* standard table class. * * print functions. * * see table.h for interface description */
#include <string.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "commdlg.h"
#include "gutils.h"
#include "gutilsrc.h"
#include "table.h"
#include "tpriv.h"
/* in tpaint.c, calls GetTextExtentPoint */ extern int GetTextExtent(HDC, LPSTR, int);
extern HANDLE hLibInst;
/* function prototypes */ lpTable gtab_printsetup(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, HANDLE heap, lpPrintContext pcontext); BOOL gtab_prtwidths(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, HANDLE heap, lpPrintContext pcontext); void gtab_printjob(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, lpPrintContext pcontext); int APIENTRY AbortProc(HDC hpr, int code); INT_PTR CALLBACK AbortDlg(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); BOOL gtab_printpage(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, lpPrintContext pcontext, int page); void gtab_setrects(lpPrintContext pcontext, LPRECT rcinner, LPRECT rcouter); void gtab_printhead(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, lpTable ptab, lpTitle head, int page, BOOL fExpandChars);
* gtab_print */ BOOL gtab_print(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, HANDLE heap, lpPrintContext pcontext) { BOOL fNoContext, fNoMargin, fNoPD; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; lpTable ptab_prt;
fNoContext = FALSE; fNoPD = FALSE; fNoMargin = FALSE;
if (pcontext == NULL) { fNoContext = TRUE; pcontext = (lpPrintContext) gmem_get(heap, sizeof(PrintContext)); pcontext->head = pcontext->foot = NULL; pcontext->margin = NULL; pcontext->pd = NULL; pcontext->id = 0; } if (pcontext->pd == NULL) { fNoPD = TRUE; } if (pcontext->margin == NULL) { fNoMargin = TRUE; } ptab_prt = gtab_printsetup(hwnd, ptab, heap, pcontext);
if (ptab_prt != NULL) { gtab_printjob(hwnd, ptab_prt, pcontext);
gtab_deltable(hwnd, ptab_prt); } else fSuccess = FALSE; if (fNoMargin) { gmem_free(heap, (LPSTR)pcontext->margin, sizeof(Margin)); pcontext->margin = NULL; } if (fNoPD) { if (pcontext->pd->hDevMode != NULL) { GlobalFree(pcontext->pd->hDevMode); } if (pcontext->pd->hDevNames != NULL) { GlobalFree(pcontext->pd->hDevNames); } gmem_free(heap, (LPSTR) pcontext->pd, sizeof(PRINTDLG)); pcontext->pd = NULL; } if (fNoContext) { gmem_free(heap, (LPSTR) pcontext, sizeof(PrintContext)); } return fSuccess; }
* gtab_printsetup() * * sets up printercontext - builds lpTable for printer, incl. sizing * and initialises pcontext fields that may be null. */ lpTable gtab_printsetup(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, HANDLE heap, lpPrintContext pcontext) { lpTable pprttab; PRINTDLG FAR * pd; int ncols, i; ColPropsList cplist;
/* set fields for context that user left null */ if (pcontext->margin == NULL) { pcontext->margin = (lpMargin) gmem_get(heap, sizeof(Margin)); if (pcontext->margin == NULL) { return(NULL); } pcontext->margin->left = 10; pcontext->margin->right = 10; pcontext->margin->top = 15; pcontext->margin->bottom = 15; pcontext->margin->topinner = 15; pcontext->margin->bottominner = 15; }
if (pcontext->pd == NULL) { pd = (PRINTDLG FAR *) gmem_get(heap, sizeof(PRINTDLG)); if (pd == NULL) { return(NULL); } pcontext->pd = pd;
pd->lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG); pd->hwndOwner = hwnd; pd->hDevMode = (HANDLE) NULL; pd->hDevNames = (HANDLE) NULL; pd->Flags = PD_RETURNDC|PD_RETURNDEFAULT;
if (PrintDlg(pd) == FALSE) { return(NULL); } }
/* now create a Table struct by querying the owner */ pprttab = (lpTable) gmem_get(heap, sizeof(Table));
if (pprttab == NULL) { return(NULL); } pprttab->hdr = ptab->hdr; pprttab->tabchars = ptab->tabchars; pprttab->show_whitespace = ptab->show_whitespace;
