// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
* * CHGPORT.C * * Change serial port mapping. * * * *******************************************************************************/
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winstaw.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <utilsub.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <printfoa.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <winnlsp.h>
#include "chgport.h"
// max length of the locale string
* Global Data */ WCHAR user_string[MAX_IDS_LEN+1]; // parsed user input
USHORT help_flag = FALSE; // User wants help
USHORT fDelete = FALSE; // delete mapped port
USHORT fquery = FALSE; // query the mapped ports
PCOMNAME pValidNames = NULL; // list of valid com names in registry
TOKMAP ptm[] = { {L" ", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_STRING, MAX_IDS_LEN, user_string}, {L"/d", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_BOOLEAN, sizeof(USHORT), &fDelete}, {L"/?", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_BOOLEAN, sizeof(USHORT), &help_flag}, {L"/QUERY", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_BOOLEAN, sizeof(USHORT), &fquery}, {L"/Q", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_BOOLEAN, sizeof(USHORT), &fquery}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} };
* Constants */ #define DOSDEVICE_STRING L"\\DosDevices"
* Local function prototypes. */ void Usage(BOOLEAN bError); BOOL DeleteMappedPort(PWCHAR user_string); BOOL GetPorts(PWCHAR user_string, PWCHAR pwcSrcPort, PWCHAR pwcDestPort, ULONG ulbufsize); BOOL MapPorts(PWCHAR pwcSrcPort, PWCHAR pwcDestPort); void ListSerialPorts(); BOOL IsSerialDevice(PWCHAR pwcName); ULONG GetNTObjectName(PWCHAR pwcDOSdev, PWCHAR pwcNTObjName, ULONG ulbufsize); ULONG AddComName(PCOMNAME *pComList, PWCHAR pwcNTName, PWCHAR pwcDOSName); void DelComName(PCOMNAME pEntry); PCOMNAME FindComName(PCOMNAME pComList, PWCHAR pwcName);
BOOL IsVDMdeviceName(PWCHAR pwcName);
* * main * ******************************************************************************/
int __cdecl main(INT argc, CHAR **argv) { WCHAR **argvW; WCHAR wcSrcPort[MAX_PATH], wcDestPort[MAX_PATH]; ULONG ulSrcPort, ulDestPort, rc; INT i; WCHAR wszString[MAX_LOCALE_STRING + 1];
setlocale(LC_ALL, ".OCP");
// We don't want LC_CTYPE set the same as the others or else we will see
// garbage output in the localized version, so we need to explicitly
// set it to correct console output code page
_snwprintf(wszString, sizeof(wszString)/sizeof(WCHAR), L".%d", GetConsoleOutputCP()); wszString[sizeof(wszString)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = L'\0'; _wsetlocale(LC_CTYPE, wszString); SetThreadUILanguage(0);
* Massage the command line. */
argvW = MassageCommandLine((DWORD)argc); if (argvW == NULL) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_MALLOC); return(FAILURE); }
* parse the cmd line without parsing the program name (argc-1, argv+1) */ rc = ParseCommandLine(argc-1, argvW+1, ptm, 0);
* Check for error from ParseCommandLine */ if ( help_flag || (rc && !(rc & PARSE_FLAG_NO_PARMS)) ) {
if ( !help_flag ) {
Usage(TRUE); return(FAILURE);
} else {
Usage(FALSE); return(SUCCESS); } }
//If we are not Running under Terminal Server, Return Error
if(!AreWeRunningTerminalServices()) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_NOT_TS); return (FAILURE); }
if (fDelete) { DeleteMappedPort(user_string); } else if (*user_string) { GetPorts(user_string, wcSrcPort, wcDestPort, MAX_PATH); MapPorts(wcSrcPort, wcDestPort); } else { // query the mapped ports
ListSerialPorts(); }
// Free up the list of valid port names
if (pValidNames) { PCOMNAME pEntry, pPrev;
pEntry = pValidNames; while (pEntry) { pPrev = pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->com_pnext; DelComName(pPrev); } }
return(SUCCESS); }
* * Usage * * Output the usage message for this utility. * * ENTRY: * bError (input) * TRUE if the 'invalid parameter(s)' message should preceed the usage * message and the output go to stderr; FALSE for no such error * string and output goes to stdout. * * EXIT: * * ******************************************************************************/
