// Stack walking support.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-2002.
#include "ntsdp.hpp"
BOOL g_AllowCorStack = TRUE; BOOL g_DebugCorStack;
PFPO_DATA SynthesizeKnownFpo(PSTR Symbol, ULONG64 OffStart, ULONG64 Disp) { static ULONG64 s_Nr2, s_Lu2, s_Eh3, s_Kuit;
if (!s_Nr2 || !s_Lu2 || !s_Eh3 || !s_Kuit) { GetOffsetFromSym(g_Process, "nt!_NLG_Return2", &s_Nr2, NULL); GetOffsetFromSym(g_Process, "nt!_local_unwind2", &s_Lu2, NULL); GetOffsetFromSym(g_Process, "nt!_except_handler3", &s_Eh3, NULL); GetOffsetFromSym(g_Process, "nt!KiUnexpectedInterruptTail", &s_Kuit, NULL); } if (OffStart == s_Nr2 || OffStart == s_Lu2) { static FPO_DATA s_Lu2Fpo;
s_Lu2Fpo.ulOffStart = (ULONG)OffStart; s_Lu2Fpo.cbProcSize = 0x68; s_Lu2Fpo.cdwLocals = 4; s_Lu2Fpo.cdwParams = 0; s_Lu2Fpo.cbProlog = 0; s_Lu2Fpo.cbRegs = 3; s_Lu2Fpo.fHasSEH = 0; s_Lu2Fpo.fUseBP = 0; s_Lu2Fpo.reserved = 0; s_Lu2Fpo.cbFrame = FRAME_FPO; return &s_Lu2Fpo; } else if (OffStart == s_Eh3) { static FPO_DATA s_Eh3Fpo;
s_Eh3Fpo.ulOffStart = (ULONG)OffStart; s_Eh3Fpo.cbProcSize = 0xbd; s_Eh3Fpo.cdwLocals = 2; s_Eh3Fpo.cdwParams = 4; s_Eh3Fpo.cbProlog = 3; s_Eh3Fpo.cbRegs = 4; s_Eh3Fpo.fHasSEH = 0; s_Eh3Fpo.fUseBP = 0; s_Eh3Fpo.reserved = 0; s_Eh3Fpo.cbFrame = FRAME_NONFPO; return &s_Eh3Fpo; } else if (OffStart == s_Kuit) { //
// KiUnexpectedInterruptTail has three special stubs
// following it for CommonDispatchException[0-2]Args.
// These stubs set up for the appropriate number of
// arguments and then call CommonDispatchException.
// They do not have symbols or FPO data so fake some
// up if we're in the region immediately after KUIT.
PFPO_DATA KuitData = (PFPO_DATA) SymFunctionTableAccess(g_Process->m_SymHandle, OffStart); if (KuitData != NULL && Disp >= (ULONG64)KuitData->cbProcSize && Disp < (ULONG64)KuitData->cbProcSize + 0x20) { static FPO_DATA s_CdeStubFpo; s_CdeStubFpo.ulOffStart = (ULONG)OffStart; s_CdeStubFpo.cbProcSize = 0x10; s_CdeStubFpo.cdwLocals = 0; s_CdeStubFpo.cdwParams = 0; s_CdeStubFpo.cbProlog = 0; s_CdeStubFpo.cbRegs = 0; s_CdeStubFpo.fHasSEH = 0; s_CdeStubFpo.fUseBP = 0; s_CdeStubFpo.reserved = 0; s_CdeStubFpo.cbFrame = FRAME_TRAP; return &s_CdeStubFpo; } }
return NULL; } PFPO_DATA SynthesizeFpoDataForModule(DWORD64 PCAddr) { DWORD64 Offset; CHAR symbuf[MAX_SYMBOL_LEN];
GetSymbol(PCAddr, symbuf, sizeof(symbuf), &Offset);
if (Offset == PCAddr) { // No symbol.
return NULL; }
PFPO_DATA KnownFpo = SynthesizeKnownFpo(symbuf, PCAddr - Offset, Offset); if (KnownFpo != NULL) { return KnownFpo; }
// Not a known symbol so no FPO is available.
