Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995
// File: hostobj.h
// Contents: Contains the main application object
// Forward declarations
class CScriptHost; class CMachine; class CProcessThread; class CStatusDialog;
// Classes
// Class: CMTScript (cmt)
// Purpose: Class which runs the main thread for the process.
#define MAX_STATUS_VALUES 16 // Maximum allowed StatusValue values.
class CMTScript : public CThreadComm { friend int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow);
friend LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
friend class CConfig;
public: CMTScript(); ~CMTScript();
// Script Debugging helpers
IProcessDebugManager * _pPDM; IDebugApplication * _pDA; DWORD _dwAppCookie;
CScriptHost *GetPrimaryScript(); CProcessThread *GetProcess(int index); BOOL GetScriptNames(TCHAR *pchBuffer, long *pcBuffer);
// These methods are thread safe.
HRESULT AddProcess(CProcessThread *pProc); CProcessThread * FindProcess(DWORD dwProcId); HRESULT get_StatusValue(long nIndex, long *pnStatus); HRESULT put_StatusValue(long nIndex, long nStatus);
// Hack function to work around JSCRIPT.DLL bug
BOOL SetScriptPath(const TCHAR *pszScriptPath, const TCHAR *pszInitScript);
BOOL _fHackVersionChecked; IClassFactory * _pJScriptFactory;
HRESULT RunScript(LPWSTR bstrPath, VARIANT *pvarParams); protected: virtual BOOL Init(); virtual DWORD ThreadMain();
void InitScriptDebugger(); void DeInitScriptDebugger(); BOOL ConfigureUI(); void CleanupUI(); HRESULT LoadTypeLibraries();
void ShowMenu(int x, int y); void Reboot(); void Restart(); void OpenStatusDialog(); void HandleThreadMessage();
HRESULT UpdateOptionSettings(BOOL fSave);
void CleanupOldProcesses();
private: BOOL _fInDestructor; BOOL _fRestarting; HWND _hwnd; CStatusDialog *_pStatusDialog;
public: struct OPTIONSETTINGS : public CThreadLock { OPTIONSETTINGS();
static void GetModulePath(CStr *pstr);
void GetScriptPath(CStr *cstrPage); // internally does a LOCK_LOCALS
void GetInitScript(CStr *cstr); // internally does a LOCK_LOCALS
CStr cstrScriptPath; CStr cstrInitScript; };
ITypeLib * _pTypeLibEXE; ITypeInfo * _pTIMachine; IGlobalInterfaceTable * _pGIT;
// _rgnStatusValues: Simple array of status values -- Multithreaded access, but no locking necessary
long _rgnStatusValues[MAX_STATUS_VALUES];
// ***************************
// All access to the following members must be protected by LOCK_LOCALS()
// or InterlockedXXX.
OPTIONSETTINGS _options; CMachine* _pMachine;
VARIANT _vPublicData; VARIANT _vPrivateData;
DWORD _dwPublicDataCookie; DWORD _dwPrivateDataCookie;
DWORD _dwPublicSerialNum; DWORD _dwPrivateSerialNum;
CStackPtrAry<CScriptHost*, 10> _aryScripts;
CStackPtrAry<CProcessThread*, 10> _aryProcesses; };