Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: perfutil.c
Abstract: Performance registry interface functions --*/
#include <windows.h>
#include "strsafe.h"
#include <pdh.h>
#include "pdhitype.h"
#include "pdhidef.h"
#include "perfdata.h"
#include "pdhmsg.h"
#include "strings.h"
DWORD PdhiMakePerfLangId( LANGID lID, LPWSTR szBuffer );
PPERF_MACHINE PdhiAddNewMachine( PPERF_MACHINE pLastMachine, LPWSTR szMachineName );
PDH_STATUS ConnectMachine( PPERF_MACHINE pThisMachine ) { PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LONG lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; FILETIME CurrentFileTime; LONGLONG llCurrentTime; WCHAR szOsVer[OS_VER_SIZE]; HKEY hKeyRemMachine; HKEY hKeyRemCurrentVersion; DWORD dwBufSize; DWORD dwType; BOOL bUpdateRetryTime = FALSE; DWORD dwReconnecting;
if (pThisMachine == NULL) { pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { pdhStatus = WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX(pThisMachine->hMutex); }
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // connect to system's performance registry
if (lstrcmpiW(pThisMachine->szName, szStaticLocalMachineName) == 0) { // only one thread at a time can try to connect to a machine.
// assign default OS version
// assume NT4 unless found otherwise
StringCchCopyW(pThisMachine->szOsVer, OS_VER_SIZE, (LPCWSTR) L"4.0"); // this is the local machine so use the local reg key
pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData = HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA;
// look up the OS version and save it
lStatus = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cszCurrentVersionKey, 0L, KEY_READ, & hKeyRemCurrentVersion); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwType=0; dwBufSize = OS_VER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR); lStatus = RegQueryValueExW(hKeyRemCurrentVersion, cszCurrentVersionValueName, 0L, & dwType, (LPBYTE) szOsVer, & dwBufSize); if ((lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwType == REG_SZ)) { StringCchCopyW(pThisMachine->szOsVer, OS_VER_SIZE, szOsVer); } RegCloseKey(hKeyRemCurrentVersion); } } else { // now try to connect if the retry timeout has elapzed
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(& CurrentFileTime); llCurrentTime = MAKELONGLONG(CurrentFileTime.dwLowDateTime, CurrentFileTime.dwHighDateTime); dwReconnecting = (DWORD)InterlockedCompareExchange((PLONG) & pThisMachine->dwRetryFlags, TRUE, FALSE);
if (! dwReconnecting) { if ((pThisMachine->llRetryTime == 0) || (pThisMachine->llRetryTime <= llCurrentTime)) { // only one thread at a time can try to connect to a machine.
pThisMachine->dwRefCount ++; bUpdateRetryTime = TRUE; // only update after an attempt has been made
__try { // close any open keys
if (pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData != NULL) { RegCloseKey(pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData); pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData = NULL; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { lStatus = GetExceptionCode(); }
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData = NULL; } else { // get OS version of remote machine
lStatus = RegConnectRegistryW(pThisMachine->szName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, & hKeyRemMachine); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // look up the OS version and save it
lStatus = RegOpenKeyExW(hKeyRemMachine, cszCurrentVersionKey, 0L, KEY_READ, & hKeyRemCurrentVersion); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwType=0; dwBufSize = OS_VER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR); lStatus = RegQueryValueExW(hKeyRemCurrentVersion, cszCurrentVersionValueName, 0L, & dwType, (LPBYTE) szOsVer, & dwBufSize); if ((lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwType == REG_SZ)) { StringCchCopyW(pThisMachine->szOsVer, OS_VER_SIZE, szOsVer); } RegCloseKey(hKeyRemCurrentVersion); } RegCloseKey(hKeyRemMachine); } }
if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { __try { // Connect to remote registry
lStatus = RegConnectRegistryW(pThisMachine->szName, HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, & pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { lStatus = GetExceptionCode(); } } // else pass error through
} else { // not time to reconnect yet so save the old status and
// clear the registry key
pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData = NULL; lStatus = pThisMachine->dwStatus; } // clear the reconnecting flag
InterlockedExchange((LONG *) & pThisMachine->dwRetryFlags, FALSE); } else { // some other thread is trying to connect
pdhStatus = PDH_CANNOT_CONNECT_MACHINE; goto Cleanup; } }
if ((pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData != NULL) && (pThisMachine->dwRetryFlags == 0)) { // successfully connected to computer's registry, so
// get the performance names from that computer and cache them
the shortcut of mapping local strings cannot be used reliably until more synchronization of the mapped file is implemented. Just Mapping to the file and not locking it or checking for updates leaves it vulnerable to the mapped file being changed by an external program and invalidating the pointer table built by the BuildLocalNameTable function.
