// ############################################################################
// Phone book APIs
#include "pch.hpp"
#include <tchar.h>
#include "phbk.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "phbkrc.h"
#include "suapi.h"
#define ReadVerifyPhoneBookDW(x) if (!ReadPhoneBookDW(&(x),pcCSVFile)) \
{ AssertSz(0,"Invalid DWORD in phone book"); \ goto ReadError; } #define ReadVerifyPhoneBookW(x) if (!ReadPhoneBookW(&(x),pcCSVFile)) \
{ AssertSz(0,"Invalid DWORD in phone book"); \ goto ReadError; } #define ReadVerifyPhoneBookB(x) if (!ReadPhoneBookB(&(x),pcCSVFile)) \
{ AssertSz(0,"Invalid DWORD in phone book"); \ goto ReadError; } #define ReadVerifyPhoneBookSZ(x,y) if (!ReadPhoneBookSZ(&x[0],y+sizeof('\0'),pcCSVFile)) \
{ AssertSz(0,"Invalid DWORD in phone book"); \ goto ReadError; }
#define ERROR_USERBACK 32766
#define ERROR_USERCANCEL 32767
char szTempBuffer[TEMP_BUFFER_LENGTH]; char szTempFileName[MAX_PATH];
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
HWND g_hWndMain; #ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
static void GetAbsolutePath( LPTSTR input, LPTSTR output, DWORD chOut) { if(_tcschr(input,_T('%')) == NULL) { _tcsncpy(output, input, chOut); return ; }
if(input[0] == _T('%')) { LPTSTR token = _tcstok(input,_T("%")); if(token != NULL) { LPTSTR sztemp; sztemp = getenv( token ); if(sztemp != NULL) { _tcsncpy(output, sztemp, chOut); } token = _tcstok(NULL,_T("\0")); if(token != NULL) { _tcsncat(output, token, chOut - _tcslen(output)); } } } else { LPTSTR token = _tcstok(input,_T("%")); if(token != NULL) { _tcsncpy(output, token, chOut); token = _tcstok(NULL,_T("%")); if(token != NULL) { LPTSTR sztemp; sztemp = getenv( token ); if(sztemp != NULL) { _tcsncat(output, sztemp, chOut - _tcslen(output)); } token = _tcstok(NULL,_T("\0")); if(token != NULL) { _tcsncat(output, token, chOut - _tcslen(output)); } } } } GetAbsolutePath(output, output, chOut); }
// ############################################################################
CPhoneBook::CPhoneBook() { HINSTANCE hInst = NULL; LONG lrc; // HANDLE hKey;
LONG regStatus; char uszRegKey[]="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\ICWCONN1.EXE"; char uszR[ ]= "Path"; DWORD dwInfoSize ; HKEY hKey;
DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; CHAR szData[MAX_PATH+1]; CHAR czTemp[256];
m_rgPhoneBookEntry = NULL; m_hPhoneBookEntry = NULL; m_cPhoneBookEntries =0; m_rgLineCountryEntry=NULL; m_rgState=NULL; m_cStates=0; m_rgIDLookUp = NULL; m_rgNameLookUp = NULL; m_pLineCountryList = NULL;
ZeroMemory(&m_szINFFile[0],MAX_PATH); ZeroMemory(&m_szINFCode[0],MAX_INFCODE); ZeroMemory(&m_szPhoneBook[0],MAX_PATH); ZeroMemory(&m_szICWDirectoryPath,MAX_PATH);
regStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, uszRegKey,0,KEY_READ ,&hKey); if (regStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Get The Path
dwInfoSize = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueEx(hKey,uszR,NULL,0,(LPBYTE) czTemp, &dwInfoSize); GetAbsolutePath(czTemp,m_szICWDirectoryPath, MAX_PATH-1); size_t sLen = strlen(m_szICWDirectoryPath); m_szICWDirectoryPath[sLen-1] = '\0'; } else {
MessageBox(NULL,"Error Accessing PAth ","SearchPath",MB_OK); // Error
#if !defined(WIN16)
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == DWGetWin32Platform()) { m_bScriptingAvailable = TRUE; } else { //
// Verify scripting by checking for smmscrpt.dll in RemoteAccess registry key
if (1111 <= DWGetWin32BuildNumber()) { m_bScriptingAvailable = TRUE; } else { m_bScriptingAvailable = FALSE; hKey = NULL; lrc=RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess\\Authentication\\SMM_FILES\\PPP",&hKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrc) { dwSize = MAX_PATH; lrc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,"Path",0,&dwType,(LPBYTE)szData,&dwSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lrc) { if (0 == lstrcmpi(szData,"smmscrpt.dll")) m_bScriptingAvailable = TRUE; } } if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey); hKey = NULL; }
