// Include Files.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include "input.h"
#include "winnlsp.h"
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <regstr.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <syssetup.h>
#include <winuserp.h>
#include <userenv.h>
#include "inputdlg.h"
#include "util.h"
// Global Variables.
static TCHAR szIntlInf[] = TEXT("intl.inf");
// Function Prototypes.
VOID Region_RebootTheSystem();
BOOL Region_OpenIntlInfFile(HINF *phInf);
BOOL Region_CloseInfFile(HINF *phInf);
BOOL Region_ReadDefaultLayoutFromInf( LPTSTR pszLocale, LPDWORD pdwLocale, LPDWORD pdwLayout, LPDWORD pdwLocale2, LPDWORD pdwLayout2, HINF hIntlInf);
// Region_RebootTheSystem
// This routine enables all privileges in the token, calls ExitWindowsEx
// to reboot the system, and then resets all of the privileges to their
// old state.
VOID Region_RebootTheSystem() { HANDLE Token = NULL; ULONG ReturnLength, Index; PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState = NULL; PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES OldState = NULL; BOOL Result;
// Only allow admin privilege user for system reboot.
if (!IsAdminPrivilegeUser()) return;
Result = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &Token ); if (Result) { ReturnLength = 4096; NewState = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)LocalAlloc(LPTR, ReturnLength); OldState = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)LocalAlloc(LPTR, ReturnLength); Result = (BOOL)((NewState != NULL) && (OldState != NULL)); if (Result) { Result = GetTokenInformation( Token, // TokenHandle
TokenPrivileges, // TokenInformationClass
NewState, // TokenInformation
ReturnLength, // TokenInformationLength
&ReturnLength ); // ReturnLength
if (Result) { //
// Set the state settings so that all privileges are
// enabled...
if (NewState->PrivilegeCount > 0) { for (Index = 0; Index < NewState->PrivilegeCount; Index++) { NewState->Privileges[Index].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; } }
Result = AdjustTokenPrivileges( Token, // TokenHandle
FALSE, // DisableAllPrivileges
NewState, // NewState
ReturnLength, // BufferLength
OldState, // PreviousState
&ReturnLength ); // ReturnLength
if (Result) { ExitWindowsEx(EWX_REBOOT, 0);
AdjustTokenPrivileges( Token, FALSE, OldState, 0, NULL, NULL ); } } } }
if (NewState != NULL) { LocalFree(NewState); } if (OldState != NULL) { LocalFree(OldState); } if (Token != NULL) { CloseHandle(Token); } }
// Region_OpenInfFile
BOOL Region_OpenIntlInfFile(HINF *phInf) { HINF hIntlInf;
// Open the intl.inf file.
hIntlInf = SetupOpenInfFile(szIntlInf, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (hIntlInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return (FALSE); } if (!SetupOpenAppendInfFile(NULL, hIntlInf, NULL)) { SetupCloseInfFile(hIntlInf); return (FALSE); }
*phInf = hIntlInf;
return (TRUE); }
// RegionCloseInfFile
BOOL Region_CloseInfFile(HINF *phInf) { SetupCloseInfFile(*phInf); *phInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
return (TRUE); }
// Region_ReadDefaultLayoutFromInf
BOOL Region_ReadDefaultLayoutFromInf( LPTSTR pszLocale, LPDWORD pdwLocale, LPDWORD pdwLayout, LPDWORD pdwLocale2, LPDWORD pdwLayout2, HINF hIntlInf) { INFCONTEXT Context; TCHAR szPair[MAX_PATH * 2]; LPTSTR pPos; DWORD dwLangIn = LANGIDFROMLCID(TransNum(pszLocale)); int iField;
// Get the first (default) LANGID:HKL pair for the given locale.
// Example String: "0409:00000409"
szPair[0] = 0; if (SetupFindFirstLine( hIntlInf, TEXT("Locales"), pszLocale, &Context )) { SetupGetStringField(&Context, 5, szPair, MAX_PATH, NULL); }
// Make sure we have a string.
if (szPair[0] == 0) { return (FALSE); }
// Find the colon in the string and then set the position
// pointer to the next character.
pPos = szPair; while (*pPos) { if ((*pPos == CHAR_COLON) && (pPos != szPair)) { *pPos = 0; pPos++; break; } pPos++; }
if (pdwLayout2) *pdwLayout2 = 0; if (pdwLocale2) *pdwLocale2 = 0;
// If there is a layout, then return the input locale and the layout.
if ((*pPos) && (*pdwLocale = TransNum(szPair)) && (*pdwLayout = TransNum(pPos))) { if ((!pdwLocale2) || (!pdwLayout2) || (dwLangIn == LANGIDFROMLCID(*pdwLocale))) { return (TRUE); }
// If we get here, the language has a default layout that has a
// different locale than the language (e.g. Thai). We want the
// default locale to be English (so that logon can occur with a US
// keyboard), but the first Thai keyboard layout should be installed
// when the Thai locale is chosen. This is why we have two locales
// and layouts passed back to the caller.
iField = 6; while (SetupGetStringField(&Context, iField, szPair, MAX_PATH, NULL)) { DWORD dwLoc, dwLay;
// Make sure we have a string.
if (szPair[0] == 0) { iField++; continue; }
// Find the colon in the string and then set the position
// pointer to the next character.
pPos = szPair;
while (*pPos) { if ((*pPos == CHAR_COLON) && (pPos != szPair)) { *pPos = 0; pPos++; break; } pPos++; }
if (*pPos == 0) { iField++; continue; }
dwLoc = TransNum(szPair); dwLay = TransNum(pPos); if ((dwLoc == 0) || (dwLay == 0)) { iField++; continue; } if (LANGIDFROMLCID(dwLoc) == dwLangIn) { *pdwLayout2 = dwLay; *pdwLocale2 = dwLoc; return (TRUE); } iField++; }
// If we get here, then no matching locale could be found.
// This should not happen, but do the right thing and
// only pass back the default layout if it does.
return (TRUE); }
// Return failure.
return (FALSE); }