Until this synchronization and locking is implemented, the BuildLocalNameTable function should not be used. */ if (pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData != HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA) { if (pThisMachine->szPerfStrings != NULL) { // reload the perf strings, incase new ones have been
// installed
if (pThisMachine->sz009PerfStrings != NULL && pThisMachine->sz009PerfStrings != pThisMachine->szPerfStrings) { G_FREE(pThisMachine->sz009PerfStrings); } G_FREE(pThisMachine->typePerfStrings); G_FREE(pThisMachine->szPerfStrings); pThisMachine->sz009PerfStrings = NULL; pThisMachine->typePerfStrings = NULL; pThisMachine->szPerfStrings = NULL; } BuildNameTable(pThisMachine->szName, GetUserDefaultUILanguage(), pThisMachine); if (pThisMachine->szPerfStrings == NULL) { BuildNameTable(pThisMachine->szName, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), pThisMachine); } } else { if (pThisMachine->szPerfStrings != NULL) { // reload the perf strings, incase new ones have been
// installed
if (pThisMachine->sz009PerfStrings != NULL && pThisMachine->sz009PerfStrings != pThisMachine->szPerfStrings) { G_FREE(pThisMachine->sz009PerfStrings); } G_FREE(pThisMachine->typePerfStrings); G_FREE(pThisMachine->szPerfStrings); pThisMachine->sz009PerfStrings = NULL; pThisMachine->typePerfStrings = NULL; pThisMachine->szPerfStrings = NULL; } BuildNameTable(NULL, GetUserDefaultUILanguage(), pThisMachine); if (pThisMachine->szPerfStrings == NULL) { BuildNameTable(NULL, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), pThisMachine); } pThisMachine->pLocalNameInfo = NULL; }
if (pThisMachine->szPerfStrings != NULL) { pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; pThisMachine->dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { // unable to read system counter name strings
pdhStatus = PDH_CANNOT_READ_NAME_STRINGS; ZeroMemory(& pThisMachine->LastStringUpdateTime, sizeof(pThisMachine->LastStringUpdateTime)); pThisMachine->dwLastPerfString = 0; pThisMachine->dwStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE; } } else { // unable to connect to the specified machine
pdhStatus = PDH_CANNOT_CONNECT_MACHINE; // Set error to either
// "PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE" if no connection could be made
// or
// since if ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED is returned, then reconnection will
// probably be futile.
