// Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2002 OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.
// DockDialogBar.cpp - implementation of the CDockDialogBar class
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DockDialogBar.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CDockDialogBar
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDockDialogBar, CControlBar);
CDockDialogBar::CDockDialogBar() : m_clrBtnHilight(::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHILIGHT)), m_clrBtnShadow(::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW)) { m_sizeMin = CSize(32, 32); m_sizeHorz = CSize(200, 200); m_sizeVert = CSize(200, 200); m_sizeFloat = CSize(200, 200); m_bTracking = FALSE; m_bInRecalcNC = FALSE; m_cxEdge = 6; m_cxBorder = 3; m_cxGripper = 15; m_pDialog = NULL; m_brushBkgd.CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
m_cyBorder = 3; m_cCaptionSize = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMCAPTION); m_cMinWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMIN); m_cMinHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMIN); m_bKeepSize = TRUE; m_bShowTitleInGripper = FALSE; }
CDockDialogBar::~CDockDialogBar() { }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDockDialogBar, CControlBar) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDockDialogBar)
// CDockDialogBar message handlers
void CDockDialogBar::OnUpdateCmdUI(class CFrameWnd *pTarget, int bDisableIfNoHndler) { UpdateDialogControls(pTarget, bDisableIfNoHndler); }
BOOL CDockDialogBar::Create(CWnd *pParentWnd, CDialog *pDialog, CString &pTitle, UINT nID, DWORD dwStyle, BOOL bShowTitleInGripper) { ASSERT_VALID(pParentWnd); // must have a parent
ASSERT (!((dwStyle & CBRS_SIZE_FIXED) && (dwStyle & CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC))); //
// save the style
m_dwStyle = dwStyle & CBRS_ALL;
// Determine whether or not to display the title
// in the gripper bar
m_bShowTitleInGripper = bShowTitleInGripper;
// Adjust the gripper width if necessary
if(m_bShowTitleInGripper) { m_cxGripper = 25; }
// create the base window
CString wndclass = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLKS, LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW), m_brushBkgd, 0); if (!CWnd::Create(wndclass, pTitle, dwStyle, CRect(0,0,0,0), pParentWnd, 0)) { return FALSE; }
m_pTitle = (LPCTSTR)pTitle;
// create the child dialog
m_pDialog = pDialog; m_pDialog->Create(nID, this);
// use the dialog dimensions as default base dimensions
CRect rc;
m_sizeHorz = m_sizeVert = m_sizeFloat = rc.Size();
m_sizeHorz.cy += m_cxEdge + m_cxBorder; m_sizeVert.cx += m_cxEdge + m_cxBorder;
return TRUE; }
CSize CDockDialogBar::CalcFixedLayout(BOOL bStretch, BOOL bHorz) { CRect rc; LONG availableHeight; LONG actualHeight; LONG rowHeight; LONG diff; LONG oldDiff; LONG adjustment; CString str; LONG ii; BOOL bFound; BOOL bIsMinimum; CDockBar *pDockBar; CDockDialogBar *pBar; CPtrArray barArray;
int nHorzDockBarWidth = bStretch ? 32767 : rc.Width() + 4;
int nVertDockBarHeight = bStretch ? 32767 : rc.Height() + 4;
if(IsFloating()) { return m_sizeFloat; }
CFrameWnd *pFrame = GetParentFrame();
if(pFrame == NULL) { if (bHorz) return CSize(nHorzDockBarWidth, m_sizeHorz.cy); else return CSize(m_sizeVert.cx, nVertDockBarHeight); }
// Get the available screen height
// Client rect height minus the status bar height
availableHeight = rc.Height() - 18;
actualHeight = 0;
pDockBar = (CDockBar *)m_pDockSite->GetControlBar(AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP);
