Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Sample trace consumer program. Converts binary Event Trace Log (ETL) to CSV format.
Aside from various printing routines for dumping event data and writing summary, three functions need mentioning. main() parses command line and calls OpenTrace(), ProcessTrace(), and CloseTrace(). BufferCallback() is for BufferCallback and simply counts the number of buffers processed. Finally, DumpEvent() is the EventCallback function in this sample that writes event data into a dumpfile.
Important Notes:
Event Tracing API for trace consumption (OpenTrace, ProcessTrace, CloseTrace,...) are straightforward and easy to use. Hence, getting an event back is simple. However, another important aspect of trace consumption is event decoding, which requires event layout information. This information may be known in advance and hard coded in an event consumer, but we rely on WMI name space for storing event layout information. This requires extensive WMI interface just to get the layout. We placed all the routines needed for getting layout information in a separate file (tracewmi.cpp). The only two functions exported from this file are GetMofInfoHead() and RemoveMofInfo(). GetMofInfoHead() is the one that returns MOF_INFO with the proper layout information. RemoveMofInfo() is used only for cleaning up cached event list.
We hope this helps readers understand two separate issues in this samples: event tracing APIs and WMI interface.
--*/ #include "tracedmp.h"
extern PMOF_INFO GetMofInfoHead( GUID Guid, SHORT nType, SHORT nVersion, CHAR nLevel );
extern void RemoveMofInfo( PLIST_ENTRY pMofInfo );
// Simple check on a trace file.
ULONG CheckFile( LPTSTR fileName );
// BufferCallback function.
// EventCallback function in this sample.
void WINAPI DumpEvent( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent );
// Print functions
void PrintSummary();
void PrintDumpHeader();
void PrintEvent( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent, PMOF_INFO pMofInfo );
// Other helper functions.
void GuidToString( PTCHAR s, LPGUID piid );
void PrintHelpMessage();
void CleanupEventList( VOID );
// output files
FILE* DumpFile = NULL; FILE* SummaryFile = NULL;
static ULONG TotalBuffersRead = 0; static ULONG TotalEventsLost = 0; static ULONG TotalEventCount = 0; static ULONG TimerResolution = 10;
static ULONGLONG StartTime = 0; static ULONGLONG EndTime = 0; static BOOL fNoEndTime = FALSE; static __int64 ElapseTime;
// Option flags.
BOOLEAN fSummaryOnly = FALSE;
// Sizeof of a pointer in a file may be different.
ULONG PointerSize = sizeof(PVOID) * 8;
// log files
// IF the events are from a private logger, we need to make some adjustment.
BOOL bUserMode = FALSE;
// Global head for event layout linked list
int __cdecl main (int argc, LPTSTR* argv) /*++
Routine Description:
It is the main function.
Arguments: Usage: tracedmp [options] <EtlFile1 EtlFile2 ...>| [-h | -? | -help] -o <file> Output CSV file -rt [LoggerName] Realtime tracedmp from the logger [LoggerName] -summary Summary.txt only -h -help -? Display usage information
Return Value:
Error Code defined in winerror.h : If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS (== 0).
