* * security.c * * NT Security routines * * copyright notice: Copyright 1997, Microsoft * *************************************************************************/
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntexapi.h>
#include <ntseapi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wcstr.h>
#include "seopaque.h"
#include "sertlp.h"
#include <process.h>
#include <winsta.h>
#include <syslib.h>
#include <lmcons.h> // for DNLEN KLB 09-18-96
#include "security.h"
#if DBG
ULONG DbgPrint( PCH Format, ... ); #define DBGPRINT(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE0(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE1(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE0(x)
#define TRACE1(x)
#define DBGPRINT(x)
#define TRACE0(x)
#define TRACE1(x)
typedef struct _SIDLIST { struct _SIDLIST *Next; USHORT SidCrc; PWCHAR pAccountName; PWCHAR pDomainName; } SIDLIST, *PSIDLIST;
static PSIDLIST SidCache = NULL;
// Computer Name
// Admins only ACL
PACL pAdminsOnlyAcl = NULL; DWORD AdminsOnlyAclSize = 0;
// Universal well known SIDs
PSID SeNullSid; PSID SeWorldSid; PSID SeLocalSid; PSID SeCreatorOwnerSid; PSID SeCreatorGroupSid;
// Sids defined by NT
PSID SeNtAuthoritySid; PSID SeDialupSid; PSID SeNetworkSid; PSID SeBatchSid; PSID SeInteractiveSid; PSID SeServiceSid; PSID SeLocalGuestSid; PSID SeLocalSystemSid; PSID SeLocalAdminSid; PSID SeLocalManagerSid; PSID SeAliasAdminsSid; PSID SeAliasUsersSid; PSID SeAliasGuestsSid; PSID SeAliasPowerUsersSid; PSID SeAliasAccountOpsSid; PSID SeAliasSystemOpsSid; PSID SeAliasPrintOpsSid; PSID SeAliasBackupOpsSid; PSID SeAliasReplicatorSid;
// Sid of primary domain, and admin account in that domain
PSID SepPrimaryDomainSid; PSID SepPrimaryDomainAdminSid;
// External data
extern ADMIN_ACCOUNTS AllowAccounts[]; extern DWORD AllowAccountEntries; extern ACCESS_MASK AllowAccess;
extern ADMIN_ACCOUNTS DenyAccounts[]; extern DWORD DenyAccountEntries; extern ACCESS_MASK DeniedAccess;
// Forward and external references
BOOLEAN InitializeBuiltinSids();
BOOL LoadAccountSids();
BOOL BuildSecureAcl();
BOOL xxxLookupBuiltinAccount( PWCHAR pSystemName, PWCHAR pAccountName, PSID *ppSid );
BOOL GetCurrentUserSid( PSID *ppSid );
* * InitSecurity * * Initialize the security package * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * TRUE - no error * FALSE - error * ****************************************************************************/
BOOL InitSecurity( ) { BOOL rc; DWORD Size = sizeof(ComputerName)/sizeof(WCHAR);
rc = GetComputerNameW( ComputerName, &Size ); if( !rc ) { DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** %d Could not get computer name\n",GetLastError() )); return( FALSE ); }
rc = InitializeBuiltinSids(); if( !rc ) { DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** Some built-in accounts not loaded\n")); return( FALSE ); }
rc = LoadAccountSids(); if( !rc ) { DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** Some accounts not loaded\n")); return( FALSE ); }
rc = BuildSecureAcl(); if( !rc ) { DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** Could not build ACL\n")); return( FALSE ); }
return( TRUE ); }
* * LoadAccountSids * * Load the list of account access SIDS. * * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
Final = TRUE;
// Get the SID's for all of the allow accounts
// Get the SID of the built-in Administrators group
Status = RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid( &gSystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0,0,0,0,0,0, &(AllowAccounts[ADMIN_ACCOUNT].pSid)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DBGPRINT(("SYSLIB: Couldn't allocate Administrators SID (0x%x)\n", Status )); Final = FALSE; }
Status = RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid( &gSystemSidAuthority, 1, SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &(AllowAccounts[SYSTEM_ACCOUNT].pSid)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DBGPRINT(("SYSLIB: Couldn't allocate SYSTEM SID (0x%x)\n", Status )); Final = FALSE; }
// Get the current user's Sid
//First, see if we run in SYSTEM context.