if(pDockBar == NULL) { if (bHorz) return CSize(nHorzDockBarWidth, m_sizeHorz.cy); else return CSize(m_sizeVert.cx, nVertDockBarHeight); }
bFound = FALSE;
rowHeight = 0;
// Walk the top rows
for(ii = 0; ii < pDockBar->m_arrBars.GetSize(); ii++) {
pBar = (CDockDialogBar *)pDockBar->m_arrBars[ii];
if(pBar == NULL) { if(!bFound) { availableHeight -= rowHeight; } rowHeight = 0; continue; }
if(pBar->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDockDialogBar))) { if(!bFound && pBar != this) { if (bHorz) return CSize(nHorzDockBarWidth, m_sizeHorz.cy); else return CSize(m_sizeVert.cx, nVertDockBarHeight); }
bFound = TRUE;
// We position these with one border overlapping
// so subtract one part of a border width from the size
actualHeight += (pBar->m_sizeHorz.cy - 2);
continue; }
rowHeight = max(rowHeight, rc.Height()); }
pDockBar = (CDockBar *)m_pDockSite->GetControlBar(AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM);
if(pDockBar == NULL) { if (bHorz) return CSize(nHorzDockBarWidth, m_sizeHorz.cy); else return CSize(m_sizeVert.cx, nVertDockBarHeight); }
bFound = FALSE;
rowHeight = 0;
// Walk the bottom rows
for(ii = 0; ii < pDockBar->m_arrBars.GetSize(); ii++) { pBar = (CDockDialogBar *)pDockBar->m_arrBars[ii];
if(pBar == NULL) { if(!bFound) { availableHeight -= rowHeight; } rowHeight = 0; continue; }
if(pBar->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDockDialogBar))) { bFound = TRUE;
// We position these with one border overlapping
// so subtract one part of a border width from the size
actualHeight += (pBar->m_sizeHorz.cy - 2);
continue; }
rowHeight = max(rowHeight, rc.Height()); }
diff = availableHeight - actualHeight;
if(diff == 0) { if (bHorz) return CSize(nHorzDockBarWidth, m_sizeHorz.cy); else return CSize(m_sizeVert.cx, nVertDockBarHeight); }
adjustment = (diff > 0) ? 1 : -1; //
// walk through our array and adjust the heights
while(diff != 0) { oldDiff = diff; for(ii = 0; ii < barArray.GetSize(); ii++) { pBar = (CDockDialogBar *)barArray[ii];
if(pBar->m_bKeepSize) { continue; } if((pBar->m_sizeHorz.cy + adjustment) >= pBar->m_sizeMin.cy) { pBar->m_sizeHorz.cy += adjustment; diff -= adjustment; if(diff == 0) { break; } } } if(oldDiff == diff) { bIsMinimum = TRUE; for(ii = 0; ii < barArray.GetSize(); ii++) { pBar = (CDockDialogBar *)barArray[ii]; if(pBar->m_bKeepSize == TRUE) { bIsMinimum = FALSE; }
pBar->m_bKeepSize = FALSE; } if(bIsMinimum) { break; } } }
for(ii = 0; ii < barArray.GetSize(); ii++) { pBar = (CDockDialogBar *)barArray[ii];
pBar->m_bKeepSize = FALSE; }
if (bHorz) return CSize(nHorzDockBarWidth, m_sizeHorz.cy); else return CSize(m_sizeVert.cx, nVertDockBarHeight); }
CSize CDockDialogBar::CalcDynamicLayout(int nLength, DWORD dwMode) { if (IsFloating()) { //
// Get the frame window for this dock dialog bar
// It better not be the main window
CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd = GetParentFrame();
if ( pFrameWnd != AfxGetMainWnd() ) { //
// Disable the SC_CLOSE Control for floating window
EnableMenuItem(::GetSystemMenu(pFrameWnd->m_hWnd, FALSE), SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); }
// Enable diagonal arrow cursor for resizing
GetParent()->GetParent()->ModifyStyle(0, MFS_4THICKFRAME); }
if (dwMode & (LM_HORZDOCK | LM_VERTDOCK)) { SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); m_pDockSite->RecalcLayout();
return CControlBar::CalcDynamicLayout(nLength,dwMode); }
if (dwMode & LM_MRUWIDTH) return m_sizeFloat;