--*/ { TCHAR DumpFileName[MAXSTR]; TCHAR SummaryFileName[MAXSTR];
LPTSTR *targv;
#ifdef UNICODE
LPTSTR *cmdargv; #endif
#ifdef UNICODE
if ((cmdargv = CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLineW(), // pointer to a command-line string
&argc // receives the argument count
)) == NULL) { return(GetLastError()); }; targv = cmdargv ; #else
targv = argv; #endif
_tcscpy(DumpFileName, DUMP_FILE_NAME); _tcscpy(SummaryFileName, SUMMARY_FILE_NAME);
while (--argc > 0) { ++targv; if (**targv == '-' || **targv == '/') { // argument found
if( **targv == '/' ){ **targv = '-'; }
if ( !_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-summary")) ) { fSummaryOnly = TRUE; } else if (targv[0][1] == 'h' || targv[0][1] == 'H' || targv[0][1] == '?') { PrintHelpMessage(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if ( !_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-rt")) ) { TCHAR LoggerName[MAXSTR]; _tcscpy(LoggerName, KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME); if (argc > 1) { if (targv[1][0] != '-' && targv[1][0] != '/') { ++targv; --argc; _tcscpy(LoggerName, targv[0]); } } pLogFile = (PEVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE) malloc(sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE)); if (pLogFile == NULL){ _tprintf(_T("Allocation Failure\n")); Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } RtlZeroMemory(pLogFile, sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE)); EvmFile[LogFileCount] = pLogFile; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LogFileName = NULL; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LoggerName = (LPTSTR) malloc(MAXSTR * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LoggerName == NULL) { _tprintf(_T("Allocation Failure\n")); Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } _tcscpy(EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LoggerName, LoggerName); _tprintf(_T("Setting RealTime mode for %s\n"), EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LoggerName); EvmFile[LogFileCount]->Context = NULL; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->BufferCallback = BufferCallback; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->BuffersRead = 0; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->CurrentTime = 0; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->EventCallback = &DumpEvent; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LogFileMode = EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE; LogFileCount++; } else if ( !_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-o")) ) { if (argc > 1) { if (targv[1][0] != '-' && targv[1][0] != '/') { TCHAR drive[10]; TCHAR path[MAXSTR]; TCHAR file[MAXSTR]; TCHAR ext[MAXSTR]; ++targv; --argc;
_tfullpath(DumpFileName, targv[0], MAXSTR); _tsplitpath( DumpFileName, drive, path, file, ext ); _tcscpy(ext,_T("csv")); _tmakepath( DumpFileName, drive, path, file, ext ); _tcscpy(ext,_T("txt")); _tmakepath( SummaryFileName, drive, path, file, ext ); } } } } else { pLogFile = (PEVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE) malloc(sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE)); if (pLogFile == NULL){ _tprintf(_T("Allocation Failure\n")); Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } RtlZeroMemory(pLogFile, sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE)); EvmFile[LogFileCount] = pLogFile;
EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LoggerName = NULL; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LogFileName = (LPTSTR) malloc(MAXSTR*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LogFileName == NULL) { _tprintf(_T("Allocation Failure\n")); Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } _tfullpath(EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LogFileName, targv[0], MAXSTR); _tprintf(_T("Setting log file to: %s\n"), EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LogFileName); // If one of the log files is not readable, exit.
if (!CheckFile(EvmFile[LogFileCount]->LogFileName)) { _tprintf(_T("Cannot open logfile for reading\n")); Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanup; } EvmFile[LogFileCount]->Context = NULL; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->BufferCallback = BufferCallback; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->BuffersRead = 0; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->CurrentTime = 0; EvmFile[LogFileCount]->EventCallback = &DumpEvent; LogFileCount++; } }
if (LogFileCount <= 0) { PrintHelpMessage(); return Status; }
// OpenTrace calls
for (i = 0; i < LogFileCount; i++) { TRACEHANDLE x;
x = OpenTrace(EvmFile[i]); HandleArray[i] = x; if (HandleArray[i] == 0) { Status = GetLastError(); _tprintf(_T("Error Opening Trace %d with status=%d\n"), i, Status);
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) CloseTrace(HandleArray[j]); goto cleanup; } }
// Open files.
if (!fSummaryOnly) { DumpFile = _tfopen(DumpFileName, _T("w")); if (DumpFile == NULL) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; _tprintf(_T("DumpFile is NULL\n")); goto cleanup; } } SummaryFile = _tfopen(SummaryFileName, _T("w")); if (SummaryFile == NULL) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; _tprintf(_T("SummaryFile is NULL\n")); goto cleanup; }
if (!fSummaryOnly) { PrintDumpHeader(); }
// At this point, users can set a different trace callback function for
// a specific GUID using SetTraceCallback(). Also RemoveTraceCallback() allows
// users to remove a callback function for a specific GUID. In this way, users
// can customize callbacks based on GUIDs.
