#include "private.h"
#include "immxutil.h"
#include "candacc.h"
static BOOL fMSAAAvail = FALSE; static HMODULE hLibUser32 = NULL; static HMODULE hLibOleAcc = NULL; static HMODULE hLibOle32 = NULL; static HMODULE hLibOleAut32 = NULL;
static LPFN_NOTIFYWINEVENT lpfnNotifyWinEvent = NULL; static LPFN_LOADREGTYPELIB lpfnLoadRegTypeLib = NULL; static LPFN_LOADTYPELIB lpfnLoadTypeLib = NULL; static LPFN_CREATESTDACCESSIBLEOBLECT lpfnCreateStdAccessibleObject = NULL; static LPFN_LRESULTFROMOBJECT lpfnLresultFromObject = NULL;
/* I N I T C A N D A C C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void InitCandAcc( void ) { if (fMSAAAvail) { return; }
// load libs
hLibUser32 = GetSystemModuleHandle( "user32.dll" ); hLibOleAcc = LoadSystemLibrary( "oleacc.dll" ); hLibOle32 = LoadSystemLibrary( "ole32.dll" ); hLibOleAut32 = LoadSystemLibrary( "oleaut32.dll" );
if (hLibUser32 == NULL || hLibOle32 == NULL || hLibOleAut32 == NULL || hLibOleAcc == NULL) { return; }
// get proc address
lpfnNotifyWinEvent = (LPFN_NOTIFYWINEVENT)GetProcAddress( hLibUser32, "NotifyWinEvent" ); lpfnLoadRegTypeLib = (LPFN_LOADREGTYPELIB)GetProcAddress( hLibOleAut32, "LoadRegTypeLib" ); lpfnLoadTypeLib = (LPFN_LOADTYPELIB)GetProcAddress( hLibOleAut32, "LoadTypeLib" ); lpfnCreateStdAccessibleObject = (LPFN_CREATESTDACCESSIBLEOBLECT)GetProcAddress( hLibOleAcc, "CreateStdAccessibleObject" ); lpfnLresultFromObject = (LPFN_LRESULTFROMOBJECT)GetProcAddress( hLibOleAcc, "LresultFromObject" );
if( lpfnNotifyWinEvent == NULL || lpfnLoadRegTypeLib == NULL || lpfnLoadTypeLib == NULL || lpfnCreateStdAccessibleObject == NULL || lpfnLresultFromObject == NULL) { return; }
fMSAAAvail = TRUE; }
/* D O N E C A N D A C C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DoneCandAcc( void ) { if (hLibOleAut32 != NULL) { FreeLibrary( hLibOleAut32 ); }
if (hLibOle32 != NULL) { FreeLibrary( hLibOle32 ); }
if (hLibOleAcc != NULL) { FreeLibrary( hLibOleAcc ); }
lpfnNotifyWinEvent = NULL; lpfnLoadRegTypeLib = NULL; lpfnLoadTypeLib = NULL; lpfnCreateStdAccessibleObject = NULL; lpfnLresultFromObject = NULL;
fMSAAAvail = FALSE; }
/* O U R N O T I F Y W I N E V E N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static __inline void OurNotifyWinEvent( DWORD event, HWND hWnd, LONG idObject, LONG idChild ) { if (fMSAAAvail) { lpfnNotifyWinEvent( event, hWnd, idObject, idChild ); } }
/* O U R C R E A T E S T D A C C E S S I B L E O B J E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static __inline HRESULT OurCreateStdAccessibleObject( HWND hWnd, LONG idObject, REFIID riid, void** ppvObject ) { if (fMSAAAvail) { return lpfnCreateStdAccessibleObject( hWnd, idObject, riid, ppvObject ); } return S_FALSE; }
/* O U R L R E S U L T F R O M O B J E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static __inline LRESULT OurLresultFromObject( REFIID riid, WPARAM wParam, LPUNKNOWN punk ) { if (fMSAAAvail) { return lpfnLresultFromObject(riid,wParam,punk); } return 0; }
/* O U R L O A D R E G T Y P E L I B */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static __inline HRESULT OurLoadRegTypeLib( REFGUID rguid, unsigned short wVerMajor, unsigned short wVerMinor, LCID lcid, ITypeLib FAR* FAR* pptlib ) { if (fMSAAAvail) { return lpfnLoadRegTypeLib( rguid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor, lcid, pptlib ); } return S_FALSE; }
/* O U R L O A D T Y P E L I B */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static __inline HRESULT OurLoadTypeLib( OLECHAR FAR *szFile, ITypeLib FAR* FAR* pptlib ) { if (fMSAAAvail) { return lpfnLoadTypeLib( szFile, pptlib ); } return S_FALSE; }
/* C C A N D A C C I T E M */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandAccItem::CCandAccItem( void ) { m_pCandAcc = NULL; m_iItemID = 0; }
