// Propio.c
// MS Office Properties IO
// Notes:
// Because the Document Summary and User-defined objects both store
// their data in one stream (different sections though), one of these
// needs to also be responsible for saving any other sections that
// we don't understand at this time. The rule used here is that
// if the Document Summary object exists, it will store the
// unknown data, otherwise the User-defined object will.
// Change history:
// Date Who What
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 07/26/94 B. Wentz Created file
// 07/08/96 MikeHill Add all properties to the UDProp list
// (not just props that are UDTYPEs).
#include "priv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <stdio.h> // for sprintf
#include <shlwapi.h>
#ifdef DEBUG
#define typSI 0
#define typDSI 1
#define typUD 2
typedef struct _xopro { int typ; union{ LPSIOBJ lpSIObj; LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj; LPUDOBJ lpUDObj; }; } XOPRO; // Plex of xopros
DEFPL (PLXOPRO, XOPRO, ixoproMax, ixoproMac, rgxopro); #endif
// The constant indicating that the object uses Intel byte-ordering.
#define wIntelByteOrder 0xFFFE
#define CP_WINUNICODE 1200
// The name of the Document Summary Information stream.
const GUID FMTID_SummaryInformation = {0xf29f85e0L,0x4ff9,0x1068,0xab,0x91,0x08,0x00,0x2b,0x27,0xb3,0xd9}; const GUID FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation = {0xd5cdd502L,0x2e9c,0x101b,0x93,0x97,0x08,0x00,0x2b,0x2c,0xf9,0xae}; const GUID FMTID_UserDefinedProperties = {0xd5cdd505L,0x2e9c,0x101b,0x93,0x97,0x08,0x00,0x2b,0x2c,0xf9,0xae};
// Internal prototypes
static DWORD PASCAL DwLoadDocAndUser (LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj, LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPSTORAGE lpStg, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL fIntOnly); static DWORD PASCAL DwSaveDocAndUser (LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj, LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPSTORAGE lpStg, DWORD dwFlags); static DWORD PASCAL DwLoadPropSetRange (LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE lpPropertySetStorage, REFFMTID pfmtid, UINT FAR * lpuCodePage, PROPID propidFirst, PROPID propidLast, PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[], DWORD grfStgMode); static DWORD PASCAL DwSavePropSetRange (LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE lpPropertySetStorage, UINT uCodePage, REFFMTID pfmtid, PROPID propidFirst, PROPID propidLast, PROPVARIANT rgpropvarOriginal[], PROPID propidSkip, DWORD grfStgMode); static BOOL PASCAL FReadDocParts(LPSTREAM lpStm, LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj); static BOOL PASCAL FReadAndInsertDocParts(LPSTREAM lpStm, LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj); static BOOL PASCAL FReadHeadingPairs(LPSTREAM lpStm, LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj); static BOOL PASCAL FReadAndInsertHeadingPairs(LPSTREAM lpStm, LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj); static BOOL PASCAL FLoadUserDef(LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE lpPropertySetStorage, UINT *puCodePage, BOOL fIntOnly, DWORD grfStgMode); static BOOL PASCAL FSaveUserDef(LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE lpPropertySetStorage, UINT uCodePage, DWORD grfStgMode );
BOOL OFC_CALLBACK FCPConvert( LPTSTR lpsz, DWORD dwFrom, DWORD dwTo, BOOL fMacintosh ) { return TRUE; }
BOOL OFC_CALLBACK FSzToNum(double *lpdbl, LPTSTR lpsz) { LPTSTR lpDec; LPTSTR lpTmp; double mult;
// First, find decimal point
for (lpDec = lpsz; *lpDec && *lpDec!=TEXT('.'); lpDec++) { ; }
*lpdbl = 0.0; mult = 1.0;
// Do integer part
for (lpTmp = lpDec - 1; lpTmp >= lpsz; lpTmp--) { //
// check for negative sign
if (*lpTmp == TEXT('-')) { //
// '-' sign should only be at beginning of string
if (lpTmp == lpsz) { if (*lpdbl > 0.0) { *lpdbl *= -1.0; } continue; } else { *lpdbl = 0.0; return FALSE; } }
// check for positive sign
if (*lpTmp == TEXT('+')) { //
// '+' sign should only be at beginning of string
if (lpTmp == lpsz) { if (*lpdbl < 0.0) { *lpdbl *= -1.0; } continue; } else { *lpdbl = 0.0; return FALSE; } }
if ( (*lpTmp < TEXT('0')) || (*lpTmp > TEXT('9')) ) { *lpdbl = 0.0; return FALSE; }
*lpdbl += (mult * (double)(*lpTmp - TEXT('0'))); mult *= 10.0; }
// Do decimal part
mult = 0.1; if (*lpDec) { for (lpTmp = lpDec + 1; *lpTmp; lpTmp++) { if ((*lpTmp < TEXT('0')) || (*lpTmp > TEXT('9'))) { *lpdbl = 0.0; return FALSE; }
*lpdbl += (mult * (double)(*lpTmp - TEXT('0'))); mult *= 0.1; } } return TRUE; }
BOOL OFC_CALLBACK FNumToSz(double *lpdbl, LPTSTR lpsz, DWORD cbMax) { StringCbPrintf(lpsz, cbMax, TEXT("%g"), *lpdbl); return TRUE; }
BOOL OFC_CALLBACK FUpdateStats(HWND hwndParent, LPSIOBJ lpSIObj, LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj) { return TRUE; }
const void *rglpfnProp[] = { (void *) FCPConvert, (void *) FSzToNum, (void *) FNumToSz, (void *) FUpdateStats };
// FOfficeCreateAndInitObjects
// Purpose:
// Creates and initializes all non-null args.