return NULL; }
PFPO_DATA SynthesizeFpoDataForFastSyscall(ULONG64 Offset) { static FPO_DATA s_FastFpo; // XXX drewb - Temporary until the fake user-shared
// module is worked out.
s_FastFpo.ulOffStart = (ULONG)Offset; s_FastFpo.cbProcSize = X86_SHARED_SYSCALL_SIZE; s_FastFpo.cdwLocals = 0; s_FastFpo.cdwParams = 0; s_FastFpo.cbProlog = 0; s_FastFpo.cbRegs = 0; s_FastFpo.fHasSEH = 0; s_FastFpo.fUseBP = 0; s_FastFpo.reserved = 0; s_FastFpo.cbFrame = FRAME_FPO; return &s_FastFpo; }
PFPO_DATA ModifyFpoRecord(ImageInfo* Image, PFPO_DATA FpoData) { if (FpoData->cdwLocals == 80) { static ULONG64 s_CommonDispatchException;
// Some versions of CommonDispatchException have
// the wrong locals size, which screws up stack
// traces. Detect and fix up these problems.
if (s_CommonDispatchException == 0) { GetOffsetFromSym(g_Process, "nt!CommonDispatchException", &s_CommonDispatchException, NULL); } if (Image->m_BaseOfImage + FpoData->ulOffStart == s_CommonDispatchException) { static FPO_DATA s_CdeFpo; s_CdeFpo = *FpoData; s_CdeFpo.cdwLocals = 20; FpoData = &s_CdeFpo; } } else if (FpoData->cdwLocals == 0 && FpoData->cdwParams == 0 && FpoData->cbRegs == 3) { static ULONG64 s_KiSwapThread;
// KiSwapThread has shrink-wrapping so that three registers
// are pushed in only a portion of the code. Unfortunately,
// the most important place in the code -- the call to
// KiSwapContext -- is outside of this region and therefore
// the register count is wrong much more often than it's
// correct. Switch the register count to two to make it
// correct more often than wrong.
if (s_KiSwapThread == 0) { GetOffsetFromSym(g_Process, "nt!KiSwapThread", &s_KiSwapThread, NULL); }
if (Image->m_BaseOfImage + FpoData->ulOffStart == s_KiSwapThread) { static FPO_DATA s_KstFpo;
s_KstFpo = *FpoData; s_KstFpo.cbRegs = 2; FpoData = &s_KstFpo; } } else if (FpoData->fHasSEH) { static FPO_DATA s_SehFpo;
s_SehFpo = *FpoData; s_SehFpo.cbFrame = FRAME_NONFPO; FpoData = &s_SehFpo; }
return FpoData; }
PFPO_DATA FindFpoDataForModule(DWORD64 PCAddr) /*++
Routine Description:
Locates the fpo data structure in the process's linked list for the requested module.
