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@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- @REM @REM inetsrv.cmd - CAchille, AaronL @REM Generate the IIS cabs @REM @REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. @REM @REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- @if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin @perl -x "%~f0" %* @goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) } inetsrv [-l <language>]
Generate the IIS cab files USAGE
parseargs('?' => \&Usage);
# *** TEMPLATE CODE *** $ENV{"_CPCMAGIC"}++;exit(system($0)>>8); __END__ @:CPCBegin @set _CPCMAGIC= @setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS @if not defined DEBUG echo off @REM *** CMD SCRIPT BELOW ***
:Begin_IIS_MAKE_CAB set CABDIR=%_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\681984000 Set NewDir=%_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\Binaries.IIS
REM ------------------------------------ REM START IIS POSTBUILD PROCESSING REM ------------------------------------ REM REM REM This .cmd file will REM REM 1. produce these files: REM \binaries\srvinf\iis.inf (iis_s.inf) REM \binaries\entinf\iis.inf (iis_e.inf) REM \binaries\dtcinf\iis.inf (iis_d.inf) REM \binaries\iis.inf (iis_w.inf) REM \binaries\perinf\iis.inf (iis_p.inf) REM \binaries\blainf\iis.inf (iis_b.inf) REM \binaries\sbsinf\iis.inf (iis_sbs.inf) REM \binaries\IIS6.cab REM ------------------------------------ call logmsg.cmd "iis:start iis postbuild..." REM clean out iis cab file to be regenerated on full build if exist %_NTPOSTBLD%\build_logs\FullPass.txt ( call ExecuteCmd.cmd "if exist %_NTPostBld%\iis6.cab del %_NTPostBld%\iis6.cab /s/q" ) REM clean out iis cab file to be regenerated on intl builds if /i "%lang%" NEQ "usa" ( call ExecuteCmd.cmd "if exist %_NTPostBld%\iis6.cab del %_NTPostBld%\iis6.cab /s/q" )
REM We should be in the %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump directory if /i EXIST %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump (cd /d %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump) if NOT EXIST %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump ( call errmsg.cmd "%_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump was not created. ABORTING" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
REM make sure we don't try to run an old version that might have been in this dir if exist infutil2.exe (del infutil2.exe) if exist FList.exe (del flist.exe)
REM remove old temp dir. if exist %NewDir% (rd /s /q %NewDir%) if exist %NewDir% ( call errmsg.cmd "Unable to remove directory:%NewDir%" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
Set TempFileName=infutil.csv if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\%TempFileName% Does not exist (Problem could be the infutil.csv was not built). ABORTING" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
if not exist empty.txt ( call errmsg.cmd "WARNING:empty.txt Does not exist (creating an empty.txt)" echo . > empty.txt )
REM Do some extra stuff to ensure that REM These *.h files are copied to *.h2 del *.h2 call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy ..\*.h ..\..\*.h2" REM Do ensure that some case sensitive files are case sensitive REM only needed for iis5.1 (winxp pro) but was removed from iis6.0 (winxp srv) REM call :RenameCaseSensitiveFiles
REM -------------------------------------- REM DO FUNKY PROCESSING FOR THE DOCUMENTATION FOLDERS SINCE REM WE DON'T WANT TO STORE DUPLICATE FILES IN THE CABS REM REM 1. nts\ismcore\core\*.* and ntw\ismcore\core\*.* REM contain many files which are duplicated between them REM so this next bunch of batch file commands will do this: REM a. take the common files and stick them into a ismshare\shared REM b. take the unique to nts files and stick them some ismshare\ntsonly\*.* REM c. take the unique to ntw files and stick them some ismshare\ntwonly\*.* REM 2. infutil.csv references these newely created dirs, so they better have the stuff in them! REM -------------------------------------- call logmsg.cmd "merge files:merge duplicate files into a shared dir..." if exist ..\help\ismshare (rd /s /q ..\help\ismshare)
compdir /o /b ..\help\nts\ismcore\core ..\help\ntw\ismcore\core > Shared.txt REM remove paths from list flist.exe -c Shared.txt > Shared_c.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "1:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del Shared.txt compdir /o /b ..\help\nts\ismcore\misc ..\help\ntw\ismcore\misc > Shared2.txt REM remove paths from list flist -c Shared2.txt > Shared_m.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "2:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del Shared2.txt
