// main.c
// Program entry. Handle's callbacks, program initialization,
// and commandline data.
// Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: a-devjen (Devin Jenson)
#include "tbscript.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
// Max number of characters per message.
#define LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 2048
// Set this to TRUE to print all messages to stdout.
static BOOL VerbosePrinting = FALSE;
// IdleCallback
// When a client does not respond for 30 seconds, a message is sent
// to this function. Every 10 seconds after that, an additional
// message is sent. Text contains the string in which the script
// is "waiting on" which has not been found.
void __cdecl IdleCallback(LPARAM lParam, LPCSTR Text, DWORD Seconds) { // Add any custom handler data here.
// PrintMessage
// Whenever a message needs to be printed to the console, this function
// will be called.
void PrintMessage(MESSAGETYPE eMsgType, LPCSTR lpszFormat, ...) { // Evaluate the message type.
switch (eMsgType) { // Do not handle these message types for non-debugging
case ALIVE_MESSAGE: case INFO_MESSAGE: if (VerbosePrinting == FALSE) return;
// The remaining message types are always used
// We probably shouldn't trust the data pointed by lpszFormat
__try {
va_list arglist;
// Allocate a buffer for us
char *pszBuffer = (char *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE);
// Validate the buffer
if (pszBuffer == NULL) {
printf("%s", "ERROR: PrintMessage() Failed - Not enough memory.\n"); return; }
// Format the message
va_start(arglist, lpszFormat); _vsnprintf(pszBuffer, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, lpszFormat, arglist); pszBuffer[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; va_end(arglist);
// Print it
printf("%s", pszBuffer);
// Free the buffer
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszBuffer); }
return; } }
// ShowUsage
// Prints a message to stdout the version, title, usage and other info.
void ShowUsage(void) { char UsageString[] = "\nTerminal Bench Script (BUILD: " __DATE__ ")\n" "Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corp.\n\n" "Usage:\n\ntbscript.exe <script> [- options]\n" "tbscript.exe -l\n\n" "Optional Parameters:\n\n" " -s:server - The default server to use.\n" "-u:username - The default username to use.\n" "-p:password - The default password to use.\n" " -d:domain - The default domain to use.\n" " -l:lang - Interpret as language (default = VBScript)\n" " -l - Display possible languages (no script).\n" " -f:flags - cahnge connection flags to <flags>.\n" " -a:\"args\" - Argument string which can be used in " "scripts.\n" " -v - Enable verbose printing.\n" " -wpm:# - Change default Words-Per-Minute " "(default = 35)\n" " -bpp:# - Change the Bits-Per-Pixels (default = " "MSTSC default)\n" " -xres:# - Change the resolution on the x-axis " "(default = 640)\n" " -yres:# - Change the resolution on the y-axis " "(default = 480)\n\n";
printf("%s", UsageString); }
// main
// Program entry function. Handles commandline, and
// initializes TCLIENT and TBSCRIPT.
int __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { int argi;
// Defualt language
WCHAR LangName[MAX_PATH] = L"VBScript"; int ScpLen = 0;
// Will hold the filename of the script
// This is all the default data.. it's how MSTSC will be opened.
TSClientData DesiredData = {
L"", L"", L"", L"", 640, 480, TSFLAG_COMPRESSION | TSFLAG_BITMAPCACHE, 0, 0, 0, L"" };
// TCLIENT.DLL callback function
SCINITDATA InitData = { PrintMessage };
// Evaluate to the minimum and maximum number of arguments
if (argc < 2 || argc > 10) {
ShowUsage(); return -1; }
// Check if the first parameter ends with a question mark.
// This will show the usage for stuff like: -? /? --? etc..
if (argv[1][strlen(argv[1]) - 1] == '?') {
ShowUsage(); return 0; }
// Record the script to run
mbstowcs(Script, argv[1], sizeof(Script) / sizeof(WCHAR));
// Attempt to auto set the language to JScript
ScpLen = wcslen(Script);
if ((ScpLen > 3 && _wcsicmp(L".js", Script + (ScpLen - 3)) == 0) || (ScpLen > 4 && _wcsicmp(L".jvs", Script + (ScpLen - 4)) == 0))
wcscpy(LangName, L"JScript");
// Get all the arguments
for (argi = 2; argi < argc; ++argi) {
// Set the server
if (strncmp("-s:", argv[argi], 3) == 0) mbstowcs(DesiredData.Server, argv[argi] + 3, SIZEOF_ARRAY(DesiredData.Server));
// Set the username
else if (strncmp("-u:", argv[argi], 3) == 0) mbstowcs(DesiredData.User, argv[argi] + 3, SIZEOF_ARRAY(DesiredData.User));
// Set the password
else if (strncmp("-p:", argv[argi], 3) == 0) mbstowcs(DesiredData.Pass, argv[argi] + 3, SIZEOF_ARRAY(DesiredData.Pass));
// Set the domain
else if (strncmp("-d:", argv[argi], 3) == 0) mbstowcs(DesiredData.Domain, argv[argi] + 3, SIZEOF_ARRAY(DesiredData.Domain));
// Enable verbose debugging
else if (strncmp("-v", argv[argi], 2) == 0) VerbosePrinting = TRUE;
// Set the words per minute
else if (strncmp("-wpm:", argv[argi], 5) == 0) DesiredData.WordsPerMinute = strtoul(argv[argi] + 5, NULL, 10);
// Set the bits per pixel
else if (strncmp("-bpp:", argv[argi], 5) == 0) DesiredData.BPP = strtoul(argv[argi] + 5, NULL, 10);
// Set the resolution (x)
else if (strncmp("-xres:", argv[argi], 6) == 0) DesiredData.xRes = strtoul(argv[argi] + 6, NULL, 10);
// Set the resolution (y)
else if (strncmp("-yres:", argv[argi], 6) == 0) DesiredData.yRes = strtoul(argv[argi] + 6, NULL, 10);
// Set custom arguments
else if (strncmp("-a:", argv[argi], 3) == 0) mbstowcs(DesiredData.Arguments, argv[argi] + 3, SIZEOF_ARRAY(DesiredData.Arguments));
// Change the language
else if (strncmp("-l:", argv[argi], 3) == 0) mbstowcs(LangName, argv[argi] + 3, SIZEOF_ARRAY(LangName));
// Change the connection flags
else if (strncmp("-f:", argv[argi], 3) == 0) DesiredData.Flags |= strtoul(argv[argi] + 3, NULL, 10);
// Unknown option
else {
ShowUsage(); return -1; } }
// Check if we are to just display the engines
if (wcscmp(Script, L"-l") == 0) { printf("%s", "\nPossible TBScript Scripting Languages:\n\n"); SCPDisplayEngines(); return 0; }
// Initialize TCLIENT2.DLL and TCLIENT.DLL
SCPStartupLibrary(&InitData, IdleCallback);
// Execute the script...
if (SCPRunScript(LangName, Script, &DesiredData, 0) == FALSE) printf("\nERROR: Failed to execute the script.\n");
// Cleanup TCLIENT2.DLL
return 0; }