//If we do, get current user SID from TERMSRV, otherwise use a user SID from process token.
Final = FALSE;
{ HANDLE hToken; PTOKEN_USER pTokenUser = NULL; DWORD dwInfoLength = 0;
if(OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),TOKEN_QUERY,&hToken)) { GetTokenInformation(hToken,TokenUser,pTokenUser,dwInfoLength,&dwInfoLength);
if(dwInfoLength) { pTokenUser = (PTOKEN_USER)LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwInfoLength); if(pTokenUser) { if(GetTokenInformation(hToken,TokenUser,pTokenUser,dwInfoLength,&dwInfoLength)) { if(EqualSid(AllowAccounts[SYSTEM_ACCOUNT].pSid,pTokenUser->User.Sid)) { rc = xxxLookupAccountName( ComputerName, CURRENT_USER, &(AllowAccounts[USER_ACCOUNT].pSid) );
if ( !rc ) { // It might be a special builtin account
rc = xxxLookupBuiltinAccount( ComputerName, CURRENT_USER, &(AllowAccounts[USER_ACCOUNT].pSid) );
if( !rc ) { DBGPRINT(("***WARNING*** Could not find SID for current user account, Error %d\n", GetLastError() )); } } if( rc ) { Final = TRUE; } } else { DWORD dwSidLength = GetLengthSid(pTokenUser->User.Sid); AllowAccounts[USER_ACCOUNT].pSid = (PSID)LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwSidLength); if(AllowAccounts[USER_ACCOUNT].pSid) { CopyMemory(AllowAccounts[USER_ACCOUNT].pSid,pTokenUser->User.Sid,dwSidLength); Final = TRUE; } } } LocalFree(pTokenUser); } }
CloseHandle(hToken); } }
#ifdef notdef
// Lookup the SID's for all of the deny accounts
for( Index = 0; Index < DenyAccountEntries; Index++ ) {
p = &DenyAccounts[Index];
rc = xxxLookupAccountName( ComputerName, p->Name, &p->pSid );
if( !rc ) { // It might be a special builtin account
rc = xxxLookupBuiltinAccount( ComputerName, p->Name, &p->pSid );
if( !rc ) { DBGPRINT(("***WARNING*** Could not find SID for account %ws Error %d\n",p->Name,GetLastError() )); Final = FALSE; } } } #endif
// Lower level function outputs if any accounts are invalid
return( Final ); }
* * IsAllowSid * * Returns whether the supplied SID is in the allow group * * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
for( Index = 0; Index < AllowAccountEntries; Index++ ) {
p = &AllowAccounts[Index];
if( p->pSid && EqualSid( pSid, p->pSid ) ) { // The Sid is for an allowed account
AllowSid = TRUE; break; } }
return( AllowSid ); }
* * xxxLookupAccountName * * Wrapper to lookup the SID for a given account name * * Returns a pointer to the SID in newly allocated memory * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
BOOL xxxLookupAccountName( PWCHAR pSystemName, PWCHAR pAccountName, PSID *ppSid ) { BOOL rc; DWORD Size, DomainSize, Error; SID_NAME_USE Type; PWCHAR pDomain = NULL; PSID pSid = NULL; WCHAR Buf; WCHAR pCurrentUser[MAX_ACCOUNT_NAME]; // KLB 09-16-96
DWORD dwCurrentUser = MAX_ACCOUNT_NAME; // KLB 09-16-96
WCHAR pAccountToLookup[MAX_ACCOUNT_NAME+DNLEN+1]; // KLB 09-18-96
LPWSTR pLogon32DomainName = NULL; // KLB 09-19-96
ULONG ReturnLength; // KLB 09-30-96
Size = 0; DomainSize = 0;
* Open the WinStation and Query its information. */ memset( &WinInfo, 0, sizeof(WINSTATIONINFORMATION) ); rc = WinStationQueryInformation( SERVERNAME_CURRENT, LOGONID_CURRENT, WinStationInformation, (PVOID)&WinInfo, sizeof(WINSTATIONINFORMATION), &ReturnLength ); if ( !rc ) { DBGPRINT(("error querying winstation information %d.\n", GetLastError() )); return( FALSE ); } if( ReturnLength != sizeof(WINSTATIONINFORMATION) ) { DBGPRINT(("winstation info version mismatch!\n")); return( FALSE ); }
