// TaskMan - NT TaskManager
// Copyright (C) Microsoft
// File: perfpage.cpp
// History: Nov-10-95 DavePl Created
#include "precomp.h"
#define GRAPH_LINE_COLOR RGB(0, 128, 64)
#define GRAPH_TEXT_COLOR RGB(0, 255, 0)
#define STRIP_HEIGHT 75
#define STRIP_WIDTH 33
BYTE g_CPUUsage = 0; BYTE g_KernelUsage = 0; __int64 g_MEMUsage = 0; __int64 g_MEMMax = 0;
DWORD g_PageSize;
/*++ CPerfPage::SizePerfPage
Routine Description:
Sizes its children based on the size of the tab control on which it appears.
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
// Amount of spacing down from the top of a group box to the
// control it contains
void CPerfPage::SizePerfPage() { // Get the coords of the tab control
RECT rcParent;
if (g_Options.m_fNoTitle) { GetClientRect(g_hMainWnd, &rcParent); } else { GetClientRect(m_hwndTabs, &rcParent); MapWindowPoints(m_hwndTabs, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcParent, 2); TabCtrl_AdjustRect(m_hwndTabs, FALSE, &rcParent); }
// We have N panes, where N is 1 or g_cProcessors depending on what mode the
// cpu meter is currently in
INT cPanes = (CM_PANES == g_Options.m_cmHistMode) ? g_cProcessors : 1;
HDWP hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos( 7 + ARRAYSIZE(aPerfControls) + cPanes ); if (!hdwp) return;
// Calc the deltas in the x and y positions that we need to
// move each of the child controls
RECT rcMaster; HWND hwndMaster = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_STATIC5); GetWindowRect(hwndMaster, &rcMaster); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcMaster, 2);
INT dy = ((rcParent.bottom - g_DefSpacing * 2) - rcMaster.bottom);
// Move each of the child controls by the above delta
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(aPerfControls); i++) { HWND hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, aPerfControls[i]); RECT rcCtrl; GetWindowRect(hwndCtrl, &rcCtrl); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcCtrl, 2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndCtrl, NULL, rcCtrl.left, rcCtrl.top + dy, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
HWND hwndTopFrame = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_STATIC13); RECT rcTopFrame; GetWindowRect(hwndTopFrame, &rcTopFrame); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcTopFrame, 2); INT yTop = rcTopFrame.top + dy;
INT yHist; if (g_Options.m_fNoTitle) { yHist = rcParent.bottom - rcParent.top - g_DefSpacing * 2; } else { yHist = (yTop - g_DefSpacing * 3) / 2; }
// Size the CPU history frame
RECT rcFrame; HWND hwndFrame = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_CPUFRAME); GetWindowRect(hwndFrame, &rcFrame); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcFrame, 2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndFrame, NULL, 0, 0, (rcParent.right - rcFrame.left) - g_DefSpacing * 2, yHist, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// Size the CPU bar graph frame
RECT rcCPUFrame; HWND hwndCPUFrame = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_STATIC); GetWindowRect(hwndCPUFrame, &rcCPUFrame); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcCPUFrame, 2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndCPUFrame, NULL, 0, 0, (rcCPUFrame.right - rcCPUFrame.left), yHist, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
RECT rcCPUBAR; HWND hwndCPUBAR = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_CPUMETER); GetWindowRect(hwndCPUBAR, &rcCPUBAR); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcCPUBAR, 2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndCPUBAR, NULL, rcCPUFrame.left + g_InnerSpacing * 2, rcCPUFrame.top + g_TopSpacing, (rcCPUBAR.right - rcCPUBAR.left), yHist - g_TopSpacing - g_InnerSpacing * 2 , SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// Size the mem bar graph frame
RECT rcMEMFrame; HWND hwndMEMFrame = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMBARFRAME); GetWindowRect(hwndMEMFrame, &rcMEMFrame); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcMEMFrame, 2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndMEMFrame, NULL, rcMEMFrame.left, yHist + g_DefSpacing * 2, (rcMEMFrame.right - rcMEMFrame.left), yHist, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
RECT rcMEMBAR; HWND hwndMEMBAR = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMMETER); GetWindowRect(hwndMEMBAR, &rcMEMBAR); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcMEMBAR, 2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndMEMBAR, NULL, rcMEMBAR.left, yHist + g_DefSpacing * 2 + g_TopSpacing, (rcMEMBAR.right - rcMEMBAR.left), yHist - g_InnerSpacing * 2 - g_TopSpacing, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// Size the Memory history frame