/* get the row/column count from owner window */ if (pcontext->id == 0) { pprttab->hdr.id = ptab->hdr.id; } else { pprttab->hdr.id = pcontext->id; } pprttab->hdr.props.valid = 0; pprttab->hdr.sendscroll = FALSE; if (gtab_sendtq(hwnd, TQ_GETSIZE, (LPARAM)&pprttab->hdr) == FALSE) { return(NULL); }
/* alloc and init the col data structs */ ncols = pprttab->hdr.ncols; pprttab->pcolhdr = (lpColProps) gmem_get(heap, sizeof(ColProps) * ncols); if (pprttab->pcolhdr == NULL) { gmem_free(heap, (LPSTR)pprttab, sizeof(Table)); return(NULL); }
/* init col properties to default */ for (i=0; i < ncols; i++) { pprttab->pcolhdr[i].props.valid = 0; pprttab->pcolhdr[i].nchars = 0; } /* get the column props from owner */ cplist.plist = pprttab->pcolhdr; cplist.id = pprttab->hdr.id; cplist.startcol = 0; cplist.ncols = ncols; gtab_sendtq(hwnd, TQ_GETCOLPROPS, (LPARAM)&cplist);
pprttab->scrollscale = 1; pprttab->pcellpos = (lpCellPos) gmem_get(heap, sizeof(CellPos) * ptab->hdr.ncols); if (pprttab->pcellpos == NULL) { gmem_free(heap, (LPSTR) pprttab->pcolhdr, sizeof(ColProps) * ncols); gmem_free(heap, (LPSTR)pprttab, sizeof(Table)); return(NULL); }
pprttab->pdata = NULL; pprttab->nlines = 0;
if (!gtab_prtwidths(hwnd, pprttab, heap, pcontext)) { gmem_free(heap, (LPSTR)pprttab->pcellpos, sizeof(CellPos) * ptab->hdr.ncols); gmem_free(heap, (LPSTR)pprttab, sizeof(Table)); return(NULL); } return(pprttab); }
/* calc the height/width settings and alloc line data */ BOOL gtab_prtwidths(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, HANDLE heap, lpPrintContext pcontext) { TEXTMETRIC tm; int cx, cxtotal, i, curx, cury; lpProps hdrprops, cellprops; lpCellPos xpos, ypos; RECT rcinner, rcouter;
hdrprops = &ptab->hdr.props; GetTextMetrics(pcontext->pd->hDC, &tm); ptab->avewidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth; ptab->rowheight = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading; if (hdrprops->valid & P_HEIGHT) { ptab->rowheight = hdrprops->height; }
/* set sizes for headers */ gtab_setrects(pcontext, &rcinner, &rcouter);
/* set width/pos for each col. */ cxtotal = 0; curx = rcinner.left; for (i = 0; i < ptab->hdr.ncols; i++) { cellprops = &ptab->pcolhdr[i].props; xpos = &ptab->pcellpos[i];
if (cellprops->valid & P_WIDTH) { cx = cellprops->width; } else if (hdrprops->valid & P_WIDTH) { cx = hdrprops->width; } else { cx = ptab->pcolhdr[i].nchars + 1; cx *= ptab->avewidth; } /* add 2 for intercol spacing */ cx += 2;
xpos->size = cx; xpos->start = curx + 1; xpos->clipstart = xpos->start; xpos->clipend = xpos->start + xpos->size - 2; xpos->clipend = min(xpos->clipend, rcinner.right);
cxtotal += xpos->size; curx += xpos->size; } ptab->rowwidth = cxtotal;
if (pcontext->head != NULL) { xpos = &pcontext->head->xpos; ypos = &pcontext->head->ypos;
xpos->start = rcouter.left + 1; xpos->clipstart = rcouter.left + 1; xpos->clipend = rcouter.right - 1; xpos->size = rcouter.right - rcouter.left;
ypos->start = rcouter.top; ypos->clipstart = rcouter.top; ypos->clipend = rcinner.top; ypos->size = ptab->rowheight; }
if (pcontext->foot != NULL) { xpos = &pcontext->foot->xpos; ypos = &pcontext->foot->ypos;
xpos->start = rcouter.left + 1; xpos->clipstart = rcouter.left + 1; xpos->clipend = rcouter.right - 1; xpos->size = rcouter.right - rcouter.left;
ypos->start = rcouter.bottom - ptab->rowheight; ypos->clipstart = rcinner.bottom; ypos->clipend = rcouter.bottom; ypos->size = ptab->rowheight; }
/* set nr of lines per page */ ptab->nlines = (rcinner.bottom - rcinner.top) / ptab->rowheight; if (!gtab_alloclinedata(hwnd, heap, ptab)) { return(FALSE); } /* set line positions */ cury = rcinner.top; for (i = 0; i < ptab->nlines; i++) { ypos = &ptab->pdata[i].linepos; ypos->start = cury; ypos->clipstart = ypos->start; ypos->clipend = ypos->start + ypos->size; ypos->clipend = min(ypos->clipend, rcinner.bottom); cury += ypos->size; } return(TRUE); }