if (dwMode & LM_COMMIT) { m_sizeFloat.cx = nLength; return m_sizeFloat; }
if (IsFloating()) { RECT window_rect; POINT cursor_pt; GetCursorPos(&cursor_pt); GetParent()->GetParent()->GetWindowRect(&window_rect); switch (m_pDockContext->m_nHitTest) { case HTTOPLEFT: m_sizeFloat.cx = max(window_rect.right - cursor_pt.x, m_cMinWidth) - m_cxBorder; m_sizeFloat.cy = max(window_rect.bottom - m_cCaptionSize - cursor_pt.y,m_cMinHeight) - 1; m_pDockContext->m_rectFrameDragHorz.top = min(cursor_pt.y, window_rect.bottom - m_cCaptionSize - m_cMinHeight) - m_cyBorder; m_pDockContext->m_rectFrameDragHorz.left = min(cursor_pt.x, window_rect.right - m_cMinWidth) - 1; return m_sizeFloat; case HTTOPRIGHT: m_sizeFloat.cx = max(cursor_pt.x - window_rect.left, m_cMinWidth); m_sizeFloat.cy = max(window_rect.bottom - m_cCaptionSize - cursor_pt.y,m_cMinHeight) - 1; m_pDockContext->m_rectFrameDragHorz.top = min(cursor_pt.y, window_rect.bottom - m_cCaptionSize - m_cMinHeight) - m_cyBorder; return m_sizeFloat; case HTBOTTOMLEFT: m_sizeFloat.cx = max(window_rect.right - cursor_pt.x, m_cMinWidth) - m_cxBorder; m_sizeFloat.cy = max(cursor_pt.y - window_rect.top - m_cCaptionSize,m_cMinHeight); m_pDockContext->m_rectFrameDragHorz.left = min(cursor_pt.x, window_rect.right - m_cMinWidth) - 1; return m_sizeFloat; case HTBOTTOMRIGHT: m_sizeFloat.cx = max(cursor_pt.x - window_rect.left, m_cMinWidth); m_sizeFloat.cy = max(cursor_pt.y - window_rect.top - m_cCaptionSize,m_cMinHeight); return m_sizeFloat; } } if (dwMode & LM_LENGTHY) return CSize(m_sizeFloat.cx, m_sizeFloat.cy = max(m_sizeMin.cy, nLength)); else return CSize(max(m_sizeMin.cx, nLength), m_sizeFloat.cy); }
void CDockDialogBar::OnWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos) { CControlBar::OnWindowPosChanging(lpwndpos); }
void CDockDialogBar::OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos) { CControlBar::OnWindowPosChanged(lpwndpos);
if(!::IsWindow(m_hWnd) || m_pDialog==NULL) return; if(!::IsWindow(m_pDialog->m_hWnd)) return; if (m_bInRecalcNC) { CRect rc; GetClientRect(rc); m_pDialog->MoveWindow(rc); return; }
// Find on which side are we docked
UINT nDockBarID = GetParent()->GetDlgCtrlID();
// Return if dropped at same location
if (nDockBarID == m_nDockBarID // no docking side change
&& (lpwndpos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE) // no size change
&& ((m_dwStyle & CBRS_BORDER_ANY) != CBRS_BORDER_ANY)) return;
m_nDockBarID = nDockBarID;
// Force recalc the non-client area
BOOL CDockDialogBar::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) { if ((nHitTest != HTSIZE) || m_bTracking) return CControlBar::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message);
if (IsHorz()) SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS)); else SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEWE)); return TRUE; }
// Mouse Handling
void CDockDialogBar::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (!m_bTracking) CControlBar::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); else { ClientToWnd(point); StopTracking(TRUE); } }
void CDockDialogBar::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (IsFloating() || !m_bTracking) { CControlBar::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); return; }
CPoint cpt = m_rectTracker.CenterPoint();
if (IsHorz()) { if (cpt.y != point.y) { OnInvertTracker(m_rectTracker); m_rectTracker.OffsetRect(0, point.y - cpt.y); OnInvertTracker(m_rectTracker); } } else { if (cpt.x != point.x) { OnInvertTracker(m_rectTracker); m_rectTracker.OffsetRect(point.x - cpt.x, 0); OnInvertTracker(m_rectTracker); } } }
