// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999
// File: main.cpp
// Contents: Front end to license "needer"; lists TS licenses
// History: 06-05-99 t-BStern Created
// The goal here is to export
// all [temporary] licenses [issued between <shortdate1> and <shortdate2>]
// to a file [named <outFile>] [only from server[s] <S>]
// So possible command lines are:
// lsls | lsls /T /D 1/1/99 2/2/00 /F outfile ls-server ls2 ls3
#include "lsreport.h"
#include "lsrepdef.h"
#include <oleauto.h>
// I found that ErrorPrintf didn't do %1-style formatting, so this does
// complete formatting and stderr output. It is referenced by code in
// lsreport.cpp, so if the program becomes GUI-based, ShowError needs to
// maintain a presence.
DWORD ShowError( IN DWORD dwStatus, // This is both the return value and the resource ID.
IN INT_PTR *args, // Casted to va_list* and passed to FormatMessage.
IN BOOL fSysError // Use the system message table (T) or the module (F)?
) { LPTSTR lpSysError; TCHAR szBuffer[TLS_ERROR_LENGTH]; DWORD dwFlag = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM; DWORD dwRet; if ((dwStatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || !fSysError) { // We need to special-case File-not-Found because the system error
// is insufficiently educational. FnF really means that the server
// is not running TS.
int retVal; retVal = LoadString(NULL, dwStatus, szBuffer, TLS_ERROR_LENGTH); if (!retVal) { // This is a more serious error.
dwStatus = GetLastError(); } else { dwFlag = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING; } } dwRet = FormatMessage(dwFlag | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, // Tell FM to use INT_PTRs internally.
szBuffer, dwStatus, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&lpSysError, 0, (va_list *)args); // FormatMessage requires va_lists, even
// if the arguments are flagged as being INT_PTRs.
if ((dwRet != 0) && (lpSysError != NULL)) { _fputts(lpSysError, stderr); LocalFree(lpSysError); }
return dwStatus; }
// Used only to enumerate the License Servers around, and thereby build a list
// Used in EnumerateTlsServer()
BOOL ServerEnumCallBack( IN TLS_HANDLE hHandle, IN LPCWSTR pszServerName, IN HANDLE dwUserData // Really a PServerHolder
) { LPWSTR *block; PServerHolder pSrvHold; // The casts get so hairy that I'll do this.
pSrvHold = (PServerHolder)dwUserData; if ((hHandle != NULL) && (pSrvHold != NULL)) { if (pSrvHold->pszNames == NULL) { // We need to allocate the names list for the first time.
block = (LPWSTR *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof (LPWSTR)); } else { // The names list needs to get bigger.
block = (LPWSTR *)LocalReAlloc(pSrvHold->pszNames, (1+pSrvHold->dwCount) * sizeof (LPWSTR), LMEM_MOVEABLE); } if (block != NULL) { // We can add a name to the list.
pSrvHold->pszNames = block; pSrvHold->pszNames[pSrvHold->dwCount] = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (_tcslen(pszServerName)+1)*sizeof(pszServerName[0])); if(pSrvHold->pszNames[pSrvHold->dwCount]) { _tcscpy(pSrvHold->pszNames[pSrvHold->dwCount], pszServerName);
pSrvHold->dwCount++; } } // It's okay if we have to stick with the names we already have.
} return FALSE; }
BOOL SortDates( PSYSTEMTIME pstStart, PSYSTEMTIME pstEnd) { BOOL fSwapped = FALSE; FILETIME ftStart, ftEnd; SYSTEMTIME stHolder; SystemTimeToFileTime(pstStart, &ftStart); SystemTimeToFileTime(pstEnd, &ftEnd);
if ((ftStart.dwHighDateTime > ftEnd.dwHighDateTime) || ((ftStart.dwHighDateTime == ftEnd.dwHighDateTime) && (ftStart.dwLowDateTime > ftEnd.dwLowDateTime))) { // We need to swap.
stHolder.wYear = pstStart->wYear; stHolder.wMonth = pstStart->wMonth; stHolder.wDay = pstStart->wDay;
pstStart->wYear = pstEnd->wYear; pstStart->wMonth = pstEnd->wMonth; pstStart->wDay = pstEnd->wDay;
pstEnd->wYear = stHolder.wYear; pstEnd->wMonth = stHolder.wMonth; pstEnd->wDay = stHolder.wDay;
fSwapped = TRUE; } return fSwapped; }
// All that wmain needs to do is parse the command line and
// therefore collect a list of machines to connect to, along with
// any options passed, and open & close the (possibly command-line
// specified) output file.
extern "C" int _cdecl wmain( int argc, WCHAR *argv[] ) { // These represent which command-line options were chosen.
BOOL fTempOnly = FALSE; BOOL fError = FALSE; BOOL fDateSpec = FALSE; BOOL fHwid = FALSE; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwSrvLoc; // This is a bitfield.
ServerHolder srvHold; // This holds all the servers.
// These are for parsing the command-line-specified date(s).
DATE startDate; DATE endDate; UDATE usDate; UDATE ueDate; // Basic file I/O.