// Verify that the DLL can be loaded
if (m_bScriptingAvailable) { hInst = LoadLibrary("smmscrpt.dll"); if (hInst) FreeLibrary(hInst); else m_bScriptingAvailable = FALSE; hInst = NULL; } } #endif // WIN16
// ############################################################################
CPhoneBook::~CPhoneBook() { #ifdef WIN16
if (m_rgPhoneBookEntry) GlobalFree(m_rgPhoneBookEntry); #else
if (m_hPhoneBookEntry) GlobalUnlock(m_hPhoneBookEntry);
if (m_hPhoneBookEntry) GlobalFree(m_hPhoneBookEntry); #endif
if (m_pLineCountryList) GlobalFree(m_pLineCountryList);
if (m_rgIDLookUp) GlobalFree(m_rgIDLookUp);
if (m_rgNameLookUp) GlobalFree(m_rgNameLookUp);
if (m_rgState) GlobalFree(m_rgState); }
// ############################################################################
BOOL CPhoneBook::ReadPhoneBookDW(DWORD far *pdw, CCSVFile far *pcCSVFile) { if (!pcCSVFile->ReadToken(szTempBuffer,TEMP_BUFFER_LENGTH)) return FALSE; return (FSz2Dw(szTempBuffer,pdw)); }
// ############################################################################
BOOL CPhoneBook::ReadPhoneBookW(WORD far *pw, CCSVFile far *pcCSVFile) { if (!pcCSVFile->ReadToken(szTempBuffer,TEMP_BUFFER_LENGTH)) return FALSE; return (FSz2W(szTempBuffer,pw)); }
// ############################################################################
BOOL CPhoneBook::ReadPhoneBookB(BYTE far *pb, CCSVFile far *pcCSVFile) { if (!pcCSVFile->ReadToken(szTempBuffer,TEMP_BUFFER_LENGTH)) return FALSE; return (FSz2B(szTempBuffer,pb)); }
// ############################################################################
BOOL CPhoneBook::ReadPhoneBookSZ(LPSTR psz, DWORD dwSize, CCSVFile far *pcCSVFile) { if (!pcCSVFile->ReadToken(psz,dwSize)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
// ############################################################################
BOOL CPhoneBook::FixUpFromRealloc(PACCESSENTRY paeOld, PACCESSENTRY paeNew) { BOOL bRC = FALSE; LONG_PTR lDiff = 0; DWORD idx = 0;
// No starting value or no move, therefore no fix-ups needed
if ((0 == paeOld) || (paeNew == paeOld)) { bRC = TRUE; goto FixUpFromReallocExit; }
Assert(paeNew); Assert(((LONG_PTR)paeOld) > 0); // if these address look like negative numbers
Assert(((LONG_PTR)paeNew) > 0); // I'm not sure the code would handle them
lDiff = (LONG_PTR)paeOld - (LONG_PTR)paeNew;
// fix up STATES
for (idx = 0; idx < m_cStates; idx++) { if (m_rgState[idx].paeFirst) m_rgState[idx].paeFirst = (PACCESSENTRY )((LONG_PTR)m_rgState[idx].paeFirst - lDiff); }
// fix up ID look up array
for (idx = 0; idx < m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries ; idx++) { if (m_rgIDLookUp[idx].pFirstAE) m_rgIDLookUp[idx].pFirstAE = (PACCESSENTRY )((LONG_PTR)m_rgIDLookUp[idx].pFirstAE - lDiff); }
bRC = TRUE; FixUpFromReallocExit: return bRC; } /*
long WINAPI lineGetCountry(unsigned long x,unsigned long y,struct linecountrylist_tag *z) { return 0; } */ // ############################################################################
HRESULT CPhoneBook::Init(LPCSTR pszISPCode) { LPLINECOUNTRYLIST pLineCountryTemp = NULL; HRESULT hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; DWORD dwLastState = 0; DWORD dwLastCountry = 0; DWORD dwSizeAllocated; PACCESSENTRY pCurAccessEntry; PACCESSENTRY pAETemp; HGLOBAL pTemp; LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY pLCETemp; DWORD idx; LPSTR pszTemp; CCSVFile far *pcCSVFile=NULL; LPSTATE ps,psLast; //faster to use pointers.
