// Appmgr.cpp : Implementation of CShellAppManager
#include "priv.h"
#include "appmgr.h"
#include "instenum.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "pubenum.h"
#include "sccls.h"
const TCHAR c_szTSMsiHackKey[] = TEXT("Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Installer\\Terminal Server"); const TCHAR c_szTSMsiHackValue[] = TEXT("EnableAdminRemote");
// CShellAppManager
// constructor
CShellAppManager::CShellAppManager() : _cRef(1) { DllAddRef(); TraceAddRef(CShellAppManager, _cRef); ASSERT(_hdpaPub == NULL); InitializeCriticalSection(&_cs); HDCA hdca = DCA_Create(); if (hdca) { // Enumerate all of the Application Publishers
DCA_AddItemsFromKey(hdca, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_APPPUBLISHER); if (DCA_GetItemCount(hdca) > 0) { _Lock(); // Create our internal list of IAppPublisher *
_hdpaPub = DPA_Create(4);
if(_hdpaPub) { int idca; for (idca = 0; idca < DCA_GetItemCount(hdca); idca++) { IAppPublisher * pap; if (FAILED(DCA_CreateInstance(hdca, idca, IID_IAppPublisher, (LPVOID *) &pap))) continue;
ASSERT(IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(pap, IAppPublisher));
if (DPA_AppendPtr(_hdpaPub, pap) == DPA_ERR) { pap->Release(); break; } }
// if we have no pointers in this array, don't bother create one
if (DPA_GetPtrCount(_hdpaPub) == 0) { DPA_Destroy(_hdpaPub); _hdpaPub = NULL; } } _Unlock(); }
DCA_Destroy(hdca); }
if (IsTerminalServicesRunning()) { // Hack for MSI work on Terminal Server
if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwTSMsiHack = 0; DWORD cbSize = SIZEOF(dwTSMsiHack);
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hkeyMsiHack, c_szTSMsiHackValue, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwTSMsiHack, &cbSize)) || (dwType != REG_DWORD) || (dwTSMsiHack != 1)) { dwTSMsiHack = 1; if (RegSetValueEx(hkeyMsiHack, c_szTSMsiHackValue, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTSMsiHack, SIZEOF(dwTSMsiHack)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) _bCreatedTSMsiHack = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hkeyMsiHack); } } }
// destructor
CShellAppManager::~CShellAppManager() { if (_bCreatedTSMsiHack) { ASSERT(IsTerminalServicesRunning()); HKEY hkeyMsiHack; DWORD lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szTSMsiHackKey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hkeyMsiHack); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { RegDeleteValue(hkeyMsiHack, c_szTSMsiHackValue); RegCloseKey(hkeyMsiHack); } }
_Lock(); // The order below is important
if (_hdsaCategoryList) _DestroyInternalCategoryList();
if (_hdpaPub) _DestroyAppPublisherList();
DeleteCriticalSection(&_cs); DllRelease(); }
// Recursively destroys a GUIDLIST
void CShellAppManager::_DestroyGuidList(GUIDLIST * pGuidList) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_WRITE_PTR(pGuidList, GUIDLIST)); if (pGuidList->pNextGuid) _DestroyGuidList(pGuidList->pNextGuid);
LocalFree(pGuidList); }
void CShellAppManager::_DestroyCategoryItem(CATEGORYITEM * pci) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_WRITE_PTR(pci, CATEGORYITEM)); if (pci->pszDescription) LocalFree(pci->pszDescription); if (pci->pGuidList) _DestroyGuidList(pci->pGuidList); }
// Destroys our Category List Table
void CShellAppManager::_DestroyInternalCategoryList() { // The caller must enter the lock first
ASSERT(0 < _cRefLock);
ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(_hdsaCategoryList, DSA)); int idsa; for (idsa = 0; idsa < DSA_GetItemCount(_hdsaCategoryList); idsa++) { CATEGORYITEM * pci = (CATEGORYITEM *)DSA_GetItemPtr(_hdsaCategoryList, idsa); if (pci) _DestroyCategoryItem(pci); } DSA_Destroy(_hdsaCategoryList); }
// Destroys our list of IAppPublisher *
void CShellAppManager::_DestroyAppPublisherList() { // The caller must enter the lock first
ASSERT(0 < _cRefLock); ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(_hdpaPub, DPA)); int idpa; for (idpa = 0; idpa < DPA_GetPtrCount(_hdpaPub); idpa++) { IAppPublisher * pap = (IAppPublisher *)DPA_GetPtr(_hdpaPub, idpa); if (EVAL(pap)) pap->Release(); }
DPA_Destroy(_hdpaPub); _hdpaPub = NULL; }
// IShellAppManager::QueryInterface
HRESULT CShellAppManager::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvOut) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CShellAppManager, IShellAppManager), // IID_IShellAppManager
{ 0 }, };
return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppvOut); }
// IShellAppManager::AddRef
ULONG CShellAppManager::AddRef() { ULONG cRef = InterlockedIncrement(&_cRef); TraceAddRef(CShellAppManager, cRef); return cRef; }
// IShellAppManager::Release