// Actual processing takes place here. EventCallback function will be invoked
// for each event.
// We do not use start and end time parameters in this sample.
Status = ProcessTrace( HandleArray, LogFileCount, NULL, NULL );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(_T("Error processing with status=%dL (GetLastError=0x%x)\n"), Status, GetLastError()); }
for (j = 0; j < LogFileCount; j++){ Status = CloseTrace(HandleArray[j]); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(_T("Error Closing Trace %d with status=%d\n"), j, Status); } }
// Write summary.
cleanup: if (!fSummaryOnly && DumpFile != NULL) { _tprintf(_T("Event traces dumped to %s\n"), DumpFileName); fclose(DumpFile); }
if(SummaryFile != NULL){ _tprintf(_T("Event Summary dumped to %s\n"), SummaryFileName); fclose(SummaryFile); }
for (i = 0; i < LogFileCount; i ++) { if (EvmFile[i]->LoggerName != NULL) { free(EvmFile[i]->LoggerName); EvmFile[i]->LoggerName = NULL; } if (EvmFile[i]->LogFileName != NULL) { free(EvmFile[i]->LogFileName); EvmFile[i]->LogFileName = NULL; } free(EvmFile[i]); } #ifdef UNICODE
GlobalFree(cmdargv); #endif
SetLastError(Status); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ _tprintf(_T("Exit Status: %d\n"), Status); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
Callback method for processing a buffer. Does not do anything but updating global counters.
pLog - Pointer to a log file.
Return Value:
Always TRUE.
--*/ { TotalBuffersRead++; return (TRUE); }
void WINAPI DumpEvent( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent ) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback method for processing an event. It obtains the layout information by calling GetMofInfoHead(), which returns the pointer to the PMOF_INFO corresponding to the event type. Then it writes to the output file.
NOTE: Only character arrays are supported in this program.
pEvent - Pointer to an event.
Return Value:
if (pEvent == NULL) { _tprintf(_T("Warning: Null Event\n")); return; }
pHeader = (PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER) &pEvent->Header;
// Extrace log file information if the event is a log file header.
if( IsEqualGUID(&(pEvent->Header.Guid), &EventTraceGuid) && pEvent->Header.Class.Type == EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_INFO ) {
PTRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER head = (PTRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER)pEvent->MofData; if( NULL != head ){ if(head->TimerResolution > 0){ TimerResolution = head->TimerResolution / 10000; } StartTime = head->StartTime.QuadPart; EndTime = head->EndTime.QuadPart; // If ProcessTrace() call was made on areal time logger or an trace file being
// logged, EndTime amy be 0.
fNoEndTime = (EndTime == 0);
TotalEventsLost += head->EventsLost;
// We use global flags for private logger and pointer size.
// This may cause an error when trace files are from different environments.
bUserMode = (head->LogFileMode & EVENT_TRACE_PRIVATE_LOGGER_MODE);
// Set pointer size
PointerSize = head->PointerSize * 8; if (PointerSize != 64){ PointerSize = 32; } } }
// if EndTime is missing from one of the files, keep updating to get the largest value.
if (fNoEndTime && EndTime < (ULONGLONG) pHeader->TimeStamp.QuadPart) { EndTime = pHeader->TimeStamp.QuadPart; }
// Find the MOF information for this event. This will retrieve the layout
// information from WMI fi we don't already have it in our list.
pMofInfo = GetMofInfoHead ( pEvent->Header.Guid, pEvent->Header.Class.Type, pEvent->Header.Class.Version, pEvent->Header.Class.Level ); if( NULL == pMofInfo ){ // Could not locate event layout information.
return; }
if( fSummaryOnly == TRUE ){ return; } // At this point, pEvent and pMofInfo are not NULL. No need to check in PrintEvent().
