// Driver Verifier UI
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999
// module: VSetting.cpp
// author: DMihai
// created: 11/1/00
// Description
// Implementation of the CVerifierSettings class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "verifier.h"
#include "VSetting.h"
#include "VrfUtil.h"
#include "VGlobal.h"
#include "disk.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW
// CDriverData Class
CDriverData::CDriverData() { m_SignedStatus = SignedNotVerifiedYet; m_VerifyDriverStatus = VerifyDriverNo; }
CDriverData::CDriverData( const CDriverData &DriverData ) { m_strName = DriverData.m_strName; m_SignedStatus = DriverData.m_SignedStatus; m_VerifyDriverStatus= DriverData.m_VerifyDriverStatus; }
CDriverData::CDriverData( LPCTSTR szDriverName ) { m_SignedStatus = SignedNotVerifiedYet; m_VerifyDriverStatus = VerifyDriverNo;
m_strName = szDriverName; }
CDriverData::~CDriverData() { }
BOOL CDriverData::LoadDriverHeaderData() { //
// N.B.
// The imagehlp functions are not multithreading safe
// (see Whistler bug #88373) so if we want to use them from more than
// one thread we will have to aquire some critical section before.
// Currently only one thread is using the imagehlp APIs in this app
// (CSlowProgressDlg::LoadDriverDataWorkerThread) so we don't need
// our synchronization.
LPTSTR szDriverName; LPTSTR szDriversDir; PLOADED_IMAGE pLoadedImage; BOOL bSuccess; BOOL bUnloaded;
bSuccess = FALSE;
ASSERT( m_strName.GetLength() > 0 );
// ImageLoad doesn't know about const pointers so
// we have to GetBuffer here :-(
szDriverName = m_strName.GetBuffer( m_strName.GetLength() + 1 );
if( NULL == szDriverName ) { goto Done; }
szDriversDir = g_strDriversDir.GetBuffer( g_strDriversDir.GetLength() + 1 );
if( NULL == szDriversDir ) { m_strName.ReleaseBuffer();
goto Done; }
// Load the image
pLoadedImage = VrfImageLoad( szDriverName, szDriversDir );
if( NULL == pLoadedImage ) { //
// Could not load the image from %windir%\system32\drivers
// Try again from the PATH
pLoadedImage = VrfImageLoad( szDriverName, NULL ); }
// Give our string buffers back to MFC
m_strName.ReleaseBuffer(); g_strDriversDir.ReleaseBuffer();
if( NULL == pLoadedImage ) { //
// We couldn't load this image - bad luck
TRACE( _T( "ImageLoad failed for %s, error %u\n" ), (LPCTSTR) m_strName, GetLastError() );
goto Done; }
// Keep the OS and image version information (4 means NT 4 etc.)
m_wMajorOperatingSystemVersion = pLoadedImage->FileHeader->OptionalHeader.MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
m_wMajorImageVersion = pLoadedImage->FileHeader->OptionalHeader.MajorImageVersion;
// Check if the current driver is a miniport
VrfIsDriverMiniport( pLoadedImage, m_strMiniportName );
// Clean-up
bUnloaded = ImageUnload( pLoadedImage );
// If ImageUnload fails we cannot do much about it...
ASSERT( bUnloaded );
bSuccess = TRUE;
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CDriverData::LoadDriverVersionData() { BOOL bResult; PVOID pWholeVerBlock; PVOID pTranslationInfoBuffer; LPCTSTR szVariableValue; LPTSTR szDriverPath; DWORD dwWholeBlockSize; DWORD dwDummyHandle; UINT uInfoLengthInTChars; TCHAR szLocale[ 32 ]; TCHAR szBlockName[ 64 ]; CString strDriverPath;
bResult = FALSE;
// Get the size of the file info block
// GetFileVersionInfoSize doesn't know about
// const pointers so we need to GetBuffer here :-(
strDriverPath = g_strDriversDir + '\\' + m_strName;
szDriverPath = strDriverPath.GetBuffer( strDriverPath.GetLength() + 1 );
if( NULL == szDriverPath ) { goto InitializeWithDefaults; }
dwWholeBlockSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize( szDriverPath, &dwDummyHandle );
if( dwWholeBlockSize == 0 ) { //
// Couldn't find the binary in %windir%\system32\drivers
// Try %windir%\system32 too
strDriverPath = g_strSystemDir + '\\' + m_strName;
szDriverPath = strDriverPath.GetBuffer( strDriverPath.GetLength() + 1 );
if( NULL == szDriverPath ) { goto InitializeWithDefaults; }
dwWholeBlockSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize( szDriverPath, &dwDummyHandle );
if( dwWholeBlockSize == 0 ) { //
// Couldn't read version information
goto InitializeWithDefaults; } }
// Allocate the buffer for the version information
pWholeVerBlock = malloc( dwWholeBlockSize );
if( pWholeVerBlock == NULL ) { goto InitializeWithDefaults; }
// Get the version information
// GetFileVersionInfo doesn't know about
// const pointers so we need to GetBuffer here :-(
szDriverPath = strDriverPath.GetBuffer( strDriverPath.GetLength() + 1 );
if( NULL == szDriverPath ) { free( pWholeVerBlock );
goto InitializeWithDefaults; }
bResult = GetFileVersionInfo( szDriverPath, dwDummyHandle, dwWholeBlockSize, pWholeVerBlock );
if( bResult != TRUE ) { free( pWholeVerBlock );
goto InitializeWithDefaults; }
// Get the locale info
bResult = VerQueryValue( pWholeVerBlock, _T( "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation" ), &pTranslationInfoBuffer, &uInfoLengthInTChars );
if( TRUE != bResult || NULL == pTranslationInfoBuffer ) { free( pWholeVerBlock );
goto InitializeWithDefaults; }
// Locale info comes back as two little endian words.