int iTestSK;
// Get TAPI country list
m_pLineCountryList = (LPLINECOUNTRYLIST)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST)); if (!m_pLineCountryList) goto InitExit; m_pLineCountryList->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST);
#if defined(WIN16)
idx = (DWORD) IETapiGetCountry(0, m_pLineCountryList); #else
idx = lineGetCountry(0,0x10003,m_pLineCountryList); #endif
if (idx && idx != LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL) goto InitExit; Assert(m_pLineCountryList->dwNeededSize);
pLineCountryTemp = (LPLINECOUNTRYLIST)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (size_t)m_pLineCountryList->dwNeededSize); if (!pLineCountryTemp) goto InitExit; pLineCountryTemp->dwTotalSize = m_pLineCountryList->dwNeededSize; GlobalFree(m_pLineCountryList); m_pLineCountryList = pLineCountryTemp; pLineCountryTemp = NULL;
#if defined(WIN16)
if (IETapiGetCountry(0, m_pLineCountryList)) #else
if (lineGetCountry(0,0x10003,m_pLineCountryList)) #endif
goto InitExit;
//#endif // WIN16
// Load Look Up arrays
#ifdef DEBUG
m_rgIDLookUp = (LPIDLOOKUPELEMENT)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (int)(sizeof(IDLOOKUPELEMENT)*m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries+5)); #else
m_rgIDLookUp = (LPIDLOOKUPELEMENT)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (int)(sizeof(IDLOOKUPELEMENT)*m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries)); #endif
if (!m_rgIDLookUp) goto InitExit;
pLCETemp = (LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY)((DWORD_PTR)m_pLineCountryList + m_pLineCountryList->dwCountryListOffset);
for (idx=0;idx<m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries;idx++) { m_rgIDLookUp[idx].dwID = pLCETemp[idx].dwCountryID; m_rgIDLookUp[idx].pLCE = &pLCETemp[idx]; }
qsort(m_rgIDLookUp,(int)m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries,sizeof(IDLOOKUPELEMENT), CompareIDLookUpElements);
m_rgNameLookUp = (LPCNTRYNAMELOOKUPELEMENT)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (int)(sizeof(CNTRYNAMELOOKUPELEMENT) * m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries));
if (!m_rgNameLookUp) goto InitExit;
for (idx=0;idx<m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries;idx++) { m_rgNameLookUp[idx].psCountryName = (LPSTR)((LPBYTE)m_pLineCountryList + (DWORD)pLCETemp[idx].dwCountryNameOffset); m_rgNameLookUp[idx].dwNameSize = pLCETemp[idx].dwCountryNameSize; m_rgNameLookUp[idx].pLCE = &pLCETemp[idx]; }
qsort(m_rgNameLookUp,(int)m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries,sizeof(CNTRYNAMELOOKUPELEMENT), CompareCntryNameLookUpElements); // Load States
if (!SearchPath(NULL,STATE_FILENAME,NULL,TEMP_BUFFER_LENGTH,szTempBuffer,&pszTemp)) { if(m_szICWDirectoryPath){ // Try with c:\\ProgramFile\\ICW-INTERNET\\......
if(! SearchPath(m_szICWDirectoryPath, STATE_FILENAME,NULL,TEMP_BUFFER_LENGTH,szTempBuffer,&pszTemp)) { AssertSz(0,"STATE.ICW not found"); hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InitExit;
}else { ; // OK Th e file is found
} } else { AssertSz(0,"STATE.ICW not found"); hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InitExit; } }
pcCSVFile = new CCSVFile; if (!pcCSVFile) goto InitExit;
if (!pcCSVFile->Open(szTempBuffer)) { AssertSz(0,"Can not open STATE.ICW"); delete pcCSVFile; pcCSVFile = NULL; goto InitExit; }
// first token in state file is the number of states
if (!pcCSVFile->ReadToken(szTempBuffer,TEMP_BUFFER_LENGTH)) goto InitExit;
if (!FSz2Dw(szTempBuffer,&m_cStates)) { AssertSz(0,"STATE.ICW count is invalid"); goto InitExit; }
m_rgState = (LPSTATE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,(int)(sizeof(STATE)*m_cStates)); if (!m_rgState) goto InitExit;
for (ps = m_rgState, psLast = &m_rgState[m_cStates - 1]; ps <= psLast;++ps) { pcCSVFile->ReadToken(ps->szStateName,cbStateName); } pcCSVFile->Close();
// Locate ISP's INF file
if (!SearchPath(NULL,(LPCTSTR) pszISPCode,INF_SUFFIX,MAX_PATH, m_szINFFile,&pszTemp)) { wsprintf(szTempBuffer,"Can not find:%s%s (%d)",pszISPCode,INF_SUFFIX,GetLastError()); if(m_szICWDirectoryPath) { if(!SearchPath(m_szICWDirectoryPath,(LPCTSTR) pszISPCode,INF_SUFFIX,MAX_PATH, m_szINFFile,&pszTemp)) { AssertSz(0,szTempBuffer); hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InitExit; //
}else { iTestSK++;
}else { AssertSz(0,szTempBuffer); hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InitExit; } }
//Load Phone Book
if (!GetPrivateProfileString(INF_APP_NAME,INF_PHONE_BOOK,INF_DEFAULT, szTempBuffer,TEMP_BUFFER_LENGTH,m_szINFFile)) { AssertSz(0,"PhoneBookFile not specified in INF file"); hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InitExit; } #ifdef DEBUG
if (!lstrcmp(szTempBuffer,INF_DEFAULT)) { wsprintf(szTempBuffer, "%s value not found in ISP file", INF_PHONE_BOOK); AssertSz(0,szTempBuffer); } #endif
if (!SearchPath(NULL,szTempBuffer,NULL,MAX_PATH,m_szPhoneBook,&pszTemp)) { if(m_szICWDirectoryPath){ if (!SearchPath(m_szICWDirectoryPath,szTempBuffer,NULL,MAX_PATH,m_szPhoneBook,&pszTemp)){ AssertSz(0,"ISP phone book not found"); hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InitExit;
}else { ;; // OK file Found
iTestSK++; }
}else { AssertSz(0,"ISP phone book not found"); hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InitExit; }