/* ~ C C A N D A C C I T E M */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandAccItem::~CCandAccItem( void ) { }
/* I N I T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandAccItem::Init( CCandAccessible *pCandAcc, int iItemID ) { m_pCandAcc = pCandAcc; m_iItemID = iItemID; }
/* G E T I D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CCandAccItem::GetID( void ) { return m_iItemID; }
/* G E T A C C N A M E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BSTR CCandAccItem::GetAccName( void ) { return SysAllocString( L"" ); }
/* G E T A C C V A L U E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BSTR CCandAccItem::GetAccValue( void ) { return NULL; }
/* G E T A C C R O L E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LONG CCandAccItem::GetAccRole( void ) { return ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT; }
/* G E T A C C S T A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LONG CCandAccItem::GetAccState( void ) { return STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT; }
/* G E T A C C L O C A T I O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandAccItem::GetAccLocation( RECT *prc ) { SetRect( prc, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); }
/* N O T I F Y W I N E V E N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandAccItem::NotifyWinEvent( DWORD dwEvent ) { if (m_pCandAcc != NULL) { m_pCandAcc->NotifyWinEvent( dwEvent, this ); } }
// CCandAccessible
/* C C A N D A C C E S S I B L E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constructor of CCandAccessible
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandAccessible::CCandAccessible( CCandAccItem *pAccItemSelf ) { m_cRef = 1; m_hWnd = NULL; m_pTypeInfo = NULL; m_pDefAccClient = NULL;
m_fInitialized = FALSE; m_nAccItem = 0;
// register itself
pAccItemSelf->Init( this, CHILDID_SELF ); m_rgAccItem[0] = pAccItemSelf;
m_nAccItem = 1; }
/* ~ C C A N D A C C E S S I B L E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Destructor of CCandAccessible
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandAccessible::~CCandAccessible( void ) { SafeReleaseClear( m_pTypeInfo ); SafeReleaseClear( m_pDefAccClient ); }
/* S E T W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandAccessible::SetWindow( HWND hWnd ) { m_hWnd = hWnd; }
/* I N I T I A L I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize()
// Initializes the state of the CCandAccessible object, performing
// tasks that might normally be done in a class constructor but
// are done here to trap any errors.
// hWnd Handle to the HWND object with which this
// Accessible object is associated. This
// is the handle to our main window.
// hInst Instance handle for this instance of the
// application.
// HRESULT NOERROR if the CCandAccessible object is
// initialized successfully, a COM error
// code otherwise.
// It is assumed that this method will be called for the object
// immediately after and only after the object is constructed.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandAccessible::Initialize( void ) { HRESULT hr; ITypeLib *piTypeLib;
m_fInitialized = TRUE;
// For our client window, create a system provided
// Accessible object which implements the default
// client window Accessibility behavior.
// Our implementation of CCandAccessible will use the
// default object's implementation as needed. In
// essence, CCandAccessible "inherits" its functionality
// from the standard object, "customizing" or
// "overriding" various methods for which the
// standard implementation is insufficent for the
// specifics of the window for which CCandAccessible
// provides Accessibility.
hr = OurCreateStdAccessibleObject( m_hWnd, OBJID_CLIENT, IID_IAccessible, (void **) &m_pDefAccClient ); if (FAILED( hr )) { return hr; }
// Obtain an ITypeInfo pointer to our type library.
