// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-1998
// File: licprot.c
// Contents: Implementation of Hydra Server License Protocol API
// History: 02-08-00 RobLeit Created
#include "precomp.h"
#include <rpcnterr.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include "licemem.inc"
#include <srvdef.h>
#include <tserrs.h>
#include <locale.h>
BOOL g_fSetLocale = FALSE; VOID LogLicensingTimeBombExpirationEvent();
void ThrottleLicenseLogEvent( WORD wEventType, DWORD dwEventId, WORD cStrings, PWCHAR * apwszStrings );
LICENSE_STATUS LsStatusToLicenseStatus( DWORD LsStatus, DWORD LsStatusDefault );
#define LS_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT (1*1000)
// Copied from tlserver\server\srvdef.h
#define SECONDS_IN_A_DAY 86400 // number of seconds in a day
// Global variables
HANDLE g_hEventLog = NULL; BOOL g_fEventLogOpen = FALSE; CRITICAL_SECTION g_EventLogCritSec; DWORD g_dwLicenseExpirationLeeway = PERMANENT_LICENSE_LEASE_EXPIRE_LEEWAY; DWORD g_dwTerminalServerVersion;
LICENSE_STATUS InitializeProtocolLib() { LICENSE_STATUS lsStatus;
// initialize the cert util library
if (LSInitCertutilLib( 0 )) { __try { INITLOCK( &g_EventLogCritSec ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {
g_hEventLog = RegisterEventSource( NULL, TERMINAL_SERVICE_EVENT_LOG );
if (NULL != g_hEventLog) { g_fEventLogOpen = TRUE; } } else { return LICENSE_STATUS_SERVER_ABORT; }
lsStatus = InitializeLicensingTimeBomb();
if (lsStatus == LICENSE_STATUS_OK) { DWORD dwStatus; HKEY hKey = NULL;
DWORD dwOSVersion = GetVersion(); g_dwTerminalServerVersion = (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwOSVersion))); g_dwTerminalServerVersion |= (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwOSVersion)) << 16);
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwBuffer; DWORD cbBuffer = sizeof(DWORD);
dwStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, PERSEAT_LEEWAY_VALUE, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwBuffer, &cbBuffer);
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { g_dwLicenseExpirationLeeway = min(dwBuffer, PERMANENT_LICENSE_LEASE_EXPIRE_LEEWAY); } }
if(hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return lsStatus; }
LICENSE_STATUS ShutdownProtocolLib() { //
// shut down cert util library
g_fEventLogOpen = FALSE;
DeregisterEventSource( g_hEventLog );
g_hEventLog = NULL;
return( LICENSE_STATUS_OK ); }
LICENSE_STATUS CreateProtocolContext( IN LPLICENSE_CAPABILITIES pLicenseCap, OUT HANDLE * phContext) { LICENSE_STATUS Status; PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext = NULL;
// allocate the protocol context
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( sizeof( HS_Protocol_Context ), &pLicenseContext );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { return( Status ); }
// Note: InitializeCriticalSection could throw an exception during
// low memory conditions.
__try { INITLOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {
#if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: CreateLicenseContext: InitializeCriticalSection exception: 0x%x\n", GetExceptionCode() ); #endif
if( pLicenseContext ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext ); } return( Status ); }
pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = NULL; pLicenseContext->State = INIT; pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion = LICENSE_HIGHEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION; pLicenseContext->fAuthenticateServer = TRUE; pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed = CERT_TYPE_INVALID; pLicenseContext->dwKeyExchangeAlg = KEY_EXCHANGE_ALG_RSA; pLicenseContext->fLoggedProtocolError = FALSE;
// Initialize the crypto context parameters
pLicenseContext->CryptoContext.dwCryptState = CRYPT_SYSTEM_STATE_INITIALIZED; pLicenseContext->CryptoContext.dwSessKeyAlg = BASIC_RC4_128; pLicenseContext->CryptoContext.dwMACAlg = MAC_MD5_SHA;
if (NULL != pLicenseCap) { //
// initialize the license context with the incoming data.
pLicenseContext->fAuthenticateServer = pLicenseCap->fAuthenticateServer; pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion = pLicenseCap->ProtocolVer; //
// If the client is not authenticating the server, this means that
// the client already has our certificate. But we need to know which
// certificate the client has.
if( FALSE == pLicenseContext->fAuthenticateServer ) { pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed = pLicenseCap->CertType; }
// remember the client's machine name
if( pLicenseCap->pbClientName ) { Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( pLicenseCap->cbClientName, &pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == Status ) { //
// copy the client machine name
memcpy( pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName, pLicenseCap->pbClientName, pLicenseCap->cbClientName ); } else { goto error; } } } else { pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName = NULL; }
*phContext = ( HANDLE )pLicenseContext;
return( Status );
// encountered error creating context, free allocated memory before
// returning
if( pLicenseContext ) { DELETELOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
if (pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName) { LicenseMemoryFree(&pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName); }
LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext ); }
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS DeleteProtocolContext( HANDLE hContext ) { PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext = ( PHS_Protocol_Context )hContext;
if( NULL == pLicenseContext ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_SERVER_CONTEXT ); }
LOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
if (pLicenseContext->hLSHandle != NULL) { TLSDisconnectFromServer(pLicenseContext->hLSHandle); pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = NULL; }
if( pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbCompanyName ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbCompanyName ); }
if( pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbProductID ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbProductID ); }
if( pLicenseContext->ptszClientUserName ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->ptszClientUserName ); }
if( pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName ); }
if( pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense ); } //
// Free the license info that's being cached
if( pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo ) { FreeLicenseInfo( pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo );
LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo ); }
UNLOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec ); DELETELOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec ); LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext ); return( LICENSE_STATUS_OK );
void HandleErrorCondition( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, PDWORD pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf, LICENSE_STATUS * pStatus ) { License_Error_Message ErrorMsg; LICENSE_STATUS licenseStatus;
// returns the correct error code based on the error condition
switch( *pStatus ) { case( LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_SERVER ):
ErrorMsg.dwErrorCode = GM_HS_ERR_NO_LICENSE_SERVER; ErrorMsg.dwStateTransition = ST_NO_TRANSITION; break;
ErrorMsg.dwErrorCode = GM_HC_ERR_INVALID_MAC; ErrorMsg.dwStateTransition = ST_TOTAL_ABORT; break;
// Handle all other error conditions as invalid client
case( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_RESPONSE ): default: ErrorMsg.dwErrorCode = GM_HS_ERR_INVALID_CLIENT; ErrorMsg.dwStateTransition = ST_TOTAL_ABORT; break; }
// for now, we are not sending any error string
ErrorMsg.bbErrorInfo.wBlobType = BB_ERROR_BLOB; ErrorMsg.bbErrorInfo.wBlobLen = 0; ErrorMsg.bbErrorInfo.pBlob = NULL;
// pack the error message
licenseStatus = PackHydraServerErrorMessage( pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion, &ErrorMsg, ppOutBuf, pcbOutBuf );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != licenseStatus ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "HandleErrorConditions: cannot pack error message: 0x%x\n", *pStatus ); #endif
return; }
LICENSE_STATUS CreateHydraServerHello( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, DWORD cbInBuf, PBYTE pInBuf, DWORD * pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf ) { Hydra_Server_License_Request LicenseRequest; LICENSE_STATUS Status; Binary_Blob ScopeBlob; CHAR szScope[] = SCOPE_NAME; DWORD dwCertSize;
// generate a server random number
if(!TSRNG_GenerateRandomBits( LicenseRequest.ServerRandom, LICENSE_RANDOM )) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto no_request; }
memcpy( pLicenseContext->CryptoContext.rgbServerRandom, LicenseRequest.ServerRandom, LICENSE_RANDOM );
// fill in the product info. Allocate memory for and initialize the
// license context copy of the product info and then just copy the
// same product info to the license request.
// NOTE: This info should probably be passed in in the future
Status = InitProductInfo( &( pLicenseContext->ProductInfo ), PRODUCT_INFO_SKU_PRODUCT_ID ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "CreateHydraServerHello: cannot init product info: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
goto no_request; }
memcpy( &LicenseRequest.ProductInfo, &pLicenseContext->ProductInfo, sizeof( Product_Info ) ); //
// get the hydra server certificate and fill in the key exchange list
LicenseRequest.KeyExchngList.wBlobType = BB_KEY_EXCHG_ALG_BLOB; LicenseRequest.KeyExchngList.wBlobLen = sizeof( DWORD ); LicenseRequest.KeyExchngList.pBlob = ( PBYTE )&pLicenseContext->dwKeyExchangeAlg;
LicenseRequest.ServerCert.pBlob = NULL; LicenseRequest.ServerCert.wBlobLen = 0;
// We may or may not have to send the client the certificate depending on whether the
// client is authenticating the server.
if( TRUE == pLicenseContext->fAuthenticateServer ) { //
// decide on what kind of certificate to get depending on the client's version.
// Pre-Hydra 5.0 clients only knows how to decode proprietory certificate.