REM ---------------------- REM get only the nts stuff REM ---------------------- call logmsg.cmd "merge files:get nts only list..." REM DO IT FOR THE CORE DIR dir /b ..\help\nts\ismcore\core > nts_allc.txt REM remove paths from list flist -c nts_allc.txt > nts_c.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "3:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del nts_allc.txt REM get only the nts stuff REM which are really the diff between all nts and the shared. flist -b nts_c.txt Shared_c.txt > NTSonlyc.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "4:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del nts_c.txt REM DO IT FOR THE MISC DIR dir /b ..\help\nts\ismcore\misc > nts_allm.txt REM remove paths from list flist -c nts_allm.txt > nts_m.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "5:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del nts_allm.txt REM get only the nts stuff REM which are really the diff between all nts and the shared. flist -b nts_m.txt Shared_m.txt > NTSonlym.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "6:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del nts_m.txt
REM ---------------------- REM get only the ntw stuff REM ---------------------- call logmsg.cmd "merge files:get ntw only list..." REM DO IT FOR THE CORE DIR dir /b ..\help\ntw\ismcore\core > ntw_allc.txt REM remove paths flist -c ntw_allc.txt > ntw_c.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "7:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del ntw_allc.txt REM get only the ntw stuff REM which are really the diff between all ntw and the shared. flist -b ntw_c.txt Shared_c.txt > NTWonlyc.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "7:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del ntw_c.txt REM DO IT FOR THE MISC DIR dir /b ..\help\ntw\ismcore\misc > ntw_allm.txt REM remove paths flist -c ntw_allm.txt > ntw_m.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "7:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del ntw_allm.txt REM get only the ntw stuff REM which are really the diff between all ntw and the shared. flist -b ntw_m.txt Shared_m.txt > NTWonlym.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "7:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) del ntw_m.txt
REM REM Copy the files REM call logmsg.cmd "merge files:create shared list..." md ..\help\ismshare md ..\help\ismshare\core md ..\help\ismshare\core\shared md ..\help\ismshare\core\ntsonly md ..\help\ismshare\core\ntwonly md ..\help\ismshare\misc md ..\help\ismshare\misc\shared md ..\help\ismshare\misc\ntsonly md ..\help\ismshare\misc\ntwonly call logmsg.cmd "merge files:Shared_c.txt:copy ..\help\nts\ismcore\core\? ..\help\ismshare\core\shared" for /F %%i in (Shared_c.txt) do ( copy ..\help\nts\ismcore\core\%%i ..\help\ismshare\core\shared ) call logmsg.cmd "merge files:NTSonlyc.txt:copy ..\help\nts\ismcore\core\? ..\help\ismshare\core\ntsonly" for /F %%i in (NTSonlyc.txt) do ( copy ..\help\nts\ismcore\core\%%i ..\help\ismshare\core\ntsonly )
call logmsg.cmd "merge files:NTWonlyc.txt:copy ..\help\ntw\ismcore\core\? ..\help\ismshare\core\ntwonly" for /F %%i in (NTWonlyc.txt) do ( copy ..\help\ntw\ismcore\core\%%i ..\help\ismshare\core\ntwonly )
call logmsg.cmd "merge files:Shared_m.txt:copy ..\help\nts\ismcore\misc\? ..\help\ismshare\misc\shared" for /F %%i in (Shared_m.txt) do ( copy ..\help\nts\ismcore\misc\%%i ..\help\ismshare\misc\shared )
call logmsg.cmd "merge files:NTSonlym.txt:copy ..\help\nts\ismcore\misc\? ..\help\ismshare\misc\ntsonly" for /F %%i in (NTSonlym.txt) do ( copy ..\help\nts\ismcore\misc\%%i ..\help\ismshare\misc\ntsonly )
call logmsg.cmd "merge files:NTWonlym.txt:copy ..\help\ntw\ismcore\misc\? ..\help\ismshare\misc\ntwonly" for /F %%i in (NTWonlym.txt) do ( copy ..\help\ntw\ismcore\misc\%%i ..\help\ismshare\misc\ntwonly )
REM REM check if there there are any shared files at all... REM if exist ..\testdir (rd /s /q ..\testdir) md ..\testdir copy ..\help\ismshare\core\shared\*.* ..\testdir REM if it's empty then we'll get errorlevel=1, so if it's empty then create a dummy file IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( call logmsg.cmd "merge files:no core shared files. create dummy file ..\help\ismshare\core\shared\empty.txt" if exist empty.txt (copy empty.txt ..\help\ismshare\core\shared\empty.txt) )
if exist ..\testdir (rd /s /q ..\testdir) md ..\testdir copy ..\help\ismshare\misc\shared\*.* ..\testdir IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( call logmsg.cmd "merge files:no misc shared files. create dummy file ..\help\ismshare\misc\shared\empty.txt" if exist empty.txt (copy empty.txt ..\help\ismshare\misc\shared\empty.txt) ) if exist ..\testdir (rd /s /q ..\testdir )
call logmsg.cmd "merge files:done."