if (!pcCSVFile->Open(m_szPhoneBook)) { AssertSz(0,"Can not open phone book"); hr = GetLastError(); goto InitExit; } dwSizeAllocated = 0; do { Assert (dwSizeAllocated >= m_cPhoneBookEntries); // check that sufficient memory is allocated
if (m_rgPhoneBookEntry) { if (dwSizeAllocated == m_cPhoneBookEntries) { //
// we need more memory
// AssertSz(0,"Out of memory originally allocated for phone book.\r\n");
// goto InitExit;
pAETemp = m_rgPhoneBookEntry; #ifdef WIN16
dwSizeAllocated += PHONE_ENTRY_ALLOC_SIZE; pTemp = GlobalReAlloc(m_rgPhoneBookEntry, (int)(dwSizeAllocated * sizeof(ACCESSENTRY)),GHND); if (NULL == pTemp) goto InitExit; else m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)pTemp; #else
Assert(m_hPhoneBookEntry); if (FALSE == GlobalUnlock(m_hPhoneBookEntry)) { if (NO_ERROR != GetLastError()) goto InitExit; }
dwSizeAllocated += PHONE_ENTRY_ALLOC_SIZE; pTemp = GlobalReAlloc(m_hPhoneBookEntry, (int)(dwSizeAllocated * sizeof(ACCESSENTRY)),GHND); if (NULL == pTemp) goto InitExit; else m_hPhoneBookEntry = pTemp;
m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)GlobalLock(m_hPhoneBookEntry); if (NULL == m_rgPhoneBookEntry) goto InitExit; #endif
FixUpFromRealloc(pAETemp, m_rgPhoneBookEntry); Dprintf("Grow phone book to %d entries\n",dwSizeAllocated); pCurAccessEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)((LONG_PTR)pCurAccessEntry - ((LONG_PTR)pAETemp - (LONG_PTR)(m_rgPhoneBookEntry)));
} } else { //
// Initialization for the first time through
#ifdef WIN16
m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GHND,sizeof(ACCESSENTRY) * PHONE_ENTRY_ALLOC_SIZE); if(NULL == m_rgPhoneBookEntry) goto InitExit; #else
m_hPhoneBookEntry = GlobalAlloc(GHND,sizeof(ACCESSENTRY) * PHONE_ENTRY_ALLOC_SIZE); if(NULL == m_hPhoneBookEntry) goto InitExit;
m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)GlobalLock(m_hPhoneBookEntry); if(NULL == m_rgPhoneBookEntry) goto InitExit; #endif
dwSizeAllocated = PHONE_ENTRY_ALLOC_SIZE; pCurAccessEntry = m_rgPhoneBookEntry; }
// Read a line from the phonebook
hr = ReadOneLine(pCurAccessEntry,pcCSVFile); if (hr == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; } else if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto InitExit; }
// Check to see if this is the first phone number for a given country
if (pCurAccessEntry->dwCountryID != dwLastCountry) { LPIDLOOKUPELEMENT lpIDLookupElement; // NOTE: Not sure about the first parameter here.
lpIDLookupElement = (LPIDLOOKUPELEMENT)bsearch(&pCurAccessEntry->dwCountryID, m_rgIDLookUp,(int)m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries,sizeof(IDLOOKUPELEMENT), CompareIDLookUpElements); if (!lpIDLookupElement) { // bad country ID, but we can't assert here
Dprintf("Bad country ID in phone book %d\n",pCurAccessEntry->dwCountryID); continue; } else { // for a given country ID this is the first phone number
lpIDLookupElement->pFirstAE = pCurAccessEntry; dwLastCountry = pCurAccessEntry->dwCountryID; } }
// Check to see if this is the first phone number for a given state
if (pCurAccessEntry->wStateID && (pCurAccessEntry->wStateID != dwLastState)) { idx = pCurAccessEntry->wStateID - 1; m_rgState[idx].dwCountryID = pCurAccessEntry->dwCountryID; m_rgState[idx].paeFirst = pCurAccessEntry; dwLastState = pCurAccessEntry->wStateID; }
pCurAccessEntry++; m_cPhoneBookEntries++; } while (TRUE);
// Trim the phone book for unused memory
Assert(m_rgPhoneBookEntry && m_cPhoneBookEntries);
pAETemp = m_rgPhoneBookEntry;
#ifdef WIN16
pTemp = GlobalReAlloc(m_rgPhoneBookEntry,(int)(m_cPhoneBookEntries * sizeof(ACCESSENTRY)),GHND); if (pTemp == NULL) goto InitExit; else m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)pTemp; #else
Assert(m_hPhoneBookEntry); if (FALSE != GlobalUnlock(m_hPhoneBookEntry)) { if (NO_ERROR != GetLastError()) goto InitExit; }
pTemp = GlobalReAlloc(m_hPhoneBookEntry,(int)(m_cPhoneBookEntries * sizeof(ACCESSENTRY)),GHND); if (NULL == pTemp) goto InitExit; else m_hPhoneBookEntry = pTemp;
m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)GlobalLock(m_hPhoneBookEntry); if (NULL == m_rgPhoneBookEntry) goto InitExit; #endif
FixUpFromRealloc(pAETemp, m_rgPhoneBookEntry);
hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; InitExit: // If something failed release everything
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { #ifdef WIN16
GlobalFree(m_rgPhoneBookEntry); #else
GlobalUnlock(m_hPhoneBookEntry); GlobalFree(m_hPhoneBookEntry); #endif
GlobalFree(m_pLineCountryList); GlobalFree(m_rgIDLookUp); GlobalFree(m_rgNameLookUp); GlobalFree(m_rgState);
m_cPhoneBookEntries = 0 ; m_cStates = 0;
m_pLineCountryList = NULL; m_rgPhoneBookEntry = NULL; m_hPhoneBookEntry = NULL; m_rgIDLookUp=NULL; m_rgNameLookUp=NULL; m_rgState=NULL; }
if (pcCSVFile) { pcCSVFile->Close(); delete pcCSVFile; } return hr; }
// ############################################################################
HRESULT CPhoneBook::Merge(LPCSTR pszChangeFile) { CCSVFile far *pcCSVFile; ACCESSENTRY aeChange; LPIDXLOOKUPELEMENT rgIdxLookUp; LPIDXLOOKUPELEMENT pCurIdxLookUp; DWORD dwAllocated; DWORD dwUsed; DWORD dwOriginalSize; HRESULT hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; DWORD dwIdx; #if !defined(WIN16)
HANDLE hTemp; HANDLE hIdxLookUp; #else
// Normandy 11746
LPVOID rgTemp; // 16-bit only
DWORD cch, cchWritten; HANDLE hFile;
// Pad the phonebook for new entries.
