// File: util.cxx
// Synopsis:
// Includes -------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <core.hxx>
// Globals --------------------------------------------------------------------
const UCHAR SZ_NEWLINE[] = "\n\r";
// Function: CopyStream
// Synopsis:
HRESULT CopyStream( IStream * pstmDest, IStream * pstmSrc, ULARGE_INTEGER cbCopy, ULARGE_INTEGER * pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER * pcbWritten) { DWORD cb = cbCopy.LowPart; DWORD cbStep = min(cb, 0xFFFF); DWORD cbRead, cbWritten; DWORD cbTotalRead = 0; DWORD cbTotalWritten = 0; void * pv = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (cbCopy.HighPart) return E_INVALIDARG;
pv = new BYTE[cbStep]; if (!pv) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
while (cb) { cbRead = min(cbStep, cb);
hr = pstmSrc->Read(pv, cbRead, &cbRead); if (hr || !cbRead) break;
cbTotalRead += cbRead;
hr = pstmDest->Write(pv, cbRead, &cbWritten); if (S_OK != hr) break;
cbTotalWritten += cbWritten;
if (cbWritten != cbRead) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; break; }
cb -= cbRead; }
if (pcbRead) { pcbRead->HighPart = 0; pcbRead->LowPart = cbTotalRead; }
if (pcbWritten) { pcbWritten->HighPart = 0; pcbWritten->LowPart = cbTotalWritten; }
delete [] pv; return hr; }
// Member: Read
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CMemoryStream::Read( void * pv, ULONG cb, ULONG * pcbRead) { Assert(_pbData); Assert(_ibPos <= _cbSize);
cb = min(cb, _cbSize - _ibPos);
::memcpy(pv, _pbData + _ibPos, cb); _ibPos += cb;
if (pcbRead) { *pcbRead = cb; } return S_OK; }
// Member: Write
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CMemoryStream::Write( const void * pv, ULONG cb, ULONG * pcbWritten) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Assert(_pbData); Assert(_ibPos <= _cbSize);
if ((_ibPos + cb) > _cbSize) { hr = STG_E_MEDIUMFULL; goto Cleanup; }
::memcpy(_pbData + _ibPos, pv, cb); _ibPos += cb;
Cleanup: if (pcbWritten) { *pcbWritten = (SUCCEEDED(hr) ? cb : 0); } return hr; }
// Member: Seek
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CMemoryStream::Seek( LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER * plibNewPosition) { LONG ibOffset = (LONG)dlibMove.LowPart;
// Ensure only 32-bits is in-use
if (!(dlibMove.HighPart == 0 && ibOffset >= 0) && !(dlibMove.HighPart == -1 && ibOffset < 0)) return E_INVALIDARG;
switch (dwOrigin) { case STREAM_SEEK_SET: break;
case STREAM_SEEK_CUR: ibOffset = (LONG)_ibPos + ibOffset; break;
case STREAM_SEEK_END: ibOffset = (LONG)_cbSize + ibOffset; break;
default: return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Ensure the new offset is within the correct range
if ((ULONG)ibOffset > _cbSize) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Store the new offset and return it
_ibPos = (ULONG)ibOffset;
if (plibNewPosition) { plibNewPosition->HighPart = 0; plibNewPosition->LowPart = _ibPos; }
return S_OK; }
// Member: SetSize
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CMemoryStream::SetSize( ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize) { if (libNewSize.HighPart) return STG_E_MEDIUMFULL;
if (libNewSize.LowPart <= _cbSize) { _cbSize = libNewSize.LowPart; } else { BYTE * pbData = new BYTE[libNewSize.LowPart]; if (!pbData) return STG_E_MEDIUMFULL;
if (_pbData && _cbSize) { ::memcpy(pbData, _pbData, _cbSize); }
delete [] _pbData; _cbSize = libNewSize.LowPart; _pbData = pbData; } return S_OK; }
// Member: CopyTo
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CMemoryStream::CopyTo( IStream * pstm, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER * pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER * pcbWritten) { if (!pstm) return STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER;
