// Setup.C
// Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1994,1995 All Rights Reserved.
// History:
// ral 5/23/94 - First pass
// 3/20/95 [stevecat] - NT port & real clean up, unicode, etc.
#include "priv.h"
#include "appwiz.h"
void _inline InitSetupWiz(HWND hDlg, LPARAM lParam) { InitWizSheet(hDlg, lParam, 0); }
// Loads the specified resource ID string and replaces all ';' characters
// with NULL. The end of the string will be doubly null-teminated.
BOOL LoadAndStrip(int id, LPTSTR lpsz, int cbstr) { ASSERT(lpsz); ASSERT(cbstr != 0);
if (!LoadString(g_hinst, id, lpsz, cbstr-1)) { return FALSE; } else { while (*lpsz) { if (*lpsz == TEXT('@')) { *lpsz = 0; lpsz++; } else { lpsz = CharNext(lpsz); } } *(lpsz+1) = 0; return TRUE; } }
// Skips to the first charcter of the next string in a list of null-terminated
// strings. The caller should check to see if the pointer returned points to
// a null. If so, the end of the table has been reached.
LPTSTR SkipStr(LPTSTR lpsz) { while (*lpsz) { lpsz = CharNext(lpsz); } lpsz++;
return(lpsz); }
void SetStaticStr(HWND hCtl, int id) { TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH];
LoadString(g_hinst, id, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText));
Static_SetText(hCtl, szText); }
void FreeIcon(HWND hDlg) { HICON hicon = Static_SetIcon(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SEARCHICON), NULL);
if (hicon) { DestroyIcon(hicon); } }
// ProgramExists returns TRUE if the specified file exists. This function
// accepts wildcards, and if a file matches the specified name then
// the file name buffer will be updated to the actual name of the first
// matching file. This allows FindBestSetupPrg to pass in *setup to find
// programs such as WPSETUP.EXE.
// This function assumes that szFindName is of size MAX_PATH.
BOOL ProgramExists(LPTSTR lpszFindName, UINT cchFindName) { HANDLE hfind; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd;
hfind = FindFirstFile(lpszFindName, &fd);
if (hfind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return(FALSE); }
StringCchCopy(lpszFindName+3, cchFindName-3, fd.cFileName);
return(TRUE); }
// This function searches for the "best" setup program. Once a windows app
// with the appropriate name is found it stops. If it finds a install/setup
// program that is a DOS program, it remembers the first one, but continues
// searching for a Windows setup program.
// Games like Math Rabbit have a DOS Install.Exe and a Windows Setup.Exe.
BOOL FindBestSetupPrg(LPTSTR lpszExeName, UINT cchExeName, LPTSTR lpszDriveRoot, LPTSTR lpszSpecialCase, LPTSTR lpszAppNames, LPTSTR lpszExtensions) { LPTSTR lpszCurApp, lpszCurExt; TCHAR szThisOne[MAX_PATH];
*lpszExeName = 0;
// Look for special-case programs first
lpszCurApp = lpszSpecialCase;
while(*lpszCurApp) { StringCchPrintf(szThisOne, ARRAYSIZE(szThisOne), TEXT("%s%s"), lpszDriveRoot, lpszCurApp);
if (ProgramExists(szThisOne, ARRAYSIZE(szThisOne))) { StringCchCopy(lpszExeName, cchExeName, szThisOne); return(TRUE); }
lpszCurApp = SkipStr(lpszCurApp); }
// Now look for generic setup program names
lpszCurApp = lpszAppNames;
while (*lpszCurApp) { lpszCurExt = lpszExtensions;
while (*lpszCurExt) { StringCchPrintf(szThisOne, ARRAYSIZE(szThisOne), TEXT("%s%s.%s"), lpszDriveRoot, lpszCurApp, lpszCurExt);
if (ProgramExists(szThisOne, ARRAYSIZE(szThisOne))) { BOOL fIsWinApp = HIWORD(SHGetFileInfo(szThisOne, 0, NULL, 0, SHGFI_EXETYPE)) > 0;
if (*lpszExeName == 0 || fIsWinApp) { StringCchCopy(lpszExeName, cchExeName, szThisOne); }
if (fIsWinApp) { return(TRUE); } }
lpszCurExt = SkipStr(lpszCurExt); }
lpszCurApp = SkipStr(lpszCurApp); }
return(*lpszExeName != 0); }
// Gets information about the specified file/drive root and sets the
// icon and description fields in the dialog.