void Usage( BOOLEAN bError ) { if ( bError ) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS); } ErrorPrintf(IDS_HELP_USAGE1); ErrorPrintf(IDS_HELP_USAGE2); ErrorPrintf(IDS_HELP_USAGE3); ErrorPrintf(IDS_HELP_USAGE4); ErrorPrintf(IDS_HELP_USAGE5);
} /* Usage() */
* * DeleteMappedPort * * This routine deletes the specified mapped port * * * ENTRY: * PWCHAR pwcport (In): Pointer to port mapping to delete * * EXIT: * TRUE: port was deleted * FALSE: error deleting port * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL DeleteMappedPort(PWCHAR pwcport) { ULONG rc; PWCHAR pwch; WCHAR wcbuff[MAX_PATH];
// Check if this a serial device and if it is, remove it
if (!GetNTObjectName(pwcport, wcbuff, sizeof(wcbuff)/sizeof(WCHAR)) && IsSerialDevice(wcbuff)) {
if (DefineDosDevice(DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION, pwcport, NULL)) { return(TRUE); } else { rc = GetLastError(); } } else { rc = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; }
StringDwordErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_DEL_PORT_MAPPING, pwcport, rc);
return(FALSE); }
* * GetPorts * * This routine converts the string to the source and destination ports * * * ENTRY: * PWCHAR pwcstring (In): Pointer to user string * PWCHAR pwcSrcPort (Out): Pointer to return source port * PWCHAR pwcSrcPort (Out): Pointer to return destination port * ULONG ulbufsize (In): Size of return buffers * * EXIT: * TRUE: string converted to source and destination ports * FALSE: error * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL GetPorts(PWCHAR pwcstring, PWCHAR pwcSrcPort, PWCHAR pwcDestPort, ULONG ulbufsize) { PWCHAR pwch; ULONG ulcnt; BOOL fSawEqual = FALSE;
pwch = pwcstring;
// find next non alphanumeric character
for (ulcnt = 0; pwch[ulcnt] && iswalnum(pwch[ulcnt]); ulcnt++) { }
// Get the source port
if (pwch[ulcnt] && (ulcnt < ulbufsize)) { wcsncpy(pwcSrcPort, pwch, ulcnt); } else { return(FALSE); } pwcSrcPort[ulcnt] = L'\0';
pwch += ulcnt;
// get to destination port
while (*pwch && !iswalnum(*pwch)) { if (*pwch == L'=') { fSawEqual = TRUE; } pwch++; }
// If the syntax is OK and there's room in the buffer, copy the dest. port
if (*pwch && fSawEqual && (wcslen(pwch) < ulbufsize)) { wcscpy(pwcDestPort, pwch); } else { return(FALSE); }
// remove the : if they entered comn:
if (pwch = wcsrchr(pwcSrcPort, L':')) { *pwch = L'\0'; } if (pwch = wcsrchr(pwcDestPort, L':')) { *pwch = L'\0'; }
return(TRUE); }
* * MapPorts * * This routine maps the source port number to the destination port. * * * ENTRY: * PWCHAR pwcSrcPort (In): Source port * PWCHAR pwcDestPort (In): Destination port * * EXIT: * TRUE: port was mapped * FALSE: error mapping port * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL MapPorts(PWCHAR pwcSrcPort, PWCHAR pwcDestPort) { ULONG rc = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; WCHAR wcdest[MAX_PATH], wcsrc[MAX_PATH];
// Get the NT name of the destination and make sure it's a serial device
rc = GetNTObjectName(pwcDestPort, wcdest, sizeof(wcdest)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if ((rc == 0) && IsSerialDevice(wcdest)) { // see if this mapping already exists
if (!GetNTObjectName(pwcSrcPort, wcsrc, sizeof(wcsrc)/sizeof(WCHAR)) && !_wcsicmp(wcdest, wcsrc)) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_PORT_MAPPING_EXISTS, pwcSrcPort, pwcDestPort); return(FALSE); }
if (DefineDosDevice(DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH, pwcSrcPort, wcdest)) { return(TRUE); } else { rc = GetLastError(); } }
StringDwordErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_CREATE_PORT_MAPPING, pwcSrcPort, rc);
return(FALSE); }
* * GetNTObjectName * * This routine returns the NT object name for a DOS device. * * ENTRY: * PWCHAR pwcDOSdev (In): pointer to DOS device name * PWCHAR pwcNTObjName (Out): pointer for NT object name * ULONG ulbufsize (In): size (in wide chars) of object name buffer * * EXIT: * Success: * returns 0 * Failure: * returns error code * ******************************************************************************/
ULONG GetNTObjectName(PWCHAR pwcDOSdev, PWCHAR pwcNTObjName, ULONG ulbufsize) { WCHAR wcbuff[MAX_PATH]; PWCHAR pwch;
// Make a copy of the name passed in
wcscpy(wcbuff, pwcDOSdev);
// Strip off any trailing colon (comn:)
if (pwch = wcsrchr(wcbuff, L':')) { *pwch = L'\0'; }
if (QueryDosDevice(pwcDOSdev, pwcNTObjName, ulbufsize)) { return(0); } else { return(GetLastError()); } }
* * ListSerialPorts * * This routine lists all of the mapped ports. * * ENTRY: * * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void ListSerialPorts(void) { ULONG ulcnt, rc; WCHAR TargetPath[4096]; PWCH pwch; PCOMNAME pComList = NULL; PCOMNAME pEntry, pPrev;
DWORD dwBufferSize = 2048; WCHAR *DeviceNames = malloc(dwBufferSize);
if (!DeviceNames) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_MALLOC); free(DeviceNames); return; }
// Get all of the defined DOS devices
// QueryDosDevice function returns success even if buffer is too small!
// Lets get around it
SetLastError(0); while ( (!QueryDosDevice(NULL, DeviceNames, dwBufferSize / sizeof(WCHAR))) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) ) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { SetLastError(0); free(DeviceNames); dwBufferSize *= 2;
DeviceNames = malloc(dwBufferSize);
if (!DeviceNames) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_MALLOC); return; }
} else { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_GETTING_COMPORTS, GetLastError()); free(DeviceNames); return; } }
pwch = DeviceNames;
// Go through each DOS device and get it's NT object name, then check if
// it's a serial device, and if so display it
while (*pwch) { rc = GetNTObjectName(pwch, TargetPath, sizeof(TargetPath)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if (rc) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_GETTING_COMPORTS, rc); } else if (IsSerialDevice(TargetPath)) { AddComName(&pComList, TargetPath, pwch); }
pwch += wcslen(pwch) + 1; }
if (pComList) { // print out the entries
pEntry = pComList; while (pEntry) { wprintf(L"%s = %s\n", pEntry->com_pwcDOSName, pEntry->com_pwcNTName); pPrev = pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->com_pnext; DelComName(pPrev); } } else { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_NO_SERIAL_PORTS); }
* * IsSerialDevice * * This routine checks if the NT file name is a serial device * * * ENTRY: * PWCHAR pwcName (In): Pointer to name to check * * EXIT: * TRUE: Is a serial device * FALSE: Not a serial device * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL IsSerialDevice(PWCHAR pwcName) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Handle; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION FileFSDevInfo; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjFile; UNICODE_STRING UniFile; WCHAR wcbuff[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wcvalue[MAX_PATH]; PWCHAR pwch; HKEY hKey; ULONG ulType, ulSize, ulcnt, ulValSize; BOOL fIsSerial = FALSE;
if (IsVDMdeviceName(pwcName)) { return FALSE; }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UniFile, pwcName);
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjFile, &UniFile, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
// Open the device
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(Handle, &IoStatusBlock, &FileFSDevInfo, sizeof(FileFSDevInfo), FileFsDeviceInformation);
// Check if this is actually a serial device or not
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if ( (FileFSDevInfo.DeviceType == FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_REDIRECTOR) || (FileFSDevInfo.DeviceType == FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT) ) { fIsSerial = TRUE; } }
// Close the file handle
} else { // If we couldn't open the device, look for the name in the registry
#ifdef DEBUG
wprintf(L"Error opening: %s, error = %x\n", pwcName, Status); #endif
// strip off the leading \device
pwch = wcschr(pwcName+2, L'\\'); if (pwch != NULL) { pwch++;
// If we haven't built the list of valid names from the registry,
// build it.