if ((lStatus == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (lStatus == PDH_ACCESS_DENIED)) { pThisMachine->dwStatus = PDH_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { pThisMachine->dwStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE; } }
if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (bUpdateRetryTime) { // this attempt didn't work so reset retry counter to
// wait some more for the machine to come back up.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(& CurrentFileTime); llCurrentTime = MAKELONGLONG(CurrentFileTime.dwLowDateTime, CurrentFileTime.dwHighDateTime); pThisMachine->llRetryTime = llCurrentTime; if (pThisMachine->dwStatus != PDH_ACCESS_DENIED) { pThisMachine->llRetryTime += llRemoteRetryTime; } } } else { // clear the retry counter to allow function calls
pThisMachine->llRetryTime = 0; } pThisMachine->dwRefCount --; RELEASE_MUTEX(pThisMachine->hMutex); }
Cleanup: return pdhStatus; }
PPERF_MACHINE PdhiAddNewMachine( PPERF_MACHINE pLastMachine, LPWSTR szMachineName ) { PPERF_MACHINE pNewMachine = NULL; LPWSTR szNameBuffer = NULL; LPWSTR szIdList = NULL; DWORD dwNameSize = 0; BOOL bUseLocalName = TRUE;
// reset the last error value
if (szMachineName != NULL) { if (* szMachineName != L'\0') { bUseLocalName = FALSE; } }
if (bUseLocalName) { dwNameSize = lstrlenW(szStaticLocalMachineName) + 1; } else { dwNameSize = lstrlenW(szMachineName) + 1; } pNewMachine = (PPERF_MACHINE) G_ALLOC(sizeof(PERF_MACHINE) + SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE + (sizeof(WCHAR) * dwNameSize)); if (pNewMachine != NULL) { szIdList = (LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE) pNewMachine + sizeof(PERF_MACHINE)); szNameBuffer = (LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE) szIdList + SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE);
// initialize the new buffer
pNewMachine->hKeyPerformanceData = NULL; pNewMachine->pLocalNameInfo = NULL; pNewMachine->szName = szNameBuffer; if (bUseLocalName) { StringCchCopyW(pNewMachine->szName, dwNameSize, szStaticLocalMachineName); } else { StringCchCopyW(pNewMachine->szName, dwNameSize, szMachineName); }
pNewMachine->pSystemPerfData = NULL; pNewMachine->szPerfStrings = NULL; pNewMachine->sz009PerfStrings = NULL; pNewMachine->typePerfStrings = NULL; pNewMachine->dwLastPerfString = 0; pNewMachine->dwRefCount = 0; pNewMachine->szQueryObjects = szIdList; pNewMachine->dwStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE; // not connected yet
pNewMachine->llRetryTime = 1; // retry connection immediately
pNewMachine->dwRetryFlags = 0; // Not attempting a connection.
pNewMachine->dwMachineFlags = 0; pNewMachine->hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
// everything went OK so far so add this entry to the list
if (pLastMachine != NULL) { pNewMachine->pNext = pLastMachine->pNext; pLastMachine->pNext = pNewMachine; pNewMachine->pPrev = pLastMachine; pNewMachine->pNext->pPrev = pNewMachine; } else { // this is the first item in the list so it
// points to itself
pNewMachine->pNext = pNewMachine; pNewMachine->pPrev = pNewMachine; } } else { // unable to allocate machine data memory
return pNewMachine; }
PPERF_MACHINE GetMachine( LPWSTR szMachineName, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwFlags ) { PPERF_MACHINE pThisMachine = NULL; PPERF_MACHINE pLastMachine; BOOL bFound = FALSE; LPWSTR szFnMachineName; BOOL bNew = FALSE; // true if this is a new machine to the list
BOOL bUseLocalName = TRUE; DWORD dwLocalStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR wszObject[MAX_PATH];
// reset the last error value
if (WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX (hPdhDataMutex) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (szMachineName != NULL) { if (* szMachineName != L'\0') { bUseLocalName = FALSE; } } if (bUseLocalName) { szFnMachineName = szStaticLocalMachineName; } else { szFnMachineName = szMachineName; }
// walk down list to find this machine
pThisMachine = pFirstMachine; pLastMachine = NULL;
// walk around entire list
if (pThisMachine != NULL) { do { // walk down the list and look for a match
if (lstrcmpiW(szFnMachineName, pThisMachine->szName) != 0) { pLastMachine = pThisMachine; pThisMachine = pThisMachine->pNext; } else { bFound = TRUE; break; } } while (pThisMachine != pFirstMachine); } // if thismachine == the first machine, then we couldn't find a match in
// the list, if this machine is NULL, then there is no list
if (! bFound) { // then this machine was not found so add it.
