#ifndef _WEBCRAWL_H
#define _WEBCRAWL_H
#include "strlist.h"
// Webcrawler object
class CCodeBaseHold { public: LPWSTR szDistUnit; DWORD dwVersionMS; DWORD dwVersionLS; DWORD dwFlags; };
class CWebCrawler : public CDeliveryAgent, public CUrlDownloadSink, public CRunDeliveryAgentSink { protected: class CDownloadNotify;
public: // internal flag used to run in offline mode
enum { WEBCRAWL_PRIV_OFFLINE_MODE = 0x80000000 }; protected: // properties
BSTR m_bstrBaseURL; DWORD m_dwRecurseFlags; DWORD m_dwRecurseLevels; DWORD m_dwMaxSize; LPTSTR m_pszLocalDest; // local destination (instead of cache)
// other data
CWCStringList *m_pPages; // always valid during update.
CWCStringList *m_pRobotsTxt; // array of robots.txt arrays, may be NULL
CWCStringList *m_pPendingLinks; // Links from last page to be added to m_pPages
CWCStringList *m_pDependencyLinks;// Links from last page to be downloaded now
CWCStringList *m_pCodeBaseList; // List of CodeBase URL's to Crawl
// Dword is ptr to CCodeBaseHold
CRITICAL_SECTION m_critDependencies; HRESULT m_hrCritDependencies; CWCStringList *m_pDependencies; // all dependencies downloaded
int m_iDependenciesProcessed;
DWORD m_dwPendingRecurseLevel; // # to recurse from pending links
DWORD m_dwCurSize; // currently downloaded in BYTES
GROUPID m_llCacheGroupID; GROUPID m_llOldCacheGroupID;
IExtractIcon* m_pUrlIconHelper;
int m_iPagesStarted; // # m_pPages started
int m_iRobotsStarted; // # m_pRobotsTxt started
int m_iDependencyStarted;// # m_pDependencyLinks started
int m_iTotalStarted; // # any toplevel url started
int m_iCodeBaseStarted; // # of codebases started
BSTR m_bstrHostName; // host name from first url
long m_lMaxNumUrls; // is -1 until we know total # pages
int m_iDownloadErrors; // have we had any download failures?
int m_iSkippedByRobotsTxt; // how many skipped by robots.txt?
CUrlDownload *m_pCurDownload; // current download
CDownloadNotify *m_pDownloadNotify; // to get urls downloaded on a page
int m_iCurDownloadStringIndex; CWCStringList *m_pCurDownloadStringList; // can be: m_pRobotsTxt, Pages, CodeBaseList
int m_iNumPagesDownloading; // 0 or 1
BOOL m_fHasInitCookie; // One time deal, don't try again.
// For change detection
VARIANT m_varChange;
CRunDeliveryAgent *m_pRunAgent; // host CDL/Channel agent
BOOL m_fCDFDownloadInProgress;
// other flags
enum { FLAG_CRAWLCHANGED = 0x80000000, // have we found a change in the crawl?
FLAG_HEADONLY = 0x40000000, // should we only get the HEAD data?
// private member functions
BOOL IsRecurseFlagSet(DWORD dwFlag) { return dwFlag & m_dwRecurseFlags; }
static HRESULT CheckLink(IUnknown *punkItem, BSTR *pbstrItem, DWORD_PTR dwThis, DWORD *pdwStringData); static HRESULT CheckFrame(IUnknown *punkItem, BSTR *pbstrItem, DWORD_PTR dwBaseUrl, DWORD *pdwStringData); static HRESULT CheckImageOrLink(IUnknown *punkItem, BSTR *pbstrItem, DWORD_PTR dwEnumDep, DWORD *pdwStringData);
HRESULT MatchNames(BSTR bstrName, BOOL fPassword); HRESULT FindAndSubmitForm(void);
void CheckOperationComplete(BOOL fOperationComplete);
void FreeRobotsTxt(); void FreeCodeBaseList();
private: ~CWebCrawler(void); CWebCrawler(void); HRESULT Initialize();
public: static HRESULT CreateInstance(IUnknown *punkOuter, IUnknown **ppunk); // CUrlDownloadSink
HRESULT OnDownloadComplete(UINT iID, int iError); HRESULT OnClientPull(UINT iID, LPCWSTR pwszOldURL, LPCWSTR pwszNewURL); HRESULT OnAuthenticate(HWND *phwnd, LPWSTR *ppszUsername, LPWSTR *ppszPassword); HRESULT OnOleCommandTargetExec(const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, DWORD nCmdID, DWORD nCmdexecopt, VARIANTARG *pvarargIn, VARIANTARG *pvarargOut); HRESULT GetDownloadNotify(IDownloadNotify **ppOut);
// virtual functions overriding CDeliveryAgent
// CRunDeliveryAgentSink
protected: // CDeliveryAgent overrides