// Use X509 certificate for all other clients.
if( CERT_TYPE_INVALID == pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed ) { if( PREAMBLE_VERSION_3_0 > GET_PREAMBLE_VERSION( pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion ) ) { pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed = CERT_TYPE_PROPRIETORY; } else { pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed = CERT_TYPE_X509; } }
Status = TLSGetTSCertificate( pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed, &LicenseRequest.ServerCert.pBlob, &dwCertSize);
LicenseRequest.ServerCert.wBlobLen = LOWORD(dwCertSize); LicenseRequest.ServerCert.wBlobType = BB_CERTIFICATE_BLOB;
if( ( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) && ( CERT_TYPE_X509 == pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed ) ) { //
// if we cannot get the X509 certificate chain, use the proprietory
// certificate.
pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed = CERT_TYPE_PROPRIETORY;
Status = TLSGetTSCertificate( pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed, &LicenseRequest.ServerCert.pBlob, &dwCertSize);
LicenseRequest.ServerCert.wBlobLen = LOWORD(dwCertSize); LicenseRequest.ServerCert.wBlobType = BB_CERTIFICATE_BLOB;
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: cannot get server certificate: %x\n", Status ); #endif
goto no_request; } }
// fill in the scope info. This info may be passed in in the future.
LicenseRequest.ScopeList.dwScopeCount = 1; LicenseRequest.ScopeList.Scopes = &ScopeBlob;
ScopeBlob.wBlobType = BB_SCOPE_BLOB; ScopeBlob.pBlob = szScope; ScopeBlob.wBlobLen = strlen( ScopeBlob.pBlob ) + 1;
strcpy( pLicenseContext->Scope, ScopeBlob.pBlob );
// Pack the server hello message into network format
Status = PackHydraServerLicenseRequest( pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion, &LicenseRequest, ppOutBuf, pcbOutBuf );
// free the memory containing the server certificate
if( LicenseRequest.ServerCert.pBlob ) { TLSFreeTSCertificate( LicenseRequest.ServerCert.pBlob ); LicenseRequest.ServerCert.pBlob = NULL; } if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto no_request; }
// change the state of the context
pLicenseContext->State = SENT_SERVER_HELLO;
return( Status );
// Error return
// free memory and handles
if( pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbCompanyName ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbCompanyName ); }
if( pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbProductID ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbProductID ); }
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS HandleHelloResponse( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, DWORD cbInBuf, PBYTE pInBuf, DWORD * pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf, BOOL* pfExtendedError) { PPreamble pPreamble;
ASSERT( NULL != pInBuf ); ASSERT( cbInBuf > sizeof( Preamble ) );
if( ( NULL == pInBuf ) || ( sizeof( Preamble ) > cbInBuf ) ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
// check the message preamble to determine how to unpack the message
pPreamble = ( PPreamble )pInBuf;
if( HC_LICENSE_INFO == pPreamble->bMsgType ) { //
// Client has sent us its license
return( HandleClientLicense( pLicenseContext, cbInBuf, pInBuf, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, pfExtendedError ) );
} else if( HC_NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST == pPreamble->bMsgType ) { //
// Client has requested for a new license
return( HandleNewLicenseRequest( pLicenseContext, cbInBuf, pInBuf, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, pfExtendedError ) );
} else if( GM_ERROR_ALERT == pPreamble->bMsgType ) { //
// Client has encountered an error
return( HandleClientError( pLicenseContext, cbInBuf, pInBuf, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, pfExtendedError ) ); }
// The client response is invalid for the current server state
LICENSE_STATUS ChooseLicense( PValidation_Info pValidationInfo, DWORD dwNumLicenses, LICENSEDPRODUCT * pLicenseInfo, LPDWORD pdwLicenseIndex, BOOL fMatchingVersion ) { DWORD dwCurrentLicense, dwProductVersion; LICENSEDPRODUCT * pCurrentLicense = pLicenseInfo; BOOL fFoundLicense = FALSE;
if( ( 0 >= dwNumLicenses ) || ( NULL == pLicenseInfo ) || ( NULL == pdwLicenseIndex ) ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
// Find a license with the license array that matches the criteria.
// The caller may be looking for a license that matches the current product
// version, or for a license that is later than the current product version.
for( dwCurrentLicense = 0; dwCurrentLicense < dwNumLicenses; dwCurrentLicense++ ) { if( TERMSERV_CERT_VERSION_BETA == pCurrentLicense->dwLicenseVersion ) { continue; }
dwProductVersion = pCurrentLicense->pLicensedVersion->wMajorVersion; dwProductVersion <<= 16; dwProductVersion |= pCurrentLicense->pLicensedVersion->wMinorVersion;
if( fMatchingVersion ) { //
// we should be looking for a license with a matching version
if( dwProductVersion == pValidationInfo->pProductInfo->dwVersion ) { fFoundLicense = TRUE; break; } } else { //
// Looking for a license that is later than the current product
// version.
if( dwProductVersion > pValidationInfo->pProductInfo->dwVersion ) { fFoundLicense = TRUE; break; } }
// continue looking for the license
pCurrentLicense++; }
if( FALSE == fFoundLicense ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_ERROR ); }
*pdwLicenseIndex = dwCurrentLicense;
VOID UpdateVerifyResult( LICENSE_STATUS * pCurrentStatus, LICENSE_STATUS NewStatus ) { //
// Update the current status with the best result so far.
// The ratings of the license verification result are as follows:
// (4) Other LICENSE_STATUS_xxx
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == *pCurrentStatus ) { return; } else if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == NewStatus ) { *pCurrentStatus = NewStatus; return; } if( LICENSE_STATUS_SHOULD_UPGRADE_LICENSE == *pCurrentStatus ) { return; } else if( LICENSE_STATUS_SHOULD_UPGRADE_LICENSE == NewStatus ) { *pCurrentStatus = NewStatus; return; }
if( LICENSE_STATUS_MUST_UPGRADE_LICENSE == *pCurrentStatus ) { return; } else if( LICENSE_STATUS_MUST_UPGRADE_LICENSE == NewStatus ) { *pCurrentStatus = NewStatus; return; }
*pCurrentStatus = NewStatus; return; }
Release all the memory used in the given TS_LICENSE_INFO structure
pTsLicenseInfo - Pointer to a TS_LICENSE_INFO structure
VOID FreeTsLicenseInfo( PTS_LICENSE_INFO pTsLicenseInfo ) { if( NULL == pTsLicenseInfo ) { return; }
if( pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense ); }
// release all memory within the structure
memset( pTsLicenseInfo, 0, sizeof( TS_LICENSE_INFO ) );
return; }
Cache the client licensing info
pLicenseContext - Pointer to license protocol context pCurrentLicense - Pointer to the license info to cache
--*/ VOID CacheLicenseInfo( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, PLICENSEDPRODUCT pCurrentLicense ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status; //
// free the old information in the cache
if( pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo ) { FreeTsLicenseInfo( pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo ); } else { Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( sizeof( TS_LICENSE_INFO ), &pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICEMGR: CacheLicenseInfo: cannot allocate memory for license info cache\n" ); #endif
return; } }
// decide if the license is temporary
if( pCurrentLicense->pLicensedVersion->dwFlags & 0x80000000 ) { pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->fTempLicense = TRUE; } else { pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->fTempLicense = FALSE; }
// cache license validity dates
pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->NotAfter = pCurrentLicense->NotAfter;
return; }
LICENSE_STATUS ValidateHydraLicense( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, PValidation_Info pValidationInfo, DWORD dwNumLicenses, PLICENSEDPRODUCT pLicenseInfo, PDWORD pdwLicenseState ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_LICENSE, CurrentStatus; DWORD dwLicenseIndex = 0, dwCurrentLicense = 0; PLICENSEDPRODUCT pCurrentLicense; BOOL fFoundMatchingVersion = FALSE;
// The client could have given us multiple licenses. Pick the right
// license from the array of licenses to validate. Always try to pick
// the license that matches the current product version before looking
// for a license that is for a later version.
CurrentStatus = ChooseLicense( pValidationInfo, dwNumLicenses, pLicenseInfo, &dwLicenseIndex, TRUE );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == CurrentStatus ) { //
// Verify the license that is the same version as the current product
// version
// initialize the license state
LicenseInitState( *pdwLicenseState ); pCurrentLicense = pLicenseInfo + dwLicenseIndex; fFoundMatchingVersion = TRUE;
// verify HWID
CurrentStatus = VerifyClientHwid( pLicenseContext, pValidationInfo, pCurrentLicense ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != CurrentStatus ) { UpdateVerifyResult( &Status, CurrentStatus ); goto verify_later_license; }
// verify product info. Also verifies the product version.
// The product version determines if the license needs to be
// upgraded or not.
CurrentStatus = VerifyLicenseProductInfo( pLicenseContext, pValidationInfo, pCurrentLicense, pdwLicenseState );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != CurrentStatus ) { UpdateVerifyResult( &Status, CurrentStatus ); goto verify_later_license; }
// verify license valid date and time.
CurrentStatus = VerifyLicenseDateAndTime( pCurrentLicense, pdwLicenseState ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != CurrentStatus ) { UpdateVerifyResult( &Status, CurrentStatus ); goto verify_later_license; }
CurrentStatus = GetVerifyResult( *pdwLicenseState ); UpdateVerifyResult( &Status, CurrentStatus );
// cache the license we tried to validate
CacheLicenseInfo( pLicenseContext, pCurrentLicense );
// If the current license is OK, then we're done verifying
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == Status ) { return( Status ); } }
verify_later_license: //
// Cannot find or did not sucessfully verify a license that matches the
// current product version. The following code finds and verifies
// licenses that are later than the current product version.