DLLFUNC BOOL OFC_CALLTYPE FOfficeCreateAndInitObjects(LPSIOBJ *lplpSIObj, LPDSIOBJ *lplpDSIObj, LPUDOBJ *lplpUDObj) { if (!FUserDefCreate (lplpUDObj, rglpfnProp)) { FOfficeDestroyObjects(lplpSIObj, lplpDSIObj, lplpUDObj); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } // FOfficeCreateAndInitObjects
// FOfficeClearObjects
// Purpose:
// Clear any non-null objects
return TRUE;
} // FOfficeClearObjects
// FOfficeDestroyObjects
// Purpose:
// Destroy any non-null objects
DLLFUNC BOOL OFC_CALLTYPE FOfficeDestroyObjects ( LPSIOBJ *lplpSIObj, LPDSIOBJ *lplpDSIObj, LPUDOBJ *lplpUDObj) { FUserDefDestroy (lplpUDObj); return TRUE;
} // FOfficeDestroyObjects
// DwOfficeLoadProperties
// Purpose:
// Populate the objects with data. lpStg is the root stream.
UINT gdwFileCP = CP_ACP;
DLLFUNC DWORD OFC_CALLTYPE DwOfficeLoadProperties ( LPSTORAGE lpStg, // Pointer to root storage
LPSIOBJ lpSIObj, // Pointer to Summary Obj
LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj, // Pointer to Document Summary obj
LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to User-defined Obj
DWORD dwFlags, // Flags
DWORD grfStgMode) // STGM flags with which to open the property set
{ HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
// Validate the inputs.
if (lpStg == NULL) goto Exit;
// Get the IPropertySetStorage from the IStorage.
hr = lpStg->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( lpStg, &IID_IPropertySetStorage, &lpPropertySetStorage ); if (FAILED (hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't query for IPropertySetStorage")); goto Exit; }
if (lpUDObj != NULL) { // Make sure we start with an empty object.
FUserDefClear (lpUDObj); OfficeDirtyUDObj(lpUDObj, FALSE);
// Load the properties into a linked-list.
if (!FLoadUserDef (lpUDObj, lpPropertySetStorage, &gdwFileCP, FALSE, // Not integers only.
grfStgMode)) { goto Exit; }
OfficeDirtyUDObj (lpUDObj, FALSE); }
// If none of the property sets had a code-page property, set it to
// the current system default.
if (gdwFileCP == CP_ACP) gdwFileCP = GetACP();
fSuccess = TRUE;
RELEASEINTERFACE( lpPropertySetStorage );
if (fSuccess) { return (MSO_IO_SUCCESS); } else { DebugHr (hr); FOfficeClearObjects (lpSIObj, lpDSIObj, lpUDObj); OfficeDirtyUDObj (lpUDObj, FALSE); return (MSO_IO_ERROR); }
} // DwOfficeLoadProperties
// DwOfficeSaveProperties
// Purpose:
// Write the data in the given objects. lpStg is the root stream.
DLLFUNC DWORD OFC_CALLTYPE DwOfficeSaveProperties ( LPSTORAGE lpStg, // Pointer to root storage
LPSIOBJ lpSIObj, // Pointer to Summary Obj
LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj, // Pointer to Document Summary obj
LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to User-defined Obj
DWORD dwFlags, // Flags
DWORD grfStgMode) // STGM flags with which to open the property set
{ // ------
// Locals
// ------
// Validate the inputs.
if (lpStg == NULL) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Invalid inputs to DwOfficeSaveProperties")); goto Exit; }
// Get the IPropertySetStorage from the IStorage.
hr = lpStg->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( lpStg, &IID_IPropertySetStorage, &lpPropertySetStorage ); if (FAILED (hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't query for IPropertySetStorage")); goto Exit; }
// ---------------------------------
// Save the User-Defined properties.
// ---------------------------------
if (lpUDObj != NULL) { if (((dwFlags & OIO_SAVEIFCHANGEONLY) && (FUserDefShouldSave (lpUDObj))) || !(dwFlags & OIO_SAVEIFCHANGEONLY)) { if (!FSaveUserDef (lpUDObj, lpPropertySetStorage, GetACP(), grfStgMode)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Could not save UserDefined properties")); goto Exit; } } }
// Exit
fSuccess = TRUE;
RELEASEINTERFACE( lpPropertySetStorage );
if (fSuccess) { OfficeDirtyUDObj (lpUDObj, FALSE); return (TRUE); } else { DebugHr (hr); return (FALSE); }
} // DwOfficeSaveProperties
// DwLoadPropSetRange
// Purpose:
// Load a range of properties (specified by the first and
// last property ID) from a given PropertySetStorage. All
// strings are converted to the appropriate system format
// (LPTSTRs).
// Inputs:
// LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE - The set of property storage objects.
// REFFMTID - The Format ID of the desired property set
// UINT * - A location to put the PID_CODEPAGE. This
// should be initialized by the caller to a
// valid default, in case the PID_CODEPAGE
// does not exist.
// PROPID - The first property in the range.
// PROPID - The last property in the range.
// PROPVARIANT[] - An array of PropVariants, large enough
// for the (pidLast-pidFirst+1) properties.
// DWORD - Flags from the STGM enumeration to use when
// opening the property storage.
// Output:
// An MSO error code.
// Note:
// When strings are converted to the system format, their
// VarTypes are converted too. E.g., if an ANSI VT_LPSTR is
// read from a property set, the string will be converted
// to Unicode, and the VarType will be changed to VT_LPWSTR.
static DWORD PASCAL DwLoadPropSetRange ( LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE lpPropertySetStorage, REFFMTID pfmtid, UINT FAR * lpuCodePage, PROPID propidFirst, PROPID propidLast, PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[], DWORD grfStgMode) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
DWORD dwResult = MSO_IO_ERROR; // The return code.
HRESULT hr; // OLE errors
ULONG ulIndex; // Index into the rgpropvar
// The requested IPropertyStorage
LPPROPERTYSTORAGE lpPropertyStorage; PROPSPEC FAR * rgpropspec; // The PropSpecs for the ReadMultiple
PROPVARIANT propvarCodePage; // A PropVariant with which to read the PID_CODEPAGE
// The total number of properties to read.
ULONG cProps = propidLast - propidFirst + 1;
// ----------
// Initialize
// ----------
Assert (lpPropertySetStorage != NULL); Assert (lpPropertySetStorage->lpVtbl != NULL); Assert (propidLast >= propidFirst);
lpPropertyStorage = NULL; PropVariantInit( &propvarCodePage );
// Initialize the PropVariants, so that if we
// early-exit, we'll return VT_EMPTY for all the properties.