RECT rcMemFrame; HWND hwndMemFrame = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMFRAME); GetWindowRect(hwndMemFrame, &rcMemFrame); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcMemFrame, 2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndMemFrame, NULL, rcMemFrame.left, yHist + g_DefSpacing * 2, (rcParent.right - rcMemFrame.left) - g_DefSpacing * 2, yHist, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// Total amount of room available for all of the panes
INT Width = (rcParent.right - rcParent.left) - (rcFrame.left - rcParent.left) - g_DefSpacing * 2 - g_InnerSpacing * 3;
// Use this width to size the memory graph
HWND hwndButton = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMGRAPH); RECT rcButton; GetWindowRect(hwndButton, &rcButton); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcButton, 2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndButton, NULL, rcFrame.left + g_InnerSpacing * 2, yHist + g_DefSpacing * 2 + g_TopSpacing, Width - g_InnerSpacing, yHist - g_InnerSpacing * 2 - g_TopSpacing, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// Total amount of room available for each CPU pane
Width -= ( cPanes < 16 ? cPanes : 16 ) * g_InnerSpacing; Width /= ( cPanes < 16 ? cPanes : 16 ); Width = Width >= 0 ? Width : 0;
INT Height = ( yHist - g_InnerSpacing * 2 - g_TopSpacing ) / ( ( cPanes % 16 != 0 ? 1 : 0 ) + ( cPanes / 16 ) );
for (i = 0; i < cPanes; i++) { HWND hwnd = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_CPUGRAPH + i);
if ( NULL != hwnd ) { INT left = rcFrame.left + g_InnerSpacing * ( ( i % 16 ) + 2) + Width * ( i % 16 ); INT top = rcFrame.top + g_TopSpacing + Height * ( i / 16 );
DeferWindowPos( hdwp, hwnd, NULL, left, top, Width, Height, 0 ); } }
// Create new bitmaps to be used in the history windows
GetClientRect(hwndButton, &rcButton); FreeMemoryBitmaps(); // Free any old ones
CreateMemoryBitmaps(rcButton.right - rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - rcButton.top); }
/*++ CPerfPage::CreatePens
Routine Description:
Creates 8 different colors pens, saves them in the pen array
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
static const COLORREF aColors[] = { RGB(000, 255, 000), RGB(255, 000, 000), RGB(255, 000, 255), RGB(000, 000, 255), RGB(000, 255, 255), RGB(255, 128, 000), RGB(255, 000, 255), RGB(000, 128, 255),
// End of CPU pens
#define MEM_PEN 8
RGB(255, 255, 0),
void CPerfPage::CreatePens() { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(aColors); i++) { // Create then pen. If a failure occurs, just substitute
// the white pen
m_hPens[i] = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, aColors[i]); if (NULL == m_hPens[i]) { m_hPens[i] = (HPEN) GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN); } } }
void CPerfPage::ReleasePens() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PENS; i++) { if (m_hPens[i]) { DeleteObject(m_hPens[i]); } } }
/*++ CPerfPage::DrawGraphPaper
Routine Description:
Draws a graph-paper-like grid into a memory bitmap
hdcGraph - HDC to draw into prcGraph - RECT describing area to draw Width - Amount, on right side, to actually draw
Revision History:
Jan-17-95 Davepl Created
static int g_Scrollamount = 0;
void DrawGraphPaper(HDC hdcGraph, RECT * prcGraph, int Width) { #define GRAPHPAPERSIZE 12
int Leftside = prcGraph->right - Width;
// Only one of the many graphs needs to ask us to scroll
HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(hdcGraph, hPen);
for (int i = GRAPHPAPERSIZE - 1; i < prcGraph->bottom - prcGraph->top; i+= GRAPHPAPERSIZE) { MoveToEx(hdcGraph, Leftside, i + prcGraph->top, (LPPOINT) NULL);
LineTo(hdcGraph, prcGraph->right, i + prcGraph->top); }
for (i = prcGraph->right - g_Scrollamount; i > Leftside; i -= GRAPHPAPERSIZE) { MoveToEx(hdcGraph, i, prcGraph->top, (LPPOINT) NULL);
LineTo(hdcGraph, i, prcGraph->bottom); }
if (hOld) { SelectObject(hdcGraph, hOld); }
DeleteObject(hPen); }
/*++ CPerfPage::DrawCPUGraph
Routine Description:
Draws the CPU graph (which is an ownerdraw control)
lpdi - LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT describing area we need to paint iPane - Pane number to be drawn (ie: which CPU)
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
void CPerfPage::DrawCPUGraph(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi, UINT iPane) { #define THISCPU 0
if (NULL == m_hdcGraph) { return; }
FillRect(m_hdcGraph, &m_rcGraph, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(GRAPH_BRUSH));
int Width = lpdi->rcItem.right - lpdi->rcItem.left; int Scale = (Width - 1) / HIST_SIZE;
if (0 == Scale) { Scale = 2; }
// Draw the CPU history graph
DrawGraphPaper(m_hdcGraph, &m_rcGraph, Width);
INT cPanes = (CM_PANES == g_Options.m_cmHistMode) ? g_cProcessors : 1; int GraphHeight = ( m_rcGraph.bottom - m_rcGraph.top - 1 ) / ( ( cPanes % 16 != 0 ? 1 : 0 ) + ( cPanes / 16 ) );;
if (g_Options.m_cmHistMode == CM_PANES) { //