if (lstrcmpi(pAccountName,CURRENT_USER) == 0) { lstrcpy( pAccountToLookup, WinInfo.Domain ); lstrcat( pAccountToLookup, L"\\" ); lstrcat( pAccountToLookup, WinInfo.UserName ); } else { lstrcpy( pAccountToLookup, pAccountName ); } DBGPRINT(( "looking up account %ws\n", pAccountToLookup ));
rc = LookupAccountNameW( pSystemName, pAccountToLookup, // KLB 09-16-96
&Buf, // pSid
&Size, &Buf, // pDomain
&DomainSize, &Type );
if( rc ) { DBGPRINT(("Internal error on account name %ws\n",pAccountToLookup)); return( FALSE ); } else { Error = GetLastError(); if( Error != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** %d looking up SID for account name %ws skipped without processing!\n",Error,pAccountToLookup)); return( FALSE ); }
pSid = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, Size ); if( pSid == NULL ) { DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** Out of memory, skipped account %ws without processing!\n",pAccountToLookup)); return( FALSE ); }
pDomain = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, DomainSize*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if( pDomain == NULL ) { DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** Out of memory, skipped account %ws without processing!\n",pAccountToLookup)); LocalFree( pSid ); return( FALSE ); }
rc = LookupAccountNameW( pSystemName, pAccountToLookup, pSid, &Size, pDomain, &DomainSize, &Type );
if( !rc ) { DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** %d looking up SID for account name %ws skipped without processing!\n",Error,pAccountToLookup)); LocalFree( pSid ); LocalFree( pDomain ); return( FALSE ); }
*ppSid = pSid;
LocalFree( pDomain ); DBGPRINT(( "leaving xxxLookupAccountName(); pSid is okay, returning TRUE.\n" )); return( TRUE ); } }
* * InitializeBuiltinSids * * Initialize the built in SIDS * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
BOOLEAN InitializeBuiltinSids() {
ULONG SidWithZeroSubAuthorities; ULONG SidWithOneSubAuthority; ULONG SidWithTwoSubAuthorities; ULONG SidWithThreeSubAuthorities;
NullSidAuthority = SepNullSidAuthority; WorldSidAuthority = SepWorldSidAuthority; LocalSidAuthority = SepLocalSidAuthority; CreatorSidAuthority = SepCreatorSidAuthority; SeNtAuthority = SepNtAuthority;
// The following SID sizes need to be allocated
SidWithZeroSubAuthorities = RtlLengthRequiredSid( 0 ); SidWithOneSubAuthority = RtlLengthRequiredSid( 1 ); SidWithTwoSubAuthorities = RtlLengthRequiredSid( 2 ); SidWithThreeSubAuthorities = RtlLengthRequiredSid( 3 );
// Allocate and initialize the universal SIDs
SeNullSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeWorldSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeLocalSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeCreatorOwnerSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeCreatorGroupSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority);
// Fail initialization if we didn't get enough memory for the universal
// SIDs.
