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  1. <%@ LANGUAGE = PerlScript%>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Tobias Martinsson">
  5. <title>ADO Record Counting</title>
  6. </head>
  7. <body>
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  10. ActiveState PerlScript sample
  11. PerlScript: The coolest way to program custom web solutions.
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  18. <HR>
  19. <H3>ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Record Counting</H3>
  20. Counting the number of records in a Recordset is something many find troublesome at first. The solution to why it sometimes return -1 instead of an accurate count is very simple. In order to avoid -1, you must use a cursor that can move all the way to the end of the Recordset and then back. Unless specified, the cursor will default to a cursor that moves only forward in the Recordset, thus can not determine the count. In this example, we use a Keyset cursor, which is a lightweight cursor that can move both forward and backward. When the database connection is open, the Recordset will contain the number of available records matching the query in its RecordCount-property.
  21. <p>
  22. <%
  23. my $adOpenKeySet_CursorType = 1;
  24. $rst = $Server->CreateObject('ADODB.Recordset');
  25. $rst->Open('SELECT * FROM Orders', 'ADOSAMPLES', $adOpenKeySet_CursorType);
  26. $Response->Write("There are ".$rst->{RecordCount}." records in the Recordset");
  27. $rst->Close(); # Close the recordset
  28. undef($rst); # Destroy the object
  29. %>
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  33. <%
  34. $url = $Request->ServerVariables('PATH_INFO')->item;
  35. $_ = $Request->ServerVariables('PATH_TRANSLATED')->item;
  36. s/[\/\\](\w*\.asp\Z)//m;
  37. $params = 'filename='."$1".'&URL='."$url";
  38. $params =~ s#([^a-zA-Z0-9&_.:%/-\\]{1})#uc '%' . unpack('H2', $1)#eg;
  39. %>
  40. <A HREF="index.htm"> Return </A>
  41. <A HREF="showsource.asp?<%=$params%>">
  42. <h4><i>view the source</i></h4></A>
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