dwAllocated = m_cPhoneBookEntries + CHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE; #ifdef WIN16
Assert(m_rgPhoneBookEntry); rgTemp = GlobalReAlloc(m_rgPhoneBookEntry, (int)(sizeof(ACCESSENTRY) * dwAllocated),GHND); Assert(rgTemp); if (!rgTemp) goto MergeExit; m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)rgTemp; #else
Assert(m_hPhoneBookEntry); GlobalUnlock(m_hPhoneBookEntry); hTemp = (HANDLE)GlobalReAlloc(m_hPhoneBookEntry, sizeof(ACCESSENTRY) * dwAllocated,GHND); Assert(hTemp); if (!hTemp) goto MergeExit; m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)GlobalLock(m_hPhoneBookEntry); if (!m_rgPhoneBookEntry) goto MergeExit; #endif
// Create index to loaded phone book, sorted by index
#ifdef WIN16
rgIdxLookUp = (LPIDXLOOKUPELEMENT)GlobalAlloc(GHND,(int)(sizeof(IDXLOOKUPELEMENT) * dwAllocated)); #else
hIdxLookUp = (HANDLE)GlobalAlloc(GHND,sizeof(IDXLOOKUPELEMENT) * dwAllocated); rgIdxLookUp = (LPIDXLOOKUPELEMENT)GlobalLock(hIdxLookUp); #endif
Assert(rgIdxLookUp); if (!rgIdxLookUp) goto MergeExit;
for (dwIdx = 0; dwIdx < m_cPhoneBookEntries; dwIdx++) { rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].dwIndex = rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->dwIndex; rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE = &m_rgPhoneBookEntry[dwIdx]; } dwUsed = m_cPhoneBookEntries; dwOriginalSize = m_cPhoneBookEntries;
// Load changes to phone book
pcCSVFile = new CCSVFile; Assert(pcCSVFile); if (!pcCSVFile) goto MergeExit; if (!pcCSVFile->Open(pszChangeFile)) goto MergeExit; do {
// Read a change record
ZeroMemory(&aeChange,sizeof(ACCESSENTRY)); hr = ReadOneLine(&aeChange, pcCSVFile);
if (hr == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; // no more enteries
} else if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto MergeExit; }
// Determine if this is a delete or add record
if (aeChange.szAccessNumber[0] == '0' && aeChange.szAccessNumber[1] == '\0') { // This is a delete record, find matching record
// NOTE: we only search the numbers that existed before the change file,
// because they are the only ones that are sorted.