pThisMachine = PdhiAddNewMachine(pLastMachine, szFnMachineName); if (pThisMachine != NULL) { bNew = TRUE; if (pFirstMachine == NULL) { // then update the first pointer
pFirstMachine = pThisMachine; } } else { dwLocalStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } }
if (dwLocalStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwLocalStatus = WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX(pThisMachine->hMutex); } if (dwLocalStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (! (dwFlags & PDH_GM_UPDATE_PERFNAME_ONLY)) { if (dwFlags & PDH_GM_UPDATE_PERFDATA) { pThisMachine->dwObjectId = dwIndex; pThisMachine->dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); } else if (pThisMachine->dwThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId()) { dwFlags |= PDH_GM_UPDATE_PERFDATA; pThisMachine->dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); pThisMachine->dwObjectId = dwIndex; } else if (pThisMachine->pSystemPerfData == NULL) { dwFlags |= PDH_GM_UPDATE_PERFDATA; pThisMachine->dwObjectId = dwIndex; } else if (pThisMachine->dwObjectId != 0 && pThisMachine->dwObjectId != dwIndex) { dwFlags |= PDH_GM_UPDATE_PERFDATA; pThisMachine->dwObjectId = dwIndex; } }
if ((! bFound) || (dwFlags & PDH_GM_UPDATE_PERFDATA) || (dwFlags & PDH_GM_UPDATE_NAME) || (pThisMachine->dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { // then this is a new machine or the caller wants the data refreshed or the machine
// has an entry, but is not yet on line first try to connect to the machine
// the call to ConnectMachine updates the machine status so there's no need to keep it here.
BOOL bUpdateName = TRUE;
if (! (dwFlags & PDH_GM_UPDATE_NAME)) { if (pThisMachine->szPerfStrings != NULL && pThisMachine->typePerfStrings != NULL) { // No need to update performance name/explain strings, assume that they are OK.
bUpdateName = FALSE; } } if (bUpdateName || pThisMachine->dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { G_FREE(pThisMachine->pSystemPerfData); pThisMachine->pSystemPerfData = NULL; dwLocalStatus = ConnectMachine(pThisMachine); } if (dwLocalStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwLocalStatus = pThisMachine->dwStatus; } else if (! (dwFlags & PDH_GM_UPDATE_PERFNAME_ONLY)) { // connected to the machine so
// then lock access to it
// the caller of this function must release the mutex
if (dwFlags & PDH_GM_UPDATE_PERFDATA) { // get the current system counter info
ZeroMemory(wszObject, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pThisMachine->dwObjectId == 0) { StringCchCopyW(wszObject, MAX_PATH, (LPWSTR) cszGlobal); } else { StringCchPrintfW(wszObject, MAX_PATH, L"%d", pThisMachine->dwObjectId); } pThisMachine->dwStatus = GetSystemPerfData( pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData, & pThisMachine->pSystemPerfData, wszObject, (BOOL) (dwFlags & PDH_GM_READ_COSTLY_DATA) ); if ((dwFlags & PDH_GM_READ_COSTLY_DATA) && (pThisMachine->dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { pThisMachine->dwMachineFlags |= PDHIPM_FLAGS_HAVE_COSTLY; } else { pThisMachine->dwMachineFlags &= ~PDHIPM_FLAGS_HAVE_COSTLY; } dwLocalStatus = pThisMachine->dwStatus; } } } } else { pThisMachine = NULL; dwLocalStatus = WAIT_TIMEOUT; }
if (pThisMachine != NULL) { // machine found so bump the ref count
// NOTE!!! the caller must release this!!!
