// Controls the current kernel debugger.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001-2002.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <cmnutil.hpp>
PSTR g_AppName;
void DECLSPEC_NORETURN ShowUsage(void) { printf("Usage: %s <options>\n", g_AppName); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -c - Check kernel debugger enable\n"); printf(" -ca - Check kernel debugger auto-enable\n"); printf(" -cdb - Check kernel DbgPrint buffer size\n"); printf(" -cu - Check kernel debugger user exception handling\n"); printf(" -cx - Check kernel debugger enable and exit with status\n"); printf(" -d - Disable kernel debugger\n"); printf(" -da - Disable kernel debugger auto-enable\n"); printf(" -du - Disable kernel debugger user exception handling\n"); printf(" -e - Enable kernel debugger\n"); printf(" -ea - Enable kernel debugger auto-enable\n"); printf(" -eu - Enable kernel debugger user exception handling\n"); printf(" -sdb # - Set kernel DbgPrint buffer size\n"); exit(1); }
void QueryKdInfo(BOOL Exit) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; SYSTEM_KERNEL_DEBUGGER_INFORMATION KdInfo; NtStatus = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemKernelDebuggerInformation, &KdInfo, sizeof(KdInfo), NULL); if (Exit) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { exit((int)NtStatus); } else { exit(KdInfo.KernelDebuggerEnabled ? (int)DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLED : (int)DBG_CONTINUE); } } else if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { HRESULT Status = HRESULT_FROM_NT(NtStatus); printf("Unable to check kernel debugger status, %s\n %s\n", FormatStatusCode(Status), FormatStatus(Status)); } else { printf("Kernel debugger is %s\n", KdInfo.KernelDebuggerEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } }
void SdcSimpleCall(SYSDBG_COMMAND Command, PSTR Success, PSTR Failure) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; NtStatus = NtSystemDebugControl(Command, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { HRESULT Status = HRESULT_FROM_NT(NtStatus); printf("%s, %s\n %s\n", Failure, FormatStatusCode(Status), FormatStatus(Status)); } else { printf("%s\n", Success); } }
void SdcOutputBool(SYSDBG_COMMAND Command, PSTR Name) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; ULONG Value = 0; NtStatus = NtSystemDebugControl(Command, NULL, 0, &Value, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { HRESULT Status = HRESULT_FROM_NT(NtStatus); printf("Unable to get %s, %s\n %s\n", Name, FormatStatusCode(Status), FormatStatus(Status)); } else { printf("%s: %s\n", Name, Value ? "true" : "false"); } }
void SdcSetBool(SYSDBG_COMMAND Command, BOOL Value, PSTR Name) { NTSTATUS NtStatus;
// Force value to canonical form.
Value = Value ? TRUE : FALSE;
NtStatus = NtSystemDebugControl(Command, &Value, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL, 0, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { HRESULT Status = HRESULT_FROM_NT(NtStatus); printf("Unable to set %s, %s\n %s\n", Name, FormatStatusCode(Status), FormatStatus(Status)); } else { printf("%s set to: %s\n", Name, Value ? "true" : "false"); } }
void SdcOutputUlong(SYSDBG_COMMAND Command, PSTR Name) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; ULONG Value; NtStatus = NtSystemDebugControl(Command, NULL, 0, &Value, sizeof(Value), NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { HRESULT Status = HRESULT_FROM_NT(NtStatus); printf("Unable to get %s, %s\n %s\n", Name, FormatStatusCode(Status), FormatStatus(Status)); } else { printf("%s: 0x%x\n", Name, Value); } }
void SdcSetUlong(SYSDBG_COMMAND Command, ULONG Value, PSTR Name) { NTSTATUS NtStatus;
NtStatus = NtSystemDebugControl(Command, &Value, sizeof(Value), NULL, 0, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { HRESULT Status = HRESULT_FROM_NT(NtStatus); printf("Unable to set %s, %s\n %s\n", Name, FormatStatusCode(Status), FormatStatus(Status)); } else { printf("%s set to: 0x%x\n", Name, Value); } }
int __cdecl main(int Argc, char** Argv) { BOOL Usage = FALSE; HRESULT Status;
g_AppName = *Argv;
if ((Status = EnableDebugPrivilege()) != S_OK) { printf("Unable to enable debug privilege, %s\n %s\n", FormatStatusCode(Status), FormatStatus(Status)); return 1; } while (--Argc > 0 && !Usage) { Argv++;
if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-?")) { Usage = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-c") || !strcmp(*Argv, "-cx")) { QueryKdInfo(Argv[0][2] == 'x'); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-ca")) { SdcOutputBool(SysDbgGetAutoKdEnable, "Kernel debugger auto-enable"); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-cdb")) { SdcOutputUlong(SysDbgGetPrintBufferSize, "Kernel DbgPrint buffer size"); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-cu")) { SdcOutputBool(SysDbgGetKdUmExceptionEnable, "Kernel debugger user exception enable"); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-d")) { SdcSimpleCall(SysDbgDisableKernelDebugger, "Kernel debugger disabled", "Unable to disable kernel debugger"); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-da")) { SdcSetBool(SysDbgSetAutoKdEnable, FALSE, "Kernel debugger auto-enable"); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-du")) { SdcSetBool(SysDbgSetKdUmExceptionEnable, FALSE, "Kernel debugger user exception enable"); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-e")) { SdcSimpleCall(SysDbgEnableKernelDebugger, "Kernel debugger enabled", "Unable to enable kernel debugger"); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-ea")) { SdcSetBool(SysDbgSetAutoKdEnable, TRUE, "Kernel debugger auto-enable"); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-eu")) { SdcSetBool(SysDbgSetKdUmExceptionEnable, TRUE, "Kernel debugger user exception enable"); } else if (!strcmp(*Argv, "-sdb")) { if (Argc < 2) { Usage = TRUE; break; }
Argc--; Argv++; SdcSetUlong(SysDbgSetPrintBufferSize, strtoul(*Argv, NULL, 0), "Kernel DbgPrint buffer size"); } else { Usage = TRUE; } }
if (Usage) { ShowUsage(); }
return 0; }