if (cb.HighPart || ((_ibPos + cb.LowPart) > _cbSize)) return E_INVALIDARG;
Assert(_pbData); return ::CopyStream(pstm, this, cb, pcbRead, pcbWritten); }
// Member: CBufferedStream
// Synopsis:
CBufferedStream::CBufferedStream( IStream * pstm, ULONG cbNewLine, BOOL fRead) { Assert(_pstm);
_fRead = fRead; _pb = NULL; _cb = 0; _ib = 0; _cbLine = 0; _cbNewLine = cbNewLine; _cbTotal = 0; _pstm = ::SAddRef(pstm); }
// Member: ~CBufferedStream
// Synopsis:
CBufferedStream::~CBufferedStream() { Verify(SUCCEEDED(Flush())); ::SRelease(_pstm); delete [] _pb; }
// Member: Flush
// Synopsis:
HRESULT CBufferedStream::Flush( ULONG * pcbWritten) { ULONG cbWritten; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Assert(_pstm); Implies(_cbNewLine, _ib <= (_cb + CB_NEWLINE)); Implies(!_cbNewLine, _ib <= _cb);
if (!pcbWritten) { pcbWritten = &cbWritten; } *pcbWritten = 0;
// For read-only streams, "read" the rest of the buffer by setting the buffer index
// (This will force a re-load during the next read)
if (_fRead) { _ib = _cb; }
// For write-only streams, write the buffer to the stream
else if (_ib) { Assert(!_fRead); hr = _pstm->Write(_pb, _ib, pcbWritten); _cbTotal += *pcbWritten; if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(*pcbWritten == _ib); _ib = 0; } }
return hr; }
// Member: Load
// Synopsis:
HRESULT CBufferedStream::Load() { HRESULT hr;
hr = _pstm->Read(_pb, _cb, &_cbTotal); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup; _ib = 0;
Cleanup: return hr; }
// Member: SetBufferSize
// Synopsis:
HRESULT CBufferedStream::SetBufferSize( ULONG cb) { // The buffer size cannot be changed once it has been set
// Also, it is illegal to use a zero-sized buffer
if (_pb || !cb) return E_FAIL;
// Allocate a new buffer of the requested size
// (If the caller requested automatic interjection of NEWLINEs, slightly increase
// allocated buffer; the remembered size will continue to be that which they
// requested)
_pb = new BYTE[cb + (_cbNewLine ? CB_NEWLINE : 0)]; if (!_pb) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; _cb = cb; _ib = (_fRead ? _cb : 0);
return S_OK; }
// Member: Read
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CBufferedStream::Read( void * pv, ULONG cb, ULONG * pcbRead) { ULONG cbTotalRead; ULONG cbRead; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Assert(_pb); Assert(_cb); Assert(_ib <= _cb);
if (!pv) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!pcbRead) { pcbRead = &cbTotalRead; } *pcbRead = 0;
// If bytes remain in the buffer, "read" those first
if (_ib < _cbTotal) { cbRead = min(cb, _cbTotal-_ib); ::memcpy(pv, _pb+_ib, cbRead); _ib += cbRead; cb -= cbRead; pv = (void *)(((const BYTE *)pv) + cbRead); *pcbRead += cbRead; }
// If bytes remain to be read, fetch them now
if (cb) { Assert(_ib >= _cbTotal); Assert(_cbTotal <= _cb);
// If the request fits within half of the buffer, then load a buffer full
if (cb < (_cb/2)) { hr = Load(); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
cbRead = min(cb, _cbTotal); ::memcpy(pv, _pb, cbRead);
_ib = cbRead; *pcbRead += cbRead; }
// Otherwise, read directly into the callers buffer
else { hr = _pstm->Read(pv, cb, pcbRead); } }
Cleanup: return hr; }
// Member: Write
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CBufferedStream::Write( const void * pv, ULONG cb, ULONG * pcbWritten) { const BYTE * pbSrc = (const BYTE *)pv; ULONG ibSrc = 0; ULONG cbWritten; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Assert(_pb); Assert(_cb); Assert(_ib <= _cb);
if (!pv) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (pcbWritten) { *pcbWritten = 0; }