/* static information for this module */ BOOL bAbort; FARPROC lpAbortProc; //DLGPROC lpAbortDlg;
HWND hAbortWnd; int npage; int pages;
void gtab_printjob(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, lpPrintContext pcontext) { int moveables; int endpage; int startpage = 1; HDC hpr; int status; HANDLE hcurs; static char str[256]; DOCINFO di; TCHAR szPage[60]; /* for LoadString */
hcurs = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
moveables = ptab->nlines - ptab->hdr.fixedrows; pages = (int) (ptab->hdr.nrows - ptab->hdr.fixedrows + moveables - 1) / moveables; endpage = pages;
if (pcontext->pd->Flags & PD_PAGENUMS) { startpage = pcontext->pd->nFromPage; endpage = pcontext->pd->nToPage; } hpr = pcontext->pd->hDC;
//lpAbortDlg = (DLGPROC) MakeProcInstance((WINPROCTYPE) AbortDlg, hLibInst);
lpAbortProc = (FARPROC) MakeProcInstance((WINPROCTYPE)AbortProc, hLibInst);
SetAbortProc(hpr, (ABORTPROC) lpAbortProc);
di.lpszDocName = "Table"; di.cbSize = lstrlen(di.lpszDocName); di.lpszOutput = NULL; di.lpszDatatype = NULL; di.fwType = 0;
StartDoc(hpr, &di);
bAbort = FALSE;
/* add abort modeless dialog later!! */ //hAbortWnd = CreateDialog(hLibInst, "GABRTDLG", hwnd, lpAbortDlg);
hAbortWnd = CreateDialog(hLibInst, "GABRTDLG", hwnd, AbortDlg); if (hAbortWnd != NULL) { ShowWindow(hAbortWnd, SW_NORMAL); EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); } SetCursor(hcurs);
status = 0; /* kills a "used without init" diagnostic */ for (npage = startpage; npage<=endpage; npage++) { LoadString(hLibInst,IDS_PAGE_STR,szPage,sizeof(szPage)); wsprintf(str, szPage, npage, pages); if (hAbortWnd != NULL) SetDlgItemText(hAbortWnd, IDC_LPAGENR, str); status = gtab_printpage(hwnd, ptab, pcontext, npage); if (status < 0) { AbortDoc(hpr); break; } } if (status >= 0) { EndDoc(hpr); }
if (hAbortWnd != NULL) { EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE); DestroyWindow(hAbortWnd); } //FreeProcInstance((WINPROCTYPE) lpAbortDlg);
DeleteDC(hpr); }
int APIENTRY AbortProc(HDC hpr, int code) {
MSG msg;
if (!hAbortWnd) { return(TRUE); } while (!bAbort && PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (!IsDialogMessage(hAbortWnd, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } return(!bAbort); }
INT_PTR CALLBACK AbortDlg(HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) {
case WM_COMMAND: bAbort = TRUE; EndDialog(hdlg, TRUE); return TRUE;
case WM_INITDIALOG: return TRUE; } return(FALSE); }
* print a single page. page number is 1-based */ BOOL gtab_printpage(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, lpPrintContext pcontext, int page) { HDC hpr; int moveables, i; int x1, y1, x2, y2;
hpr = pcontext->pd->hDC; StartPage(hpr);
moveables = ptab->nlines - ptab->hdr.fixedrows; ptab->toprow = moveables * (page-1); gtab_invallines(hwnd, ptab, ptab->hdr.fixedrows, moveables);
for (i =0; i < ptab->nlines; i++) { gtab_paintline(hwnd, hpr, ptab, i, ptab->show_whitespace, TRUE); } if ((ptab->hdr.vseparator) && (ptab->hdr.fixedcols > 0)) { x1 = ptab->pcellpos[ptab->hdr.fixedcols -1].clipend+1; y1 = ptab->pdata[0].linepos.clipstart; y2 = ptab->pdata[ptab->nlines-1].linepos.clipend; MoveToEx(hpr, x1, y1, NULL); LineTo(hpr, x1, y2); } if ((ptab->hdr.hseparator) && (ptab->hdr.fixedrows > 0)) { y1 = ptab->pdata[ptab->hdr.fixedrows-1].linepos.clipend; x1 = ptab->pcellpos[0].clipstart; x2 = ptab->pcellpos[ptab->hdr.ncols-1].clipend; MoveToEx(hpr, x1, y1, NULL); LineTo(hpr, x2, y1); }
if (pcontext->head != NULL) { gtab_printhead(hwnd, hpr, ptab, pcontext->head, page, FALSE); } if (pcontext->foot != NULL) { gtab_printhead(hwnd, hpr, ptab, pcontext->foot, page, TRUE); }
return(EndPage(hpr)); }
* calculate the outline positions in pixels for the headers * (outer rect) and for the page itself (inner rect). Based on * page size and PrintContext margin info (which is in millimetres). */ void gtab_setrects(lpPrintContext pcontext, LPRECT rcinner, LPRECT rcouter) { HDC hpr; int hpixels, hmms; int vpixels, vmms; int h_pixpermm, v_pixpermm;
hpr = pcontext->pd->hDC; hpixels = GetDeviceCaps(hpr, HORZRES); vpixels = GetDeviceCaps(hpr, VERTRES); vmms = GetDeviceCaps(hpr, VERTSIZE); hmms = GetDeviceCaps(hpr, HORZSIZE);
h_pixpermm = hpixels / hmms; v_pixpermm = vpixels / vmms;
rcouter->top = (pcontext->margin->top * v_pixpermm); rcouter->bottom = vpixels - (pcontext->margin->bottom * v_pixpermm); rcouter->left = (pcontext->margin->left * h_pixpermm); rcouter->right = hpixels - (pcontext->margin->right * h_pixpermm);
rcinner->left = rcouter->left; rcinner->right = rcouter->right; rcinner->top = rcouter->top + (pcontext->margin->topinner * v_pixpermm); rcinner->bottom = rcouter->bottom - (pcontext->margin->bottominner * v_pixpermm); }
void gtab_printhead(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, lpTable ptab, lpTitle head, int page, BOOL fExpandChars) { RECT rc, rcbox; int i, cx, x, y, tab; UINT align; LPSTR chp, tabp; DWORD fcol, bkcol; char str[MAX_PATH * 2];
fcol = 0; bkcol = 0; /* eliminate spurious diagnostic - generate worse code */
rc.top = head->ypos.clipstart; rc.bottom = head->ypos.clipend; rc.left = head->xpos.clipstart; rc.right = head->xpos.clipend;
/* update page number */ if (fExpandChars) { chp = str; for (i = 0; i < lstrlen(head->ptext); i++) { switch (head->ptext[i]) {
case '#': chp += wsprintf(chp, "%d", page); break;
case '$': chp += wsprintf(chp, "%d", pages); break;
default: if (IsDBCSLeadByte(head->ptext[i]) && head->ptext[i+1]) { *chp = head->ptext[i]; chp++; i++; } *chp++ = head->ptext[i]; break; } } *chp = '\0'; } else { lstrcpy(str, head->ptext); } chp = str;
if (head->props.valid & P_ALIGN) { align = head->props.alignment; } else { align = P_LEFT; }
/* set colours if not default */ if (head->props.valid & P_FCOLOUR) { fcol = SetTextColor(hdc, head->props.forecolour); } if (head->props.valid & P_BCOLOUR) { bkcol = SetBkColor(hdc, head->props.backcolour); }
/* calc offset of text within cell for right-align or centering */ if (align == P_LEFT) { cx = ptab->avewidth/2; } else { cx = LOWORD(GetTextExtent(hdc, chp, lstrlen(chp))); if (align == P_CENTRE) { cx = (head->xpos.size - cx) / 2; } else { cx = head->xpos.size - cx - (ptab->avewidth/2); } } cx += head->xpos.start;
/* expand tabs on output */ tab = ptab->avewidth * ptab->tabchars; x = 0; y = head->ypos.start;
for ( ; (tabp = My_mbschr(chp, '\t')) != NULL; ) { /* perform output upto tab char */ ExtTextOut(hdc, x+cx, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &rc, chp, (UINT)(tabp-chp), NULL);
/* advance past the tab */ x += LOWORD(GetTextExtent(hdc, chp, (INT)(tabp - chp))); x = ( (x + tab) / tab) * tab; chp = ++tabp; }
/*no more tabs - output rest of string */ ExtTextOut(hdc, x+cx, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &rc, chp, lstrlen(chp), NULL);
/* reset colours to original if not default */ if (head->props.valid & P_FCOLOUR) { SetTextColor(hdc, fcol); } if (head->props.valid & P_BCOLOUR) { SetBkColor(hdc, bkcol); }
/* now box cell if marked */ if (head->props.valid & P_BOX) { if (head->props.box != 0) { rcbox.top = head->ypos.start; rcbox.bottom = rcbox.top + head->ypos.size; rcbox.left = head->xpos.start; rcbox.right = rcbox.left + head->xpos.size; gtab_boxcell(hwnd, hdc, &rcbox, &rc, head->props.box); } } }