// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// File: instapp.cpp
// Installed applications
// History:
// 1-18-97 by dli
#include "priv.h"
#include "instapp.h"
#include "sccls.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "findapp.h"
#include "tasks.h"
#include "slowfind.h"
#include "appsize.h"
#include "appwizid.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "uemapp.h"
const TCHAR c_szInstall[] = TEXT("Software\\Installer\\Products\\%s"); const TCHAR c_szTSInstallMode[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Terminal Server\\Install\\Change User Option"); const TCHAR c_szUpdateInfo[] = TEXT("URLUpdateInfo"); const TCHAR c_szSlowInfoCache[] = TEXT("SlowInfoCache"); const TCHAR c_szRegstrARPCache[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Management\\ARPCache");
#ifdef WX86
EXTERN_C BOOL bWx86Enabled; EXTERN_C BOOL bForceX86Env; #endif
#include <tsappcmp.h> // for TermsrvAppInstallMode
#include "scripts.h"
#include <winsta.h> // WinStation* APIs
#include <allproc.h> // TS_COUNTER
#include <msginaexports.h> // ShellIsMultipleUsersEnabled, ShellSwitchUser
// overloaded constructor (for legacy apps)
CInstalledApp::CInstalledApp(HKEY hkeySub, LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszProduct, LPCTSTR pszUninstall, DWORD dwCIA) : _cRef(1), _dwSource(IA_LEGACY), _dwCIA(dwCIA), _guid(GUID_NULL) { DWORD dwType; ULONG cbModify; LONG lRet; ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(hkeySub, KEY)); ASSERT(_bTriedToFindFolder == FALSE);
TraceAddRef(CInstalledApp, _cRef);
DllAddRef(); TraceMsg(TF_INSTAPP, "(CInstalledApp) Legacy App Created key name = %s, product name = %s, uninstall string = %s", pszKeyName, pszProduct, pszUninstall); StringCchCopy(_szKeyName, ARRAYSIZE(_szKeyName), pszKeyName); InsertSpaceBeforeVersion(_szKeyName, _szCleanedKeyName); StringCchCopy(_szProduct, ARRAYSIZE(_szProduct), pszProduct); #ifdef FULL_DEBUG
if (_dwCIA & CIA_ALT) { StringCchCat(_szProduct, ARRAYSIZE(_szProduct), TEXT(" (32-bit)")); } #endif
StringCchCopy(_szUninstall, ARRAYSIZE(_szUninstall), pszUninstall);
DWORD dwActionBlocked = _QueryBlockedActions(hkeySub); if (dwActionBlocked != 0) { // NoRemove, NoModify, or NoRepair has been specified
_dwAction |= APPACTION_STANDARD & (~dwActionBlocked); } else { // Start with the basics. For legacy apps, we assume they don't distinguish between
// modify and remove functions.
_dwAction |= APPACTION_MODIFYREMOVE; } // If there is no "uninstall" key, we could try to find other hints as where
// this app lives, if we could find that hint, as the uninstall process, we could
// just delete that directory and the registry entry.
// What if we find no hints at all? Should we just delete this thing from the
// registry?
if (!(dwActionBlocked & APPACTION_UNINSTALL) && _szUninstall[0]) _dwAction |= APPACTION_UNINSTALL;
// Does this app have an explicit modify path?
cbModify = SIZEOF(_szModifyPath); lRet = SHQueryValueEx(hkeySub, TEXT("ModifyPath"), 0, &dwType, (PBYTE)_szModifyPath, &cbModify); if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) && (TEXT('\0') != _szModifyPath[0])) { // Yes; remove the legacy modify/remove combination.
// Does policy prevent this?
if (!(dwActionBlocked & APPACTION_MODIFY)) _dwAction |= APPACTION_MODIFY; // No
} _GetInstallLocationFromRegistry(hkeySub); _GetUpdateUrl(); RegCloseKey(hkeySub); }
// overloaded constructor (for darwin apps)
CInstalledApp::CInstalledApp(LPTSTR pszProductID) : _cRef(1), _dwSource(IA_DARWIN), _guid(GUID_NULL) { ASSERT(_bTriedToFindFolder == FALSE);
TraceAddRef(CInstalledApp, _cRef);
DllAddRef(); TraceMsg(TF_INSTAPP, "(CInstalledApp) Darwin app created product name = %s", pszProductID); StringCchCopy(_szProductID, ARRAYSIZE(_szProductID), pszProductID);
// Get the information from the ProductId
ULONG cchProduct = ARRAYSIZE(_szProduct); MsiGetProductInfo(pszProductID, INSTALLPROPERTY_PRODUCTNAME, _szProduct, &cchProduct);
BOOL bMachineAssigned = FALSE; // For Machine Assigned Darwin Apps, only admins should be allowed
// to modify the app
if (!IsUserAnAdmin()) { TCHAR szAT[5]; DWORD cchAT = ARRAYSIZE(szAT);
// NOTE: according to chetanp, the first character of szAT should be "0" or "1"
// '0' means it's user assigned, '1' means it's machine assigned
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == MsiGetProductInfo(pszProductID, INSTALLPROPERTY_ASSIGNMENTTYPE, szAT, &cchAT)) && (szAT[0] == TEXT('1'))) bMachineAssigned = TRUE; }
// Query the install state and separate the cases where this app is
// installed on the machine or assigned...