void CDockDialogBar::OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS FAR* lpncsp) { //
// Compute the rectangle of the mobile edge
GetWindowRect(m_rectBorder); m_rectBorder = CRect(0, 0, m_rectBorder.Width(), m_rectBorder.Height()); DWORD dwBorderStyle = m_dwStyle | CBRS_BORDER_ANY;
switch(m_nDockBarID) { case AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP: dwBorderStyle &= ~CBRS_BORDER_BOTTOM; lpncsp->rgrc[0].left += m_cxGripper; lpncsp->rgrc[0].bottom += -m_cxEdge; lpncsp->rgrc[0].top += m_cxBorder; lpncsp->rgrc[0].right += -m_cxBorder; m_rectBorder.top = m_rectBorder.bottom - m_cxEdge; break; case AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM: dwBorderStyle &= ~CBRS_BORDER_TOP; lpncsp->rgrc[0].left += m_cxGripper; lpncsp->rgrc[0].top += m_cxEdge; lpncsp->rgrc[0].bottom += -m_cxBorder; lpncsp->rgrc[0].right += -m_cxBorder; m_rectBorder.bottom = m_rectBorder.top + m_cxEdge; break; case AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT: dwBorderStyle &= ~CBRS_BORDER_RIGHT; lpncsp->rgrc[0].right += -m_cxEdge; lpncsp->rgrc[0].left += m_cxBorder; lpncsp->rgrc[0].bottom += -m_cxBorder; lpncsp->rgrc[0].top += m_cxGripper; m_rectBorder.left = m_rectBorder.right - m_cxEdge; break; case AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT: dwBorderStyle &= ~CBRS_BORDER_LEFT; lpncsp->rgrc[0].left += m_cxEdge; lpncsp->rgrc[0].right += -m_cxBorder; lpncsp->rgrc[0].bottom += -m_cxBorder; lpncsp->rgrc[0].top += m_cxGripper; m_rectBorder.right = m_rectBorder.left + m_cxEdge; break; default: m_rectBorder.SetRectEmpty(); break; }
SetBarStyle(dwBorderStyle); }
void CDockDialogBar::OnNcPaint() { EraseNonClient();
CWindowDC dc(this); dc.Draw3dRect(m_rectBorder, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT), GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW));
DrawGripper(dc); CRect pRect; GetClientRect( &pRect ); InvalidateRect( &pRect, TRUE ); }
void CDockDialogBar::OnNcLButtonDown(UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) { if (m_bTracking) return;
if((nHitTest == HTSYSMENU) && !IsFloating()) GetDockingFrame()->ShowControlBar(this, FALSE, FALSE); else if ((nHitTest == HTMINBUTTON) && !IsFloating()) m_pDockContext->ToggleDocking(); else if ((nHitTest == HTCAPTION) && !IsFloating() && (m_pDockBar != NULL)) { // start the drag
ASSERT(m_pDockContext != NULL); m_pDockContext->StartDrag(point); } else if ((nHitTest == HTSIZE) && !IsFloating()) { m_bKeepSize = TRUE;
StartTracking(); } else { CControlBar::OnNcLButtonDown(nHitTest, point); } }
UINT CDockDialogBar::OnNcHitTest(CPoint point) { if (IsFloating()) return CControlBar::OnNcHitTest(point);
CRect rc; GetWindowRect(rc); point.Offset(-rc.left, -rc.top); if(m_rectClose.PtInRect(point)) return HTSYSMENU; else if (m_rectUndock.PtInRect(point)) return HTMINBUTTON; else if (m_rectGripper.PtInRect(point)) return HTCAPTION; else if (m_rectBorder.PtInRect(point)) return HTSIZE; else return CControlBar::OnNcHitTest(point); }
void CDockDialogBar::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { //
// only start dragging if clicked in "void" space
if (m_pDockBar != NULL) { //
// start the drag
ASSERT(m_pDockContext != NULL); ClientToScreen(&point); m_pDockContext->StartDrag(point); } else { CWnd::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } }
void CDockDialogBar::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { //
// only toggle docking if clicked in "void" space