// The ITypeInfo pointer is used to implement the
// IDispatch interface.
// First, attempt to load the Accessibility type
// library version 1.0 using the registry.
hr = LoadRegTypeLib( LIBID_Accessibility, 1, 0, 0, &piTypeLib );
// If we fail to load the type library from the
// registry information, explicitly try to load
// it from the MSAA system DLL.
if (FAILED( hr )) { static OLECHAR szOleAcc[] = L"OLEACC.DLL"; hr = LoadTypeLib( szOleAcc, &piTypeLib ); }
// If we successfully load the type library, attempt
// to get the IAccessible type description
// (ITypeInfo pointer) from the type library.
if (SUCCEEDED( hr )) { hr = piTypeLib->GetTypeInfoOfGuid( IID_IAccessible, &m_pTypeInfo ); piTypeLib->Release(); }
return hr; }
/* Q U E R Y I N T E R F A C E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QueryInterface()
// Implements the IUnknown interface method QueryInterface().
// riid [in] The requested interface's IID.
// ppv [out] If the requested interface is supported,
// ppv points to the location of a pointer
// to the requested interface. If the
// requested interface is not supported,
// ppv is set to NULL.
// HRESULT S_OK if the interface is supported,
// E_NOINTERFACE if the interface is not
// supported, or some other COM error
// if the IEnumVARIANT interface is requested
// but cannot be delivered.
// CCandAccessible correctly supports the IUnknown, IDispatch and
// IAccessible interfaces. CCandAccessible also incorrectly supports
// the IEnumVARIANT interface (to return a VARIANT enumerator
// containing all its children). When the IEnumVARIANT
// interface is requested, an enumerator is created and a
// pointer to its IEnumVARIANT interface is returned.
// The support for IEnumVARIANT is incorrect because the
// interface pointer returned is not symmetric with respect
// to the interface from which it was obtained. For example,
// assume that pIA is a pointer to an IAccessible interface.
// Then, even though pIA->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT)
// succeeds and returns pIEV,
// pIEV->QueryInterface(IID_Accessibility) will fail because
// the enumerator has no knowledge of any interface except
// itself (and IUnknown).
// The original design of MSAA called for IAccessible
// objects to also be enumerators of their children. But
// this design doesn't allow for different clients of the
// Accessible object to have different enumerations of its
// children and that is a potentially hazardous situation.
// (Assume there is an Accessible object that is also a
// VARIANT enumerator, A, and two clients, C1 and C2.
// Since C1 and C2 each may be pre-empted will using A,
// the following is a one of many examples that would pose
// a problem for at least one client:
// C1: A->Reset()
// C1: A->Skip( 5 )
// C2: A->Reset()
// C1: A->Next() ! C1 does not get the child it expects
// So, although it breaks the rules of COM, QueryInterface()
// as implemented below obtains a distinct VARIANT enumerator
// for each request. A better solution to this issue would
// be if the IAccessible interface provided a method to get
// the child enumeration or if MSAA provided an exported API
// to perform this task.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void** ppv ) { *ppv = NULL;
// If the IUnknown, IDispatch, or IAccessible
// interface is desired, simply cast the this
// pointer appropriately.
if ( riid == IID_IUnknown ) { *ppv = (LPUNKNOWN) this; } else if ( riid == IID_IDispatch ) { *ppv = (IDispatch *) this; } else if ( riid == IID_IAccessible ) { *ppv = (IAccessible *)this; }
#ifdef NEVER
// If the IEnumVARIANT interface is desired, create
// a new VARIANT enumerator which contains all
// the Accessible object's children.
else if (riid == IID_IEnumVARIANT) { CEnumVariant* pcenum; HRESULT hr;
hr = CreateVarEnumOfAllChildren( &pcenum );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
*ppv = (IEnumVARIANT *) pcenum; } #endif /* NEVER */
// If the desired interface isn't one we know about,
// return E_NOINTERFACE.
else { return E_NOINTERFACE; }
// Increase the reference count of any interface
// returned.
((LPUNKNOWN) *ppv)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
/* A D D R E F */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddRef()
// Implements the IUnknown interface method AddRef().