if ( (SeNullSid == NULL) || (SeWorldSid == NULL) || (SeLocalSid == NULL) || (SeCreatorOwnerSid == NULL) || (SeCreatorGroupSid == NULL) ) {
return( FALSE ); }
RtlInitializeSid( SeNullSid, &NullSidAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeWorldSid, &WorldSidAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeLocalSid, &LocalSidAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeCreatorOwnerSid, &CreatorSidAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeCreatorGroupSid, &CreatorSidAuthority, 1 );
*(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeNullSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_NULL_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeWorldSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_WORLD_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeLocalSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_LOCAL_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeCreatorOwnerSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_CREATOR_OWNER_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeCreatorGroupSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_CREATOR_GROUP_RID;
// Allocate and initialize the NT defined SIDs
SeNtAuthoritySid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithZeroSubAuthorities); SeDialupSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeNetworkSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeBatchSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeInteractiveSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeServiceSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeLocalGuestSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeLocalSystemSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeLocalAdminSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority); SeLocalManagerSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithOneSubAuthority);
SeAliasAdminsSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithTwoSubAuthorities); SeAliasUsersSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithTwoSubAuthorities); SeAliasGuestsSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithTwoSubAuthorities); SeAliasPowerUsersSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithTwoSubAuthorities); SeAliasAccountOpsSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithTwoSubAuthorities); SeAliasSystemOpsSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithTwoSubAuthorities); SeAliasPrintOpsSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithTwoSubAuthorities); SeAliasBackupOpsSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithTwoSubAuthorities); SeAliasReplicatorSid = (PSID)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, SidWithTwoSubAuthorities);
// Fail initialization if we didn't get enough memory for the NT SIDs.
if ( (SeNtAuthoritySid == NULL) || (SeDialupSid == NULL) || (SeNetworkSid == NULL) || (SeBatchSid == NULL) || (SeInteractiveSid == NULL) || (SeServiceSid == NULL) || (SeLocalGuestSid == NULL) || (SeLocalSystemSid == NULL) || (SeLocalAdminSid == NULL) || (SeLocalManagerSid == NULL) || (SeAliasAdminsSid == NULL) || (SeAliasUsersSid == NULL) || (SeAliasGuestsSid == NULL) || (SeAliasPowerUsersSid == NULL) || (SeAliasAccountOpsSid == NULL) || (SeAliasSystemOpsSid == NULL) || (SeAliasReplicatorSid == NULL) || (SeAliasPrintOpsSid == NULL) || (SeAliasBackupOpsSid == NULL) ) {
return( FALSE ); }
RtlInitializeSid( SeNtAuthoritySid, &SeNtAuthority, 0 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeDialupSid, &SeNtAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeNetworkSid, &SeNtAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeBatchSid, &SeNtAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeInteractiveSid, &SeNtAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeServiceSid, &SeNtAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeLocalGuestSid, &SeNtAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeLocalSystemSid, &SeNtAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeLocalAdminSid, &SeNtAuthority, 1 ); RtlInitializeSid( SeLocalManagerSid, &SeNtAuthority, 1 );
RtlInitializeSid( SeAliasAdminsSid, &SeNtAuthority, 2); RtlInitializeSid( SeAliasUsersSid, &SeNtAuthority, 2); RtlInitializeSid( SeAliasGuestsSid, &SeNtAuthority, 2); RtlInitializeSid( SeAliasPowerUsersSid, &SeNtAuthority, 2); RtlInitializeSid( SeAliasAccountOpsSid, &SeNtAuthority, 2); RtlInitializeSid( SeAliasSystemOpsSid, &SeNtAuthority, 2); RtlInitializeSid( SeAliasPrintOpsSid, &SeNtAuthority, 2); RtlInitializeSid( SeAliasBackupOpsSid, &SeNtAuthority, 2); RtlInitializeSid( SeAliasReplicatorSid, &SeNtAuthority, 2);
*(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeDialupSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_DIALUP_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeNetworkSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_NETWORK_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeBatchSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BATCH_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeInteractiveSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeServiceSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_SERVICE_RID; // *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeLocalGuestSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_LOCAL_GUESTS_RID;
*(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeLocalSystemSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID; // *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeLocalAdminSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_LOCAL_ADMIN_RID;
// *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeLocalManagerSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_LOCAL_MANAGER_RID;
*(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasAdminsSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasUsersSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasGuestsSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasPowerUsersSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasAccountOpsSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasSystemOpsSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasPrintOpsSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasBackupOpsSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasReplicatorSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID;
*(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasAdminsSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasUsersSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasGuestsSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_GUESTS; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasPowerUsersSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_POWER_USERS; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasAccountOpsSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ACCOUNT_OPS; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasSystemOpsSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_SYSTEM_OPS; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasPrintOpsSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_PRINT_OPS; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasBackupOpsSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_BACKUP_OPS; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SeAliasReplicatorSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_REPLICATOR;
return( TRUE ); }
* * xxxLookupBuiltinAccount * * Wrapper to lookup the SID for a given built in account name * * Returns a pointer to the SID in newly allocated memory * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
BOOL xxxLookupBuiltinAccount( PWCHAR pSystemName, PWCHAR pAccountName, PSID *ppSid ) { USHORT SidLen; SID_NAME_USE Type; PSID pSid = NULL;
if( _wcsicmp( L"NULL_SID", pAccountName ) == 0 ) { pSid = SeNullSid; Type = SidTypeInvalid; }
if( pSid == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_NONE_MAPPED ); return( FALSE ); }
SidLen = (USHORT)GetLengthSid( pSid ); *ppSid = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, SidLen ); if( *ppSid == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); return( FALSE ); }
RtlMoveMemory( *ppSid, pSid, SidLen );
return( TRUE );
#ifdef notdef
if( EqualSid( SeNullSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"NULL_SID"; Type = SidTypeInvalid; }
if( EqualSid( SeWorldSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"WORLD"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeLocalSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"LOCAL_ACCOUNT"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeCreatorOwnerSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"CREATOR_OWNER"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeCreatorGroupSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"CREATOR_GROUP"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
// Look at the NT SIDS
if( EqualSid( SeNtAuthoritySid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"NTAUTHORITY"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeDialupSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"DIALUP"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeNetworkSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"NETWORK"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeBatchSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"BATCH"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeInteractiveSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"INTERACTIVE"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeServiceSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"SERVICE"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeLocalGuestSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"LOCALGUEST"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeLocalSystemSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"LOCALSYSTEM"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeLocalAdminSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"LOCALADMIN"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeLocalManagerSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"LOCALMANAGER"; Type = SidTypeWellKnownGroup; }