// Draw the kernel times
if (g_Options.m_fKernelTimes) { HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, m_hPens[1]);
MoveToEx(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right, GraphHeight - (g_pKernelHistory[iPane][0] * GraphHeight) / 100, (LPPOINT) NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < HIST_SIZE && i * Scale < Width; i++) { LineTo(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right - Scale * i, GraphHeight - (g_pKernelHistory[iPane][i] * GraphHeight) / 100); }
if (hOld) { SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, hOld); } }
// Draw a particular CPU in its pane
HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, m_hPens[0]);
MoveToEx(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right, GraphHeight - (g_pCPUHistory[iPane][0] * GraphHeight) / 100, (LPPOINT) NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < HIST_SIZE && i * Scale < Width; i++) { LineTo(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right - Scale * i, GraphHeight - (g_pCPUHistory[iPane][i] * GraphHeight) / 100); }
if (hOld) { SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, hOld); } } else { ASSERT(iPane == 0);
// Draw the kernel times
if (g_Options.m_fKernelTimes) { HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, m_hPens[1]);
DWORD dwSum = 0;
for (int iCPU = 0; iCPU < g_cProcessors; iCPU++) { dwSum += g_pKernelHistory[iCPU][0]; }
dwSum /= g_cProcessors;
MoveToEx(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right, GraphHeight - (dwSum * GraphHeight) / 100, (LPPOINT) NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < HIST_SIZE && i * Scale < Width; i++) { dwSum = 0;
for (iCPU = 0; iCPU < g_cProcessors; iCPU++) { dwSum += g_pKernelHistory[iCPU][i]; }
dwSum /= g_cProcessors;
LineTo(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right - Scale * i, GraphHeight - (dwSum * GraphHeight) / 100); }
if (hOld) { SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, hOld); } }
// Draw History as a sum of all CPUs
HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, m_hPens[0]);
DWORD dwSum = 0;
for (int iCPU = 0; iCPU < g_cProcessors; iCPU++) { dwSum += g_pCPUHistory[iCPU][0]; }
dwSum /= g_cProcessors;
MoveToEx(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right, GraphHeight - (dwSum * GraphHeight) / 100, (LPPOINT) NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < HIST_SIZE && i * Scale < Width; i++) { dwSum = 0;
for (iCPU = 0; iCPU < g_cProcessors; iCPU++) { dwSum += g_pCPUHistory[iCPU][i]; }
dwSum /= g_cProcessors;
LineTo(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right - Scale * i, GraphHeight - (dwSum * GraphHeight) / 100); }
if (hOld) { SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, hOld); } }
// Memory bitmap could be wider than the target control, so find a delta
INT xDiff = (m_rcGraph.right - m_rcGraph.left) - (lpdi->rcItem.right - lpdi->rcItem.left);
BitBlt( lpdi->hDC, lpdi->rcItem.left, lpdi->rcItem.top, lpdi->rcItem.right - lpdi->rcItem.left, lpdi->rcItem.bottom - lpdi->rcItem.top, m_hdcGraph, xDiff, 0, SRCCOPY); }
/*++ CPerfPage::DrawMEMGraph
Routine Description:
Draws the Memory history graph (which is an ownerdraw control)
lpdi - LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT describing area we need to paint
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
void CPerfPage::DrawMEMGraph(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi) { #define THISCPU 0
if (NULL == m_hdcGraph) { return; }
FillRect(m_hdcGraph, &m_rcGraph, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(GRAPH_BRUSH));
int Width = lpdi->rcItem.right - lpdi->rcItem.left;
DrawGraphPaper(m_hdcGraph, &m_rcGraph, Width);
int Scale = (Width - 1) / HIST_SIZE; if (0 == Scale) { Scale = 2; }
int GraphHeight = m_rcGraph.bottom - m_rcGraph.top - 1;
HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, m_hPens[MEM_PEN]);
MoveToEx(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right, m_rcGraph.bottom - (g_pMEMHistory[0] * GraphHeight) / 100, (LPPOINT) NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < HIST_SIZE && i * Scale < Width - 1; i++) { if (0 == g_pMEMHistory[i]) { break; // End of Data
LineTo(m_hdcGraph, m_rcGraph.right - Scale * i, m_rcGraph.bottom - (g_pMEMHistory[i] * GraphHeight) / 100); }
BitBlt( lpdi->hDC, lpdi->rcItem.left, lpdi->rcItem.top, lpdi->rcItem.right - lpdi->rcItem.left, lpdi->rcItem.bottom - lpdi->rcItem.top, m_hdcGraph, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
if (hOld) { SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, hOld); } }
/*++ CPerfPage::UpdateGraphs
Routine Description:
Adds and removed CPU panes as required
Return Value:
Revision History:
Dec-16-96 Davepl Create
void CPerfPage::UpdateGraphs() { UINT i;
for ( i = 0; i < g_cProcessors; i ++ ) { //