// None.
// ULONG Current reference count.
// The lifetime of the Accessible object is governed by the
// lifetime of the HWND object for which it provides
// Accessibility. The object is created in response to the
// first WM_GETOBJECT message that the server application
// is ready to process and is destroyed when the server's
// main window is destroyed. Since the object's lifetime
// is not dependent on a reference count, the object has no
// internal mechanism for tracking reference counting and
// AddRef() and Release() always return one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CCandAccessible::AddRef( void ) { return InterlockedIncrement( &m_cRef ); }
/* R E L E A S E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Release()
// Implements the IUnknown interface method Release().
// None.
// ULONG Current reference count.
// The lifetime of the Accessible object is governed by the
// lifetime of the HWND object for which it provides
// Accessibility. The object is created in response to the
// first WM_GETOBJECT message that the server application
// is ready to process and is destroyed when the server's
// main window is destroyed. Since the object's lifetime
// is not dependent on a reference count, the object has no
// internal mechanism for tracking reference counting and
// AddRef() and Release() always return one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CCandAccessible::Release( void ) { ULONG l = InterlockedDecrement( &m_cRef ); if (0 < l) { return l; }
delete this; return 0; }
/* G E T T Y P E I N F O C O U N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetTypeInfoCount()
// Implements the IDispatch interface method GetTypeInfoCount().
// Retrieves the number of type information interfaces that an
// object provides (either 0 or 1).
// pctInfo [out] Points to location that receives the
// number of type information interfaces
// that the object provides. If the object
// provides type information, this number
// is set to 1; otherwise it's set to 0.
// HRESULT S_OK if the function succeeds or
// E_INVALIDARG if pctInfo is invalid.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::GetTypeInfoCount( UINT *pctInfo ) { if (!pctInfo) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
*pctInfo = (m_pTypeInfo == NULL ? 1 : 0); return S_OK; }
/* G E T T Y P E I N F O */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetTypeInfo()
// Implements the IDispatch interface method GetTypeInfo().
// Retrieves a type information object, which can be used to
// get the type information for an interface.
// itinfo [in] The type information to return. If this value
// is 0, the type information for the IDispatch
// implementation is to be retrieved.
// lcid [in] The locale ID for the type information.
// ppITypeInfo [out] Receives a pointer to the type information
// object requested.
// HRESULT S_OK if the function succeeded (the TypeInfo
// element exists), TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND if
// itinfo is not equal to zero, or
// E_INVALIDARG if ppITypeInfo is invalid.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::GetTypeInfo( UINT itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo** ppITypeInfo ) { if (!ppITypeInfo) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
*ppITypeInfo = NULL;
if (itinfo != 0) { return TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND; } else if (m_pTypeInfo == NULL) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
*ppITypeInfo = m_pTypeInfo; m_pTypeInfo->AddRef();
return S_OK; }
/* G E T I D S O F N A M E S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetIDsOfNames()
// Implements the IDispatch interface method GetIDsOfNames().
// Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names
// to a corresponding set of integer DISPIDs, which may be used
// on subsequent calls to IDispatch::Invoke.
// riid [in] Reserved for future use. Must be NULL.
// rgszNames [in] Passed-in array of names to be mapped.
// cNames [in] Count of the names to be mapped.
// lcid [in] The locale context in which to interpret
// the names.
// rgdispid [out] Caller-allocated array, each element of
// which contains an ID corresponding to
// one of the names passed in the rgszNames
// array. The first element represents the
// member name; the subsequent elements
// represent each of the member's parameters.
// HRESULT S_OK if the function succeeded,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough
// memory to complete the call,
// DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME if one or more of
// the names were not known, or
// not recognized.
// This method simply delegates the call to
// ITypeInfo::GetIDsOfNames().
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::GetIDsOfNames( REFIID riid, OLECHAR ** rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID * rgdispid ) { if (m_pTypeInfo == NULL) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
return m_pTypeInfo->GetIDsOfNames( rgszNames, cNames, rgdispid ); }
/* I N V O K E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Invoke()
// Implements the IDispatch interface method Invoke().
