/****************************************************************************/ // nssidisp.c
// SaveScreenBits Interceptor API functions.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
#include <precmpdd.h>
#define TRC_FILE "nssidisp"
#include <winddi.h>
#include <adcg.h>
#include <adcs.h>
#include <aprot.h>
#include <aordprot.h>
#include <nddapi.h>
#include <aoaapi.h>
#include <noadisp.h>
#include <noedisp.h>
#include <acpcapi.h>
#include <ausrapi.h>
#include <nschdisp.h>
#include <nprcount.h>
#include <oe2.h>
#include <ndddata.c>
#include <oe2data.c>
#include <assiapi.h>
#include <nssidisp.h>
#include <nssidata.c>
#include <noeinl.h>
/****************************************************************************/ // SSI_DDInit
/****************************************************************************/ void SSI_DDInit() { DC_BEGIN_FN("SSI_DDInit");
memset(&ssiLocalSSBState, 0, sizeof(LOCAL_SSB_STATE)); SSIResetSaveScreenBitmap();
DC_END_FN(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSI_InitShm
// Alloc-time SHM init.
/****************************************************************************/ void SSI_InitShm() { DC_BEGIN_FN("SSI_InitShm");
pddShm->ssi.resetInterceptor = FALSE; pddShm->ssi.newSaveBitmapSize = FALSE; pddShm->ssi.sendSaveBitmapSize = 0; pddShm->ssi.newSaveBitmapSize = 0;
DC_END_FN(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSI_Update
// Called when there is an SSI update from the WD. bForce forces a reset;
// it's used by shadowing.
/****************************************************************************/ void SSI_Update(BOOL bForce) { DC_BEGIN_FN("SSI_Update");
if (pddShm->ssi.resetInterceptor || bForce) SSIResetSaveScreenBitmap();
if (pddShm->ssi.saveBitmapSizeChanged || bForce) { pddShm->ssi.sendSaveBitmapSize = pddShm->ssi.newSaveBitmapSize; pddShm->ssi.saveBitmapSizeChanged = FALSE; TRC_NRM((TB, "SSI caps: Size %ld", pddShm->ssi.sendSaveBitmapSize)); }
DC_END_FN(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSI_ClearOrderEncoding
// Called on share state change to reset the order state info for
// orders stored in the DD data segment.
/****************************************************************************/ void SSI_ClearOrderEncoding() { DC_BEGIN_FN("SSI_ClearOrderEncoding");
memset(&PrevSaveBitmap, 0, sizeof(PrevSaveBitmap));
DC_END_FN(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSIResetSaveScreenBitmap
// Resets the SaveScreenBitmap state.
/****************************************************************************/ void SSIResetSaveScreenBitmap() { int i;
TRC_DBG((TB, "Reset (%d)", ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel));
// Discard all currently saved bits.
ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel = 0;
// Reset the number of remote pels saved.
ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved = 0;
// Note that we've seen the update.
pddShm->ssi.resetInterceptor = FALSE;
// Free off any memory we may have allocated.
for (i = 0; i < SSB_MAX_SAVE_LEVEL; i++) { if (ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].pSaveData != NULL) { EngFreeMem(ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].pSaveData); ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].pSaveData = NULL; } }
DC_END_FN(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // DrvSaveScreenBits - see NT DDK documentation.
/****************************************************************************/ ULONG_PTR DrvSaveScreenBits( SURFOBJ *pso, ULONG iMode, ULONG_PTR ident, RECTL *prcl) { ULONG_PTR rc; unsigned ourMode; RECTL rectTrg; PDD_PDEV ppdev = (PDD_PDEV)pso->dhpdev; PDD_DSURF pdsurf;
// Default is FALSE: let GRE handle SaveBits if we are not in a
// position to do it ourselves - no reason for us to get in the
// business of saving off memory etc.
rc = FALSE;
// Sometimes we're called after being disconnected.
if (ddConnected && pddShm != NULL) { // Surface is non-NULL.
pso = OEGetSurfObjBitmap(pso, &pdsurf);
// Get the exclusive bounding rectangle for the operation.
RECT_FROM_RECTL(rectTrg, (*prcl));
TRC_ASSERT((pso->hsurf == ppdev->hsurfFrameBuf), (TB, "DrvSaveScreenBits should be called for screen surface only"));
if (pso->hsurf == ppdev->hsurfFrameBuf) { // Send a switch surface PDU if the destination surface is different
// from last drawing order. If we failed to send the PDU, we will
// just have to bail on this drawing order.
if (!OESendSwitchSurfacePDU(ppdev, pdsurf)) { TRC_ERR((TB, "failed to send the switch surface PDU")); // We always return TRUE on SS_SAVE operations, as we
// don't want the engine saving away the bits in a bitmap
// and doing a MemBlt to restore the data (not very
// efficient). Instead we return FALSE (failure) on the
// SS_RESTORE to force User to repaint the affected area,
// which we then accumulate in the normal way.
// Return TRUE for SS_DISCARD too (although it shouldn't
// matter what we return).
rc = (iMode == SS_RESTORE) ? FALSE : TRUE;
DC_QUIT; } } else { // We don't support DrvSaveScreenBits for offscreen
// rendering.
TRC_ERR((TB, "Offscreen blt bail")); // We always return TRUE on SS_SAVE operations, as we
// don't want the engine saving away the bits in a bitmap
// and doing a MemBlt to restore the data (not very
// efficient). Instead we return FALSE (failure) on the
// SS_RESTORE to force User to repaint the affected area,
// which we then accumulate in the normal way.
// Return TRUE for SS_DISCARD too (although it shouldn't
// matter what we return).
rc = (iMode == SS_RESTORE) ? FALSE : TRUE;
// Make sure we can send the order.
if (OE_SendAsOrder(TS_ENC_SAVEBITMAP_ORDER)) { switch (iMode) { case SS_SAVE: TRC_DBG((TB, "SaveBits=%u", ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel));
// Save the bits.
// Update the save level if the save was successful.
// If it was not successful then RestoreBits will not
// be called so we do not want to increment the save
// level.
rc = SSISaveBits(pso, &rectTrg); if (rc) { ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel++;
// Set the returned ident value to the index of
// the save. Do this after the increment in
// order to avoid returning index 0 (0=FAIL).
rc = ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel; }
case SS_RESTORE: // Update the save level first.
ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel--; ident--;
TRC_DBG((TB, "RestoreBits (%d), ident (%u)", ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel, ident));
// Restore the bits.
rc = SSIRestoreBits(pso, &rectTrg, ident);
// Check for a negative save level. This will happen
// if there are outstanding saves when the share is
// started or when we get out-of-order restores/
// discards.
if (ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel < 0) { TRC_NRM((TB, "RestoreBits caused neg save level")); ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel = 0; }
case SS_FREE: // Update the save level first.
ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel--; ident--;
TRC_DBG((TB, "Discard Bits (%d) ident(%d)", ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel, ident));
// Discard the saved bits.
rc = SSIDiscardSave(&rectTrg, ident);
// Check for a negative save level. This will happen
// if there are outstanding saves when the share is
// started or when we get out-of-order restores/
// discards.
if (ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel < 0) { TRC_NRM((TB, "DiscardSave caused neg save level")); ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel = 0; }
break; }
// Make an "insurance" check: If the local save level is zero
// then there should be no pels saved remotely.
if ((ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel == 0) && (ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved != 0)) { TRC_ALT((TB, "Outstanding remote pels %ld", ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved )); ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved = 0; }
TRC_DBG((TB, "RemotePelsSaved (%ld) rc %u", ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved, rc)); } else { // If the SaveBitmap order is not supported then return
// 0 immediately. 0 is failure for SAVE (the return value
// is a non-0 identifier for success) and FALSE is failure
// for RESTORE. If we've failed SAVEs, we can never get a
// FREE.
// We always return TRUE on SS_SAVE operations, as we
// don't want the engine saving away the bits in a bitmap
// and doing a MemBlt to restore the data (not very
// efficient). Instead we return FALSE (failure) on the
// SS_RESTORE to force User to repaint the affected area,
// which we then accumulate in the normal way.
// Return TRUE for SS_DISCARD too (although it shouldn't
// matter what we return).
rc = (iMode == SS_RESTORE) ? FALSE : TRUE; } } else { TRC_ERR((TB, "Called when disconnected")); rc = (iMode == SS_RESTORE) ? FALSE : TRUE; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSIRemotePelsRequired
// Returns the number of remote pels required to store the supplied
// rectangle, taking account of the Save Bitmap granularity.
/****************************************************************************/ __inline UINT32 SSIRemotePelsRequired(PRECTL pRect) { UINT32 rectWidth, rectHeight; UINT32 rc;
// Calculate the supplied rectangle size (it is in EXCLUSIVE coords).
rectWidth = pRect->right - pRect->left; rectHeight = pRect->bottom - pRect->top;
// Required width and height are rounded up to next granularity level for
// that dimension.
DC_END_FN(); return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSISendSaveBitmapOrder
// Sends a SaveBitmap order. Returns FALSE on failure.
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL SSISendSaveBitmapOrder( PDD_PDEV ppdev, PRECTL pRect, unsigned SavePosition, unsigned Operation) { SAVEBITMAP_ORDER *pSaveBitmapOrder; PINT_ORDER pOrder; BOOL rc;
TRC_NRM((TB, "Rect before conversion (%d,%d)(%d,%d)", pRect->left, pRect->bottom, pRect->right, pRect->top));
// 1 field flag byte. Note that SaveBitmap orders are not clipped,
// so set zero for the number of clip rects.
pOrder = OA_AllocOrderMem(ppdev, MAX_ORDER_SIZE(0, 1, MAX_SAVEBITMAP_FIELD_SIZE)); if (pOrder != NULL) { // Target rect is in exclusive coords, convert to inclusive
// for the wire format.
pSaveBitmapOrder = (SAVEBITMAP_ORDER *)oeTempOrderBuffer; pSaveBitmapOrder->SavedBitmapPosition = SavePosition; pSaveBitmapOrder->nLeftRect = pRect->left; pSaveBitmapOrder->nTopRect = pRect->top; pSaveBitmapOrder->nRightRect = pRect->right - 1; pSaveBitmapOrder->nBottomRect = pRect->bottom - 1; pSaveBitmapOrder->Operation = Operation;
// Slow-field-encode the order. NULL for clip rect since we don't clip
// SaveBitmaps.
pOrder->OrderLength = OE2_EncodeOrder(pOrder->OrderData, TS_ENC_SAVEBITMAP_ORDER, NUM_SAVEBITMAP_FIELDS, (BYTE *)pSaveBitmapOrder, (BYTE *)&PrevSaveBitmap, etable_SV, NULL);
// All done: consider sending the output.
SCH_DDOutputAvailable(ppdev, FALSE); rc = TRUE;
TRC_NRM((TB, "SaveBitmap op %d pos %ld rect %d %d %d %d", Operation, SavePosition, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right - 1, pRect->bottom - 1)); } else { TRC_ERR((TB, "Failed to alloc order mem")); rc= FALSE; }
DC_END_FN(); return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSISaveBits
// Saves the specified screen rectangle bits and sends a SaveBitmap order.
// pRect is in exclusive coords. We return FALSE only on low-bounds errors;
// this indicates to GDI that it must simulate the SaveBits using a
// BitBlt without corresponding RestoreBits calls, which is not desirable.
// Instead, if we cannot send a SaveBitmap order or other problems, we return
// TRUE and note that we need to return FALSE on the Restore call, which
// causes a less expensive repaint of the target area.
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL SSISaveBits(SURFOBJ *pso, PRECTL pRect) { BOOL rc = TRUE;
TRC_DBG((TB, "SaveScreenBits (%d, %d, %d, %d) level %d", pRect->left, pRect->bottom, pRect->right, pRect->top, ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel));
// The saveLevel should never be negative.
if (ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel >= 0) { // If the save level is greater than the number of levels that we
// support we just return TRUE. The corresponding RestoreBits call
// will return FALSE, causing Windows to repaint the area.
// Our maximum save level is such that we should very rarely (if ever)
// go through this path.
// If the rectangle to be saved intersects the current SDA then
// we will have to force a repaint on the restore. This is
// because orders are always sent before Screen Data, so if we
// sent a SAVEBITS order at this point, we would not save the
// intersecting Screen Data.
if (!OE_RectIntersectsSDA(pRect)) { UINT32 cRemotePelsRequired;
// Calculate the number of pels required in the remote Save
// Bitmap to handle this rectangle.
cRemotePelsRequired = SSIRemotePelsRequired(pRect);
// If there aren't enough pels in the remote Save Bitmap to
// handle this rectangle then return immediately.
if ((ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved + cRemotePelsRequired) <= pddShm->ssi.sendSaveBitmapSize) { // Try to send the SaveBits as an order.
CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.fSavedRemotely = SSISendSaveBitmapOrder((PDD_PDEV)(pso->dhpdev), pRect, ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved, SV_SAVEBITS); if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.fSavedRemotely) { // Store the relevant details in the current entry of
// the local SSB structure.
CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remoteSavedPosition = ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved; CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remotePelsRequired = cRemotePelsRequired;
// Update the count of remote pels saved.
ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved += cRemotePelsRequired;
// Store the rectangle saved. Note that we still claim
// success, even if the copy fails. The result of this
// is that
// - we send save and restore orders to the client
// (gives bandwidth saving and client
// responsiveness)
// - we fail the restore, causing a less efficient
// repaint at the server.
// Other compromise options also available if this
// proves inappropriate.
SSICopyRect(pso, TRUE); } } else { TRC_NRM((TB, "no space for %lu pels", cRemotePelsRequired)); } } else { // Note we do not save the rect via SSICopyRect -- we only
// restore when fSavedRemotely is TRUE.
TRC_DBG((TB, "SSI intersects SDA, storing failed save")); CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.fSavedRemotely = FALSE; } } else { // We return TRUE. On Restore, we'll get the same out-of-bounds
// value and return FALSE to repaint.
TRC_ALT((TB, "saveLevel(%d) exceeds maximum", ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel)); } } else { // This is a real problem, so we tell GDI to to what it needs to.
TRC_ERR((TB, "SSISaveBits called with negative saveLevel")); rc = FALSE; }
DC_END_FN(); return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: SSIFindSlotAndDiscardAbove */ /* */ /* Finds the top slot in the SSB stack which matches pRect and updates */ /* ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel to index it. */ /* RETURNS: TRUE if a match was found, FALSE otherwise */ /****************************************************************************/ BOOL SSIFindSlotAndDiscardAbove(PRECTL pRect, ULONG_PTR ident) { int i; BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Find the bits we are trying to restore.
for (i = ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel; i >= 0; i--) { if (i == (int)ident) { // We're at the right level in the saveState.
TRC_NRM((TB, "found match at level %d", i)); TRC_DBG((TB, "Rect matched (%d, %d, %d, %d)", ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].rect.left, ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].rect.bottom, ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].rect.right, ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].rect.top));
ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel = i; rc = TRUE; DC_QUIT; } else { // Discard this entry on the stack.
ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved -= ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].remotePelsRequired; if (ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].pSaveData != NULL) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Freeing memory at %p", ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].pSaveData)); EngFreeMem(ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].pSaveData); ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].pSaveData = NULL; } } }
// If we get here we failed to match on any of the entries.
TRC_NRM((TB, "no match on stack")); ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel = 0;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSIRestoreBits
// Restores the specified screen rectangle. If the bits were saved remotely
// we make sure to send a SaveBitmap order. We return TRUE if we restored
// the bits at the client, else we return FALSE to have GDI repaint the
// target rect.
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL SSIRestoreBits(SURFOBJ *pso, PRECTL pRect, ULONG_PTR ident) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
TRC_DBG((TB, "RestoreScreenBits (%d, %d, %d, %d) level %d", pRect->left, pRect->bottom, pRect->right, pRect->top, ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel));
// If the save level is negative then either there was a save
// outstanding when we hooked the SSB or we have received out of order
// restores/discards so we discarded stuff from the SSB stack
// ourselves. We can't distinguish between these two cases at this
// point so we will always pass this on to the display driver and hope
// that it is robust enough to cope with a discard which didn't have a
// corresponding save.
if (ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel >= 0) { // If we don't have enough levels (rare problem), we return FALSE
// which causes a repaint.
if (ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel < SSB_MAX_SAVE_LEVEL) { // Search for the corresponding save order on our stack.
if (SSIFindSlotAndDiscardAbove(pRect, ident)) { if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.fSavedRemotely) { // Make sure GDI is giving us back the same sized
// block, otherwise the client can get messed up.
// SSIRemotePelsRequired(pRect)),
// (TB,"Rect (%d,%d,%d,%d) for restore level %u "
// "size %u is too large (stored size=%u)",
// pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right,
// pRect->bottom, ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel,
// SSIRemotePelsRequired(pRect),
// CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remotePelsRequired));
// Update the remote pel count first. Even if we fail
// to send the order we want to free up the remote pels.
ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved -= CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remotePelsRequired;
// The bits were saved remotely, send the restore order.
TRC_DBG((TB, "Try sending the order")); rc = SSISendSaveBitmapOrder((PDD_PDEV)(pso->dhpdev), pRect, CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remoteSavedPosition, SV_RESTOREBITS);
// Now restore the bits to the screen, so long as we sent
// the order. No point repainting the screen if we could
// not send the order as we'll want GRE+USER to redraw it
// so that we can accumulate the output.
if (rc) { pddCacheStats[SSI].CacheHits++;
if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData != NULL) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Restore bits to local screen")); SSICopyRect(pso, FALSE); } else { TRC_DBG((TB, "No data to restore, repaint")); rc = FALSE; } } else { // We failed the send, but still need to discard any
// locally saved data.
if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData != NULL) { EngFreeMem(CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData); CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData = NULL; } } } else { // We failed to save the bitmap remotely originally so now
// we need to return FALSE to force a repaint.
// We should never have allocated any local memory.
TRC_ASSERT((CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData == NULL), (TB,"We allocated memory without remote save!")); TRC_NRM((TB, "No remote save, force repaint")); } } else { // We failed to find a match. This is not an error -
// it will happen when saves are not restored in LIFO fashion
// and it will also happen when SSI gets a sync now whilst
// something is saved.
TRC_DBG((TB, "Cannot find save request")); } } else { TRC_ALT((TB, "saveLevel(%d) exceeds maximum", ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel)); } } else { TRC_ALT((TB, "Restore without save")); }
DC_END_FN(); return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSIDiscardSave
// Discards the specified screen rectangle bits. Always returns TRUE
// saying that the discard succeeded.
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL SSIDiscardSave(PRECTL pRect, ULONG_PTR ident) { BOOL rc;
TRC_DBG((TB, "Discard for rect L%u R%u T%u B%u", pRect->left, pRect->right, pRect->top, pRect->bottom));
// If the save level is negative then either there was a save
// outstanding when we hooked the SSB or we have received out of order
// restores/discards so we discarded stuff from the SSB stack ourselves.
if (ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel >= 0) { // If the save level is greater than the number of levels that we
// support we just return TRUE. We will have ignored the SaveBits
// call - so we have effectively discarded the bits already.
// Our maximum save level is such that we should very rarely (if ever)
// go through this path.
if (ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel < SSB_MAX_SAVE_LEVEL) { pddCacheStats[SSI].CacheReads++;
// Search for the corresponding save order on our stack.
// Not finding a slot match is not unusual, it can happen
// when saves are not restored in LIFO fashion or when SSI
// gets a sync while something is saved.
if (SSIFindSlotAndDiscardAbove(pRect, ident)) { // If the bits were saved remotely then update local counter
// for removed bits.
if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.fSavedRemotely) { // We don't transmit FREE/DISCARDSAVE orders - there is
// no need because each Save/Restore order contains all
// the necessary information (e.g. position of the bits
// in the Save Bitmap). Just update our counter to take
// account of the remote freed bits.
ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved -= CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remotePelsRequired; }
// If we actually copied the bits, then free the memory.
if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData != NULL) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Free off stored memory at %p", CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData)); EngFreeMem(CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData); CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData = NULL; } } } else { TRC_ALT((TB, "saveLevel(%d) exceeds maximum", ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel)); } } else { TRC_ALT((TB, "Restore without save")); }
DC_END_FN(); return TRUE; }
/****************************************************************************/ // SSICopyRect
// Copy a screen rectangle.
/****************************************************************************/ void SSICopyRect(SURFOBJ *pso, BOOL save) { UINT32 size; PBYTE pSrc; PBYTE pDest; PBYTE pScreenLocation; unsigned rectWidth; unsigned rectHeight; unsigned paddedRectWidth; unsigned row; unsigned srcDelta; unsigned destDelta; PDD_PDEV pPDev; #ifdef DC_HICOLOR
#ifdef DC_DEBUG
unsigned bpp; #endif
// Set up some key params which are independent of the direction of
// copy.
rectHeight = CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.bottom - CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.top;
pPDev = (PDD_PDEV)pso->dhpdev;
if (pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_24BPP) { pScreenLocation = pPDev->pFrameBuf + (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.top * pso->lDelta) + (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.left * 3);
// rectWidth is in bytes. At 24bpp, this is 3 * number of pels.
rectWidth = (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.right - CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.left) * 3; #ifdef DC_DEBUG
bpp = 24; #endif
} else if (pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_16BPP) { pScreenLocation = pPDev->pFrameBuf + (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.top * pso->lDelta) + (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.left * 2);
// rectWidth is in bytes. At 16bpp, this is 2 * number of pels.
rectWidth = (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.right - CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.left) * 2; #ifdef DC_DEBUG
bpp = 16; #endif
} else #endif
if (pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP) { pScreenLocation = pPDev->pFrameBuf + (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.top * pso->lDelta) + CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.left;
// rectWidth is in bytes. At 8bpp, this is the number of pels.
rectWidth = CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.right - CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.left; #ifdef DC_HICOLOR
#ifdef DC_DEBUG
bpp = 8; #endif
} else { pScreenLocation = pPDev->pFrameBuf + (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.top * pso->lDelta) + (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.left / 2);
// rectWidth is in bytes. At 4bpp, this is (number of pels)/2.
// However, since we copy whole bytes, we need to round 'right' up
// and 'left' down to the nearest multiple of 2.
rectWidth = ((CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.right + 1) - (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.left & ~1)) / 2;
#ifdef DC_DEBUG
bpp = 4; #endif
} paddedRectWidth = (unsigned)DC_ROUND_UP_4(rectWidth);
TRC_DBG((TB, "CopyRect: L%u R%u B%u T%u H%u W%u, PW%u sc%p index %d", CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.left, CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.right, CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.bottom, CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect.top, rectHeight, rectWidth, paddedRectWidth, pScreenLocation, ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel));
TRC_ASSERT(((pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_4BPP) || (pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP) || (pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_16BPP) || (pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_24BPP)), (TB, "Bitmap format %d unsupported", pso->iBitmapFormat)); #else
// Only coded for 4bpp and 8bpp thus far.
TRC_ASSERT(((pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP) || (pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_4BPP)), (TB, "Bitmap format %d unsupported", pso->iBitmapFormat)); #endif
// Allocate memory if required. The size can be calculated from the
// rectl field: NB This is in exclusive coords.
if (save) { size = rectHeight * paddedRectWidth;
TRC_DBG((TB, "Save: alloc %u bytes for %dBPP at %p", size, bpp, CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData)); #else
TRC_DBG((TB, "Save: alloc %u bytes for %dBPP at %p", size, pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP ? 8 : 4, CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData)); #endif
if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData != NULL) { // Now copy the bits. No need to explicitly zero the pad bytes as
// we've nulled the memory on allocation.
pSrc = pScreenLocation; pDest = CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData; srcDelta = pso->lDelta; destDelta = paddedRectWidth; TRC_DBG((TB, "Save: Copying from %p to %p", pSrc, pDest));
for (row = 0; row < rectHeight; row++) { memcpy(pDest, pSrc, rectWidth); pDest += destDelta; pSrc += srcDelta; } } else { TRC_ALT((TB, "Failed alloc %ul bytes, SSI save aborted", size)); } } else { // Copy the bits to the screen bitmap.
pSrc = CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData; pDest = pScreenLocation; srcDelta = paddedRectWidth; destDelta = pso->lDelta; TRC_DBG((TB, "Restore: Copying from %p to %p", pSrc, pDest)); TRC_ASSERT((pSrc != NULL), (TB,"Source for SSI restore is NULL!"));
for (row = 0; row < rectHeight; row++) { memcpy(pDest, pSrc, rectWidth); pDest += destDelta; pSrc += srcDelta; }
TRC_DBG((TB, "Freeing memory at %p")); EngFreeMem(CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData); CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.pSaveData = NULL; }
DC_END_FN(); } /* SSICopyRect */