// In the assigned case we allow only Uninstall operation.
if (INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED == MsiQueryProductState(pszProductID)) { _dwAction |= APPACTION_UNINSTALL; } else { DWORD dwActionBlocked = 0; HKEY hkeySub = _OpenUninstallRegKey(KEY_READ); if (hkeySub) { dwActionBlocked = _QueryBlockedActions(hkeySub); _GetInstallLocationFromRegistry(hkeySub); RegCloseKey(hkeySub); if (bMachineAssigned) _dwAction |= APPACTION_REPAIR & (~dwActionBlocked); else { _dwAction |= APPACTION_STANDARD & (~dwActionBlocked); _GetUpdateUrl(); } } } }
// destructor
CInstalledApp::~CInstalledApp() { if (_pszUpdateUrl) { ASSERT(_dwSource & IA_DARWIN); LocalFree(_pszUpdateUrl); }
DllRelease(); }
// The UpdateUrl info is optional for both Darwin and Legacy apps.
void CInstalledApp::_GetUpdateUrl() { TCHAR szInstall[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkeyInstall; StringCchPrintf(szInstall, ARRAYSIZE(szInstall), c_szInstall, _szProductID); if (RegOpenKeyEx(_MyHkeyRoot(), szInstall, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyInstall) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ULONG cbUrl; if (SHQueryValueEx(hkeyInstall, c_szUpdateInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbUrl) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _pszUpdateUrl = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbUrl); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != SHQueryValueEx(hkeyInstall, TEXT(""), NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)_pszUpdateUrl, &cbUrl)) { LocalFree(_pszUpdateUrl); _pszUpdateUrl = NULL; } else _dwAction |= APPACTION_UPGRADE; } RegCloseKey(hkeyInstall); } }
// Queries policy restrictions on the action info
DWORD CInstalledApp::_QueryActionBlockInfo(HKEY hkey) { DWORD dwRet = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwData = 0; ULONG cbData = SIZEOF(dwData); if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("NoRemove"), 0, &dwType, (PBYTE)&dwData, &cbData)) && (dwType == REG_DWORD) && (dwData == 1)) dwRet |= APPACTION_UNINSTALL;
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("NoModify"), 0, &dwType, (PBYTE)&dwData, &cbData)) && (dwType == REG_DWORD) && (dwData == 1)) dwRet |= APPACTION_MODIFY;
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("NoRepair"), 0, &dwType, (PBYTE)&dwData, &cbData)) && (dwType == REG_DWORD) && (dwData == 1)) dwRet |= APPACTION_REPAIR;
return dwRet; }
DWORD CInstalledApp::_QueryBlockedActions(HKEY hkey) { DWORD dwRet = _QueryActionBlockInfo(hkey); if (dwRet != APPACTION_STANDARD) { HKEY hkeyPolicy = _OpenRelatedRegKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer"), KEY_READ, FALSE); if (hkeyPolicy) { dwRet |= _QueryActionBlockInfo(hkeyPolicy); RegCloseKey(hkeyPolicy); } }
return dwRet; }
void CInstalledApp::_GetInstallLocationFromRegistry(HKEY hkeySub) { DWORD dwType; ULONG cbInstallLocation = SIZEOF(_szInstallLocation); LONG lRet = SHQueryValueEx(hkeySub, TEXT("InstallLocation"), 0, &dwType, (PBYTE)_szInstallLocation, &cbInstallLocation); PathUnquoteSpaces(_szInstallLocation); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_STRING_PTR(_szInstallLocation, -1)); _dwAction |= APPACTION_CANGETSIZE; } }
HKEY CInstalledApp::_OpenRelatedRegKey(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR pszRegLoc, REGSAM samDesired, BOOL bCreate) { HKEY hkeySub = NULL; LONG lRet; TCHAR szRegKey[MAX_PATH];
RIP (pszRegLoc); // For Darwin apps, use the ProductID as the key name
LPTSTR pszKeyName = (_dwSource & IA_DARWIN) ? _szProductID : _szKeyName; StringCchPrintf(szRegKey, ARRAYSIZE(szRegKey), TEXT("%s\\%s"), pszRegLoc, pszKeyName, ARRAYSIZE(szRegKey)); // Open this key in the registry
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, szRegKey, 0, samDesired, &hkeySub); if (bCreate && (lRet == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { lRet = RegCreateKeyEx(hkey, szRegKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, samDesired, NULL, &hkeySub, NULL); }
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) hkeySub = NULL;
return hkeySub; }
HKEY CInstalledApp::_OpenUninstallRegKey(REGSAM samDesired) { LPCTSTR pszSubkey = (_dwCIA & CIA_ALT) ? REGSTR_PATH_ALTUNINSTALL : REGSTR_PATH_UNINSTALL; return _OpenRelatedRegKey(_MyHkeyRoot(), pszSubkey, samDesired, FALSE); }
// Helper function to query the registry for legacy app info strings
LPWSTR CInstalledApp::_GetLegacyInfoString(HKEY hkeySub, LPTSTR pszInfoName) { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwType; LPWSTR pwszInfo = NULL; if (SHQueryValueEx(hkeySub, pszInfoName, 0, &dwType, NULL, &cbSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPTSTR pszInfoT = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbSize); if (pszInfoT && (SHQueryValueEx(hkeySub, pszInfoName, 0, &dwType, (PBYTE)pszInfoT, &cbSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { if ((dwType == REG_SZ) || (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) { if (FAILED(SHStrDup(pszInfoT, &pwszInfo))) { ASSERT(pwszInfo == NULL); }
// For the "DisplayIcon" case, we need to make sure the path of
// the icon actually exists.
if (pwszInfo && !lstrcmp(pszInfoName, TEXT("DisplayIcon"))) { PathParseIconLocation(pszInfoT); if (!PathFileExists(pszInfoT)) { SHFree(pwszInfo); pwszInfo = NULL; } } } LocalFree(pszInfoT); } }
return pwszInfo; }
// IShellApps::GetAppInfo
STDMETHODIMP CInstalledApp::GetAppInfo(PAPPINFODATA pai) { ASSERT(pai); if (pai->cbSize != SIZEOF(APPINFODATA)) return E_FAIL; DWORD dwInfoFlags = pai->dwMask; pai->dwMask = 0; // We cache the product name in all cases(Legacy, Darwin, SMS).
if (dwInfoFlags & AIM_DISPLAYNAME) { if (SUCCEEDED(SHStrDup(_szProduct, &pai->pszDisplayName))) pai->dwMask |= AIM_DISPLAYNAME; }
if (dwInfoFlags & ~AIM_DISPLAYNAME) { HKEY hkeySub = _OpenUninstallRegKey(KEY_READ); if (hkeySub != NULL) { const static struct { DWORD dwBit; LPTSTR szRegText; DWORD ibOffset; } s_rgInitAppInfo[] = { //
// WARNING: If you add a new field that is not an LPWSTR type,
// revisit the loop below. It only knows about LPWSTR.
int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgInitAppInfo); i++) { if (dwInfoFlags & s_rgInitAppInfo[i].dwBit) { LPWSTR pszInfo = _GetLegacyInfoString(hkeySub, s_rgInitAppInfo[i].szRegText); if (pszInfo) { // We are assuming each field is a LPWSTR.
LPBYTE pbField = (LPBYTE)pai + s_rgInitAppInfo[i].ibOffset; pai->dwMask |= s_rgInitAppInfo[i].dwBit; *(LPWSTR *)pbField = pszInfo; } } }
// If we want a image path but did not get it, and we are a darwin app
if ((dwInfoFlags & AIM_IMAGE) && !(pai->dwMask & AIM_IMAGE) && (_dwSource & IA_DARWIN)) { TCHAR szProductIcon[MAX_PATH*2]; DWORD cchProductIcon = ARRAYSIZE(szProductIcon); // Okay, call Darwin to get the image
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == MsiGetProductInfo(_szProductID, INSTALLPROPERTY_PRODUCTICON, szProductIcon, &cchProductIcon)) && szProductIcon[0]) { // Expand any embedded environment strings while copying
// to return buffer.
TCHAR szTemp[1]; int cchExp = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szProductIcon, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)); pai->pszImage = (TCHAR *)CoTaskMemAlloc(cchExp * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL != pai->pszImage) { ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szProductIcon, pai->pszImage, cchExp); pai->dwMask |= AIM_IMAGE; } } }
RegCloseKey(hkeySub); } }
// Software installation policy settings can override the default display name
// and help link url which are authored into a windows installer package.
if ( (_dwSource & IA_DARWIN) && (dwInfoFlags & (AIM_DISPLAYNAME | AIM_HELPLINK)) ) { LPWSTR pwszDisplayName = 0; LPWSTR pwszSupportUrl = 0;
GetLocalManagedApplicationData( _szProductID, &pwszDisplayName, &pwszSupportUrl ); if ( pwszDisplayName && (dwInfoFlags & AIM_DISPLAYNAME) ) { LPWSTR pwszNewDisplayName;
if ( SUCCEEDED(SHStrDup(pwszDisplayName, &pwszNewDisplayName)) ) { if ( pai->dwMask & AIM_DISPLAYNAME ) SHFree( pai->pszDisplayName );
pai->pszDisplayName = pwszNewDisplayName; pai->dwMask |= AIM_DISPLAYNAME; } }
if ( pwszSupportUrl && (dwInfoFlags & AIM_HELPLINK) ) { LPWSTR pwszNewHelpLink;
if ( SUCCEEDED(SHStrDup(pwszSupportUrl, &pwszNewHelpLink)) ) { if ( pai->dwMask & AIM_HELPLINK ) SHFree( pai->pszHelpLink );
pai->pszHelpLink = pwszNewHelpLink; pai->dwMask |= AIM_HELPLINK; } }
LocalFree( pwszDisplayName ); LocalFree( pwszSupportUrl ); }
TraceMsg(TF_INSTAPP, "(CInstalledApp) GetAppInfo with %x but got %x", dwInfoFlags, pai->dwMask); return S_OK; }
// IShellApps::GetPossibleActions
STDMETHODIMP CInstalledApp::GetPossibleActions(DWORD * pdwActions) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_WRITE_PTR(pdwActions, DWORD)); *pdwActions = _dwAction; return S_OK; }
Purpose: This method finds the application folder for this app. If a possible folder is found, it is stored in the _szInstallLocation member variable.
Returns TRUE if a possible path is found. */ BOOL CInstalledApp::_FindAppFolderFromStrings() { TraceMsg(TF_INSTAPP, "(CInstalledApp) FindAppFolderFromStrings ---- %s %s %s %s", _szProduct, _szCleanedKeyName, _szUninstall, _szModifyPath);
// Try to determine from the "installlocation", "uninstall", or "modify"
// regvalues.
// Say we have tried
_bTriedToFindFolder = TRUE;
// First try out the location string, this is most likely to give us some thing
// and probably is the correct location for logo 5 apps.
if (_dwAction & APPACTION_CANGETSIZE) { if (!IsValidAppFolderLocation(_szInstallLocation)) { // We got bad location string from the registry, set it to empty string
_dwAction &= ~APPACTION_CANGETSIZE; _szInstallLocation[0] = 0; } else // The string from the registry is fine
return TRUE; } // We didn't have a location string or failed to get anything from it.
// logo 3 apps are typically this case...
LPTSTR pszShortName = (_dwSource & IA_LEGACY) ? _szCleanedKeyName : NULL; TCHAR szFolder[MAX_PATH]; // Let's take a look at the uninstall string, 2nd most likely to give hints
if ((_dwAction & APPACTION_UNINSTALL) && (ParseInfoString(_szUninstall, _szProduct, pszShortName, szFolder))) { // remember this string and set the Action bit to get size
StringCchCopy(_szInstallLocation, ARRAYSIZE(_szInstallLocation), szFolder); _dwAction |= APPACTION_CANGETSIZE; return TRUE; }
// Now try the modify string
if ((_dwAction & APPACTION_MODIFY) && (ParseInfoString(_szModifyPath, _szProduct, pszShortName, szFolder))) { // remember this string and set the Action bit to get size
StringCchCopy(_szInstallLocation, ARRAYSIZE(_szInstallLocation), szFolder); _dwAction |= APPACTION_CANGETSIZE; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
Purpose: Persists the slow app info under the "uninstall" key in the registry EX: HKLM\\...\\Uninstall\\Word\\ARPCache Returns S_OK if successfully saved it to the registry E_FAIL if failed. */ HRESULT CInstalledApp::_PersistSlowAppInfo(PSLOWAPPINFO psai) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; ASSERT(psai); HKEY hkeyARPCache = _OpenRelatedRegKey(_MyHkeyRoot(), c_szRegstrARPCache, KEY_SET_VALUE, TRUE); if (hkeyARPCache) { PERSISTSLOWINFO psi = {0}; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD cbSize = SIZEOF(psi); // Read in the old cached info, and try to preserve the DisplayIcon path
// Note if the PERSISTSLOWINFO structure is not what we are looking for, we
// ignore the old icon path.
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hkeyARPCache, c_szSlowInfoCache, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&psi, &cbSize)) || (psi.dwSize != SIZEOF(psi))) ZeroMemory(&psi, SIZEOF(psi)); psi.dwSize = SIZEOF(psi); psi.ullSize = psai->ullSize; psi.ftLastUsed = psai->ftLastUsed; psi.iTimesUsed = psai->iTimesUsed; if (!(psi.dwMasks & PERSISTSLOWINFO_IMAGE) && psai->pszImage && psai->pszImage[0]) { psi.dwMasks |= PERSISTSLOWINFO_IMAGE; StringCchCopy(psi.szImage, ARRAYSIZE(psi.szImage), psai->pszImage); }
if (RegSetValueEx(hkeyARPCache, c_szSlowInfoCache, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&psi, sizeof(psi)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) hres = S_OK;
_SetSlowAppInfoChanged(hkeyARPCache, 0); RegCloseKey(hkeyARPCache); } return hres; }
Purpose: _SetSlowAppInfoChanged
Set in the registry that this app has been changed. */ HRESULT CInstalledApp::_SetSlowAppInfoChanged(HKEY hkeyARPCache, DWORD dwValue) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; BOOL bNewKey = FALSE; if (!hkeyARPCache) { hkeyARPCache = _OpenRelatedRegKey(_MyHkeyRoot(), c_szRegstrARPCache, KEY_READ, FALSE); if (hkeyARPCache) bNewKey = TRUE; } if (hkeyARPCache) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueEx(hkeyARPCache, TEXT("Changed"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(dwValue))) hres = S_OK;
if (bNewKey) RegCloseKey(hkeyARPCache); }
return hres; }
// IShellApps::GetSlowAppInfo
Purpose: IShellApps::_IsSlowAppInfoChanged
Retrieve whether the slow app info has been changed from the registry */ HRESULT CInstalledApp::_IsSlowAppInfoChanged() { HRESULT hres = S_FALSE; HKEY hkeyARPCache = _OpenRelatedRegKey(_MyHkeyRoot(), c_szRegstrARPCache, KEY_READ, FALSE); if (hkeyARPCache) { DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbSize = SIZEOF(dwValue); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHQueryValueEx(hkeyARPCache, TEXT("Changed"), 0, &dwType, &dwValue, &cbSize) && (dwType == REG_DWORD) && (dwValue == 1)) hres = S_OK;
RegCloseKey(hkeyARPCache); } else hres = S_OK; return hres; }
BOOL CInstalledApp::_GetDarwinAppSize(ULONGLONG * pullTotal) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; HKEY hkeySub = _OpenUninstallRegKey(KEY_READ);
RIP(pullTotal); *pullTotal = 0; if (hkeySub) { DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD cbSize = SIZEOF(dwSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHQueryValueEx(hkeySub, TEXT("EstimatedSize"), 0, &dwType, &dwSize, &cbSize) && (dwType == REG_DWORD)) { // NOTE: EstimatedSize is in "kb"
*pullTotal = dwSize * 1024; bRet = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hkeySub); } return bRet; }
// IShellApps::GetSlowAppInfo
Purpose: IShellApps::GetSlowAppInfo
Gets the appinfo that may take awhile. This includes the amount of diskspace that the app might take up, etc.
Returns S_OK if some valid info was obtained. S_FALSE is returned if nothing useful was found. Errors may be returned as well. */ STDMETHODIMP CInstalledApp::GetSlowAppInfo(PSLOWAPPINFO psai) { HRESULT hres = E_INVALIDARG; if (psai) { // Is this an app that we know we can't get info for?
// In this case this is a darwin app that has not changed
BOOL bFoundFolder = FALSE; LPCTSTR pszShortName = NULL; BOOL bSlowAppInfoChanged = (S_OK == _IsSlowAppInfoChanged());
// Nothing should have changed except for the usage info, so get the cached one first
if (FAILED(GetCachedSlowAppInfo(psai))) { ZeroMemory(psai, sizeof(*psai)); psai->iTimesUsed = -1; psai->ullSize = (ULONGLONG) -1; }
// No; have we tried to determine this app's installation location?
switch (_dwSource) { case IA_LEGACY: { if (!_bTriedToFindFolder) { // No; try to find out now
BOOL bRet = _FindAppFolderFromStrings(); if (bRet) TraceMsg(TF_ALWAYS, "(CInstalledApp) App Folder Found %s --- %s", _szProduct, _szInstallLocation); else { ASSERT(!(_dwAction & APPACTION_CANGETSIZE)); ASSERT(_szInstallLocation[0] == 0); } }
pszShortName = _szCleanedKeyName;
bFoundFolder = _dwAction & APPACTION_CANGETSIZE; if (!bFoundFolder) bFoundFolder = SlowFindAppFolder(_szProduct, pszShortName, _szInstallLocation); } break;
case IA_DARWIN: { if (bSlowAppInfoChanged) { // Can we get the Darwin app size?