REM ---------------------------------------------------- REM INCREMENTAL BUILD STUFF REM REM ---------------------------------------------------- REM check if any of the files which will go into the .cab files have been updated. REM do this by getting a list of the files from infutil2 (which uses the infutil.csv list). REM then compare the date on every file in that list, if there is one which is newer than the REM cab files, then rebuild the cabs. REM ---------------------------------------------------- REM REM Check if the incremental build stuff has been implemented yet. REM do this by checking the tool that it depends upon REM infutil2.exe -v IF ERRORLEVEL 3 ( seterror.exe 0 goto :CheckIncremental ) REM REM if we got here, then we don't have the incremental build capability REM bummer, go and create the cabs. goto :CreateTheCABS
:CheckIncremental call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:check if we need to rebuild the iis6.cab..." REM REM Check if there are any iis*.cab files? REM if there are none, then i guess we'd better recreate them! REM if NOT exist ..\..\IIS6.cab ( call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:no existing iis6.cab file, create fresh iis6.cab file." goto :CreateTheCABS )
REM REM Check if any specific files that we care about changed. REM call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:check if scripts,config changed...look in makecab.lst for list" if NOT exist makecab.lst (goto :CheckIncremental2) for /f %%a in (makecab.lst) do ( infutil2.exe -4:%%a ..\..\IIS6.cab IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:changed:%%a...rebuild cab" & goto :CreateTheCABS) ) :CheckIncremental2 if exist infutil2.cng (del infutil2.cng) if exist infutil2.cng2 (goto :UseListNum2) if exist infutil2.cng2 (del infutil2.cng2) set NeedToUpdate=0
REM produce the infutil.cng file -- which has a list of files to watch for changes in. infutil2.exe -d -a infutil.csv NTS_x86 > infutil2.exe.cng.log REM create infutil.cng2 from .cng file (summary dir's to watch for changes in) flist.exe -d infutil2.cng > infutil2.cng2 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "100:flist.exe failed." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
:UseListNum2 REM REM check if this is the same machine! REM if it's not the same machine, then we'll have to regenerate REM the .cabs and the .lst file (since the .lst file has hard coded d:\mydir1 stuff in it) REM call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:check if this is not the same machine..." echo %_NTTREE% > temp.drv if exist nt5iis.drv (goto :CheckDriveName) REM nt5iis.drv doesn't exist so continue on goto :CreateTheCABS
:CheckDriveName for /f %%i in (nt5iis.drv) do ( if /I "%%i" == "%_NTTREE%" (goto :CheckDriveNameAfter) ) REM we got here meaning that the drive letter has changed! call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:drive letter changed. create the cab." goto :CreateTheCABS
:CheckDriveNameAfter REM REM check if any of our content changed! REM call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:check if any of our content changed...look in infutil2.cng2 for list" seterror.exe 0 for /f %%a in (infutil2.cng2) do ( infutil2.exe -4:%%a ..\..\IIS6.cab IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:changed:%%a...rebuild cab" & goto :CreateTheCABS) ) REM REM skip creating the cabs since we don't need to... ECHO . ECHO . We are skipping IIS*.cab creation since ECHO . nothing has changed in the cab's content ECHO . and there is no reason to rebuild the cabs! ECHO . call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:nothing in the iis cab changed. no need to rebuild cab." call logmsg.cmd "incremental check:--- skipping iis cab creation ---" goto :CABSAreCreated
:CreateTheCABS call logmsg.cmd "iis cab:--- create the cab ---" if exist infutil2.cat (del infutil2.cat)
REM ==================================================================================== REM <!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!> REM REM Call THE ALL IMPORTANT INFUTIL2.EXE WHICH WILL CREATE MORE FILES TO PROCESS. REM IF ANYTHING IS GOING TO FAIL, IT'S GOING TO FAIL RIGHT HERE. REM IF IT FAILS HERE, THAT MEANS THERE ARE PROBABLY SOME FILES IN THE INFUTIL2.INF FILE REM WHICH DO NOT EXIST IN THE BUILD. PERHAPSE LOCALIZERS DIDN'T PUT THEM THERE. REM REM <!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!><!> REM ==================================================================================== call logmsg.cmd "iis cab:create files to produce cab..." infutil2.exe -tIIS -d infutil.csv NTS_x86 > infutil2.exe.log IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "infutil2.exe failed. there are files missing from the build. check %_NTPOSTBLD%\inetsrv\dump\infutil2.exe.log" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) REM REM move outputed files to the dump directory for safekeeping REM if exist missing.srv (del missing.srv) if exist infutil2.err (rename infutil2.err missing.srv) REM REM now how can we tell if this we thru? REM It should have produced infutil2.inf and infutil2.ddf REM Set TempFileName=infutil2.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%TempFileName% Does not exist! Or your missing INFUTIL2.EXE FROM YOUR MSTOOLS DIR! Check your disk space.Check your disk space in %Temp% (your temp dir)." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
Set TempFileName=infutil2.ddf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%TempFileName% Does not exist! Or your missing INFUTIL2.EXE FROM YOUR MSTOOLS DIR! Check your disk space.Check your disk space in %Temp% (your temp dir)." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
Set TempFileName=header.ddf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%TempFileName% Does not exist! Or your missing INFUTIL2.EXE FROM YOUR MSTOOLS DIR! Check your disk space.Check your disk space in %Temp% (your temp dir)." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
REM REM take the .ddf details and append it to the header.ddf file to produce NTS_x86.ddf REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy header.ddf + infutil2.ddf NTS_x86.ddf"
REM REM verify that the file actually was created REM Set TempFileName=NTS_x86.ddf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%TempFileName% Does not exist! Or your missing INFUTIL2.EXE FROM YOUR MSTOOLS DIR! Check your disk space.Check your disk space in %Temp% (your temp dir)." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
:CallDiamond REM --------------------------- REM REM Create the CAB files REM use the NTS_x86.ddf file! REM REM --------------------------- if exist %CABDIR% rd /s /q %CABDIR% if exist iislist.inf (del iislist.inf) REM REM makecab.exe should be in the path if it is not then we are hosed! REM call logmsg.cmd "iis cab:calling makecab.exe" start /min /wait makecab.exe -F NTS_x86.ddf call logmsg.cmd "iis cab:end makecab.exe"
REM REM OKAY, NOW WE HAVE: REM iislist.inf (produced from makecab.exe) REM infutil2.inf (produced from infutil2.exe) REM Set TempFileName=iislist.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%TempFileName% Does not exist! Or your missing INFUTIL2.EXE FROM YOUR MSTOOLS DIR! Check your disk space.Check your disk space in %Temp% (your temp dir)." call errmsg.cmd "Check if makecab.exe is in your path. it should be in idw or mstools." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
Set TempFileName=infutil2.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%TempFileName% Does not exist! Or your missing INFUTIL2.EXE FROM YOUR MSTOOLS DIR! Check your disk space.Check your disk space in %Temp% (your temp dir)." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
REM REM copy over the appropriate iis*.inx file REM Set TempFileName=iistop.inx if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%TempFileName% Does not exist! maybe it wasn't built" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) Set TempFileName=iisend.inx if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%TempFileName% Does not exist! maybe it wasn't built" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) Set TempFileName=..\..\congeal_scripts\mednames.txt if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%TempFileName% Does not exist! maybe it wasn't built" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
REM REM Check if ansi2uni.exe tool exists... REM REM convert ansi infutil2.inf and iislist.inf to unicode REM call logmsg.cmd "iis post cab:fixup iis*.inx files to be iis.inf files..." findstr /V /B "mkw3site.vbs mkwebsrv.js mkwebsrv.vbs" infutil2.inf > infutil2_pro.inf
unitext -m -1252 infutil2.inf infutilu.inf unitext -m -1252 infutil2_pro.inf infutilu_pro.inf unitext -m -1252 iislist.inf iislistu.inf unitext -m -1252 ..\..\congeal_scripts\mednames.txt mednames_u.txt
Set TempFileName=infutilu.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\%TempFileName%. UNEXPECTED ERROR! ABORTING" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
