// Page heap command line manipulator
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999
// -- History --
// 3.04 Whistler: protect page heap meta data option
// 3.03 Whistler: more granular fault injection option
// 3.02 Whistler: leaks detection
// 3.01 Whistler: fault injection
// 3.00 Whistler/W2000 SP1
// module: pageheap.cxx
// author: silviuc
// created: Tue Feb 02 10:43:04 1999
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <common.ver>
// Definitions copied from \nt\base\ntos\inc\heappage.h
#define PAGE_HEAP_RESERVED_04 0x0004
#define PAGE_HEAP_RESERVED_08 0x0008
#define PAGE_HEAP_USE_DLL_RANGE 0x0100
#define PAGE_HEAP_USE_DLL_NAMES 0x0400
VOID PrintFlags ( DWORD Flags, BOOL ShutdownFlagsDefined = FALSE ) { if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_ENABLE_PAGE_HEAP)) { printf("full "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_CATCH_BACKWARD_OVERRUNS)) { printf("backwards "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_UNALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS)) { printf("unaligned "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_SMART_MEMORY_USAGE)) { printf("decommit "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_USE_SIZE_RANGE)) { printf("size "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_USE_DLL_RANGE)) { printf("address "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_USE_RANDOM_DECISION)) { printf("random "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_USE_DLL_NAMES)) { printf("dlls "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_USE_FAULT_INJECTION)) { printf("fault "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_COLLECT_STACK_TRACES)) { printf("traces "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_PROTECT_META_DATA)) { printf("protect "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_CHECK_NO_SERIALIZE_ACCESS)) { printf("no_sync "); } if ((Flags & PAGE_HEAP_NO_LOCK_CHECKS)) { printf("no_lock_checks "); }
if (ShutdownFlagsDefined) { printf("leaks "); } }
BOOL EnablePageHeap ( LPCTSTR Name, LPTSTR HeapFlags, LPTSTR DebugString, char * * Args);
BOOL DisablePageHeap ( LPCTSTR Name);
BOOL IsPageHeapEnabled ( LPCTSTR Name);
BOOL IsPageHeapFlagsValueDefined ( LPCTSTR Name, PDWORD Value);
BOOL ReadGlobalFlagValue ( HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length);
BOOL WriteGlobalFlagValue ( HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length);
BOOL ReadHeapFlagValue ( HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length);
BOOL WriteHeapFlagValue ( HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length);
BOOL DeleteHeapFlagValue ( HKEY Key);
BOOL WriteDebuggerValue ( HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length);
BOOL DeleteDebuggerValue ( HKEY Key);
HKEY OpenImageKey ( LPCTSTR Name, BOOL ShouldExist);
VOID CloseImageKey ( HKEY Key);
VOID CreateImageName ( LPCTSTR Source, LPTSTR Name, ULONG Length);
VOID PrintPageheapEnabledApplications ( );
VOID Help ( );
__declspec(noreturn) VOID __cdecl Error ( LPCTSTR Format, ...);
BOOL IsWow64Active ( );
char * * SearchOption ( char * Args[], char * Option ) { while (*Args) { if (_stricmp(*Args, Option) == 0) { return Args; }
Args++; }
return NULL; }
#pragma warning(disable:4706)
void _cdecl #if defined (_PART_OF_GFLAGS_)
PageHeapMain (int argc, char *argv[]) #else
main (int argc, char *argv[]) #endif
{ TCHAR ImageName [MAX_PATH + 1]; char * * Option;