// Provides access to properties and methods exposed by the
// Accessible object.
// dispidMember [in] Identifies the dispatch member.
// riid [in] Reserved for future use. Must be NULL.
// lcid [in] The locale context in which to interpret
// the names.
// wFlags [in] Flags describing the context of the
// Invoke call.
// pdispparams [in,] Pointer to a structure containing an
// [out] array of arguments, array of argument
// dispatch IDs for named arguments, and
// counts for number of elements in the
// arrays.
// pvarResult [in,] Pointer to where the result is to be
// [out] stored, or NULL if the caller expects
// no result. This argument is ignored
// pexcepinfo [out] Pointer to a structure containing
// exception information. This structure
// should be filled in if DISP_E_EXCEPTION
// is returned.
// puArgErr [out] The index within rgvarg of the first
// argument that has an error. Arguments
// are stored in pdispparams->rgvarg in
// reverse order, so the first argument
// is the one with the highest index in
// the array.
// HRESULT S_OK on success, dispatch error (DISP_E_*)
// or E_NOTIMPL otherwise.
// This method simply delegates the call to ITypeInfo::Invoke().
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::Invoke( DISPID dispid, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, VARIANT *pvarResult, EXCEPINFO *pexcepinfo, UINT *puArgErr ) { if (m_pTypeInfo == NULL) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
return m_pTypeInfo->Invoke( (IAccessible *)this, dispid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr ); }
/* G E T _ A C C P A R E N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accParent()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accParent().
// Retrieves the IDispatch interface of the current object's
// parent.
// ppdispParent [out] Pointer to the variable that will
// contain a pointer to the IDispatch
// interface of CCandAccessible's parent.
// HRESULT The value returned by the standard object's
// implementation of get_accParent().
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accParent( IDispatch ** ppdispParent ) { //
// Use the default client window implementation to obtain the parent
// of our Accessible object.
return m_pDefAccClient->get_accParent( ppdispParent ); }
/* G E T _ A C C C H I L D C O U N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accChildCount()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accChildCount().
// Retrieves the number of children belonging to CCandAccessible.
// pChildCount [out] Pointer to the variable that will
// be filled with the number of children
// belonging to the CCandAccessible object.
// HRESULT S_OK on success, E_INVALIDARG if pChildCount
// is invalid.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accChildCount( long* pChildCount ) { if (!pChildCount) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
Assert( 0 < m_nAccItem ); *pChildCount = (m_nAccItem - 1); return S_OK; }
/* G E T _ A C C C H I L D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accChild()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accChild().
// Retrieve an IDispatch interface pointer to the child object
// that has the given child ID or name.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be retrieved. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// ppdispChild [out] Pointer to the variable that will
// contain a pointer to the IDispatch
// interface of specified child object
// of CCandAccessible.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if ppdispChild is invalid, S_FALSE
// otherwise because none of CCandAccessible's
// children are objects.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accChild( VARIANT varChild, IDispatch ** ppdispChild ) { if (!ppdispChild) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// None of the children of CCandAccessible are objects,
// so none have IDispatch pointers. Thus, in all
// cases, set the IDispatch pointer to NULL and
// return S_FALSE.
*ppdispChild = NULL; return S_FALSE; }
/* G E T _ A C C N A M E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accName()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accName().
// Retrieve the name property for the specified child.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be retrieved. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// pszName [out] Pointer to the BSTR that will contain
// the child's name property string.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if either parameter is invalid
// or the return value from the private method
// HrLoadString().
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accName( VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pbstrName ) { CCandAccItem *pAccItem;
if (pbstrName == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get acc item
pAccItem = AccItemFromID( (int)varChild.lVal ); if (pAccItem == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get name of acc item
*pbstrName = pAccItem->GetAccName(); return (*pbstrName != NULL) ? S_OK : DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; }
/* G E T _ A C C V A L U E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accValue()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accValue().
// Retrieves the value property for the specified child.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be retrieved. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// pszValue [out] Pointer to the BSTR that will contain
// the child's value property string.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if either parameter is invalid,
// DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND if VarChild refers
// to any child other than the status bar,
// or S_OK.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accValue( VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pbstrValue ) { CCandAccItem *pAccItem;
if (pbstrValue == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get acc item
pAccItem = AccItemFromID( (int)varChild.lVal ); if (pAccItem == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get value of acc item
*pbstrValue = pAccItem->GetAccValue(); return (*pbstrValue != NULL) ? S_OK : DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; }
/* G E T _ A C C D E S C R I P T I O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accDescription()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accDescription().
// Retrieves the description property for the specified child.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be retrieved. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// pszDesc [out] Pointer to the BSTR that will contain
// the child's description property string.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if either parameter is invalid
// or the return value from either the
// standard client window implementation of
// get_accDescription() or the private method
// HrLoadString().
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accDescription( VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pbstrDesc ) { if (pbstrDesc == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
return m_pDefAccClient->get_accDescription( varChild, pbstrDesc ); }
/* G E T _ A C C R O L E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accRole()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accRole().
// Retrieves the role property for the specified child.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be retrieved. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// pVarRole [out] Pointer to the VARIANT structure that
// will contain the specified child's
// role property. This property may
// either be in the form of a standard
// role constant or a custom description
// string.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if either parameter is invalid,
// S_OK if the specified child is the button
// or status bar, or the return value from
// either the standard client window implementation
// of get_accRole() or the private method
// HrLoadString().
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accRole( VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pVarRole ) { CCandAccItem *pAccItem;
if (pVarRole == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get acc item
pAccItem = AccItemFromID( (int)varChild.lVal ); if (pAccItem == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get role of acc item
pVarRole->vt = VT_I4; pVarRole->lVal = pAccItem->GetAccRole();
return S_OK; }
// get_accState()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accState().
// Retrieves the current state for the specified object or child.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be retrieved. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// pVarState [out] Pointer to the VARIANT structure that
// will contain information describing
// the specified child's current state.
// This information may either be in the
// form of one or more object state
// constants or a custom description
// string.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if either parameter is invalid or
// S_OK.
// Since the icons are HWND based objects, they can never truly
// have the input focus. However, if the user clicks one, the main
// window treats the icon as if it had the focus. So, the state
// of the client area should not indicate "focused" when an icon
// is said to have the focus.
// The push button can have the focus, but it cannot be selected.
STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accState( VARIANT varChild, VARIANT * pVarState ) { CCandAccItem *pAccItem;
if (pVarState == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get acc item
pAccItem = AccItemFromID( (int)varChild.lVal ); if (pAccItem == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get state of acc item
pVarState->vt = VT_I4; pVarState->lVal = pAccItem->GetAccState();
return S_OK; }
/* G E T _ A C C H E L P */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accHelp()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accHelp().
// Retrieves the help property string for the specified child.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be retrieved. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// pszHelp [out] Pointer to the BSTR that will contain
// the child's help property string.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if either parameter is invalid,
// DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND if VarChild refers
// to any icon child, or the return value from
// either the standard client window implementation
// of get_accHelp() or the private method
// HrLoadString().
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accHelp( VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pbstrHelp ) { return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; /* no support in candidate UI */ }
/* G E T _ A C C H E L P T O P I C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accHelpTopic()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accHelpTopic().
// Retrieves the fully qualified path name of the help file
// associated with the specified object, as well as a pointer
// to the appropriate topic with in that file.
// pszHelpFile [out] Pointer to the BSTR that will contain
// the fully qualified path name of the
// help file associated with the child.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be retrieved. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// pidTopic [out] Pointer to the value identifying the
// help file topic associated with the
// object.
// HRESULT DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND because the help topic
// property is not supported for the Accessible
// object or any of its children.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accHelpTopic( BSTR* pszHelpFile, VARIANT varChild, long* pidTopic ) { return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; /* no support in candidate UI */ }
/* G E T _ A C C K E Y B O A R D S H O R T C U T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accKeyboardShortcut()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method
// get_accKeyboardShortcut().
// Retrieves the specified object's keyboard shortcut property.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be retrieved. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// pszShortcut [out] Pointer to the BSTR that will contain
// the keyboard shortcut string, or NULL
// if no keyboard shortcut is associated
// with this item.
// HRESULT DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND because the keyboard
// shortcut property is not supported for the
// Accessible object or any of its children.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accKeyboardShortcut( VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pbstrShortcut ) { return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; /* no support in candidate UI */ }
/* G E T _ A C C F O C U S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accFocus()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accFocus().
// Retrieves the child object that currently has the input focus.
// Only one object or item within a container can have the current
// focus at any one time.
// pVarFocus [out] Pointer to the VARIANT structure that
// will contain information describing
// the specified child's current state.
// This information may either be in the
// form of one or more object state
// constants or a custom description
// string.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if the pVarFocus parameter is
// invalid or S_OK.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accFocus( VARIANT *pVarFocus ) { if (pVarFocus == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
pVarFocus->vt = VT_EMPTY;
pVarFocus->vt = VT_I4; pVarFocus->lVal = 2;
return S_OK; }
/* G E T _ A C C S E L E C T I O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accSelection()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accSelection().
// Retrieves the selected children of this object.
// pVarSel [out] Pointer to the VARIANT structure that
// will be filled with information about
// the selected child object or objects.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if the pVarSel parameter is
// invalid or S_OK.
// Refer to the MSAA SDK documentation for a full description
// of this method and the possible settings of pVarSel.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accSelection( VARIANT * pVarSel ) { if (pVarSel == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
pVarSel->vt = VT_EMPTY;
pVarSel->vt = VT_I4; pVarSel->lVal = 2;
return S_OK; }
/* G E T _ A C C D E F A U L T A C T I O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get_accDefaultAction()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method get_accDefaultAction().
// Retrieves a string containing a localized, human-readable sentence
// that describes the object's default action.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child whose default action string is
// to be retrieved. Since CCandAccessible
// only supports child IDs, the vt member
// of this structure must equal VT_I4.
// pszDefAct [out] Pointer to the BSTR that will contain
// the child's default action string,
// or NULL if there is no default action
// for this object.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if either parameter is invalid,
// DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND if VarChild refers
// to any icon child or the status bar child,
// or the return value from either the standard
// client window implementation of
// get_accDefaultAction() or the private method
// HrLoadString().
// The only CCandAccessible child that has a default action is
// the push button.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::get_accDefaultAction( VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pbstrDefAct ) { if (pbstrDefAct == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
*pbstrDefAct = NULL; return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; /* no support in candidate UI */ }
/* A C C D O D E F A U L T A C T I O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// accDoDefaultAction()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method accDoDefaultAction().
// Performs the object's default action.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child whose default action will be
// invoked. Since CCandAccessible only
// supports child IDs, the vt member of
// this structure must equal VT_I4.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if the in-parameter is invalid,
// DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND if VarChild refers
// to any icon child or the status bar child,
// S_OK if VarChild refers to the push button,
// or the return value from the standard
// client window implementation of
// accDoDefaultAction().
// The only CCandAccessible child that has a default action is
// the push button.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::accDoDefaultAction( VARIANT varChild ) { return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; /* no support in candidate UI */ }
/* A C C S E L E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// accSelect()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method accSelect().
// Modifies the selection or moves the keyboard focus according
// to the specified flags.
// flagsSel [in] Value specifying how to change the
// the current selection. This parameter
// can be a combination of the values
// from the SELFLAG enumerated type.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child to be selected. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if either of the parameters
// is invalid, S_FALSE if the selection
// and/or focus cannot be placed at the
// requested location, or S_OK if the
// selection and/or focus can be placed
// at the requested location.
// For more information on selected objects, please see the
// MSAA SDK Documentation.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::accSelect( long flagsSel, VARIANT varChild ) { //-----------------------------------------------------
// Validate the requested selection.
// SELFLAG_ADDSELECTION may not be combined
return S_FALSE; }
/* A C C L O C A T I O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// accLocation()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method accLocation().
// Retrieves the specified child's current screen location in
// screen coordinates.
// pxLeft [out] Address of the child's left most
// boundary.