pThisMachine->dwRefCount ++; }
// at this point if pThisMachine is NULL then it was not found, nor
// could it be added otherwise it is pointing to the matching machine
// structure
RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhDataMutex); } else { dwLocalStatus = WAIT_TIMEOUT; }
if (dwLocalStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwLocalStatus); } return pThisMachine; }
BOOL FreeMachine( PPERF_MACHINE pMachine, BOOL bForceRelease, BOOL bProcessExit ) { PPERF_MACHINE pPrev; PPERF_MACHINE pNext; HANDLE hMutex;
// unlink if this isn't the only one in the list
if ((!bForceRelease) && (pMachine->dwRefCount)) return FALSE;
hMutex = pMachine->hMutex; if (WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX (hMutex) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(WAIT_TIMEOUT); return FALSE; }
pPrev = pMachine->pPrev; pNext = pMachine->pNext;
if ((pPrev != pMachine) && (pNext != pMachine)) { // this is not the only entry in the list
pPrev->pNext = pNext; pNext->pPrev = pPrev; if (pMachine == pFirstMachine) { // then we are deleting the first one in the list so
// update the list head to point to the next one in line
pFirstMachine = pNext; } } else { // this is the only entry so clear the head pointer
pFirstMachine = NULL; }
// now free all allocated memory
G_FREE(pMachine->pSystemPerfData); G_FREE(pMachine->typePerfStrings); if (pMachine->sz009PerfStrings != NULL && pMachine->sz009PerfStrings != pMachine->szPerfStrings) { G_FREE(pMachine->sz009PerfStrings); } G_FREE(pMachine->szPerfStrings);
// close key
if (pMachine->hKeyPerformanceData != NULL) { if ((! bProcessExit) || pMachine->hKeyPerformanceData != HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA) { RegCloseKey(pMachine->hKeyPerformanceData); } pMachine->hKeyPerformanceData = NULL; }
// free memory block
// release and close mutex
if (hMutex != NULL) { CloseHandle(hMutex); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL FreeAllMachines ( BOOL bProcessExit ) { PPERF_MACHINE pThisMachine;
// free any machines in the machine list
if (pFirstMachine != NULL) { if (WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX (hPdhDataMutex) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pThisMachine = pFirstMachine; while (pFirstMachine != pFirstMachine->pNext) { // delete from list
// the deletion routine updates the prev pointer as it
// removes the specified entry.
FreeMachine(pThisMachine->pPrev, TRUE, bProcessExit); if (pFirstMachine == NULL) break; } // remove last query
if (pFirstMachine) { FreeMachine(pFirstMachine, TRUE, bProcessExit); } pFirstMachine = NULL; RELEASE_MUTEX (hPdhDataMutex); } else { SetLastError (WAIT_TIMEOUT); return FALSE; } } return TRUE;
DWORD GetObjectId( PPERF_MACHINE pMachine, LPWSTR szObjectName, BOOL * bInstances ) { PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE pObject = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = 2; DWORD dwRtnIndex = (DWORD) -1; LPWSTR szName; WCHAR szIndex[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bName = TRUE; BOOL bCheck;
if (pMachine->szPerfStrings == NULL || dwIndex > pMachine->dwLastPerfString) return dwRtnIndex;
while (dwRtnIndex == (DWORD) -1) { bCheck = TRUE; if (bName) { szName = pMachine->szPerfStrings[dwIndex]; bCheck = (szName != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (bCheck) bCheck = (lstrcmpiW(szName, (LPWSTR) szObjectName) == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
if (bCheck) { if (pMachine->dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bCheck = TRUE; } else if (pMachine->dwThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId()) { bCheck = TRUE; } else if (pMachine->pSystemPerfData == NULL) { bCheck = TRUE; } else if (pMachine->dwObjectId != 0 && pMachine->dwObjectId != dwIndex) { bCheck = TRUE; } else { bCheck = FALSE; }