// Flip 'em, 'cause we need them big endian for our calls.
_stprintf( szLocale, _T( "%02X%02X%02X%02X" ), (ULONG) HIBYTE( LOWORD ( * (LPDWORD) pTranslationInfoBuffer) ), (ULONG) LOBYTE( LOWORD ( * (LPDWORD) pTranslationInfoBuffer) ), (ULONG) HIBYTE( HIWORD ( * (LPDWORD) pTranslationInfoBuffer) ), (ULONG) LOBYTE( HIWORD ( * (LPDWORD) pTranslationInfoBuffer) ) );
// Get the file version
_stprintf( szBlockName, _T( "\\StringFileInfo\\%s\\FileVersion" ), szLocale );
bResult = VerQueryValue( pWholeVerBlock, szBlockName, (PVOID*) &szVariableValue, &uInfoLengthInTChars );
if( TRUE != bResult || 0 == uInfoLengthInTChars ) { //
// Couldn't find the version
VERIFY( m_strFileVersion.LoadString( IDS_UNKNOWN ) ); } else { //
// Found the version
m_strFileVersion = szVariableValue; }
// Get the company name
_stprintf( szBlockName, _T( "\\StringFileInfo\\%s\\CompanyName" ), szLocale );
bResult = VerQueryValue( pWholeVerBlock, szBlockName, (PVOID*) &szVariableValue, &uInfoLengthInTChars );
if( TRUE != bResult || uInfoLengthInTChars == 0 ) { //
// Coudln't find the company name
m_strCompanyName.LoadString( IDS_UNKNOWN ); } else { m_strCompanyName = szVariableValue; }
// Get the FileDescription
_stprintf( szBlockName, _T( "\\StringFileInfo\\%s\\FileDescription" ), szLocale );
bResult = VerQueryValue( pWholeVerBlock, szBlockName, (PVOID*) &szVariableValue, &uInfoLengthInTChars );
if( TRUE != bResult || uInfoLengthInTChars == 0 ) { //
// Coudln't find the FileDescription
m_strFileDescription.LoadString( IDS_UNKNOWN ); } else { m_strFileDescription = szVariableValue; }
// clean-up
free( pWholeVerBlock );
goto Done;
InitializeWithDefaults: m_strCompanyName.LoadString( IDS_UNKNOWN ); m_strFileVersion.LoadString( IDS_UNKNOWN ); m_strFileDescription.LoadString( IDS_UNKNOWN );
Done: //
// We always return TRUE from this function because
// the app will work fine without the version info -
// it's just something that we would like to be able to display
return TRUE; }
BOOL CDriverData::LoadDriverImageData() { BOOL bResult1; BOOL bResult2;
bResult1 = LoadDriverHeaderData(); bResult2 = LoadDriverVersionData();
return ( bResult1 && bResult2 ); }
void CDriverData::AssertValid() const { ASSERT( SignedNotVerifiedYet == m_SignedStatus || SignedYes == m_SignedStatus || SignedNo == m_SignedStatus );
ASSERT( VerifyDriverNo == m_VerifyDriverStatus || VerifyDriverYes == m_VerifyDriverStatus );
CObject::AssertValid(); }
// CDriverDataArray Class
CDriverDataArray::~CDriverDataArray() { DeleteAll(); }
VOID CDriverDataArray::DeleteAll() { INT_PTR nArraySize; CDriverData *pCrtDriverData;
nArraySize = GetSize();
while( nArraySize > 0 ) { nArraySize -= 1;
pCrtDriverData = GetAt( nArraySize );
ASSERT_VALID( pCrtDriverData );
delete pCrtDriverData; }
RemoveAll(); }
CDriverData *CDriverDataArray::GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) const { return (CDriverData *)CObArray::GetAt( nIndex ); }
CDriverDataArray &CDriverDataArray::operator = (const CDriverDataArray &DriversDataArray) { INT_PTR nNewArraySize; INT_PTR nCrtElement; CDriverData *pCopiedDriverData; CDriverData *pNewDriverData;
nNewArraySize = DriversDataArray.GetSize();
for( nCrtElement = 0; nCrtElement < nNewArraySize; nCrtElement += 1 ) { pCopiedDriverData = DriversDataArray.GetAt( nCrtElement ); ASSERT_VALID( pCopiedDriverData );
pNewDriverData = new CDriverData( *pCopiedDriverData );
if( NULL != pNewDriverData ) { ASSERT_VALID( pNewDriverData );
Add( pNewDriverData ); } else { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto Done; } }
Done: //
// All done, assert that our data is consistent
return *this; }
// CDriversSet Class
// Construction/Destruction
CDriversSet::CDriversSet() { m_DriverSetType = DriversSetNotSigned; m_bDriverDataInitialized = FALSE; m_bUnsignedDriverDataInitialized = FALSE; }
