// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Name: ThemeManagerSessionData.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// This file contains a class that implements information the encapsulates a
// client TS session for the theme server.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// 2000-11-29 vtan moved to separate file
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "StandardHeader.h"
#include "ThemeManagerSessionData.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <uxthemep.h>
#include <UxThemeServer.h>
#include "SingleThreadedExecution.h"
#include "StatusCode.h"
#include "ThemeManagerAPIRequest.h"
#include "TokenInformation.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::s_pAPIConnection
// Purpose: Static member variables.
// History: 2000-12-02 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPIConnection* CThemeManagerSessionData::s_pAPIConnection = NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::CThemeManagerSessionData
// Arguments: pAPIConnection = CAPIConnection for port access control.
// dwSessionID = Session ID.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Constructor for CThemeManagerSessionData.
// History: 2000-11-17 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CThemeManagerSessionData::CThemeManagerSessionData (DWORD dwSessionID) : _dwSessionID(dwSessionID), _pvThemeLoaderData(NULL), _hToken(NULL), _hProcessClient(NULL), _pLoader(NULL), _hWait(NULL) { }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::~CThemeManagerSessionData
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Destructor for CThemeManagerSessionData.
// History: 2000-11-17 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CThemeManagerSessionData::~CThemeManagerSessionData (void)
{ ASSERTMSG(_hWait == NULL, "Wait not executed or removed in CThemeManagerSessionData::~CThemeManagerSessionData"); ASSERTMSG(_hProcessClient == NULL, "_hProcessClient not closed in CThemeManagerSessionData::~CThemeManagerSessionData");
// if this session's theme loader process is still alive, clear and delete it.
if( _pLoader ) { _pLoader->Clear(_pvThemeLoaderData, TRUE); delete _pLoader; _pLoader = NULL; }
TSTATUS(UserLogoff()); if (_pvThemeLoaderData != NULL) { SessionFree(_pvThemeLoaderData); _pvThemeLoaderData = NULL; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::GetData
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: void*
// Purpose: Returns the internal data blob allocated by SessionCreate.
// History: 2000-11-17 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void* CThemeManagerSessionData::GetData (void) const
{ return(_pvThemeLoaderData); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::EqualSessionID
// Arguments: dwSessionID
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Returns whether the given session ID matches this session
// data.
// History: 2000-11-30 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CThemeManagerSessionData::EqualSessionID (DWORD dwSessionID) const
{ return(dwSessionID == _dwSessionID); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::Allocate
// Arguments: hProcessClient = Handle to the client process.
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Allocates a data blob via SessionCreate which also keeps a
// handle to the client process that initiated the session. This
// is always winlogon in the client session ID.
// History: 2000-11-17 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerSessionData::Allocate (HANDLE hProcessClient, DWORD dwServerChangeNumber, void *pfnRegister, void *pfnUnregister, void *pfnClearStockObjects, DWORD dwStackSizeReserve, DWORD dwStackSizeCommit)
{ NTSTATUS status;
if (DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hProcessClient, GetCurrentProcess(), &_hProcessClient, SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, 0) != FALSE) { ASSERTMSG(_hWait == NULL, "_hWait already exists in CThemeManagerSessionData::Allocate"); AddRef(); if (RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&_hWait, _hProcessClient, CB_SessionTermination, this, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE) != FALSE) { _pvThemeLoaderData = SessionAllocate(hProcessClient, dwServerChangeNumber, pfnRegister, pfnUnregister, pfnClearStockObjects, dwStackSizeReserve, dwStackSizeCommit); if (_pvThemeLoaderData != NULL) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { HANDLE hWait;
// In the case of failure grab the _hWait and try to unregister it.
// If the unregister fails then the callback is already executing
// and there's little we can to stop it. This means that the winlogon
// for the client session died between the time we entered this function
// and registered the wait and now. If the unregister worked then then
// callback hasn't executed so just release the resources.
hWait = InterlockedExchangePointer(&_hWait, NULL); if (hWait != NULL) { if (UnregisterWait(hWait) != FALSE) { Release(); } ReleaseHandle(_hProcessClient); if (_pvThemeLoaderData != NULL) { SessionFree(_pvThemeLoaderData); _pvThemeLoaderData = NULL; } } } } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::Cleanup
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Used to unregister the wait on the client process. This is
// necessary to prevent the callback from occurring after the
// service has been shut down which will cause access to a static
// member variable that is NULL'd out.
// History: 2001-01-05 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerSessionData::Cleanup (void)
{ HANDLE hWait;
hWait = InterlockedExchangePointer(&_hWait, NULL); if (hWait != NULL) { if (UnregisterWait(hWait) != FALSE) { Release(); } ReleaseHandle(_hProcessClient); } return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::UserLogon
// Arguments: hToken = Handle to the token of the user logging on.
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Saves a copy of the token for use at log off. Allows access
// to the theme port to the logon SID of the token.
// History: 2000-11-17 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerSessionData::UserLogon (HANDLE hToken)
{ NTSTATUS status;
if (_hToken == NULL) { if (DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hToken, GetCurrentProcess(), &_hToken, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) != FALSE) { PSID pSIDLogon; CTokenInformation token(hToken);
pSIDLogon = token.GetLogonSID(); if (pSIDLogon != NULL) { if (s_pAPIConnection != NULL) { status = s_pAPIConnection->AddAccess(pSIDLogon, PORT_CONNECT); } else { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } } else { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::UserLogoff
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Remove access to the theme port for the user being logged off.
// History: 2000-11-17 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerSessionData::UserLogoff (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
if (_hToken != NULL) { PSID pSIDLogon; CTokenInformation token(_hToken);
pSIDLogon = token.GetLogonSID(); if (pSIDLogon != NULL) { if (s_pAPIConnection != NULL) { status = s_pAPIConnection->RemoveAccess(pSIDLogon); } else { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ReleaseHandle(_hToken); } else { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::SetAPIConnection
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Sets the static CAPIConnection for port access changes.
// History: 2000-12-02 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThemeManagerSessionData::SetAPIConnection (CAPIConnection *pAPIConnection)
{ pAPIConnection->AddRef(); s_pAPIConnection = pAPIConnection; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::ReleaseAPIConnection
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Releases the static CAPIConnection for port access changes.
// History: 2000-12-02 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThemeManagerSessionData::ReleaseAPIConnection (void)
{ s_pAPIConnection->Release(); s_pAPIConnection = NULL; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::GetLoaderProcess
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns: (n/a)
// Purpose: STATUS_SUCCESS if it worked, otherwise an error status code K
// History: 2002-02-26 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerSessionData::GetLoaderProcess( OUT CLoaderProcess** ppLoader ) { ASSERTBREAKMSG(ppLoader != NULL, "CThemeManagerSessionData::GetLoaderProcess - invalid output address."); *ppLoader = NULL;
if( (NULL == _pLoader) && (NULL == (_pLoader = new CLoaderProcess)) ) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
*ppLoader = _pLoader; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::SessionTermination
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Callback on winlogon process termination for a given session.
// We clean up the session specific data blob when this happens.
// This allows the process handles on winlogon to be released.
// If this isn't done then a zombie lives and the session is
// never reclaimed.
// History: 2000-12-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CThemeManagerSessionData::SessionTermination (void)
{ HANDLE hWait;
hWait = InterlockedExchangePointer(&_hWait, NULL); if (hWait != NULL) { (BOOL)UnregisterWait(hWait); ReleaseHandle(_hProcessClient); } CThemeManagerAPIRequest::SessionDestroy(_dwSessionID); Release(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerSessionData::CB_SessionTermination
// Arguments: pParameter = This object.
// TimerOrWaitFired = Not used.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Callback stub to member function.
// History: 2000-12-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CALLBACK CThemeManagerSessionData::CB_SessionTermination (void *pParameter, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired)
static_cast<CThemeManagerSessionData*>(pParameter)->SessionTermination(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLoaderProcess::CLoaderProcess
// Arguments: n/a
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: CLoaderProcess constructor
// History: 2002-03-06 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLoaderProcess::CLoaderProcess() : _pszFile(NULL), _pszColor(NULL), _pszSize(NULL), _hSection(NULL), _hr(0) { ZeroMemory(&_process_info, sizeof(_process_info)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLoaderProcess::~CLoaderProcess
// Arguments: n/a
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: CLoaderProcess destructor
// History: 2002-03-06 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLoaderProcess::~CLoaderProcess() { Clear(NULL, TRUE); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLoaderProcess::IsProcessLoader
// Arguments: hProcess - Handle of process to test.