TCHAR ofName[MAX_PATH+1] = { 0 }; FILE *outFile; int i; INT_PTR arg; // All of my strings have at most 1 parm.
dwSrvLoc = 0; srvHold.dwCount = 0; srvHold.pszNames = NULL; if (!(LoadString(NULL, IDS_DEFAULT_FILE, ofName, MAX_PATH) && InitLSReportStrings())) { return ShowError(GetLastError(), NULL, TRUE); } for (i = 1; (i < argc) && !fError; i++) { if ((argv[i][0] == '-') || (argv[i][0] == '/')) { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'F': case 'f': // format: /F [path\]filename
if (i+1 == argc) { // They didn't include enough parameters.
fError = TRUE; } else { i++; _tcsncpy(ofName, argv[i], MAX_PATH); } break; case 'D': case 'd': // format: /D startdate [enddate]
// Do a lot of date manipulation.
if (i+1 == argc) { fError = TRUE; } else { i++; dwStatus = VarDateFromStr(argv[i], LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, VAR_DATEVALUEONLY, &startDate); if (dwStatus != S_OK) { // The date couldn't get converted.
ShowError(dwStatus, NULL, TRUE); fError = TRUE; break; } if (VarUdateFromDate(startDate, 0, &usDate) != S_OK) { // We don't want to set error, because the user can't
// fix this with command line syntax. We're out of
// memory or something. ABEND.
return ShowError(GetLastError(), NULL, TRUE); } i++; if (i < argc) { dwStatus = VarDateFromStr(argv[i], LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, VAR_DATEVALUEONLY, &endDate); if (dwStatus != S_OK) { ShowError(dwStatus, NULL, TRUE); fError = TRUE; break; } if (VarUdateFromDate(endDate, 0, &ueDate) != S_OK) { return ShowError(GetLastError(), NULL, TRUE); } } else { // We have to use today's date, because they didn't
// give us an EndDate.
GetSystemTime(&ueDate.st); // Fill in the SystemTime.
} // Check if the dates are in the right order.
// If the user gives us only /D 1/1/2022 and it is 1999, I
// choose not to have a fit and die.
SortDates(&usDate.st, &ueDate.st); fDateSpec = TRUE; } break; case 'T': case 't': // Format: /T
fTempOnly = TRUE; break; case 'W': case 'w': fHwid = TRUE; break; // case '?': case 'H': case 'h': // Format: /?
default: // Let the default get this, since it'll work the same.
// This'll show syntax help.
fError = TRUE; break; } // switch
} else { // It wasn't -T or /F or something.
// It must be a server name, since it's not anything else.
dwSrvLoc |= (1 << i); // Tag this is as a server name.
srvHold.dwCount++; } } // argc loop
if (fError) { ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE1, NULL, FALSE); // Set the exe name:
arg = (INT_PTR)argv[0]; ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE2, &arg, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE3, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE4, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE5, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE6, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE7, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE14, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE8, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE9, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE10, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE11, NULL, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE12, &arg, FALSE); ShowError(IDS_HELP_USAGE13, &arg, FALSE); return ERROR_BAD_SYNTAX; } outFile = _tfopen(ofName, _T("w")); if (outFile == NULL) { // This is an extra level of indirection for FormatMessage.
arg = (INT_PTR)ofName; ShowError(IDS_NO_FOPEN, &arg, FALSE); return ShowError(GetLastError(), NULL, TRUE); }
if (dwSrvLoc) { int holder;
srvHold.pszNames = (LPWSTR *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, srvHold.dwCount * sizeof (LPWSTR *)); if (srvHold.pszNames == NULL) { dwStatus = ShowError(GetLastError(), NULL, TRUE); goto done; }
holder = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { // argc (less one) == max # of servers.
if (dwSrvLoc & (1 << i)) { srvHold.pszNames[holder] = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (_tcslen(argv[i])+1)*sizeof(argv[i][0])); if(srvHold.pszNames[holder]) { _tcscpy(srvHold.pszNames[holder], argv[i]); }
holder++; } } } else { // We need to collect a list of servers.
LPTSTR *pszEntSrvNames; DWORD dwEntSrvNum; HRESULT hrEntResult; dwStatus = EnumerateTlsServer( ServerEnumCallBack, (LPVOID)&srvHold, 3000, // seems a good timeout
hrEntResult = GetAllEnterpriseServers(&pszEntSrvNames, &dwEntSrvNum); if (SUCCEEDED(hrEntResult)) { DWORD j, k; BOOL fFound; for (k = 0; k < dwEntSrvNum; k++) { fFound = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < srvHold.dwCount; j++) { if (!_tcscmp(srvHold.pszNames[j], pszEntSrvNames[k])) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } if (!fFound) { // This is a new name.
LPTSTR *block; if (srvHold.pszNames == NULL) { // We have to allocate names for the first time.
block = (LPTSTR *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof (LPTSTR)); } else { // Try to increase the array.
block = (LPTSTR *)LocalReAlloc(srvHold.pszNames, (1+srvHold.dwCount) * sizeof (LPTSTR), LMEM_MOVEABLE); }
if (block != NULL) { // We can add a name to the list.
srvHold.pszNames = block; srvHold.pszNames[srvHold.dwCount] = pszEntSrvNames[k]; srvHold.dwCount++; } else { // If we can't copy it into our array, we should drop it.
LocalFree(pszEntSrvNames[k]); } // End need to add name
} // End loop through existing servers
// We've removed all of the names from this one way or the other.
LocalFree(pszEntSrvNames); // End <GetEntSrv worked>
} // Autodiscovery complete.
} if (srvHold.dwCount) { dwStatus = ExportLicenses( outFile, &srvHold, fTempOnly, &usDate.st, &ueDate.st, fDateSpec, fHwid); while (srvHold.dwCount){ LocalFree(srvHold.pszNames[--srvHold.dwCount]); } LocalFree(srvHold.pszNames);
} else { arg = (INT_PTR)argv[0]; ShowError(IDS_NO_SERVERS, &arg, FALSE); dwStatus = ERROR_NO_SERVERS; }
done: fclose(outFile); return dwStatus; }