CDriversSet::~CDriversSet() {
BOOL CDriversSet::FindUnsignedDrivers( HANDLE hAbortEvent, CVrfProgressCtrl &ProgressCtl) { INT_PTR nAllDriverNames; INT_PTR nCrtDriverName; DWORD dwWaitResult; BOOL bSigned; BOOL bChangedCurrentDirectory; CDriverData *pDriverData;
ProgressCtl.SetRange32(0, 100); ProgressCtl.SetStep( 1 ); ProgressCtl.SetPos( 0 );
bChangedCurrentDirectory = FALSE;
if( TRUE != m_bUnsignedDriverDataInitialized ) { ASSERT( TRUE == m_bDriverDataInitialized );
// We are going to check all drivers' signature
// so change directory to %windir%\system32\drivers first
bChangedCurrentDirectory = SetCurrentDirectory( g_strDriversDir );
if( TRUE != bChangedCurrentDirectory ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_CANNOT_SET_CURRENT_DIRECTORY, (LPCTSTR) g_strDriversDir ); }
// The unsigned drivers data is not initialized yet.
// Try to initialize it now.
nAllDriverNames = m_aDriverData.GetSize();
ProgressCtl.SetRange32(0, nAllDriverNames );
for( nCrtDriverName = 0; nCrtDriverName < nAllDriverNames; nCrtDriverName+=1 ) { if( NULL != hAbortEvent ) { //
// Check if the thread has to die
dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject( hAbortEvent, 0 );
if( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwWaitResult ) { //
// We have to die...
TRACE( _T( "CDriversSet::FindUnsignedDrivers : aborting at driver %d of %d\n" ), nCrtDriverName, nAllDriverNames );
goto Done; } }
pDriverData = m_aDriverData.GetAt( nCrtDriverName );
ASSERT_VALID( pDriverData );
// If we already checked the signature of this driver before
// don't spend any more time on it - use the cached data
if( CDriverData::SignedNotVerifiedYet == pDriverData->m_SignedStatus ) { bSigned = IsDriverSigned( pDriverData->m_strName );
if( TRUE != bSigned ) { //
// This driver is not signed
pDriverData->m_SignedStatus = CDriverData::SignedNo;
} else { //
// This driver is signed
pDriverData->m_SignedStatus = CDriverData::SignedYes; } }
ProgressCtl.StepIt(); } m_bUnsignedDriverDataInitialized = TRUE; }
if( TRUE == bChangedCurrentDirectory ) { SetCurrentDirectory( g_strInitialCurrentDirectory ); }
return m_bUnsignedDriverDataInitialized; }
BOOL CDriversSet::LoadAllDriversData( HANDLE hAbortEvent, CVrfProgressCtrl &ProgressCtl ) { ULONG uBufferSize; ULONG uCrtModule; PVOID pBuffer; INT nCrtModuleNameLength; INT nBackSlashIndex; INT_PTR nDrvDataIndex; NTSTATUS Status; LPTSTR szCrtModuleName; DWORD dwWaitResult; CString strCrModuleName; CDriverData *pDriverData; PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES Modules;
ProgressCtl.SetPos( 0 ); ProgressCtl.SetRange32( 0, 100 ); ProgressCtl.SetStep( 1 );
if( TRUE != m_bDriverDataInitialized ) { for( uBufferSize = 0x10000; TRUE; uBufferSize += 0x1000) { //
// Allocate a new buffer
pBuffer = new BYTE[ uBufferSize ];
if( NULL == pBuffer ) { goto Done; }
// Query the kernel
Status = NtQuerySystemInformation ( SystemModuleInformation, pBuffer, uBufferSize, NULL);
if( ! NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { delete [] pBuffer;
// Try with a bigger buffer
continue; } else { //
// Fatal error - we cannot query
VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_CANT_GET_ACTIVE_DRVLIST, Status );
goto Done; } } else { //
// Got all the information we needed
break; } }
Modules = (PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES)pBuffer;
ProgressCtl.SetRange32(0, Modules->NumberOfModules );
for( uCrtModule = 0; uCrtModule < Modules->NumberOfModules; uCrtModule += 1 ) { //
// Check if the user wants to abort this long file processing...
if( NULL != hAbortEvent ) { //
// Check if the thread has to die
dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject( hAbortEvent, 0 );
if( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwWaitResult ) { //
// We have to die...
