Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@Echo Off
Rem Rem Install Application Compatibility Script for PeachTree Complete Rem Accounting v6.0 Rem Rem
Rem ######################################################################### Rem Rem
Call "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\ChkRoot.Cmd" If "%_CHKROOT%" == "FAIL" Goto Done
Rem #########################################################################
REM REM Add the corresponding logon script to UsrLogn1.cmd REM FindStr /I ptr6Usr %SystemRoot%\System32\UsrLogn1.Cmd >Nul: 2>&1 If Not ErrorLevel 1 Goto Skip1 Echo Call ptr6Usr.Cmd >> %SystemRoot%\System32\UsrLogn1.Cmd :Skip1
Rem ######################################################################### Echo. Echo To insure proper operation of Peachtree 6.0, users who are Echo currently logged on must log off and log on again before Echo running Peachtree Complete Accounting v6.0. Echo. Echo PeachTree 6.0 Multi-user Application Tuning Complete
Rem Rem Get the permission compatibility mode from the registry. Rem If TSUserEnabled is 0 we need to warn user to change mode. Rem
..\ACRegL "%Temp%\tsuser.Cmd" TSUSERENABLED "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" "TSUserEnabled" ""
If Exist "%Temp%\tsuser.Cmd" ( Call "%Temp%\tsuser.Cmd" Del "%Temp%\tsuser.Cmd" >Nul: 2>&1 )
If NOT %TSUSERENABLED%==0 goto SkipWarning Echo. Echo IMPORTANT! Echo Terminal Server is currently running in Default Security mode. Echo This application requires the system to run in Relaxed Security mode Echo (permissions compatible with Terminal Server 4.0). Echo Use Terminal Services Configuration to view and change the Terminal Echo Server security mode. Echo.