// Treat calls to write on a read-only stream as if the stream is full
if (_fRead) { hr = STG_E_MEDIUMFULL; goto Cleanup; }
// Write the bytes to the stream
while (cb) { // Determine the number of bytes to write this time through
cbWritten = min(cb, _cb-_ib); if (_cbNewLine) { cbWritten = min(cbWritten, _cbNewLine-_cbLine); }
// Write the bytes to the local buffer
::memcpy(_pb + _ib, pbSrc + ibSrc, cbWritten);
// Update the counters reflecting what has been written
// (Adding a newline if necessary)
cb -= cbWritten; ibSrc += cbWritten; _ib += cbWritten; if (_cbNewLine) { _cbLine += cbWritten; if (_cbLine >= _cbNewLine) { ::memcpy(_pb + _ib, SZ_NEWLINE, CB_NEWLINE); _cbLine = 0; _ib += CB_NEWLINE; } }
// If the buffer is full, write it to the stream
if (_ib >= _cb) { hr = Flush(&cbWritten); if (pcbWritten) { *pcbWritten += cbWritten; } if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup; } }
Cleanup: return hr; }
// Member: CFileStream
// Synopsis:
CFileStream::CFileStream() { _hFile = NULL; }
// Member: ~CFileStream
// Synopsis:
CFileStream::~CFileStream() { if (_hFile) { ::CloseHandle(_hFile); } }
// Member: Init
// Synopsis:
HRESULT CFileStream::Init( LPCWSTR wszFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDistribution, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile) { int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszFileName, -1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); LPSTR psz = new CHAR[len];
if (psz) { if (::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszFileName, -1, (LPSTR)psz, len, NULL, NULL)) { _hFile = ::CreateFileA(psz, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, pSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDistribution, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile); } delete [] psz; } else { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// CreateFile succeeded if we didn't get back INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
return ((_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ? S_OK : GetWin32Hresult()); }
// Member: GetFileSize
// Synopsis:
HRESULT CFileStream::GetFileSize( ULONG * pcbSize) { Assert(_hFile); Assert(pcbSize); *pcbSize = ::GetFileSize(_hFile, NULL); return (*pcbSize == 0xFFFFFFFF ? GetWin32Hresult() : S_OK); }
// Member: Read
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CFileStream::Read( void * pv, ULONG cb, ULONG * pcbRead) { ULONG cbRead; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!pv) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!pcbRead) { pcbRead = &cbRead; }
hr = (::ReadFile(_hFile, pv, cb, pcbRead, NULL) ? S_OK : S_FALSE);
return hr; }
// Member: Write
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CFileStream::Write( const void * pv, ULONG cb, ULONG * pcbWritten) { ULONG cbWritten; HRESULT hr;
if (!pv) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!pcbWritten) { pcbWritten = &cbWritten; }
hr = (::WriteFile(_hFile, pv, cb, pcbWritten, NULL) ? S_OK : STG_E_MEDIUMFULL); return hr; }
// Member: Seek
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CFileStream::Seek( LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER * plibNewPosition) { DWORD dwMoveMethod; ULARGE_INTEGER libNewPosition; HRESULT hr;
if (plibNewPosition) { plibNewPosition->HighPart = 0; plibNewPosition->LowPart = 0; }
switch(dwOrigin) { case STREAM_SEEK_SET: dwMoveMethod = FILE_BEGIN; break; case STREAM_SEEK_CUR: dwMoveMethod = FILE_CURRENT; break; case STREAM_SEEK_END: dwMoveMethod = FILE_END; break; default: return E_INVALIDARG; }