PrintEvent(pEvent, pMofInfo);
Various printing and helper function after this point. ***************************************************************************************/
void PrintDumpHeader() /*++
Routine Description:
Prints out column headers to a dump file.
Return Value:
--*/ { _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%12s, %10s,%7s,%21s,%11s,%11s, User Data\n"), _T("Event Name"), _T("Type"), _T("TID"), _T("Clock-Time"), _T("Kernel(ms)"), _T("User(ms)") ); }
void PrintSummary() /*++
Routine Description:
Prints out a event summary into a dump file while cleaning the event list.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG i;
_ftprintf(SummaryFile,_T("Files Processed:\n")); for (i = 0; i < LogFileCount; i++) { _ftprintf(SummaryFile, _T("\t%s\n"),EvmFile[i]->LogFileName); }
ElapseTime = EndTime - StartTime; _ftprintf(SummaryFile, _T("Total Buffers Processed %d\n") _T("Total Events Processed %d\n") _T("Total Events Lost %d\n") _T("Start Time 0x%016I64X\n") _T("End Time 0x%016I64X\n") _T("Elapsed Time %I64d sec\n"), TotalBuffersRead, TotalEventCount, TotalEventsLost, StartTime, EndTime, (ElapseTime / 10000000) );
_ftprintf(SummaryFile, _T("+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n") _T("|%10s %-20s %-10s %-36s |\n") _T("+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"), _T("EventCount"), _T("EventName"), _T("EventType"), _T("Guid") );
// Print event GUIDs while cleaning up.
_ftprintf(SummaryFile, _T("+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n") ); }
void PrintEvent( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent, PMOF_INFO pMofInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps event data into a dump file.
Return Value:
--*/ { PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER pHeader = (PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER) &pEvent->Header; ULONG i; PITEM_DESC pItem; CHAR str[MOFSTR]; WCHAR wstr[MOFWSTR]; PCHAR ptr; ULONG ulongword; LONG longword; USHORT ushortword; SHORT shortword; CHAR iChar; WCHAR iwChar; ULONG MofDataUsed; PLIST_ENTRY Head, Next;
// Print a general information on the event.
if ( pMofInfo->strDescription != NULL ){ _ftprintf( DumpFile, _T("%12s, "), pMofInfo->strDescription ); } else { TCHAR strGuid[MAXSTR]; GuidToString( strGuid, &pMofInfo->Guid ); _ftprintf( DumpFile, _T("%12s, "), strGuid ); }
if (pMofInfo->strType != NULL && _tcslen(pMofInfo->strType) ){ _ftprintf( DumpFile, _T("%10s, "), pMofInfo->strType ); } else { _ftprintf( DumpFile, _T("%10d, "), pEvent->Header.Class.Type ); }
// Thread ID
_ftprintf( DumpFile, _T("0x%04X, "), pHeader->ThreadId ); // System Time
_ftprintf( DumpFile, _T("%20I64u, "), pHeader->TimeStamp.QuadPart);
if ( bUserMode == FALSE ){ // Kernel Time
_ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%10lu, "), pHeader->KernelTime * TimerResolution);
// User Time
_ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%10lu, "), pHeader->UserTime * TimerResolution); } else { // processor Time
_ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%I64u, "), pHeader->ProcessorTime); }
if (NULL == pEvent->MofData && pEvent->MofLength != 0) { _tprintf(_T("Incorrect MOF size\n")); return; }
Head = pMofInfo->ItemHeader; Next = Head->Flink; ptr = (PCHAR)(pEvent->MofData);
// If we cannot locate layout information, just print the size.
if ((Head == Next) && (pEvent->MofLength > 0)) { _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("DataSize=%d, "), pEvent->MofLength); }
// Print event-specific data.