// Make sure we have enough windows to show all the processors
HWND hwnd = GetDlgItem( m_hPage, IDC_CPUGRAPH + i ); if ( NULL == hwnd ) { hwnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE , L"BUTTON" , L"" , BS_OWNERDRAW | WS_DISABLED | WS_CHILD , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , m_hPage , (HMENU) ((ULONGLONG)IDC_CPUGRAPH + i) , NULL // ignored
, NULL ); }
if ( NULL != hwnd && 0 != i ) { // Show/hide the window depending on the mode
ShowWindow( hwnd, CM_PANES == g_Options.m_cmHistMode ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE ); } }
// Hide/show everything but the CPU meters when we're in notitle/title mode
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(aPerfControls); i++) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, aPerfControls[i]), g_Options.m_fNoTitle ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); }
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMGRAPH), g_Options.m_fNoTitle ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMFRAME), g_Options.m_fNoTitle ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMBARFRAME), g_Options.m_fNoTitle ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMMETER), g_Options.m_fNoTitle ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW);
SizePerfPage(); }
/*++ CPerfPage::DrawCPUDigits
Routine Description:
Draws the CPU meter and digits
lpdi - LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT describing area we need to paint
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
int GetCurFontSize(HDC hdc) { int iRet = 0; LOGFONT lf; HFONT hf = (HFONT) GetCurrentObject(hdc, OBJ_FONT); if (hf) { if (GetObject(hf, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf)) { iRet = lf.lfHeight; if (iRet < 0) { iRet = (-iRet); } } } return iRet; }
void CPerfPage::DrawCPUDigits(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi) { HBRUSH hBlack = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(lpdi->hDC, hBlack); Rectangle(lpdi->hDC, lpdi->rcItem.left, lpdi->rcItem.top, lpdi->rcItem.right, lpdi->rcItem.bottom);
// Draw the digits into the ownder draw control
INT xBarOffset = ((lpdi->rcItem.right - lpdi->rcItem.left) - STRIP_WIDTH) / 2;
RECT rcBar; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMMETER), &rcBar); INT cBarHeight = lpdi->rcItem.bottom - lpdi->rcItem.top - (GetCurFontSize(lpdi->hDC) + g_DefSpacing * 3); if (cBarHeight <= 0) { return; }
INT ctmpBarLitPixels = (g_CPUUsage * cBarHeight) / 100; INT ctmpBarRedPixels = g_Options.m_fKernelTimes ? ctmpBarRedPixels = (g_KernelUsage * cBarHeight) / 100 : 0;
INT cBarUnLitPixels = cBarHeight - ctmpBarLitPixels; cBarUnLitPixels = (cBarUnLitPixels / 3) * 3;
INT cBarLitPixels = cBarHeight - cBarUnLitPixels; INT cBarRedPixels = ctmpBarRedPixels;
SetBkMode(lpdi->hDC, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(lpdi->hDC, GRAPH_TEXT_COLOR);
WCHAR szBuf[8]; StringCchPrintf( szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), L"%d %%", g_CPUUsage); // don't care if it truncates - UI only
RECT rcOut = lpdi->rcItem; rcOut.bottom -= 4; DrawText(lpdi->hDC, szBuf, -1, &rcOut, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM);
HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(lpdi->hDC); if (hdcMem) { //
// Draw the CPU meter
// Draw unlit portion
if (cBarHeight != cBarLitPixels) { INT cUnlit = cBarHeight - cBarLitPixels; INT cOffset = 0; HGDIOBJ hOldObj = SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hStripUnlit);
while (cUnlit > 0) { BitBlt(lpdi->hDC, xBarOffset, g_DefSpacing + cOffset, STRIP_WIDTH, min(cUnlit, STRIP_HEIGHT), hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); cOffset += min(cUnlit, STRIP_HEIGHT); cUnlit -= min(cUnlit, STRIP_HEIGHT); }
if ( NULL != hOldObj ) { SelectObject( hdcMem, hOldObj ); } }
// Draw lit portion
if (0 != cBarLitPixels) { HGDIOBJ hOldObj = SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hStripLit); INT cOffset = 0; INT cLit = cBarLitPixels - cBarRedPixels;
while (cLit > 0) { BitBlt(lpdi->hDC, xBarOffset, g_DefSpacing + (cBarHeight - cBarLitPixels) + cOffset, STRIP_WIDTH, min(STRIP_HEIGHT, cLit), hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); cOffset += min(cLit, STRIP_HEIGHT); cLit -= min(cLit, STRIP_HEIGHT); } if ( NULL != hOldObj ) { SelectObject( hdcMem, hOldObj ); } }
if (0 != cBarRedPixels) { HGDIOBJ hOldObj = SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hStripLitRed); INT cOffset = 0; INT cRed = cBarRedPixels;
while (cRed > 0) { BitBlt(lpdi->hDC, xBarOffset, g_DefSpacing + (cBarHeight - cBarRedPixels) + cOffset, STRIP_WIDTH, min(cRed, STRIP_HEIGHT), hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); cOffset += min(cRed, STRIP_HEIGHT); cRed -= min(cRed, STRIP_HEIGHT); }
if ( NULL != hOldObj ) { SelectObject( hdcMem, hOldObj ); } }
DeleteDC(hdcMem); }
SelectObject(lpdi->hDC, hOld); }
