// File name: TSrv.c
// Description: Contains routines to support remote
// terminals
// Microsoft Confidential
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991-1997
// All rights reserved
#include <regapi.h>
#include <TSrv.h>
#include <TSrvTerm.h>
#include <TSrvCom.h>
#include <TSrvInfo.h>
#include <TSrvVC.h>
#include <McsLib.h>
#include "stdio.h"
#include "_tsrvinfo.h"
#include <tlsapi.h>
// Data declarations
HINSTANCE g_hDllInstance = NULL; // DLL instance
HANDLE g_hMainThread = NULL; // Main work thread
HANDLE g_hReadyEvent = NULL; // Ready event
BOOL g_fShutdown = FALSE; // TSrvShare shutdown flag
HANDLE g_hIcaTrace; // system wide trace handle
HANDLE g_MainThreadExitEvent = NULL;
extern HANDLE g_hVCAddinChangeEvent; extern HKEY g_hAddinRegKey; // handle to Addins reg subkey
LICENSE_STATUS GetServerCertificate(CERT_TYPE CertType, LPBYTE * ppbCertificate, LPDWORD pcbCertificate );
// DllMain()
// Purpose: Dll entry point.
// Parameters: IN [hInstance] -- Dll hInstance.
// IN [dwReason] -- Call reason
// IN [lpReserved] -- Reserved.
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if not
// History: 07-17-97 BrianTa Created
BOOL WINAPI TShareDLLEntry( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN DWORD dwReason, IN LPVOID lpReserved) { BOOL fSuccess;
// DbgBreakPoint();
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: DllMain entry\n"));
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_DEBUG, "TShrSRV: hInstance 0x%x, dwReason 0x%x\n", hInstance, dwReason));
fSuccess = TRUE;
switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: if (!_CRT_INIT(hInstance, dwReason, lpReserved)) return(FALSE);
// Disable thread library calls and save off
// the DLL instance handle
g_hDllInstance = hInstance;
// init TShare util library.
if (TSUtilInit() != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fSuccess = FALSE; break; }
// invoke mcsmux library first.
if (!MCSDLLInit()) { fSuccess = FALSE; break; }
// Invoke TShareSRV initialization
if (!TSRVStartup()) { fSuccess = FALSE; break; }
// additional init routines go here.
// Invoke TShareSRV shutdown
// invoke mcsmux cleanup routine.
if (!_CRT_INIT(hInstance, dwReason, lpReserved)) return(FALSE);
default: TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_DEBUG, "TShrSRV: Unknown reason code\n")); break; }
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: DllMain exit - 0x%x\n", fSuccess));
return (fSuccess); }
// TSRVStartup()
// Purpose: Performs startup processing.
// Parameters: void
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if not
// Notes: This routine is called by DLLMain to perform the
// most basic initialization
// History: 07-17-97 BrianTa Created
BOOL TSRVStartup(void) { DWORD err; LONG rc;
g_hMainThread = NULL;
g_MainThreadExitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
if( NULL == g_MainThreadExitEvent ) { err = GetLastError(); TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSRVStartup exit - 0x%x\n", err));
return FALSE; }
rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TSRV_VC_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &g_hAddinRegKey);
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { g_hVCAddinChangeEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
if( NULL == g_hVCAddinChangeEvent ) { //
// This is not catastrophic, so we just trace and continue.
err = GetLastError(); TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_ERROR, "TShrSRV: Failed to create VC Addin Change event - 0x%x\n", err)); }
} else { // This is not catastrophic either.
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_ERROR, "TShrSRV: Failed to open key %S, rc %d\n", TSRV_VC_KEY, rc)); }
g_hReadyEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, // security attributes
FALSE, // manual-reset event
FALSE, // initial state
NULL); // event-object name
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSRVStartup exit - 0x%x\n", g_hReadyEvent ? TRUE : FALSE));
return (g_hReadyEvent ? TRUE : FALSE); }
// TSRVShutdown()
// Purpose: Performs shutdown processing.
// Parameters: void
// Return: void
// History: 07-17-97 BrianTa Created
void TSRVShutdown(void) { DWORD dwWaitStatus;
// Denote that we are no longer ready to service any
// new requests
// If we were able to launch our main worker thread, then
// we may need to terminate conferences, etc.
if (g_hMainThread) { // Tell the system that we are terminating. This will cause
// TSrvMainThread to exit once it has finished servicing all
// outstanding posted work items.
// Wait for TSrvMainThread to exit
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_NORMAL, "TShrSRV: Waiting for TSrvMainThread to exit\n"));
SetEvent( g_MainThreadExitEvent );
dwWaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject(g_hMainThread, 600000);
if( WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwWaitStatus ) { //
// The thread did not terminate within allowable time
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_DEBUG, "TShrSRV: TSrvMainThread refused to exit, killing\n"));
TerminateThread( g_hMainThread, 0 ); }
CloseHandle( g_hMainThread ); g_hMainThread = NULL;
CloseHandle( g_MainThreadExitEvent ); g_MainThreadExitEvent = NULL;
CloseHandle( g_hVCAddinChangeEvent ); g_hVCAddinChangeEvent = NULL;
if (g_hAddinRegKey) { RegCloseKey(g_hAddinRegKey); g_hAddinRegKey = NULL; }
// Get the VC code to free its stuff
TLSShutdown(); } else { TSrvTerminating(TRUE); }
// Inform GCC we no longer want to be a Node Controller
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSRVShutdown exit\n")); }
// TSrvMainThread()
// Purpose: Main worker thread for TShareSRV.
// Parameters: void
// Return: 0
// Notes: This thread is spawned by DLLMain. It performs
// the vast majority of TShareSRV initialization
// and then waits for work items to be posted to it.
// History: 07-17-97 BrianTa Created
DWORD WINAPI TSrvMainThread(LPVOID pvContext) { LPBYTE pX509Cert; DWORD dwX509CertLen; DWORD dwWaitStatus; LICENSE_STATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER DueTime = {0,0}; HANDLE rghWait[4] = {0}; DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD dwWaitExit = 0xFFFFFFFF; DWORD dwWaitVCAddin = 0xFFFFFFFF;
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSrvMainThread entry\n"));
if (TSrvInitialize()) { TSrvReady(TRUE);
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_NORMAL, "TShrSRV: Entering TSrvMainThread worker loop\n"));
if (g_MainThreadExitEvent) { dwWaitExit = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + dwCount; rghWait[dwCount] = g_MainThreadExitEvent; dwCount++; TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_DEBUG, "TShrSRV: Added exit event\n")); }
if (g_hVCAddinChangeEvent) { //
// The addin change notification was set up earlier, when we read
// the addins information from the registry.
dwWaitVCAddin = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + dwCount; rghWait[dwCount] = g_hVCAddinChangeEvent; dwCount++; }
while (1) { dwWaitStatus = WaitForMultipleObjects(dwCount, rghWait, FALSE, INFINITE);
if( dwWaitExit == dwWaitStatus ) { //
// time to exit the thread
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_NORMAL, "TShrSRV: TSrvMainThread got EXIT event\n")); break; } else if (dwWaitVCAddin == dwWaitStatus) { //
// The Virtual Channel Addins registry key has changed.
// We need to kick off a refresh of our data.
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_WARN, "TShrSRV: TSrvMainThread got VC ADDINS CHANGED event\n")); TSrvGotAddinChangedEvent(); } else { TS_ASSERT(dwWaitStatus == WAIT_FAILED); TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_DEBUG, "TShrSRV: Wait failed, so we'll just exit\n"));
// Wait failed, just bail
break; } }
TSrvReady(FALSE); }
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSrvMainThread exit - 0x%x\n", 0));
return (0); }
// TSrvInitialize()
// Purpose: Main routine for TSrvShare initialization
// Parameters: void
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if not
// History: 07-17-97 BrianTa Created
BOOL TSrvInitialize(void) { BOOL fSuccess;
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSrvInitialize entry\n"));
fSuccess = FALSE;
// Initialize TSrvInfo data structs
if (TSrvInitGlobalData()) { if (TSrvInitVC()) { // Register TShareSRV as GCC node controller
if (TSrvRegisterNC()) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == TLSInit()) { fSuccess = TRUE; } } } }
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSrvInitialize exit - 0x%x\n", fSuccess));
return (fSuccess); }