PCAddr - address contained in the program counter
Return Value:
null - could not locate the entry valid address - found the entry at the adress retured
--*/ { ProcessInfo* Process; ImageInfo* Image; PFPO_DATA FpoData;
Process = g_Process; Image = Process->m_ImageHead; FpoData = 0; while (Image) { if ((PCAddr >= Image->m_BaseOfImage) && (PCAddr < Image->m_BaseOfImage + Image->m_SizeOfImage)) { FpoData = (PFPO_DATA) SymFunctionTableAccess(g_Process->m_SymHandle, PCAddr); if (!FpoData) { FpoData = SynthesizeFpoDataForModule(PCAddr); } else { FpoData = ModifyFpoRecord(Image, FpoData); } return FpoData; } Image = Image->m_Next; }
ULONG64 FscBase; switch(IsInFastSyscall(PCAddr, &FscBase)) { case FSC_FOUND: return SynthesizeFpoDataForFastSyscall(FscBase); } // the function is not part of any known loaded image
return NULL; }
LPVOID SwFunctionTableAccess( HANDLE hProcess, ULONG64 AddrBase ) { static IMAGE_IA64_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY s_Ia64; static _IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY s_Amd64;
PVOID pife;
if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { return (LPVOID)FindFpoDataForModule( AddrBase ); }
pife = SymFunctionTableAccess64(hProcess, AddrBase);
switch(g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0]) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: if (pife) { s_Ia64 = *(PIMAGE_IA64_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY)pife; return &s_Ia64; } else { if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) && (AddrBase >= IA64_MM_EPC_VA) && (AddrBase < (IA64_MM_EPC_VA + IA64_PAGE_SIZE))) { return g_EpcRfe; } else { return NULL; } } break;
case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: if (pife) { s_Amd64 = *(_PIMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY)pife; return &s_Amd64; } break; }
return NULL; }
DWORD64 SwTranslateAddress( HANDLE hProcess, HANDLE hThread, LPADDRESS64 lpaddress ) { //
// don't support 16bit stacks
return 0; }
BOOL SwReadMemory( HANDLE hProcess, ULONG64 BaseAddress, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead ) { DBG_ASSERT(hProcess == OS_HANDLE(g_Process->m_SysHandle));
if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { DWORD BytesRead; HRESULT Status;
if ((LONG_PTR)lpNumberOfBytesRead == -1) { if (g_Target->m_MachineType == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { BaseAddress += g_Target->m_TypeInfo.SizeTargetContext; } Status = g_Target->ReadControl(CURRENT_PROC, (ULONG)BaseAddress, lpBuffer, nSize, &BytesRead); return Status == S_OK; } }
if (g_Target->ReadVirtual(g_Process, BaseAddress, lpBuffer, nSize, lpNumberOfBytesRead) != S_OK) { // Make sure bytes read is zero.
if (lpNumberOfBytesRead != NULL) { *lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0; } return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
BOOL SwReadMemory32( HANDLE hProcess, ULONG dwBaseAddress, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead ) { return SwReadMemory(hProcess, EXTEND64(dwBaseAddress), lpBuffer, nSize, lpNumberOfBytesRead); }
DWORD64 GetKernelModuleBase( ULONG64 Address ) { ModuleInfo* ModIter;
if (!(ModIter = g_Target->GetModuleInfo(FALSE)) || ModIter->Initialize(g_Thread) != S_OK) { return 0; }
// We only want module base and size.
ModIter->m_InfoLevel = MODULE_INFO_BASE_SIZE;
for (;;) { MODULE_INFO_ENTRY ModEntry;
ZeroMemory(&ModEntry, sizeof(ModEntry)); if (ModIter->GetEntry(&ModEntry) != S_OK) { break; }
if (Address >= ModEntry.Base && Address < ModEntry.Base + ModEntry.Size) { return ModEntry.Base; } }
return 0; }
DWORD64 SwGetModuleBase( HANDLE hProcess, ULONG64 Address ) { if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 && IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) && (Address >= IA64_MM_EPC_VA) && (Address < (IA64_MM_EPC_VA + IA64_PAGE_SIZE))) { Address -= (IA64_MM_EPC_VA - g_Target->m_SystemCallVirtualAddress); }
ImageInfo* Image = g_Process->FindImageByOffset(Address, TRUE); if (Image) { return Image->m_BaseOfImage; }
// This might be the JIT output for managed code.
// There's no 'base' as such but we need to return
// something non-zero to indicate this code is known.
// There won't be any FPO information so the module base
// value isn't that important. Just return the actual address.
if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 && g_Process->IsCorCode(Address) == S_OK) { return Address; } // If no regular module was found we need to look in
// the dynamic function tables to see if an entry
// there matches.