// CPerfPage::DrawMEMMeter
// Draws the memory meter
void CPerfPage::DrawMEMMeter(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi) { HBRUSH hBlack = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(lpdi->hDC, hBlack); Rectangle(lpdi->hDC, lpdi->rcItem.left, lpdi->rcItem.top, lpdi->rcItem.right, lpdi->rcItem.bottom);
INT xBarOffset = ((lpdi->rcItem.right - lpdi->rcItem.left) - STRIP_WIDTH) / 2;
SetBkMode(lpdi->hDC, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(lpdi->hDC, GRAPH_TEXT_COLOR);
WCHAR szBuf[32]; StrFormatByteSize64( g_MEMUsage * 1024, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf) ); RECT rcOut = lpdi->rcItem; rcOut.bottom -= 4; DrawText(lpdi->hDC, szBuf, -1, &rcOut, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM);
HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(lpdi->hDC); if (hdcMem) { //
// Draw the CPU meter
// Draw unlit portion
INT cBarHeight = lpdi->rcItem.bottom - lpdi->rcItem.top - (GetCurFontSize(lpdi->hDC) + g_DefSpacing * 3);
if (cBarHeight > 0) { INT cBarLitPixels = (INT)(( g_MEMUsage * cBarHeight ) / g_MEMMax); cBarLitPixels = (cBarLitPixels / 3) * 3;
if (cBarHeight != cBarLitPixels) { HGDIOBJ hOldObj = SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hStripUnlit); INT cUnlit = cBarHeight - cBarLitPixels; INT cOffset = 0;
while (cUnlit > 0) { BitBlt(lpdi->hDC, xBarOffset, g_DefSpacing + cOffset, STRIP_WIDTH, min(cUnlit, STRIP_HEIGHT), hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); cOffset += min(cUnlit, STRIP_HEIGHT); cUnlit -= min(cUnlit, STRIP_HEIGHT); }
if ( NULL != hOldObj ) { SelectObject( hdcMem, hOldObj ); } }
// Draw lit portion
if (0 != cBarLitPixels) { HGDIOBJ hOldObj = SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hStripLit); INT cOffset = 0; INT cLit = cBarLitPixels;
while (cLit > 0) { BitBlt(lpdi->hDC, xBarOffset, g_DefSpacing + (cBarHeight - cBarLitPixels) + cOffset, STRIP_WIDTH, min(STRIP_HEIGHT, cLit), hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); cOffset += min(cLit, STRIP_HEIGHT); cLit -= min(cLit, STRIP_HEIGHT); }
if ( NULL != hOldObj ) { SelectObject( hdcMem, hOldObj ); } } }
DeleteDC(hdcMem); }
SelectObject(lpdi->hDC, hOld); }
/*++ CPerfPage::TimerEvent
Routine Description:
Called by main app when the update time fires
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
void CPerfPage::TimerEvent() { CalcCpuTime(TRUE);
g_Scrollamount+=2; g_Scrollamount %= GRAPHPAPERSIZE;
// Force the displays to update
if (FALSE == IsIconic(g_hMainWnd)) { InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_CPUMETER), NULL, FALSE); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_CPUMETER)); InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMMETER), NULL, FALSE); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMMETER));
UINT cPanes = ( CM_PANES == g_Options.m_cmHistMode ? g_cProcessors : 1); for (UINT i = 0; i < cPanes; i ++) { HWND hwnd = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_CPUGRAPH + i); if ( NULL != hwnd ) { InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); UpdateWindow(hwnd); } } InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMGRAPH), NULL, FALSE); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_MEMGRAPH)); } }
/*++ PerfPageProc
Routine Description:
Dialogproc for the performance page.
hwnd - handle to dialog box uMsg - message wParam - first message parameter lParam - second message parameter
Return Value:
For WM_INITDIALOG, TRUE == user32 sets focus, FALSE == we set focus For others, TRUE == this proc handles the message
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
INT_PTR CALLBACK PerfPageProc( HWND hwnd, // handle to dialog box
UINT uMsg, // message
WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
LPARAM lParam // second message parameter
) { CPerfPage * thispage = (CPerfPage *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
// See if the parent wants this message
if (TRUE == CheckParentDeferrals(uMsg, wParam, lParam)) { return TRUE; }
switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam);
DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); dwStyle |= WS_CLIPCHILDREN; SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
if (IS_WINDOW_RTL_MIRRORED(hwnd)) { HWND hItem; LONG lExtStyle;
hItem = GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_CPUMETER); lExtStyle = GetWindowLong(hItem,GWL_EXSTYLE); SetWindowLong(hItem,GWL_EXSTYLE, lExtStyle & ~(RTL_MIRRORED_WINDOW | RTL_NOINHERITLAYOUT)); hItem = GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_MEMMETER); lExtStyle = GetWindowLong(hItem,GWL_EXSTYLE); SetWindowLong(hItem,GWL_EXSTYLE, lExtStyle & ~(dwExStyleRTLMirrorWnd | dwExStyleNoInheritLayout)); } } // We handle focus during Activate(). Return FALSE here so the
// dialog manager doesn't try to set focus.
