//=================================================================== // TsSdWmi.MOF // Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corp. // Generated by Microsoft WBEM Code Generation Engine // // TO DO: If this class is intended to be created in a namespace // other than the default (root\default), you should add // the #pragma namespace command here. If these classes // are going into your own namespace, consider creating // the namespace here as well. See CIMWIN32.MOF for an // example of how to create a namespace. Also, consider // combining this mof with the mof the defines the class // that this provider provides. // //===================================================================
#pragma autorecover #pragma classflags("forceupdate")
Qualifier Description : ToSubClass Amended; Qualifier Values : ToSubClass Amended;
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root\\cimv2")
#pragma deleteclass("Win32_SessionDirectoryCluster", NOFAIL) #pragma deleteclass("Win32_SessionDirectoryServer", NOFAIL) #pragma deleteclass("Win32_SessionDirectorySession", NOFAIL)
//************************************************************* //*** Registers Framework Provider *** //*************************************************************
//SessionDirectoryCluster instance of __Win32Provider as $P { Name = "Win32_WIN32_SESSIONDIRECTORYCLUSTER_Prov"; ClsId = "{BF258E47-A172-498d-971A-DA30A3301E94}"; HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost"; };
instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration { Provider = $P; SupportsGet = TRUE; //SupportsPut = TRUE; //SupportsDelete = TRUE; SupportsEnumeration = TRUE; QuerySupportLevels = {"WQL:UnarySelect"}; };
instance of __MethodProviderRegistration { Provider = $P; };
[dynamic, provider("Win32_WIN32_SESSIONDIRECTORYCLUSTER_Prov"), Description("The Win32_SessionDirectoryCluster class defines the query for SessionDirectoryCluster. " "This includes capabilities such as NumberOfServers.")] class Win32_SessionDirectoryCluster {
[key, read, Description ( "Name of the Session Directory Cluster machine whose properties are of interest.") ] string ClusterName; [read, Description ( "Number of servers in the cluster") ] uint32 NumberOfServers; [read, Description ( "Single session mode of the cluster") ] uint32 SingleSessionMode;
// [Implemented, // Description("Configures the number of sessions for the cluster machine.") // ] //uint32 SetNumberOfSessions([In] uint32 NumberOfSessions); };
// SessionDirectoryServer instance of __Win32Provider as $P1 { Name = "Win32_WIN32_SESSIONDIRECTORYSERVER_Prov"; ClsId = "{f99a3c50-74fa-460a-8d75-db8ef2e3651d}"; HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost"; };
instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration { Provider = $P1; SupportsGet = TRUE; //SupportsPut = TRUE; //SupportsDelete = TRUE; SupportsEnumeration = TRUE; QuerySupportLevels = {"WQL:UnarySelect"}; };
instance of __MethodProviderRegistration { Provider = $P1; };
[dynamic, provider("Win32_WIN32_SESSIONDIRECTORYSERVER_Prov"), Description("The Win32_SessionDirectoryServer class defines the query for SessionDirectoryServer. " "This includes capabilities such as NumberOfSessions.")] class Win32_SessionDirectoryServer {
[key, read, Description ( "Name of the Session Directory Server machine whose properties are of interest.") ] string ServerName; [read, Description ( "IP Address the Session Directory Server machine.") ] string ServerIPAddress; [read, Description ( "Name of the Cluster the Session Directory Server machine belongs to.") ] string ClusterName; [read, Description ( "Number of sessions in the server") ] uint32 NumberOfSessions; [read, Description ( "Single session mode of the server") ] uint32 SingleSessionMode; };
// SessionDirectorySession instance of __Win32Provider as $P2 { Name = "Win32_WIN32_SESSIONDIRECTORYSESSION_Prov"; ClsId = "{b745b87b-cc4e-4361-8d29-221d936c259c}"; HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost"; };
instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration { Provider = $P2; //SupportsGet = TRUE; //SupportsPut = TRUE; //SupportsDelete = TRUE; //SupportsEnumeration = TRUE; QuerySupportLevels = {"WQL:UnarySelect"}; };
instance of __MethodProviderRegistration { Provider = $P2; };
[dynamic, provider("Win32_WIN32_SESSIONDIRECTORYSESSION_Prov"), Description("The Win32_SessionDirectorySession class defines the query for SessionDirectorySession. " "This includes username, domainname ....")] class Win32_SessionDirectorySession {
[key, read, Description ( "Name of the Server the session is on.") ] string ServerName; [key, read, Description ( "Session ID of this session.") ] uint32 SessionID; [read, Description ( "UserName of the session.") ] string UserName; [read, Description ( "DomainName of the session") ] string DomainName; [read, Description ( "IP Address of the server the session is on") ] string ServerIPAddress; [read, Description ( "TS Protocol of the session") ] uint32 TSProtocol; [read, Description ( "Application type of the session") ] string ApplicationType; [read, Description ( "Resolution width of the session") ] uint32 ResolutionWidth; [read, Description ( "Resolution height of the session") ] uint32 ResolutionHeight; [read, Description ( "Color depth of the session") ] uint32 ColorDepth; [read, Description ( "Create time of the session") ] DateTime CreateTime; [read, Description ( "Disconnect time of the session (if applicable)") ] DateTime DisconnectTime; [read, Description ( "Session state of the session") ] uint32 SessionState; };