if (bCheck) { ZeroMemory(szIndex, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)); StringCchPrintfW(szIndex, MAX_PATH, L"%d", dwIndex); pMachine->dwStatus = GetSystemPerfData( pMachine->hKeyPerformanceData, & pMachine->pSystemPerfData, szIndex, FALSE); pMachine->dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); pMachine->dwObjectId = dwIndex; } if (pMachine->dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pObject = GetObjectDefByTitleIndex(pMachine->pSystemPerfData, dwIndex); if (pObject != NULL) { LPCWSTR szTmpObjectName = PdhiLookupPerfNameByIndex(pMachine, pObject->ObjectNameTitleIndex); TRACE((PDH_DBG_TRACE_INFO), (__LINE__, PDH_PERFUTIL, ARG_DEF(ARG_TYPE_WSTR, 1) | ARG_DEF(ARG_TYPE_WSTR, 2), ERROR_SUCCESS, TRACE_WSTR(szObjectName), TRACE_WSTR(szTmpObjectName), TRACE_DWORD(pObject->ObjectNameTitleIndex), TRACE_DWORD(pObject->ObjectHelpTitleIndex), TRACE_DWORD(pObject->NumCounters), TRACE_DWORD(pObject->DefaultCounter), TRACE_DWORD(pObject->NumInstances), NULL)); if (bInstances != NULL) { * bInstances = (pObject->NumInstances != PERF_NO_INSTANCES ? TRUE : FALSE); } dwRtnIndex = dwIndex; break; } } }
if (! bName) { break; } else if (dwIndex >= pMachine->dwLastPerfString) { dwIndex = wcstoul(szObjectName, NULL, 10); bName = FALSE; if (dwIndex == 0) break; } else { dwIndex += 2; if (dwIndex > pMachine->dwLastPerfString) { dwIndex = wcstoul(szObjectName, NULL, 10); bName = FALSE; if (dwIndex == 0) break; } } }
return dwRtnIndex; }
DWORD GetCounterId ( PPERF_MACHINE pMachine, DWORD dwObjectId, LPWSTR szCounterName ) { PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE pObject; PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION pCounter; DWORD dwCounterTitle = (DWORD) -1;
pObject = GetObjectDefByTitleIndex(pMachine->pSystemPerfData, dwObjectId); if (pObject != NULL) { pCounter = GetCounterDefByName(pObject, pMachine->dwLastPerfString, pMachine->szPerfStrings, szCounterName); if (pCounter != NULL) { // update counter name string
LPCWSTR szTmpCounterName = PdhiLookupPerfNameByIndex(pMachine, pCounter->CounterNameTitleIndex); TRACE((PDH_DBG_TRACE_INFO), (__LINE__, PDH_PERFUTIL, ARG_DEF(ARG_TYPE_WSTR, 1) | ARG_DEF(ARG_TYPE_WSTR, 2) | ARG_DEF(ARG_TYPE_ULONGX, 6), ERROR_SUCCESS, TRACE_WSTR(szCounterName), TRACE_WSTR(szTmpCounterName), TRACE_DWORD(dwObjectId), TRACE_DWORD(pCounter->CounterNameTitleIndex), TRACE_DWORD(pCounter->CounterHelpTitleIndex), TRACE_DWORD(pCounter->CounterType), TRACE_DWORD(pCounter->CounterSize), TRACE_DWORD(pCounter->CounterOffset), NULL)); dwCounterTitle = pCounter->CounterNameTitleIndex; } else { dwCounterTitle = wcstoul(szCounterName, NULL, 10); if (dwCounterTitle == 0) dwCounterTitle = (DWORD) -1; } } return dwCounterTitle; }
BOOL InitPerflibCounterInfo( PPDHI_COUNTER pCounter ) /*++
Routine Description: Initializes the perflib related fields of the counter structure
Arguments: IN PPDHI_COUNTER pCounter pointer to the counter structure to initialize
if (pCounter->pQMachine->pMachine == NULL) { pCounter->ThisValue.CStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE; return FALSE; } else if (pCounter->pQMachine->pMachine->dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // machine not initialized
return FALSE; }
// get perf object definition from system data structure
pPerfObject = GetObjectDefByTitleIndex ( pCounter->pQMachine->pMachine->pSystemPerfData, pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwObjectId);
if (pPerfObject != NULL) { // object was found now look up counter definition
pPerfCounter = GetCounterDefByTitleIndex (pPerfObject, 0, pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterId); if (pPerfCounter != NULL) { // get system perf data info
// (pack into a DWORD)
pCounter->CVersion = pCounter->pQMachine->pMachine->pSystemPerfData->Version; pCounter->CVersion &= 0x0000FFFF; pCounter->CVersion <<= 16; pCounter->CVersion &= 0xFFFF0000; pCounter->CVersion |= (pCounter->pQMachine->pMachine->pSystemPerfData->Revision & 0x0000FFFF);
// get the counter's time base
if (pPerfCounter->CounterType & PERF_TIMER_100NS) { pCounter->TimeBase = (LONGLONG)10000000; } else if (pPerfCounter->CounterType & PERF_OBJECT_TIMER) { // then get the time base freq from the object