if exist infutilu.inf (del infutil2.inf && rename infutilu.inf infutil2.inf) if exist infutilu_pro.inf (del infutil2_pro.inf && rename infutilu_pro.inf infutil2_pro.inf) if exist iislistu.inf (del iislist.inf && rename iislistu.inf iislist.inf)
REM REM Combine all of the files REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iistop.inx + mednames_u.txt + iisend.inx + infutil2.inf + iislist.inf iis.inx" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iistop.inx + mednames_u.txt + iisend.inx + infutil2_pro.inf + iislist.inf iis_pro.inx" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iistop.inx + mednames_u.txt + iisend.inx iis_noiis.inx" REM REM 1st Stage: Remove Product Specific Information REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis_noiis.inx iis_p.inx +p" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis_pro.inx iis_w.inx +w" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis.inx iis_s.inx +s" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis.inx iis_e.inx +e" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis.inx iis_d.inx +d" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis.inx iis_b.inx +b" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis.inx iis_sbs.inx +l"
REM REM 2nd Stage: Remove Platform Specific Information REM
if /i "%_BuildArch%"=="ia64" set PRODUCTFLAG=m&&goto GotArchitecture if /i "%_BuildArch%"=="amd64" set PRODUCTFLAG=a&&goto GotArchitecture if /i "%_BuildArch%"=="x86" set PRODUCTFLAG=i&&goto GotArchitecture call errmsg.cmd "Unknown architecture! ABORTING" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD
:GotArchitecture call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis_p.inx iis_p.inf +%PRODUCTFLAG%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis_w.inx iis_w.inf +%PRODUCTFLAG%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis_s.inx iis_s.inf +%PRODUCTFLAG%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis_e.inx iis_e.inf +%PRODUCTFLAG%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis_d.inx iis_d.inf +%PRODUCTFLAG%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis_b.inx iis_b.inf +%PRODUCTFLAG%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt -u iis_sbs.inx iis_sbs.inf +%PRODUCTFLAG%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "prodfilt hardcode.lst hardcode.parsed.lst +%PRODUCTFLAG%"
rem rem check if our tool exists rem to clean up these iis_*.inf files rem and remove the control-z from the end of them rem uniutil.exe -v IF ERRORLEVEL 10 ( seterror.exe 0 goto :DoINFUnicodeClean ) goto :INFUnicodeCleanFinished
:DoINFUnicodeClean REM REM clean up the iis*.inf files to REM and get rid of the trailing control-z REM uniutil.exe -z iis_s.inf iis_s.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_e.inf iis_e.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_d.inf iis_d.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_w.inf iis_w.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_p.inf iis_p.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_b.inf iis_b.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_sbs.inf iis_sbs.inf2
if exist iis_s.inf2 (del iis_s.inf && rename iis_s.inf2 iis_s.inf) if exist iis_e.inf2 (del iis_e.inf && rename iis_e.inf2 iis_e.inf) if exist iis_d.inf2 (del iis_d.inf && rename iis_d.inf2 iis_d.inf) if exist iis_w.inf2 (del iis_w.inf && rename iis_w.inf2 iis_w.inf) if exist iis_p.inf2 (del iis_p.inf && rename iis_p.inf2 iis_p.inf) if exist iis_b.inf2 (del iis_b.inf && rename iis_b.inf2 iis_b.inf) if exist iis_sbs.inf2 (del iis_sbs.inf && rename iis_sbs.inf2 iis_sbs.inf)
:INFUnicodeCleanFinished REM REM Check if there is a infutil.NOT file REM this file is there because there is a file in the .inf REM which is not actually in the build (usually a binary file) REM usually this happens in localized builds for some reason. REM REM If there is, then tack that on to the end... if exist infutil2.NOT ( goto :DoLocalizationBuildNotFile ) goto :DoneLocalizationBuildNotFile
:DoLocalizationBuildNotFile Set TempFileName=infutil2u.not if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\%TempFileName%. UNEXPECTED ERROR! ABORTING" GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