if (pValidNames == NULL) { // Open the serialcomm entry in the registry
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Hardware\\DeviceMap\\SerialComm", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
ulValSize = ulSize = MAX_PATH; ulcnt = 0;
// Put all of the valid entries into the valid names list
while (!RegEnumValue (hKey, ulcnt++, wcvalue, &ulValSize, NULL, &ulType, (LPBYTE) wcbuff, &ulSize)) { if (ulType != REG_SZ) continue;
AddComName(&pValidNames, wcvalue, wcbuff);
ulValSize = ulSize = MAX_PATH; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); } }
// look for the name in the list of valid com names
if (FindComName(pValidNames, pwch)) { fIsSerial = TRUE; } } }
return(fIsSerial); }
* * AddComName * * This routines adds a new node onto the specified com port names. * * ENTRY: * PCOMNAME *pComList (In) - Pointer to list to add entry to * PWCHAR pwcNTName (In) - NT name of device * PWCHAR pwcDOSName (In) - DOW name of device * * EXIT: * SUCCESS: * return ERROR_SUCCESS * FAILURE: * returns error code * ****************************************************************************/
ULONG AddComName(PCOMNAME *pComList, PWCHAR pwcNTName, PWCHAR pwcDOSName) { PCOMNAME pnext, pprev, pnew; LONG rc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (pnew = malloc(sizeof(COMNAME))) {
// clear out the new entry
memset(pnew, 0, sizeof(COMNAME));
// Allocate and initialize the NT name
if (pnew->com_pwcNTName = malloc((wcslen(pwcNTName) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR))) { wcscpy(pnew->com_pwcNTName, pwcNTName); } else { rc = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Allocate and initialize the DOS name
if ((rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (pnew->com_pwcDOSName = malloc((wcslen(pwcDOSName) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)))) { wcscpy(pnew->com_pwcDOSName, pwcDOSName); } else { rc = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else { rc = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// If we allocate everything OK, add the node into the list
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pprev = NULL; pnext = *pComList;
// Insert the entry into the list in ascending order
while (pnext && ((rc = _wcsicmp(pwcDOSName, pnext->com_pwcDOSName)) > 0)) { pprev = pnext; pnext = pnext->com_pnext; }
// just return if this name is already in the list
if (pnext && (rc == 0)) { return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// Insert this entry into the list
pnew->com_pnext = pnext;
// If this is going to the front of the list, update list pointer
if (pprev == NULL) { *pComList = pnew; } else { pprev->com_pnext = pnew; }
} else if (pnew) {
// Didn't allocate everything, release the memory we got
DelComName(pnew); }
return(rc); }
* * DelComName * * This routines frees up the memory allocated to a com name node. * * ENTRY: * PCOMNAME pEntry (In) - Node to delete * * EXIT: * NONE * ****************************************************************************/
void DelComName(PCOMNAME pEntry) { if (pEntry) { if (pEntry->com_pwcNTName) { free(pEntry->com_pwcNTName); } if (pEntry->com_pwcDOSName) { free(pEntry->com_pwcDOSName); } free(pEntry); } }
* * FindComName * * This routines searches for the specified name in the com port list. * * ENTRY: * PCOMNAME pComList (In) - List to search * PWCHAR pwcName (In) - Name to search for * * EXIT: * SUCCESS: * returns pointer to node containing the specified name * FAILURE: * returns NULL (name not found) * ****************************************************************************/
PCOMNAME FindComName(PCOMNAME pComList, PWCHAR pwcName) { PCOMNAME pcom;
pcom = pComList; while (pcom) { //Check if the name matches either the NT or DOS device name
if (!_wcsicmp(pwcName, pcom->com_pwcDOSName) || !_wcsicmp(pwcName, pcom->com_pwcNTName)) { return(pcom); } pcom = pcom->com_pnext; } return(NULL); }
BOOL IsVDMdeviceName(PWCHAR pwcName) { UINT index; UINT vdmlength = wcslen(L"VDM");
for (index = 0; (index+vdmlength-1) < wcslen(pwcName); index++) { if (_wcsnicmp(&pwcName[index], L"VDM", vdmlength) == 0) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE;