\0')) { PathPtr++; } if (PathPtr[0] == '\\') { PathPtr[0] = '\0'; PathPtr++; }
//Get the offset of the hashbuckets field in the _OBJECT_DIRECTORY structure
if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_DIRECTORY", "HashBuckets", &ulHashOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot get HashBuckets offset!\n"); return NULL; }
// Get the pointer size for our architecture
ulPointerSize = (IsPtr64() ? 8 : 4);
// Try to dynamically determine the number of HashBuckets in the _OBJECT_DIRECTORY structure
ulNumberOfBuckets = GetNumberOfHashBuckets(); if (!ulNumberOfBuckets) { ulNumberOfBuckets = 37; // From ob.h #define NUMBER_HASH_BUCKETS 37
// Get the offset of the object body
if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Body", &ulObjectBodyOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot get ObjectBody offset!\n"); return NULL; }
// Get the offset of the object body
if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name", &ulNameInfoNameOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot get NameInfo Name Offset!\n"); return NULL; } // Iterate through each bucket
for (i=0; i < ulNumberOfBuckets; i++) { // Get the address of each _OBJECT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY in the HashBucket array
if (ReadPointer(ul64ObjRoot + ulHashOffset + (i * ulPointerSize), &ul64DirEntry)) { while (ul64DirEntry) { ULONG64 ul64Object = 0; ULONG64 ul64Header = 0; ULONG64 ul64NameInfo = 0; ULONG ulNameInfoOffset = 0; CHAR szObjName[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; // Setup to point at our current object \ // - this is actually a pointer to the body field of the _OBJECT_HEADER Structure
if (GetFieldValue(ul64DirEntry, "nt!_OBJECT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY", "Object", ul64Object)) { dprintf("Failed to get object value at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64DirEntry); break; }
// Find the header for this object by subtracting the body (current) offset
ul64Header = ul64Object - ulObjectBodyOffset;
// Get the offset from the top of the header of the NameInfoObject
if (GetFieldValue(ul64Header, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "NameInfoOffset", ulNameInfoOffset)) { dprintf("Failed to get NameInfoOffset pointer from objectheader at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64Header); break; }
// If zero the object does not have one
if (ulNameInfoOffset == 0) { break; }
// Set our pointer to point to the _OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO structure
ul64NameInfo = ul64Header - ulNameInfoOffset;
// Get the objects name
if (GetUNICODE_STRING(ul64NameInfo + ulNameInfoNameOffset, szObjName, sizeof(szObjName))) { dprintf("Could Not Get Name\n"); break; }
if (!_stricmp(PathCopy, szObjName)) { ULONG64 ul64NextDirectory = 0; if (PathPtr[0] == '\0') { return ul64Object; }
ul64NextDirectory = GetObjectChildDirectory(ul64Object); return FindObjectByName(PathPtr, ul64NextDirectory); }
if (GetFieldValue(ul64DirEntry, "nt!_OBJECT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY", "ChainLink", ul64DirEntry)) { dprintf("Failed to get next object value at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64Object); break; }
} // while loop
} // if statement
} // for loop
return NULL; }
ULONG64 GetVPBPtrFromDeviceObject(ULONG64 ul64DeviceObject) { ULONG64 ul64VpbPtr = 0;
// Get the offset from the top of the header of the NameInfoObject
if (GetFieldValue(ul64DeviceObject, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Vpb", ul64VpbPtr)) { dprintf("Failed to get Vbp pointer from DeviceObject at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64DeviceObject); return NULL; }
return ul64VpbPtr; }
ULONG GetDeviceDriverString(ULONG64 ul64Device, CHAR *pszString, ULONG ulSize) { ULONG ulNameOffset = 0; ULONG64 ul64Driver = 0;
if (GetFieldValue(ul64Device, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DriverObject", ul64Driver)) { dprintf("Failed to get DriverObject from Device pointer at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64Device); return E_FAIL; }
// Get the offset of the DriverName in the _DRIVER_OBJECT
if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_DRIVER_OBJECT", "DriverName", &ulNameOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot get DriverName offset!\n"); return E_FAIL; }
return GetUNICODE_STRING(ul64Driver + ulNameOffset, pszString, ulSize); }
VOID OutputData(ULONG ulBytesPerCluster, ULONG64 ul64TotalClusters, ULONG64 ul64FreeClusters) { ULONG64 ul64TotalBytes = ul64TotalClusters * ulBytesPerCluster; ULONG64 ul64FreeBytes = ul64FreeClusters * ulBytesPerCluster; dprintf(" Cluster Size %u KB\n", ulBytesPerCluster / 1024); dprintf(" Total Clusters %I64u KB\n", ul64TotalClusters); dprintf(" Free Clusters %I64u KB\n", ul64FreeClusters); dprintf(" Total Space %I64u GB (%I64u KB)\n", (ul64TotalBytes) / (0x40000000), (ul64TotalBytes) / (0x400)); if (ul64FreeBytes > 0x40000000) { dprintf(" Free Space %I64f GB (%.2I64u MB)\n", (float)(ul64FreeBytes) / (0x40000000), (ul64FreeBytes) / (0x100000)); } else if (ul64FreeBytes > 0x100000) { dprintf(" Free Space %I64f MB (%.2I64u KB)\n", (float)(ul64FreeBytes) / (0x100000), (ul64FreeBytes) / (0x400)); } else { dprintf(" Free Space %I64u Bytes\n", ul64FreeBytes); } }
ULONG GetAndOutputNTFSData(CHAR cDriveletter, ULONG64 ul64DevObj) { ULONG ulVCBOffset = 0; ULONG ulBytesPerCluster = 0; ULONG64 ul64TotalClusters = 0; ULONG64 ul64FreeClusters = 0;