if exist infutil2u.not (del infutil2.not && rename infutil2u.not infutil2.not) call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iis_s.inf + infutil2.not iis_s.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iis_e.inf + infutil2.not iis_e.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iis_d.inf + infutil2.not iis_d.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iis_w.inf + infutil2.not iis_w.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iis_p.inf + infutil2.not iis_p.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iis_b.inf + infutil2.not iis_b.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy iis_sbs.inf + infutil2.not iis_sbs.inf"
rem rem check if our tool exists rem to clean up these iis_*.inf files rem and remove the control-z from the end of them rem uniutil.exe -v IF ERRORLEVEL 10 ( seterror.exe 0 goto :DoINFUnicodeClean2 ) goto :INFUnicodeCleanFinished2
:DoINFUnicodeClean2 REM REM clean up the iis*.inf files to REM and get rid of the trailing control-z REM uniutil.exe -z iis_s.inf iis_s.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_e.inf iis_e.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_d.inf iis_d.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_w.inf iis_w.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_p.inf iis_p.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_b.inf iis_b.inf2 uniutil.exe -z iis_sbs.inf iis_sbs.inf2
if exist iis_s.inf2 (del iis_s.inf && rename iis_s.inf2 iis_s.inf) if exist iis_e.inf2 (del iis_e.inf && rename iis_e.inf2 iis_e.inf) if exist iis_d.inf2 (del iis_d.inf && rename iis_d.inf2 iis_d.inf) if exist iis_w.inf2 (del iis_w.inf && rename iis_w.inf2 iis_w.inf) if exist iis_p.inf2 (del iis_p.inf && rename iis_p.inf2 iis_p.inf) if exist iis_b.inf2 (del iis_b.inf && rename iis_b.inf2 iis_b.inf) if exist iis_sbs.inf2 (del iis_sbs.inf && rename iis_sbs.inf2 iis_sbs.inf) :INFUnicodeCleanFinished2
REM REM if there is a infutil2.not file then REM we should warn the builders that there are somemissing files from build REM when this script was run. REM if exist infutil2.NOT ( call logmsg.cmd "WARNING: Missing files in iis build. Check the %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\infutil2.NOT file for missing files." )
REM REM Copy everything in to a %NewDir% directory REM if not exist %CABDIR% ( call errmsg.cmd "SERIOUS ERROR Unable to find makecab.exe created dir %CABDIR%!!! Check to see if makecab.exe is in your path. Check your disk space." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) call ExecuteCmd.cmd "md %NewDir%" cd /d %NewDir%
REM --------------------------------------------------- REM COPY OVER THE iis_*.inf files!!! REM --------------------------------------------------- call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy ..\iis_s.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy ..\iis_e.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy ..\iis_d.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy ..\iis_w.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy ..\iis_p.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy ..\iis_b.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy ..\iis_sbs.inf"
REM --------------------------------------------------- REM COPY OVER THE NEWLY CREATED .CAB FILES FROM Makecab.exe REM into %NewDir% REM --------------------------------------------------- call logmsg.cmd "iis post cab:copy all %CABDIR% files int %NewDir%.. temporarily..." call ExecuteCmd.cmd "COPY %CABDIR%\*.*"
REM --------------------------------------------------- REM After the CABS have been produced from the temporary directory (ismshare) REM we can delete the ismshare directory REM --------------------------------------------------- REM REM Do not delete it yet: it is needed to create nt5iis.cat! REM REM if exist ..\..\help\ismshare (rd /s /q ..\..\help\ismshare)
cd ..
REM REM Remove the makecab.exe created dir REM call logmsg.cmd "iis post cab:remove %CABDIR% dir..." if exist %CABDIR% (RD /S /Q %CABDIR%) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (sleep 5) if exist %CABDIR% (RD /S /Q %CABDIR%)
REM ==================================== REM REM DO EXTRA STUFF REM REM copy these files to the retail dir: REM iis_s.inf <-- iis.inf file for server REM iis_e.inf <-- iis.inf file for enterprise REM iis_d.inf <-- iis.inf file for datacenter REM iis_w.inf <-- iis.inf file for workstation/pro REM iis_p.inf <-- iis.inf file for personal REM iis_b.inf <-- iis.inf file for web blade REM iis_sbs.inf <-- iis.inf file for small business server REM ==================================== :ExtraStuffFor call logmsg.cmd "iis post cab:move new iis.infs to theyre SKU..."
REM REM copy iis_s.inf REM if not exist ..\..\srvinf md ..\..\srvinf if exist %NewDir%\iis_s.inf copy %NewDir%\iis_s.inf ..\..\srvinf\iis.inf set TempFileName=..\..\srvinf\iis.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "SERIOUS ERROR:%TempFileName% does not exist!. Check your disk space." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
REM REM copy iis_e.inf REM if not exist ..\..\entinf md ..\..\entinf if exist %NewDir%\iis_e.inf copy %NewDir%\iis_e.inf ..\..\entinf\iis.inf set TempFileName=..\..\entinf\iis.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "SERIOUS ERROR:%TempFileName% does not exist!. Check your disk space." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) REM REM copy iis_d.inf REM if not exist ..\..\dtcinf md ..\..\dtcinf if exist %NewDir%\iis_d.inf copy %NewDir%\iis_d.inf ..\..\dtcinf\iis.inf set TempFileName=..\..\dtcinf\iis.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "SERIOUS ERROR:%TempFileName% does not exist!. Check your disk space." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) REM REM copy iis_b.inf REM if not exist ..\..\blainf md ..\..\blainf if exist %NewDir%\iis_b.inf copy %NewDir%\iis_b.inf ..\..\blainf\iis.inf set TempFileName=..\..\blainf\iis.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "SERIOUS ERROR:%TempFileName% does not exist!. Check your disk space." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) REM REM copy iis_sbs.inf REM if not exist ..\..\sbsinf md ..\..\sbsinf if exist %NewDir%\iis_sbs.inf copy %NewDir%\iis_sbs.inf ..\..\sbsinf\iis.inf set TempFileName=..\..\sbsinf\iis.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "SERIOUS ERROR:%TempFileName% does not exist!. Check your disk space." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) REM REM copy iis_p.inf REM if not exist ..\..\perinf md ..\..\perinf if exist %NewDir%\iis_p.inf copy %NewDir%\iis_p.inf ..\..\perinf\iis.inf set TempFileName=..\..\perinf\iis.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "SERIOUS ERROR:%TempFileName% does not exist!. Check your disk space." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD ) REM REM copy iis_w.inf REM if exist %NewDir%\iis_w.inf copy %NewDir%\iis_w.inf ..\..\iis.inf set TempFileName=..\..\iis.inf if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "SERIOUS ERROR:%TempFileName% does not exist!. Check your disk space." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
REM REM copy the *.cab files! only REM call logmsg.cmd "iis post cab:copy iis cab file to %_NTPostBld%\IIS6.cab" if exist %NewDir%\IIS6.cab ( call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %NewDir%\IIS6.cab ..\..\IIS6.cab" ) set TempFileName=..\..\IIS6.cab if NOT EXIST %TempFileName% ( call errmsg.cmd "SERIOUS ERROR:%TempFileName% does not exist!. Check your disk space." GOTO :THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD )
REM REM add to the .cat file someother entries. REM call logmsg.cmd "iis post cab:append more info for the nt5iis.lst file..." cd ..\.. if exist inetsrv\dump\it.tmp (del inetsrv\dump\it.tmp) if exist inetsrv\dump\it.1 (del inetsrv\dump\it.1) if exist inetsrv\dump\it.2 (del inetsrv\dump\it.2) if exist inetsrv\dump\it.3 (del inetsrv\dump\it.3) if exist inetsrv\dump\it.4 (del inetsrv\dump\it.4) if exist inetsrv\dump\it.all (del inetsrv\dump\it.all) for %%i in (IIS6.cab) do (@echo ^<HASH^>%%~fi=%%~fi > inetsrv\dump\it.tmp) copy inetsrv\dump\it.tmp inetsrv\dump\it.1
del inetsrv\dump\it.tmp
for /f %%i in (inetsrv\dump\hardcode.parsed.lst) do (@echo ^<HASH^>%%~fi=%%~fi >> inetsrv\dump\it.tmp) copy inetsrv\dump\it.tmp inetsrv\dump\it.2
REM cd inetsrv\dump call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy it.1 + it.2 + it.3 + it.4 it.all"
REM REM append the it.all resulting file to infutil2.cat REM if exist nt5iis.lst (del nt5iis.lst) call logmsg.cmd "iis post cab:create the final nt5iis.lst file which will become NT5IIS.CAT..." call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy infutil2.cat + it.all nt5iis.lst" REM update a file with the drive contained in nt5iis.lst echo %_NTTREE% > nt5iis.drv
if exist it.tmp (del it.tmp) if exist it.1 (del it.1) if exist it.2 (del it.2) if exist it.3 (del it.3) if exist it.4 (del it.4) if exist it.all (del it.all)
REM REM Do special stuff to Create a list of all files that the IIS REM Localization team should be localizing. REM Extra things should be appended to the list (like files that iis owns but NT setup is installing for us) REM REM use hardcoded list since stragley files are no longer generated in the infutil2.exe cabbing process... REM if exist infutil2.loc (goto :UseAloneFile) REM There must not be an alone, file so lets use the hardcoded file instead.