libNewPosition.LowPart = ::SetFilePointer(_hFile, dlibMove.LowPart, &dlibMove.HighPart, dwMoveMethod); libNewPosition.HighPart = dlibMove.HighPart;
if (libNewPosition.LowPart == 0xFFFFFFFF && ::GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) { hr = STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER; } else { if (plibNewPosition) { *plibNewPosition = libNewPosition; } hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
// Member: SetSize
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CFileStream::SetSize( ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize) { LONG curLow, curHigh; BOOL fEOFSet;
curHigh = 0; curLow = ::SetFilePointer(_hFile, 0, &curHigh, FILE_CURRENT); if (0xFFFFFFFF == ::SetFilePointer(_hFile, libNewSize.LowPart, (LONG *)&libNewSize.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN)) { return STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION; }
fEOFSet = ::SetEndOfFile(_hFile); #ifdef _DEBUG
Verify(0xFFFFFFFF != ::SetFilePointer(_hFile, curLow, &curHigh, FILE_BEGIN)); #else
::SetFilePointer(_hFile, curLow, &curHigh, FILE_BEGIN); #endif
return (fEOFSet ? S_OK : STG_E_MEDIUMFULL); }
// Member: CopyTo
// Synopsis:
STDMETHODIMP CFileStream::CopyTo( IStream * pstm, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER * pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER * pcbWritten) { if (!pstm) return STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER;
return ::CopyStream(pstm, this, cb, pcbRead, pcbWritten); }
// Member: PrivateQueryInterface
// Synopsis:
HRESULT CFileStream::PrivateQueryInterface( REFIID riid, void ** ppvObj) { if (riid == IID_IStream) *ppvObj = (IStream *)this;
if (*ppvObj) return S_OK; else return parent::PrivateQueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); }
// Function: CoAlloc
// Synopsis:
void * CoAlloc( ULONG cb) { Assert(TLS(dll.pmalloc)); return TLS(dll.pmalloc)->Alloc(cb); }
// Function: CoFree
// Synopsis:
void CoFree( void * pv) { if (!pv) return;
Assert(TLS(dll.pmalloc)); Assert(CoDidAlloc(pv)); TLS(dll.pmalloc)->Free(pv); }
// Function: CoGetSize
// Synopsis:
ULONG CoGetSize( void * pv) { Assert(TLS(dll.pmalloc)); Assert(CoDidAlloc(pv)); return (ULONG)(TLS(dll.pmalloc)->GetSize(pv)); }
// Function: CoDidAlloc
// Synopsis:
BOOL CoDidAlloc( void * pv) { Assert(TLS(dll.pmalloc)); return (!pv || TLS(dll.pmalloc)->DidAlloc(pv) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE); }
#ifdef _NOCRT
// Function: purecall
// Synopsis: _SHIP build replacement for CRT vtable routine
int __cdecl _purecall() { return 0; }
// Function: _tcslen
// Synopsis:
extern "C" size_t __cdecl _tcslen( const TCHAR * psz) { for (size_t i=0; *psz; psz++, i++); return i; }
// Function: memcmp
// Synopsis:
extern "C" int __cdecl memcmp( const void * pv1, const void * pv2, size_t cb) { size_t i; int d; for (i=0, d=0; i < cb && !d; i++) d = (*(const BYTE *)pv1) - (*(const BYTE *)pv2); return d; }
// Function: memcpy
// Synopsis:
extern "C" void * __cdecl memcpy( void * pvDest, const void * pvSrc, size_t cb) { for (size_t i=0; i < cb; i++) ((BYTE *)pvDest)[i] = ((const BYTE *)pvSrc)[i]; return pvDest; }
// Function: memset
// Synopsis:
extern "C" void * __cdecl memset( void * pv, int c, size_t cb) { for (size_t i=0; i < cb; i++) ((BYTE *)pv)[i] = (BYTE)c; return pv; }
// Function: memmove
// Synopsis:
extern "C" void * __cdecl memmove( void * pvDest, const void * pvSrc, size_t cb) { BYTE * pb1; BYTE * pb2;
if (pvSrc < pvDest) { pb1 = (BYTE *)pvDest + cb; pb2 = (BYTE *)pvSrc + cb; for (; cb; cb--) { *pb1-- = *pb2--; } } else if (pvSrc > pvDest) { pb1 = (BYTE *)pvDest; pb2 = (BYTE *)pvSrc; for (; cb; cb--) { *pb1++ = *pb2++; } } return pvDest; } #endif // _NOCRT