return FALSE;
// We need to fake client mouse clicks in this child to appear as nonclient
// (caption) clicks in the parent so that the user can drag the entire app
// when the title bar is hidden by dragging the client area of this child
if (g_Options.m_fNoTitle) { SendMessage(g_hMainWnd, uMsg == WM_LBUTTONUP ? WM_NCLBUTTONUP : WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, lParam); } break;
case WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: SendMessage(g_hMainWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break;
case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: { const static int rgGraphs[] = { IDC_MEMGRAPH, IDC_MEMMETER, IDC_CPUMETER };
int uCtlId = GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)lParam);
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgGraphs); i++) { if ( uCtlId == rgGraphs[i] ) { return (INT_PTR) GetStockObject(GRAPH_BRUSH); } } // All CPU graphs should use the GRAPH_BRUSH
if ( uCtlId >= IDC_CPUGRAPH && uCtlId <= IDC_CPUGRAPH + g_cProcessors ) { return (INT_PTR) GetStockObject(GRAPH_BRUSH); } } break;
case WM_SIZE: //
// Size our kids
thispage->SizePerfPage(); return FALSE;
case WM_DRAWITEM: //
// Draw one of our owner draw controls
if (wParam >= IDC_CPUGRAPH && wParam <= (WPARAM)(IDC_CPUGRAPH + g_cProcessors) ) { thispage->DrawCPUGraph( (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam, (UINT)wParam - IDC_CPUGRAPH); return TRUE; } else if (IDC_CPUMETER == wParam) { thispage->DrawCPUDigits( (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam); return TRUE; } else if (IDC_MEMMETER == wParam) { thispage->DrawMEMMeter( (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam); return TRUE; } else if (IDC_MEMGRAPH == wParam) { thispage->DrawMEMGraph( (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam); return TRUE; } break; }
return FALSE; }
/*++ CPerfPage::GetTitle
Routine Description:
Copies the title of this page to the caller-supplied buffer
pszText - the buffer to copy to bufsize - size of buffer, in characters
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
void CPerfPage::GetTitle(LPTSTR pszText, size_t bufsize) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PERFPAGETITLE, pszText, static_cast<int>(bufsize)); }
/*++ CPerfPage::Activate
Routine Description:
Brings this page to the front, sets its initial position, and shows it
Return Value:
HRESULT (S_OK on success)
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
HRESULT CPerfPage::Activate() { // Adjust the size and position of our dialog relative
// to the tab control which "owns" us
RECT rcParent; GetClientRect(m_hwndTabs, &rcParent); MapWindowPoints(m_hwndTabs, g_hMainWnd, (LPPOINT) &rcParent, 2); TabCtrl_AdjustRect(m_hwndTabs, FALSE, &rcParent);
SetWindowPos(m_hPage, HWND_TOP, rcParent.left, rcParent.top, rcParent.right - rcParent.left, rcParent.bottom - rcParent.top, 0);
// Make this page visible
ShowWindow(m_hPage, SW_SHOW);
// Make the CPU graphs visible or invisible depending on its current mode
// Change the menu bar to be the menu for this page
HMENU hMenuOld = GetMenu(g_hMainWnd); HMENU hMenuNew = LoadMenu(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINMENU_PERF));
if (hMenuNew && SHRestricted(REST_NORUN)) { DeleteMenu(hMenuNew, IDM_RUN, MF_BYCOMMAND); }
g_hMenu = hMenuNew; if (g_Options.m_fNoTitle == FALSE) { SetMenu(g_hMainWnd, hMenuNew); }
if (hMenuOld) { DestroyMenu(hMenuOld); }
// There are no tabstops on this page, but we have to set focus somewhere.
// If we don't, it may stay on the previous page, now hidden, which can
// confuse the dialog manager and may cause us to hang.