if (!_GetDarwinAppSize(&psai->ullSize)) // No, let's set it back to the default value
psai->ullSize = (ULONGLONG) -1; }
// Get the "times used" info from UEM
UEMINFO uei = {0}; uei.cbSize = SIZEOF(uei); uei.dwMask = UEIM_HIT | UEIM_FILETIME; if(SUCCEEDED(UEMQueryEvent(&UEMIID_SHELL, UEME_RUNPATH, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)_szProductID, &uei))) { // Is there a change to the times used?
if (uei.cHit > psai->iTimesUsed) { // Yes, then overwrite the times used field
psai->iTimesUsed = uei.cHit; }
if (CompareFileTime(&(uei.ftExecute), &psai->ftLastUsed) > 0) psai->ftLastUsed = uei.ftExecute; } } break;
default: break; }
LPCTSTR pszInstallLocation = bFoundFolder ? _szInstallLocation : NULL; hres = FindAppInfo(pszInstallLocation, _szProduct, pszShortName, psai, bSlowAppInfoChanged); _PersistSlowAppInfo(psai); } return hres; }
// IShellApps::GetCachedSlowAppInfo
Purpose: IShellApps::GetCachedSlowAppInfo
Gets the cached appinfo, to get the real info might take a while
Returns S_OK if some valid info was obtained. Returns E_FAIL if can't find the cached info. */ STDMETHODIMP CInstalledApp::GetCachedSlowAppInfo(PSLOWAPPINFO psai) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; if (psai) { ZeroMemory(psai, sizeof(*psai)); HKEY hkeyARPCache = _OpenRelatedRegKey(_MyHkeyRoot(), c_szRegstrARPCache, KEY_READ, FALSE); if (hkeyARPCache) { PERSISTSLOWINFO psi = {0}; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbSize = SIZEOF(psi); if ((RegQueryValueEx(hkeyARPCache, c_szSlowInfoCache, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&psi, &cbSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (psi.dwSize == SIZEOF(psi))) { psai->ullSize = psi.ullSize; psai->ftLastUsed = psi.ftLastUsed; psai->iTimesUsed = psi.iTimesUsed; if (psi.dwMasks & PERSISTSLOWINFO_IMAGE) SHStrDupW(psi.szImage, &psai->pszImage); hres = S_OK; } RegCloseKey(hkeyARPCache); } } return hres; }
// IShellApp::IsInstalled
STDMETHODIMP CInstalledApp::IsInstalled() { HRESULT hres = S_FALSE;
switch (_dwSource) { case IA_LEGACY: { // First Let's see if the reg key is still there
HKEY hkey = _OpenUninstallRegKey(KEY_READ); if (hkey) { // Second we check the "DisplayName" and the "UninstallString"
LPWSTR pszName = _GetLegacyInfoString(hkey, REGSTR_VAL_UNINSTALLER_DISPLAYNAME); if (pszName) { if (pszName[0]) { LPWSTR pszUninstall = _GetLegacyInfoString(hkey, REGSTR_VAL_UNINSTALLER_COMMANDLINE); if (pszUninstall) { if (pszUninstall[0]) hres = S_OK;
SHFree(pszUninstall); } }
SHFree(pszName); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } } break;
case IA_DARWIN: if (MsiQueryProductState(_szProductID) == INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT) hres = S_OK; break;
case IA_SMS: break;
default: break; }
return hres;
Purpose: Creates a process and waits for it to finish */ STDAPI_(BOOL) CreateAndWaitForProcess(LPTSTR pszExeName) { return NT5_CreateAndWaitForProcess(pszExeName); }
// Returns FALSE if "pszPath" contains a network app that can not be accessed
// TRUE for all other pathes
BOOL PathIsNetAndCreatable(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPTSTR pszErrExe, UINT cchErrExe) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_STRING_PTR(pszPath, -1)); BOOL bRet = TRUE; TCHAR szExe[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyn(szExe, pszPath, ARRAYSIZE(szExe)); LPTSTR pSpace = PathGetArgs(szExe); if (pSpace) *pSpace = 0; if (!PathIsLocalAndFixed(szExe)) bRet = PathFileExists(szExe);
if (!bRet) { lstrcpyn(pszErrExe, szExe, cchErrExe); } return bRet; }
EXTERN_C BOOL BrowseForExe(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR pszName, DWORD cchName, LPCTSTR pszInitDir); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL_PTR CALLBACK NewUninstallProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { LPTSTR pszExe = (LPTSTR) GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: RIP (lp); if (lp != NULL) { pszExe = (LPTSTR)lp; SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TEXT), pszExe); pszExe[0] = 0; SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, lp); } else EndDialog(hDlg, -1); break;
case WM_COMMAND: ASSERT(pszExe); RIP (lp); switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wp, lp)) { case IDC_BROWSE: if (BrowseForExe(hDlg, pszExe, MAX_PATH, NULL)) Edit_SetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_COMMAND), pszExe); break; case IDOK: // NOTE: we are assuming the size of the buffer is at least MAX_PATH
GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_COMMAND, pszExe, MAX_PATH);
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wp, lp) == IDOK)); break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Assumes pszExePath is of size MAX_PATH
int GetNewUninstallProgram(HWND hwndParent, LPTSTR pszExePath, DWORD cchExePath) { int iRet = 0; RIP(pszExePath); if (cchExePath >= MAX_PATH) { iRet = (int)DialogBoxParam(g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_UNCUNINSTALLBROWSE), hwndParent, NewUninstallProc, (LPARAM)(int *)pszExePath); }
return iRet; }
// CreateProcess the app modification of uninstall process
BOOL CInstalledApp::_CreateAppModifyProcessNative(HWND hwndParent, LPTSTR pszExePath) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; TCHAR szModifiedExePath[MAX_PATH + MAX_INFO_STRING];
// PPCF_LONGESTPOSSIBLE does not exist on down level platforms
if (0 >= PathProcessCommand( pszExePath, szModifiedExePath, ARRAYSIZE(szModifiedExePath), PPCF_ADDQUOTES | PPCF_NODIRECTORIES | PPCF_LONGESTPOSSIBLE) ) { StringCchCopy(szModifiedExePath, ARRAYSIZE(szModifiedExePath), pszExePath); }
TCHAR szErrExe[MAX_PATH]; if (!PathIsNetAndCreatable(szModifiedExePath, szErrExe, ARRAYSIZE(szErrExe))) { TCHAR szExplain[MAX_PATH]; LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_UNINSTALL_UNCUNACCESSIBLE, szExplain, ARRAYSIZE(szExplain));
StringCchPrintf(szModifiedExePath, ARRAYSIZE(szModifiedExePath), szExplain, _szProduct, szErrExe, ARRAYSIZE(szModifiedExePath)); if (!GetNewUninstallProgram(hwndParent, szModifiedExePath, ARRAYSIZE(szModifiedExePath))) return FALSE; } bRet = CreateAndWaitForProcess(szModifiedExePath); if (!bRet) { if (ShellMessageBox( HINST_THISDLL, hwndParent, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_UNINSTALL_FAILED ), MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_UNINSTALL_ERROR ), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, _szProduct, _szProduct) == IDYES) { // If we are unable to uninstall the app, give the user the option of removing
// it from the Add/Remove programs list. Note that we only know an uninstall
// has failed if we are unable to execute its command line in the registry. This
// won't cover all possible failed uninstalls. InstallShield, for instance, passes
// an uninstall path to a generic C:\WINDOWS\UNINST.EXE application. If an
// InstallShield app has been blown away, UNINST will still launch sucessfully, but
// will bomb out when it can't find the path, and we have no way of knowing it failed
// because it always returns an exit code of zero.
// A future work item (which I doubt will ever be done) would be to investigate
// various installer apps and see if any of them do return error codes that we could
// use to be better at detecting failure cases.
HKEY hkUninstall; if (RegOpenKeyEx(_MyHkeyRoot(), REGSTR_PATH_UNINSTALL, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hkUninstall) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHDeleteKey(hkUninstall, _szKeyName)) bRet = TRUE; else { ShellMessageBox( HINST_THISDLL, hwndParent, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_CANT_REMOVE_FROM_REGISTRY ), MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_UNINSTALL_ERROR ), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, _szProduct); } RegCloseKey(hkUninstall); } } } return bRet; }
// CreateProcess the app modification of uninstall process
BOOL CInstalledApp::_CreateAppModifyProcess(HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwCAMP) { if (_dwCIA & CIA_ALT) { return _CreateAppModifyProcessWow64(hwndParent, dwCAMP); } else { switch (dwCAMP) { case CAMP_UNINSTALL: return _CreateAppModifyProcessNative(hwndParent, _szUninstall); case CAMP_MODIFY: return _CreateAppModifyProcessNative(hwndParent, _szModifyPath); } return FALSE; } }
// Command line to the rundll32 is
// %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\appwiz.cpl,
// WOW64Uninstall_RunDLL,<hwnd>,<CIA>,<CAMP>,<KeyName>
// The KeyName must come last because it might contain a comma.
BOOL CInstalledApp::_CreateAppModifyProcessWow64(HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwCAMP) { TCHAR szSysWow64[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szRundll32[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szCmdLine[MAX_PATH * 2]; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if (GetWindowsDirectory(szSysWow64, ARRAYSIZE(szSysWow64)) && PathAppend(szSysWow64, TEXT("SysWOW64"))) { StringCchPrintf(szRundll32, ARRAYSIZE(szRundll32), TEXT("%s\\rundll32.exe"), szSysWow64); StringCchPrintf(szCmdLine, ARRAYSIZE(szCmdLine), TEXT("\"%s\" \"%s\\appwiz.cpl\",WOW64Uninstall_RunDLL %d,%d,%d,%s"), szRundll32, szSysWow64, hwndParent, _dwCIA, dwCAMP, _szKeyName); STARTUPINFO si = { 0 }; si.cb = sizeof(si); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; if (CreateProcess(szRundll32, szCmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { SHProcessMessagesUntilEvent(NULL, pi.hProcess, INFINITE); DWORD dwExitCode; if (GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &dwExitCode) && dwExitCode == 0) { fSuccess = TRUE; } CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } }
return fSuccess; }
// Helper function for command line parsing...
int _ParseCmdLineIntegerAndComma(LPWSTR *ppwsz) { LPWSTR psz = *ppwsz; if (!psz) { return -1; }
int i = StrToInt(psz); psz = StrChr(psz, TEXT(',')); if (!psz) { *ppwsz = NULL; return -1; } *ppwsz = psz + 1; return i; }
// Special export that the 64-bit version of appwiz uses to force an app
// uninstaller to run in 32-bit mode.
// Command line arguments are as described above.
STDAPI_(void) WOW64Uninstall_RunDLLW(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPWSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HWND hwndParent = (HWND)IntToPtr(_ParseCmdLineIntegerAndComma(&lpszCmdLine)); int dwCIA = _ParseCmdLineIntegerAndComma(&lpszCmdLine); int dwCAMP = _ParseCmdLineIntegerAndComma(&lpszCmdLine);
if (lpszCmdLine && *lpszCmdLine) { dwCIA &= ~CIA_ALT; // We *are* the alternate platform
HKEY hkRoot = (dwCIA & CIA_CU) ? HKEY_CURRENT_USER : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; HKEY hkSub; TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; // Note: This is running on the 32-bit side so we don't use ALT
StringCchPrintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), TEXT("%s\\%s"), REGSTR_PATH_UNINSTALL, lpszCmdLine); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkRoot, szBuf, 0, KEY_READ, &hkSub)) { DWORD cb; szBuf[0] = 0; cb = SIZEOF(szBuf); SHQueryValueEx(hkSub, REGSTR_VAL_UNINSTALLER_COMMANDLINE, 0, NULL, (PBYTE)szBuf, &cb);
szName[0] = 0; cb = SIZEOF(szName); SHQueryValueEx(hkSub, REGSTR_VAL_UNINSTALLER_DISPLAYNAME, 0, NULL, (PBYTE)szName, &cb);
CInstalledApp * pia = new CInstalledApp(hkSub, lpszCmdLine, szName, szBuf, dwCIA); if (pia) { fSuccess = pia->_CreateAppModifyProcess(hwndParent, dwCAMP); pia->Release(); }
RegCloseKey(hkSub); } }
// Let my parent regain foreground activation now that I'm finished
DWORD dwPid; if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndParent, &dwPid)) { AllowSetForegroundWindow(dwPid); }
// Return 0 on success, 1 on failure (exit codes are like that)
ExitProcess(!fSuccess); }
// Uinstalls legacy apps
BOOL CInstalledApp::_LegacyUninstall(HWND hwndParent) { LPVOID pAppScripts = ScriptManagerInitScripts();
BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (_dwAction & APPACTION_UNINSTALL) bRet = _CreateAppModifyProcess(hwndParent, CAMP_UNINSTALL);
if(pAppScripts) { ScriptManagerRunScripts(&pAppScripts); }
return bRet; }
DWORD _QueryTSInstallMode(LPTSTR pszKeyName) { // NOTE: Terminal Server guys confirmed this, when this value is 0, it means
// we were installed in install mode. 1 means not installed in "Install Mode"
// Set default to "install mode"
DWORD dwVal = 0; DWORD dwValSize = SIZEOF(dwVal); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szTSInstallMode, pszKeyName, NULL, &dwVal, &dwValSize)) { dwVal = 0; } return dwVal; }
void _MyShow(HWND hwndParent, int idControl, BOOL fShow) { HWND hwndChild = GetDlgItem(hwndParent, idControl); if (NULL != hwndChild) { ShowWindow(hwndChild, fShow ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); EnableWindow(hwndChild, fShow); } }
BOOL_PTR CALLBACK _MultiUserWarningProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_ICON_WARNING, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WARNING), 0); if (IsOS(OS_ANYSERVER)) { // Switch User is only valid on client (FUS)
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wp, lp)) { case IDC_SWITCHUSER: ShellSwitchUser(FALSE); EndDialog(hDlg, IDCANCEL); break;
case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wp, lp)); break; } break; }
return FALSE; }
int _GetLoggedOnUserCount(void) { int iCount = 0; HANDLE hServer;
// Open a connection to terminal services and get the number of sessions.
hServer = WinStationOpenServerW(reinterpret_cast<WCHAR*>(SERVERNAME_CURRENT)); if (hServer != NULL) { TS_COUNTER tsCounters[2] = {0};
tsCounters[0].counterHead.dwCounterID = TERMSRV_CURRENT_DISC_SESSIONS; tsCounters[1].counterHead.dwCounterID = TERMSRV_CURRENT_ACTIVE_SESSIONS;
if (WinStationGetTermSrvCountersValue(hServer, ARRAYSIZE(tsCounters), tsCounters)) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(tsCounters); i++) { if (tsCounters[i].counterHead.bResult) { iCount += tsCounters[i].dwValue; } } }
WinStationCloseServer(hServer); }
return iCount; }
int _ShowMultiUserWarning(HWND hwndParent) { int iRet = IDOK;
if (ShellIsMultipleUsersEnabled() && _GetLoggedOnUserCount() > 1) { iRet = (int)DialogBoxParam(g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_MULTIUSERWARNING), hwndParent, _MultiUserWarningProc, 0); }
return iRet; }
// IInstalledApps::Uninstall
STDMETHODIMP CInstalledApp::Uninstall(HWND hwndParent) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL;
if (!_IsAppFastUserSwitchingCompliant() && (IDOK != _ShowMultiUserWarning(hwndParent))) return hres;
// Default to turn install mode off (1 is off)
DWORD dwTSInstallMode = 1; BOOL bPrevMode = FALSE; if (IsTerminalServicesRunning()) { // On NT, let Terminal Services know that we are about to uninstall an application.
dwTSInstallMode = _QueryTSInstallMode((_dwSource & IA_DARWIN) ? _szProductID : _szKeyName); if (dwTSInstallMode == 0) { bPrevMode = TermsrvAppInstallMode(); SetTermsrvAppInstallMode(TRUE); } } switch (_dwSource) { case IA_LEGACY: if (_LegacyUninstall(hwndParent)) hres = S_OK; break;
case IA_DARWIN: { TCHAR szFinal[512], szPrompt[256];
LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_CONFIRM_REMOVE, szPrompt, ARRAYSIZE(szPrompt)); StringCchPrintf(szFinal, ARRAYSIZE(szFinal), szPrompt, _szProduct); if (ShellMessageBox(g_hinst, hwndParent, szFinal, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_NAME), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION, _szProduct, _szProduct) == IDYES) { LONG lRet; INSTALLUILEVEL OldUI = MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC, NULL); lRet = MsiConfigureProduct(_szProductID, INSTALLLEVEL_DEFAULT, INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT); MsiSetInternalUI(OldUI, NULL); hres = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet);
// Is this an ophaned assigned app? If so, say we succeeded and call
// Class Store to remove it.
// REARCHITECT: This is too Class Store specific, what if the app is from
// SMS?
if ((lRet == ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT) && (INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED == MsiQueryProductState(_szProductID))) { hres = S_OK; lRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // Tell the software installation service we are uninstalling a Darwin app
// NOTE: We call this function for every Darwin app, which is not right because
// some darwin apps could be from a different source, such as SMS, we need a better
// way to do this.