CurrentStatus = ChooseLicense( pValidationInfo, dwNumLicenses, pLicenseInfo, &dwLicenseIndex, FALSE );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != CurrentStatus ) { if( FALSE == fFoundMatchingVersion ) { //
// cannot find a license that is the same or later than the current
// product version ==> this license must be upgraded.
LicenseSetState( *pdwLicenseState, LICENSE_STATE_OLD_VERSION );
// Cache the existing license regardless, so we know what type
// it is
CacheLicenseInfo( pLicenseContext, pLicenseInfo );
return( GetVerifyResult( *pdwLicenseState ) ); } else { return( Status ); } } pCurrentLicense = pLicenseInfo + dwLicenseIndex; dwCurrentLicense = dwLicenseIndex;
while( dwCurrentLicense < dwNumLicenses ) { //
// initialize the license state
LicenseInitState( *pdwLicenseState );
// verify HWID
CurrentStatus = VerifyClientHwid( pLicenseContext, pValidationInfo, pCurrentLicense ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != CurrentStatus ) { UpdateVerifyResult( &Status, CurrentStatus ); goto next_license; }
// verify product info. Also verifies the product version.
// The product version determines if the license needs to be
// upgraded or not.
CurrentStatus = VerifyLicenseProductInfo( pLicenseContext, pValidationInfo, pCurrentLicense, pdwLicenseState );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != CurrentStatus ) { UpdateVerifyResult( &Status, CurrentStatus ); goto next_license; }
// verify license valid date and time.
CurrentStatus = VerifyLicenseDateAndTime( pCurrentLicense, pdwLicenseState ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != CurrentStatus ) { UpdateVerifyResult( &Status, CurrentStatus ); goto next_license; }
CurrentStatus = GetVerifyResult( *pdwLicenseState );
UpdateVerifyResult( &Status, CurrentStatus );
// cache the info of the license we had just try to validate
CacheLicenseInfo( pLicenseContext, pCurrentLicense );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == Status ) { //
// if the license is OK, then we can stop the verification process
break; }
// Get the next license that is later than the current product version.
if( dwNumLicenses <= ++dwCurrentLicense ) { break; }
CurrentStatus = ChooseLicense( pValidationInfo, dwNumLicenses - dwCurrentLicense, pCurrentLicense, &dwLicenseIndex, FALSE ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != CurrentStatus ) { break; }
pCurrentLicense += dwLicenseIndex; dwCurrentLicense += dwLicenseIndex; }
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS ValidateLicense( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, PValidation_Info pValidationInfo, PDWORD pdwLicenseState, BOOL fCheckForPermanent ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status; DWORD dwNumLicenseInfo = 0; LICENSEDPRODUCT * pLicenseInfo = NULL; static DWORD cchComputerName; static TCHAR szComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD cbSecretKey = 0; PBYTE pbSecretKey = NULL; BOOL fDifferent = FALSE;
if( NULL == pLicenseContext ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
// Get the secret key that is used to encrypt the HWID
LicenseGetSecretKey( &cbSecretKey, NULL );
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( cbSecretKey, &pbSecretKey );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
Status = LicenseGetSecretKey( &cbSecretKey, pbSecretKey );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
// decode license issued by hydra license server certificate engine.
// Decoding the license will also get us back the decrypted HWID.
__try { Status = LSVerifyDecodeClientLicense( pValidationInfo->pLicense, pValidationInfo->cbLicense, pbSecretKey, cbSecretKey, &dwNumLicenseInfo, NULL );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( sizeof( LICENSEDPRODUCT ) * dwNumLicenseInfo, &pLicenseInfo );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
Status = LSVerifyDecodeClientLicense( pValidationInfo->pLicense, pValidationInfo->cbLicense, pbSecretKey, cbSecretKey, &dwNumLicenseInfo, pLicenseInfo ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DWORD dwExceptionCode = GetExceptionCode(); Status = LICENSE_STATUS_CANNOT_DECODE_LICENSE; }
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICEMGR: cannot decode license: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
goto done; }
// now validate the license
Status = ValidateHydraLicense( pLicenseContext, pValidationInfo, dwNumLicenseInfo, pLicenseInfo, pdwLicenseState );
if (fCheckForPermanent && LICENSE_STATUS_OK == Status && !pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->fTempLicense && pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.cbProductID >= sizeof(TERMSERV_FREE_TYPE)) { int i; TCHAR *pszT;
for (i = 0, pszT = (TCHAR *)(pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbProductID + pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.cbProductID - sizeof(TERMSERV_FREE_TYPE)); i < sizeof(TERMSERV_FREE_TYPE); i++) { if (TERMSERV_FREE_TYPE[i] != pszT[i]) { fDifferent = TRUE; break; } }
if (fDifferent) ReceivedPermanentLicense(); } done:
if( pbSecretKey ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pbSecretKey ); }
// Free the array of licensed product info
if( pLicenseInfo ) { while( dwNumLicenseInfo-- ) { LSFreeLicensedProduct( pLicenseInfo + dwNumLicenseInfo ); }
LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseInfo ); }
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS HandleClientLicense( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, DWORD cbInBuf, PBYTE pInBuf, DWORD * pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf, PBOOL pfExtendedError) { LICENSE_STATUS Status, UpgradeStatus; Hydra_Client_License_Info LicenseInfo; PBYTE pPreMasterSecret = NULL; DWORD dwPreMasterSecretLen = 0; HWID Hwid; Validation_Info ValidationInfo; License_Error_Message ErrorMsg; DWORD dwLicenseState = 0; BYTE MacData[LICENSE_MAC_DATA]; DWORD CertType;
ASSERT( NULL != pInBuf ); ASSERT( cbInBuf > 0 );
if( ( NULL == pInBuf ) || ( 0 >= cbInBuf ) ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
// Unpack the client license info message
InitBinaryBlob( &LicenseInfo.EncryptedPreMasterSecret ); InitBinaryBlob( &LicenseInfo.LicenseInfo ); InitBinaryBlob( &LicenseInfo.EncryptedHWID );
Status = UnPackHydraClientLicenseInfo( pInBuf, cbInBuf, &LicenseInfo, pfExtendedError );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto construct_return_msg; }
// Initialize the crypto context with the key exchange info and build the pre-master
// secret. We need the server and client random numbers and the pre-master secret
// to build the pre-master secret.
memcpy( pLicenseContext->CryptoContext.rgbClientRandom, LicenseInfo.ClientRandom, LICENSE_RANDOM ); pLicenseContext->CryptoContext.dwKeyExchAlg = LicenseInfo.dwPrefKeyExchangeAlg;
Status = GetEnvelopedData( pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed, LicenseInfo.EncryptedPreMasterSecret.pBlob, ( DWORD )LicenseInfo.EncryptedPreMasterSecret.wBlobLen, &pPreMasterSecret, &dwPreMasterSecretLen );
goto construct_return_msg; }
// Set the pre-master secret and generate the master secret
Status = LicenseSetPreMasterSecret( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, pPreMasterSecret );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto construct_return_msg; } Status = LicenseBuildMasterSecret( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto construct_return_msg; }
// Derive the session key from the key exchange info
Status = LicenseMakeSessionKeys( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, 0 );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto construct_return_msg; }
// Use the session key to decrypt the HWID
if( LicenseInfo.EncryptedHWID.wBlobLen > sizeof(Hwid) ) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_MAC_DATA; goto construct_return_msg; }
memcpy( &Hwid, LicenseInfo.EncryptedHWID.pBlob, LicenseInfo.EncryptedHWID.wBlobLen );
Status = LicenseDecryptSessionData( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, ( PBYTE )&Hwid, ( DWORD )LicenseInfo.EncryptedHWID.wBlobLen );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto construct_return_msg; }
// Calculate the MAC on the HWID.
Status = LicenseGenerateMAC( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, ( PBYTE )&Hwid, sizeof( HWID ), MacData); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_MAC_DATA; goto construct_return_msg; }
// now verify the MAC data
if( 0 != memcmp( MacData, LicenseInfo.MACData, LICENSE_MAC_DATA ) ) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_LICENSE; goto license_bad; }
// keep track of the client platform ID
pLicenseContext->dwClientPlatformID = LicenseInfo.dwPlatformID;
// call the license manager to validate the license.
// For now, we don't have to fill in the product info fields
ValidationInfo.pValidationData = ( PBYTE )&Hwid; ValidationInfo.cbValidationData = LICENSE_HWID_LENGTH; ValidationInfo.pProductInfo = &pLicenseContext->ProductInfo; ValidationInfo.pLicense = LicenseInfo.LicenseInfo.pBlob; ValidationInfo.cbLicense = ( DWORD )LicenseInfo.LicenseInfo.wBlobLen;
Status = ValidateLicense( pLicenseContext, &ValidationInfo, &dwLicenseState, FALSE // fCheckForPermanent
// If the license cannot be decoded, then it is time to issue a new license
// for the client.
if( LICENSE_STATUS_CANNOT_DECODE_LICENSE == Status || LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_LICENSE == Status ) { LICENSE_STATUS StatusT = IssuePlatformChallenge( pLicenseContext, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != StatusT ) { //
// cannot obtain a platform challenge for the client
#if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: cannot issue platform challenge: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
goto construct_return_msg; } pLicenseContext->State = ISSUED_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE; Status = LICENSE_STATUS_CONTINUE; goto done; }
// check if the license needs to be upgraded.