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cProps; ulIndex++) PropVariantInit (&rgpropvar[ulIndex]);
// Allocate an array of PropSpecs.
rgpropspec = LocalAlloc( LPTR, cProps * sizeof (*rgpropspec) ); if (rgpropspec == NULL) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't alloc rgpropspec")); goto Exit; }
// ----------------------
// Open the property set.
// ----------------------
hr = lpPropertySetStorage->lpVtbl->Open( lpPropertySetStorage, // this pointer
pfmtid, // Identifies propset
grfStgMode, // STGM_ flags
&lpPropertyStorage ); // Result
if (FAILED(hr)) { // We couldn't open the property set.
if( hr == STG_E_FILENOTFOUND ) { // No problem, it just didn't exist.
dwResult = MSO_IO_SUCCESS; goto Exit; } else { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't open property set")); goto Exit; } }
// -------------------
// Read the properties
// -------------------
// Initialize the local PropSpec array in preparation for a ReadMultiple.
// The PROPIDs range from propidFirst to propidLast.
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cProps; ulIndex++) { rgpropspec[ ulIndex ].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; rgpropspec[ ulIndex ].propid = ulIndex + propidFirst; }
// Read in the properties
hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->ReadMultiple ( lpPropertyStorage, // 'this' pointer
cProps, // count
rgpropspec, // Props to read
rgpropvar); // Buffers for props
// Did we fail to read anything?
if (hr != S_OK) { // If S_FALSE, no problem; none of the properties existed.
if (hr == S_FALSE) { dwResult = MSO_IO_SUCCESS; goto Exit; } else { // Otherwise, we have a problem.
AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't read from property set")); goto Exit; } }
// -----------------
// Get the Code-Page
// -----------------
rgpropspec[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; rgpropspec[0].propid = PID_CODEPAGE;
hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->ReadMultiple ( lpPropertyStorage, // 'this' pointer
1, // count
rgpropspec, // Props to read
&propvarCodePage); // Buffer for prop
// We only set the code page if we actually read it.
if (hr == S_OK && propvarCodePage.vt == VT_I2) { *lpuCodePage = propvarCodePage.iVal; } //*lpuCodePage = GetACP() ;
// ---------------------------
// Correct the string formats.
// ---------------------------
// E.g., if this is a Unicode system, convert LPSTRs to LPWSTRs.
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cProps; ulIndex++) { // Is this is vector of Variants?
if (rgpropvar[ ulIndex ].vt == (VT_VARIANT | VT_VECTOR)) { // Loop through each element of the vector, converting
// any elements which are strings.
ULONG ulVectorIndex;
for (ulVectorIndex = 0; ulVectorIndex < rgpropvar[ ulIndex ].capropvar.cElems; ulVectorIndex++) { if (PROPVAR_STRING_CONVERSION_REQUIRED ( &rgpropvar[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems[ulVectorIndex], *lpuCodePage )) { // Convert the PropVariant string, putting it in a new
// PropVariant.
PROPVARIANT propvarConvert; PropVariantInit (&propvarConvert);
if (!FPropVarConvertString (&propvarConvert, &rgpropvar[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems[ulVectorIndex], *lpuCodePage )) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't convert string")); goto Exit; }
// Clear the old PropVar, and copy in the new one.
PropVariantClear (&rgpropvar[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems[ulVectorIndex]); rgpropvar[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems[ulVectorIndex] = propvarConvert; } } // for (ulVectorIndex = 0; ...
} // if ((rgpropvar[ ulIndex ].vt == (VT_VARIANT | VT_VECTOR))
// This isn't a Variant Vector, but is it a string
// of some kind which requires conversion?
else if (PROPVAR_STRING_CONVERSION_REQUIRED ( &rgpropvar[ ulIndex ], *lpuCodePage)) { // Convert the PropVariant string into a new PropVariant
// buffer. The string may be a singleton, or a vector.
PROPVARIANT propvarConvert; PropVariantInit (&propvarConvert);
if (!FPropVarConvertString (&propvarConvert, &rgpropvar[ ulIndex ], *lpuCodePage )) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't convert string")); goto Exit; }
// Free the old PropVar and load the new one.
PropVariantClear (&rgpropvar[ ulIndex ]); rgpropvar[ ulIndex ] = propvarConvert;
} // for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cProps; ulIndex++)
// ----
// Exit
// ----
dwResult = MSO_IO_SUCCESS;
// Release the code-page just in case somebody put the wrong type
// there (like a blob).
PropVariantClear (&propvarCodePage);
// Release the PropSpecs and the IPropertyStorage
if (rgpropspec != NULL) { LocalFree(rgpropspec); }
RELEASEINTERFACE (lpPropertyStorage);
// If we failed, free the PropVariants.
if (dwResult != MSO_IO_SUCCESS) { FreePropVariantArray( cProps, rgpropvar ); DebugHr( hr ); }
return (dwResult);
} // DwLoadPropSetRange
// Wrap of IPropertySetStorage::Create
// Each new ANSI property set created by docprop must set PID_CODEPAGE to CP_UTF8
// to avoid ansi<->unicode roundtripping issues.
HRESULT _CreatePropertyStorage( LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE psetstg, REFFMTID rfmtid, CLSID* pclsid, DWORD grfMode, UINT* /*IN OUT*/ puCodePage, IPropertyStorage** ppstg ) { DWORD grfFlags = (CP_WINUNICODE == (*puCodePage)) ? PROPSETFLAG_DEFAULT : PROPSETFLAG_ANSI;
HRESULT hr = psetstg->lpVtbl->Create( psetstg, rfmtid, pclsid, grfFlags, grfMode, ppstg ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { if( PROPSETFLAG_ANSI == grfFlags ) { PROPSPEC propspec = { PRSPEC_PROPID, PID_CODEPAGE }; PROPVARIANT varCP; varCP.vt = VT_I2; varCP.iVal = (SHORT)CP_UTF8; if( SUCCEEDED( (*ppstg)->lpVtbl->WriteMultiple( *ppstg, 1, &propspec, &varCP, PID_UDFIRST ) ) ) *puCodePage = (UINT)MAKELONG(varCP.iVal, 0); } } return hr; }
// DwSavePropSetRange
// Purpose:
// Save a range of properties to a Property Set Storage.