ULONG CShellAppManager::Release() { ASSERT( 0 != _cRef ); ULONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&_cRef); TraceRelease(CShellAppManager, cRef); if ( 0 == cRef ) { delete this; } return cRef; }
void CShellAppManager::_Lock(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&_cs); DEBUG_CODE( _cRefLock++; ) }
void CShellAppManager::_Unlock(void) { DEBUG_CODE( _cRefLock--; ) LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs); }
STDMETHODIMP CShellAppManager::GetNumberofInstalledApps(DWORD * pdwResult) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CShellAppManager::EnumInstalledApps(IEnumInstalledApps ** ppeia) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; CEnumInstalledApps * peia = new CEnumInstalledApps(); if (peia) { *ppeia = SAFECAST(peia, IEnumInstalledApps *); hres = S_OK; } else hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return hres; }
HRESULT CShellAppManager::_AddCategoryToList(APPCATEGORYINFO * pai, IAppPublisher * pap) { // The caller must enter the lock first
ASSERT(0 < _cRefLock);
if (pai == NULL || _hdsaCategoryList == NULL) return E_FAIL;
ASSERT(IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(pap, IAppPublisher)); // Allocate a GUIDLIST item first
GUIDLIST * pgl = (GUIDLIST *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, SIZEOF(GUIDLIST)); if (!pgl) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; pgl->CatGuid = pai->AppCategoryId; pgl->papSupport = pap;
// Search in the CategoryList
int idsa; for (idsa = 0; idsa < DSA_GetItemCount(_hdsaCategoryList); idsa++) { CATEGORYITEM * pci = (CATEGORYITEM *)DSA_GetItemPtr(_hdsaCategoryList, idsa);
if (pci) { // If we find an empty spot, fill it
if (pci->pszDescription == NULL) { CATEGORYITEM ci = {0}; ci.pszDescription = StrDupW(pai->pszDescription); ci.pGuidList = pgl;
pgl->pNextGuid = NULL;
if (DSA_InsertItem(_hdsaCategoryList, idsa, &ci) == -1) { LocalFree(ci.pszDescription); break; } } // If we find an entry with the same description text, add our GUID to the GuidList
else if(!lstrcmpi(pai->pszDescription, pci->pszDescription)) { pgl->pNextGuid = pci->pGuidList; pci->pGuidList = pgl; break; } } else ASSERT(0); }
// We ran out of items in the list, and didn't run into an identical category string
if (idsa == DSA_GetItemCount(_hdsaCategoryList)) { CATEGORYITEM ci = {0}; ci.pszDescription = StrDupW(pai->pszDescription); ci.pGuidList = pgl;
pgl->pNextGuid = NULL; if (DSA_AppendItem(_hdsaCategoryList, &ci) == -1) LocalFree(ci.pszDescription); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CShellAppManager::_BuildInternalCategoryList() { HRESULT hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; // The caller must enter the lock first
ASSERT(0 < _cRefLock);
// We have just one valid version of _hdsaCategoryList, so we should never call this function
// again once _hdsaCategoryList is created.
ASSERT(_hdsaCategoryList == NULL);
// Is the structure automatically filled with zero?
if (_hdsaCategoryList) { int idpa; for (idpa = 0; idpa < DPA_GetPtrCount(_hdpaPub); idpa++) { IAppPublisher * pap = (IAppPublisher *)DPA_GetPtr(_hdpaPub, idpa); ASSERT(pap);
if (pap) { UINT i; APPCATEGORYINFOLIST AppCatList; if (SUCCEEDED(pap->GetCategories(&AppCatList))) { if ((AppCatList.cCategory > 0) && AppCatList.pCategoryInfo) { for (i = 0; i < AppCatList.cCategory; i++) _AddCategoryToList(&AppCatList.pCategoryInfo[i], pap);
_DestroyCategoryList(&AppCatList); } } }
hres = S_OK; } }
return hres; }
// Compile a multi string of categories and return it to the caller
HRESULT CShellAppManager::_CompileCategoryList(PSHELLAPPCATEGORYLIST psacl) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL;
ASSERT(IS_VALID_READ_PTR(psacl, SHELLAPPCATEGORYLIST)); // Don't do anything if we have an empty list
if (_hdsaCategoryList && (DSA_GetItemCount(_hdsaCategoryList) > 0)) { psacl->pCategory = (PSHELLAPPCATEGORY) SHAlloc(DSA_GetItemCount(_hdsaCategoryList) * SIZEOF(SHELLAPPCATEGORY)); if (psacl->pCategory) { int idsa; for (idsa = 0; idsa < DSA_GetItemCount(_hdsaCategoryList); idsa++) { CATEGORYITEM * pci = (CATEGORYITEM *)DSA_GetItemPtr(_hdsaCategoryList, idsa); if (pci && pci->pszDescription) { if (SUCCEEDED(SHStrDup(pci->pszDescription, &psacl->pCategory[idsa].pszCategory))) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_STRING_PTR(psacl->pCategory[idsa].pszCategory, -1)); psacl->cCategories++; } else break; } } hres = S_OK; } else hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hres; }
// IShellAppManager::GetPublishedAppCategories
// NOTE: keep the check inside the lock! So that only one thread
// is allowed in.