// issue the platform challenge for upgrading a license
UpgradeStatus = IssuePlatformChallenge( pLicenseContext, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == UpgradeStatus ) { //
// keep track of the old license and continue with the licensing
// protocol. We will upgrade the old license when the client
// returns with the platform challenge.
if( pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense ); }
pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense = LicenseInfo.LicenseInfo.pBlob; pLicenseContext->cbOldLicense = LicenseInfo.LicenseInfo.wBlobLen; pLicenseContext->State = ISSUED_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE; Status = LICENSE_STATUS_CONTINUE;
goto done; } else if( LICENSE_STATUS_SHOULD_UPGRADE_LICENSE == Status ) { //
// Let the client go through if we cannot issue a platform
// challenge to upgrade a valid license now.
Status = LICENSE_STATUS_OK; goto construct_return_msg; } else { // LICENSE_STATUS_MUST_UPGRADE_LICENSE: send back the real error
Status = UpgradeStatus; }
// cannot issue platform challenge to upgrade a license that is
// not good any more.
#if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: cannot issue platform challenge to upgrade license: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
// we are ignoring license upgrade
// change the status to OK
// now construct the message to return to the client, based on the current
// status code
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { //
// The current status states that the client could not be validated
// due to some error
#if DBG
DbgPrint( "HandleClientLicense: constructing error message: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
// handle the error condition and update our state
HandleErrorCondition( pLicenseContext, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, &Status );
// Log the failure
if( pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName ) { wLogString = 1; ptszLogString[0] = pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName; }
pLicenseContext->fLoggedProtocolError = TRUE;
} else if ((NULL != pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo) && (!pLicenseContext->fLoggedProtocolError)) { LPTSTR ptszLogString[1] = { NULL };
if( pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName ) { ptszLogString[0] = pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName; }
// Couldn't renew/upgrade license
pLicenseContext->fLoggedProtocolError = TRUE;
if(IsLicensingTimeBombExpired()) {
if (pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->fTempLicense) { // The expired temporary license could not be upgraded
LicenseLogEvent( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, EVENT_EXPIRED_TEMPORARY_LICENSE, 1, ptszLogString ); } else { // The expired permanent license could not be renewed
goto done; }
// The license has been validated successfully, generate the message to
// return to the client
Status = ConstructServerResponse( pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion, LICENSE_RESPONSE_VALID_CLIENT, TS_ERRINFO_NOERROR, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, *pfExtendedError); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "HandleClientLicense: cannot pack error message: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
pLicenseContext->State = ABORTED; Status = LICENSE_STATUS_SERVER_ABORT; } else { pLicenseContext->State = VALIDATED_LICENSE_COMPLETE; }
// free the memory used in the license info structure
FreeBinaryBlob( &LicenseInfo.EncryptedPreMasterSecret ); FreeBinaryBlob( &LicenseInfo.EncryptedHWID ); if( pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense != LicenseInfo.LicenseInfo.pBlob ) { FreeBinaryBlob( &LicenseInfo.LicenseInfo ); } if( pPreMasterSecret ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pPreMasterSecret ); }
return( Status);
LICENSE_STATUS HandleNewLicenseRequest( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, DWORD cbInBuf, PBYTE pInBuf, DWORD * pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf, PBOOL pfExtendedError) { LICENSE_STATUS Status; Hydra_Client_New_License_Request NewLicenseRequest; PBYTE pPreMasterSecret = NULL; DWORD dwPreMasterSecretLen = 0; DWORD dwChallengeLen = 0; DWORD CertType;
ASSERT( NULL != pInBuf ); ASSERT( cbInBuf > 0 );
if( ( NULL == pInBuf ) || ( 0 >= cbInBuf ) ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
InitBinaryBlob( &NewLicenseRequest.EncryptedPreMasterSecret ); //
// Unpack the new license request
Status = UnPackHydraClientNewLicenseRequest( pInBuf, cbInBuf, &NewLicenseRequest, pfExtendedError );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: HandleNewLicenseRequest: cannot unpack client request: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
return( Status ); }
// save the client user and machine name
#ifdef UNICODE
// convert the client's user and machine name to unicode
if( ( NewLicenseRequest.ClientUserName.pBlob ) && ( NULL == pLicenseContext->ptszClientUserName ) ) { Status = Ascii2Wchar( NewLicenseRequest.ClientUserName.pBlob, &pLicenseContext->ptszClientUserName );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: HandleNewLicenseRequest: cannot convert client user name: %s to wide char: 0x%x\n", NewLicenseRequest.ClientUserName.pBlob, Status ); #endif
} }
if( ( NewLicenseRequest.ClientMachineName.pBlob ) && ( NULL == pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName ) ) { Status = Ascii2Wchar( NewLicenseRequest.ClientMachineName.pBlob, &pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: HandleNewLicenseRequest: cannot convert client machine name %s to wide char: 0x%x\n", NewLicenseRequest.ClientMachineName.pBlob, Status ); #endif
} }
#else // non-UNICODE
// save the client's user and machine name
if( ( NewLicenseRequest.ClientUserName.pBlob ) && ( NULL == pLicenseContext->ptszClientUserName ) ) { Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( NewLicenseRequest.ClientUserName.wBlobLen, &pLicenseContext->ptszClientUserName ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: HandleNewLicenseRequest: cannot allocate memory for client's user name: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
} else { memcpy( pLicenseContext->ptszClientUserName, NewLicenseRequest.ClientUserName.pBlob, NewLicenseRequest.ClientUserName.wBlobLen ); } }
if( ( NewLicenseRequest.ClientMachineName.pBlob ) && ( NULL == pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName ) ) { Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( NewLicenseRequest.ClientMachineName.wBlobLen, &pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: HandleNewLicenseRequest: cannot allocate memory for client's machine name: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
} else { memcpy( pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName, NewLicenseRequest.ClientMachineName.pBlob, NewLicenseRequest.ClientMachineName.wBlobLen ); } }
#endif // UNICODE
// Initialize the crypto context with the key exchange info and build the pre-master
// secret. We need the server and client random numbers and the pre-master secret
// to build the pre-master secret.
memcpy( pLicenseContext->CryptoContext.rgbClientRandom, NewLicenseRequest.ClientRandom, LICENSE_RANDOM ); pLicenseContext->CryptoContext.dwKeyExchAlg = NewLicenseRequest.dwPrefKeyExchangeAlg;
// Get the pre-master secret from the enveloped data
Status = GetEnvelopedData( pLicenseContext->CertTypeUsed, NewLicenseRequest.EncryptedPreMasterSecret.pBlob, ( DWORD )NewLicenseRequest.EncryptedPreMasterSecret.wBlobLen, &pPreMasterSecret, &dwPreMasterSecretLen );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: HandleNewLicenseRequest: cannot get enveloped data: 0x%x", Status ); #endif
goto done; }
// set the premaster secret and generate the master secret
Status = LicenseSetPreMasterSecret( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, pPreMasterSecret );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
Status = LicenseBuildMasterSecret( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
// Derive the session key from the key exchange info
Status = LicenseMakeSessionKeys( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, 0 );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
// record the client platform ID and issue the platform challenge
pLicenseContext->dwClientPlatformID = NewLicenseRequest.dwPlatformID;
Status = IssuePlatformChallenge( pLicenseContext, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
// update our state
FreeBinaryBlob( &NewLicenseRequest.EncryptedPreMasterSecret ); FreeBinaryBlob( &NewLicenseRequest.ClientUserName ); FreeBinaryBlob( &NewLicenseRequest.ClientMachineName );
if( pPreMasterSecret ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pPreMasterSecret ); }
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS HandleClientError( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, DWORD cbInBuf, PBYTE pInBuf, DWORD * pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf, PBOOL pfExtendedError ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status; License_Error_Message ClientError;
ASSERT( NULL != pInBuf ); ASSERT( cbInBuf > 0 ); ASSERT( NULL != pfExtendedError);
if( ( NULL == pInBuf ) || ( 0 >= cbInBuf ) ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
InitBinaryBlob( &ClientError.bbErrorInfo );
// unpack the client error
Status = UnPackHydraClientErrorMessage( pInBuf, cbInBuf, &ClientError, pfExtendedError );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { return( Status ); }
// Process the client error code, the possible errors are:
// (1) Error processing the hydra server certificate
// (2) Client has no license and does not want one
// For now, just record the client error and abort the operation
pLicenseContext->dwClientError = ClientError.dwErrorCode; pLicenseContext->State = ABORTED;
FreeBinaryBlob( &ClientError.bbErrorInfo );
LICENSE_STATUS AuthWithLicenseServer( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status = LICENSE_STATUS_OK; LPBYTE lpCert = NULL; DWORD dwResult, RpcStatus; DWORD dwSize;
if (pLicenseContext->hLSHandle == NULL) { return LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_SERVER_CONTEXT; }
Status = TLSGetTSCertificate(CERT_TYPE_X509, &lpCert, &dwSize);
if (Status != LICENSE_STATUS_OK) { Status = TLSGetTSCertificate(CERT_TYPE_PROPRIETORY, &lpCert, &dwSize); }
if (Status != LICENSE_STATUS_OK) { goto done; }
RpcStatus = TLSSendServerCertificate( pLicenseContext->hLSHandle, dwSize, lpCert, &dwResult );
if( ( RPC_S_OK != RpcStatus ) || ( LSERVER_S_SUCCESS != dwResult ) ) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR; goto done; }
done: if (lpCert) TLSFreeTSCertificate(lpCert);
return Status; }
LICENSE_STATUS CheckConnectLicenseServer( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status = LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_SERVER;
if (pLicenseContext->hLSHandle != NULL) return LICENSE_STATUS_OK;
pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = TLSConnectToAnyLsServer(LS_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT);
if (NULL != pLicenseContext->hLSHandle) { Status = AuthWithLicenseServer(pLicenseContext); if (Status == LICENSE_STATUS_OK) { goto done; } else if(Status == LICENSE_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR) { BOOL fInDomain; LPWSTR szLSName = NULL; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = TLSInDomain(&fInDomain, NULL);
if( (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) && (fInDomain == TRUE)) { DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwErr = TLSGetServerNameFixed(pLicenseContext->hLSHandle,&szLSName,&dwErrCode);
if(dwErr == RPC_S_OK && dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && NULL != szLSName) { LicenseLogEvent( EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, EVENT_LICENSE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, 1, &szLSName ); } if(NULL != szLSName) { MIDL_user_free(szLSName); } } } } else { BOOL fInDomain; LPWSTR szDomain = NULL; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = TLSInDomain(&fInDomain,&szDomain);
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) && (NULL != szDomain)) { ThrottleLicenseLogEvent( EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, fInDomain ? EVENT_NO_LICENSE_SERVER_DOMAIN : EVENT_NO_LICENSE_SERVER_WORKGROUP, 1, &szDomain ); } else { ThrottleLicenseLogEvent( EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, EVENT_NO_LICENSE_SERVER, 0, NULL ); }
if (NULL != szDomain) { NetApiBufferFree(szDomain); } }
// error case
if (NULL != pLicenseContext->hLSHandle) { TLSDisconnectFromServer(pLicenseContext->hLSHandle); pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = NULL; }
done: return Status; }
LICENSE_STATUS CheckConnectNamedLicenseServer( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, TCHAR *tszComputerName) { LICENSE_STATUS Status = LICENSE_STATUS_OK;
if (pLicenseContext->hLSHandle != NULL) return LICENSE_STATUS_OK;
pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = TLSConnectToLsServer(tszComputerName);
if (NULL == pLicenseContext->hLSHandle) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_SERVER; goto done; }
Status = AuthWithLicenseServer(pLicenseContext); if (Status != LICENSE_STATUS_OK) { TLSDisconnectFromServer(pLicenseContext->hLSHandle); pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = NULL; }
done: return Status; }
LICENSE_STATUS CheckUpgradeLicense( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, PDWORD pSupportFlags, PLicense_Request pLicenseRequest, DWORD cbChallengeResponse, PBYTE pbChallengeResponse, PHWID pHwid, PDWORD pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status = LICENSE_STATUS_OK; DWORD cbLicense = 0; PBYTE pbLicense = NULL; Validation_Info ValidationInfo; DWORD dwLicenseState = 0; DWORD RpcStatus, LsStatus; BOOL fRetried = FALSE;
reconnect: Status = CheckConnectLicenseServer(pLicenseContext); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto validate_old_one; }
RpcStatus = TLSUpgradeLicenseEx(pLicenseContext->hLSHandle, pSupportFlags, pLicenseRequest, 0, // ChallengeContext unused
cbChallengeResponse, pbChallengeResponse, pLicenseContext->cbOldLicense, pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense, 1, // dwQuantity
&cbLicense, &pbLicense, &LsStatus );
if ( RPC_S_OK != RpcStatus ) { if (!fRetried) { fRetried = TRUE; pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = NULL; goto reconnect; } else { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_SERVER; } } else if ( LSERVER_ERROR_BASE <= LsStatus ) { Status = LsStatusToLicenseStatus(LsStatus, LICENSE_STATUS_CANNOT_UPGRADE_LICENSE); }
ValidationInfo.pValidationData = ( PBYTE )pHwid; ValidationInfo.cbValidationData = LICENSE_HWID_LENGTH; ValidationInfo.pProductInfo = &pLicenseContext->ProductInfo; //
// if we cannot upgrade the license, check if the current license is
// still good. If it is, return it to the client.
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { LICENSE_STATUS LicenseStatus;
ValidationInfo.pLicense = pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense; ValidationInfo.cbLicense = pLicenseContext->cbOldLicense;
LicenseStatus = ValidateLicense( pLicenseContext, &ValidationInfo, &dwLicenseState, FALSE // fCheckForPermanent
if( ( LICENSE_STATUS_OK == LicenseStatus ) || ( LICENSE_STATUS_SHOULD_UPGRADE_LICENSE == LicenseStatus ) ) { //
// Store the raw license bits for later use. Ignore failure;
// that only means that if this is a license that should be
// marked, termsrv won't be able to.
CacheRawLicenseData(pLicenseContext, pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense, pLicenseContext->cbOldLicense);
// The current license is still OK, send it back to the client.
Status = PackageLicense( pLicenseContext, pLicenseContext->cbOldLicense, pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, FALSE ); } else { //
// The current license is not good any more
#if DBG
DbgPrint( "UpgradeLicense: cannot upgrade license 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
} goto done; }
// the license upgrade was successful. Now validate the new license so
// that the new license info will be cached.
ValidationInfo.pLicense = pbLicense; ValidationInfo.cbLicense = cbLicense;
ValidateLicense( pLicenseContext, &ValidationInfo, &dwLicenseState, TRUE // fCheckForPermanent
// Store the raw license bits for later use. Ignore failure; that only
// means that if this is a license that should be marked, termsrv won't be
// able to.
CacheRawLicenseData(pLicenseContext, pbLicense, cbLicense);
// pack up the upgraded license
Status = PackageLicense( pLicenseContext, cbLicense, pbLicense, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, FALSE );
if( pbLicense ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pbLicense ); }
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS HandlePlatformChallengeResponse( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, DWORD cbInBuf, PBYTE pInBuf, DWORD * pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf, PBOOL pfExtendedError) { LICENSE_STATUS Status; Hydra_Client_Platform_Challenge_Response PlatformChallengeResponse; BYTE ChallengeResponse[PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_LENGTH]; PBYTE pLicense = NULL; DWORD cbLicenseSize = 0; License_Request LicenseRequest; HS_LICENSE_STATE HsState = ABORTED; License_Requester_Info RequesterInfo; BYTE bEncryptedHwid[ sizeof( HWID ) ]; PBYTE pbSecretKey = NULL; DWORD cbMacData = 0, cbSecretKey = 0, cbEncryptedHwid = sizeof( HWID ); BYTE MacData[ sizeof( HWID ) + PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_LENGTH ]; BYTE ComputedMac[LICENSE_MAC_DATA]; HWID Hwid; DWORD RpcStatus,LsStatus; TCHAR tszComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; TCHAR tszUserName[UNLEN + 1]; DWORD dwComputerName = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; DWORD dwUserName = UNLEN + 1; DWORD dwSupportFlags = ALL_KNOWN_SUPPORT_FLAGS; BOOL fRetried = FALSE;
ASSERT( NULL != pInBuf ); ASSERT( cbInBuf > 0 );
if( ( NULL == pInBuf ) || ( 0 >= cbInBuf ) ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); } //
// unpack the platform challenge response
InitBinaryBlob( &PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse ); InitBinaryBlob( &PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedHWID );
Status = UnPackHydraClientPlatformChallengeResponse( pInBuf, cbInBuf, &PlatformChallengeResponse, pfExtendedError );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
// decrypt the encrypted challenge response and HWID
ASSERT(PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.wBlobLen <= PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_LENGTH); if(PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.wBlobLen > PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_LENGTH) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT; goto done; }
memcpy( ChallengeResponse, PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.pBlob, PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.wBlobLen );
Status = LicenseDecryptSessionData( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, ChallengeResponse, ( DWORD )PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.wBlobLen );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
// decrypt the client's HWID
if( PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedHWID.wBlobLen > sizeof(Hwid) ) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_MAC_DATA; goto done; }
memcpy( &Hwid, PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedHWID.pBlob, PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedHWID.wBlobLen );
Status = LicenseDecryptSessionData( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, ( PBYTE )&Hwid, ( DWORD )PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedHWID.wBlobLen ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; } //
// Verify the MAC data on the decrypted challenge response and the HWID
cbMacData += ( DWORD )PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.wBlobLen; memcpy( MacData, ChallengeResponse, ( DWORD )PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.wBlobLen );
cbMacData += ( DWORD )PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedHWID.wBlobLen; memcpy( MacData + ( DWORD )PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.wBlobLen, &Hwid, ( DWORD )PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedHWID.wBlobLen );
Status = LicenseGenerateMAC( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, MacData, cbMacData, ComputedMac );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_MAC_DATA; goto done; }
if( 0 != memcmp( ComputedMac, PlatformChallengeResponse.MACData, LICENSE_MAC_DATA ) ) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_MAC_DATA; goto done; }
// now get the license server's secret key and encrypt the HWID before transmitting it.
LicenseGetSecretKey( &cbSecretKey, NULL );
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( cbSecretKey, &pbSecretKey );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
Status = LicenseGetSecretKey( &cbSecretKey, pbSecretKey );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
Status = LicenseEncryptHwid( &Hwid, &cbEncryptedHwid, bEncryptedHwid, cbSecretKey, pbSecretKey );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; } LicenseRequest.cbEncryptedHwid = cbEncryptedHwid; LicenseRequest.pbEncryptedHwid = bEncryptedHwid;
// send the platform challenge response to the license manager and wait for it
// to issue a new license.
LicenseRequest.pProductInfo = &pLicenseContext->ProductInfo; LicenseRequest.dwPlatformID = pLicenseContext->dwClientPlatformID; LicenseRequest.dwLanguageID = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
// if we don't have the client's user and machine name, get it now.
if( NULL == pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName ) { //
// if we don't have the client machine name, just use the
// hydra server machine name
if( !GetComputerName( tszComputerName, &dwComputerName ) ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "HandlePlatformChallengeResponse: cannot get computer name: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); #endif
memset( tszComputerName, 0, ( MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); }
RequesterInfo.ptszMachineName = tszComputerName; } else { RequesterInfo.ptszMachineName = pLicenseContext->ptszClientMachineName; }
if( NULL == pLicenseContext->ptszClientUserName ) { //
// if we don't have the client's user name, just use the
// hydra server logged on user name.
if( !GetUserName( tszUserName, &dwUserName ) ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "HandlePlatformChallengeResponse: cannot get user name: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); #endif
memset( tszUserName, 0, ( UNLEN + 1 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); }
RequesterInfo.ptszUserName = tszUserName; } else { RequesterInfo.ptszUserName = pLicenseContext->ptszClientUserName; }
if( pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense ) { //
// attempt to upgrade an old license
Status = CheckUpgradeLicense( pLicenseContext, &dwSupportFlags, &LicenseRequest, ( DWORD )PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.wBlobLen, ChallengeResponse, &Hwid, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf );
if (LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status) { if (NULL != pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo) { pLicenseContext->fLoggedProtocolError = TRUE;
if(IsLicensingTimeBombExpired()) { if (pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->fTempLicense) { // The expired temporary license could not be upgraded
LicenseLogEvent( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, EVENT_EXPIRED_TEMPORARY_LICENSE, 1, &(RequesterInfo.ptszMachineName) ); } else { // The expired permanent license could not be renewed
LicenseLogEvent( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, EVENT_EXPIRED_PERMANENT_LICENSE, 1, &(RequesterInfo.ptszMachineName) ); } } } }
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
} else { reconnect:
Status = CheckConnectLicenseServer(pLicenseContext); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
RpcStatus = TLSIssueNewLicenseEx( pLicenseContext->hLSHandle, &dwSupportFlags, 0, // ChallengeContext unused
&LicenseRequest, RequesterInfo.ptszMachineName, RequesterInfo.ptszUserName, ( DWORD )PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse.wBlobLen, ChallengeResponse, TRUE, 1, // dwQuantity
&cbLicenseSize, &pLicense, &LsStatus );
if ( RPC_S_OK != RpcStatus ) { if (!fRetried) { fRetried = TRUE; pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = NULL; goto reconnect; } else { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_SERVER; } } else if ( LSERVER_ERROR_BASE <= LsStatus ) { Status = LsStatusToLicenseStatus(LsStatus, LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_ERROR); } else { DWORD dwLicenseState; Validation_Info ValidationInfo;
// Validate the license for the sole purpose of caching the
// information.
ValidationInfo.pValidationData = ( PBYTE )&Hwid; ValidationInfo.cbValidationData = LICENSE_HWID_LENGTH; ValidationInfo.pProductInfo = &pLicenseContext->ProductInfo; ValidationInfo.pLicense = pLicense; ValidationInfo.cbLicense = cbLicenseSize;
ValidateLicense(pLicenseContext, &ValidationInfo, &dwLicenseState, TRUE // fCheckForPermanent
// Store the raw license bits for later use. Ignore failure;
// that only means that if this is a license that should be
// marked, termsrv won't be able to.
CacheRawLicenseData(pLicenseContext, pLicense, cbLicenseSize); //
// package up the new license
Status = PackageLicense( pLicenseContext, cbLicenseSize, pLicense, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, TRUE ); } }
SetExtendedData(pLicenseContext, dwSupportFlags);
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
// done with the protocol
// log all issue license failures
if( (LICENSE_STATUS_ISSUED_LICENSE != Status) && (pLicenseContext != NULL) && (!pLicenseContext->fLoggedProtocolError) ) { pLicenseContext->fLoggedProtocolError = TRUE;
if( pLicense ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicense ); }
if( pbSecretKey ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pbSecretKey ); } if( pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense ) { //
// free the old license
LicenseMemoryFree( &pLicenseContext->pbOldLicense ); pLicenseContext->cbOldLicense = 0; }
FreeBinaryBlob( &PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedChallengeResponse ); FreeBinaryBlob( &PlatformChallengeResponse.EncryptedHWID );
pLicenseContext->State = HsState;
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS IssuePlatformChallenge( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, PDWORD pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf ) { Hydra_Server_Platform_Challenge PlatformChallenge; LICENSE_STATUS Status = LICENSE_STATUS_OK; CHALLENGE_CONTEXT ChallengeContext;
// generate the platform challenge
ASSERT( pLicenseContext );
// Form the platform challenge message
PlatformChallenge.EncryptedPlatformChallenge.wBlobLen = ( WORD )sizeof(HARDCODED_CHALLENGE_DATA);
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate(sizeof(HARDCODED_CHALLENGE_DATA), &(PlatformChallenge.EncryptedPlatformChallenge.pBlob));
if (LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: cannot generate MAC data for challenge platform: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
goto done; }
memcpy(PlatformChallenge.EncryptedPlatformChallenge.pBlob, HARDCODED_CHALLENGE_DATA, sizeof(HARDCODED_CHALLENGE_DATA));
// calculate the MAC for the unencrypted platform challenge
Status = LicenseGenerateMAC( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, PlatformChallenge.EncryptedPlatformChallenge.pBlob, ( DWORD )PlatformChallenge.EncryptedPlatformChallenge.wBlobLen, PlatformChallenge.MACData );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: cannot generate MAC data for challenge platform: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
goto done; }
// encrypt the platform challenge
Status = LicenseEncryptSessionData( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, PlatformChallenge.EncryptedPlatformChallenge.pBlob, PlatformChallenge.EncryptedPlatformChallenge.wBlobLen );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: cannot encrypt platform challenge data: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
goto done; } //
// pack the platform challenge
Status = PackHydraServerPlatformChallenge( pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion, &PlatformChallenge, ppOutBuf, pcbOutBuf );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: cannot pack platform challenge data: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
goto done; }
done: if (NULL != PlatformChallenge.EncryptedPlatformChallenge.pBlob) { LicenseMemoryFree(&PlatformChallenge.EncryptedPlatformChallenge.pBlob); }
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS PackageLicense( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, DWORD cbLicense, PBYTE pLicense, PDWORD pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf, BOOL fNewLicense ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status; New_License_Info NewLicenseInfo; Hydra_Server_New_License NewLicense; DWORD cbEncryptedLicenseInfo = 0;
if( ( 0 == cbLicense ) || ( NULL == pLicense ) ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
// Initialize the new license information
NewLicenseInfo.dwVersion = pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.dwVersion;
NewLicenseInfo.cbScope = strlen( pLicenseContext->Scope ) + 1; NewLicenseInfo.pbScope = pLicenseContext->Scope;
NewLicenseInfo.cbCompanyName = pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.cbCompanyName; NewLicenseInfo.pbCompanyName = pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbCompanyName;
NewLicenseInfo.cbProductID = pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.cbProductID; NewLicenseInfo.pbProductID = pLicenseContext->ProductInfo.pbProductID;
NewLicenseInfo.cbLicenseInfo = cbLicense; NewLicenseInfo.pbLicenseInfo = pLicense; //
// initialize the blob that will contain the encrypted new license
// information
NewLicense.EncryptedNewLicenseInfo.wBlobLen = 0; NewLicense.EncryptedNewLicenseInfo.pBlob = NULL; //
// pack the new license information
Status = PackNewLicenseInfo( &NewLicenseInfo, &NewLicense.EncryptedNewLicenseInfo.pBlob, &cbEncryptedLicenseInfo );
NewLicense.EncryptedNewLicenseInfo.wBlobLen = ( WORD )cbEncryptedLicenseInfo;
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
// calculate the mac data
Status = LicenseGenerateMAC( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, NewLicense.EncryptedNewLicenseInfo.pBlob, ( DWORD )NewLicense.EncryptedNewLicenseInfo.wBlobLen, NewLicense.MACData ); if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; } //
// Encrypt the new license info
Status = LicenseEncryptSessionData( &pLicenseContext->CryptoContext, NewLicense.EncryptedNewLicenseInfo.pBlob, cbEncryptedLicenseInfo );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; } //
// package up the license for the client
if( fNewLicense ) { Status = PackHydraServerNewLicense( pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion, &NewLicense, ppOutBuf, pcbOutBuf ); } else { Status = PackHydraServerUpgradeLicense( pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion, &NewLicense, ppOutBuf, pcbOutBuf ); } done: if( NewLicense.EncryptedNewLicenseInfo.pBlob ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &NewLicense.EncryptedNewLicenseInfo.pBlob ); }
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS ConstructProtocolResponse( HANDLE hLicense, DWORD dwResponse, UINT32 uiExtendedErrorInfo, PDWORD pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf, BOOL fExtendedError) { PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext; LICENSE_STATUS Status;
pLicenseContext = ( PHS_Protocol_Context )hLicense;
if (pLicenseContext == NULL) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
LOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec ); //
// construct the server response. If this is a per seat license context, use the
// licensing protocol version specified in the context. Otherwise, use the
// protocol version that is compatible with Terminal server 4.0.
Status = ConstructServerResponse( pLicenseContext->dwProtocolVersion, dwResponse, uiExtendedErrorInfo, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, fExtendedError);
UNLOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS ConstructServerResponse( DWORD dwProtocolVersion, DWORD dwResponse, UINT32 uiExtendedErrorInfo, PDWORD pcbOutBuf, PBYTE * ppOutBuf, BOOL fExtendedError) { License_Error_Message ErrorMsg; LICENSE_STATUS Status; if( ( NULL == pcbOutBuf ) || ( NULL == ppOutBuf )) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
if( LICENSE_RESPONSE_VALID_CLIENT == dwResponse ) { ErrorMsg.dwErrorCode = GM_HS_ERR_VALID_CLIENT; ErrorMsg.dwStateTransition = ST_NO_TRANSITION; } else if( LICENSE_RESPONSE_INVALID_CLIENT == dwResponse ) { ErrorMsg.dwErrorCode = GM_HS_ERR_INVALID_CLIENT; ErrorMsg.dwStateTransition = ST_TOTAL_ABORT; } else { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
ErrorMsg.bbErrorInfo.wBlobType = BB_ERROR_BLOB;
if (uiExtendedErrorInfo == TS_ERRINFO_NOERROR || !(fExtendedError) ) { ErrorMsg.bbErrorInfo.wBlobLen = 0; ErrorMsg.bbErrorInfo.pBlob = NULL; } else { PackExtendedErrorInfo(uiExtendedErrorInfo,&(ErrorMsg.bbErrorInfo)); }
Status = PackHydraServerErrorMessage( dwProtocolVersion, &ErrorMsg, ppOutBuf, pcbOutBuf ); return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS GetEnvelopedData( CERT_TYPE CertType, PBYTE pEnvelopedData, DWORD dwEnvelopedDataLen, PBYTE * ppData, PDWORD pdwDataLen ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status;
LsCsp_DecryptEnvelopedData( CertType, pEnvelopedData, dwEnvelopedDataLen, NULL, pdwDataLen ); Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( *pdwDataLen, ppData );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { goto done; }
if( !LsCsp_DecryptEnvelopedData( CertType, pEnvelopedData, dwEnvelopedDataLen, *ppData, pdwDataLen ) ) { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT; }
done: return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS InitProductInfo( PProduct_Info pProductInfo, LPTSTR lptszProductSku ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status;
pProductInfo->pbCompanyName = NULL; pProductInfo->pbProductID = NULL; pProductInfo->dwVersion = g_dwTerminalServerVersion;
pProductInfo->cbCompanyName = wcslen( PRODUCT_INFO_COMPANY_NAME ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) + sizeof( WCHAR );
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( pProductInfo->cbCompanyName, &pProductInfo->pbCompanyName );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "InitProductInfo: cannot allocate memory: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
goto error; } wcscpy( ( PWCHAR )pProductInfo->pbCompanyName, PRODUCT_INFO_COMPANY_NAME );
pProductInfo->cbProductID = _tcslen( lptszProductSku ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) + sizeof( TCHAR );
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( pProductInfo->cbProductID, &pProductInfo->pbProductID );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "InitProductInfo: cannot allocate memory: 0x%x\n", Status ); #endif
goto error; } _tcscpy( ( PTCHAR )pProductInfo->pbProductID, lptszProductSku );
return( Status );
// error return, free allocated resources
if( pProductInfo->pbCompanyName ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pProductInfo->pbCompanyName ); }
if( pProductInfo->pbProductID ) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pProductInfo->pbProductID ); }
return( Status ); }
// Reduce the frequency of logging
// No need to strictly limit it to once every 100 calls
void ThrottleLicenseLogEvent( WORD wEventType, DWORD dwEventId, WORD cStrings, PWCHAR * apwszStrings ) { static LONG lLogged = THROTTLE_WRAPAROUND; LONG lResult;
lResult = InterlockedIncrement(&lLogged);
if (THROTTLE_WRAPAROUND <= lResult) { LicenseLogEvent( wEventType, dwEventId, cStrings, apwszStrings );
lLogged = 0; } }
void LicenseLogEvent( WORD wEventType, DWORD dwEventId, WORD cStrings, PWCHAR * apwszStrings ) { if (!g_fEventLogOpen) { LOCK(&g_EventLogCritSec);
if (!g_fEventLogOpen) { g_hEventLog = RegisterEventSource( NULL, TERMINAL_SERVICE_EVENT_LOG );
if (NULL != g_hEventLog) { g_fEventLogOpen = TRUE; } }
UNLOCK(&g_EventLogCritSec); }
if( g_hEventLog ) { WCHAR *wszStringEmpty = L"";
if (NULL == apwszStrings) apwszStrings = &wszStringEmpty;
if ( !ReportEvent( g_hEventLog, wEventType, 0, dwEventId, NULL, cStrings, 0, apwszStrings, NULL ) ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LogEvent: could not log event: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); #endif
} }
return; }
#ifdef UNICODE
Convert an ascii string to a wide character string. This function is only defined if UNICODE is defined. This function allocates memory for the return value of the wide character string.
lpszAsciiStr - Points to the ascii string ppwszWideStr - Points to the pointer to the wide character string.
LICENSE_STATUS_OK if successful or a LICENSE_STATUS error code otherwise.
LICENSE_STATUS Ascii2Wchar ( LPSTR lpszAsciiStr, LPWSTR * ppwszWideStr ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status;
if( ( NULL == lpszAsciiStr ) || ( NULL == ppwszWideStr ) ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); } if( !g_fSetLocale ) { setlocale( LC_ALL, "" ); g_fSetLocale = TRUE; }
// allocate memory for the wide string
// Allocate extra space for NULL, mbstowcs() does not NULL terminate string
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( ( _mbslen( lpszAsciiStr ) + 2 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ), ppwszWideStr );
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) { return( Status ); }
if( 0 >= mbstowcs( *ppwszWideStr, lpszAsciiStr, _mbslen( lpszAsciiStr ) + 1 ) ) { #if DBG
DbgPrint( "LICPROT: Ascii2Wchar: cannot convert ascii string to wide char\n" ); #endif
return( Status ); }
Query the license information provided by the client
pLicenseContext - License protocol context pTsLicenseInfo - Pointer to license information
If successful, pTsLicenseInfo will contain the license info and this function returns LICENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise, returns a LICENSE_STATUS error.
LICENSE_STATUS QueryLicenseInfo( HANDLE hContext, PTS_LICENSE_INFO pTsLicenseInfo ) { PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext = (PHS_Protocol_Context) hContext; LICENSE_STATUS Status;
if( ( NULL == hContext ) || ( NULL == pTsLicenseInfo ) ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
if( NULL == pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_ERROR ); }
// indicate if the license is temporary
pTsLicenseInfo->fTempLicense = pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->fTempLicense;
// license validity dates
pTsLicenseInfo->NotAfter = pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->NotAfter;
// raw license data
if (NULL != pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense) { LicenseMemoryFree( &pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense ); }
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate( pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->cbRawLicense, &(pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense));
if (Status != LICENSE_STATUS_OK) { return Status; }
memcpy(pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense, pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense, pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->cbRawLicense);
pTsLicenseInfo->cbRawLicense = pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->cbRawLicense;
// flags
pTsLicenseInfo->dwSupportFlags = pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->dwSupportFlags;
return( LICENSE_STATUS_OK ); }
Free the memory allocated for the elements in the TS_LICENSE_INFO structure.
pTsLicenseInfo - Pointer to a TS_LICENSE_INFO structure
VOID FreeLicenseInfo( PTS_LICENSE_INFO pTsLicenseInfo ) { FreeTsLicenseInfo( pTsLicenseInfo ); return; }
LICENSE_STATUS AcceptProtocolContext( IN HANDLE hContext, IN DWORD cbInBuf, IN PBYTE pInBuf, IN OUT DWORD * pcbOutBuf, IN OUT PBYTE * ppOutBuf, IN OUT PBOOL pfExtendedError) { PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext; LICENSE_STATUS Status;
pLicenseContext = ( PHS_Protocol_Context )hContext;
if (NULL == pLicenseContext) { return LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_SERVER_CONTEXT; }
LOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
if( INIT == pLicenseContext->State ) { //
// Generate a hydra server hello message to request for client
// license
Status = CreateHydraServerHello(pLicenseContext, cbInBuf, pInBuf, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf); goto done; } else if( SENT_SERVER_HELLO == pLicenseContext->State ) { //
// Hello response from the client
Status = HandleHelloResponse(pLicenseContext, cbInBuf, pInBuf, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, pfExtendedError); goto done; } else if( ISSUED_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE == pLicenseContext->State ) { //
// Handle the platform challenge response
Status = HandlePlatformChallengeResponse(pLicenseContext, cbInBuf, pInBuf, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, pfExtendedError); goto done; } else { Status = LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_SERVER_CONTEXT; }
// check other states to create other messages as required...
// handle any error before returning.