// Returns: BOOL
// Purpose: Determines whether the process identified by hProcess is
// matches the process spawned by CLoaderProcess::Create()
// History: 2002-03-06 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CLoaderProcess::IsProcessLoader( IN HANDLE hProcess ) { if( _process_info.hProcess && _process_info.dwProcessId ) { PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION bi; ULONG cbOut; if( NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, &bi, sizeof(bi), &cbOut)) ) { if( bi.UniqueProcessId == _process_info.dwProcessId || bi.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId == _process_info.dwProcessId ) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLoaderProcess::Create
// Arguments: pvSessionData - Session instance data (CThemeManagerSessionData::GetData()).
// hTokenClient - token handle of LPC client. This is needed to
// ensure the process loader is created on the correct desktop if
// pszDesktop is NULL.
// pszDesktop - optional; desktop on which to create the loader.
// (Note: the client token handle will establish the correct session.)
// pszFile - valid msstyles source file spec.
// pszColor - valid color variant name.
// pszSize - valid size variant name.
// phLoader - optional address to receive loader process handle.
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS if it worked, otherwise an NT status error code.
// Purpose: Spawns a loader process.
// History: 2002-03-06 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CLoaderProcess::Create( IN PVOID pvSessionData, IN HANDLE hTokenClient, IN OPTIONAL LPWSTR pszDesktop, IN LPCWSTR pszFile, IN LPCWSTR pszColor, IN LPCWSTR pszSize, OUT OPTIONAL HANDLE* phLoader ) { ASSERTMSG( 0 == _process_info.dwProcessId, "CLoaderProcess::Create - synchronization error: loader process already exists"); ASSERTMSG( (pszFile && *pszFile), "CLoaderProcess::Create - invalid source file spec."); ASSERTMSG( (pszColor && *pszColor), "CLoaderProcess::Create - invalid color variant name."); ASSERTMSG( (pszSize && *pszSize), "CLoaderProcess::Create - invalid size variant name.");
NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; const LPCWSTR _pszFmt = L"rundll32.exe uxtheme.dll,#64 %s?%s?%s"; const LPWSTR _pszDesktopDefault = L"WinSta0\\Default"; LPWSTR pszRunDll = NULL;
if( phLoader ) { *phLoader = NULL; }
// clear out existing state
Clear(pvSessionData, TRUE);
// Establish desktop
// Note: the client token handle will establish the correct session.
if( NULL == pszDesktop ) { pszDesktop = _pszDesktopDefault; } // Allocate strings
ULONG cchFile = lstrlen(pszFile); ULONG cchColor = lstrlen(pszColor); ULONG cchSize = lstrlen(pszSize); ULONG cchRunDll = lstrlen(_pszFmt) + cchFile + cchColor + cchSize;
_pszFile = new WCHAR[cchFile + 1]; _pszColor = new WCHAR[cchColor + 1]; _pszSize = new WCHAR[cchSize + 1]; pszRunDll = new WCHAR[cchRunDll + 1];
if( (_pszFile && _pszColor && _pszSize && pszRunDll) ) { STARTUPINFO si;
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK; si.lpDesktop = pszDesktop; StringCchPrintfW( pszRunDll, cchRunDll + 1, _pszFmt, pszFile, pszColor, pszSize );
if( CreateProcessAsUser(hTokenClient, NULL, pszRunDll, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &_process_info) ) { // make copies of the inbound parameters
StringCchCopyW(_pszFile, cchFile + 1, pszFile); StringCchCopyW(_pszColor, cchColor + 1, pszColor); StringCchCopyW(_pszSize, cchSize + 1, pszSize); _hr = STATUS_ABANDONED; // initialize the return with something appropriate if the process never comes back
#ifdef DEBUG
DWORD dwCurrentProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwCurrentProcessID);
PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION bi; ULONG cbOut; if( NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryInformationProcess(_process_info.hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, &bi, sizeof(bi), &cbOut)) ) { } #endif DEBUG
if( phLoader ) { *phLoader = _process_info.hProcess; } } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } } else { Clear(pvSessionData, FALSE); status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
delete [] pszRunDll; _hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(status);
return status; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLoaderProcess::ValidateAndCopySection
// Arguments: pvSessionData = Session cookie returned from CThemeManagerSessionData->GetData().
