* * deldir.c * * Functions to delete all the files and subdirectories under a given * directory (similar to rm -rf). * * Copyright Microsoft, 1998 * * *************************************************************************/
/* include files */
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "winsta.h"
#include "syslib.h"
#if DBG
#define DBGPRINT(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE0(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE1(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE0(x)
#define TRACE1(x)
#define DBGPRINT(x)
#define TRACE0(x)
#define TRACE1(x)
* Data Structure */ typedef struct dirent { ULONG d_attr; /* file attributes */ WCHAR d_name[MAX_PATH+1]; /* file name */ WCHAR d_first; HANDLE d_handle; } DIR, *PDIR;
* procedure prototypes */ void remove_file( PWCHAR, ULONG ); PDIR opendir( PWCHAR ); PDIR readdir( PDIR ); int closedir( PDIR ); BOOL QueryFlatTempKey( VOID ); BOOLEAN SetFileTree( PWCHAR pRoot, PWCHAR pAvoidDir );
* * RemoveDir * * Delete the given subdirectory and all files and subdirectories within it. * * ENTRY: * PWCHAR (In) dirname - directory to delete * * EXIT: * SUCCESS: TRUE * FAILURE: FALSE * ****************************************************************************/ BOOL RemoveDir(PWCHAR dirname) { DIR *dirp, *direntp; PWCHAR pathname = NULL; ULONG pathlen; PWCHAR namep; ULONG ulattr;
if ((dirp = opendir(dirname)) == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
// Allocate space for the path name. Add extra bytes for the subdirectory or file names.
pathlen = ( wcslen( dirname ) + 4 + MAX_PATH ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ; pathname = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pathlen ); if ( pathname == NULL) { return FALSE; }
memset( pathname, 0, pathlen );
wcscpy( pathname, dirname ); if ( pathname[wcslen(pathname)-1] != L'\\' && pathname[wcslen(pathname)-1] != L'/' ) wcscat( pathname, L"\\" ); namep = pathname + wcslen(pathname);
while ( direntp = readdir( dirp ) ) { if ( wcscmp( direntp->d_name, L"." ) && wcscmp( direntp->d_name, L".." ) ) { wcscpy( namep, direntp->d_name ); if ( direntp->d_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { RemoveDir( pathname ); } else { remove_file( pathname, direntp->d_attr ); } } }
closedir( dirp ); RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pathname );
* If directory is read-only, make it writable before trying to remove it */ ulattr = GetFileAttributes(dirname); if ((ulattr != 0xffffffff) && (ulattr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { SetFileAttributes(dirname, (ulattr & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)); } if (!RemoveDirectory(dirname)) { DBGPRINT(("RemoveDir: unable to remove directory=%ws\n", dirname)); if (ulattr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { // set back to readonly
SetFileAttributes(dirname, ulattr); } } return(TRUE); }
* * remove_file * * Delete the given file. * * ENTRY: * PWCHAR (In) fname - file to delete * ULONG (In) attr - attributes of file to delete * * EXIT: * void * ****************************************************************************/ void remove_file(PWCHAR fname, ULONG attr) { /*
* If file is read-only, then make it writable before trying to remove it */ if (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { if (!SetFileAttributes(fname, (attr & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY))) { DBGPRINT(("remove_file: unable to remove file=%ws\n", fname)); return; } }
* remove the file */ if (!DeleteFile(fname)) { if (!(attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { // if file was read-only,
DBGPRINT(("remove_file: unable to remove file=%ws\n", fname)); SetFileAttributes(fname, attr); // then change it back
} } }
* * opendir * * "Open" (FindFirstFile) the specified directory. * * ENTRY: * PWCHAR (In) dirname - directory to open * * EXIT: * SUCCESS: pointer to DIR struct * FAILURE: NULL * ****************************************************************************/ PDIR opendir( PWCHAR dirname ) { PDIR dirp; unsigned count = 1; WIN32_FIND_DATA fileinfo; PWCHAR pathname = NULL; WCHAR sep; ULONG pathlen; unsigned rc;
if ((dirp = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(DIR))) == NULL) { DBGPRINT(("opendir: unable to allocate DIR structure.\n")); return( NULL ); }
memset( dirp, 0, sizeof(DIR) );
// Allocate space for the path name. Add extra bytes for *.*.
pathlen = ( wcslen( dirname ) + 6 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ); pathname = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pathlen ); if ( pathname == NULL) { return NULL; }
memset( pathname, 0, pathlen );
* Build pathname to use for FindFirst call */ wcscpy( pathname, dirname ); if ( pathname[1] == L':' && pathname[2] == L'\0' ) wcscat( pathname, L".\\*.*" ); else if ( pathname[0] == '\0' || (sep = pathname[wcslen(pathname)-1]) == L'\\' || sep == L'/' ) wcscat( pathname, L"*.*" ); else wcscat( pathname, L"\\*.*" );
if ((dirp->d_handle = FindFirstFile(pathname, &fileinfo)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { rc = GetLastError(); DBGPRINT(("opendir: unable to open directory=%ws, rc=%d\n", dirname, rc)); } else { rc = 0; }
RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pathname );
if (rc == NO_ERROR) { dirp->d_attr = fileinfo.dwFileAttributes; wcscpy(dirp->d_name, fileinfo.cFileName); dirp->d_first = TRUE; return( dirp ); }
if ( rc != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ) { closedir( dirp ); return( NULL ); }
return( dirp ); }
* * readdir * * Get the next file/directory to be deleted * * ENTRY: * PDIR (In) dirp - pointer to open directory structure * * EXIT: * SUCCESS: pointer to DIR struct * FAILURE: NULL * ****************************************************************************/ PDIR readdir( PDIR dirp ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fileinfo; unsigned count = 1; unsigned rc;
if ( !dirp ) { return( NULL ); }
if ( dirp->d_first ) { dirp->d_first = FALSE; return( dirp ); }
if ( !(rc = FindNextFile( dirp->d_handle, &fileinfo )) ) { rc = GetLastError(); DBGPRINT(("readdir: FindNextFile failed, rc=%d\n", rc)); } else { rc = 0; }
if ( rc == NO_ERROR ) { dirp->d_attr = fileinfo.dwFileAttributes; wcscpy(dirp->d_name, fileinfo.cFileName); return( dirp ); }
return( NULL ); }
* * closedir * * Close an open directory handle * * ENTRY: * PDIR (In) dirp - pointer to open directory structure * * EXIT: * SUCCESS: 0 * FAILURE: -1 * ****************************************************************************/
int closedir( PDIR dirp ) {
if ( !dirp ) { return( -1 ); }
FindClose( dirp->d_handle );
RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, dirp );
return( 0 ); }
* * CtxCreateTempDir * * Create and set the temporary environment variable for this user. * * ENTRY: * PWSTR pwcEnvVar (In): Pointer to environment variable to set * PWSTR pwcLogonID (In): Pointer to user's logon ID * PVOID *pEnv (In): Pointer to pointer (a handle) to environment to query/set * PWSTR ppTempName (Out/Optional): Pointer to location to return name * of temp directory that was created * * EXIT: * SUCCESS: Returns TRUE * FAILURE: Returns FALSE * ****************************************************************************/
BOOL CtxCreateTempDir( PWSTR pwcEnvVar, PWSTR pwcLogonId, PVOID *pEnv, PWSTR *ppTempName, PCTX_USER_DATA pCtxUserData ) { WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR RootPath[]=L"x:\\"; ULONG Dtype; UNICODE_STRING Name, Value; ULONG ulattr; NTSTATUS Status; BOOL bRC; HANDLE ImpersonationHandle;
Value.Buffer = Buffer; Value.Length = 0; Value.MaximumLength = sizeof(Buffer); RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, pwcEnvVar);
// Get the temp directory variable
Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U( *pEnv, &Name, &Value ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) return( FALSE );
// If temp directory points to a network (or client) drive,
// or is not accessible, then change it to point to the \temp
// directory on the %SystemRoot% drive.
// Took out check for DRIVE_REMOTE, per incident 34313hq. KLB 09-13-96
// Need to impersonate user during logon cause drive mapped under
// impersonation. cjc 12-18-96
RootPath[0] = Buffer[0]; if (pCtxUserData) { ImpersonationHandle = CtxImpersonateUser(pCtxUserData, NULL);
if (!ImpersonationHandle) {
return( FALSE ); }
Dtype = GetDriveType( RootPath ); if (pCtxUserData) { CtxStopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle); } if ( Dtype == DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR || Dtype == DRIVE_UNKNOWN || Dtype == DRIVE_CDROM ) { UNICODE_STRING SystemRoot;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &SystemRoot, L"SystemRoot" ); Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U( *pEnv, &SystemRoot, &Value ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) return( FALSE ); lstrcpy( &Buffer[3], L"temp" ); }
// See if the directory already exists and if not try to create it
ulattr = GetFileAttributesW(Buffer); if ( ulattr == 0xffffffff ) { bRC = CreateDirectory( Buffer, NULL ); DBGPRINT(( "CreateDirectory(%ws) %s.\n", Buffer, bRC ? "successful" : "failed" )); if ( !bRC ) { return( FALSE ); } } else if ( !(ulattr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { return ( FALSE ); }
// Append the logonid onto the temp env. variable. We ONLY do this if the
// registry key for "Flat Temporary Directories" is not set. If it is,
// then they want to put their temp directory under the user's directory,
// and DON'T want it to be in a directory under that. This is related to
// incident 34313hq. KLB 09-16-96
if ( !QueryFlatTempKey() ) { if ( lstrlen(Buffer) + lstrlen(pwcLogonId) >= MAX_PATH ) { return( FALSE ); } lstrcat(Buffer, L"\\"); lstrcat(Buffer, pwcLogonId);
// See if the directory already exists and if not try to create it
// with the new
ulattr = GetFileAttributesW(Buffer); if ( ulattr == 0xffffffff ) { bRC = CreateDirectory( Buffer, NULL ); DBGPRINT(( "CreateDirectory(%ws) %s.\n", Buffer, bRC ? "successful" : "failed" )); if ( !bRC ) { return( FALSE ); } } else if ( !(ulattr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { return ( FALSE ); } }
// Need to set security on the new directory. This is done by simply
// calling code from JohnR's ACLSET utility that we brought over here.
// KLB 09-25-96
SetFileTree( Buffer, NULL );
// Must re-init Value since length of string has changed
RtlInitUnicodeString( &Value, Buffer ); if (*pEnv == NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->Environment) { RtlSetEnvironmentVariable( NULL, &Name, &Value ); *pEnv = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->Environment; } else { RtlSetEnvironmentVariable( pEnv, &Name, &Value ); RtlSetEnvironmentVariable( NULL, &Name, &Value ); }
if ( ppTempName ) *ppTempName = _wcsdup( Buffer );
return( TRUE ); } // end of CtxCreateTempDir()