if (GetFieldOffset("ntfs!_VOLUME_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Vcb", &ulVCBOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot get Vcb offset for NTFS Device!\n"); return E_FAIL; }
if (GetFieldValue(ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset, "ntfs!_VCB", "BytesPerCluster", ulBytesPerCluster)) { dprintf("Failed to get BytesPerCluster from VCB at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset); return E_FAIL; } if (GetFieldValue(ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset, "ntfs!_VCB", "TotalClusters", ul64TotalClusters)) { dprintf("Failed to get TotalClusters from VCB at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset); return E_FAIL; } if (GetFieldValue(ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset, "ntfs!_VCB", "FreeClusters", ul64FreeClusters)) { dprintf("Failed to get FreeClusters from VCB at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset); return E_FAIL; } OutputData(ulBytesPerCluster, ul64TotalClusters, ul64FreeClusters);
return S_OK; }
ULONG GetAndOutputFatData(CHAR cDriveletter, ULONG64 ul64DevObj) { ULONG ulVCBOffset = 0; ULONG ulBytesPerSector = 0; ULONG ulSectorsPerCluster = 0; ULONG64 ul64TotalClusters = 0; ULONG64 ul64FreeClusters = 0;
if (GetFieldOffset("fastfat!_VOLUME_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Vcb", &ulVCBOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot get Vcb offset for FastFat Device!\n"); return E_FAIL; }
if (GetFieldValue(ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset, "fastfat!_VCB", "Bpb.BytesPerSector", ulBytesPerSector)) { dprintf("Failed to get BytesPerSector from VCB at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset); return E_FAIL; } if (GetFieldValue(ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset, "fastfat!_VCB", "Bpb.SectorsPerCluster", ulSectorsPerCluster)) { dprintf("Failed to get SectorsPerCluster from VCB at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset); return E_FAIL; } if (GetFieldValue(ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset, "fastfat!_VCB", "AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters", ul64TotalClusters)) { dprintf("Failed to get TotalClusters from VCB at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset); return E_FAIL; } if (GetFieldValue(ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset, "fastfat!_VCB", "AllocationSupport.NumberOfFreeClusters", ul64FreeClusters)) { dprintf("Failed to get FreeClusters from VCB at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64DevObj + ulVCBOffset); return E_FAIL; } OutputData(ulBytesPerSector * ulSectorsPerCluster, ul64TotalClusters, ul64FreeClusters);
return S_OK; }
DECLARE_API( diskspace )
Routine Description:
Dumps free disk space for the specified volume
args - The volume letter of the drive on which you want the info
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG ulReturn = S_OK; CHAR cVolume = args[0]; CHAR szRootPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; ULONG64 ul64Drive = 0; ULONG64 ul64Vpb = 0; INIT_API();
// Make sure we have a valid drive letter as the first character.
if (((cVolume < 'A') || (cVolume > 'z')) || ((cVolume > 'Z') && (cVolume < 'a'))) { dprintf("'%s' is not a valid drive specification!\n", args); ulReturn = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Make sure this is likely to be a valid param in that it is
// followed by a space of a colon.
if ((args[1] != ' ') && (args[1] != ':') && (args[1] != '\0')) { dprintf("'%s' is not a valid drive specification!\n", args); ulReturn = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
sprintf(szRootPath, "\\GLOBAL??\\%c:", cVolume);
dprintf("Checking Free Space for %c: ", cVolume);
ul64Drive = FindObjectByName(szRootPath, 0); if (!ul64Drive) { dprintf("\nFailed to find volume %c:!\n", cVolume); ulReturn = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
GetRealDeviceForSymbolicLink(ul64Drive, szRootPath, sizeof(szRootPath)); if (strstr(_strlwr(szRootPath), "cdrom")) { dprintf("\n%c: is a CDROM drive. This function is not supported!\n", cVolume); ulReturn = E_FAIL; goto exit; } dprintf("..");
ul64Drive = FindObjectByName(szRootPath, 0); dprintf(".."); if (GetFieldValue(ul64Drive, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Vpb", ul64Vpb)) { dprintf("Failed to get Vbp pointer from DeviceObject at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64Drive); ulReturn = E_FAIL; goto exit; } dprintf("..");
if (GetFieldValue(ul64Vpb, "nt!_VPB", "DeviceObject", ul64Drive)) { dprintf("Failed to get DeviceObject from VBP pointer at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64Vpb); ulReturn = E_FAIL; goto exit; } dprintf("..");
if (GetDeviceDriverString(ul64Drive, szRootPath, sizeof(szRootPath))) { dprintf("Failed to Get Driver String From Device at 0x%I64x!\n", ul64Drive); ulReturn = E_FAIL; goto exit; } dprintf("..\n");
if (strstr(_strlwr(szRootPath), "ntfs")) { GetAndOutputNTFSData(cVolume, ul64Drive); } else if (strstr(_strlwr(szRootPath), "fastfat")) { GetAndOutputFatData(cVolume, ul64Drive); } else if (strstr(_strlwr(szRootPath), "cdfs")) { dprintf("This extension does not support the cdfs filesystem!\n"); } else { dprintf("Unable to determine Volume Type for %s!\n", szRootPath); } exit:
return ulReturn; }