TRACE( _T( "CDriversSet::LoadAllDriversData : aborting at driver %u of %u\n" ), uCrtModule, (ULONG) Modules->NumberOfModules );
delete [] pBuffer;
goto Done; } }
if( Modules->Modules[uCrtModule].ImageBase < g_pHighestUserAddress ) { //
// This is a user-mode module - we don't care about it
continue; }
// Add this driver to our list
nCrtModuleNameLength = strlen( (const char*)&Modules->Modules[uCrtModule].FullPathName[0] );
szCrtModuleName = strCrModuleName.GetBuffer( nCrtModuleNameLength + 1 );
if( NULL == szCrtModuleName ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
goto Done; }
#ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (const char*)&Modules->Modules[uCrtModule].FullPathName[0], -1, szCrtModuleName, ( nCrtModuleNameLength + 1 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
strcpy( szCrtModuleName, (const char*)&Modules->Modules[uCrtModule].FullPathName[0] ); #endif
// Keep only the file name, without the path
// It turns out that NtQuerySystemInformation ( SystemModuleInformation )
// can return the path in several different formats
// E.g.
// \winnt\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
// acpi.sys
// \winnt\system32\drivers\battc.sys
// \systemroot\system32\drivers\videoprt.sys
nBackSlashIndex = strCrModuleName.ReverseFind( _T( '\\' ) ); if( nBackSlashIndex > 0 ) { strCrModuleName = strCrModuleName.Right( nCrtModuleNameLength - nBackSlashIndex - 1 ); }
// Add a data entry for this driver
nDrvDataIndex = AddNewDriverData( strCrModuleName );
// Deal with the kernel and HAL differently
if( ( uCrtModule == 0 || uCrtModule == 1 ) && nDrvDataIndex >= 0) { pDriverData = m_aDriverData.GetAt( nDrvDataIndex );
ASSERT_VALID( pDriverData );
if( 0 == uCrtModule ) { //
// This is the kernel
pDriverData->m_strReservedName = _T( "ntoskrnl.exe" ); } else { //
// This is the kernel
pDriverData->m_strReservedName = _T( "hal.dll" ); } }
ProgressCtl.StepIt(); }
delete [] pBuffer;
m_bDriverDataInitialized = TRUE; } Done:
return m_bDriverDataInitialized; }
BOOL CDriversSet::ShouldDriverBeVerified( const CDriverData *pDriverData ) const { BOOL bResult;
bResult = FALSE;
switch( m_DriverSetType ) { case DriversSetNotSigned: bResult = ( CDriverData::SignedNo == pDriverData->m_SignedStatus ); break;
case DriversSetOldOs: bResult = ( 0 != pDriverData->m_wMajorOperatingSystemVersion && 5 > pDriverData->m_wMajorOperatingSystemVersion ) || ( 0 != pDriverData->m_wMajorImageVersion && 5 > pDriverData->m_wMajorImageVersion ); break;
case DriversSetAllDrivers: bResult = TRUE; break;
case DriversSetCustom: bResult = ( CDriverData::VerifyDriverYes == pDriverData->m_VerifyDriverStatus ); break; default: //
// Oops, how did we get here?!?