pCurIdxLookUp = (LPIDXLOOKUPELEMENT)bsearch(&aeChange,rgIdxLookUp,(int)dwOriginalSize, sizeof(IDXLOOKUPELEMENT),CompareIdxLookUpElements); AssertSz(pCurIdxLookUp,"Attempting to delete a record that does not exist. The change file and phone book versions do not match."); if (pCurIdxLookUp) pCurIdxLookUp->pAE = NULL; //Create a dead entry in the look up table
m_cPhoneBookEntries--; } else { // This is an add entry
m_cPhoneBookEntries++; dwUsed++; // Make sure we have enough room
if (m_cPhoneBookEntries > dwAllocated) { // Grow phone book
dwAllocated += CHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE; #ifdef WIN16
Assert(m_rgPhoneBookEntry); rgTemp = GlobalReAlloc(m_rgPhoneBookEntry,(int)(sizeof(ACCESSENTRY)*dwAllocated),GHND); Assert(rgTemp); if (!rgTemp) goto MergeExit; m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)rgTemp;
// Grow look up index
Assert(rgIdxLookUp); rgTemp = GlobalReAlloc(rgIdxLookUp,(int)(sizeof(IDXLOOKUPELEMENT)*dwAllocated),GHND); Assert(rgTemp); if (!rgTemp) goto MergeExit; rgIdxLookUp = (LPIDXLOOKUPELEMENT)rgTemp; #else
Assert(m_hPhoneBookEntry); GlobalUnlock(m_hPhoneBookEntry); hTemp = (HANDLE)GlobalReAlloc(m_hPhoneBookEntry,sizeof(ACCESSENTRY)*dwAllocated,GHND); Assert(hTemp); if (!hTemp) goto MergeExit; m_hPhoneBookEntry = hTemp; m_rgPhoneBookEntry = (PACCESSENTRY)GlobalLock(m_hPhoneBookEntry); Assert(m_rgPhoneBookEntry); if (!m_rgPhoneBookEntry) goto MergeExit;
// Grow look up index
Assert(hIdxLookUp); GlobalUnlock(hIdxLookUp); hTemp = (HANDLE)GlobalReAlloc(hIdxLookUp,sizeof(IDXLOOKUPELEMENT)*dwAllocated,GHND); Assert(hTemp); if (!hTemp) goto MergeExit; hIdxLookUp = hTemp; rgIdxLookUp = (LPIDXLOOKUPELEMENT)GlobalLock(hIdxLookUp); Assert(rgIdxLookUp); if (!rgIdxLookUp) goto MergeExit; #endif
//Add entry to the end of the phonebook and to end of look up index
CopyMemory(&m_rgPhoneBookEntry[m_cPhoneBookEntries],&aeChange,sizeof(ACCESSENTRY)); rgIdxLookUp[m_cPhoneBookEntries].dwIndex = m_rgPhoneBookEntry[m_cPhoneBookEntries].dwIndex; rgIdxLookUp[m_cPhoneBookEntries].pAE = &m_rgPhoneBookEntry[m_cPhoneBookEntries]; // NOTE: because the entry is added to the end of the list, we can't add
// and delete entries in the same change file.
} } while (TRUE);
// resort the IDXLookUp index to reflect the correct order of enteries
// for the phonebook file, including all of the entries to be deleted.
// Build a new phonebook file
#ifdef WIN16
GetTempFileName(0, TEMP_PHONE_BOOK_PREFIX, 0, szTempFileName); #else
if (!GetTempPath(TEMP_BUFFER_LENGTH,szTempBuffer)) goto MergeExit; if (!GetTempFileName(szTempBuffer,TEMP_PHONE_BOOK_PREFIX,0,szTempFileName)) goto MergeExit; #endif
for (dwIdx = 0; dwIdx < m_cPhoneBookEntries; dwIdx++) { cch = wsprintf(szTempBuffer, "%lu,%lu,%lu,%s,%s,%s,%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%s\r\n", rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->dwIndex, rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->dwCountryID, DWORD(rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->wStateID), rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->szCity, rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->szAreaCode, rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->szAccessNumber, rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->dwConnectSpeedMin, rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->dwConnectSpeedMax, DWORD(rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->bFlipFactor), DWORD(rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->fType), rgIdxLookUp[dwIdx].pAE->szDataCenter);
if (!WriteFile(hFile,szTempBuffer,cch,&cchWritten,NULL)) { // something went wrong, get rid of the temporary file
CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(szTempFileName); hr = GetLastError(); goto MergeExit; }
Assert(cch == cchWritten); } CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = NULL;
// Move new phone book over old
if (!MoveFileEx(szTempFileName,m_szPhoneBook,MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { hr = GetLastError(); goto MergeExit; }
// discard the phonebook in memory
#ifndef WIN16
Assert(m_hPhoneBookEntry); GlobalUnlock(m_hPhoneBookEntry); #endif
m_rgPhoneBookEntry = NULL; m_cPhoneBookEntries = 0; GlobalFree(m_pLineCountryList); GlobalFree(m_rgIDLookUp); GlobalFree(m_rgNameLookUp); GlobalFree(m_rgState); m_cStates = 0;
lstrcpy(szTempBuffer,m_szINFCode); m_szINFFile[0] = '\0'; m_szPhoneBook[0] = '\0'; m_szINFCode[0] = '\0';
// Reload it (and rebuild look up arrays)
hr = Init(szTempBuffer);
MergeExit: if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { GlobalFree(rgIdxLookUp); if (pcCSVFile) delete pcCSVFile; CloseHandle(hFile); } return hr; }
// ############################################################################
HRESULT CPhoneBook::ReadOneLine(PACCESSENTRY lpAccessEntry, CCSVFile far *pcCSVFile) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
#if !defined(WIN16)
ReadOneLineStart: #endif //WIN16
if (!ReadPhoneBookDW(&lpAccessEntry->dwIndex,pcCSVFile)) { hr = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; // no more enteries
goto ReadExit; } ReadVerifyPhoneBookDW(lpAccessEntry->dwCountryID); ReadVerifyPhoneBookW(lpAccessEntry->wStateID); ReadVerifyPhoneBookSZ(lpAccessEntry->szCity,cbCity); ReadVerifyPhoneBookSZ(lpAccessEntry->szAreaCode,cbAreaCode); // NOTE: 0 is a valid area code and ,, is a valid entry for an area code
if (!FSz2Dw(lpAccessEntry->szAreaCode,&lpAccessEntry->dwAreaCode)) lpAccessEntry->dwAreaCode = NO_AREA_CODE; ReadVerifyPhoneBookSZ(lpAccessEntry->szAccessNumber,cbAccessNumber); ReadVerifyPhoneBookDW(lpAccessEntry->dwConnectSpeedMin); ReadVerifyPhoneBookDW(lpAccessEntry->dwConnectSpeedMax); ReadVerifyPhoneBookB(lpAccessEntry->bFlipFactor); ReadVerifyPhoneBookDW(lpAccessEntry->fType); ReadVerifyPhoneBookSZ(lpAccessEntry->szDataCenter,cbDataCenter); #if !defined(WIN16)
// If scripting is not available and the phonebook entry has a dun file other than
// icwip.dun, then ignore the entry and read the one after that.
