// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Name: APIDispatcher.cpp
// Copyright (c) 1999-2000, Microsoft Corporation
// A class that handles API requests in the server on a separate thread. Each
// thread is dedicated to respond to a single client. This is acceptable for
// a lightweight server.
// History: 1999-11-07 vtan created
// 2000-08-25 vtan moved from Neptune to Whistler
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "StandardHeader.h"
#include "APIDispatcher.h"
#include "APIRequest.h"
#include "SingleThreadedExecution.h"
#include "StatusCode.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::CAPIDispatcher
// Arguments: hClientProcess = HANDLE to the client process.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Constructor for CAPIDispatcher. The handle to the client
// process is transferred to this object.
// History: 1999-11-07 vtan created
// 2000-08-25 vtan moved from Neptune to Whistler
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPIDispatcher::CAPIDispatcher (HANDLE hClientProcess) : _hSection(NULL), _pSection(NULL), _hProcessClient(hClientProcess), _hPort(NULL), _fRequestsPending(false), _fConnectionClosed(false), _pAPIDispatchSync(NULL) { }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::~CAPIDispatcher
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Destructor for CAPIDispatcher. Release the port handle if
// present. Release the process handle.
// History: 1999-11-07 vtan created
// 2000-08-25 vtan moved from Neptune to Whistler
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPIDispatcher::~CAPIDispatcher (void)
{ ASSERTMSG(_fConnectionClosed, "Destructor invoked without connection being closed in CAPIDispatcher::~CAPIDispatcher"); if (_pSection != NULL) { TBOOL(UnmapViewOfFile(_pSection)); _pSection = NULL; } ReleaseHandle(_hSection); ReleaseHandle(_hPort); ReleaseHandle(_hProcessClient); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::GetClientProcess
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: HANDLE
// Purpose: Returns the handle to the client process. This is not
// duplicated. DO NOT CLOSE THIS HANDLE.
// History: 1999-11-07 vtan created
// 2000-08-25 vtan moved from Neptune to Whistler
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HANDLE CAPIDispatcher::GetClientProcess (void) const
{ return(_hProcessClient); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::GetClientSessionID
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Returns the client session ID.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CAPIDispatcher::GetClientSessionID (void) const
{ DWORD dwSessionID; ULONG ulReturnLength; PROCESS_SESSION_INFORMATION processSessionInformation;
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryInformationProcess(_hProcessClient, ProcessSessionInformation, &processSessionInformation, sizeof(processSessionInformation), &ulReturnLength))) { dwSessionID = processSessionInformation.SessionId; } else { dwSessionID = 0; } return(dwSessionID); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::SetPort
// Arguments: hPort = Reply port received from
// ntdll!NtAcceptConnectionPort.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Sets the given port handle into this object. The handle
// ownership is transferred. Wait until the thread processing
// requests is ready before returning.
// History: 1999-11-07 vtan created
// 2000-08-25 vtan moved from Neptune to Whistler
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAPIDispatcher::SetPort (HANDLE hPort)
{ _hPort = hPort; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::GetSection
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: HANDLE
// Purpose: Returns a handle to a section used to communicate large
// quantities of data from client to server. If the section has
// not been created then create it.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HANDLE CAPIDispatcher::GetSection (void)
{ if (_hSection == NULL) { TSTATUS(CreateSection()); } return(_hSection); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::GetSectionAddress
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: void*
// Purpose: Returns the mapped address of the section.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void* CAPIDispatcher::GetSectionAddress (void) const
{ return(_pSection); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::CloseConnection
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Sets the member variable indicating the dispatcher's port has
// been closed and that any pending requests are now invalid.
// The object is reference counted so if there are any pending
// requests they will release their reference when they're done.
// The caller of this function releases its reference.
// History: 1999-11-07 vtan created
// 2000-08-25 vtan moved from Neptune to Whistler
// 2000-11-08 vtan reference counted object
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CAPIDispatcher::CloseConnection (void)
{ CSingleThreadedExecution requestsPendingLock(_lock);
_fConnectionClosed = true; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::QueueRequest
// Arguments: portMessage = CPortMessage of request.
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Checks if the connection has been closed. If closed then it
// rejects the request. Otherwise it queues it.
// History: 2000-12-02 vtan created
// 2002-03-21 scotthan Copy APIDispatchSync address,
// update count of queued requests
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CAPIDispatcher::QueueRequest (const CPortMessage& portMessage, CAPIDispatchSync* pAPIDispatchSync)
{ NTSTATUS status;
if (_fConnectionClosed) { status = RejectRequest(portMessage, STATUS_PORT_DISCONNECTED); } else { // Note: we should receive one and the same CAPIDispatchSync address for the lifetime
// of this CAPIDispatcher instance. We do not own this pointer, but only maintain a copy.
#ifdef DEBUG
if( NULL == _pAPIDispatchSync ) { #endif DEBUG
_pAPIDispatchSync = pAPIDispatchSync;
#ifdef DEBUG
} else { ASSERTBREAKMSG(pAPIDispatchSync == _pAPIDispatchSync, "CAPIDispatcher::QueueRequest - invalid APIDispatchSync"); } #endif DEBUG
// track this request queue.
CAPIDispatchSync::DispatchEnter(_pAPIDispatchSync); status = CreateAndQueueRequest(portMessage);
// on failure to queue the request, remove counter reference.
if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { CAPIDispatchSync::DispatchLeave(_pAPIDispatchSync); } } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::ExecuteRequest
// Arguments: portMessage = CPortMessage of request.
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Checks if the connection has been closed. If closed then it
// rejects the request. Otherwise it executes it.
// History: 2000-12-02 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CAPIDispatcher::ExecuteRequest (const CPortMessage& portMessage) { NTSTATUS status;
if (_fConnectionClosed) { status = RejectRequest(portMessage, STATUS_PORT_DISCONNECTED); } else { status = CreateAndExecuteRequest(portMessage); } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::RejectRequest
// Arguments: portMessage = CPortMessage of request.
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Sends back a reply to the caller STATUS_PORT_DISCONNECTED to
// reject the request.
// History: 2000-12-02 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CAPIDispatcher::RejectRequest (const CPortMessage& portMessage, NTSTATUS status) const
{ CPortMessage portMessageOut(portMessage);
// Send the message back to the client.
portMessageOut.SetDataLength(sizeof(NTSTATUS)); portMessageOut.SetReturnCode(status); return(SendReply(portMessageOut)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::Entry
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Main entry point for processing LPC requests. If there are
// pending requests in the queue pick them off and process them.
// While processing them more items can get queued. Keep
// processing until there are no more queued items. There is a
// possible overlap where a newly queued item can be missed. In
// that case a new work item is queued to execute those requests.
// History: 1999-11-07 vtan created
// 2000-08-25 vtan moved from Neptune to Whistler
// 2002-03-21 scotthan Add queue synchronization via CAPIDispatchSynch.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAPIDispatcher::Entry (void)
{ CAPIRequest *pAPIRequest;
// artificial addref our dispatch sync to prevent us from signalling prematurely,
// before we can safely allow ourselves to be destroyed by our parent APIConnection.
// Acquire the requests pending lock before fetching the first
// request. This will ensure an accurate result.
_lock.Acquire(); pAPIRequest = static_cast<CAPIRequest*>(_queue.Get());
// If there are more requests in the queue keep looping.
while (pAPIRequest != NULL) {
// Release the requests pending lock to allow more requests to
// get queued to this dispatcher while the dispatch is executing.
if (!_fConnectionClosed) { NTSTATUS status;
// Before executing the API request release the lock to allow
// more requests to get queued while executing this one.
// Execute the request.
status = Execute(pAPIRequest);
// Acquire the requests pending lock again before getting
// the next available request. If the loop continues the
// lock will be released at the top of the loop. If the loop
// exits then the lock must be released outside.
// On debug builds ignore STATUS_REPLY_MESSAGE_MISMATCH.