while (Head != Next) { pItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(Next, ITEM_DESC, Entry); Next = Next->Flink;
MofDataUsed = (ULONG) (ptr - (PCHAR)(pEvent->MofData)); if (MofDataUsed >= pEvent->MofLength){ break; }
switch (pItem->ItemType) { case ItemChar: // char
case ItemUChar: // unsigned char
for( i = 0; i < pItem->ArraySize; i++){ iChar = *((PCHAR) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%c"), iChar); ptr += sizeof(CHAR); } _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T(", ")); break;
case ItemWChar: // wide char
for(i = 0;i < pItem->ArraySize; i++){ iwChar = *((PWCHAR) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T(",%wc"), iwChar); ptr += sizeof(WCHAR); } _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T(", ")); break;
case ItemCharShort: // char as a number
iChar = *((PCHAR) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%d, "), iChar); ptr += sizeof(CHAR); break;
case ItemShort: // short
shortword = * ((PSHORT) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%6d, "), shortword); ptr += sizeof (SHORT); break;
case ItemUShort: // unsigned short
ushortword = *((PUSHORT) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%6u, "), ushortword); ptr += sizeof (USHORT); break;
case ItemLong: // long
longword = *((PLONG) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%8d, "), longword); ptr += sizeof (LONG); break;
case ItemULong: // unsigned long
ulongword = *((PULONG) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%8lu, "), ulongword); ptr += sizeof (ULONG); break;
case ItemULongX: // unsinged long as hex
ulongword = *((PULONG) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("0x%08X, "), ulongword); ptr += sizeof (ULONG); break;
case ItemLongLong: { LONGLONG n64; // longlong
n64 = *((LONGLONG*) ptr); ptr += sizeof(LONGLONG); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%16I64d, "), n64); break; }
case ItemULongLong: // unsigned longlong
{ ULONGLONG n64; n64 = *((ULONGLONG*) ptr); ptr += sizeof(ULONGLONG); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%16I64u, "), n64); break; }
case ItemFloat: // float
{ float f32; f32 = *((float*) ptr); ptr += sizeof(float); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%f, "), f32); break; }
case ItemDouble: // double
{ double f64; f64 = *((double*) ptr); ptr += sizeof(double); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%f, "), f64); break; }
case ItemPtr : // pointer
{ unsigned __int64 pointer; if (PointerSize == 64) { pointer = *((unsigned __int64 *) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("0x%X, "), pointer); ptr += 8; } else { // assumes 32 bit otherwise
ulongword = *((PULONG) ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("0x%08X, "), ulongword); ptr += 4; } break; }
case ItemIPAddr: // IP address
{ ulongword = *((PULONG) ptr);
// Convert it to readable form
_ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d, "), (ulongword >> 0) & 0xff, (ulongword >> 8) & 0xff, (ulongword >> 16) & 0xff, (ulongword >> 24) & 0xff); ptr += sizeof (ULONG); break; }
case ItemPort: // Port
{ _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%u, "), NTOHS(*((PUSHORT)ptr))); ptr += sizeof (USHORT); break; }
case ItemString: // NULL-terminated char string
{ USHORT pLen = (USHORT)strlen((CHAR*) ptr);
if (pLen > 0) { strcpy(str, ptr); for (i = pLen-1; i > 0; i--) { if (str[i] == 0xFF) str[i] = 0; else break; } #ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, MOFWSTR); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%ws\","), wstr); #else
_ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%s\","), str); #endif
} ptr += (pLen + 1); break; }
case ItemWString: // NULL-terminated wide char string
{ size_t pLen = 0; size_t i;
if (*(PWCHAR)ptr) { pLen = ((wcslen((PWCHAR)ptr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); RtlCopyMemory(wstr, ptr, pLen); // Unused space in a buffer is filled with 0xFFFF.
