* * allsrvpg.cpp * * implementations of the All Servers info pages * * copyright notice: Copyright 1997, Citrix Systems Inc. * Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation * * $Author: donm $ Don Messerli * * $Log: N:\nt\private\utils\citrix\winutils\tsadmin\VCS\allsrvpg.cpp $ * * Rev 1.8 19 Feb 1998 20:01:44 donm * removed latest extension DLL support * * Rev 1.7 19 Feb 1998 17:39:48 donm * removed latest extension DLL support * * Rev 1.6 15 Feb 1998 09:14:56 donm * update * * Rev 1.2 19 Jan 1998 17:36:06 donm * new ui behavior for domains and servers * * Rev 1.5 19 Jan 1998 16:45:34 donm * new ui behavior for domains and servers * * Rev 1.4 03 Nov 1997 15:18:28 donm * Added descending sort * * Rev 1.3 18 Oct 1997 18:49:38 donm * update * * Rev 1.2 13 Oct 1997 18:41:08 donm * update * * Rev 1.1 26 Aug 1997 19:13:56 donm * bug fixes/changes from WinFrame 1.7 * * Rev 1.0 30 Jul 1997 17:10:18 butchd * Initial revision. * *******************************************************************************/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "winadmin.h"
#include "admindoc.h"
#include "allsrvpg.h"
#include <malloc.h> // for alloca used by Unicode conversion macros
#include <mfc42\afxconv.h> // for Unicode conversion macros
static int _convert;
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// MESSAGE MAP: CAllServerServersPage
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CAllServerServersPage, CFormView)
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAllServerServersPage, CFormView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAllServerServersPage)
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage ctor
CAllServerServersPage::CAllServerServersPage() : CAdminPage(CAllServerServersPage::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAllServerServersPage)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
} // end CAllServerServersPage ctor
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage dtor
CAllServerServersPage::~CAllServerServersPage() {
} // end CAllServerServersPage dtor
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::DoDataExchange
void CAllServerServersPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAllServerServersPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SERVER_LIST, m_ServerList); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
} // end CAllServerServersPage::DoDataExchange
#ifdef _DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::AssertValid
void CAllServerServersPage::AssertValid() const { CFormView::AssertValid();
} // end CAllServerServersPage::AssertValid
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::Dump
void CAllServerServersPage::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFormView::Dump(dc);
} // end CAllServerServersPage::Dump
#endif //_DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::OnSize
void CAllServerServersPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect);
rect.top += LIST_TOP_OFFSET;
if(m_ServerList.GetSafeHwnd()) m_ServerList.MoveWindow(&rect, TRUE);
// CFormView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
} // end CAllServerServersPage::OnSize
#define NUM_AS_SERVER_COLUMNS sizeof(ServerColumns)/sizeof(ColumnDef)
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::OnInitialUpdate
void CAllServerServersPage::OnInitialUpdate() { CFormView::OnInitialUpdate();
BuildImageList(); // builds the image list for the list control
CString columnString;
for(int col = 0; col < NUM_AS_SERVER_COLUMNS; col++) { columnString.LoadString(ServerColumns[col].stringID); m_ServerList.InsertColumn(col, columnString, ServerColumns[col].format, ServerColumns[col].width, col); }
m_CurrentSortColumn = SERVERS_COL_SERVER;
} // end CAllServerServersPage::OnInitialUpdate
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::BuildImageList
// - calls m_ImageList.Create(..) to create the image list
// - calls AddIconToImageList(..) to add the icons themselves and save
// off their indices
// - attaches the image list to the list ctrl
void CAllServerServersPage::BuildImageList() { m_ImageList.Create(16, 16, TRUE, 4, 0);
m_idxServer = AddIconToImageList(IDI_SERVER); m_idxCurrentServer = AddIconToImageList(IDI_CURRENT_SERVER); m_idxNotSign = AddIconToImageList(IDI_NOTSIGN); m_idxQuestion = AddIconToImageList(IDI_QUESTIONMARK);
m_ImageList.SetOverlayImage(m_idxNotSign, 1); m_ImageList.SetOverlayImage(m_idxQuestion, 2);
m_ServerList.SetImageList(&m_ImageList, LVSIL_SMALL);
} // end CAllServerServersPage::BuildImageList
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::AddIconToImageList
// - loads the appropriate icon, adds it to m_ImageList, and returns
// the newly-added icon's index in the image list
int CAllServerServersPage::AddIconToImageList(int iconID) { HICON hIcon = ::LoadIcon(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(iconID)); return m_ImageList.Add(hIcon);
} // end CAllServerServersPage::AddIconToImageList
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::Reset
void CAllServerServersPage::Reset(void *p) { CTreeNode *pT = ( CTreeNode * )p;
if( pT != NULL ) { DisplayServers( pT->GetNodeType( ) ); } else { DisplayServers( NODE_NONE ); }
} // end CAllServerServersPage::Reset
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::AddServer
void CAllServerServersPage::AddServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
// We have to make sure the server isn't already in the list
// Add the server to the list
if(AddServerToList(pServer)) { // Tell the list to sort itself
LockListControl(); SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_SERVERS, &m_ServerList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); UnlockListControl(); }
} // end CAllServerServersPage::AddServer
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::RemoveServer
void CAllServerServersPage::RemoveServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
LockListControl(); // Find out how many items in the list
int ItemCount = m_ServerList.GetItemCount();
// Go through the items are remove this server
for(int item = 0; item < ItemCount; item++) { CServer *pListServer = (CServer*)m_ServerList.GetItemData(item);
if(pListServer == pServer) { m_ServerList.DeleteItem(item); pServer->ClearAllSelected(); break; } } UnlockListControl();
} // end CAllServerServersPage::RemoveServer
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::UpdateServer
void CAllServerServersPage::UpdateServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
// If we aren't connected to the server anymore, remove it from the list control
if(pServer->IsState(SS_NOT_CONNECTED)) { RemoveServer(pServer); return; }
// If we just connected to this server, add it to the list control
if(pServer->IsState(SS_GOOD)) { AddServer(pServer); return; }
LockListControl(); // Find the Server in the list
LV_FINDINFO FindInfo; FindInfo.flags = LVFI_PARAM; FindInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)pServer;
// Find the Server in our list
int item = m_ServerList.FindItem(&FindInfo, -1); if(item != -1) { // Change the icon overlay
USHORT NewState; // Change the icon/overlay for the server
// If the server isn't sane, put a not sign over the icon
if(!pServer->IsServerSane()) NewState = STATE_NOT; // If we aren't done getting all the information about this server,
// put a question mark over the icon
else if(!pServer->IsState(SS_GOOD)) NewState = STATE_QUESTION; // If it is fine, we want to remove any overlays from the icon
else NewState = STATE_NORMAL;
// Set the tree item to the new state
m_ServerList.SetItemState(item, NewState, 0x0F00);
ExtServerInfo *pExtServerInfo = pServer->GetExtendedInfo();
// TCP Address
m_ServerList.SetItemText(item, SERVERS_COL_TCPADDRESS, pExtServerInfo->TcpAddress);
// IPX Address
m_ServerList.SetItemText(item, SERVERS_COL_IPXADDRESS, pExtServerInfo->IpxAddress);
CString NumString; if(pExtServerInfo && (pExtServerInfo->Flags & ESF_WINFRAME)) { NumString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtServerInfo->ServerTotalInUse); } else { NumString.LoadString(IDS_NOT_APPLICABLE); }
m_ServerList.SetItemText(item, SERVERS_COL_NUMWINSTATIONS, NumString); }
// Tell the list to sort itself
if(m_CurrentSortColumn == SERVERS_COL_NUMWINSTATIONS || m_CurrentSortColumn == SERVERS_COL_TCPADDRESS || m_CurrentSortColumn == SERVERS_COL_IPXADDRESS) SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_SERVERS, &m_ServerList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending);
} // end CAllServerServersPage::UpdateServer
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::AddServerToList
BOOL CAllServerServersPage::AddServerToList(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
// If we aren't currently connected to the server, don't display it
if(!pServer->IsState(SS_GOOD)) return FALSE;
// Find the Server in the list
LV_FINDINFO FindInfo; FindInfo.flags = LVFI_PARAM; FindInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)pServer;
// Find the Server in our list
int item = m_ServerList.FindItem(&FindInfo, -1); if(item != -1) return FALSE;
// Fill in the columns
// Name - put at the end of the list
item = m_ServerList.InsertItem(m_ServerList.GetItemCount(), pServer->GetName(), pServer->IsCurrentServer() ? m_idxCurrentServer : m_idxServer);
// If the server isn't sane, put a not sign over the icon
if(!pServer->IsServerSane()) m_ServerList.SetItemState(item, STATE_NOT, 0x0F00); // If we aren't done getting all the information about this server,
// put a question mark over the icon
else if(!pServer->IsState(SS_GOOD)) m_ServerList.SetItemState(item, STATE_QUESTION, 0x0F00);
ExtServerInfo *pExtServerInfo = pServer->GetExtendedInfo();
// TCP Address
m_ServerList.SetItemText(item, SERVERS_COL_TCPADDRESS, pExtServerInfo->TcpAddress);
// IPX Address
m_ServerList.SetItemText(item, SERVERS_COL_IPXADDRESS, pExtServerInfo->IpxAddress);
// Connected
CString NumString; if(pExtServerInfo && (pExtServerInfo->Flags & ESF_WINFRAME)) { NumString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtServerInfo->ServerTotalInUse); } else { NumString.LoadString(IDS_NOT_APPLICABLE); }
m_ServerList.SetItemText(item, SERVERS_COL_NUMWINSTATIONS, NumString);
m_ServerList.SetItemData(item, (DWORD_PTR)pServer);
return TRUE;
} // end CAllServerServersPage::AddServerToList
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::DisplayServers
void CAllServerServersPage::DisplayServers( NODETYPE ntType ) { LockListControl();
// Clear out the list control
// Get a pointer to our document
CWinAdminDoc *doc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument();
// Get a pointer to the list of servers
doc->LockServerList(); CObList *pServerList = doc->GetServerList();
// Iterate through the Server list
POSITION pos = pServerList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CServer *pServer = (CServer*)pServerList->GetNext(pos);
// check to see if its just for favorites
if( ntType == NODE_FAV_LIST ) { if( pServer->GetTreeItemFromFav() != NULL ) { AddServerToList(pServer); } } else if( ntType == NODE_THIS_COMP ) { if( pServer->GetTreeItemFromThisComputer( ) != NULL ) { AddServerToList( pServer ); } } else { AddServerToList(pServer); }
} // end while(pos)
} // end CAllServerServersPage::DisplayServers
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::OnServerItemChanged
void CAllServerServersPage::OnServerItemChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW *pLV = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CServer *pServer = (CServer*)m_ServerList.GetItemData(pLV->iItem);
if(pLV->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) { pServer->SetSelected(); }
if(pLV->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED && !(pLV->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED)) { pServer->ClearSelected(); }
*pResult = 0;
} // end CAllServerServersPage::OnServerItemChanged
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::OnColumnclick
void CAllServerServersPage::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
// If the sort column hasn't changed, flip the ascending mode.
if(m_CurrentSortColumn == pNMListView->iSubItem) m_bSortAscending = !m_bSortAscending; else // New sort column, start in ascending mode
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
m_CurrentSortColumn = pNMListView->iSubItem; LockListControl(); SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_SERVERS, &m_ServerList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); UnlockListControl();
*pResult = 0;
} // end CAllServerServersPage::OnColumnclick
// F'N: CAllServerServersPage::OnContextMenu
void CAllServerServersPage::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint ptScreen) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here
UINT flags; UINT Item; CPoint ptClient = ptScreen; ScreenToClient(&ptClient);
// If we got here from the keyboard,
if(ptScreen.x == -1 && ptScreen.y == -1) {
UINT iCount = m_ServerList.GetItemCount( );
RECT rc;
for( Item = 0 ; Item < iCount ; Item++ ) { if( m_ServerList.GetItemState( Item , LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) { m_ServerList.GetItemRect( Item , &rc , LVIR_ICON );
ptScreen.x = rc.left;
ptScreen.y = rc.bottom + 5;
ClientToScreen( &ptScreen );
break; } }
if(ptScreen.x == -1 && ptScreen.y == -1) { return; } /*
RECT rect; m_ServerList.GetClientRect(&rect); ptScreen.x = (rect.right - rect.left) / 2; ptScreen.y = (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2; ClientToScreen(&ptScreen); */ } else { Item = m_ServerList.HitTest(ptClient, &flags); if((Item == 0xFFFFFFFF) || !(flags & LVHT_ONITEM)) return; }
CMenu menu; menu.LoadMenu(IDR_SERVER_POPUP); // set the temp selected item so that handler doesn't think
// this came from the tree
// Get a pointer to our document
CWinAdminDoc *doc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); doc->SetTreeTemp(NULL, NODE_NONE); menu.GetSubMenu(0)->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, AfxGetMainWnd()); menu.DestroyMenu();
} // end CAllServerServersPage::OnContextMenu
// MESSAGE MAP: CAllServerUsersPage
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAllServerUsersPage, CFormView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAllServerUsersPage)
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage ctor
CAllServerUsersPage::CAllServerUsersPage() : CAdminPage(CAllServerUsersPage::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAllServerUsersPage)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
} // end CAllServerUsersPage ctor
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage dtor
CAllServerUsersPage::~CAllServerUsersPage() { } // end CAllServerUsersPage dtor
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::DoDataExchange
void CAllServerUsersPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAllServerUsersPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_USER_LIST, m_UserList); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::DoDataExchange
#ifdef _DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::AssertValid
void CAllServerUsersPage::AssertValid() const { CFormView::AssertValid();
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::AssertValid
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::Dump
void CAllServerUsersPage::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFormView::Dump(dc);
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::Dump
#endif //_DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::OnSize
void CAllServerUsersPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect);
rect.top += LIST_TOP_OFFSET;
if(m_UserList.GetSafeHwnd()) m_UserList.MoveWindow(&rect, TRUE);
// CFormView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::OnSize
#define NUM_AS_USER_COLUMNS sizeof(UserColumns)/sizeof(ColumnDef)
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::OnInitialUpdate
void CAllServerUsersPage::OnInitialUpdate() { CFormView::OnInitialUpdate();
BuildImageList(); // builds the image list for the list control
CString columnString;
for(int col = 0; col < NUM_AS_USER_COLUMNS; col++) { columnString.LoadString(UserColumns[col].stringID); m_UserList.InsertColumn(col, columnString, UserColumns[col].format, UserColumns[col].width, col); }
m_CurrentSortColumn = AS_USERS_COL_SERVER;
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::OnInitialUpdate
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::OnUserItemChanged
void CAllServerUsersPage::OnUserItemChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW *pLV = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR;
if(pLV->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)m_UserList.GetItemData(pLV->iItem); pWinStation->SetSelected(); }
if(pLV->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED && !(pLV->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED)) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)m_UserList.GetItemData(pLV->iItem); pWinStation->ClearSelected(); } *pResult = 0;
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::OnUserItemChanged
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::BuildImageList
// - calls m_ImageList.Create(..) to create the image list
// - calls AddIconToImageList(..) to add the icons themselves and save
// off their indices
// - attaches the image list to the list ctrl
void CAllServerUsersPage::BuildImageList() { m_ImageList.Create(16, 16, TRUE, 2, 0);
m_idxUser = AddIconToImageList(IDI_USER); m_idxCurrentUser = AddIconToImageList(IDI_CURRENT_USER);
m_UserList.SetImageList(&m_ImageList, LVSIL_SMALL);
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::BuildImageList
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::AddIconToImageList
// - loads the appropriate icon, adds it to m_ImageList, and returns
// the newly-added icon's index in the image list
int CAllServerUsersPage::AddIconToImageList(int iconID) { HICON hIcon = ::LoadIcon(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(iconID)); return m_ImageList.Add(hIcon);
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::AddIconToImageList
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::Reset
void CAllServerUsersPage::Reset(void *p) { CTreeNode *pT = ( CTreeNode * )p;
if( pT != NULL ) { DisplayUsers( pT->GetNodeType() ); } else { DisplayUsers( NODE_NONE ); }
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::Reset
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::AddServer
void CAllServerUsersPage::AddServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
// Add the server's users to the list
if(AddServerToList(pServer)) { // Sort the list
LockListControl(); SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_USERS, &m_UserList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); UnlockListControl(); }
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::AddServer
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::RemoveServer
void CAllServerUsersPage::RemoveServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
int ItemCount = m_UserList.GetItemCount();
// We need to go through the list backward so that we can remove
// more than one item without the item numbers getting messed up
for(int item = ItemCount; item; item--) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)m_UserList.GetItemData(item-1); CServer *pListServer = pWinStation->GetServer();
if(pListServer == pServer) { m_UserList.DeleteItem(item-1); pServer->ClearAllSelected(); } }
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::RemoveServer
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::UpdateServer
void CAllServerUsersPage::UpdateServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
if(pServer->IsState(SS_DISCONNECTING)) RemoveServer(pServer);
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::UpdateServer
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::UpdateWinStations
void CAllServerUsersPage::UpdateWinStations(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument(); BOOL bAnyChanged = FALSE; BOOL bAnyAdded = FALSE;
// Loop through the WinStations
pServer->LockWinStationList(); CObList *pWinStationList = pServer->GetWinStationList();
POSITION pos = pWinStationList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)pWinStationList->GetNext(pos);
LV_FINDINFO FindInfo; FindInfo.flags = LVFI_PARAM; FindInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)pWinStation;
// Find the WinStation in our list
int item = m_UserList.FindItem(&FindInfo, -1);
// If the WinStation is new and isn't currently in the list,
// add it to the list
if(pWinStation->IsNew() && pWinStation->HasUser() && item == -1) {
AddUserToList(pWinStation); bAnyAdded = TRUE; continue; }
// If the WinStation is no longer current,
// remove it from the list
if((!pWinStation->IsCurrent() || !pWinStation->HasUser()) && item != -1) { // Remove the WinStation from the list
m_UserList.DeleteItem(item); pWinStation->ClearSelected(); continue; }
// If the WinStation info has changed, change
// it's info in our tree
if(pWinStation->IsChanged() && item != -1) { // change the user name
m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_USER, pWinStation->GetUserName()); // change the WinStation Name
if(pWinStation->GetName()[0]) m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_WINSTATION, pWinStation->GetName()); else { CString NameString(" "); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Disconnected) NameString.LoadString(IDS_DISCONNECTED); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Idle) NameString.LoadString(IDS_IDLE); m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_WINSTATION, NameString); }
// change the Connect State
m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_STATE, StrConnectState(pWinStation->GetState(), FALSE)); // change the Idle Time
ELAPSEDTIME IdleTime = pWinStation->GetIdleTime();
if(IdleTime.days || IdleTime.hours || IdleTime.minutes || IdleTime.seconds) { ElapsedTimeString( &IdleTime, FALSE, IdleTimeString); } else wcscpy(IdleTimeString, TEXT("."));
m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_IDLETIME, IdleTimeString); // change the Logon Time
TCHAR LogonTimeString[MAX_DATE_TIME_LENGTH]; // We don't want to pass a 0 logon time to DateTimeString()
// It will blow up if the timezone is GMT
if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Active && pWinStation->GetLogonTime().QuadPart) { DateTimeString(&(pWinStation->GetLogonTime()), LogonTimeString); pDoc->FixUnknownString(LogonTimeString); } else LogonTimeString[0] = '\0'; // change the
m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_LOGONTIME, LogonTimeString);
if(m_CurrentSortColumn != AS_USERS_COL_ID) bAnyChanged = TRUE;
continue; }
// If the WinStation is not in the list but now has a user, add it to the list
if(item == -1 && pWinStation->IsCurrent() && pWinStation->HasUser()) { AddUserToList(pWinStation); bAnyAdded = TRUE; } }
if(bAnyChanged || bAnyAdded) SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_USERS, &m_UserList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending);
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::UpdateWinStations
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::AddUserToList
int CAllServerUsersPage::AddUserToList(CWinStation *pWinStation) { ASSERT(pWinStation);
CServer *pServer = pWinStation->GetServer();
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument();
LockListControl(); //////////////////////
// Fill in the columns
// Server - put at the end of the list
int item = m_UserList.InsertItem(m_UserList.GetItemCount(), pServer->GetName(), pWinStation->IsCurrentUser() ? m_idxCurrentUser : m_idxUser);
// User
m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_USER, pWinStation->GetUserName());
// WinStation Name
if(pWinStation->GetName()[0]) m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_WINSTATION, pWinStation->GetName()); else { CString NameString(" "); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Disconnected) NameString.LoadString(IDS_DISCONNECTED); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Idle) NameString.LoadString(IDS_IDLE); m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_WINSTATION, NameString); }
// Logon ID
CString ColumnString; ColumnString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pWinStation->GetLogonId()); m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_ID, ColumnString);
// Connect State
m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_STATE, StrConnectState(pWinStation->GetState(), FALSE));
// Idle Time
ELAPSEDTIME IdleTime = pWinStation->GetIdleTime();
if(IdleTime.days || IdleTime.hours || IdleTime.minutes || IdleTime.seconds) { ElapsedTimeString( &IdleTime, FALSE, IdleTimeString); } else wcscpy(IdleTimeString, TEXT("."));
m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_IDLETIME, IdleTimeString);
// Logon Time
TCHAR LogonTimeString[MAX_DATE_TIME_LENGTH]; // We don't want to pass a 0 logon time to DateTimeString()
// It will blow up if the timezone is GMT
if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Active && pWinStation->GetLogonTime().QuadPart) { DateTimeString(&(pWinStation->GetLogonTime()), LogonTimeString); pDoc->FixUnknownString(LogonTimeString); } else LogonTimeString[0] = '\0';
m_UserList.SetItemText(item, AS_USERS_COL_LOGONTIME, LogonTimeString);
// Attach a pointer to the CWinStation structure to the list item
m_UserList.SetItemData(item, (DWORD_PTR)pWinStation); //bug #191727
return item;
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::AddUserToList
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::AddServerToList
BOOL CAllServerUsersPage::AddServerToList(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
pServer->LockWinStationList(); // Get a pointer to this server's list of WinStations
CObList *pWinStationList = pServer->GetWinStationList();
// Iterate through the WinStation list
POSITION pos = pWinStationList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)pWinStationList->GetNext(pos);
// only show the WinStation if it has a user
if(pWinStation->HasUser()) { AddUserToList(pWinStation); } } // end while(pos)
return TRUE;
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::AddServerToList
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::OnColumnclick
void CAllServerUsersPage::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
// If the sort column hasn't changed, flip the ascending mode.
if(m_CurrentSortColumn == pNMListView->iSubItem) m_bSortAscending = !m_bSortAscending; else // New sort column, start in ascending mode
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
m_CurrentSortColumn = pNMListView->iSubItem; LockListControl(); SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_USERS, &m_UserList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); UnlockListControl();
*pResult = 0;
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::OnColumnclick
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::OnContextMenu
void CAllServerUsersPage::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint ptScreen) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here
UINT flags; UINT Item; CPoint ptClient = ptScreen; ScreenToClient(&ptClient);
// If we got here from the keyboard,
if(ptScreen.x == -1 && ptScreen.y == -1) {
UINT iCount = m_UserList.GetItemCount( );
RECT rc;
for( Item = 0 ; Item < iCount ; Item++ ) { if( m_UserList.GetItemState( Item , LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) { m_UserList.GetItemRect( Item , &rc , LVIR_ICON );
ptScreen.x = rc.left;
ptScreen.y = rc.bottom + 5;
ClientToScreen( &ptScreen );
break; } }
if(ptScreen.x == -1 && ptScreen.y == -1) { return; }
RECT rect; m_UserList.GetClientRect(&rect); ptScreen.x = (rect.right - rect.left) / 2; ptScreen.y = (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2; ClientToScreen(&ptScreen); */ } else { Item = m_UserList.HitTest(ptClient, &flags); if((Item == 0xFFFFFFFF) || !(flags & LVHT_ONITEM)) { //
// ListView HitTest bug? return -1 but item display as selected.
// workaround for now, Al can fix this later
UINT iCount = m_UserList.GetItemCount( ); RECT rc;
for( Item = 0 ; Item < iCount ; Item++ ) { if( m_UserList.GetItemState( Item , LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) { break; } }
if( Item >= iCount ) { return; }
// manually set it to selected state
CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)m_UserList.GetItemData(Item);
if( !pWinStation ) return;
if( m_UserList.GetItemState( Item , LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) { pWinStation->SetSelected(); } }
CMenu menu;
menu.LoadMenu(IDR_USER_POPUP); menu.GetSubMenu(0)->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, AfxGetMainWnd()); menu.DestroyMenu();
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::OnContextMenu
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::DisplayUsers
void CAllServerUsersPage::DisplayUsers( NODETYPE ntType ) { LockListControl();
// Clear out the list control
// Get a pointer to the document's list of servers
CObList* pServerList = ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->GetServerList();
((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->LockServerList(); // Iterate through the server list
POSITION pos2 = pServerList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos2) { CServer *pServer = (CServer*)pServerList->GetNext(pos2);
if( ntType == NODE_FAV_LIST ) { if( pServer->GetTreeItemFromFav() != NULL ) { AddServerToList(pServer); } } else if( ntType == NODE_THIS_COMP ) { if( pServer->GetTreeItemFromThisComputer() != NULL ) { AddServerToList(pServer); } } else { AddServerToList( pServer ); } } // end while(pos2)
} // end CAllServerUsersPage::DisplayUsers
// F'N: CAllServerUsersPage::ClearSelections
void CAllServerUsersPage::ClearSelections() { if(m_UserList.m_hWnd != NULL) { POSITION pos = m_UserList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while (pos) { int nItem = m_UserList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos); // you could do your own processing on nItem here
m_UserList.SetItemState(nItem,0,LVIS_SELECTED); } } }
// MESSAGE MAP: CAllServerWinStationsPage
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CAllServerWinStationsPage, CFormView)
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAllServerWinStationsPage, CFormView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAllServerWinStationsPage)
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage ctor
CAllServerWinStationsPage::CAllServerWinStationsPage() : CAdminPage(CAllServerWinStationsPage::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAllServerWinStationsPage)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage ctor
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage dtor
CAllServerWinStationsPage::~CAllServerWinStationsPage() {
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage dtor
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::DoDataExchange
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAllServerWinStationsPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_WINSTATION_LIST, m_StationList); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::DoDataExchange
#ifdef _DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::AssertValid
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::AssertValid() const { CFormView::AssertValid();
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::AssertValid
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::Dump
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFormView::Dump(dc);
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::Dump
#endif //_DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnWinStationItemChanged
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnWinStationItemChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW *pLV = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR;
if(pLV->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)m_StationList.GetItemData(pLV->iItem); pWinStation->SetSelected(); } if(pLV->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED && !(pLV->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED)) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)m_StationList.GetItemData(pLV->iItem); pWinStation->ClearSelected(); }
*pResult = 0;
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnWinStationItemChanged
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnSize
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect);
rect.top += LIST_TOP_OFFSET;
if(m_StationList.GetSafeHwnd()) m_StationList.MoveWindow(&rect, TRUE);
// CFormView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnSize
#define NUM_AS_WINS_COLUMNS sizeof(WinsColumns)/sizeof(ColumnDef)
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnInitialUpdate
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnInitialUpdate() { // Call the parent class
// builds the image list for the list control
// Add the column headings
CString columnString;
for(int col = 0; col < NUM_AS_WINS_COLUMNS; col++) { columnString.LoadString(WinsColumns[col].stringID); m_StationList.InsertColumn(col, columnString, WinsColumns[col].format, WinsColumns[col].width, col); }
m_CurrentSortColumn = AS_WS_COL_SERVER;
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnInitialUpdate
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::BuildImageList
// - calls m_ImageList.Create(..) to create the image list
// - calls AddIconToImageList(..) to add the icons themselves and save
// off their indices
// - attaches the image list to the list ctrl
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::BuildImageList() { m_ImageList.Create(16, 16, TRUE, 11, 0);
m_idxBlank = AddIconToImageList(IDI_BLANK); m_idxCitrix = AddIconToImageList(IDR_MAINFRAME); m_idxServer = AddIconToImageList(IDI_SERVER); m_idxConsole = AddIconToImageList(IDI_CONSOLE); m_idxNet = AddIconToImageList(IDI_NET); m_idxAsync = AddIconToImageList(IDI_ASYNC); m_idxCurrentConsole = AddIconToImageList(IDI_CURRENT_CONSOLE); m_idxCurrentNet = AddIconToImageList(IDI_CURRENT_NET); m_idxCurrentAsync = AddIconToImageList(IDI_CURRENT_ASYNC); m_idxDirectAsync = AddIconToImageList(IDI_DIRECT_ASYNC); m_idxCurrentDirectAsync = AddIconToImageList(IDI_CURRENT_DIRECT_ASYNC);
m_StationList.SetImageList(&m_ImageList, LVSIL_SMALL);
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::BuildImageList
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddIconToImageList
// - loads the appropriate icon, adds it to m_ImageList, and returns
// the newly-added icon's index in the image list
int CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddIconToImageList(int iconID) { HICON hIcon = ::LoadIcon(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(iconID)); return m_ImageList.Add(hIcon);
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddIconToImageList
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::Reset
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::Reset(void *p) { CTreeNode *pT = ( CTreeNode * )p;
if( pT != NULL ) { DisplayStations( pT->GetNodeType( ) ); } else { DisplayStations( NODE_NONE ); }
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::Reset
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddServer
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
// Add server's WinStations to the list
if(AddServerToList(pServer)) { // Sort the list
LockListControl(); SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_WINSTATIONS, &m_StationList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); UnlockListControl(); }
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddServer
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::RemoveServer
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::RemoveServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
int ItemCount = m_StationList.GetItemCount();
// We need to go through the list backward so that we can remove
// more than one item without the item numbers getting messed up
for(int item = ItemCount; item; item--) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)m_StationList.GetItemData(item-1); CServer *pListServer = pWinStation->GetServer();
if(pListServer == pServer) { m_StationList.DeleteItem(item-1); pServer->ClearAllSelected(); } }
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::RemoveServer
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::UpdateServer
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::UpdateServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
if(pServer->IsState(SS_DISCONNECTING)) RemoveServer(pServer);
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::UpdateServer
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::UpdateWinStations
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::UpdateWinStations(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument(); BOOL bAnyChanged = FALSE; BOOL bAnyAdded = FALSE;
// Loop through the WinStations
pServer->LockWinStationList(); CObList *pWinStationList = pServer->GetWinStationList();
POSITION pos = pWinStationList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)pWinStationList->GetNext(pos);
LV_FINDINFO FindInfo; FindInfo.flags = LVFI_PARAM; FindInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)pWinStation;
// Find the WinStation in our list
int item = m_StationList.FindItem(&FindInfo, -1);
// If the process is new and isn't currently in the list,
// add it to the list
if(pWinStation->IsNew() && item == -1) {
AddWinStationToList(pWinStation); bAnyAdded = TRUE; continue; }
// If the WinStation is no longer current,
// remove it from the list
if(!pWinStation->IsCurrent() && item != -1) { // Remove the WinStation from the list
m_StationList.DeleteItem(item); pWinStation->ClearSelected(); continue; }
// If the WinStation info has changed, change
// it's info in our tree
if(pWinStation->IsChanged() && item != -1) { // Figure out which icon to use
int WhichIcon = m_idxBlank; BOOL CurrentWinStation = pWinStation->IsCurrentWinStation();
if(pWinStation->GetState() != State_Disconnected && pWinStation->GetState() != State_Idle) { switch(pWinStation->GetSdClass()) { case SdAsync: if(pWinStation->IsDirectAsync()) WhichIcon = CurrentWinStation ? m_idxCurrentDirectAsync : m_idxDirectAsync; else WhichIcon = CurrentWinStation ? m_idxCurrentAsync : m_idxAsync; break;
case SdNetwork: WhichIcon = CurrentWinStation ? m_idxCurrentNet : m_idxNet; break;
default: WhichIcon = CurrentWinStation ? m_idxCurrentConsole : m_idxConsole; break; } }
m_StationList.SetItem(item, 0, LVIF_IMAGE, 0, WhichIcon, 0, 0, 0L);
// WinStation Name
if(pWinStation->GetName()[0]) m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_WINSTATION, pWinStation->GetName()); else { CString NameString(" "); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Disconnected) NameString.LoadString(IDS_DISCONNECTED); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Idle) NameString.LoadString(IDS_IDLE); m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_WINSTATION, NameString); }
// User
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_USER, pWinStation->GetUserName());
// Logon ID
CString ColumnString; ColumnString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pWinStation->GetLogonId()); m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_ID, ColumnString);
// Connect State
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_STATE, StrConnectState(pWinStation->GetState(), FALSE));
// Type
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_TYPE, pWinStation->GetWdName());
// Client Name
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_CLIENTNAME, pWinStation->GetClientName());
// Idle Time
ELAPSEDTIME IdleTime = pWinStation->GetIdleTime();
if(IdleTime.days || IdleTime.hours || IdleTime.minutes || IdleTime.seconds) { ElapsedTimeString( &IdleTime, FALSE, IdleTimeString); } else wcscpy(IdleTimeString, TEXT("."));
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_IDLETIME, IdleTimeString);
// Logon Time
TCHAR LogonTimeString[MAX_DATE_TIME_LENGTH]; // We don't want to pass a 0 logon time to DateTimeString()
// It will blow up if the timezone is GMT
if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Active && pWinStation->GetLogonTime().QuadPart) { DateTimeString(&(pWinStation->GetLogonTime()), LogonTimeString); pDoc->FixUnknownString(LogonTimeString); } else LogonTimeString[0] = '\0';
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_LOGONTIME, LogonTimeString);
// Comment
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_COMMENT, pWinStation->GetComment());
if(m_CurrentSortColumn != AS_WS_COL_ID) bAnyChanged = TRUE; } }
if(bAnyChanged || bAnyAdded) SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_WINSTATIONS, &m_StationList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending);
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::UpdateWinStations
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddWinStationToList
int CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddWinStationToList(CWinStation *pWinStation) { ASSERT(pWinStation);
CServer *pServer = pWinStation->GetServer();
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument();
// Figure out which icon to use
int WhichIcon = m_idxBlank; BOOL bCurrentWinStation = pWinStation->IsCurrentWinStation();
if(pWinStation->GetState() != State_Disconnected && pWinStation->GetState() != State_Idle) { switch(pWinStation->GetSdClass()) { case SdAsync: if(pWinStation->IsDirectAsync()) WhichIcon = bCurrentWinStation ? m_idxCurrentDirectAsync : m_idxDirectAsync; else WhichIcon = bCurrentWinStation ? m_idxCurrentAsync : m_idxAsync; break;
case SdNetwork: WhichIcon = bCurrentWinStation ? m_idxCurrentNet : m_idxNet; break;
default: WhichIcon = bCurrentWinStation ? m_idxCurrentConsole : m_idxConsole; break; } }
LockListControl(); //////////////////////
// Fill in the columns
// Server Name
int item = m_StationList.InsertItem(m_StationList.GetItemCount(), pServer->GetName(), WhichIcon); // WinStation Name
if(pWinStation->GetName()[0]) m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_WINSTATION, pWinStation->GetName()); else { CString NameString(" "); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Disconnected) NameString.LoadString(IDS_DISCONNECTED); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Idle) NameString.LoadString(IDS_IDLE); m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_WINSTATION, NameString); }
// User
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_USER, pWinStation->GetUserName());
// Logon ID
CString ColumnString; ColumnString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pWinStation->GetLogonId()); m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_ID, ColumnString);
// Connect State
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_STATE, StrConnectState(pWinStation->GetState(), FALSE));
// Type
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_TYPE, pWinStation->GetWdName());
// Client Name
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_CLIENTNAME, pWinStation->GetClientName());
// Idle Time
TCHAR IdleTimeString[MAX_ELAPSED_TIME_LENGTH]; if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Active && pWinStation->GetLastInputTime().QuadPart <= pWinStation->GetCurrentTime().QuadPart) { LARGE_INTEGER DiffTime = CalculateDiffTime(pWinStation->GetLastInputTime(), pWinStation->GetCurrentTime()); ULONG_PTR d_time = ( ULONG_PTR )DiffTime.QuadPart;
ELAPSEDTIME IdleTime; // Calculate the days, hours, minutes, seconds since specified time.
IdleTime.days = (USHORT)(d_time / 86400L); // days since
d_time = d_time % 86400L; // seconds => partial day
IdleTime.hours = (USHORT)(d_time / 3600L); // hours since
d_time = d_time % 3600L; // seconds => partial hour
IdleTime.minutes = (USHORT)(d_time / 60L); // minutes since
IdleTime.seconds = (USHORT)(d_time % 60L);// seconds remaining
ElapsedTimeString( &IdleTime, FALSE, IdleTimeString); pWinStation->SetIdleTime(IdleTime); } else wcscpy(IdleTimeString, TEXT("."));
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_IDLETIME, IdleTimeString);
// Logon Time
TCHAR LogonTimeString[MAX_DATE_TIME_LENGTH]; // We don't want to pass a 0 logon time to DateTimeString()
// It will blow up if the timezone is GMT
if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Active && pWinStation->GetLogonTime().QuadPart) { DateTimeString(&(pWinStation->GetLogonTime()), LogonTimeString); if( LogonTimeString[0] != 0 ) { pDoc->FixUnknownString(LogonTimeString); } } else LogonTimeString[0] = '\0';
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_LOGONTIME, LogonTimeString);
// Comment
m_StationList.SetItemText(item, AS_WS_COL_COMMENT, pWinStation->GetComment());
// Attach a pointer to the CWinStation structure to the list item
m_StationList.SetItemData(item, (DWORD_PTR)pWinStation);
//bug #191727
return item;
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddWinStationToList
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddServerToList
BOOL CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddServerToList(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
pServer->LockWinStationList(); // Get a pointer to this server's list of WinStations
CObList *pWinStationList = pServer->GetWinStationList();
// Iterate through the WinStation list
POSITION pos = pWinStationList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)pWinStationList->GetNext(pos); AddWinStationToList(pWinStation); }
return TRUE;
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::AddServerToList
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::DisplayStations
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::DisplayStations( NODETYPE ntType ) { // Clear out the list control
// Get a pointer to the document's list of servers
CObList* pServerList = ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->GetServerList();
((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->LockServerList(); // Iterate through the server list
POSITION pos = pServerList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CServer *pServer = (CServer*)pServerList->GetNext(pos);
if( ntType == NODE_FAV_LIST ) { if( pServer->GetTreeItemFromFav() != NULL ) { AddServerToList(pServer); } } else if( ntType == NODE_THIS_COMP ) { if( pServer->GetTreeItemFromThisComputer() != NULL ) { AddServerToList(pServer); } } else { AddServerToList( pServer ); } }
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::DisplayStations
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnColumnclick
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
// If the sort column hasn't changed, flip the ascending mode.
if(m_CurrentSortColumn == pNMListView->iSubItem) m_bSortAscending = !m_bSortAscending; else // New sort column, start in ascending mode
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
m_CurrentSortColumn = pNMListView->iSubItem; LockListControl(); SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_WINSTATIONS, &m_StationList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); UnlockListControl();
*pResult = 0;
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnColumnclick
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnContextMenu
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint ptScreen) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here
UINT flags; UINT Item; CPoint ptClient = ptScreen; ScreenToClient(&ptClient);
// If we got here from the keyboard,
if(ptScreen.x == -1 && ptScreen.y == -1) {
UINT iCount = m_StationList.GetItemCount( );
RECT rc;
for( Item = 0 ; Item < iCount ; Item++ ) { if( m_StationList.GetItemState( Item , LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) { m_StationList.GetItemRect( Item , &rc , LVIR_ICON );
ptScreen.x = rc.left;
ptScreen.y = rc.bottom + 5;
ClientToScreen( &ptScreen );
break; } }
if(ptScreen.x == -1 && ptScreen.y == -1) { return; } /*
RECT rect; m_StationList.GetClientRect(&rect); ptScreen.x = (rect.right - rect.left) / 2; ptScreen.y = (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2; ClientToScreen(&ptScreen); */ } else { Item = m_StationList.HitTest(ptClient, &flags); if((Item == 0xFFFFFFFF) || !(flags & LVHT_ONITEM)) return; }
CMenu menu; menu.LoadMenu(IDR_WINSTATION_POPUP); menu.GetSubMenu(0)->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, AfxGetMainWnd()); menu.DestroyMenu();
} // end CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnContextMenu
// MESSAGE MAP: CAllServerProcessesPage
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CAllServerProcessesPage, CFormView)
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAllServerProcessesPage, CFormView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAllServerProcessesPage)
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage ctor
CAllServerProcessesPage::CAllServerProcessesPage() : CAdminPage(CAllServerProcessesPage::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAllServerProcessesPage)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage ctor
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage dtor
CAllServerProcessesPage::~CAllServerProcessesPage() { } // end CAllServerProcessesPage dtor
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::DoDataExchange
void CAllServerProcessesPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAllServerProcessesPage)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROCESS_LIST, m_ProcessList); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::DoDataExchange
#ifdef _DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::AssertValid
void CAllServerProcessesPage::AssertValid() const { CFormView::AssertValid();
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::AssertValid
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::Dump
void CAllServerProcessesPage::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFormView::Dump(dc);
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::Dump
#endif //_DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::OnSize
void CAllServerProcessesPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect);
rect.top += LIST_TOP_OFFSET;
if(m_ProcessList.GetSafeHwnd()) m_ProcessList.MoveWindow(&rect, TRUE);
// CFormView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::OnSize
#define NUM_AS_PROC_COLUMNS sizeof(ProcColumns)/sizeof(ColumnDef)
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::OnInitialUpdate
void CAllServerProcessesPage::OnInitialUpdate() { CFormView::OnInitialUpdate();
// Add the column headings
CString columnString;
for(int col = 0; col < NUM_AS_PROC_COLUMNS; col++) { columnString.LoadString(ProcColumns[col].stringID); m_ProcessList.InsertColumn(col, columnString, ProcColumns[col].format, ProcColumns[col].width, col); }
m_CurrentSortColumn = AS_PROC_COL_SERVER;
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::OnInitialUpdate
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::Reset
void CAllServerProcessesPage::Reset(void *) { // We don't want to display processes until the user clicks
// on the "Processes" tab
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::Reset
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::AddServer
void CAllServerProcessesPage::AddServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
// Add the Server's processes to the list
if(AddServerToList(pServer)) { // Sort the list
LockListControl(); SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_PROCESSES, &m_ProcessList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); UnlockListControl(); }
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::AddServer
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::RemoveServer
void CAllServerProcessesPage::RemoveServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
int ItemCount = m_ProcessList.GetItemCount();
// We need to go through the list backward so that we can remove
// more than one item without the item numbers getting messed up
for(int item = ItemCount; item; item--) { CProcess *pProcess = (CProcess*)m_ProcessList.GetItemData(item-1); CServer *pListServer = pProcess->GetServer();
if(pListServer == pServer) { m_ProcessList.DeleteItem(item-1); pServer->ClearAllSelected(); } }
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::RemoveServer
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::UpdateServer
void CAllServerProcessesPage::UpdateServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
if(pServer->IsState(SS_DISCONNECTING)) RemoveServer(pServer);
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::UpdateServer
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::UpdateProcesses
void CAllServerProcessesPage::UpdateProcesses(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
CWinAdminApp *pApp = (CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp(); BOOL bAnyChanged = FALSE; BOOL bAnyAdded = FALSE;
// Loop through the processes
pServer->LockProcessList(); CObList *pProcessList = pServer->GetProcessList();
POSITION pos = pProcessList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CProcess *pProcess = (CProcess*)pProcessList->GetNext(pos);
// If this is a 'system' process and we aren't currently showing them,
// go to the next process
if(pProcess->IsSystemProcess() && !pApp->ShowSystemProcesses()) continue;
// If this user is not an Admin, don't show him someone else's processes unless it
// is a System process
if(!pApp->IsUserAdmin() && !pProcess->IsCurrentUsers() && !pProcess->IsSystemProcess()) continue;
// If the process is new, add it to the list
if(pProcess->IsNew()) {
if(AddProcessToList(pProcess) != -1) bAnyAdded = TRUE; continue; }
LV_FINDINFO FindInfo; FindInfo.flags = LVFI_PARAM; FindInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)pProcess;
// Find the Process in our list
int item = m_ProcessList.FindItem(&FindInfo, -1);
// If the process is no longer current,
// remove it from the list
if(!pProcess->IsCurrent() && item != -1) { // Remove the Process from the list
m_ProcessList.DeleteItem(item); pProcess->ClearSelected(); }
// If the process info has changed, change
// it's info in our tree
if(pProcess->IsChanged() && item != -1) { // WinStation Name
CWinStation *pWinStation = pProcess->GetWinStation(); if(pWinStation) { if(pWinStation->GetName()[0]) m_ProcessList.SetItemText(item, AS_PROC_COL_WINSTATION, pWinStation->GetName()); else { CString NameString(" "); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Disconnected) NameString.LoadString(IDS_DISCONNECTED); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Idle) NameString.LoadString(IDS_IDLE); m_ProcessList.SetItemText(item, AS_PROC_COL_WINSTATION, NameString); } } if(m_CurrentSortColumn == AS_PROC_COL_WINSTATION) bAnyChanged = TRUE; } }
if(bAnyChanged || bAnyAdded) { LockListControl(); SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_PROCESSES, &m_ProcessList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); UnlockListControl(); }
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::UpdateProcesses
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::RemoveProcess
void CAllServerProcessesPage::RemoveProcess(CProcess *pProcess) { ASSERT(pProcess);
// Find out how many items in the list
int ItemCount = m_ProcessList.GetItemCount();
// Go through the items and remove this process
for(int item = 0; item < ItemCount; item++) { CProcess *pListProcess = (CProcess*)m_ProcessList.GetItemData(item);
if(pListProcess == pProcess) { m_ProcessList.DeleteItem(item); break; } }
UnlockListControl(); }
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::AddProcessToList
int CAllServerProcessesPage::AddProcessToList(CProcess *pProcess) { ASSERT(pProcess);
CWinAdminApp *pApp = (CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp(); CServer *pServer = pProcess->GetServer();
LockListControl(); // Server - put at end of list
int item = m_ProcessList.InsertItem(m_ProcessList.GetItemCount(), pProcess->GetServer()->GetName(), NULL);
// User
m_ProcessList.SetItemText(item, AS_PROC_COL_USER, pProcess->GetUserName());
// WinStation Name
CWinStation *pWinStation = pProcess->GetWinStation(); if(pWinStation) {
if(pWinStation->GetName()[0]) m_ProcessList.SetItemText(item, AS_PROC_COL_WINSTATION, pWinStation->GetName()); else { CString NameString(" "); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Disconnected) NameString.LoadString(IDS_DISCONNECTED); if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Idle) NameString.LoadString(IDS_IDLE); m_ProcessList.SetItemText(item, AS_PROC_COL_WINSTATION, NameString); }
// ID
CString ProcString; ProcString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pProcess->GetLogonId()); m_ProcessList.SetItemText(item, AS_PROC_COL_ID, ProcString);
// PID
ProcString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pProcess->GetPID()); m_ProcessList.SetItemText(item, AS_PROC_COL_PID, ProcString);
// Image
m_ProcessList.SetItemText(item, AS_PROC_COL_IMAGE, pProcess->GetImageName()); m_ProcessList.SetItemData(item, (DWORD_PTR)pProcess);
return item;
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::AddProcessToList
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::AddServerToList
BOOL CAllServerProcessesPage::AddServerToList(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
CWinAdminApp *pApp = (CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp();
pServer->EnumerateProcesses(); CObList *pProcessList = pServer->GetProcessList(); pServer->LockProcessList();
POSITION pos = pProcessList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CProcess *pProcess = (CProcess*)pProcessList->GetNext(pos);
// If this is a 'system' process and we aren't currently showing them,
// go to the next process
if(pProcess->IsSystemProcess() && !pApp->ShowSystemProcesses()) continue;
// If this user is not an Admin, don't show him someone else's processes unless it
// is a System process
if(!pApp->IsUserAdmin() && !pProcess->IsCurrentUsers() && !pProcess->IsSystemProcess()) continue;
AddProcessToList(pProcess); }
return TRUE;
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::AddServerToList
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::DisplayProcesses
void CAllServerProcessesPage::DisplayProcesses( NODETYPE ntType ) { CWaitCursor Nikki;
// Clear out the list control
// Get a pointer to the document's list of servers
CObList* pServerList = ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->GetServerList();
((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->LockServerList(); // Iterate through the server list
POSITION pos = pServerList->GetHeadPosition(); CServer *pTempServer;
while(pos) { CServer *pServer = (CServer*)pServerList->GetNext(pos);
pTempServer = NULL;
if( ntType == NODE_FAV_LIST ) { if( pServer->GetTreeItemFromFav() != NULL ) {
pTempServer = pServer; } } else if( ntType == NODE_THIS_COMP ) { if( pServer->GetTreeItemFromThisComputer( ) != NULL ) { pTempServer = pServer; } } else { pTempServer = pServer; }
if( pTempServer != NULL && pTempServer->IsServerSane()) { AddServerToList( pTempServer ); } // end if(pServer->IsServerSane())
} // end while(pos)
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::DisplayProcesses
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::OnProcessItemChanged
void CAllServerProcessesPage::OnProcessItemChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW *pLV = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR;
if(pLV->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) { CProcess *pProcess = (CProcess*)m_ProcessList.GetItemData(pLV->iItem); pProcess->SetSelected(); }
if(pLV->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED && !(pLV->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED)) { CProcess *pProcess = (CProcess*)m_ProcessList.GetItemData(pLV->iItem); pProcess->ClearSelected(); }
*pResult = 0;
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::OnProcessItemChanged
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::OnColumnclick
void CAllServerProcessesPage::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
// If the sort column hasn't changed, flip the ascending mode.
if(m_CurrentSortColumn == pNMListView->iSubItem) m_bSortAscending = !m_bSortAscending; else // New sort column, start in ascending mode
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
m_CurrentSortColumn = pNMListView->iSubItem; LockListControl(); SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_PROCESSES, &m_ProcessList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); UnlockListControl();
*pResult = 0;
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::OnColumnclick
// F'N: CAllServerProcessesPage::OnContextMenu
void CAllServerProcessesPage::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint ptScreen) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here
UINT flags; UINT Item; CPoint ptClient = ptScreen; ScreenToClient(&ptClient);
// If we got here from the keyboard,
if(ptScreen.x == -1 && ptScreen.y == -1) {
UINT iCount = m_ProcessList.GetItemCount( );
RECT rc;
for( Item = 0 ; Item < iCount ; Item++ ) { if( m_ProcessList.GetItemState( Item , LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) { m_ProcessList.GetItemRect( Item , &rc , LVIR_ICON );
ptScreen.x = rc.left;
ptScreen.y = rc.bottom + 5;
ClientToScreen( &ptScreen );
break; } }
if(ptScreen.x == -1 && ptScreen.y == -1) { return; }
RECT rect; m_ProcessList.GetClientRect(&rect); ptScreen.x = (rect.right - rect.left) / 2; ptScreen.y = (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2; ClientToScreen(&ptScreen); */ } else { Item = m_ProcessList.HitTest(ptClient, &flags); if((Item == 0xFFFFFFFF) || !(flags & LVHT_ONITEM)) return; }
CMenu menu; menu.LoadMenu(IDR_PROCESS_POPUP); menu.GetSubMenu(0)->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, AfxGetMainWnd()); menu.DestroyMenu();
} // end CAllServerProcessesPage::OnContextMenu
// MESSAGE MAP: CAllServerLicensesPage
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CAllServerLicensesPage, CFormView)
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAllServerLicensesPage, CFormView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAllServerLicensesPage)
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage ctor
CAllServerLicensesPage::CAllServerLicensesPage() : CAdminPage(CAllServerLicensesPage::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAllServerLicensesPage)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage ctor
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage dtor
CAllServerLicensesPage::~CAllServerLicensesPage() {
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage dtor
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::DoDataExchange
void CAllServerLicensesPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAllServerLicensesPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LICENSE_LIST, m_LicenseList); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::DoDataExchange
#ifdef _DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::AssertValid
void CAllServerLicensesPage::AssertValid() const { CFormView::AssertValid();
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::AssertValid
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::Dump
void CAllServerLicensesPage::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFormView::Dump(dc);
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::Dump
#endif //_DEBUG
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::OnSize
void CAllServerLicensesPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { RECT rect; GetWindowRect(&rect);
CWnd *pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_LOCAL_AVAILABLE); if(pWnd) { RECT rect2; pWnd->GetWindowRect(&rect2); rect.top = rect2.bottom + 5; }
if(m_LicenseList.GetSafeHwnd()) m_LicenseList.MoveWindow(&rect, TRUE);
// CFormView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::OnSize
#define NUM_AS_LICENSE_COLUMNS sizeof(LicenseColumns)/sizeof(ColumnDef)
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::OnInitialUpdate
void CAllServerLicensesPage::OnInitialUpdate() { CFormView::OnInitialUpdate();
BuildImageList(); // builds the image list for the list control
CString columnString;
for(int col = 0; col < NUM_AS_LICENSE_COLUMNS; col++) { columnString.LoadString(LicenseColumns[col].stringID); m_LicenseList.InsertColumn(col, columnString, LicenseColumns[col].format, LicenseColumns[col].width, col); }
m_CurrentSortColumn = AS_LICENSE_COL_SERVER;
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::OnInitialUpdate
// F'N: CAllServerLicensePage::BuildImageList
// - calls m_ImageList.Create(..) to create the image list
// - calls AddIconToImageList(..) to add the icons themselves and save
// off their indices
// - attaches the image list to the list ctrl
void CAllServerLicensesPage::BuildImageList() { m_ImageList.Create(16, 16, TRUE, 5, 0);
m_idxBase = AddIconToImageList(IDI_BASE); m_idxBump = AddIconToImageList(IDI_BUMP); m_idxEnabler = AddIconToImageList(IDI_ENABLER); m_idxUnknown = AddIconToImageList(IDI_UNKNOWN); m_LicenseList.SetImageList(&m_ImageList, LVSIL_SMALL);
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::BuildImageList
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::AddIconToImageList
// - loads the appropriate icon, adds it to m_ImageList, and returns
// the newly-added icon's index in the image list
int CAllServerLicensesPage::AddIconToImageList(int iconID) { HICON hIcon = ::LoadIcon(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(iconID)); return m_ImageList.Add(hIcon); } // end CAllServerLicensesPage::AddIconToImageList
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::Reset
void CAllServerLicensesPage::Reset(void *p) { DisplayLicenses(); DisplayLicenseCounts();
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::Reset
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::AddServer
void CAllServerLicensesPage::AddServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
// Add the Server's licenses to the list
if(AddServerToList(pServer)) { // Sort the list
SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_LICENSES, &m_LicenseList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending); }
} // end F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::AddServer
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::RemoveServer
void CAllServerLicensesPage::RemoveServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
int ItemCount = m_LicenseList.GetItemCount();
// We need to go through the list backward so that we can remove
// more than one item without the item numbers getting messed up
for(int item = ItemCount; item; item--) { CLicense *pLicense = (CLicense*)m_LicenseList.GetItemData(item-1); CServer *pListServer = pLicense->GetServer();
if(pListServer == pServer) { m_LicenseList.DeleteItem(item-1); pServer->ClearAllSelected(); } }
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::RemoveServer
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::UpdateServer
void CAllServerLicensesPage::UpdateServer(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
if(pServer->IsState(SS_DISCONNECTING)) RemoveServer(pServer);
if(pServer->IsState(SS_GOOD)) AddServer(pServer);
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::UpdateServer
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::AddServerToList
BOOL CAllServerLicensesPage::AddServerToList(CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(pServer);
int item;
// Get a pointer to the Server's list of licenses
CObList *pLicenseList = pServer->GetLicenseList();
// Iterate through the License list
POSITION pos = pLicenseList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CLicense *pLicense = (CLicense*)pLicenseList->GetNext(pos);
// Fill in the columns
int WhichIcon;
switch(pLicense->GetClass()) { case LicenseBase: WhichIcon = m_idxBase; break; case LicenseBump: WhichIcon = m_idxBump; break; case LicenseEnabler: WhichIcon = m_idxEnabler; break; case LicenseUnknown: WhichIcon = m_idxUnknown; break; }
// Server Name
item = m_LicenseList.InsertItem(m_LicenseList.GetItemCount(), pServer->GetName(), WhichIcon);
// Description
m_LicenseList.SetItemText(item, AS_LICENSE_COL_DESCRIPTION, pLicense->GetDescription());
// Registered
CString RegString; RegString.LoadString(pLicense->IsRegistered() ? IDS_YES : IDS_NO); m_LicenseList.SetItemText(item, AS_LICENSE_COL_REGISTERED, RegString);
BOOL bUnlimited = (pLicense->GetClass() == LicenseBase && pLicense->GetTotalCount() == 4095 && pServer->GetCTXVersionNum() == 0x00000040);
// User (Total) Count
CString CountString; if(bUnlimited) CountString.LoadString(IDS_UNLIMITED); else CountString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pLicense->GetTotalCount()); m_LicenseList.SetItemText(item, AS_LICENSE_COL_USERCOUNT, CountString);
// Pool Count
if(bUnlimited) CountString.LoadString(IDS_NOT_APPLICABLE); else CountString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pLicense->GetPoolCount()); m_LicenseList.SetItemText(item, AS_LICENSE_COL_POOLCOUNT, CountString);
// License Number
m_LicenseList.SetItemText(item, AS_LICENSE_COL_NUMBER, pLicense->GetLicenseNumber());
m_LicenseList.SetItemData(item, (DWORD_PTR)pLicense); } // end while(pos)
return TRUE;
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::AddServerToList
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::DisplayLicenseCounts
void CAllServerLicensesPage::DisplayLicenseCounts() { // Get a pointer to our document
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); ExtGlobalInfo *pExtGlobalInfo = pDoc->GetExtGlobalInfo();
if(pExtGlobalInfo) { BOOL bUnlimited = (pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkLocalAvailable == 32767);
CString LicenseString;
if(bUnlimited) { LicenseString.LoadString(IDS_UNLIMITED); SetDlgItemText(IDC_LOCAL_INSTALLED, LicenseString); SetDlgItemText(IDC_LOCAL_AVAILABLE, LicenseString); SetDlgItemText(IDC_TOTAL_INSTALLED, LicenseString); SetDlgItemText(IDC_TOTAL_AVAILABLE, LicenseString);
} else {
LicenseString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkLocalInstalled); SetDlgItemText(IDC_LOCAL_INSTALLED, LicenseString); LicenseString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkLocalAvailable); SetDlgItemText(IDC_LOCAL_AVAILABLE, LicenseString); LicenseString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkPoolInstalled + pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkLocalInstalled); SetDlgItemText(IDC_TOTAL_INSTALLED, LicenseString);
LicenseString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkPoolAvailable + pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkLocalAvailable); SetDlgItemText(IDC_TOTAL_AVAILABLE, LicenseString);
LicenseString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkLocalInUse); SetDlgItemText(IDC_LOCAL_INUSE, LicenseString); LicenseString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkPoolInstalled); SetDlgItemText(IDC_POOL_INSTALLED, LicenseString); LicenseString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkPoolInUse); SetDlgItemText(IDC_POOL_INUSE, LicenseString); LicenseString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkPoolAvailable); SetDlgItemText(IDC_POOL_AVAILABLE, LicenseString);
LicenseString.Format(TEXT("%lu"), pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkPoolInUse + pExtGlobalInfo->NetworkLocalInUse); SetDlgItemText(IDC_TOTAL_INUSE, LicenseString); }
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::DisplayLicenseCounts
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::DisplayLicenses
void CAllServerLicensesPage::DisplayLicenses() { // Clear out the list control
// Get a pointer to the document's list of servers
CObList* pServerList = ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->GetServerList();
((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->LockServerList(); // Iterate through the server list
POSITION pos = pServerList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CServer *pServer = (CServer*)pServerList->GetNext(pos); AddServerToList(pServer); }
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::DisplayLicenses
// F'N: CAllServerLicensesPage::OnColumnclick
void CAllServerLicensesPage::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
// If the sort column hasn't changed, flip the ascending mode.
if(m_CurrentSortColumn == pNMListView->iSubItem) m_bSortAscending = !m_bSortAscending; else // New sort column, start in ascending mode
m_bSortAscending = TRUE;
m_CurrentSortColumn = pNMListView->iSubItem; SortByColumn(VIEW_ALL_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_LICENSES, &m_LicenseList, m_CurrentSortColumn, m_bSortAscending);
*pResult = 0;
} // end CAllServerLicensesPage::OnColumnclick
void CAllServerUsersPage::OnKillfocusUserList(NMHDR* , LRESULT* pResult) { m_UserList.Invalidate( );
*pResult = 0; }
void CAllServerUsersPage::OnSetfocusUserList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { ODS( L" CAllServerUsersPage::OnSetfocusUserList\n" ); CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument();
m_UserList.Invalidate( );
int nItem;
int nCount = m_UserList.GetSelectedCount();
if( nCount == 0 ) { m_UserList.SetItemState( 0 , LVIS_SELECTED , LVIS_SELECTED ); } else { for( int i = 0 ; i < nCount; +++i ) { nItem = m_UserList.GetNextItem( -1 , LVNI_FOCUSED );
m_UserList.Update( nItem ); } } */ pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( PAGED_ITEM );
*pResult = 0; }
void CAllServerProcessesPage::OnKillfocusProcessList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { m_ProcessList.Invalidate( );
*pResult = 0; }
void CAllServerProcessesPage::OnSetfocusProcessList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { ODS( L" CAllServerProcessesPage::OnSetfocusProcessList\n" );
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument();
m_ProcessList.Invalidate(); /*
int nItem;
int nCount = m_ProcessList.GetSelectedCount();
if( nCount == 0 ) { m_ProcessList.SetItemState( 0 , LVIS_SELECTED , LVIS_SELECTED ); } else { for( int i = 0 ; i < nCount; +++i ) { nItem = m_ProcessList.GetNextItem( -1 , LVNI_FOCUSED );
m_ProcessList.Update( nItem ); } } */ pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( PAGED_ITEM );
*pResult = 0;
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnKillfocusWinstationList(NMHDR* , LRESULT* pResult) { m_StationList.Invalidate( );
*pResult = 0; }
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnSetfocusWinstationList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { ODS( L"CAllServerWinStationsPage::OnSetfocusWinstationList\n" ); CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument();
int nItem;
int nCount = m_StationList.GetSelectedCount();
if( nCount == 0 ) { m_StationList.SetItemState( 0 , LVIS_SELECTED , LVIS_SELECTED ); } else { for( int i = 0 ; i < nCount; +++i ) { nItem = m_StationList.GetNextItem( -1 , LVNI_FOCUSED );
m_StationList.Update( nItem ); } } */ pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( PAGED_ITEM );
*pResult = 0;
// F'N: CAllServerWinStationsPage::ClearSelections
void CAllServerWinStationsPage::ClearSelections() { if(m_StationList.m_hWnd != NULL) { POSITION pos = m_StationList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while (pos) { int nItem = m_StationList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos); // you could do your own processing on nItem here
m_StationList.SetItemState(nItem,0,LVIS_SELECTED); } } }
void CAllServerServersPage::OnKillfocusServerList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { m_ServerList.Invalidate();
*pResult = 0; }
void CAllServerServersPage::OnSetfocusServerList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { ODS( L"CAllServerServersPage::OnSetfocusServerList\n" ); CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); /*
int nItem;
int nCount = m_ServerList.GetSelectedCount();
if( nCount == 0 ) { m_ServerList.SetItemState( 0 , LVIS_SELECTED , LVIS_SELECTED ); } else { for( int i = 0 ; i < nCount; +++i ) { nItem = m_ServerList.GetNextItem( -1 , LVNI_FOCUSED );
m_ServerList.Update( nItem ); } } */ m_ServerList.Invalidate();
pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( PAGED_ITEM );
*pResult = 0;
void CAllServerLicensesPage::OnKillfocusLicenseList(NMHDR*, LRESULT* pResult) { m_LicenseList.Invalidate();
*pResult = 0; }
void CAllServerLicensesPage::OnSetfocusLicenseList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { ODS( L"CAllServerLicensesPage::OnSetfocusLicenseList\n" ); CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument();
int nItem;
int nCount = m_LicenseList.GetSelectedCount();
if( nCount == 0 ) { m_LicenseList.SetItemState( 0 , LVIS_SELECTED , LVIS_SELECTED ); } else { for( int i = 0 ; i < nCount; +++i ) { nItem = m_LicenseList.GetNextItem( -1 , LVNI_FOCUSED );
m_LicenseList.Update( nItem ); } } */ pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( PAGED_ITEM );
*pResult = 0;