if (!m_bScriptingAvailable) { if (0 != lstrcmpi(lpAccessEntry->szDataCenter,"icwip.dun")) { ZeroMemory(lpAccessEntry,sizeof(ACCESSENTRY)); goto ReadOneLineStart; } } #endif //WIN16
ReadExit: return hr; ReadError: hr = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto ReadExit; }
// ############################################################################
// Validate parameters
Assert(pSuggest); Assert(pSuggest->wNumber);
if (wNumFound == pSuggest->wNumber) goto SuggestExit;
LPIDLOOKUPELEMENT pCurLookUp; PACCESSENTRY lpAccessEntry; //REVIEW: double check this
pCurLookUp = (LPIDLOOKUPELEMENT)bsearch(&pSuggest->dwCountryID,m_rgIDLookUp, (int)m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries,sizeof(IDLOOKUPELEMENT), CompareIDLookUpElements);
// Check for invalid country
if (!pCurLookUp) goto SuggestExit;
// Check if there are any phone numbers for this country
if (!pCurLookUp->pFirstAE) goto SuggestExit;
lpAccessEntry = pCurLookUp->pFirstAE; do { // check for the right area code
if (lpAccessEntry->dwAreaCode == pSuggest->wAreaCode) { // check for the right type of number
if ((lpAccessEntry->fType & pSuggest->bMask) == pSuggest->fType) { pSuggest->rgpAccessEntry[wNumFound] = lpAccessEntry; wNumFound++; } } lpAccessEntry++; } while ((lpAccessEntry <= &m_rgPhoneBookEntry[m_cPhoneBookEntries-1]) && (wNumFound < pSuggest->wNumber) && (lpAccessEntry->dwCountryID == pSuggest->dwCountryID));
// if we couldn't find enough numnbers, try something else
// 10/15/96 jmazner ported fixes below from core\client\phbk
// Do this only if area code is not 0 - Bug #9349 (VetriV)
// if ((pSuggest->wAreaCode != 0) && (wNumFound < pSuggest->wNumber))
// No, there are some places (Finland? ChrisK knows) where 0 is a legit area code -- jmazner
if (wNumFound < pSuggest->wNumber) { lpAccessEntry = pCurLookUp->pFirstAE; // Note: we are now only looking for Nationwide phone numbers (state = 0)
// 8/13/96 jmazner MOS Normandy #4597
// We want nationwide toll-free numbers to display last, so for this pass,
// only consider numbers that are _not_ toll free (fType bit #1 = 0)
// Tweak pSuggest->bMask to let through the toll/charge bit
pSuggest->bMask |= MASK_TOLLFREE_BIT;
// Tweak pSuggest->ftype to be charge
pSuggest->fType &= TYPE_SET_TOLL;
do {
// 8/13/96 jmazner MOS Normandy #4598
// If this entry's area code matches pSuggest->wAreaCode, then we already
// have included it in the previous pass, so don't duplicate it again here.
if ((lpAccessEntry->fType & pSuggest->bMask) == pSuggest->fType && lpAccessEntry->wStateID == 0 && lpAccessEntry->dwAreaCode != pSuggest->wAreaCode) { pSuggest->rgpAccessEntry[wNumFound] = lpAccessEntry; wNumFound++; } lpAccessEntry++; } while ((lpAccessEntry <= &m_rgPhoneBookEntry[m_cPhoneBookEntries-1]) && (wNumFound < pSuggest->wNumber) && (lpAccessEntry->dwCountryID == pSuggest->dwCountryID) && (lpAccessEntry->wStateID == 0) ); }
// 8/13/96 jmazner MOS Normandy #4597
// if we STILL couldn't find enough numnbers, widen the search to include tollfree #s
if (wNumFound < pSuggest->wNumber) { lpAccessEntry = pCurLookUp->pFirstAE; // Tweak pSuggest->bMask to let through the toll/charge bit
// REDUNDANT? If we made it to this point, we _should_ have done this above...
// Better safe than sorry!
Assert(pSuggest->bMask & MASK_TOLLFREE_BIT); pSuggest->bMask |= MASK_TOLLFREE_BIT;
// Tweak pSuggest->ftype to be tollfree
pSuggest->fType |= TYPE_SET_TOLLFREE;
do {
// 8/13/96 jmazner MOS Normandy #4598
// If this entry's area code matches pSuggest->wAreaCode, then we already
// have included it in the first pass, so don't include it here.