ULONG64 DynBase = g_Target-> GetDynamicFunctionTableBase(g_Process, Address); if (DynBase) { return DynBase; } if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { // If no modules have been loaded there's still a possibility
// of getting a kernel stack trace (without symbols) by going
// after the module base directly. This also makes it possible
// to get a stack trace when there are no symbols available.
if (g_Process->m_ImageHead == NULL) { return GetKernelModuleBase( Address ); } }
return 0; }
DWORD SwGetModuleBase32( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD Address ) { return (DWORD)SwGetModuleBase(hProcess, Address); }
void PrintStackTraceHeaderLine( ULONG Flags ) { if ( (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_COLUMN_NAMES) == 0 ) { return; }
if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_NUMBERS) { dprintf(" # "); }
if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_MEMORY_USAGE) { dprintf(" Memory "); } if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_ADDRESSES) { g_Machine->PrintStackFrameAddressesTitle(Flags); }
if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_ARGUMENTS) { g_Machine->PrintStackArgumentsTitle(Flags); }
dprintf("\n"); }
VOID PrintStackFrame( PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrame, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME PrevFrame, ULONG Flags ) { ULONG64 Displacement; ULONG64 InstructionOffset = StackFrame->InstructionOffset; SYMBOL_INFO_AND_NAME SymInfo;
if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 && IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) && (InstructionOffset >= IA64_MM_EPC_VA) && (InstructionOffset < (IA64_MM_EPC_VA + IA64_PAGE_SIZE))) { InstructionOffset = InstructionOffset - (IA64_MM_EPC_VA - g_Target->m_SystemCallVirtualAddress); }
GetSymbolInfo(InstructionOffset, NULL, 0, SymInfo, &Displacement); StartOutLine(DEBUG_OUTPUT_NORMAL, OUT_LINE_NO_TIMESTAMP);
if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_NUMBERS) { dprintf("%02lx ", StackFrame->FrameNumber); }
if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_MEMORY_USAGE) { if (PrevFrame) { g_Machine->PrintStackFrameMemoryUsage(StackFrame, PrevFrame); } else { dprintf(" "); } }
if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_ADDRESSES) { g_Machine->PrintStackFrameAddresses(Flags, StackFrame); } if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_ARGUMENTS) { g_Machine->PrintStackArguments(Flags, StackFrame); }
g_Machine->PrintStackCallSite(Flags, StackFrame, SymInfo, SymInfo->Name, Displacement);
if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_SOURCE_LINE) { OutputLineAddr(InstructionOffset, " [%s @ %d]"); }
dprintf( "\n" ); }
BOOL CheckFrameValidity(PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME Frame) { //
// If the current frame's IP is not in any loaded module
// it's likely that we won't be able to unwind.
// If the current frame's IP is in a loaded module and
// that module does not have symbols it's very possible
// that the stack trace will be incorrect since the
// debugger has to guess about how to unwind the stack.
// Non-x86 architectures have unwind info in the images
// themselves so restrict this check to x86.
if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 && Frame->InstructionOffset != -1 && !Frame->FuncTableEntry && g_Process->IsCorCode(Frame->InstructionOffset) != S_OK) { IMAGEHLP_MODULE64 Mod;
Mod.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(Mod); if (!SymGetModuleInfo64(g_Process->m_SymHandle, Frame->InstructionOffset, &Mod)) { WarnOut("WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. " "Following frames may be wrong.\n"); return TRUE; } else if (Mod.SymType == SymNone || Mod.SymType == SymExport || Mod.SymType == SymDeferred) { WarnOut("WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. " "Following frames may be wrong.\n"); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