// This typically happens on stress machines where timing
// causes the thread waiting on the reply to go away before
// the service has a chance to reply to the LPC request.
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!_fConnectionClosed && !ExcludedStatusCodeForDebug(status)) { TSTATUS(status); } #endif /* DEBUG */
// Remove this processed request.
// Decrement dispatch sync object. The matching DispatchEnter()
// took place at time of queuing, in CAPIDispatcher::QueueRequest().
// Get the next request. A request may have been queued while
// processing the request just processed. So keep looping until
// there really are no requests left.
pAPIRequest = static_cast<CAPIRequest*>(_queue.Get()); }
// Set the state to no longer processing requests so that any
// further queued requests will cause the dispatcher to be
// re-invoked in a new worker thread. Release the lock.
_fRequestsPending = false; _lock.Release();
// remove defensive addref
CAPIDispatchSync::DispatchLeave(_pAPIDispatchSync); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::Execute
// Arguments: pAPIRequest = API request to execute.
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Execute the API request. This can be done from a queued work
// item executing on a different thread or execute in the server
// port listen thread.
// History: 2000-10-19 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CAPIDispatcher::Execute (CAPIRequest *pAPIRequest) const
{ NTSTATUS status;
// Set the return data size to NTSTATUS by default. Execute the
// request. Store the result. If the executed function has more
// data to return it will set the size itself.
// Protect the execution with an exception block. If the code
// throws an exception it would normally just kill the worker
// thread. However, the CAPIDispatcher would be left in a state
// where it was marked as still executing requests even though
// the thread died. If an exception is thrown the function is
// considered unsuccessful.
__try { status = pAPIRequest->Execute(_pAPIDispatchSync); } __except (DispatcherExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
// Reply to the client with the result.
return(SendReply(*pAPIRequest)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::CreateSection
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Overridable function that creates a section object. Because
// size is not determinable it can be inheritable.
// The default implementation does nothing.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CAPIDispatcher::CreateSection (void)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::SignalRequestPending
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Signals the event to wake up the thread processing requests.
// History: 1999-11-07 vtan created
// 2000-08-25 vtan moved from Neptune to Whistler
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CAPIDispatcher::SignalRequestPending (void)
{ NTSTATUS status; CSingleThreadedExecution requestsPendingLock(_lock);
// Only check the validity of _fRequestsPending after acquiring the
// lock. This will guarantee that the value of this variable is
// 100% correct in a multi worker threaded environment.
if (!_fRequestsPending) { _fRequestsPending = true; status = Queue(); } else { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::SendReply
// Arguments: portMessage = CPortMessage to send in the reply.
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Sends a reply to the LPC port so the caller can be unblocked.
// History: 2000-10-19 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CAPIDispatcher::SendReply (const CPortMessage& portMessage) const
{ return(NtReplyPort(_hPort, const_cast<PORT_MESSAGE*>(portMessage.GetPortMessage()))); }
#ifdef DEBUG
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::ExcludedStatusCodeForDebug
// Arguments: status = NTSTATUS code to check.
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Returns whether this status code should be ignored on asserts.
// History: 2001-03-30 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CAPIDispatcher::ExcludedStatusCodeForDebug (NTSTATUS status)
{ return((status == STATUS_REPLY_MESSAGE_MISMATCH) || (status == STATUS_INVALID_CID)); }
#endif /* DEBUG */
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatcher::DispatcherExceptionFilter
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: LONG
// Purpose: Filters exceptions that occur when dispatching API requests.