return S_OK; }
/*++ CPerfPage::Initialize
Routine Description:
Loads the resources we need for this page, creates the inmemory DCs and bitmaps for the charts, and creates the actual window (a dialog) that represents this page
hwndParent - Parent on which to base sizing on: not used for creation, since the main app window is always used as the parent in order to keep tab order correct
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
HRESULT CPerfPage::Initialize(HWND hwndParent) { // Our pseudo-parent is the tab contrl, and is what we base our
// sizing on. However, in order to keep tab order right among
// the controls, we actually create ourselves with the main
// window as the parent
m_hwndTabs = hwndParent;
// Create the color pens
// Create the dialog which represents the body of this page
m_hPage = CreateDialogParam( g_hInstance, // handle to application instance
MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PERFPAGE), // identifies dialog box template name
g_hMainWnd, // handle to owner window
PerfPageProc, // pointer to dialog box procedure
(LPARAM) this ); // User data (our this pointer)
if (NULL == m_hPage) { return GetLastHRESULT(); }
return S_OK; }
/*++ CPerfPage::CreateMemoryBitmaps
Routine Description:
Creates the inmemory bitmaps used to draw the history graphics
x, y - size of bitmap to create
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
HRESULT CPerfPage::CreateMemoryBitmaps(int x, int y) { //
// Create the inmemory bitmaps and DCs that we will use
HDC hdcPage = GetDC(m_hPage); m_hdcGraph = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcPage);
if (NULL == m_hdcGraph) { ReleaseDC(m_hPage, hdcPage); return GetLastHRESULT(); }
m_rcGraph.left = 0; m_rcGraph.top = 0; m_rcGraph.right = x; m_rcGraph.bottom = y;
m_hbmpGraph = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcPage, x, y); ReleaseDC(m_hPage, hdcPage); if (NULL == m_hbmpGraph) { HRESULT hr = GetLastHRESULT(); DeleteDC(m_hdcGraph); m_hdcGraph = NULL; return hr; }
// Select the bitmap into the DC
m_hObjOld = SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, m_hbmpGraph);
return S_OK; }
/*++ CPerfPage::FreeMemoryBitmaps
Routine Description:
Frees the inmemory bitmaps used to drag the history graphs
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
void CPerfPage::FreeMemoryBitmaps() { if (m_hdcGraph) { if (m_hObjOld) { SelectObject(m_hdcGraph, m_hObjOld); }
DeleteDC(m_hdcGraph); }
if (m_hbmpGraph) { DeleteObject(m_hbmpGraph); }
/*++ CPerfPage::Deactivate
Routine Description:
Called when this page is losing its place up front
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-16-95 Davepl Created
void CPerfPage::Deactivate() { if (m_hPage) { ShowWindow(m_hPage, SW_HIDE); } }
/*++ CPerfPage::Destroy
Routine Description:
Frees whatever has been allocated by the Initialize call
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-12-95 Davepl Created
HRESULT CPerfPage::Destroy() { //
// When we are being destroyed, kill off our dialog
if (m_hPage) { DestroyWindow(m_hPage); m_hPage = NULL; }
if (m_hStripLit) { DeleteObject(m_hStripLit); m_hStripLit = NULL; }
if (m_hStripUnlit) { DeleteObject(m_hStripUnlit); m_hStripUnlit = NULL; }
if (m_hStripLitRed) { DeleteObject(m_hStripLitRed); m_hStripLitRed = NULL; }
FreeMemoryBitmaps( );
return S_OK; }
Routine Description:
Initialize data for perf measurements
Return Value:
Number of system processors (0 if error)
Revision History:
10-13-95 Modified from WPERF
NTSTATUS Status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemBasicInformation, &BasicInfo, sizeof(BasicInfo), NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return 0; }
g_PageSize = BasicInfo.PageSize; g_cProcessors = BasicInfo.NumberOfProcessors;
if (g_cProcessors > MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS) { g_cProcessors = MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS; }
for (i = 0; i < g_cProcessors; i++) { g_pCPUHistory[i] = (LPBYTE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, HIST_SIZE * sizeof(LPBYTE)); if (NULL == g_pCPUHistory[i]) { return 0; } g_pKernelHistory[i] = (LPBYTE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, HIST_SIZE * sizeof(LPBYTE)); if (NULL == g_pKernelHistory[i]) { return 0; }
g_pMEMHistory = (LPBYTE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, HIST_SIZE * sizeof(LPBYTE)); if (NULL == g_pMEMHistory) { return 0; }
Status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, ProcessorInfo, sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) * MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS, NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return 0; }
PPerfInfo = ProcessorInfo;