// The properties to be saved are provided in an
// array of PropVariants, and their property IDs are
// specified by the first and last PID for the range.
// The caller may also specify that a property be
// "skipped", i.e., not written.
// Inputs:
// LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE - The Property Set Storage
// UINT - The code page with which the strings
// should be written.
// REFFMTID - The GUID identifying the Property Storage
// within the Property Set Storage.
// PROPID - The PID to assign to the first property.
// PROPID - The PID to assign to the last property
// PROPVARIANT [] - The propeties to write. All strings
// are assumed to be in the system format
// (e.g. VT_LPWSTRs for NT). This array
// is returned un-modified to the caller.
// PROPID - If non-zero, identifies a property
// which should not be written, even if
// it is non-empty. If the property exists
// in the property set, it will be deleted.
// (This was added to provide a way to skip
// DWORD - Flags from the STGM enumeration to use when
// opening the property storage.
// Output:
// An MSO error code.
// Notes:
// - If the code page is Unicode, all strings are written as LPWSTRs,
// otherwise, they are written as LPSTRs.
// - Only non-empty properties are written.
// Implementation:
// This routine creates a new PropVariant array which is the
// subset of the caller's PropVariant array which must actually
// be written (i.e, it doesn't include the VT_EMPTY properties
// or the 'propidSkip').
// We allocate as little extra memory as possible. For example,
// if we have to write a string, we'll copy the pointer to the
// string into the subset PropVariant array. Thus we'll have
// two pointers to the string.
// If a string to be written must be converted first (to another
// code-page), then the original PropVariant array will continue
// pointing to the original string, and the subset PropVariant
// array will point to the converted string (and must consequently
// be freed).
static DWORD PASCAL DwSavePropSetRange ( LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE lpPropertySetStorage, UINT uCodePage, REFFMTID pfmtid, PROPID propidFirst, PROPID propidLast, PROPVARIANT rgpropvarOriginal[], PROPID propidSkip, DWORD grfStgMode) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
DWORD dwResult = MSO_IO_ERROR; // The functions return code.
HRESULT hr; // OLE results.
// The Property Storage to write to
ULONG cOriginal; // The size of rgpropvarOriginal,
ULONG cNew; // and the number which must actually be written.
ULONG ulIndex; // Index into rgpropvarOriginal
PROPSPEC FAR * rgpropspecNew = NULL;// PropSpecs for the WriteMultiple
LPPROPVARIANT rgpropvarNew = NULL; // The sub-set of rgpropvarOrigianl we must write.
// The following array has an entry for each entry in rgpropvarNew.
// Each entry identifies the corresponding entry in rgpropvarOriginal.
// E.g. rgMapNewToOriginal[0] is the index in rgpropvarOriginal of
// the first property to be written.
ULONG *rgMapNewToOriginal = NULL;
// ----------
// Initialize
// ----------
cOriginal = propidLast - propidFirst + 1; cNew = 0;
Assert (lpPropertySetStorage != NULL); Assert (lpPropertySetStorage->lpVtbl != NULL); Assert (propidLast >= propidFirst); Assert (rgpropvarOriginal != NULL);
// Allocate an array of PropSpecs for the WriteMultiple.
rgpropspecNew = LocalAlloc( LPTR, cOriginal * sizeof (*rgpropspecNew)); if (rgpropspecNew == NULL) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't alloc rgpropspecNew")); goto Exit; }
// Allocate an array of PropVariants which will hold the subset
// of the caller's properties which must be written.
// Initialize to zeros so that we don't think we have memory
// to free in the error path.
rgpropvarNew = LocalAlloc( LPTR, cOriginal * sizeof (*rgpropvarNew)); if (rgpropvarNew == NULL) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't alloc rgpropvarNew")); goto Exit; }
// Allocate the look-up-table which maps entries in rgpropvarNew
// to rgpropvarOriginal
rgMapNewToOriginal = LocalAlloc( LPTR, cOriginal * sizeof(*rgMapNewToOriginal)); if (rgMapNewToOriginal == NULL) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't alloc rgMapNewToOriginal")); goto Exit; }
// -------------------------
// Open the Property Storage
// -------------------------
hr = lpPropertySetStorage->lpVtbl->Open( lpPropertySetStorage, // this pointer
pfmtid, grfStgMode, &lpPropertyStorage );
// If it didn't exist, create it.
if( hr == STG_E_FILENOTFOUND ) { hr = _CreatePropertyStorage( lpPropertySetStorage, pfmtid, NULL, STGM_DIRECT | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_READWRITE, &uCodePage, &lpPropertyStorage ); }
// Check the result of the open/create.
if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't open property set")); goto Exit; }
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Copy the properties to be written into rgpropvarNew
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Loop through all the properties in rgpropvarOriginal
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cOriginal; ulIndex++) { // Is this property extant and not the one to skip?
if (rgpropvarOriginal[ ulIndex ].vt != VT_EMPTY && ( propidSkip == 0 || propidSkip != propidFirst + ulIndex ) ) { // We have a property which must be written.