pCounter->TimeBase = pPerfObject->PerfFreq.QuadPart; } else { // if (pPerfCounter->CounterType & PERF_TIMER_TICK or other)
pCounter->TimeBase = pCounter->pQMachine->pMachine->pSystemPerfData->PerfFreq.QuadPart; }
// look up info from counter definition
pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterType = pPerfCounter->CounterType; pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwCounterSize = pPerfCounter->CounterSize;
pCounter->plCounterInfo.lDefaultScale = pPerfCounter->DefaultScale;
// get explain text pointer
pCounter->szExplainText = (LPWSTR)PdhiLookupPerfNameByIndex ( pCounter->pQMachine->pMachine, pPerfCounter->CounterHelpTitleIndex);
// now clear/initialize the raw counter info
pCounter->ThisValue.TimeStamp.dwLowDateTime = 0; pCounter->ThisValue.TimeStamp.dwHighDateTime = 0; pCounter->ThisValue.MultiCount = 1; pCounter->ThisValue.FirstValue = 0; pCounter->ThisValue.SecondValue = 0; //
pCounter->LastValue.TimeStamp.dwLowDateTime = 0; pCounter->LastValue.TimeStamp.dwHighDateTime = 0; pCounter->LastValue.MultiCount = 1; pCounter->LastValue.FirstValue = 0; pCounter->LastValue.SecondValue = 0; //
// clear data array pointers
pCounter->pThisRawItemList = NULL; pCounter->pLastRawItemList = NULL; //
// lastly update status
if (pCounter->ThisValue.CStatus == 0) { // don't overwrite any other status values
pCounter->ThisValue.CStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_VALID_DATA; } return TRUE; } else { // unable to find counter
pCounter->ThisValue.CStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_COUNTER; return FALSE; } } else { // unable to find object
pCounter->ThisValue.CStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_OBJECT; return FALSE; } }
#pragma warning ( disable : 4127 )
STATIC_BOOL IsNumberInUnicodeList( DWORD dwNumber, LPWSTR lpwszUnicodeList ) /*++
Arguments: IN dwNumber DWORD number to find in list IN lpwszUnicodeList Null terminated, Space delimited list of decimal numbers
Return Value: TRUE: dwNumber was found in the list of unicode number strings FALSE: dwNumber was not found in the list. --*/ { DWORD dwThisNumber; LPWSTR pwcThisChar; BOOL bValidNumber; BOOL bNewItem; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bDone = FALSE; WCHAR wcDelimiter; // could be an argument to be more flexible
if (lpwszUnicodeList == 0) return FALSE; // null pointer, # not founde
pwcThisChar = lpwszUnicodeList; dwThisNumber = 0; wcDelimiter = SPACE_L; bValidNumber = FALSE; bNewItem = TRUE;
while (! bDone) { switch (EvalThisChar(* pwcThisChar, wcDelimiter)) { case DIGIT: // if this is the first digit after a delimiter, then
// set flags to start computing the new number
if (bNewItem) { bNewItem = FALSE; bValidNumber = TRUE; } if (bValidNumber) { dwThisNumber *= 10; dwThisNumber += (* pwcThisChar - (WCHAR) '0'); } break;
case DELIMITER: // a delimter is either the delimiter character or the
// end of the string ('\0') if when the delimiter has been
// reached a valid number was found, then compare it to the
// number from the argument list. if this is the end of the
// string and no match was found, then return.
if (bValidNumber) { if (dwThisNumber == dwNumber) { bDone = TRUE; bReturn = TRUE; } else { bValidNumber = FALSE; } } if (! bDone) { if (* pwcThisChar == L'\0') { bDone = TRUE; bReturn = FALSE; } else { bNewItem = TRUE; dwThisNumber = 0; } } break;
case INVALID: // if an invalid character was encountered, ignore all
// characters up to the next delimiter and then start fresh.
// the invalid number is not compared.
bValidNumber = FALSE; break;
default: break; } pwcThisChar ++; }
return bReturn; } // IsNumberInUnicodeList
#pragma warning ( default : 4127 )
BOOL AppendObjectToValueList( DWORD dwObjectId, PWSTR pwszValueList, DWORD dwValueList ) /*++
Arguments: IN dwNumber DWORD number to insert in list IN PWSTR pointer to wide char string that contains buffer that is Null terminated, Space delimited list of decimal numbers that may have this number appended to.