if (m_pDockBar != NULL) { //
// toggle docking
ASSERT(m_pDockContext != NULL); m_pDockContext->ToggleDocking(); } else { CWnd::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); } }
void CDockDialogBar::StartTracking() { SetCapture();
// make sure no updates are pending
RedrawWindow(NULL, NULL, RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_UPDATENOW); m_pDockSite->LockWindowUpdate();
m_ptOld = m_rectBorder.CenterPoint(); m_bTracking = TRUE; m_rectTracker = m_rectBorder; if (!IsHorz()) m_rectTracker.bottom -= 4;
OnInvertTracker(m_rectTracker); }
void CDockDialogBar::OnCaptureChanged(CWnd *pWnd) { if (m_bTracking && pWnd != this) //
// cancel tracking
CControlBar::OnCaptureChanged(pWnd); }
void CDockDialogBar::StopTracking(BOOL bAccept) { CDockDialogBar *pBar; CDockBar *pDockBar; LONG beforeIndex; LONG afterIndex; LONG ii; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
OnInvertTracker(m_rectTracker); m_pDockSite->UnlockWindowUpdate(); m_bTracking = FALSE; ReleaseCapture(); if (!bAccept) return;
int maxsize, minsize, newsize; CRect rcc; m_pDockSite->GetWindowRect(rcc);
newsize = IsHorz() ? m_sizeHorz.cy : m_sizeVert.cx; maxsize = newsize + (IsHorz() ? rcc.Height() : rcc.Width()); minsize = IsHorz() ? m_sizeMin.cy : m_sizeMin.cx;
CPoint point = m_rectTracker.CenterPoint(); switch (m_nDockBarID) { case AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP: newsize += point.y - m_ptOld.y; break; case AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM: newsize += -point.y + m_ptOld.y; break; case AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT: newsize += point.x - m_ptOld.x; break; case AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT: newsize += -point.x + m_ptOld.x; break; }
pDockBar = (CDockBar *)m_pDockSite->GetControlBar(AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP);
// Mark all bars to keep their size
for(ii = 0; ii < pDockBar->m_arrBars.GetSize(); ii++) {
pBar = (CDockDialogBar *)pDockBar->m_arrBars[ii];
if(pBar == NULL) { continue; }
if(pBar->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDockDialogBar))) { //
// Mark all bars to keep their size for now
pBar->m_bKeepSize = TRUE; } }
// Have all windows keep there size except those directly next
// to the window changing size if possible. Normally only the
// window below, or after, the window changing size will need
// to change size as well, unless the user attempted to resize
// the window to smaller than its minimum. Then both the window
// above and below will need to change size.
for(ii = 0; ii < pDockBar->m_arrBars.GetSize(); ii++) {
pBar = (CDockDialogBar *)pDockBar->m_arrBars[ii];
if(pBar == NULL) { continue; }
if(pBar->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDockDialogBar))) { //
// Mark all bars to keep their size for now
pBar->m_bKeepSize = TRUE;
if(pBar == this) { bFound = TRUE; continue; }
if(bFound) { afterIndex = ii; break; }
if(!bFound) { beforeIndex = ii; } } }
// The window below, or after the one being modified will
// alway need to change size
pBar = (CDockDialogBar *)pDockBar->m_arrBars[afterIndex];
pBar->m_bKeepSize = FALSE;
// If the modified window is being shrunk past its minimum
// then the window above, or before this one needs to change
// as well
if(newsize < minsize) { pBar = (CDockDialogBar *)pDockBar->m_arrBars[beforeIndex];
pBar->m_bKeepSize = FALSE; }
newsize = max(minsize, min(maxsize, newsize));
if (IsHorz()) m_sizeHorz.cy = newsize; else m_sizeVert.cx = newsize;