BOOL fVector; VARTYPE vt;
// Record a mapping from the new index to the original.
rgMapNewToOriginal[ cNew ] = ulIndex;
// Add an entry to the PropSpec array.
rgpropspecNew[ cNew ].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; rgpropspecNew[ cNew ].propid = propidFirst + ulIndex;
// Get the underlying VarType.
fVector = (rgpropvarOriginal[ ulIndex ].vt & VT_VECTOR) ? TRUE : FALSE; vt = rgpropvarOriginal[ ulIndex ].vt & ~VT_VECTOR;
// If this property is a vector of variants, some of those
// elements may be strings which need to be converted.
if ((vt == VT_VARIANT) && fVector) { ULONG ulVectorIndex;
// We'll inintialize the capropvar.pElems in rgpropvarNew
// so that it points to the one in rgpropvarOriginal. We'll
// only allocate if a conversion is necessary. I.e., we handle
// pElems as a copy-on-write.
rgpropvarNew[ cNew ] = rgpropvarOriginal[ ulIndex ];
// Loop through the elements of the vector.
for (ulVectorIndex = 0; ulVectorIndex < rgpropvarNew[ cNew ].capropvar.cElems; ulVectorIndex++) { // Is this a string requiring a code-page conversion?
if (PROPVAR_STRING_CONVERSION_REQUIRED( &rgpropvarOriginal[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems[ulVectorIndex], uCodePage )) { // We must convert this string. Have we allocated a pElems yet?
if (rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.pElems == rgpropvarOriginal[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems) { // Allocate a new pElems for rgpropvarNew
rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.pElems = CoTaskMemAlloc (rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.cElems * sizeof(*rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.pElems)); if (rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.pElems == NULL) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't allocate pElems")); goto Exit; }
// Initialize it to match that in rgpropvarOriginal
CopyMemory( rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.pElems, rgpropvarOriginal[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems, rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.cElems * sizeof(*rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.pElems) ); }
// Now, we can convert this string from rgpropvarOriginal into
// rgpropvarNew.
PropVariantInit (&rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.pElems[ulVectorIndex]); if (!FPropVarConvertString(&rgpropvarNew[cNew].capropvar.pElems[ulVectorIndex], &rgpropvarOriginal[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems[ulVectorIndex], uCodePage)) { AssertSz(0, TEXT("Couldn't convert code page of string")); goto Exit; }
} // for (ulVectorIndex = 0; ...
} // if (vt == VT_VARIANT && fVector)
// This isn't a variant vector, but is it some type of string
// property for which we must make a conversion?
else if (PROPVAR_STRING_CONVERSION_REQUIRED ( &rgpropvarOriginal[ ulIndex ], uCodePage)) { PropVariantInit (&rgpropvarNew[cNew]); if (!FPropVarConvertString (&rgpropvarNew[cNew], &rgpropvarOriginal[ulIndex], uCodePage)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't convert string")); goto Exit; }
// If neither of the above special-cases were triggered,
// then simply copy the PropVariant structure (but not
// any referred-to data). We save memory by not duplicating
// the referred-to data, but we must be careful in the exit
// not to free it.
else { rgpropvarNew[cNew] = rgpropvarOriginal[ulIndex];
} // if ((vt == VT_VARIANT) && fVector) ... else
// We're done copying/converting this property from rgpropvarOriginal
// into rgpropvarNew.
} // if (rgpropvarOriginal[ ulIndex ].vt != VT_EMPTY ...
} // for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cProps; ulIndex++)
// ------------------------
// Write out the properties
// ------------------------
// Write out properties if we found any.
if (cNew > 0) { hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->WriteMultiple ( lpPropertyStorage, // 'this' pointer
cNew, // Count
rgpropspecNew, // Props to write
rgpropvarNew, // The props
if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't write properties")); goto Exit; } } // if (cNew > 0)
// ---------------------
// Delete the propidSkip
// ---------------------
// If the caller specified a PID to skip, then it should
// be deleted from the property set as well.
if (propidSkip != 0) { rgpropspecNew[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; rgpropspecNew[0].propid = propidSkip;
hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->DeleteMultiple ( lpPropertyStorage, // this pointer
1, // Delete one property
rgpropspecNew ); // The prop to delete
if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't delete the propidSkip")); goto Exit; } }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
dwResult = MSO_IO_SUCCESS;
// Clear any of the properties in rgpropvarNew for which new
// buffers were allocated. Then free the rgpropvarNew array itself.
// We know that buffers were allocated for rgpropvarNew if it's contents
// don't match rgpropvarOriginal.
if (rgpropvarNew != NULL) { // Loop through rgpropvarNew
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cNew; ulIndex++) { // Was memory allocated for this rgpropvarNew?
if (memcmp (&rgpropvarNew[ ulIndex ], &rgpropvarOriginal[ rgMapNewToOriginal[ulIndex] ], sizeof(rgpropvarNew[ ulIndex ]))) { // Is this a variant vector?
if (rgpropvarNew[ulIndex].vt == (VT_VECTOR | VT_VARIANT)) { ULONG ulVectIndex;
// Loop through the variant vector and free any PropVariants
// that were allocated. We follow the same principle, if the
// entry in rgpropvarNew doesn't match the entry in
// rgpropvarOriginal, we must have allocated new memory.
for (ulVectIndex = 0; ulVectIndex < rgpropvarNew[ulIndex].capropvar.cElems; ulVectIndex++) { if (memcmp(&rgpropvarNew[ ulIndex ].capropvar.pElems[ ulVectIndex ], &rgpropvarOriginal[ rgMapNewToOriginal[ulIndex] ].capropvar.pElems[ ulVectIndex ], sizeof(rgpropvarNew[ ulIndex ].capropvar.pElems[ ulVectIndex ]))) { PropVariantClear (&rgpropvarNew[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems[ulVectIndex]); } }
// Unconditionally free the pElems buffer.
CoTaskMemFree (rgpropvarNew[ulIndex].capropvar.pElems);
} // if (rgpropvarNew[ulIndex].vt == (VT_VECTOR | VT_VARIANT))
// This isn't a variant vector
else { // But does the rgpropvarNew have private memory (i.e.
// a converted string buffer)?
if (memcmp (&rgpropvarNew[ ulIndex ], &rgpropvarOriginal[ rgMapNewToOriginal[ulIndex] ], sizeof(rgpropvarNew[ ulIndex ]))) { PropVariantClear (&rgpropvarNew[ulIndex]); } } // if (rgpropvarNew[ulIndex].vt == (VT_VECTOR | VT_VARIANT)) ... else
} // if (rgpropvarNew[ulIndex] ...
} // for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cNew; ulIndex++)
// Free the rgpropvarNew array itself.