if (IsWow64Active()) { _tprintf (TEXT ("Warning: pageheap.exe is running inside WOW64. \n" "This scenario can be used to test x86 binaries (running inside WOW64) \n" "but not native (IA64) binaries. \n\n")); } if (argc == 2 && strstr (argv[1], TEXT("?")) != NULL) {
Help (); } else if ((Option = SearchOption(argv + 1, "/enable"))) {
PCHAR DebugString = NULL;
if (SearchOption (argv + 1, "/debug") != NULL) { DebugString = "ntsd -g -G -x"; }
if (SearchOption (argv + 1, "/kdebug") != NULL) { DebugString = "ntsd -g -G -d -x"; }
if (Option[1] && Option[1][0] != '/') { CreateImageName (Option[1], ImageName, MAX_PATH + 1); EnablePageHeap (ImageName, NULL, DebugString, argv); } else { Help(); } } else if ((Option = SearchOption(argv + 1, "/disable"))) { if (Option[1]) { CreateImageName (Option[1], ImageName, MAX_PATH + 1); DisablePageHeap (ImageName); } else { Help(); } } else if (argc == 2) {
CreateImageName (argv[1], ImageName, MAX_PATH + 1); if (IsPageHeapEnabled (ImageName) == FALSE) { _tprintf (TEXT("Page heap is not enabled for %s\n"), argv[1]); } else {
DWORD Value;
if (IsPageHeapFlagsValueDefined (ImageName, &Value)) { _tprintf (TEXT("Page heap is enabled for %s with flags ("), argv[1]); PrintFlags (Value); _tprintf (TEXT(")\n")); } else {
_tprintf (TEXT("Page heap is enabled for %s with flags ("), argv[1]); PrintFlags (0); _tprintf (TEXT(")\n")); } } } else {
PrintPageheapEnabledApplications (); } }
VOID Help (
) { _tprintf ( TEXT("pageheap - Page heap utility, v 3.04 \n") VER_LEGALCOPYRIGHT_STR TEXT("\n") TEXT(" \n") TEXT("pageheap [OPTION [OPTION ...]] \n") TEXT(" \n") TEXT(" /enable PROGRAM Enable page heap with default settings. \n") TEXT(" /disable PROGRAM Disable page heap. \n") TEXT(" /full Page heap for all allocations. \n") TEXT(" /size START END Page heap allocations for size range. \n") TEXT(" /address START END Page heap allocations for address range. \n") TEXT(" /dlls DLL ... Page heap allocations for target dlls. \n") TEXT(" /random PROBABILITY Page heap allocations with PROBABILITY. \n") TEXT(" /debug Launch under debugger `ntsd -g -G -x'. \n") TEXT(" /kdebug Launch under debugger `ntsd -g -G -d -x'.\n") TEXT(" /backwards Catch backwards overruns. \n") TEXT(" /unaligned No alignment for allocations. \n") TEXT(" /decommit Decommit guard pages (lower memory use). \n") TEXT(" /notraces Do not collect stack traces. \n") TEXT(" /fault RATE TIMEOUT Probability (1..10000) for heap calls failures \n") TEXT(" and time during process initialization (in seconds)\n") TEXT(" when faults are not allowed. \n") TEXT(" /leaks Check for heap leaks when process shuts down. \n") TEXT(" /protect Protect heap internal structures. Can be \n") TEXT(" used to detect random corruptions but \n") TEXT(" execution is slower. \n") TEXT(" /no_sync Check for unsynchronized access. Do not \n") TEXT(" use this flag for an MPheap process. \n") TEXT(" /no_lock_checks Disable critical section verifier. \n") TEXT(" \n") TEXT(" \n") TEXT("PROGRAM Name of the binary with extension (.exe or something else).\n") TEXT("DLL Name of the binary with extension (.dll or something else).\n") TEXT("PROBABILITY Decimal integer in range [0..100] representing probability.