// History: 2000-10-13 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
LONG WINAPI CAPIDispatcher::DispatcherExceptionFilter (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo)
{ (LONG)RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter(pExceptionInfo); return(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAPIDispatchSync impl
// History: 2002-03-18 scotthan created.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPIDispatchSync::CAPIDispatchSync() : _cDispatches(0) , _hServiceStopping(NULL) , _hZeroDispatches(NULL) , _hPortShutdown(NULL) , _hServiceControlStop(NULL) { if( !InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&_cs, 0) ) { ZeroMemory(&_cs, sizeof(_cs)); } _hServiceStopping = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE /* manual-rest */, FALSE /* unsignalled */, NULL); _hZeroDispatches = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE /* manual-rest */, TRUE /* signalled */, NULL); _hPortShutdown = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE /* auto-reset */, FALSE /* unsignalled */, NULL); _hServiceControlStop = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE /* auto-reset */, FALSE /* unsignalled */, NULL); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPIDispatchSync::~CAPIDispatchSync() { HANDLE h;
h = _hServiceStopping; _hServiceStopping = NULL; if( h ) { CloseHandle(h); }
h = _hZeroDispatches; _hZeroDispatches = NULL; if( h ) { CloseHandle(h); }
h = _hPortShutdown; _hPortShutdown = NULL; if( h ) { CloseHandle(h); }
h = _hServiceControlStop; _hServiceControlStop = NULL; if( h ) { CloseHandle(h); }
if( _cs.DebugInfo ) { DeleteCriticalSection(&_cs); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAPIDispatchSync::SignalServiceStopping(CAPIDispatchSync* pds) { if( pds ) { pds->Lock(); if( pds->_hServiceStopping ) { SetEvent(pds->_hServiceStopping); } pds->Unlock(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CAPIDispatchSync::IsServiceStopping(CAPIDispatchSync* pds) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; if( pds ) { if( pds->_hServiceStopping ) { fRet = (WaitForSingleObject(pds->_hPortShutdown, 0) != WAIT_TIMEOUT); } } return fRet; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HANDLE CAPIDispatchSync::GetServiceStoppingEvent(CAPIDispatchSync* pds) { return pds ? pds->_hServiceStopping : NULL; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAPIDispatchSync::DispatchEnter(CAPIDispatchSync* pds) { if( pds ) { pds->Lock(); if( (++(pds->_cDispatches) > 0) && pds->_hZeroDispatches ) { ResetEvent(pds->_hZeroDispatches); } pds->Unlock(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAPIDispatchSync::DispatchLeave(CAPIDispatchSync* pds) { if( pds ) { pds->Lock(); if( (--(pds->_cDispatches) == 0) && pds->_hZeroDispatches ) { SetEvent(pds->_hZeroDispatches); } ASSERTMSG(pds->_cDispatches >= 0, "CAPIDispatchSync::Leave - refcount < 0: Mismatched Enter/Leave"); pds->Unlock(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CAPIDispatchSync::WaitForZeroDispatches(CAPIDispatchSync* pds, DWORD dwTimeout) { if( pds ) { if( pds->_hZeroDispatches ) { return WaitForSingleObject(pds->_hZeroDispatches, dwTimeout); } } return WAIT_ABANDONED; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAPIDispatchSync::SignalPortShutdown(CAPIDispatchSync* pds) { if( pds ) { pds->Lock(); if( pds->_hPortShutdown ) { SetEvent(pds->_hPortShutdown); } pds->Unlock(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CAPIDispatchSync::WaitForPortShutdown(CAPIDispatchSync* pds, DWORD dwTimeout) { if( pds ) { if( pds->_hPortShutdown ) { return WaitForSingleObject(pds->_hPortShutdown, dwTimeout); } } return WAIT_ABANDONED; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAPIDispatchSync::SignalServiceControlStop(CAPIDispatchSync* pds) { if( pds ) { pds->Lock(); if( pds->_hServiceControlStop ) { SetEvent(pds->_hServiceControlStop); } pds->Unlock(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CAPIDispatchSync::WaitForServiceControlStop(CAPIDispatchSync* pds, DWORD dwTimeout) { if( pds ) { if( pds->_hServiceControlStop ) { return WaitForSingleObject(pds->_hServiceControlStop, dwTimeout); } } return WAIT_ABANDONED; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAPIDispatchSync::Lock() { if( _cs.DebugInfo ) { EnterCriticalSection(&_cs); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAPIDispatchSync::Unlock() { if( _cs.DebugInfo ) { LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs); } }