} // if (rgpropvarNew != NULL)
// Free the remaining arrays and release the Property Storage interface.
if (rgpropspecNew != NULL) { LocalFree(rgpropspecNew); }
if (rgMapNewToOriginal != NULL) { LocalFree(rgMapNewToOriginal); }
RELEASEINTERFACE (lpPropertyStorage);
// And we're done.
return (dwResult);
} // DwSavePropSetRange
// FLoadUserDef
// Purpose:
// Load the User-Defined properties (those in the second section of
// the DocumentSummaryInformation property set). There can be any number
// of these properties, and the user specifies they're name, value, and
// type (from a limited subset of the VarTypes). Since this is
// variable-sized, the properties are loaded into a linked-list.
// Inputs:
// LPUDOBJ - All User-Defined data (including the properties).
// Its m_lpData must point to a valid UDINFO structure.
// LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE - The Property Set Storage in which we'll find the
// UD property storage.
// UINT* - The PID_CODEPAGE, if it exists. Left unmodified
// if it doesn't exist. All string properties will
// converted to this format. This must be intialized
// by the caller to a valid default.
// BOOL - Only load integer values.
// DWORD - Flags from the STGM enumeration to use when opening
// the property storage.
static BOOL PASCAL FLoadUserDef ( LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE lpPropertySetStorage, UINT *puCodePage, BOOL fIntOnly, // Load Int Properties only?
DWORD grfStgMode) {
// ------
// Locals
// ------
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; // Return code to the caller.
HRESULT hr; // Error codes for OLE calls.
LPPROPERTYSTORAGE lpPropertyStorage = NULL; // The UD property storage
LPENUMSTATPROPSTG lpEnum = NULL; // Enumerates the UD property storage
STATPROPSETSTG statpropsetstg; // Holds the ClassID from the property storage
// Used in ReadMultiple call.
PROPSPEC rgpropspec[ DEFAULT_IPROPERTY_COUNT ]; // A subset of the UD properties
PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[ DEFAULT_IPROPERTY_COUNT ]; // Stats on a subset of the UD properties
STATPROPSTG rgstatpropstg[ DEFAULT_IPROPERTY_COUNT ]; ULONG ulIndex; // Index into the above arrays.
PROPSPEC propspec; // PropSpec for reading the code-page
LPUDPROP lpudprop = NULL; // A single UD property (points to the PropVariant)
ULONG cEnumerated = 0; // Number of properties found in an enumeration
// --------------
// Initialization
// --------------
Assert (!fIntOnly); // No longer used.
Assert (lpUDObj != NULL && GETUDINFO(lpUDObj) != NULL); Assert (puCodePage != NULL);
// We need to zero-out the PropVariant and StatPropStg
// arrays so that we don't think they need to be freed
// in the Exit block.
ZeroMemory(rgpropvar, sizeof (rgpropvar)); ZeroMemory(rgstatpropstg, sizeof (rgstatpropstg));
// -----------------------------------------
// Get the PropertyStorage and an Enumerator
// -----------------------------------------
// Open the IPropertyStorage and check for errors.
hr = lpPropertySetStorage->lpVtbl->Open( lpPropertySetStorage, // this pointer
&FMTID_UserDefinedProperties, grfStgMode, &lpPropertyStorage );
if (FAILED(hr)) { // We couldn't open the property set.
if( hr == STG_E_FILENOTFOUND ) { // No problem, it just didn't exist.
fSuccess = TRUE; goto Exit; } else { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't open property set")); goto Exit; } } // Save the property storage's class ID (identifying the application
// which is primarily responsible for it). We do this because
// we may later delete the existing property set.
hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->Stat (lpPropertyStorage, &statpropsetstg); if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't Stat the Property Storage")); goto Exit; }
GETUDINFO(lpUDObj)->clsid = statpropsetstg.clsid;
// Get the IEnum interface and check for errors.
hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->Enum( lpPropertyStorage, &lpEnum ); if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't enumerate the PropertyStorage")); goto Exit; }
// ------------------
// Read the Code Page
// ------------------
propspec.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; propspec.propid = PID_CODEPAGE;
hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->ReadMultiple (lpPropertyStorage, 1, &propspec, &rgpropvar[0]); if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't get property set")); }
// If this is a valid PID_CODEPAGE, give it to the caller.
if (hr == S_OK && rgpropvar[0].vt == VT_I2) { *puCodePage = (UINT)MAKELONG(rgpropvar[0].iVal, 0); } PropVariantClear (&rgpropvar[0]);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Loop through the properties and add to the UDPROPS structure.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// This loop executes once for each enumeration. Each enumeration
// gets multiple STATPROPSTGs, so within this loop an inner loop
// will process each property. This two-level looping mechanism is
// used in order to reduce the number of ReadMultiples.
// Use the IEnum to load the first set of STATPROPSTGs.
hr = lpEnum->lpVtbl->Next (lpEnum, DEFAULT_IPROPERTY_COUNT, rgstatpropstg, &cEnumerated); if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't get next StatPropStg")); goto Exit; } Assert (cEnumerated <= DEFAULT_IPROPERTY_COUNT);
// If the last IEnum returned properties, process them here.
// At the end of this while loop, we re-call the IEnum, thus continuing
// until no properties are left to be enumerated.
while (cEnumerated) { // ------------------------------
// Read this batch of properties.
// ------------------------------
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cEnumerated; ulIndex++) { rgpropspec[ ulIndex ].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; rgpropspec[ ulIndex ].propid = rgstatpropstg[ ulIndex ].propid;
// Read the properties.
hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->ReadMultiple( lpPropertyStorage, cEnumerated, rgpropspec, rgpropvar ); if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't read from property set")); goto Exit; }
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Loop through the properties, adding them to the UDOBJ.
// ------------------------------------------------------
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cEnumerated; ulIndex++) { // Convert string PropVariants to the right code page.
// We won't worry about Variants which are strings, because
// this is not a legal type for the UD properties.
if (PROPVAR_STRING_CONVERSION_REQUIRED ( &rgpropvar[ ulIndex ], *puCodePage)) { // Convert the string in the PropVariant, putting the
// result in a temporary PropVariant.