\n") TEXT(" to make page heap allocation vs. a normal heap allocation. \n") TEXT("START..END For /size option these are decimal integers. \n") TEXT(" For /address option these are hexadecimal integers. \n") TEXT(" \n") TEXT("If no option specified the program will print all page heap enabled \n") TEXT("applications and their specific options. \n") TEXT(" \n") TEXT("The `/leaks' option is effective only when normal page heap is enabled \n") TEXT("(i.e. not full page heap) therefore all flags that will force full \n") TEXT("page heap will be disabled if /leaks is specified. \n") TEXT(" \n") TEXT("Note. Enabling page heap does not affect currently running \n") TEXT("processes. If you need to use page heap for processes that are \n") TEXT("already running and cannot be restarted (csrss.exe, winlogon.exe), \n") TEXT("a reboot is needed after the page heap has been enabled for \n") TEXT("that process. \n") TEXT(" \n") TEXT(" \n"));
exit(1); }
__declspec(noreturn) VOID __cdecl Error (
LPCTSTR Format, ...) { va_list Params;
va_start (Params, Format); _tprintf (TEXT("Error: ")); _vtprintf (Format, Params); _tprintf ( TEXT("\n ")); exit (1); }
#define PAGE_HEAP_BIT 0x02000000
BOOL IsPageHeapEnabled (
LPCTSTR Name) { HKEY Key; TCHAR Buffer [128]; DWORD Flags; BOOL Success;
if ((Key = OpenImageKey (Name, TRUE)) == NULL) {
return FALSE; }
Success = ReadGlobalFlagValue (Key, Buffer, sizeof Buffer);
CloseImageKey (Key);
if (Success == FALSE) {
return FALSE; }
if (_stscanf (Buffer, TEXT("%x"), &Flags) != 1) {
return FALSE; }
return (Flags & PAGE_HEAP_BIT) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
BOOL IsPageHeapFlagsValueDefined ( LPCTSTR Name, PDWORD Value) { HKEY Key; TCHAR Buffer [128]; BOOL Success;
if ((Key = OpenImageKey (Name, TRUE)) == NULL) {
return FALSE; }
Success = ReadHeapFlagValue (Key, Buffer, sizeof Buffer);
CloseImageKey (Key);
if (Success == FALSE) {
return FALSE; }
if (_stscanf (Buffer, TEXT("%x"), Value) != 1) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL EnablePageHeap ( LPCTSTR Name, LPTSTR HeapFlagsString, LPTSTR DebugString, char * * Args ) { HKEY Key; TCHAR Buffer [128]; DWORD Flags; DWORD HeapFlags; char * * Option; LONG Result; BOOL LeakDetectionEnabled = FALSE; DWORD Scanned;
if ((Key = OpenImageKey (Name, FALSE)) == NULL) {
Error (TEXT("Cannot open image registry key for %s"), Name); }
if (ReadGlobalFlagValue (Key, Buffer, sizeof Buffer) == FALSE) {
Flags = 0; } else {
Scanned = _stscanf (Buffer, TEXT("%x"), &Flags);
if (Scanned != 1) { Error (TEXT("Failed to read global flags")); } }
Flags |= PAGE_HEAP_BIT; _stprintf (Buffer, TEXT("0x%08X"), Flags);
if (WriteGlobalFlagValue (Key, Buffer, (ULONG)_tcslen(Buffer)) == FALSE) {
return FALSE; }
// Figure out if we have some page heap flags specified.
HeapFlags = 0;
if (HeapFlagsString != NULL) {
Scanned = _stscanf (HeapFlagsString, "%x", &HeapFlags);
if (Scanned != 1) { Error (TEXT("Failed to read heap flags")); } }
// Write `Debugger' value if needed.
if (DebugString != NULL) {
if (WriteDebuggerValue (Key, DebugString, (ULONG)_tcslen(DebugString)) == FALSE) {
return FALSE; } }
// Check for /leaks option. This requires a normal page heap to be
// fully effective. Therefore any flag that will enable full page
// heap will be disabled.
if ((Option = SearchOption (Args, "/leaks")) != NULL) {
DWORD ShutdownFlags = 0x03;
Result = RegSetValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("ShutdownFlags"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&ShutdownFlags), sizeof ShutdownFlags);
if (Result) { Error (TEXT("Failed to write ShutdownFlags value: error %u"), Result); }
LeakDetectionEnabled = TRUE; }
// Check for full, backward, decommit, unaligned, protect options.