for (i=0; i < g_cProcessors; i++) { PreviousCPUIdleTime[i] = PPerfInfo->IdleTime; PreviousCPUTotalTime[i].QuadPart = PPerfInfo->UserTime.QuadPart + PPerfInfo->KernelTime.QuadPart; PreviousCPUKernelTime[i].QuadPart = PPerfInfo->KernelTime.QuadPart + PPerfInfo->IdleTime.QuadPart;
// PPerfInfo->IdleTime.QuadPart;
PPerfInfo++; }
// Get the maximum commit limit
Status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemPerformanceInformation, &PerfInfo, sizeof(PerfInfo), NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return 0; }
g_MEMMax = PerfInfo.CommitLimit * ( g_PageSize / 1024 );
return(g_cProcessors); }
/*++ ReleasePerfInfo
Routine Description:
Frees the history buffers
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-13-95 DavePl Created
void ReleasePerfInfo() { for (int i = 0; i < g_cProcessors; i++) { if (g_pCPUHistory[i]) { LocalFree(g_pCPUHistory[i]); g_pCPUHistory[i] = NULL; } if (g_pKernelHistory[i]) { LocalFree(g_pKernelHistory[i]); g_pKernelHistory[i] = NULL; }
if (g_pMEMHistory) { LocalFree(g_pMEMHistory); } }
/*++ CalcCpuTime
Routine Description:
calculate and return %cpu time and time periods
Revision History:
Nov-13-95 DavePl Created
LARGE_INTEGER SumIdleTime = { 0 ,0 }; LARGE_INTEGER SumTotalTime = { 0, 0 }; LARGE_INTEGER SumKernelTime = { 0, 0 };
Status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, ProcessorInfo, sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) * MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS, NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return; }
// Walk through the info for each CPU, and compile
// - Amount of time each CPU has spent idle (since last check)
// - Amount of time each CPU has spent entirely (since last check)
// In addition to keeping per-CPU stats, compile a sum for
// - Amount of time system has spent idle (since last check)
// - Amount of time that has elapsed, in total (since last check)
for (int ListIndex = 0; ListIndex < g_cProcessors; ListIndex++) { LARGE_INTEGER DeltaCPUIdleTime; LARGE_INTEGER DeltaCPUTotalTime; LARGE_INTEGER DeltaCPUKernelTime;
CPUIdleTime[ListIndex].QuadPart = ProcessorInfo[ListIndex].IdleTime.QuadPart; CPUKernelTime[ListIndex].QuadPart= ProcessorInfo[ListIndex].KernelTime.QuadPart- ProcessorInfo[ListIndex].IdleTime.QuadPart; CPUTotalTime[ListIndex].QuadPart = ProcessorInfo[ListIndex].KernelTime.QuadPart + ProcessorInfo[ListIndex].UserTime.QuadPart;// +
DeltaCPUIdleTime.QuadPart = CPUIdleTime[ListIndex].QuadPart - PreviousCPUIdleTime[ListIndex].QuadPart; DeltaCPUKernelTime.QuadPart = CPUKernelTime[ListIndex].QuadPart - PreviousCPUKernelTime[ListIndex].QuadPart; DeltaCPUTotalTime.QuadPart = CPUTotalTime[ListIndex].QuadPart - PreviousCPUTotalTime[ListIndex].QuadPart;
SumIdleTime.QuadPart += DeltaCPUIdleTime.QuadPart; SumTotalTime.QuadPart += DeltaCPUTotalTime.QuadPart; SumKernelTime.QuadPart += DeltaCPUKernelTime.QuadPart;
// Calc CPU Usage % for this processor, scroll the history buffer, and store
// the newly calced value at the head of the history buffer
if (DeltaCPUTotalTime.QuadPart != 0) { ThisCPU = static_cast<BYTE>(100 - ((DeltaCPUIdleTime.QuadPart * 100) / DeltaCPUTotalTime.QuadPart)); } else { ThisCPU = 0; }
BYTE * pbHistory = g_pCPUHistory[ListIndex]; MoveMemory((LPVOID) (pbHistory + 1), (LPVOID) (pbHistory), sizeof(BYTE) * (HIST_SIZE - 1) ); pbHistory[0] = ThisCPU;
BYTE ThisKernel; if (DeltaCPUTotalTime.QuadPart != 0) { ThisKernel = static_cast<BYTE>(((DeltaCPUKernelTime.QuadPart * 100) / DeltaCPUTotalTime.QuadPart)); } else { ThisKernel = 0; }
pbHistory = g_pKernelHistory[ListIndex]; MoveMemory((LPVOID) (pbHistory + 1), (LPVOID) (pbHistory), sizeof(BYTE) * (HIST_SIZE - 1) ); pbHistory[0] = ThisKernel;
PreviousCPUTotalTime[ListIndex].QuadPart = CPUTotalTime[ListIndex].QuadPart; PreviousCPUIdleTime[ListIndex].QuadPart = CPUIdleTime[ListIndex].QuadPart; PreviousCPUKernelTime[ListIndex].QuadPart = CPUKernelTime[ListIndex].QuadPart; }
if (SumTotalTime.QuadPart != 0) { g_CPUUsage = (BYTE) (100 - ((SumIdleTime.QuadPart * 100) / SumTotalTime.QuadPart)); } else { g_CPUUsage = 0; }
if (fUpdateHistory) { if (SumTotalTime.QuadPart != 0) { g_KernelUsage = (BYTE) ((SumKernelTime.QuadPart * 100) / SumTotalTime.QuadPart); } else { g_KernelUsage = 0; }
// Get the commit size
Status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemPerformanceInformation, &PerfInfo, sizeof(PerfInfo), NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return; }
g_MEMUsage = PerfInfo.CommittedPages * (g_PageSize / 1024); MoveMemory((LPVOID) (g_pMEMHistory + 1), (LPVOID) (g_pMEMHistory), sizeof(BYTE) * (HIST_SIZE - 1) );
g_pMEMHistory[0] = (BYTE) (( g_MEMUsage * 100 ) / g_MEMMax ); } }