// Replace them with 0, just in case.
for (i = (pLen / 2) - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (((USHORT) wstr[i] == (USHORT) 0xFFFF)) { wstr[i] = (USHORT) 0; } else break; }
wstr[pLen / 2] = wstr[(pLen / 2) + 1]= '\0'; _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%ws\","), wstr); } ptr += pLen;
break; }
case ItemDSString: // Counted String
{ USHORT pLen = (USHORT)(256 * ((USHORT) * ptr) + ((USHORT) * (ptr + 1))); ptr += sizeof(USHORT); if (pLen > (pEvent->MofLength - MofDataUsed - 1)) { pLen = (USHORT) (pEvent->MofLength - MofDataUsed - 1); } if (pLen > 0) { strncpy(str, ptr, pLen); str[pLen] = '\0'; #ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, MOFWSTR); fwprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%ws\","), wstr); #else
fprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%s\","), str); #endif
} ptr += (pLen + 1); break; }
case ItemPString: // Counted String
{ USHORT pLen = * ((USHORT *) ptr); ptr += sizeof(USHORT);
if (pLen > (pEvent->MofLength - MofDataUsed)) { pLen = (USHORT) (pEvent->MofLength - MofDataUsed); }
if (pLen > MOFSTR * sizeof(CHAR)) { pLen = MOFSTR * sizeof(CHAR); } if (pLen > 0) { RtlCopyMemory(str, ptr, pLen); str[pLen] = '\0'; #ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, MOFWSTR); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%ws\","), wstr); #else
_ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%s\","), str); #endif
} ptr += pLen; break; }
case ItemDSWString: // DS Counted Wide Strings
case ItemPWString: // Counted Wide Strings
{ USHORT pLen = (USHORT)(( pItem->ItemType == ItemDSWString) ? (256 * ((USHORT) * ptr) + ((USHORT) * (ptr + 1))) : (* ((USHORT *) ptr)));
ptr += sizeof(USHORT); if (pLen > (pEvent->MofLength - MofDataUsed)) { pLen = (USHORT) (pEvent->MofLength - MofDataUsed); }
if (pLen > MOFWSTR * sizeof(WCHAR)) { pLen = MOFWSTR * sizeof(WCHAR); } if (pLen > 0) { RtlCopyMemory(wstr, ptr, pLen); wstr[pLen / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%ws\","), wstr); } ptr += pLen; break; }
case ItemNWString: // Non Null Terminated String
{ USHORT Size;
Size = (USHORT)(pEvent->MofLength - (ULONG)(ptr - (PCHAR)(pEvent->MofData))); if( Size > MOFSTR ) { Size = MOFSTR; } if (Size > 0) { RtlCopyMemory(wstr, ptr, Size); wstr[Size / 2] = '\0'; _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%ws\","), wstr); } ptr += Size; break; }
case ItemMLString: // Multi Line String
{ USHORT pLen; char * src, * dest; BOOL inQ = FALSE; BOOL skip = FALSE; UINT lineCount = 0;
ptr += sizeof(UCHAR) * 2; pLen = (USHORT)strlen(ptr); if (pLen > 0) { src = ptr; dest = str; while (* src != '\0'){ if (* src == '\n'){ if (!lineCount){ * dest++ = ' '; } lineCount++; }else if (* src == '\"'){ if (inQ){ char strCount[32]; char * cpy;
sprintf(strCount, "{%dx}", lineCount); cpy = & strCount[0]; while (* cpy != '\0'){ * dest ++ = * cpy ++; } } inQ = !inQ; }else if (!skip){ *dest++ = *src; } skip = (lineCount > 1 && inQ); src++; } *dest = '\0'; #ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, MOFWSTR); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%ws\","), wstr); #else
_ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("\"%s\","), str); #endif
} ptr += (pLen); break; }
case ItemSid: // SID
{ WCHAR UserName[64]; WCHAR Domain[64]; WCHAR FullName[256]; ULONG asize = 0; ULONG bsize = 0; ULONG SidMarker; SID_NAME_USE Se; ULONG nSidLength;
RtlCopyMemory(&SidMarker, ptr, sizeof(ULONG)); if (SidMarker == 0){ ptr += 4; fwprintf(DumpFile, L"0, "); } else { if (PointerSize == 64) { ptr += 16; // skip the TOKEN_USER structure