if ((Option = SearchOption (Args, "/notraces")) != NULL) { HeapFlags &= ~PAGE_HEAP_COLLECT_STACK_TRACES; }
if ((Option = SearchOption (Args, "/full")) != NULL) { if (! LeakDetectionEnabled) { HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_ENABLE_PAGE_HEAP; } else { printf("/full option disabled because /leaks is present. \n"); } }
if ((Option = SearchOption (Args, "/backwards")) != NULL) { if (! LeakDetectionEnabled) { HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_ENABLE_PAGE_HEAP; HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_CATCH_BACKWARD_OVERRUNS; } else { printf("/backwards option disabled because /leaks is present. \n"); } }
if ((Option = SearchOption (Args, "/decommit")) != NULL) { if (! LeakDetectionEnabled) { HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_ENABLE_PAGE_HEAP; HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_SMART_MEMORY_USAGE; } else { printf("/decommit option disabled because /leaks is present. \n"); } }
if ((Option = SearchOption (Args, "/unaligned")) != NULL) { if (! LeakDetectionEnabled) { HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_ENABLE_PAGE_HEAP; HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_UNALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS; } else { printf("/unaligned option disabled because /leaks is present. \n"); } }
if ((Option = SearchOption (Args, "/protect")) != NULL) { if (! LeakDetectionEnabled) { HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_ENABLE_PAGE_HEAP; HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_PROTECT_META_DATA; } else { printf("/protect option disabled because /leaks is present. \n"); } }
if ((Option = SearchOption (Args, "/no_sync")) != NULL) { HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_CHECK_NO_SERIALIZE_ACCESS; } if ((Option = SearchOption (Args, "/no_lock_checks")) != NULL) { HeapFlags |= PAGE_HEAP_NO_LOCK_CHECKS; } //
// Check /size option
Option = SearchOption (Args, "/size");
if (Option != NULL) {
if (!LeakDetectionEnabled && Option[1] && Option[2]) {
DWORD RangeStart; DWORD RangeEnd;
Scanned = sscanf (Option[1], "%u", &RangeStart);
if (Scanned != 1) { Error (TEXT("Failed to read start range value.")); }
Scanned = sscanf (Option[2], "%u", &RangeEnd);
if (Scanned != 1) { Error (TEXT("Failed to read end range value.")); }
Result = RegSetValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("PageHeapSizeRangeStart"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&RangeStart), sizeof RangeStart);
if (Result) { Error (TEXT("Failed to write SizeRangeStart value: error %u"), Result); }
Result = RegSetValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("PageHeapSizeRangeEnd"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&RangeEnd), sizeof RangeEnd);
if (Result) { Error (TEXT("Failed to write SizeRangeEnd value: error %u"), Result); } }
if (LeakDetectionEnabled) { printf("/size option disabled because /leaks is present. \n"); }
// Check /address option
Option = SearchOption (Args, "/address");
if (Option != NULL) {
if (!LeakDetectionEnabled && Option[1] && Option[2]) {
DWORD RangeStart; DWORD RangeEnd;
Scanned = sscanf (Option[1], "%x", &RangeStart);
if (Scanned != 1) { Error (TEXT("Failed to read start range value.")); }
Scanned = sscanf (Option[2], "%x", &RangeEnd);
if (Scanned != 1) { Error (TEXT("Failed to read end range value.")); }
Result = RegSetValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("PageHeapDllRangeStart"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&RangeStart), sizeof RangeStart);
if (Result) { Error (TEXT("Failed to write DllRangeStart value: error %u"), Result); }
Result = RegSetValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("PageHeapDllRangeEnd"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&RangeEnd), sizeof RangeEnd);
if (Result) { Error (TEXT("Failed to write DllRangeStart value: error %u"), Result); } }
if (LeakDetectionEnabled) { printf("/address option disabled because /leaks is present. \n"); } }
// Check /random option
Option = SearchOption (Args, "/random");
if (!LeakDetectionEnabled && Option != NULL) {
if (Option[1]) {
DWORD Probability;
Scanned = sscanf (Option[1], "%u", &Probability);
if (Scanned != 1) { Error (TEXT("Failed to read probability value.")); }
Result = RegSetValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("PageHeapRandomProbability"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&Probability), sizeof Probability);
if (Result) { Error (TEXT("Failed to write RandomProbability value: error %u"), Result); } } }
if (Option && LeakDetectionEnabled) { printf("/random option disabled because /leaks is present. \n"); }
// Check /fault option
Option = SearchOption (Args, "/fault");
if (Option != NULL) {
if (Option[1]) { // FAULT-RATE
DWORD Probability;
Scanned = sscanf (Option[1], "%u", &Probability);
if (Scanned != 1) { Error (TEXT("Failed to read probability value.")); }
Result = RegSetValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("PageHeapFaultProbability"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&Probability), sizeof Probability);
if (Result) { Error (TEXT("Failed to write FaultProbability value: error %u"), Result); }
if (Option[2]) { // TIME-OUT
DWORD TimeOut;
Scanned = sscanf (Option[2], "%u", &TimeOut);
if (Scanned != 1) { Error (TEXT("Failed to read timeout value.")); }
Result = RegSetValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("PageHeapFaultTimeOut"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&TimeOut), sizeof TimeOut);
if (Result) { Error (TEXT("Failed to write FaultTimeOut value: error %u"), Result); } } } }
// Check /dlls option
Option = SearchOption (Args, "/dlls");
if (!LeakDetectionEnabled && Option != NULL) {
TCHAR Dlls[512]; ULONG Index;
if (Option[1]) {
for (Index = 1, Dlls[0] = '\0'; Option[Index] && Option[Index][0] != '/'; Index++) {
_tcscat (Dlls, Option[Index]); _tcscat (Dlls, " ");
// We do not allow more than 200 characters because this
// will cause an overflow in \nt\base\ntdll\ldrinit.c in the
// function that reads registry options.