// We call this regardless of failure or success -- this is needed so that
// RSoP can record both success and failure status for this uninstall
WCHAR wszProductID[GUIDSTR_MAX]; StringCchCopy(wszProductID, ARRAYSIZE(wszProductID), _szProductID);
UninstallApplication( wszProductID, lRet); if (FAILED(hres)) { _ARPErrorMessageBox(lRet); }
} else { hres = E_ABORT; // works for user cancelled
} break; } case IA_SMS: break;
default: break; }
// Get rid of the ARP Cache for this app.
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { HKEY hkeyARPCache; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(_MyHkeyRoot(), c_szRegstrARPCache, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hkeyARPCache)) { LPTSTR pszKeyName = (_dwSource & IA_DARWIN) ? _szProductID : _szKeyName; SHDeleteKey(hkeyARPCache, pszKeyName); RegCloseKey(hkeyARPCache); } } if (dwTSInstallMode == 0) SetTermsrvAppInstallMode(bPrevMode);
return hres; }
BOOL CInstalledApp::_LegacyModify(HWND hwndParent) { ASSERT(_dwAction & APPACTION_MODIFY); ASSERT(_dwSource & (IA_LEGACY | IA_DARWIN)); // ASSERT(IS_VALID_STRING_PTR(_szProductID, 39));
return _CreateAppModifyProcess(hwndParent, CAMP_MODIFY); }
// IInstalledApps::Modify
STDMETHODIMP CInstalledApp::Modify(HWND hwndParent) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL;
if (!_IsAppFastUserSwitchingCompliant() && (IDOK != _ShowMultiUserWarning(hwndParent))) return hres;
// On NT, let Terminal Services know that we are about to modify an application.
DWORD dwTSInstallMode = _QueryTSInstallMode((_dwSource & IA_DARWIN) ? _szProductID : _szKeyName); BOOL bPrevMode = FALSE; if (dwTSInstallMode == 0) { bPrevMode = TermsrvAppInstallMode(); SetTermsrvAppInstallMode(TRUE); }
if (_dwAction & APPACTION_MODIFY) { if ((_dwSource & IA_LEGACY) && _LegacyModify(hwndParent)) hres = S_OK; else if (_dwSource & IA_DARWIN) { // For modify operations we need to use the FULL UI level to give user
// more choices
// NOTE: we are currently not setting this back to the original after the
// modify operation. This seems to be okay with the Darwin guys
INSTALLUILEVEL OldUI = MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL_FULL, NULL); LONG lRet = MsiConfigureProduct(_szProductID, INSTALLLEVEL_DEFAULT, INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT); MsiSetInternalUI(OldUI, NULL); hres = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); if (FAILED(hres)) _ARPErrorMessageBox(lRet); else _SetSlowAppInfoChanged(NULL, 1); } }
if (dwTSInstallMode == 0) SetTermsrvAppInstallMode(bPrevMode);
return hres; }
// Repair Darwin apps.
LONG CInstalledApp::_DarRepair(BOOL bReinstall) { DWORD dwReinstall;
// IInstalledApps::Repair
STDMETHODIMP CInstalledApp::Repair(BOOL bReinstall) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; if (_dwSource & IA_DARWIN) { LONG lRet = _DarRepair(bReinstall); hres = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); if (FAILED(hres)) _ARPErrorMessageBox(lRet); else _SetSlowAppInfoChanged(NULL, 1); } // don't know how to do SMS stuff
return hres; }
// IInstalledApp::Upgrade
STDMETHODIMP CInstalledApp::Upgrade() { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; if ((_dwAction & APPACTION_UPGRADE) && (_dwSource & IA_DARWIN)) { ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, _pszUpdateUrl, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); hres = S_OK; _SetSlowAppInfoChanged(NULL, 1); }
return hres; }
// IInstalledApp::QueryInterface
HRESULT CInstalledApp::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvOut) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CInstalledApp, IInstalledApp), // IID_IInstalledApp
QITABENTMULTI(CInstalledApp, IShellApp, IInstalledApp), // IID_IShellApp
{ 0 }, };
return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppvOut); }
// IInstalledApp::AddRef
ULONG CInstalledApp::AddRef() { ULONG cRef = InterlockedIncrement(&_cRef); TraceAddRef(CInstalledApp, cRef); return cRef; }
// IInstalledApp::Release
ULONG CInstalledApp::Release() { ASSERT( 0 != _cRef ); ULONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&_cRef); TraceRelease(CInstalledApp, cRef); if ( 0 == cRef ) { delete this; } return cRef; }
// As of this first release of Windows XP, most applications are
// not going to be aware of Fast User Switching in the sense that if
// User 'A' is running the application and User 'B' tries to
// uninstall that application, the application may be damaged.
// To protect against this, we display a warning message informing
// the user of this potential problem. See function _ShowMultiUserWarning().
// If an application is aware of Fast User Switching, they make that
// indication by setting a registry value in their "Uninstall" key.
// This function queries for that value and returns TRUE/FALSE to indicate
// it's presence. So that we err on the conservative side, any
// failure to read this value is equivalent to it's absence.
BOOL CInstalledApp::_IsAppFastUserSwitchingCompliant( void ) { BOOL bCompliant = FALSE; HKEY hkey = _OpenUninstallRegKey(KEY_QUERY_VALUE); if (NULL != hkey) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwValue); DWORD dwResult = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("FastUserSwitchingCompliant"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) { if (REG_DWORD == dwType) { if (1 == dwValue) { bCompliant = TRUE; } } else { TraceMsg(TF_ERROR, "FastUserSwitchingCompliant reg value is invalid type (%d). Expected REG_DWORD.", dwType); } } else if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != dwResult) { TraceMsg(TF_ERROR, "Error %d reading FastUserSwitchingCompliant reg value.", dwResult); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } else { TraceMsg(TF_ERROR, "Error opening application Uninstall reg key"); } return bCompliant; }