m_pDockSite->RecalcLayout(); }
void CDockDialogBar::OnInvertTracker(const CRect& rect) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(!rect.IsRectEmpty()); ASSERT(m_bTracking);
CRect rct = rect, rcc, rcf; GetWindowRect(rcc); m_pDockSite->GetWindowRect(rcf);
rct.OffsetRect(rcc.left - rcf.left, rcc.top - rcf.top); rct.DeflateRect(1, 1);
CBrush* pBrush = CDC::GetHalftoneBrush(); HBRUSH hOldBrush = NULL; if (pBrush != NULL) hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(pDC->m_hDC, pBrush->m_hObject);
pDC->PatBlt(rct.left, rct.top, rct.Width(), rct.Height(), PATINVERT);
if (hOldBrush != NULL) SelectObject(pDC->m_hDC, hOldBrush);
m_pDockSite->ReleaseDC(pDC); }
BOOL CDockDialogBar::IsHorz() const { return (m_nDockBarID == AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP || m_nDockBarID == AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM); }
CPoint& CDockDialogBar::ClientToWnd(CPoint& point) { if (m_nDockBarID == AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM) point.y += m_cxEdge; else if (m_nDockBarID == AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT) point.x += m_cxEdge;
return point; }
void CDockDialogBar::DrawGripper(CDC & dc) { CString groupNumber;
// no gripper if floating
if( m_dwStyle & CBRS_FLOATING ) { return; }
m_pDockSite->RecalcLayout(); CRect gripper; GetWindowRect( gripper ); ScreenToClient( gripper ); gripper.OffsetRect( -gripper.left, -gripper.top ); if( m_dwStyle & CBRS_ORIENT_HORZ ) { //
// gripper at left
m_rectGripper.top = gripper.top; m_rectGripper.bottom = gripper.bottom; m_rectGripper.left = gripper.left;
m_rectGripper.right = gripper.left + 15;
gripper.top += 10; gripper.bottom -= 10; gripper.left += 5; gripper.right = gripper.left + 3;
// Draw first bar
dc.Draw3dRect(gripper, m_clrBtnHilight, m_clrBtnShadow);
gripper.OffsetRect(4, 0);
// Draw second bar
dc.Draw3dRect(gripper, m_clrBtnHilight, m_clrBtnShadow);
// Display title if requested
if(m_bShowTitleInGripper) { gripper.OffsetRect(8, 0);
gripper.DeflateRect(-4, 0);
dc.SelectStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); dc.SetBkColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); dc.SetTextColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
// Gripper title format -- ID #
dc.DrawText('I', gripper, DT_CENTER); gripper.OffsetRect(0, 8); gripper.DeflateRect(0, 8);
dc.DrawText('D', gripper, DT_CENTER); gripper.OffsetRect(0, 8); gripper.DeflateRect(0, 8);
dc.DrawText(' ', gripper, DT_CENTER); gripper.OffsetRect(0, 4); gripper.DeflateRect(0, 4);
groupNumber = m_pTitle.Right(m_pTitle.GetLength() - m_pTitle.ReverseFind(' ') - 1);
for(int ii = 0; ii < groupNumber.GetLength(); ii++) { dc.DrawText(groupNumber[ii], gripper, DT_CENTER); gripper.OffsetRect(0, 8); gripper.DeflateRect(0, 8); } } } else { //
// gripper at top
m_rectGripper.top = gripper.top; m_rectGripper.bottom = gripper.top + 20; m_rectGripper.left = gripper.left; m_rectGripper.right = gripper.right - 10;
gripper.right -= 38; gripper.left += 5; gripper.top += 10; gripper.bottom = gripper.top + 3; dc.Draw3dRect( gripper, RGB(0, 255, 0), RGB(0, 255, 255)); gripper.OffsetRect(0, 4); dc.Draw3dRect( gripper, RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 0, 0)); }
void CDockDialogBar::OnNcLButtonDblClk(UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) { if ((m_pDockBar != NULL) && (nHitTest == HTCAPTION)) { //
// toggle docking
ASSERT(m_pDockContext != NULL); m_pDockContext->ToggleDocking(); } else { CWnd::OnNcLButtonDblClk(nHitTest, point); } }