return bResult; }
BOOL CDriversSet::ShouldVerifySomeDrivers( ) const { INT_PTR nDrivers; INT_PTR nCrtDriver; CDriverData *pDriverData; BOOL bShouldVerifySome;
bShouldVerifySome = FALSE;
nDrivers = m_aDriverData.GetSize();
for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDrivers; nCrtDriver += 1 ) { pDriverData = m_aDriverData.GetAt( nCrtDriver );
ASSERT_VALID( pDriverData );
if( ShouldDriverBeVerified( pDriverData ) ) { bShouldVerifySome = TRUE; break; } }
return bShouldVerifySome; }
BOOL CDriversSet::GetDriversToVerify( CString &strDriversToVerify ) { INT_PTR nDriversNo; INT_PTR nCrtDriver; CDriverData *pCrtDrvData;
if( DriversSetAllDrivers == m_DriverSetType ) { //
// Verify all drivers
strDriversToVerify = _T( '*' ); } else { //
// Parse all the drivers list and see which ones should be verified
strDriversToVerify = _T( "" );
nDriversNo = m_aDriverData.GetSize();
for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDriversNo; nCrtDriver += 1 ) { pCrtDrvData = m_aDriverData.GetAt( nCrtDriver );
ASSERT_VALID( pCrtDrvData );
if( ShouldDriverBeVerified( pCrtDrvData ) ) { if( pCrtDrvData->m_strReservedName.GetLength() > 0 ) { //
// Kernel or HAL
VrfAddDriverNameNoDuplicates( pCrtDrvData->m_strReservedName, strDriversToVerify ); } else { //
// Regular driver
VrfAddDriverNameNoDuplicates( pCrtDrvData->m_strName, strDriversToVerify ); }
if( pCrtDrvData->m_strMiniportName.GetLength() > 0 ) { //
// This is a miniport - auto-enable the corresponding driver
TRACE( _T( "Auto-enabling %s\n" ), (LPCTSTR)pCrtDrvData->m_strMiniportName );
VrfAddDriverNameNoDuplicates( pCrtDrvData->m_strMiniportName, strDriversToVerify ); } } } }
return TRUE; }
INT_PTR CDriversSet::AddNewDriverData( LPCTSTR szDriverName ) { INT_PTR nIndexInArray; CDriverData *pNewDriverData; BOOL bSuccess;
ASSERT( IsDriverNameInList( szDriverName ) == FALSE );
nIndexInArray = -1;
pNewDriverData = new CDriverData( szDriverName ); if( NULL != pNewDriverData ) { pNewDriverData->LoadDriverImageData();
TRY { nIndexInArray = m_aDriverData.Add( pNewDriverData ); } CATCH( CMemoryException, pMemException ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); nIndexInArray = -1;
// Clean-up the allocation since we cannot add it to our list
delete pNewDriverData; } END_CATCH }
return nIndexInArray; }
// Is this driver name already in our list?
BOOL CDriversSet::IsDriverNameInList( LPCTSTR szDriverName ) { INT_PTR nDrivers; INT_PTR nCrtDriver; CDriverData *pCrtDriverData; BOOL bIsInList;
bIsInList = FALSE;
nDrivers = m_aDriverData.GetSize();
for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDrivers; nCrtDriver += 1 ) { pCrtDriverData = m_aDriverData.GetAt( nCrtDriver );
ASSERT_VALID( pCrtDriverData );
if( pCrtDriverData->m_strName.CompareNoCase( szDriverName ) == 0 ) { bIsInList = TRUE;
break; } }
return bIsInList; }
// Operators
CDriversSet & CDriversSet::operator = (const CDriversSet &DriversSet) { m_DriverSetType = DriversSet.m_DriverSetType; m_aDriverData = DriversSet.m_aDriverData; m_bDriverDataInitialized = DriversSet.m_bDriverDataInitialized; m_bUnsignedDriverDataInitialized = DriversSet.m_bUnsignedDriverDataInitialized;
::CopyStringArray( DriversSet.m_astrNotInstalledDriversToVerify, m_astrNotInstalledDriversToVerify );
// All done - assert that our data is consistent
return *this; }
// Overrides
void CDriversSet::AssertValid() const { ASSERT( DriversSetCustom == m_DriverSetType || DriversSetOldOs == m_DriverSetType || DriversSetNotSigned == m_DriverSetType || DriversSetAllDrivers== m_DriverSetType );
ASSERT( TRUE == m_bDriverDataInitialized || FALSE == m_bDriverDataInitialized );
ASSERT( TRUE == m_bUnsignedDriverDataInitialized || FALSE == m_bUnsignedDriverDataInitialized );
m_aDriverData.AssertValid(); m_astrNotInstalledDriversToVerify.AssertValid();
CObject::AssertValid(); }
// CSettingsBits Class
// Construction/Destruction