if (_tcslen (Dlls) > 200) { break; } }
// SilviuC: the call to _tcslen below is not correct if we
// ever will want to make this program Unicode.
Result = RegSetValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("PageHeapTargetDlls"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(Dlls), (ULONG)_tcslen(Dlls) + 1);
if (Result) { Error (TEXT("Failed to write RandomProbability value: error %u"), Result); } } }
if (Option && LeakDetectionEnabled) { printf("/dlls option disabled because /leaks is present. \n"); }
// Finally write the page heap flags value.
{ TCHAR ValueBuffer [32];
sprintf (ValueBuffer, "0x%x", HeapFlags);
if (WriteHeapFlagValue (Key, ValueBuffer, (ULONG)_tcslen(ValueBuffer)) == FALSE) {
Error (TEXT("Failed to write PageHeapFlags value.")); } }
CloseImageKey (Key); return TRUE; }
BOOL DisablePageHeap (
LPCTSTR Name) { HKEY Key; TCHAR Buffer [128]; DWORD Flags;
if ((Key = OpenImageKey (Name, TRUE)) == NULL) {
// There is no key therefore nothing to disable.
return TRUE; }
if (ReadGlobalFlagValue (Key, Buffer, sizeof Buffer) == FALSE) {
Flags = 0; } else {
if (_stscanf (Buffer, TEXT("%x"), &Flags) != 1) {
Flags = 0; } }
Flags &= ~PAGE_HEAP_BIT; _stprintf (Buffer, TEXT("0x%08X"), Flags);
// If by wiping the page heap bit from `GlobalFlags' we get a zero
// value we will wipe out the value altogether. This is important
// when we run the app under debugger. In this case it makes a
// difference if the value is not there or is all zeroes.
if (Flags != 0) { if (WriteGlobalFlagValue (Key, Buffer, (ULONG)_tcslen(Buffer)) == FALSE) {
return FALSE; } } else {
RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("GlobalFlag")); }
RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("PageHeapFlags")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("Debugger")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("ShutdownFlags")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("PageHeapSizeRangeStart")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("PageHeapSizeRangeEnd")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("PageHeapDllRangeStart")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("PageHeapDllRangeEnd")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("PageHeapTargetDlls")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("PageHeapRandomProbability")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("PageHeapFaultProbability")); RegDeleteValue (Key, TEXT ("PageHeapFaultTimeOut"));
CloseImageKey (Key); return TRUE; }
BOOL ReadGlobalFlagValue (
HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length) { LONG Result; DWORD Type; DWORD ReadLength = Length;
Result = RegQueryValueEx (
Key, TEXT ("GlobalFlag"), 0, &Type, (LPBYTE)Buffer, &ReadLength);
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS || Type != REG_SZ) {
return FALSE; } else {
return TRUE; } }
BOOL ReadHeapFlagValue (
HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length) { LONG Result; DWORD Type; DWORD ReadLength = Length;
Result = RegQueryValueEx (
Key, TEXT ("PageHeapFlags"), 0, &Type, (LPBYTE)Buffer, &ReadLength);
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS || Type != REG_SZ) {
return FALSE; } else {
return TRUE; } }
BOOL WriteGlobalFlagValue (
HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length) { LONG Result;
Result = RegSetValueEx (
Key, TEXT ("GlobalFlag"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)Buffer, Length);
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return FALSE; } else {
return TRUE; } }
BOOL WriteHeapFlagValue (
HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length) { LONG Result;