VOID PrintStackTrace( ULONG NumFrames, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrames, ULONG Flags ) { ULONG i; BOOL SymWarning = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < NumFrames; i++) { if (!SymWarning && NumFrames > 1) { SymWarning = CheckFrameValidity(StackFrames + i); } PrintStackFrame(StackFrames + i, i > 0 ? (StackFrames + (i - 1)) : NULL, Flags); } }
HRESULT UnwindCorFrame(ICorDataStackWalk* CorStack, PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME DbgFrame, LPSTACKFRAME64 VirtFrame) { HRESULT Status; ADDRESS64 PreInstr, PreStack, PreFrame; ADDRESS64 PostInstr, PostStack, PostFrame; CorDataFrameType CorFrameType;
g_Machine-> GetStackDefaultsFromContext(Context, &PreInstr, &PreStack, &PreFrame);
if ((Status = CorStack-> SetFrameContext(g_Target->m_TypeInfo.SizeTargetContext, (BYTE*)Context)) != S_OK || (Status = CorStack-> GetFrameDescription(&CorFrameType, NULL, 0)) != S_OK) { return Status; } if (CorFrameType != DAC_FRAME_COR_METHOD_FRAME) { return S_FALSE; } if ((Status = CorStack->UnwindFrame()) != S_OK || (Status = CorStack-> GetFrameContext(g_Target->m_TypeInfo.SizeTargetContext, (BYTE*)Context)) != S_OK) { return Status; } g_Machine-> GetStackDefaultsFromContext(Context, &PostInstr, &PostStack, &PostFrame);
if (g_DebugCorStack) { dprintf(" COR Pre i %08X s %08X f %08x\n" " Post i %08X s %08X f %08x\n", (ULONG)PreInstr.Offset, (ULONG)PreStack.Offset, (ULONG)PreFrame.Offset, (ULONG)PostInstr.Offset, (ULONG)PostStack.Offset, (ULONG)PostFrame.Offset); }
DbgFrame->InstructionOffset = PreInstr.Offset; DbgFrame->ReturnOffset = PostInstr.Offset; DbgFrame->FrameOffset = PreFrame.Offset; DbgFrame->StackOffset = PreStack.Offset; DbgFrame->FuncTableEntry = 0; DbgFrame->Virtual = FALSE;
ZeroMemory(DbgFrame->Reserved, sizeof(DbgFrame->Reserved)); ZeroMemory(DbgFrame->Params, sizeof(DbgFrame->Params));
// Prepare the StackWalk64 frame in case it's
// used later. Setting Virtual to FALSE should
// force the stack walker to reinitialize.
VirtFrame->Virtual = FALSE; VirtFrame->AddrPC = PostInstr; VirtFrame->AddrFrame = PostFrame; VirtFrame->AddrStack = PostStack;
return S_OK; }
DWORD StackTrace( DebugClient* Client, ULONG64 FramePointer, ULONG64 StackPointer, ULONG64 InstructionPointer, ULONG PointerDefaults, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrames, ULONG NumFrames, ULONG64 ExtThread, ULONG Flags, BOOL EstablishingScope ) { STACKFRAME64 VirtualFrame; DWORD i; CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context; BOOL SymWarning = FALSE; ULONG X86Ebp; ULONG Seg; ADDRESS64 DefInstr, DefStack, DefFrame; HRESULT Status; ICorDataStackWalk* CorStack;
if (!EstablishingScope) { RequireCurrentScope(); } if (g_Machine->GetContextState(MCTX_FULL) != S_OK) { return 0; }
Context = *GetScopeOrMachineContext(); g_Machine->GetStackDefaultsFromContext(&Context, &DefInstr, &DefStack, &DefFrame);
// let's start clean
ZeroMemory( StackFrames, sizeof(StackFrames[0]) * NumFrames ); ZeroMemory( &VirtualFrame, sizeof(VirtualFrame) );
if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { //
// if debugger was initialized at boot, usermode addresses needed for
// stack traces on IA64 were not available. Try it now:
if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 && !g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KeUserCallbackDispatcher) { g_Target->QueryKernelInfo(g_Thread, FALSE); }
ULONG64 ThreadData;
// If no explicit thread is given then we use the
// current thread. However, the current thread is only
// valid if the current thread is the event thread since
// tracing back into user mode requires that the appropriate
// user-mode memory state be active.
if (ExtThread != 0) { ThreadData = ExtThread; } else if (g_Thread != g_EventThread || g_Process != g_EventProcess || g_Process-> GetImplicitThreadData(g_Thread, &ThreadData) != S_OK) { ThreadData = 0; }
VirtualFrame.KdHelp.Thread = ThreadData; VirtualFrame.KdHelp.ThCallbackStack = ThreadData ? g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.ThCallbackStack : 0; VirtualFrame.KdHelp.KiCallUserMode = g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KiCallUserMode; VirtualFrame.KdHelp.NextCallback = g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.NextCallback; VirtualFrame.KdHelp.KeUserCallbackDispatcher = g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KeUserCallbackDispatcher; VirtualFrame.KdHelp.FramePointer = g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.FramePointer; VirtualFrame.KdHelp.SystemRangeStart = g_Target->m_SystemRangeStart; } //
// setup the program counter
if (PointerDefaults & STACK_INSTR_DEFAULT) { VirtualFrame.AddrPC = DefInstr; } else { VirtualFrame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; Seg = g_Machine->GetSegRegNum(SEGREG_CODE); VirtualFrame.AddrPC.Segment = Seg ? (WORD)g_Machine->FullGetVal32(Seg) : 0; VirtualFrame.AddrPC.Offset = InstructionPointer; }
// setup the frame pointer
if (PointerDefaults & STACK_FRAME_DEFAULT) { VirtualFrame.AddrFrame = DefFrame; } else { VirtualFrame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; Seg = g_Machine->GetSegRegNum(SEGREG_STACK); VirtualFrame.AddrFrame.Segment = Seg ? (WORD)g_Machine->FullGetVal32(Seg) : 0; VirtualFrame.AddrFrame.Offset = FramePointer; } VirtualFrame.AddrBStore = VirtualFrame.AddrFrame; X86Ebp = (ULONG)VirtualFrame.AddrFrame.Offset;
// setup the stack pointer
if (PointerDefaults & STACK_STACK_DEFAULT) { VirtualFrame.AddrStack = DefStack; } else { VirtualFrame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; Seg = g_Machine->GetSegRegNum(SEGREG_STACK); VirtualFrame.AddrStack.Segment = Seg ? (WORD)g_Machine->FullGetVal32(Seg) : 0; VirtualFrame.AddrStack.Offset = StackPointer; }
if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 && IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) && g_Target->m_SystemCallVirtualAddress) { PVOID FunctionEntry;
FunctionEntry = SwFunctionTableAccess (g_Process->m_SymHandle, g_Target->m_SystemCallVirtualAddress); if (FunctionEntry != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory(&g_EpcRfeBuffer, FunctionEntry, sizeof(IMAGE_IA64_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY)); g_EpcRfe = &g_EpcRfeBuffer; } else { g_EpcRfe = NULL; } }
if (g_AllowCorStack && g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { // XXX drewb - No good way to know what runtime thread
// to use, so always use the current one.
CorStack = g_Process->StartCorStack(0); } else { // Non-x86 stacks can always be walked by StackWalk64
// because of high-quality unwind information.
CorStack = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < NumFrames; i++) { Status = S_FALSE;
if (g_DebugCorStack) { dprintf("Frame %d\n", i); } StackFrames[i].FrameNumber = i; if (i > 0 && CorStack) { if (FAILED(Status = UnwindCorFrame(CorStack, &Context, &StackFrames[i], &VirtualFrame))) { ErrOut("Managed frame unwind failed, %s\n", FormatStatusCode(Status)); break; } }
if (Status == S_FALSE) { // SwReadMemory doesn't currently use the thread handle
// but send in something reasonable in case of future changes.
if (!StackWalk64(g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0], OS_HANDLE(g_Process->m_SysHandle), OS_HANDLE(g_Thread->m_Handle), &VirtualFrame, &Context, SwReadMemory, SwFunctionTableAccess, SwGetModuleBase, SwTranslateAddress)) { break; }
StackFrames[i].InstructionOffset = VirtualFrame.AddrPC.Offset; StackFrames[i].ReturnOffset = VirtualFrame.AddrReturn.Offset; StackFrames[i].FrameOffset = VirtualFrame.AddrFrame.Offset; StackFrames[i].StackOffset = VirtualFrame.AddrStack.Offset; StackFrames[i].FuncTableEntry = (ULONG64)VirtualFrame.FuncTableEntry; StackFrames[i].Virtual = VirtualFrame.Virtual;
// NOTE - we have more reserved space in the DEBUG_STACK_FRAME
memcpy(StackFrames[i].Reserved, VirtualFrame.Reserved, sizeof(VirtualFrame.Reserved)); memcpy(StackFrames[i].Params, VirtualFrame.Params, sizeof(VirtualFrame.Params));
if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 && IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { if ((VirtualFrame.AddrPC.Offset >= IA64_MM_EPC_VA) && (VirtualFrame.AddrPC.Offset < (IA64_MM_EPC_VA + IA64_PAGE_SIZE))) { VirtualFrame.AddrPC.Offset -= (IA64_MM_EPC_VA - g_Target->m_SystemCallVirtualAddress); }
if ((i != 0) && (StackFrames[i - 1].InstructionOffset >= IA64_MM_EPC_VA) && (VirtualFrame.AddrPC.Offset < (IA64_MM_EPC_VA + IA64_PAGE_SIZE))) { StackFrames[i - 1].ReturnOffset = VirtualFrame.AddrPC.Offset; } } else if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { if (StackFrames[i].FuncTableEntry) { PFPO_DATA FpoData = (PFPO_DATA) StackFrames[i].FuncTableEntry; if ((FpoData->cbFrame == FRAME_FPO) && X86Ebp && (!FpoData->fUseBP && ((SAVE_EBP(&StackFrames[i]) >> 32) != 0xEB))) { // EBP tag, so stack walker doesn't get confused
SAVE_EBP(&StackFrames[i]) = X86Ebp + 0xEB00000000; } } X86Ebp = Context.X86Context.Ebp; } }
if (Flags) { if (i == 0) { PrintStackTraceHeaderLine(Flags); }
if (!SymWarning && NumFrames > 1) { SymWarning = CheckFrameValidity(StackFrames + i); } PrintStackFrame(StackFrames + i, i > 0 ? (StackFrames + (i - 1)) : NULL, Flags); if (Flags & DEBUG_STACK_NONVOLATILE_REGISTERS) { g_Machine->PrintStackNonvolatileRegisters(Flags, StackFrames + i, &Context, i); } } }
RELEASE(CorStack); return i; }
VOID DoStackTrace( DebugClient* Client, ULONG64 FramePointer, ULONG64 StackPointer, ULONG64 InstructionPointer, ULONG PointerDefaults, ULONG NumFrames, ULONG TraceFlags ) { PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrames; ULONG NumFramesToRead; DWORD FrameCount;
if (NumFrames == 0) { NumFrames = g_DefaultStackTraceDepth; }
if (TraceFlags & RAW_STACK_DUMP) { DBG_ASSERT(TraceFlags == RAW_STACK_DUMP); NumFramesToRead = 1; } else { NumFramesToRead = NumFrames; }
StackFrames = (PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME) malloc( sizeof(StackFrames[0]) * NumFramesToRead ); if (!StackFrames) { ErrOut( "could not allocate memory for stack trace\n" ); return; }
if (g_Machine->m_Ptr64 && (TraceFlags & DEBUG_STACK_ARGUMENTS) && !(TraceFlags & DEBUG_STACK_FUNCTION_INFO)) { TraceFlags |= DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_ADDRESSES_RA_ONLY; }
FrameCount = StackTrace(Client, FramePointer, StackPointer, InstructionPointer, PointerDefaults, StackFrames, NumFramesToRead, 0, TraceFlags, FALSE);
if (FrameCount == 0) { ErrOut( "could not fetch any stack frames\n" ); free(StackFrames); return; }
if (TraceFlags & RAW_STACK_DUMP) { // Starting with the frame pointer, dump NumFrames DWORD's
// and the symbol if possible.
ADDR StartAddr; ADDRFLAT(&StartAddr, StackFrames[0].FrameOffset);
DumpDwordMemory(&StartAddr, NumFrames, TRUE); }
free(StackFrames); }