// If the current status is LICENSE_STATUS_SERVER_ABORT, it means
// that we have already tried to handle the error conditions
// with no success and the only option is to abort without
// informing the client licensing protocol.
if( ( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != Status ) && ( LICENSE_STATUS_CONTINUE != Status ) && ( LICENSE_STATUS_ISSUED_LICENSE != Status ) && ( LICENSE_STATUS_SEND_ERROR != Status ) && ( LICENSE_STATUS_SERVER_ABORT != Status ) && ( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_SERVER_CONTEXT != Status ) ) { HandleErrorCondition( pLicenseContext, pcbOutBuf, ppOutBuf, &Status ); }
UNLOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
return( Status ); }
LICENSE_STATUS RequestNewLicense( IN HANDLE hContext, IN TCHAR *tszLicenseServerName, IN LICENSEREQUEST *pLicenseRequest, IN TCHAR *tszComputerName, IN TCHAR *tszUserName, IN BOOL fAcceptTempLicense, IN BOOL fAcceptFewerLicenses, IN DWORD *pdwQuantity, OUT DWORD *pcbLicense, OUT PBYTE *ppbLicense ) { PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext; LICENSE_STATUS LsStatus; DWORD dwChallengeResponse = 0; DWORD RpcStatus; DWORD dwSupportFlags = SUPPORT_PER_SEAT_REISSUANCE; BOOL fRetried = FALSE;
pLicenseContext = ( PHS_Protocol_Context )hContext;
LOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
reconnect: if (NULL != tszLicenseServerName) { LsStatus = CheckConnectNamedLicenseServer(pLicenseContext, tszLicenseServerName); } else { LsStatus = CheckConnectLicenseServer(pLicenseContext); }
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != LsStatus ) { goto done; }
RpcStatus = TLSIssueNewLicenseExEx( pLicenseContext->hLSHandle, &dwSupportFlags, 0, // Challenge Context
pLicenseRequest, tszComputerName, tszUserName, sizeof(DWORD), // cbChallengeResponse
(PBYTE) &dwChallengeResponse, fAcceptTempLicense, fAcceptFewerLicenses, pdwQuantity, pcbLicense, ppbLicense, &LsStatus );
if ( RPC_S_OK != RpcStatus ) { if (!fRetried) { fRetried = TRUE; pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = NULL; goto reconnect; } else { LsStatus = LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_SERVER; } } else if ( LSERVER_ERROR_BASE <= LsStatus ) { LsStatus = LsStatusToLicenseStatus(LsStatus, LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_ERROR); } else { LsStatus = LICENSE_STATUS_OK; }
UNLOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
return LsStatus; }
// TODO: Generalize this for all license types
LICENSE_STATUS ReturnInternetLicense( IN HANDLE hContext, IN TCHAR *tszLicenseServer, IN LICENSEREQUEST *pLicenseRequest, IN ULARGE_INTEGER ulSerialNumber, IN DWORD dwQuantity ) { PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext; LICENSE_STATUS LsStatus; DWORD RpcStatus; BOOL fRetried = FALSE;
pLicenseContext = ( PHS_Protocol_Context )hContext;
LOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
reconnect: if (NULL != tszLicenseServer) { LsStatus = CheckConnectNamedLicenseServer(pLicenseContext, tszLicenseServer); } else { LsStatus = CheckConnectLicenseServer(pLicenseContext); }
if (LICENSE_STATUS_OK != LsStatus) { goto done; }
RpcStatus = TLSReturnInternetLicenseEx( pLicenseContext->hLSHandle, pLicenseRequest, &ulSerialNumber, dwQuantity, &LsStatus );
if ( RPC_S_OK != RpcStatus ) { if (!fRetried) { fRetried = TRUE; pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = NULL; goto reconnect; } else { LsStatus = LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_SERVER; } } else if ( LSERVER_ERROR_BASE <= LsStatus ) { LsStatus = LsStatusToLicenseStatus(LsStatus, LICENSE_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); } else { LsStatus = LICENSE_STATUS_OK; }
UNLOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
return( LsStatus ); }
* * FileTimeToUnixTime * * Convert FILETIME to UNIX time (time_t) * * ENTRY: * pft (input) * pointer FILETIME structure * t (input/output) * pointer to UNIX time * * EXIT: * TRUE - Success * FALSE - Failure * ****************************************************************************/
BOOL FileTimeToUnixTime( LPFILETIME pft, time_t * t ) { SYSTEMTIME sysTime; struct tm gmTime;
if( FileTimeToSystemTime( pft, &sysTime ) == FALSE ) { return( FALSE ); }
if( sysTime.wYear >= 2038 ) { *t = INT_MAX; } else { //
// Unix time support up to 2038/1/18
// restrict any expiration data
memset( &gmTime, 0, sizeof( gmTime ) ); gmTime.tm_sec = sysTime.wSecond; gmTime.tm_min = sysTime.wMinute; gmTime.tm_hour = sysTime.wHour; gmTime.tm_year = sysTime.wYear - 1900; gmTime.tm_mon = sysTime.wMonth - 1; gmTime.tm_mday = sysTime.wDay;
*t = mktime( &gmTime ); }
return( *t != ( time_t )-1 ); }
Return expiration info from the client license
hContext - License protocol context pdwDaysLeft - Number of days to expiration is returned here. If the license has already expired, this is 0. If the license has no expiration date, this is 0xFFFFFFFF pfTemporary - Whether the license is temporary is returned here
If successful, the output parameters are filled in, and this function returns LICENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise, returns a LICENSE_STATUS error.
LICENSE_STATUS DaysToExpiration( HANDLE hContext, DWORD *pdwDaysLeft, BOOL *pfTemporary ) { PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext = (PHS_Protocol_Context) hContext; time_t Expiration, CurrentTime;
if ( NULL == hContext ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT ); }
if( NULL == pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_ERROR ); }
// indicate if the license is temporary
if (NULL != pfTemporary) { *pfTemporary = pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->fTempLicense; }
// license validity dates
if (NULL != pdwDaysLeft) { if ( FALSE == FileTimeToUnixTime( &pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->NotAfter, &Expiration ) ) { return (LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_CLIENT_CONTEXT); }
if (PERMANENT_LICENSE_EXPIRE_DATE == Expiration) { *pdwDaysLeft = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { time( &CurrentTime );
if( CurrentTime >= Expiration ) { //
// license already expired
*pdwDaysLeft = 0; }
// figure out how many more days to go before license expires
*pdwDaysLeft = (DWORD)(( Expiration - CurrentTime ) / SECONDS_IN_A_DAY); } }
return( LICENSE_STATUS_OK ); }
Marks the license at the license server as being used in a valid logon.
LICENSE_STATUS MarkLicenseFlags( HANDLE hContext, UCHAR ucFlags ) { PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext; LICENSE_STATUS LsStatus; DWORD RpcStatus; BOOL fRetried = FALSE;
pLicenseContext = ( PHS_Protocol_Context )hContext;
if( NULL == pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo ) { return( LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_ERROR ); }
if (!pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->fTempLicense) { return LICENSE_STATUS_OK; }
// TODO: This can be done on a background thread, so that it doesn't
// block logon
LOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
reconnect: LsStatus = CheckConnectLicenseServer(pLicenseContext);
if( LICENSE_STATUS_OK != LsStatus ) { goto done; }
RpcStatus = TLSMarkLicense( pLicenseContext->hLSHandle, ucFlags, pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->cbRawLicense, pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense, &LsStatus );
if ( RPC_S_OK != RpcStatus ) { if (!fRetried) { fRetried = TRUE; pLicenseContext->hLSHandle = NULL; goto reconnect; } else { LsStatus = LICENSE_STATUS_NO_LICENSE_SERVER; } } else if ( LSERVER_ERROR_BASE <= LsStatus ) { LsStatus = LsStatusToLicenseStatus(LsStatus, LICENSE_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); } else { LsStatus = LICENSE_STATUS_OK; }
done: UNLOCK( &pLicenseContext->CritSec );
return LsStatus; }
Caches the unpacked license bits in the TS_LICENSE_INFO for later use. The TS_LICENSE_INFO struct should already be created.
LICENSE_STATUS CacheRawLicenseData( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, PBYTE pbRawLicense, DWORD cbRawLicense ) { LICENSE_STATUS Status;
if ((pLicenseContext == NULL) || (pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo == NULL)) { return(LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT); }
if (pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense != NULL) { LicenseMemoryFree(&(pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense)); }
Status = LicenseMemoryAllocate(cbRawLicense, &(pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense));
if (Status == LICENSE_STATUS_OK) { memcpy(pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->pbRawLicense, pbRawLicense, cbRawLicense);
pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->cbRawLicense = cbRawLicense; }
return(Status); }
Sets the new fields in the TsLicenseInfo.
LICENSE_STATUS SetExtendedData( PHS_Protocol_Context pLicenseContext, DWORD dwSupportFlags ) { if ((pLicenseContext == NULL) || (pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo == NULL)) { return(LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT); }
pLicenseContext->pTsLicenseInfo->dwSupportFlags = dwSupportFlags;
Map a license server error code to a LICENSE_STATUS
LICENSE_STATUS LsStatusToLicenseStatus( DWORD LsStatus, DWORD LsStatusDefault ) { LICENSE_STATUS LicenseStatus;
switch (LsStatus) { case LSERVER_S_SUCCESS: LicenseStatus = LICENSE_STATUS_OK; break;
default: LicenseStatus = LsStatusDefault; break; }
return LicenseStatus; }