_Lock(); // Do we have any app publishers in our list at all
if (_hdpaPub) { if (_hdsaCategoryList == NULL) _BuildInternalCategoryList();
hres = _CompileCategoryList(psacl); } _Unlock(); } return hres; }
GUIDLIST * CShellAppManager::_FindGuidListForCategory(LPCWSTR pszDescription) { // The caller must enter the lock first
ASSERT(0 < _cRefLock);
if (_hdsaCategoryList) { int idsa; for (idsa = 0; idsa < DSA_GetItemCount(_hdsaCategoryList); idsa++) { CATEGORYITEM * pci = (CATEGORYITEM *)DSA_GetItemPtr(_hdsaCategoryList, idsa); if (pci && pci->pszDescription && !lstrcmpi(pszDescription, pci->pszDescription)) return pci->pGuidList; } } return NULL; }
extern void _DestroyHdpaEnum(HDPA hdpaEnum);
// IShellAppManager::EnumPublishedApps
STDMETHODIMP CShellAppManager::EnumPublishedApps(LPCWSTR pszCategory, IEnumPublishedApps ** ppepa) { HRESULT hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
ASSERT(pszCategory == NULL || IS_VALID_STRING_PTRW(pszCategory, -1));
// hdpaEnum is the list of IEnumPublishedApp * we pass to the constructor of CShellEnumPublishedApps
HDPA hdpaEnum = DPA_Create(4);
if (hdpaEnum) { // If no category is required, we enumerate all
if (pszCategory == NULL) { _Lock(); if (_hdpaPub) { int idpa; for (idpa = 0; idpa < DPA_GetPtrCount(_hdpaPub); idpa++) { IAppPublisher * pap = (IAppPublisher *)DPA_GetPtr(_hdpaPub, idpa); IEnumPublishedApps * pepa; if (pap && SUCCEEDED(pap->EnumApps(NULL, &pepa))) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(pepa, IEnumPublishedApps)); if (DPA_AppendPtr(hdpaEnum, pepa) == DPA_ERR) { pepa->Release(); break; } } } } _Unlock(); } else { _Lock(); // If there is no Category list, let's build one
if (_hdsaCategoryList == NULL) _BuildInternalCategoryList();
// Otherwise we find the GuidList and enumerate all the guys in the list
GUIDLIST * pgl = _FindGuidListForCategory(pszCategory); while (pgl && pgl->papSupport) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_READ_PTR(pgl, GUIDLIST) && IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(pgl->papSupport, IAppPulisher)); IEnumPublishedApps * pepa; if (SUCCEEDED(pgl->papSupport->EnumApps(&pgl->CatGuid, &pepa))) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(pepa, IEnumPublishedApps)); if (DPA_AppendPtr(hdpaEnum, pepa) == DPA_ERR) { pepa->Release(); break; } } pgl = pgl->pNextGuid; }
_Unlock(); } }
// Even if we have no enumerators we return success and pass back an empty enumerator
CShellEnumPublishedApps * psepa = new CShellEnumPublishedApps(hdpaEnum); if (psepa) { *ppepa = SAFECAST(psepa, IEnumPublishedApps *); hres = S_OK; } else { hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (hdpaEnum) _DestroyHdpaEnum(hdpaEnum); } return hres; }
EXTERN_C STDAPI InstallAppFromFloppyOrCDROM(HWND hwnd); STDMETHODIMP CShellAppManager::InstallFromFloppyOrCDROM(HWND hwndParent) { return InstallAppFromFloppyOrCDROM(hwndParent); }
Purpose: Create-instance function for class factory
*/ STDAPI CShellAppManager_CreateInstance(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, IUnknown** ppunk, LPCOBJECTINFO poi) { // aggregation checking is handled in class factory
HRESULT hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CShellAppManager* pObj = new CShellAppManager(); if (pObj) { *ppunk = SAFECAST(pObj, IShellAppManager *); hres = S_OK; }
return hres; }