HRESULT ModifyUpdateEnd(ISubscriptionItem *pEndItem, UINT *puiRes); HRESULT StartOperation(); HRESULT StartDownload(); void CleanUp();
void _CleanUp();
// members used during download
HRESULT GetRealUrl(int iPageIndex, LPWSTR *ppwszThisUrl); HRESULT MakePageStickyAndGetSize(LPCWSTR pwszURL, DWORD *pdwSize, BOOL *pfDiskFull); HRESULT GetLinksFromPage(); HRESULT GetDependencyLinksFromPage(LPCWSTR pwszThisUrl, DWORD dwRecurse); HRESULT ProcessDependencyLinks(CWCStringList **ppslUrls, int *piStarted); HRESULT ProcessPendingLinks(); HRESULT ParseRobotsTxt(LPCWSTR pwszRobotsTxtURL, CWCStringList **ppslRet); HRESULT GetRobotsTxtIndex(LPCWSTR pwszUrl, BOOL fAddToList, DWORD *pdwRobotsTxtIndex); HRESULT ValidateWithRobotsTxt(LPCWSTR pwszUrl, int iRobotsIndex, BOOL *pfAllow);
HRESULT StartNextDownload(); HRESULT StartCDFDownload(WCHAR *pwszCDFURL, WCHAR *pwszBaseUrl); HRESULT ActuallyStartDownload(CWCStringList *pslUrls, int iIndex, BOOL fReStart=FALSE); HRESULT ActuallyDownloadCodeBase(CWCStringList *pslUrls, int iIndex, BOOL fReStart=FALSE);
static HRESULT GetHostName(LPCWSTR pwszThisUrl, BSTR *pbstrHostName);
inline HRESULT GetChannelItem(ISubscriptionItem **ppChannelItem);
public: // Callbacks from CDownloadNotify (free threaded)
HRESULT DownloadStart(LPCWSTR pchUrl, DWORD dwDownloadId, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwReserved); HRESULT DownloadComplete(DWORD dwDownloadId, HRESULT hrNotify, DWORD dwReserved);
protected: class CDownloadNotify : public IDownloadNotify { public: CDownloadNotify(CWebCrawler *pParent); ~CDownloadNotify(); HRESULT Initialize();
void LeaveMeAlone();
protected: long m_cRef; CWebCrawler *m_pParent; // we keep a reference
CRITICAL_SECTION m_critParent; HRESULT m_hrCritParent;
public: // IUnknown members
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppunk); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
// IDownloadNotify
STDMETHODIMP DownloadStart(LPCWSTR pchUrl, DWORD dwDownloadId, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwReserved); STDMETHODIMP DownloadComplete(DWORD dwDownloadId, HRESULT hrNotify, DWORD dwReserved); }; };
// CHelperOM
// Helps with MSHTML object model
class CHelperOM { IHTMLDocument2 *m_pDoc;
public: typedef enum { CTYPE_LINKS, // Get all links (<a href>) on a page
CTYPE_MAPS, // Get all maps on page
CTYPE_MAP, // Get all links within a map
CTYPE_META, // Get meta tags (name\ncontent)
CTYPE_FRAMES, // Get all frame urls on a page
} CollectionType;
typedef HRESULT (*PFNHELPERCALLBACK)(IUnknown *punkItem, /*inout*/BSTR *pbstrURL, DWORD_PTR dwCBData, DWORD *pdwStringData); typedef PFNHELPERCALLBACK PFN_CB;
public: CHelperOM(IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc); ~CHelperOM();
static HRESULT GetTagCollection( IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, LPCWSTR wszTagName, IHTMLElementCollection **ppCollection);
// static HRESULT WinFromDoc(IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, IHTMLWindow2 **ppWin);
static HRESULT GetCollection (IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, CWCStringList *psl, CollectionType Type, PFN_CB pfnCB, DWORD_PTR dwData); static HRESULT EnumCollection(IHTMLElementCollection *pCollection, CWCStringList *pStringList, CollectionType Type, PFN_CB pfnCB, DWORD_PTR dwData);
HRESULT GetTagCollection(LPCWSTR wszTagName, IHTMLElementCollection **ppCollection) { return GetTagCollection(m_pDoc, wszTagName, ppCollection); } HRESULT GetCollection(CWCStringList *psl, CollectionType Type, PFN_CB pfnCB, DWORD_PTR dwData) { return GetCollection(m_pDoc, psl, Type, pfnCB, dwData); }
protected: static HRESULT _GetCollection(IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, CWCStringList *psl, CollectionType Type, PFN_CB pfnCB, DWORD_PTR dwData); };
#endif _WEBCRAWL_H