Result = RegSetValueEx (
Key, TEXT ("PageHeapFlags"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)Buffer, Length);
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return FALSE; } else {
return TRUE; } }
BOOL WriteDebuggerValue (
HKEY Key, LPTSTR Buffer, ULONG Length) { LONG Result;
Result = RegSetValueEx (
Key, TEXT ("Debugger"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)Buffer, Length);
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return FALSE; } else {
return TRUE; } }
BOOL IsShutdownFlagsValueDefined ( LPCTSTR KeyName ) { HKEY Key; LONG Result; DWORD Value; DWORD Type; DWORD ReadLength = sizeof (DWORD);
if ((Key = OpenImageKey (KeyName, TRUE)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } Result = RegQueryValueEx ( Key, TEXT ("ShutdownFlags"), 0, &Type, (LPBYTE)(&Value), &ReadLength);
CloseImageKey (Key);
if (Result == ERROR_SUCCESS && (Value & 0x03) == 0x03) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
HKEY OpenImageKey (
LPCTSTR Name, BOOL ShouldExist) { HKEY Key; LONG Result; TCHAR Buffer [MAX_PATH];
_stprintf ( Buffer, TEXT ("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\%s"), Name);
if (ShouldExist) {
Result = RegOpenKeyEx (
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Buffer, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &Key); } else {
Result = RegCreateKeyEx (
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return NULL; } else {
return Key; }
VOID CloseImageKey (
HKEY Key) { RegCloseKey (Key); }
VOID CreateImageName (
LPCTSTR Source, LPTSTR Name, ULONG Length) { //
// Length is MAX_PATH + 1 so that it can accomodate MAX_PATH
// characters and a null termination character.
_tcsncpy (Name, Source, Length - 1); Name[Length - 1] = L'\0';
_tcslwr (Name); }
VOID PrintPageheapEnabledApplications (
) { LPCTSTR ImageFileExecutionOptionsKeyName = TEXT ("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options");
HKEY OptionsKey; LONG Result; TCHAR KeyName [MAX_PATH]; ULONG KeySize; BOOL FoundOne = FALSE; ULONG Index; FILETIME FileTime;
Result = RegOpenKeyEx (
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ImageFileExecutionOptionsKeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &OptionsKey);
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Error (TEXT("Cannot open registry key %s: error %u"), ImageFileExecutionOptionsKeyName, Result); }
for (Index = 0; ; Index += 1) {
KeySize = MAX_PATH;
Result = RegEnumKeyEx (
OptionsKey, Index, KeyName, &KeySize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &FileTime);
if (Result == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
break; }
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Error (TEXT("Cannot enumerate registry key %s: error %u"), ImageFileExecutionOptionsKeyName, Result); }
if (IsPageHeapEnabled (KeyName)) {
DWORD Value;
FoundOne = TRUE; if (IsPageHeapFlagsValueDefined (KeyName, &Value)) { _tprintf (TEXT("%s: page heap enabled with flags ("), KeyName); PrintFlags (Value, IsShutdownFlagsValueDefined(KeyName)); _tprintf (TEXT(")\n")); } else { _tprintf (TEXT("%s: page heap enabled with flags ("), KeyName); PrintFlags (0, IsShutdownFlagsValueDefined(KeyName)); _tprintf (TEXT(")\n")); } } }
if (FoundOne == FALSE) {
_tprintf (TEXT("No application has page heap enabled.\n")); } }
BOOL IsWow64Active ( ) {
// If this call succeeds then we are on Windows 2000 or later.
st = NtQueryInformationProcess(NtCurrentProcess(), ProcessWow64Information, &ul, sizeof(ul), NULL);
if (NT_SUCCESS(st) && (0 != ul)) { // 32-bit code running on Win64
return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }