Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines the parent for the client-side RDP device redirection "device" class hierarchy, DrDevice.
Tad Brockway 3/23/99
Revision History:
#ifndef __DRDEV_H__
#define __DRDEV_H__
#include <rdpdr.h>
#include "drobject.h"
#include "drobjmgr.h"
// Defines and Macros
// Maximum length of a device trace message, not including the
// NULL terminator.
// Device change state
// New means it's not sent to server yet
// Remove means it needs to be removed from server
// Exist means the server has it
// DeviceProperty Class Declaration
class DrDevice; class DrDevProperty : public DrObject { protected:
BOOL _bSeekable; friend class DrDevice;
DrDevProperty() { _bSeekable = FALSE; }
virtual ~DrDevProperty() { /* do nothing for now. */ }
// Setup seekable property
void SetSeekProperty(BOOL bSeekable) { _bSeekable = bSeekable; }
// Return the class name.
virtual DRSTRING ClassName() { return TEXT("DrDevProperty"); } };
// DrDevice Class Declaration
class ProcObj;
class DrDevice : public DrObject { protected:
ULONG _deviceID; DrDevProperty _deviceProperty;
ProcObj *_processObject;
// List of all opening files associated with the device
// being redirected.
DrFileMgr *_FileMgr;
// Setup device property
virtual VOID SetDeviceProperty() { /* do nothing, take default */ }
// Default IO Request Handling.
virtual VOID DefaultIORequestMsgHandle( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN NTSTATUS serverReturnStatus );
// IO Processing Functions
// These are the functions that need to be implemented
// in subclasses. Here are the args:
// pIoRequestPacket - Request packet received from server.
// packetLen - Length of the packet
virtual VOID MsgIrpCreate( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpCleanup( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpClose( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpRead( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpWrite( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpFlushBuffers( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpShutdown( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpDeviceControl( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpLockControl( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpInternalDeviceControl( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpDirectoryControl( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpQueryVolumeInfo( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpSetVolumeInfo( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpQueryFileInfo( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpSetFileInfo( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpQuerySdInfo( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpSetSdInfo( PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, UINT32 packetLen );
DEVICECHANGE _deviceChange;
// Constructor/Destructor
DrDevice(ProcObj *processObject, ULONG deviceID); virtual ~DrDevice();
// Initialize
virtual DWORD Initialize();
// Get basic information about the device.
virtual DRSTRING GetName() = 0; virtual ULONG GetID() { return _deviceID; } virtual BOOL IsSeekableDevice() { return _deviceProperty._bSeekable; }
// Get the device type. See "Device Types" section of rdpdr.h
virtual ULONG GetDeviceType() = 0;
// Device Data Information
virtual ULONG GetDevAnnounceDataSize() = 0; virtual VOID GetDevAnnounceData(IN PRDPDR_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE buf) = 0;
// Return the "parent" TS Device Redirection IO processing object.
virtual ProcObj *ProcessObject() { return _processObject; } //
// Handle an IO request from the server.
virtual VOID ProcessIORequest(IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen);
// Return the class name.
virtual DRSTRING ClassName() { return TEXT("DrDevice"); }
// Flush outstanding IRPs
virtual VOID FlushIRPs() { return; }; };
// DrDevice Inline Functions
// IO Processing Functions
// These are the functions that need to be implemented
// in subclasses. Here are the args:
// pIoRequestPacket - Request packet received from server.
// packetLen - Length of the packet
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpCreate( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ) { DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpCreate"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); }
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpCleanup( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpCleanup"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); }
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpClose( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpClose"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); }
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpRead( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpRead"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); }
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpWrite( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpWrite"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); }
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpFlushBuffers( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpFlushBuffers"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); }
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpShutdown( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpShutdown"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); }
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpDeviceControl( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpDeviceControl"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpLockControl( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpLockControl"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpInternalDeviceControl( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpInternalDeviceControl"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpDirectoryControl( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpDirectoryControl"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpQueryVolumeInfo( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpQueryVolumeInfo"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpSetVolumeInfo( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpSetVolumeInfo"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpQueryFileInfo( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpQueryFileInfo"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpSetFileInfo( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpSetFileInfo"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpQuerySdInfo( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpQuerySdInfo"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };
inline VOID DrDevice::MsgIrpSetSdInfo( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ){ DC_BEGIN_FN("DrDevice::MsgIrpSetSdInfo"); ASSERT(FALSE); DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DC_END_FN(); };