PROPVARIANT propvarConvert; PropVariantInit (&propvarConvert);
if (!FPropVarConvertString (&propvarConvert, &rgpropvar[ulIndex], *puCodePage)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't convert string")); goto Exit; }
// Free the old PropVariant, and load in the converted
// one.
PropVariantClear (&rgpropvar[ ulIndex ]); rgpropvar[ ulIndex ] = propvarConvert; }
// Allocate a new UDPROP structure, which will be added to the
// linked-list.
lpudprop = LpudpropCreate(); if (lpudprop == NULL) { goto Exit; }
// Add this UDPROP to the linked-list. On success, this will assume
// responsibility for the PropVariant and STATPROPSTG buffers, and
// will NULL out our pointers accordingly.
if (!FAddPropToList (lpUDObj, &rgpropvar[ ulIndex ], &rgstatpropstg[ ulIndex ], lpudprop)) { goto Exit; }
lpudprop = NULL;
} // for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cEnumerated; ulIndex++)
// ---------------------
// Get a new enumeration
// ---------------------
// We've processed all the properties in the last enumeration, let's get
// a new set (if there are any). If there are no more, cEnumerated, will be
// zero, and we'll break out of the outer while loop.
FreePropVariantArray( cEnumerated, rgpropvar );
hr = lpEnum->lpVtbl->Next (lpEnum, DEFAULT_IPROPERTY_COUNT, rgstatpropstg, &cEnumerated); if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't get next StatPropStg")); goto Exit; }
} // while (cEnumerated)
// ----
// Exit
// ----
fSuccess = TRUE;
// Free any properties with buffers. This will only happen
// if there was an error.
if (cEnumerated > 0) { FreePropVariantArray (cEnumerated, rgpropvar); }
// Again if there was an error, we must free the UDPROP object.
if (lpudprop) { VUdpropFree (&lpudprop); }
// Free any name buffers we still have from the enumerations.
// Once again, this is only necessary if there was an error.
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < cEnumerated; ulIndex++) { if (rgstatpropstg[ ulIndex ].lpwstrName != NULL) { CoTaskMemFree (rgstatpropstg[ ulIndex ].lpwstrName); } }
// Release the Property Storage and Enumeration interfaces.
return fSuccess;
} // FLoadUserDef
// FSaveUserDef
// Purpose:
// Save the User-Defined properties to the second section of
// the DocumentSummaryInformation property set.
// Inputs:
// LPUDOBJ - All UD data (including the properties)
// It's m_lpData must point to a valid UDINFO structure.
// LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE - The Property Set Storage
// UINT - The code page in which strings should be
// written. If Unicode, all strings are
// written as LPWSTRs, otherwise all strings
// are written as LPSTRs.
// DWORD - Flags from the STGM enumeration to use when
// opening the property storage.
// Outputs:
// TRUE if successful.
// Pre-conditions:
// The properties to be written are all from the UDTYPES
// enumeration.
// Implementation:
// Properties which are links to application data require special
// handling. First, the property value is written (along with its
// name). Then, the application-defined link name is
// written (e.g. the Bookmark name in Word). The link name
// is written using the same PID as was the link value, except that
// the PID_LINKMASK is ORed in. The link name property has no name
// in the property set dictionary.
static BOOL PASCAL FSaveUserDef ( LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPPROPERTYSETSTORAGE lpPropertySetStorage, UINT uCodePage, DWORD grfStgMode) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; // What to return to the caller.
HRESULT hr; // OLE result codes.
BOOL fLink, fLinkInvalid;
// The UD Property Storage
LPPROPERTYSTORAGE lpPropertyStorage = NULL; LPUDITER lpudi = NULL; // Iterates the linked-list of UDPROPs
LPPROPVARIANT lppropvar = NULL; // A property from the linked-list
ULONG ulIndex; // Generic index into arrays
PROPID propid; // The PID to assign to the next property
// Arrays to be used in the WriteMultiple. The array of BOOLs
// indicate which elements of the PropVariant array must be freed.
// Arrays to be used in the WritePropertyNames.
// ----------
// Initialize
// ----------
Assert (lpUDObj != NULL && GETUDINFO(lpUDObj) != NULL); Assert (lpPropertySetStorage != NULL && lpPropertySetStorage->lpVtbl != NULL);
// Initialize the necessary arrays, so that we don't unnecessarily
// free something in the Error path.
ZeroMemory(rgpropvar, sizeof(rgpropvar)); ZeroMemory(rgfFreePropVar, sizeof(rgfFreePropVar)); ZeroMemory(rglpwstrName, sizeof(rglpwstrName));
// Delete the existing property set and create a new empty one.
// We must do this because we don't know which of the
// existing properties need to be deleted, we only know what
// the current set of properties should be.
hr = lpPropertySetStorage->lpVtbl->Delete( lpPropertySetStorage, &FMTID_UserDefinedProperties ); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr != STG_E_FILENOTFOUND) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't remove old properties")); goto Exit; } }
hr = _CreatePropertyStorage( lpPropertySetStorage, &FMTID_UserDefinedProperties, &GETUDINFO(lpUDObj)->clsid, grfStgMode, &uCodePage, &lpPropertyStorage );
if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't open User-Defined property set")); goto Exit; }
// Create an iterator which we use to enumerate the properties
// (UDPROPs) in the linked-list.
lpudi = LpudiUserDefCreateIterator (lpUDObj);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loop through the properties and write them to the UD property set.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// We use a two-layer loop. The inner loop batches a group of properties
// in a PropVariant array, and then writes them to the Property Storage.
// The outer loop repeats this process until there are no more properties.
// This two-layer mechanism is desirable so that we reduce the number
// of WriteMultiple calls.
propid = PID_UDFIRST; fLink = FALSE;
while (TRUE) {
// ------------------------------------------
// Batch up a set of properties to be written
// ------------------------------------------
ulPropIndex = ulNameIndex = 0;
// We will break out of this loop when we have no more properties
// or if we have enough for a WriteMultiple.
while (FUserDefIteratorValid (lpudi)) { Assert (lpudi->lpudp != NULL);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create entries in the arrays for WriteMultiple and WritePropertyNames.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// If fLink is TRUE, it means that we've written out the
// property, and now we need to write out the link name
// (with the PID_LINKMASK ORed into the propid).
if (!fLink) { // We aren't writing a link. So let's get the
// property from the linked-list (we know it exists because
// FUserDefIteratorValid was true).
lppropvar = LppropvarUserDefGetIteratorVal (lpudi, NULL, NULL); if (lppropvar == NULL) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Invalid PropVariant in iterator")); goto Exit; }
// Copy this propvariant into the array which will be used for
// the WriteMultiple. Note that we do not copy any referenced
// buffer (e.g. we don't copy the string buffer if this is a string).
rgpropvar[ ulPropIndex ] = *lppropvar;
// If this property has a name, prepare to write it.
if (lpudi->lpudp->lpstzName != NULL) { // Add this name to rglpwstrName & rgpropidName.
// Add this name to the list of those to be written.
rglpwstrName[ ulNameIndex ] = lpudi->lpudp->lpstzName;
// Add this propid to the list of those with names.
rgpropidName[ ulNameIndex ] = propid;
} // if (lpudi->lpudp->lpstzName != NULL)
} // if (!fLink)
else { // We are processing a link name. I.e., we've written the
// property value, now we need to write the name of the link,
// as a property, with the PID_LINKSMASK bit set in the PID.
Assert (lpudi->lpudp->lpstzLink != NULL);
// Create a entry in the PropVariant.
rgpropvar[ ulPropIndex ].vt = VT_LPTSTR; (LPTSTR) rgpropvar[ ulPropIndex ].pszVal = lpudi->lpudp->lpstzLink; }
// rgpropvar[ulPropIndex] now holds the property to be written,
// whether it is a real property or a link name.
// ------------------------------------
// Convert strings to the proper format.
// -------------------------------------
// (This could also convert the type from LPWSTR to LPSTR, or vice-versa).
// We don't have to worry about strings in vectors or in
// variant vectors, because these are illegal types for this
// property set.
if (rgpropvar[ ulPropIndex ].vt == VT_LPTSTR) { // If this string needs to be converted do so, putting the converted
// string in a new buffer. So,
// the caller's PropVariant still points to the old buffer,
// and our rgpropvar points to the new buffer.
if (PROPVAR_STRING_CONVERSION_REQUIRED ( &rgpropvar[ ulPropIndex ], uCodePage)) { // Convert the string into a temporary PropVariant.
PROPVARIANT propvarConvert; PropVariantInit (&propvarConvert);
if (!FPropVarConvertString (&propvarConvert, &rgpropvar[ ulPropIndex ], uCodePage )) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't convert string")); goto Exit; }
// Load this new PropVariant into rgpropvar, but don't
// delete the old buffer (so that we leave the linked-list
// of UDPROPs intact).
rgpropvar[ ulPropIndex ] = propvarConvert;
// Since we just created a new buffer, we must remember to free it.
rgfFreePropVar[ ulPropIndex ] = TRUE;
} // if (rgpropvar[ ulPropIndex ].vt == VT_LPTSTR)
// --------------------------
// Finish this loop iteration
// --------------------------
// Set up the PropSpec.
rgpropspec[ ulPropIndex ].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; rgpropspec[ ulPropIndex ].propid = propid;
// If this is a link name, set the bit in the PID.
if (fLink) { rgpropspec[ ulPropIndex ].propid |= PID_LINKMASK; }
// Advance the property index. And if we set a name, advance
// the name index.
ulPropIndex++; if (rglpwstrName[ ulNameIndex ] != NULL) { ulNameIndex++; }
// If we've just processed a link, or this is a property
// which is not linked to application content, then move on to the next property
// in the iterator. If we've just processed a property value that
// is linked, set fLink so that on the next pass through
// this loop, we'll write out the link name.
if (fLink || !FUserDefIteratorIsLink (lpudi)) { fLink = FALSE; propid++; FUserDefIteratorNext (lpudi); } else { fLink = TRUE; }
// If there's no more room in the WriteMultiple arrays,
// then write out the properties. We'll return to this
// inner loop when that's complete.
if (ulPropIndex >= DEFAULT_IPROPERTY_COUNT) { break; } } // while (FUserDefIteratorValid (lpudi))
// If broke out of the previous loop becuase there were no
// more properties, then we can break out of the outer loop
// as well -- we're done.
if (ulPropIndex == 0) { break; }
// ---------------------
// Write the properties.
// ---------------------
hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->WriteMultiple ( lpPropertyStorage, // 'this' pointer
ulPropIndex, // Number of properties
rgpropspec, // Property specifiers
rgpropvar, // The properties
PID_UDFIRST); // Not used.
if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't write properties")); goto Exit; }
// If we created any new buffers during string conversion,
// free them now.
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < ulPropIndex; ulIndex++) { if (rgfFreePropVar[ ulIndex ]) { PropVariantClear (&rgpropvar[ ulIndex ]); rgfFreePropVar[ ulIndex ] = FALSE; } }
// ----------------
// Write the Names.
// ----------------
if (ulNameIndex != 0) {
hr = lpPropertyStorage->lpVtbl->WritePropertyNames ( lpPropertyStorage, // 'this' pointer
ulNameIndex, // Number of names
rgpropidName, // PIDs for these names
rglpwstrName ); // The names
if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Couldn't write property names")); goto Exit; } } // if (ulNameIndex != 0)
// Clear the names array.
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < ulNameIndex; ulIndex++) { rglpwstrName[ ulIndex ] = NULL; } }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
fSuccess = TRUE;
// Free the iterator
if (lpudi) { FUserDefDestroyIterator (&lpudi); }
// Free any memory that was allocated for PropVariants.
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < ulPropIndex; ulIndex++) { if (rgfFreePropVar[ ulIndex ]) { PropVariantClear (&rgpropvar[ ulIndex ]); } }
// Release the UD Property Storage.
RELEASEINTERFACE (lpPropertyStorage);
return (fSuccess);
} // FSaveUserDef