CSettingsBits::CSettingsBits() { m_SettingsType = SettingsTypeTypical; }
CSettingsBits::~CSettingsBits() {
// Operators
CSettingsBits & CSettingsBits::operator = (const CSettingsBits &SettingsBits) { m_SettingsType = SettingsBits.m_SettingsType;
m_bSpecialPoolEnabled = SettingsBits.m_bSpecialPoolEnabled; m_bForceIrqlEnabled = SettingsBits.m_bForceIrqlEnabled; m_bLowResEnabled = SettingsBits.m_bLowResEnabled; m_bPoolTrackingEnabled = SettingsBits.m_bPoolTrackingEnabled; m_bIoEnabled = SettingsBits.m_bIoEnabled; m_bDeadlockDetectEnabled= SettingsBits.m_bDeadlockDetectEnabled; m_bDMAVerifEnabled = SettingsBits.m_bDMAVerifEnabled; m_bEnhIoEnabled = SettingsBits.m_bEnhIoEnabled;
// All done, assert that our data is consistent
return *this; }
// Overrides
void CSettingsBits::AssertValid() const { CObject::AssertValid(); }
VOID CSettingsBits::SetTypicalOnly() { m_SettingsType = SettingsTypeTypical;
m_bSpecialPoolEnabled = TRUE; m_bForceIrqlEnabled = TRUE; m_bPoolTrackingEnabled = TRUE; m_bIoEnabled = TRUE; m_bDeadlockDetectEnabled= TRUE; m_bDMAVerifEnabled = TRUE; //
// Low resource simulation
m_bLowResEnabled = FALSE;
// Extreme or spurious tests
m_bEnhIoEnabled = FALSE; }
VOID CSettingsBits::EnableTypicalTests( BOOL bEnable ) { ASSERT( SettingsTypeTypical == m_SettingsType || SettingsTypeCustom == m_SettingsType );
m_bSpecialPoolEnabled = ( FALSE != bEnable ); m_bForceIrqlEnabled = ( FALSE != bEnable ); m_bPoolTrackingEnabled = ( FALSE != bEnable ); m_bIoEnabled = ( FALSE != bEnable ); m_bDeadlockDetectEnabled= ( FALSE != bEnable ); m_bDMAVerifEnabled = ( FALSE != bEnable ); }
VOID CSettingsBits::EnableExcessiveTests( BOOL bEnable ) { m_bEnhIoEnabled = ( FALSE != bEnable ); }
VOID CSettingsBits::EnableLowResTests( BOOL bEnable ) { m_bLowResEnabled = ( FALSE != bEnable ); }
BOOL CSettingsBits::GetVerifierFlags( DWORD &dwVerifyFlags ) { dwVerifyFlags = 0;
if( FALSE != m_bSpecialPoolEnabled ) { dwVerifyFlags |= DRIVER_VERIFIER_SPECIAL_POOLING; }
if( FALSE != m_bForceIrqlEnabled ) { dwVerifyFlags |= DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING; }
if( FALSE != m_bLowResEnabled ) { dwVerifyFlags |= DRIVER_VERIFIER_INJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURES; }
if( FALSE != m_bPoolTrackingEnabled ) { dwVerifyFlags |= DRIVER_VERIFIER_TRACK_POOL_ALLOCATIONS; }
if( FALSE != m_bIoEnabled ) { dwVerifyFlags |= DRIVER_VERIFIER_IO_CHECKING; }
if( FALSE != m_bDeadlockDetectEnabled ) { dwVerifyFlags |= DRIVER_VERIFIER_DEADLOCK_DETECTION; }
if( FALSE != m_bDMAVerifEnabled ) { dwVerifyFlags |= DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VERIFIER; }
if( FALSE != m_bEnhIoEnabled ) { dwVerifyFlags |= DRIVER_VERIFIER_ENHANCED_IO_CHECKING; }
return TRUE; }
// CVerifierSettings Class
// Construction/Destruction
CVerifierSettings::CVerifierSettings() { }
CVerifierSettings::~CVerifierSettings() { }
CVerifierSettings &CVerifierSettings::operator = (const CVerifierSettings &VerifSettings) { m_SettingsBits = VerifSettings.m_SettingsBits; m_DriversSet = VerifSettings.m_DriversSet; m_aDiskData = VerifSettings.m_aDiskData;
// All done - assert that our data is consistent
return *this; }
BOOL CVerifierSettings::SaveToRegistry() { DWORD dwVerifyFlags; DWORD dwPrevFlags; BOOL bSuccess; CString strDriversToVerify; CString strPrevVerifiedDrivers; CString strDisksToVerify;
dwVerifyFlags = 0;
// Get the list of drivers to verify
bSuccess = m_DriversSet.GetDriversToVerify( strDriversToVerify ) && m_SettingsBits.GetVerifierFlags( dwVerifyFlags ); if( FALSE != bSuccess ) { //
// Have something to write to the registry
// Try to get the old settings
dwPrevFlags = 0;
VrfReadVerifierSettings( strPrevVerifiedDrivers, dwPrevFlags );
if( strDriversToVerify.CompareNoCase( strPrevVerifiedDrivers ) != 0 || dwVerifyFlags != dwPrevFlags ) { bSuccess = VrfWriteVerifierSettings( TRUE, strDriversToVerify, TRUE, dwVerifyFlags );