} else { ptr += 8; // skip the TOKEN_USER structure
} nSidLength = 8 + (4*ptr[1]);
asize = 64; bsize = 64; if (LookupAccountSidW( NULL, (PSID) ptr, (LPWSTR) & UserName[0], & asize, (LPWSTR) & Domain[0], & bsize, & Se)) { LPWSTR pFullName = &FullName[0]; swprintf(pFullName, L"\\\\%s\\%s", Domain, UserName); asize = (ULONG) lstrlenW(pFullName); if (asize > 0){ fwprintf(DumpFile, L"\"%s\", ", pFullName); } } else { fwprintf(DumpFile, L"\"System\", " ); } SetLastError( ERROR_SUCCESS ); ptr += nSidLength; } break; }
case ItemGuid: // GUID
{ TCHAR s[64]; GuidToString(s, (LPGUID)ptr); _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%s, "), s); ptr += sizeof(GUID); break; } case ItemBool: // boolean
{ BOOL Flag = (BOOL)*ptr; _ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%5s, "), (Flag) ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE")); ptr += sizeof(BOOL); break; }
default: ptr += sizeof (int); } }
//Instance ID
_ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%d,"), pEvent->InstanceId);
//Parent Instance ID
_ftprintf(DumpFile, _T("%d\n"), pEvent->ParentInstanceId);
ULONG CheckFile( LPTSTR fileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks whether a file exists and is readable.
fileName - File name.
Return Value:
Non-zero if the file exists and is readable. Zero otherwise.
--*/ { HANDLE hFile; ULONG Status;
hFile = CreateFile( fileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); Status = (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); CloseHandle(hFile); return Status; }
void GuidToString( PTCHAR s, LPGUID piid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Converts a GUID into a string.
s - String that will have the converted GUID. piid - GUID
Return Value:
--*/ { _stprintf(s, _T("{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}"), piid->Data1, piid->Data2, piid->Data3, piid->Data4[0], piid->Data4[1], piid->Data4[2], piid->Data4[3], piid->Data4[4], piid->Data4[5], piid->Data4[6], piid->Data4[7]); return; }
void PrintHelpMessage() /*++
Routine Description:
Prints out help messages.
Return Value:
--*/ { _tprintf( _T("Usage: tracedmp [options] <EtlFile1 EtlFile2 ...>| [-h | -? | -help]\n") _T("\t-o <file> Output CSV file\n") _T("\t-rt [LoggerName] Realtime tracedmp from the logger [LoggerName]\n") _T("\t-summary Summary.txt only\n") _T("\t-h\n") _T("\t-help\n") _T("\t-? Display usage information\n") _T("\n") _T("\tDefault output file is dumpfile.csv\n") ); }
void CleanupEventList( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleans up a global event list.
Return Value:
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY Head, Next; PMOF_INFO pMofInfo; TCHAR s[256]; TCHAR wstr[256]; PTCHAR str;
if (EventListHead == NULL) { return; }
Head = EventListHead; Next = Head->Flink; while (Head != Next) { RtlZeroMemory(&wstr, 256);
if (pMofInfo->EventCount > 0) { GuidToString(&s[0], &pMofInfo->Guid); str = s; if( pMofInfo->strDescription != NULL ){ _tcscpy( wstr, pMofInfo->strDescription ); } _ftprintf(SummaryFile,_T("|%10d %-20s %-10s %36s|\n"), pMofInfo->EventCount, wstr, pMofInfo->strType ? pMofInfo->strType : GUID_TYPE_DEFAULT, str); }
RemoveEntryList(&pMofInfo->Entry); RemoveMofInfo(pMofInfo->ItemHeader); free(pMofInfo->ItemHeader);
if (pMofInfo->strDescription != NULL) free(pMofInfo->strDescription); if (pMofInfo->strType != NULL) free(pMofInfo->strType);
Next = Next->Flink; free(pMofInfo); }
free(EventListHead); }