if NOT exist hardcode.parsed.lst (goto :CABSAreCreated) call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy hardcode.parsed.lst infutil2.loc"
:UseAloneFile REM REM in this file are all of the files that reside out side of the cabs REM which iis localization needs to localize.... REM
REM we need to add a couple of more entries to this file REM since there are files that iis owns but NT setup is installing for iis setup (so it won't be in this file) echo iissuba.dll >> infutil2.loc echo clusiis4.dll >> infutil2.loc echo regtrace.exe >> infutil2.loc echo iis.msc >> infutil2.loc echo iisnts.chm >> infutil2.loc echo iisntw.chm >> infutil2.loc echo iispmmc.chm >> infutil2.loc echo iissmmc.chm >> infutil2.loc echo win9xmig\pws\migrate.dll >> infutil2.loc
REM REM Remove our Temporary dir REM if exist %NewDir% (RD /S /Q %NewDir%) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (sleep 5) if exist %NewDir% (RD /S /Q %NewDir%) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (sleep 5) if exist %NewDir% (RD /S /Q %NewDir%)
REM get out of the inetsrv\dump directory popd
:CreateCat REM ------------------------------------ REM REM REM Create a catalog file for inetsrv REM REM REM ------------------------------------ call logmsg.cmd "iis create cat:Creating nt5iis.CAT from nt5iis.lst..." pushd %RazzleToolPath% if exist %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\createcat.iis.log (del %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\createcat.iis.log) call createcat -f:%_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\nt5iis.lst -c:nt5iis -t:%_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump -o:%_NTPOSTBLD% > %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\createcat.iis.log if errorlevel 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "iis create cat:failed, look in %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\dump\createcat.iis.log" ) popd call logmsg.cmd "iis create cat:end..." REM Now, theat the cab and the cat are generated, you can delete imshare. if exist %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\help\ismshare ( rd /s /q %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\help\ismshare ) if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "rd /s /q %_NTPostBld%\inetsrv\help\ismshare failed" goto :End ) :CreateCatEnd
:THE_END_OF_IIS_POSTBUILD REM ------------------------------------ REM REM REM THE END REM REM REM ------------------------------------ call logmsg.cmd "iis:end iis postbuild." goto :End
:RenameCaseSensitiveFiles REM ==================================== REM Do some extra stuff to ensure that REM these .class files are named with mix case (not just lower case) REM ==================================== pushd ..\aspjava IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "iis:failed to pushd ..\aspjava dir. aborting" goto :EOF ) call logmsg.cmd "iis:ensure cased filenames..." set TheClassFile=Application.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IApplicationObject.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IApplicationObjectDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IASPError.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IReadCookie.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IReadCookieDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IRequest.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IRequestDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IRequestDictionary.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IRequestDictionaryDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IResponse.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IResponseDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IScriptingContext.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IScriptingContextDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IServer.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IServerDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=ISessionObject.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=ISessionObjectDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IStringList.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IStringListDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IVariantDictionary.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IVariantDictionaryDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IWriteCookie.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IWriteCookieDefault.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=Request.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=Response.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=ScriptingContext.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=Server.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=Session.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
pushd ..\help\common IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( set errors=%errorlevel% call errmsg.cmd "iis:failed to pushd ..\help\common dir. aborting" popd goto :EOF )
set TheClassFile=DialogLayout.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=Element.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=ElementList.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=HHCtrl.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=IndexPanel.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=RelatedDialog.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=SitemapParser.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=TreeCanvas.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
set TheClassFile=TreeView.class if exist %TheClassFile% (rename %TheClassFile% %TheClassFile%)
popd popd goto :EOF
:End seterror.exe "%errors%"& goto :EOF