} }
if( FALSE != bSuccess ) { bSuccess = m_aDiskData.SaveNewSettings(); }
if( FALSE != bSuccess ) { if( FALSE == g_bSettingsSaved ) { VrfMesssageFromResource( IDS_NO_SETTINGS_WERE_CHANGED ); } else { VrfMesssageFromResource( IDS_REBOOT ); } } return bSuccess; }
// Overrides
void CVerifierSettings::AssertValid() const { m_SettingsBits.AssertValid(); m_DriversSet.AssertValid(); m_aDiskData.AssertValid();
CObject::AssertValid(); }
// Runtime data - queried from the kernel
// class CRuntimeDriverData
CRuntimeDriverData::CRuntimeDriverData() { Loads = 0; Unloads = 0;
CurrentPagedPoolAllocations = 0; CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations = 0; PeakPagedPoolAllocations = 0; PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations = 0;
PagedPoolUsageInBytes = 0; NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes = 0; PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes = 0; PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes = 0; }
// class CRuntimeDriverDataArray
CRuntimeDriverDataArray::~CRuntimeDriverDataArray() { DeleteAll(); }
CRuntimeDriverData *CRuntimeDriverDataArray::GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) { CRuntimeDriverData *pRetVal = (CRuntimeDriverData *)CObArray::GetAt( nIndex );
return pRetVal; }
VOID CRuntimeDriverDataArray::DeleteAll() { INT_PTR nArraySize; CRuntimeDriverData *pCrtDriverData;
nArraySize = GetSize();
while( nArraySize > 0 ) { nArraySize -= 1;
pCrtDriverData = GetAt( nArraySize );
ASSERT_VALID( pCrtDriverData );
delete pCrtDriverData; }
RemoveAll(); }
// class CRuntimeVerifierData
CRuntimeVerifierData::CRuntimeVerifierData() { FillWithDefaults(); }
VOID CRuntimeVerifierData::FillWithDefaults() { m_bSpecialPool = FALSE; m_bPoolTracking = FALSE; m_bForceIrql = FALSE; m_bIo = FALSE; m_bEnhIo = FALSE; m_bDeadlockDetect = FALSE; m_bDMAVerif = FALSE; m_bLowRes = FALSE;
RaiseIrqls = 0; AcquireSpinLocks = 0; SynchronizeExecutions = 0; AllocationsAttempted = 0;
AllocationsSucceeded = 0; AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool = 0; AllocationsWithNoTag;
Trims = 0; AllocationsFailed = 0; AllocationsFailedDeliberately = 0;
UnTrackedPool = 0;
Level = 0;
m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.DeleteAll(); }
BOOL CRuntimeVerifierData::IsDriverVerified( LPCTSTR szDriveName ) { CRuntimeDriverData *pCrtDriverData; INT_PTR nDrivers; BOOL bFound;
bFound = FALSE;
nDrivers = m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetSize();
while( nDrivers > 0 ) { nDrivers -= 1;
pCrtDriverData = m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetAt( nDrivers );
ASSERT_VALID( pCrtDriverData );
if( 0 == pCrtDriverData->m_strName.CompareNoCase( szDriveName ) ) { bFound = TRUE; break; } }
return bFound; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CDiskData Class
CDiskData::CDiskData( LPCTSTR szVerifierEnabled, LPCTSTR szDiskDevicesForDisplay, LPCTSTR szDiskDevicesPDOName ) { m_bVerifierEnabled = ( 0 != _ttoi( szVerifierEnabled ) );
m_strDiskDevicesForDisplay = szDiskDevicesForDisplay; m_strDiskDevicesPDOName = szDiskDevicesPDOName; }
CDiskData::CDiskData( const CDiskData &DiskData ) { m_bVerifierEnabled = DiskData.m_bVerifierEnabled; m_strDiskDevicesForDisplay = DiskData.m_strDiskDevicesForDisplay; m_strDiskDevicesPDOName = DiskData.m_strDiskDevicesPDOName; }
CDiskData::~CDiskData() { }
void CDiskData::AssertValid() const { ASSERT( m_bVerifierEnabled == FALSE || m_bVerifierEnabled == TRUE ); ASSERT( m_strDiskDevicesForDisplay.GetLength() > 0 ); ASSERT( m_strDiskDevicesPDOName.GetLength() > 0 );
CObject::AssertValid(); }
// CDiskDataArray Class
CDiskDataArray::CDiskDataArray() { }
CDiskDataArray::~CDiskDataArray() { DeleteAll(); }
VOID CDiskDataArray::DeleteAll() { INT_PTR nArraySize; CDiskData *pCrtDiskData;
nArraySize = GetSize();
while( nArraySize > 0 ) { nArraySize -= 1;
pCrtDiskData = GetAt( nArraySize );
ASSERT_VALID( pCrtDiskData );
delete pCrtDiskData; }
RemoveAll(); }
CDiskData *CDiskDataArray::GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) const { return (CDiskData *)CObArray::GetAt( nIndex ); }
CDiskDataArray &CDiskDataArray::operator = (const CDiskDataArray &DiskDataArray) { INT_PTR nNewArraySize; INT_PTR nCrtElement; CDiskData *pCopiedDiskData; CDiskData *pNewDiskData;
nNewArraySize = DiskDataArray.GetSize();
for( nCrtElement = 0; nCrtElement < nNewArraySize; nCrtElement += 1 ) { pCopiedDiskData = DiskDataArray.GetAt( nCrtElement ); ASSERT_VALID( pCopiedDiskData );
pNewDiskData = new CDiskData( *pCopiedDiskData );
if( NULL != pNewDiskData ) { ASSERT_VALID( pNewDiskData );
Add( pNewDiskData ); } else { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto Done; } }
Done: //
// All done, assert that our data is consistent
return *this; }
BOOL CDiskDataArray::InitializeDiskList() { BOOLEAN bSuccess; INT nCrtLength; CDiskData *pNewDiskData; LPTSTR DiskDevicesForDisplay = NULL; LPTSTR DiskDevicesPDOName = NULL; LPTSTR VerifierEnabled = NULL; LPTSTR DiskDevicesForDisplayCrt; LPTSTR DiskDevicesPDONameCrt; LPTSTR VerifierEnabledCrt; DeleteAll();
bSuccess = DiskEnumerate( g_szFilter, &DiskDevicesForDisplay, &DiskDevicesPDOName, &VerifierEnabled );
if( FALSE != bSuccess ) {
DiskDevicesForDisplayCrt = DiskDevicesForDisplay; DiskDevicesPDONameCrt = DiskDevicesPDOName; VerifierEnabledCrt = VerifierEnabled;
do { pNewDiskData = new CDiskData( VerifierEnabledCrt, DiskDevicesForDisplayCrt, DiskDevicesPDONameCrt );
if( NULL == pNewDiskData ) { bSuccess = FALSE; break; }
ASSERT_VALID( pNewDiskData );
nCrtLength = pNewDiskData->m_strDiskDevicesForDisplay.GetLength(); if( nCrtLength == 0 ) { delete pNewDiskData; break; } DiskDevicesForDisplayCrt += (nCrtLength + 1);
nCrtLength = pNewDiskData->m_strDiskDevicesPDOName.GetLength(); if( nCrtLength == 0 ) { delete pNewDiskData; break; } DiskDevicesPDONameCrt += (nCrtLength + 1);
VerifierEnabledCrt += ( _tcslen( VerifierEnabledCrt ) + 1 );
Add( pNewDiskData ); } while( TRUE );
FreeDiskMultiSz( DiskDevicesForDisplay ); FreeDiskMultiSz( DiskDevicesPDOName ); FreeDiskMultiSz( VerifierEnabled ); }
return (FALSE != bSuccess); }
BOOL CDiskDataArray::VerifyAnyDisk() { INT_PTR nArraySize; CDiskData *pDiskData;
nArraySize = GetSize();
while( nArraySize > 0 ) { nArraySize -= 1; pDiskData = GetAt( nArraySize ); ASSERT_VALID( pDiskData );
if( FALSE != pDiskData->m_bVerifierEnabled ) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CDiskDataArray::SaveNewSettings() { BOOL bSuccess; INT_PTR nArraySize; CDiskData *pNewDiskData; CDiskData *pOldDiskData; LPTSTR szDiskDevicesPDOName;
bSuccess = TRUE;
nArraySize = GetSize();
while( nArraySize > 0 ) { nArraySize -= 1; pNewDiskData = GetAt( nArraySize ); ASSERT_VALID( pNewDiskData );
pOldDiskData = g_OldDiskData.GetAt( nArraySize ); ASSERT_VALID( pOldDiskData );
if( pNewDiskData->m_bVerifierEnabled != pOldDiskData->m_bVerifierEnabled ) { szDiskDevicesPDOName = pNewDiskData->m_strDiskDevicesPDOName.GetBuffer( pNewDiskData->m_strDiskDevicesPDOName.GetLength() + 1 );
if( NULL == szDiskDevicesPDOName ) { bSuccess = FALSE; break; }
if( FALSE != pNewDiskData->m_bVerifierEnabled ) { //
// Verifier will be enabled for this disk.
bSuccess = ( AddFilter( g_szFilter, szDiskDevicesPDOName) != FALSE); } else { //
// Verifier will be disabled for this disk.
bSuccess = ( DelFilter( g_szFilter, szDiskDevicesPDOName ) != FALSE); }
if( FALSE == bSuccess ) { break; } else { g_bSettingsSaved = TRUE; } } }
return bSuccess; }
VOID CDiskDataArray::SetVerifyAllDisks( BOOL bEnabled ) { INT_PTR nArraySize; CDiskData *pDiskData;
nArraySize = GetSize();
while( nArraySize > 0 ) { nArraySize -= 1; pDiskData = GetAt( nArraySize ); ASSERT_VALID( pDiskData );
pDiskData->m_bVerifierEnabled = bEnabled; } }