// rmigrate.cpp
// Implementation of CTscRegMigrate
// CTscRegMigrate migrates Tsc settings from the registry
// to .RDP files
// Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation 2000
// Author: Nadim Abdo (nadima)
#include "stdafx.h"
#define TRC_FILE "rmigrate.cpp"
#include <atrcapi.h>
#include "rmigrate.h"
#include "autreg.h"
#include "rdpfstore.h"
#include "sh.h"
#ifdef OS_WINCE
#include <ceconfig.h>
#define TSC_SETTINGS_REG_ROOT TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Terminal Server Client\\")
#ifdef OS_WINCE
#define WBT_SETTINGS TEXT("WBT\\Settings")
CTscRegMigrate::CTscRegMigrate() { }
CTscRegMigrate::~CTscRegMigrate() { }
// Migrates all tsc settings to files in szRootDirectory
BOOL CTscRegMigrate::MigrateAll(LPTSTR szRootDirectory) { DC_BEGIN_FN("MigrateAll"); TRC_ASSERT(szRootDirectory, (TB,_T("szRootDirectory is NULL"))); TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH*2]; TCHAR szKeyName[MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL fCreatedRootDir = FALSE;
if(szRootDirectory) { //
// Enumerate and migrate all the TS sessions under HKCU
HKEY hRootKey; LONG rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TSC_SETTINGS_REG_ROOT, 0, KEY_READ, &hRootKey); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == rc && hRootKey) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; for(;;) { DWORD cName = sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR) - 1; FILETIME ft; rc = RegEnumKeyEx(hRootKey, dwIndex, szKeyName, &cName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { //
// Ughh..hackalicious, don't migrate
// the Trace subkey. or the 'Default'
// or LocalDevices
// subkey as default connectoids
// always use new settings
if(_tcscmp(szKeyName, TEXT("Trace")) && _tcscmp(szKeyName, SH_DEFAULT_REG_SESSION) && _tcsicmp(szKeyName, REG_SECURITY_FILTER_SECTION)) { _tcscpy(szFileName, szRootDirectory); _tcscat(szFileName, szKeyName); _tcscat(szFileName, RDP_FILE_EXTENSION); if (!fCreatedRootDir) { //
// Only create RD dir if there are keys to migrate
if(CSH::SH_CreateDirectory(szRootDirectory)) { fCreatedRootDir = TRUE; } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Error creating directory %s"),szRootDirectory)); RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return FALSE; } } //Carry on migrating whether this migrate
//fails or not
CRdpFileStore rdpf; if(rdpf.OpenStore( szFileName ) ) { if(!MigrateSession(szKeyName, &rdpf, TRUE)) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Migrate failed session %s - file %s"), szKeyName, szFileName)); } if(rdpf.CommitStore()) { rdpf.CloseStore(); } } } //next
dwIndex++; } else { //done enum
break; } } rc = RegCloseKey(hRootKey); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { return TRUE; } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("RegCloseKey failed - err:%d"), GetLastError())); } } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Error opening tsc reg key"))); return FALSE; } }
DC_END_FN(); return FALSE; }
// Migrates settings in registry to a settings store
// params:
// szSessionName - session to migrate
// pSetStore - settings store to dump the new settings in
// fDeleteUnsafeRegKeys - set to TRUE to delete old regkeys after migration
BOOL CTscRegMigrate::MigrateSession(LPTSTR szSessionName, ISettingsStore* pStore, BOOL fDeleteUnsafeRegKeys) { DC_BEGIN_FN("MigrateSession"); TCHAR szRegSection[MAX_PATH];
// Sessions are migrated by pulling all the registry settings
// for a session and flattening them into a settings store
// In the registry case we used to look for settings under HKCU
// first, if they were not there we'd try HKLM.
// The migrate code enumerates all values in the registry under
// a named session, first for HKLM then for HKCU. By writing the HKCU
// settings last, they overwrite any exising HKLM settings, giving
// the correct precedence.
// Certain subfolders such as HOTKEYS subfolders and ADDINS are not migrated
// as those values always come from the registry.
TRC_ASSERT(szSessionName && pStore, (TB,_T("Invalid params to MigrateSession"))); TRC_ASSERT(pStore->IsOpenForWrite(), (TB,_T("Settings store not open for write")));
if(pStore && pStore->IsOpenForWrite() && szSessionName) { if(!_tcsicmp(szSessionName,SH_DEFAULT_REG_SESSION)) { TRC_ALT((TB,_T("Never migrate 'Default' session"))); return FALSE; }
_tcscpy(szRegSection, TSC_SETTINGS_REG_ROOT); _tcsncat(szRegSection, szSessionName, SIZECHAR(szRegSection) - SIZECHAR(TSC_SETTINGS_REG_ROOT)); //
// Doesn't matter if HKLM migrate fails
// In face it is pretty common because it is usually
// not even present
MigrateHiveSettings(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegSection, pStore);
if(MigrateHiveSettings(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegSection, pStore)) { #ifdef OS_WINCE
// For a WBT configuration, read some additional registry entries
// which are common for all the sessions.
if (g_CEConfig == CE_CONFIG_WBT) { _tcscpy(szRegSection, TSC_SETTINGS_REG_ROOT); _tcsncat(szRegSection, WBT_SETTINGS, SIZECHAR(szRegSection) - SIZECHAR(TSC_SETTINGS_REG_ROOT));
// Doesn't matter if HKLM migrate fails
// In face it is pretty common because it is usually
// not even present
if (!MigrateHiveSettings(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegSection, pStore)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Unable to read the common settings for WBT"))); } } #endif
#ifndef OS_WINCE
if (!ConvertPasswordFormat( pStore )) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("ConvertPasswordFormat failed"))); return FALSE; } #endif
// Flag controlled as we only want to do this when migrating all settings
// not necessarily when auto-migrating single settings
if (fDeleteUnsafeRegKeys) { //
// After all the migration, delete unsafe entries in the registry
RemoveUnsafeRegEntries(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegSection); RemoveUnsafeRegEntries(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegSection); }
return MungeForWin2kDefaults(pStore); } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; }
DC_END_FN(); }
// Migrate settings from hKey\szRootName to the settings store (pSto)
// It would have been cool if this function could have been completely
// generic, but it has to have specific knowledge of tsc registry layout
// because of how mstsc5.0 bogusly special cased so many things. E.g
// user name is stored as unicode in a binary blob.
BOOL CTscRegMigrate::MigrateHiveSettings(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR szRootName, ISettingsStore* pSto) { DC_BEGIN_FN("MigrateHiveSettings"); USES_CONVERSION;
HKEY rootKey; LONG rc; BOOL fRet = FALSE; rc = RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, szRootName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &rootKey); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { //
// Enumerate all the values under this key
DWORD dwIndex = 0; for(;;) { TCHAR szValueName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwValueLen = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwType; BYTE buf[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwBufLen = MAX_PATH;
// It is important to zero the buf
// because we read some REG_BINARY's that
// are really 0 encoded unicode strings
// but tsc4 and 5 had no trailing 0's.
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); rc =RegEnumValue( rootKey, dwIndex, szValueName, &dwValueLen, NULL, //reserved
&dwType, (PBYTE)&buf, //data buffer
&dwBufLen); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { switch(dwType) { case REG_DWORD: { // Store as int
UINT value = (UINT)(*((LPDWORD)buf)); fRet = pSto->WriteInt(szValueName, -1, //default ignored
value, TRUE); //always write
if(!fRet) { DC_QUIT; } } break;
case REG_SZ: { if(FilterStringMigrate(szValueName)) { fRet = pSto->WriteString(szValueName, NULL, //no default
(LPTSTR)buf, TRUE); //always write
if(!fRet) { DC_QUIT; } } } break;
case REG_BINARY: { //
// This is where things get yucky
// some settings e.g UserName are stored
// as 'binary' when they are really unicode strings
// No choice but to look those up.
fRet = FALSE; if(MigrateAsRealBinary(szValueName)) { fRet = pSto->WriteBinary(szValueName, (PBYTE)buf, dwBufLen); } else { //
// The binary blob is really a unicode string
LPTSTR szString = W2T((LPWSTR)buf); if( szString) { //
// If things weren't yucky enough...
// strip out the " 50" suffix if it is
// present
LPTSTR szSuffix = _tcsstr(szValueName, TEXT(" 50")); if(szSuffix) { *szSuffix = 0; } fRet = pSto->WriteString(szValueName, NULL, //no default
szString, TRUE); //always write
} } if(!fRet) { DC_QUIT; } } break; }
//Keep enumerating
dwIndex++; } else if(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == rc) { fRet = TRUE; break; } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("RegEnumValue failed - err:%d"), GetLastError())); fRet = FALSE; break; } } //for(;;)
} else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Failed to open reg key - err:%d"), GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCloseKey(rootKey)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("RegCloseKey failed - err:%d"), GetLastError())); }
DC_END_FN(); return fRet; }
// Return true if the name (szName) should be migrated as
// a real binary blob.
BOOL CTscRegMigrate::MigrateAsRealBinary(LPCTSTR szName) { DC_BEGIN_FN("MigrateAsRealBinary");
// In Tsc4 and Tsc5, only the password/salt fields
// were real binary blobs, all other REG_BINARY blobs
// are really just unicode strings.
if(!_tcscmp(szName, UTREG_UI_PASSWORD50)) { return TRUE; } else if(!_tcscmp(szName, UTREG_UI_PASSWORD)) { return TRUE; } else if(!_tcscmp(szName, UTREG_UI_SALT50)) { return TRUE; } #ifdef OS_WINCE
else if (!_tcscmp(szName, UI_SETTING_PASSWORD51)) { return TRUE; } #endif
else { //
// Don't migrate as binary
return FALSE; } DC_END_FN(); }
// Return true if it is ok to migrate the value
// in name
BOOL CTscRegMigrate::FilterStringMigrate(LPTSTR szName) { if(szName) { if(_tcsstr(szName, TEXT("MRU"))) { if(!_tcscmp(szName, UTREG_UI_SERVER_MRU0)) { //Translate MRU0 to fulladdress
_tcscpy(szName, UTREG_UI_FULL_ADDRESS); return TRUE; } //Don't migrate any other MRU strings.
//those stay in the registry
return FALSE; } else { //everything else is OK
return TRUE; } } else { return FALSE; } }
// Munges the settings in the settings store to be consisten
// with win2k's defaults. Win2k's default values were usually
// deleted on write, this means we would instead use whistler
// defaults but we don't want that. Instead the behavior we
// want is that a migrated connectoid has _exactly_ the same
// settings it used to have for those options that had UI in win2k.
// Params -
// pSto - settings store to munge for defaults
// Returns -
// Success flag
BOOL CTscRegMigrate::MungeForWin2kDefaults(ISettingsStore* pSto) { DC_BEGIN_FN("MungeForWin2kDefaults");
TRC_ASSERT(pSto, (TB,_T("pSto is null"))); TRC_ASSERT(pSto->IsOpenForRead() && pSto->IsOpenForWrite(), (TB,_T("pSto is null")));
// Munge settings that had conman UI
// to ensure that we use the user's previous settings (Even
// if they are win2k defaults i.e could be value not specified).
// Resolution
if(!pSto->IsValuePresent(UTREG_UI_DESKTOP_SIZEID)) { //Write out win2k's default desktop size
if(!pSto->WriteInt(UTREG_UI_DESKTOP_SIZEID, -1, //default ignored
{ TRC_ERR((TB,_T("WriteInt UTREG_UI_DESKTOP_SIZEID failed"))); return FALSE; } }
// Screen mode
if(!pSto->IsValuePresent(UTREG_UI_SCREEN_MODE)) { //Write out win2k's default screen mode
if(!pSto->WriteInt(UTREG_UI_SCREEN_MODE, -1, //default ignored
{ TRC_ERR((TB,_T("WriteInt UTREG_UI_SCREEN_MODE failed"))); return FALSE; } }
// Bitmap caching
if(!pSto->IsValuePresent(UTREG_UI_BITMAP_PERSISTENCE)) { //write out win2k's default bmp persistence option
if(!pSto->WriteInt(UTREG_UI_BITMAP_PERSISTENCE, -1, //default ignored
// Compression
// Compression is special..We've made a decision that it should
// always be on for perf reasons (and there are no drawbacks) so
// change the win2k
if(!pSto->IsValuePresent(UTREG_UI_COMPRESS)) { //write out win2k's default compression option
if(!pSto->WriteInt(UTREG_UI_COMPRESS, -1, //default ignored
DC_END_FN(); return TRUE; }
#ifndef OS_WINCE
// Convert the password format (if password present)
// i.e if the old style TS5 passwords are present then decrypt
// to plain text and then re-encrypt and save out using CryptoAPI's
// On Platforms that don't support Crypto-API we just nuke
// the existing password format as we don't support migrating it
// to the RDP files since it's not a secure format (just a hash).
// Start fields in pSto - 'Password 50' + 'Salt 50'
// After conversion - (win2k+) 'Password 51' - binary crypto api password
// After conversion - (less than win2k) = nothing
BOOL CTscRegMigrate::ConvertPasswordFormat(ISettingsStore* pSto) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; DC_BEGIN_FN("ConvertPasswordFormat");
//Nuke TS4 format
pSto->DeleteValueIfPresent( UTREG_UI_PASSWORD );
if ( CSH::IsCryptoAPIPresent() && pSto->IsValuePresent( UTREG_UI_PASSWORD50 ) && pSto->IsValuePresent( UTREG_UI_SALT50 ) ) { BOOL fHavePass = FALSE; BYTE Password[TSC_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH_BYTES]; BYTE Salt[TSC_SALT_LENGTH]; memset( Password, 0, TSC_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH_BYTES);
if (pSto->ReadBinary(UTREG_UI_PASSWORD50, (PBYTE)Password, sizeof(Password))) //size in bytes
{ fHavePass = TRUE; } else { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("ReadBinary for password failed. Maybe password not present"))); } //
// Salt
if (!pSto->ReadBinary(UTREG_UI_SALT50, (PBYTE)Salt, sizeof(Salt))) { fHavePass = FALSE; TRC_NRM((TB,_T("ReadBinary for salt failed."))); }
if (fHavePass && EncryptDecryptLocalData50( Password, TSC_WIN2K_PASSWORD_LENGTH_BYTES, Salt, sizeof(Salt))) { //Now we have the clear text pass in Password
//encrypt it with the crypto API and save that back
//out to the store
DATA_BLOB din; DATA_BLOB dout; din.cbData = sizeof(Password); din.pbData = (PBYTE)&Password; dout.pbData = NULL; if (CSH::DataProtect( &din, &dout)) { if (!pSto->WriteBinary(UI_SETTING_PASSWORD51, dout.pbData, dout.cbData)) { bRet = FALSE; } LocalFree( dout.pbData ); } else { bRet = FALSE; }
// Wipe from stack
SecureZeroMemory( Password, TSC_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH_BYTES); } }
// No longer need the old format so delete them
pSto->DeleteValueIfPresent( UTREG_UI_PASSWORD50 ); pSto->DeleteValueIfPresent( UTREG_UI_SALT50 );
DC_END_FN(); return bRet; } #endif
BOOL CTscRegMigrate::DeleteRegValue(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPCTSTR szRootName, LPCTSTR szValueName) { HKEY hKey; LONG rc; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
rc = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyRoot, szRootName, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, //needed for delete access
&hKey); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { rc = RegDeleteValue(hKey, szValueName); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { fRet = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
DC_END_FN(); return fRet; }
// Remove entries we don't want to keep lying around in the registry
// primarily these are passwords in the old 'insecure' obfuscated formats
BOOL CTscRegMigrate::RemoveUnsafeRegEntries(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPCTSTR szRootName) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (!DeleteRegValue(hKeyRoot, szRootName, UTREG_UI_PASSWORD50)) { TRC_ALT((TB,_T("Failed to delete: %s\\%s"), szRootName, UTREG_UI_PASSWORD50)); }
if (!DeleteRegValue(hKeyRoot, szRootName, UTREG_UI_PASSWORD)) { TRC_ALT((TB,_T("Failed to delete: %s\\%s"), szRootName, UTREG_UI_PASSWORD)); }
if (!DeleteRegValue(hKeyRoot, szRootName, UTREG_UI_SALT50)) { TRC_ALT((TB,_T("Failed to delete: %s\\%s"), szRootName, UTREG_UI_SALT50)); }
fRet = TRUE;
return fRet; }