if( EqualSid( SeAliasAdminsSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"ALIAS_ADMINS"; Type = SidTypeAlias; }
if( EqualSid( SeAliasUsersSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"ALIAS_USERS"; Type = SidTypeAlias; }
if( EqualSid( SeAliasGuestsSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"ALIAS_GUESTS"; Type = SidTypeAlias; }
if( EqualSid( SeAliasPowerUsersSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"ALIAS_POWERUSERS"; Type = SidTypeAlias; }
if( EqualSid( SeAliasAccountOpsSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"ALIAS_ACCOUNT_OPS"; Type = SidTypeAlias; }
if( EqualSid( SeAliasSystemOpsSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"ALIAS_SYSTEM_OPS"; Type = SidTypeAlias; }
if( EqualSid( SeAliasPrintOpsSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"ALIAS_PRINT_OPS"; Type = SidTypeAlias; }
if( EqualSid( SeAliasBackupOpsSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"ALIAS_BACKUP_OPS"; Type = SidTypeAlias; }
if( EqualSid( SeAliasReplicatorSid, pSid ) ) { pName = L"ALIAS_REPLICATOR"; Type = SidTypeAlias; } #endif
* * GetSecureAcl * * Comment * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
PACL GetSecureAcl() { return( pAdminsOnlyAcl ); }
* * BuildSecureAcl * * Comment * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
* Calculate the ACL size */ AclSize = sizeof(ACL);
// Reserve memory for the deny ACE's
for( Index = 0; Index < DenyAccountEntries; Index++ ) {
p = &DenyAccounts[Index];
if( p->pSid ) { AclSize += sizeof(ACCESS_DENIED_ACE); AclSize += (GetLengthSid( p->pSid ) - sizeof(DWORD)); } }
// Reserve memory for the allowed ACE's
for( Index = 0; Index < AllowAccountEntries; Index++ ) {
p = &AllowAccounts[Index];
if( p->pSid ) { AclSize += sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE); AclSize += (GetLengthSid( p->pSid ) - sizeof(DWORD)); } }
pAcl = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, AclSize ); if( pAcl == NULL ) { DBGPRINT(("Could not allocate memory\n")); return( FALSE ); }
rc = InitializeAcl( pAcl, AclSize, ACL_REVISION );
if( !rc ) { DBGPRINT(("Error %d InitializeAcl\n",GetLastError())); LocalFree( pAcl ); return( FALSE ); }
* Add a deny all ACE for each account in the deny list */ for( Index = 0; Index < DenyAccountEntries; Index++ ) {
p = &DenyAccounts[Index];
rc = AddAccessDeniedAce( pAcl, ACL_REVISION, FILE_ALL_ACCESS, p->pSid );
if( !rc ) { Error = GetLastError(); DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** adding deny ACE %d for account %ws\n",Error,p->Name)); } }
* Add an allow all ACE for each account in the allow list */ for( Index = 0; Index < AllowAccountEntries; Index++ ) {
p = &AllowAccounts[Index];
rc = AddAccessAllowedAce( pAcl, ACL_REVISION, FILE_ALL_ACCESS, p->pSid );
if( !rc ) { Error = GetLastError(); DBGPRINT(("***ERROR*** adding allow ACE %d for account %ws\n",Error,p->Name)); } }
pAdminsOnlyAcl = pAcl; AdminsOnlyAclSize = AclSize;
// Put the inherit flags on the ACE's
for( Index=0; Index < pAcl->AceCount; Index++ ) {
rc = GetAce( pAcl, Index, (PVOID)&pAce ); if( !rc ) { continue; }
return( TRUE ); }
* * GetLocalAdminSid * * Comment * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
PSID GetLocalAdminSid() { return( SeLocalAdminSid ); }
* * GetAdminSid * * Comment * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * ****************************************************************************/
PSID GetAdminSid() { return( AllowAccounts[ADMIN_ACCOUNT].pSid ); }
* * GetLocalAdminGroupSid * * Comment * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
PSID GetLocalAdminGroupSid() { return( SeAliasAdminsSid ); }
* * GetLocalAdminGroupSid * * Comment * * ENTRY: * Param1 (input/output) * Comments * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ****************************************************************************/
BOOL CheckUserSid() { BOOL rc; PSID pSid; PSID pPrevSid;
rc = xxxLookupAccountName( ComputerName, AllowAccounts[USER_ACCOUNT].Name, &pSid );
if( !rc ) { // It might be a special builtin account
rc = xxxLookupBuiltinAccount( ComputerName, AllowAccounts[USER_ACCOUNT].Name, &pSid ); }
pPrevSid = AllowAccounts[USER_ACCOUNT].pSid; if (rc && (!pPrevSid || !EqualSid( pSid, pPrevSid ))) { AllowAccounts[USER_ACCOUNT].pSid = pSid; if (pAdminsOnlyAcl) { LocalFree( pAdminsOnlyAcl ); pAdminsOnlyAcl = NULL; AdminsOnlyAclSize = 0; } rc = BuildSecureAcl(); }
return(rc); }