void _inline UpdateFileInfo(LPWIZDATA lpwd, LPTSTR lpszFileName) { HWND hKiddie; HICON hOldIcon; SHFILEINFO fi; DWORD_PTR pdwRes;
pdwRes = SHGetFileInfo(lpszFileName, 0, &fi, sizeof(fi), SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME | SHGFI_LARGEICON); if (pdwRes) { hKiddie = GetDlgItem(lpwd->hwnd, IDC_SEARCHICON);
hOldIcon = Static_SetIcon(hKiddie, fi.hIcon);
if (hOldIcon) { DestroyIcon(hOldIcon); }
hKiddie = GetDlgItem(lpwd->hwnd, IDC_SEARCHNAME);
Static_SetText(hKiddie, fi.szDisplayName);
UpdateWindow(hKiddie); } }
// Search for the setup program
BOOL SetupNextPressed(LPWIZDATA lpwd) { int iDrive, iDrvType; BOOL fFoundExe = FALSE; HWND hMainMsg = GetDlgItem(lpwd->hwnd, IDC_SETUPMSG); HWND hSetupName = GetDlgItem(lpwd->hwnd, IDC_SEARCHNAME); TCHAR szAppNames[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szExtensions[100]; TCHAR szSpecialCase[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDriveRoot[4];
HCURSOR hcurOld = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
//BOOL fFoundDisk = FALSE;
lpwd->szExeName[0] = 0; // Reset any existing name
SetStaticStr(hMainMsg, IDS_SEARCHING);
LoadAndStrip(IDS_SETUPPRGNAMES, szAppNames, ARRAYSIZE(szAppNames)); LoadAndStrip(IDS_EXTENSIONS, szExtensions, ARRAYSIZE(szExtensions)); LoadAndStrip(IDS_SPECIALCASE, szSpecialCase, ARRAYSIZE(szSpecialCase));
for (iDrive = 0; (!fFoundExe) && (iDrive < 26); iDrive++) { iDrvType = DriveType(iDrive);
if ((iDrvType == DRIVE_REMOVABLE) || (iDrvType == DRIVE_CDROM)) {
PathBuildRoot(szDriveRoot, iDrive); UpdateFileInfo(lpwd, szDriveRoot); if (PathFileExists(szDriveRoot)) { //fFoundDisk = TRUE;
fFoundExe = FindBestSetupPrg(lpwd->szExeName, ARRAYSIZE(lpwd->szExeName), szDriveRoot, szSpecialCase, szAppNames, szExtensions); } } }
FreeIcon(lpwd->hwnd); SetCursor(hcurOld);
return(fFoundExe); }
void SetupSetToDefault(LPWIZDATA lpwd) { SetStaticStr(GetDlgItem(lpwd->hwnd, IDC_SETUPMSG), IDS_INSERTDISK);
Static_SetText(GetDlgItem(lpwd->hwnd, IDC_SEARCHNAME), NULL);
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(lpwd->hwnd), PSWIZB_NEXT);
// To make sure that the next button always has the focus, we post
// this message that sets the wiz buttons AFTER we're active. We have
// to do the one above to make sure that Back is disabled to avoid any
// random window where the back button could be hit.
PostMessage(lpwd->hwnd, WMPRIV_POKEFOCUS, 0, 0); }
if (lpPropSheet) { lpwd = (LPWIZDATA)lpPropSheet->lParam; }
switch(message) { case WM_NOTIFY: lpnm = (NMHDR FAR *)lParam; if(lpnm) { switch(lpnm->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: if(lpwd) { lpwd->hwnd = hDlg; SetupSetToDefault(lpwd); } break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: if(lpwd) { SetupNextPressed(lpwd); SetDlgMsgResult(hDlg, WM_NOTIFY, 0); } break;
case PSN_RESET: if(lpwd) { CleanUpWizData(lpwd); } break;
default: return FALSE; } } break;
case WMPRIV_POKEFOCUS: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), PSWIZB_NEXT); break;
case WM_INITDIALOG: InitSetupWiz(hDlg, lParam); break;
case WM_DESTROY: FreeIcon(hDlg); break;
default: return FALSE;
} // end of switch on message
return TRUE;
} // SetupdlgProc