// Any entry that made it in in the 2nd pass will definitely not make it in here
// (because of tollfree bit), so no need to worry about dups from there.
if ((lpAccessEntry->fType & pSuggest->bMask) == pSuggest->fType && lpAccessEntry->wStateID == 0 && lpAccessEntry->dwAreaCode != pSuggest->wAreaCode) { pSuggest->rgpAccessEntry[wNumFound] = lpAccessEntry; wNumFound++; } lpAccessEntry++; } while ((lpAccessEntry <= &m_rgPhoneBookEntry[m_cPhoneBookEntries-1]) && (wNumFound < pSuggest->wNumber) && (lpAccessEntry->dwCountryID == pSuggest->dwCountryID) && (lpAccessEntry->wStateID == 0) ); } hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; SuggestExit: pSuggest->wNumber = wNumFound; return hr; }
// ############################################################################
pIDLookUp = (LPIDLOOKUPELEMENT)bsearch(&pAE->dwCountryID,m_rgIDLookUp, (int)m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries,sizeof(IDLOOKUPELEMENT),CompareIdxLookUpElements);
if (!pIDLookUp) { hr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { SzCanonicalFromAE (psOut, pAE, pIDLookUp->pLCE); }
return hr; }
// ############################################################################
DllExportH PhoneBookLoad(LPCSTR pszISPCode, DWORD_PTR far *pdwPhoneID) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CPhoneBook far *pcPhoneBook;
if (!g_hInstDll) g_hInstDll = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
// validate parameters
Assert(pszISPCode && *pszISPCode && pdwPhoneID); *pdwPhoneID = NULL;
// allocate phone book
pcPhoneBook = new CPhoneBook;
// initialize phone book
if (pcPhoneBook) hr = pcPhoneBook->Init(pszISPCode);
// in case of failure
if (hr && pcPhoneBook) { delete pcPhoneBook; } else { *pdwPhoneID = (DWORD_PTR)pcPhoneBook; }
#if defined(WIN16)
if (!hr) BMP_RegisterClass(g_hInstDll); #endif
return hr; }
// ############################################################################
DllExportH PhoneBookUnload(DWORD_PTR dwPhoneID) { Assert(dwPhoneID);
if (dwPhoneID) { #if defined(WIN16)
BMP_DestroyClass(g_hInstDll); #endif
// Release contents
delete (CPhoneBook far*)dwPhoneID; }
// ############################################################################
DllExportH PhoneBookMergeChanges(DWORD_PTR dwPhoneID, LPCSTR pszChangeFile) { return ((CPhoneBook far*)dwPhoneID)->Merge(pszChangeFile); }
// ############################################################################
DllExportH PhoneBookSuggestNumbers(DWORD_PTR dwPhoneID, PSUGGESTINFO lpSuggestInfo) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
// get suggested numbers
lpSuggestInfo->rgpAccessEntry = (PACCESSENTRY *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(PACCESSENTRY) * lpSuggestInfo->wNumber); if (lpSuggestInfo->rgpAccessEntry) { hr = ((CPhoneBook far *)dwPhoneID)->Suggest(lpSuggestInfo); }
return hr; }
// ############################################################################
DllExportH PhoneBookGetCanonical (DWORD_PTR dwPhoneID, PACCESSENTRY pAE, LPSTR psOut) { return ((CPhoneBook far*)dwPhoneID)->GetCanonical(pAE,psOut); }
// ############################################################################
DllExportH PhoneBookDisplaySignUpNumbers (DWORD_PTR dwPhoneID, LPSTR far *ppszPhoneNumbers, LPSTR far *ppszDunFiles, WORD far *pwPhoneNumbers, DWORD far *pdwCountry, WORD far *pwRegion, BYTE fType, BYTE bMask, HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwFlags) { INT_PTR hr; AssertSz(ppszPhoneNumbers && pwPhoneNumbers && pdwCountry &&pwRegion,"invalid parameters");
//CAccessNumDlg *pcDlg;
CSelectNumDlg far *pcDlg; pcDlg = new CSelectNumDlg; if (!pcDlg) { hr = GetLastError(); goto DisplayExit; }
// Initialize information for dialog
pcDlg->m_dwPhoneBook = dwPhoneID; pcDlg->m_dwCountryID = *pdwCountry; pcDlg->m_wRegion = *pwRegion; pcDlg->m_fType = fType; pcDlg->m_bMask = bMask; pcDlg->m_dwFlags = dwFlags;
// invoke the dialog
g_hWndMain = hwndParent; hr = DialogBoxParam(g_hInstDll,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SELECTNUMBER), g_hWndMain,PhbkGenericDlgProc,(LPARAM)pcDlg); g_hWndMain = NULL;
if (hr == IDC_CMDNEXT) { *pwRegion = pcDlg->m_wRegion; *pdwCountry = pcDlg->m_dwCountryID;
Assert (ppszPhoneNumbers[0] && ppszDunFiles[0]); lstrcpy(ppszPhoneNumbers[0],&pcDlg->m_szPhoneNumber[0]); lstrcpy(ppszDunFiles[0],&pcDlg->m_szDunFile[0]);
// hr == -1;
DisplayExit: if (pcDlg) delete pcDlg;
return (HRESULT) hr; }