// hProcessClient = Optional, process handle of LPC client, used to validate
// the client is the loader process. If NULL is supplied, the client
// will not be validated.
// hSectionIn = Read-write section handle from loader, mapped to local memory space.
// *phSectionOut = Read-only section handle, mapped to local memory space.
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS if it worked, otherwise an NT status error code.
// Purpose: Validates section handle received from loader process, and creates a read-only copy.
// Note: IsProcessLoader should already have been verified.
// History: 2002-03-06 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CLoaderProcess::ValidateAndCopySection( IN PVOID pvSessionData, IN HANDLE hSectionIn, OUT HANDLE *phSectionOut ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
*phSectionOut = NULL;
ASSERTMSG(_process_info.hProcess != NULL, "CLoaderProcess::ValidateAndCopySection - possible synchronization error; no loader process is active!"); ASSERTMSG(NULL == _hSection, "CLoaderProcess::ValidateAndCopySection - possible synchronization error; section already assigned!");
// The loader process is privileged to load global themes, and we want to
// transfer ownership of the stock objects to the output section so that the
// API_THEMES_PROCESSLOADTHEME client does not attempt to free them on failure.
_hr = LoadTheme(pvSessionData, hSectionIn, &_hSection, _pszFile, _pszColor, _pszSize, LTF_GLOBALPRIVILEGEDCLIENT | LTF_TRANSFERSTOCKOBJOWNERSHIP); status = _hr &= ~FACILITY_NT_BIT;
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { *phSectionOut = _hSection; }
return status; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLoaderProcess::SetSectionHandle
// Arguments: hSection - section handle
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS if it worked, otherwise an NT status error code.
// Purpose: Spawns a loader process.
// History: 2002-03-06 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CLoaderProcess::SetSectionHandle( IN HANDLE hSection ) { ASSERTMSG(_hSection == NULL, "CLoaderProcess::SetSectionHandle - synchronization error; reassigning section handle"); _hSection = hSection; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLoaderProcess::GetSectionHandle
// Arguments: fTakeOwnership - TRUE if caller wishes to manage the section
// (including closing the handle and/or clearing stock objects).
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS if it worked, otherwise an NT status error code.
// Purpose: Spawns a loader process.
// History: 2002-03-06 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HANDLE CLoaderProcess::GetSectionHandle( BOOL fTakeOwnership ) { HANDLE hSection = _hSection; if( fTakeOwnership ) { _hSection = NULL; } return hSection; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLoaderProcess::Clear
// Arguments: fClearHResult - TRUE to clear the HRESULT as well as the
// other loader process data.
// pvSessionData - Session instance data (CThemeManagerSessionData::GetData()).
// Returns: n/a
// Purpose: Cleans up loader process state info.
// History: 2002-03-06 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLoaderProcess::Clear( IN PVOID OPTIONAL pvSessionData, IN BOOL OPTIONAL fClearHResult) { if( _process_info.hThread != NULL ) { CloseHandle(_process_info.hThread); } if( _process_info.hProcess != NULL ) { CloseHandle(_process_info.hProcess); } ZeroMemory(&_process_info, sizeof(_process_info));
delete [] _pszFile; _pszFile = NULL; delete [] _pszColor; _pszColor = NULL;
delete [] _pszSize; _pszSize = NULL;
if( _hSection ) { ASSERTMSG(pvSessionData != NULL, "CLoaderProcess::Clear - Exiting service without clearing stock objects from loader process block") if( pvSessionData ) { THR(ServiceClearStockObjects(pvSessionData, _hSection)); }
CloseHandle(_hSection); _hSection = NULL; }
if( fClearHResult ) { _hr = 0; } }