Return Value: TRUE: dwNumber was added to list FALSE: dwNumber was not added. (because it's already there or an error occured) --*/ { WCHAR tempString[16]; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; LPWSTR szFormatString;
if (!pwszValueList) { bReturn = FALSE; } else if (IsNumberInUnicodeList(dwObjectId, pwszValueList)) { bReturn = FALSE; // object already in list
} else { __try { if (* pwszValueList == 0) { // then this is the first string so no delimiter
szFormatString = (LPWSTR) fmtDecimal; } else { // this is being added to the end so include the delimiter
szFormatString = (LPWSTR) fmtSpaceDecimal; } // format number and append the new object id the value list
StringCchPrintfW(tempString, 16, szFormatString, dwObjectId); StringCchCatW(pwszValueList, dwValueList, tempString); bReturn = TRUE; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bReturn = FALSE; } } return bReturn; }
// get the instances object
pObjectDef = GetObjectDefByTitleIndex(pMachine->pSystemPerfData, pCounter->plCounterInfo.dwObjectId); if (pObjectDef != NULL) { pInstanceDef = FirstInstance(pObjectDef); if (pInstanceDef != NULL) { if (pInstanceDef->UniqueID == PERF_NO_UNIQUE_ID) { // get instance in that object by comparing names
// if there is no parent specified, then just look it up by name
pInstanceDef = GetInstanceByName(pMachine->pSystemPerfData, pObjectDef, pCounter->pCounterPath->szInstanceName, pCounter->pCounterPath->szParentName, pCounter->pCounterPath->dwIndex); } else { // get numeric equivalent of Instance ID
if (pCounter->pCounterPath->szInstanceName != NULL) { lInstanceId = wcstol(pCounter->pCounterPath->szInstanceName, NULL, 10); } pInstanceDef = GetInstanceByUniqueId(pObjectDef, lInstanceId); }
// update counter fields
pCounter->plCounterInfo.lInstanceId = lInstanceId; if (lInstanceId == -1) { // use instance NAME
pCounter->plCounterInfo.szInstanceName = pCounter->pCounterPath->szInstanceName; pCounter->plCounterInfo.szParentInstanceName = pCounter->pCounterPath->szParentName; } else { // use instance ID number
pCounter->plCounterInfo.szInstanceName = NULL; pCounter->plCounterInfo.szParentInstanceName = NULL; } } if (pInstanceDef != NULL) { // instance found
bReturn = TRUE; } } return bReturn; }
BOOL GetObjectPerfInfo( PPERF_DATA_BLOCK pPerfData, DWORD dwObjectId, LONGLONG * pPerfTime, LONGLONG * pPerfFreq ) { PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE pObject; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
pObject = GetObjectDefByTitleIndex(pPerfData, dwObjectId); if (pObject != NULL) { __try { * pPerfTime = pObject->PerfTime.QuadPart; * pPerfFreq = pObject->PerfFreq.QuadPart; bReturn = TRUE; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bReturn = FALSE; } } return bReturn; }
PDH_STATUS ValidateMachineConnection( PPERF_MACHINE pMachine ) { PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hThread; DWORD ThreadId; DWORD dwWaitStatus; DWORD dwReconnecting; LONGLONG llCurrentTime; FILETIME CurrentFileTime;
// if a connection or request has failed, this will be
// set to an error status
if (pMachine != NULL) { if (pMachine->dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // get the current time
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(& CurrentFileTime); llCurrentTime = MAKELONGLONG(CurrentFileTime.dwLowDateTime, CurrentFileTime.dwHighDateTime); if (pMachine->llRetryTime <= llCurrentTime) { if (pMachine->llRetryTime != 0) { // see what's up by trying to reconnect
dwReconnecting = pMachine->dwRetryFlags; if (!dwReconnecting) { pdhStatus = ConnectMachine(pMachine); } else { // a connection attempt is in process so do nothing here
pdhStatus = PDH_CANNOT_CONNECT_MACHINE; } } } else { // it's not retry time, yet so machine is off line still
pdhStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE; } } } else { pdhStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE; } return pdhStatus; }