############################################################################### # # Script: configPPM3.pl # Author: Neil Watkiss # Description: Setup 'ppm3' by expanding '%TEMP%' placeholders. If extra # arguments are given, it also runs ppm3 to set up those # options. # # Copyright � 1999,2001 ActiveState Tool Corp. # ############################################################################### use Config; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long;
# Accept options which control whether or not to call PPM3 with more # configuration options. GetOptions ( 'ppm-conf=s' => \$ppm_conf, 'image-conf=s' => \$img_conf, # These options are for configuring PPM3 on windows; on Unix, the # installer script does this by itself. 'ppm3=s' => \$ppm3_exe, 'shared=s' => \$shared, 'fixpath=s' => \@fixpath, 'generate-inst-key' => \$gen_inst_key, 'set-profile=s' => \$set_profile, );
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { for ($ppm_conf, $image_conf, $shared, @fixpath) { s{\\}{/}g; chop $_ while substr($_, -1) eq '/'; } }
my $sitelib = $Config{'sitelib'}; my $perldir = $Config{'prefix'}; my $osname = $Config{'osname'}; my $archname = $Config{'archname'}; my $osversion = join ",", (split (/\./, $Config{'osvers'}), (0) x 4) [0 .. 3];
$tmp = $ENV{'TEMP'} || $ENV{'tmp'}; if ($^O =~ /MSWin/) { $tmp ||= 'c:/temp'; } else { $tmp ||= '/tmp'; }
# Edit ppm-conf/* and image/conf/*: my @files; if (-d $ppm_conf) { opendir(CONF, $ppm_conf) or die "can't opendir $ppm_conf: $!"; push @files, grep { -f } map { "$ppm_conf/$_" } readdir(CONF); closedir(CONF) or die "can't closedir $ppm_conf: $!"; } if (-d $img_conf) { opendir(IMG, $img_conf) or die "can't opendir $img_conf: $!"; push @files, grep { -f } map { "$img_conf/$_" } readdir(IMG); closedir(IMG) or die "can't closedir $img_conf: $!"; }
{ local $^I = '.~1~'; local *ARGV; @ARGV = @files; while (<>) { s/%SITELIB%/$sitelib/g; s/%PERLDIR%/$perldir/g; s/%SRCDIR%/$srcDir/g; s/%OSNAME%/$osname/g; s/%OSVERSION%/$osversion/g; s/%TEMP%/$tmp/g; s/%REPOSITORY%/$repository/g; s/%ARCHNAME%/$archname/g; print; close ARGV if eof; } unlink "$_.~1~" for @files; }
exit unless $ppm3_exe; exit unless -d $shared;
if (@fixpath == 2) {
opendir (GLOB, $shared) or die "Can't opendir $shared: $!"; my @files = grep { -f } map { "$shared/$_" } readdir(GLOB); closedir(GLOB) or die "closedir $shared: $!";
local $^I = '.~1~'; local *ARGV; @ARGV = @files; my ($from, $to) = @fixpath; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { require Win32; $to = Win32::GetShortPathName($to); } while (<>) { s{\\}{/}g; s/\Q$from\E/$to/gi; print; close ARGV if eof; } unlink "$_.~1~" for @files;
if (defined $gen_inst_key) { my $date = localtime; my $rand = rand; my $os = $^O; my $hostname; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $hostname = (gethostbyname('localhost'))[0]; } elsif (eval { require Net::Domain }) { $hostname = Net::Domain::hostfqdn(); } else { require Sys::Hostname; $hostname = Sys::Hostname::hostname(); }
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); my $inst_id = md5_hex(join ':', ($rand, $hostname, $os, $date));
my $instkey = "$shared/instkey.cfg";
open (my $INST, "> $instkey") or die "can't open $instkey: $!"; print $INST <<END; date: $date hostname: $hostname inst_id: $inst_id os: $os rand: $rand END close $INST or die "can't close $instkey: $!";
if (defined $set_profile) { my $clientlib = "$shared/clientlib.cfg"; local *ARGV; local $^I = '.~1~'; @ARGV = ($clientlib); while (<>) { s/(profile_enable:) \d+/$1 $set_profile/; print; close ARGV if eof; } unlink "$_.~1~" for ($clientlib);