// pyTop [out] Address of the child's upper most
// boundary.
// pcxWid [out] Address of the child's width.
// pcyHt [out] Address of the child's height.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child whose screen location is to be
// retrieved. Since CCandAccessible only
// supports child IDs, the vt member
// of this structure must equal VT_I4.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if any of the parameters
// are invalid, E_UNEXPECTED if we are for
// some reason unable to determine the
// window rect of the button or status bar,
// S_OK if the screen coordinates of the
// child are successfully determined, or
// the return value from the standard client
// window implementation of accLocation().
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::accLocation( long* pxLeft, long* pyTop, long* pcxWid, long* pcyHt, VARIANT varChild ) { CCandAccItem *pAccItem; RECT rc;
if (pxLeft == NULL || pyTop == NULL || pcxWid == NULL || pcyHt == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// If the child ID is CHILDID_SELF, we are being
// asked to retrieve the current screen location
// of the Accessible object itself. Delegate
// this request to the standard implementation.
if (varChild.lVal == CHILDID_SELF) { return m_pDefAccClient->accLocation( pxLeft, pyTop, pcxWid, pcyHt, varChild ); }
// get acc item
pAccItem = AccItemFromID( (int)varChild.lVal ); if (pAccItem == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get location of acc item
pAccItem->GetAccLocation( &rc ); *pxLeft = rc.left; *pyTop = rc.top; *pcxWid = rc.right - rc.left; *pcyHt = rc.bottom - rc.top;
return S_OK; }
/* A C C N A V I G A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// accNavigate()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method accNavigate().
// Retrieves the next or previous sibling or child object in a
// specified direction. This direction can be spatial order
// (such as Left and Right) or in navigational order (such as
// Next and Previous).
// navDir [in] A navigational constant specifying
// the direction in which to move.
// varStart [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child from which the navigational
// change will originate. Since
// CCandAccessible only supports child IDs,
// the vt member of this structure must
// equal VT_I4.
// pVarEndUpAt [out] Pointer to the VARIANT structure that
// will contain information describing
// the destination child or object.
// If the vt member is VT_I4, then the
// lVal member is a child ID. If the
// vt member is VT_EMPTY, then the
// navigation failed.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if the varStart parameter is
// invalid, or the return value from the
// default implementation of the window client
// area default Accessible object,
// DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND if the combination
// of the navigation flag and the varStart
// setting is invalid, S_FALSE if the
// navigation fails, or S_OK.
// Since the CCandAccessible object has no child objects (only child
// elements), pVarEndUpAt will never be a pointer to a IDispatch
// interface of a child object.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::accNavigate( long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT* pVarEndUpAt ) { pVarEndUpAt->vt = VT_EMPTY; return S_FALSE; /* no support in candidate UI */ }
/* A C C H I T T E S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// accHitTest()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method accHitTest().
// Retrieves the ID of the a child at a given point on the screen.
// xLeft and yTop [in] The screen coordinates of the point
// to be hit tested.
// pVarHit [out] Pointer to the VARIANT structure that
// will contain information describing
// the hit child. If the vt member is
// VT_I4, then the lVal member is a child
// ID. If the vt member is VT_EMPTY,
// then the navigation failed.
// HRESULT E_INVALIDARG if the pVarHit parameter is
// invalid, or S_OK.
// Since the CCandAccessible object has no child objects (only child
// elements), pVarHit will never be a pointer to a IDispatch
// interface of a child object.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::accHitTest( long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT *pVarHit ) { int i; POINT pt; RECT rcWnd;
if (!pVarHit) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// check point is inside of window
pt.x = xLeft; pt.y = yTop; ScreenToClient( m_hWnd, &pt );
GetClientRect( m_hWnd, &rcWnd ); if (!PtInRect( &rcWnd, pt )) { pVarHit->vt = VT_EMPTY; } else { pVarHit->vt = VT_I4; pVarHit->lVal = CHILDID_SELF;
for (i = 1; i < m_nAccItem; i++) { RECT rc;
Assert( m_rgAccItem[i] != NULL ); m_rgAccItem[i]->GetAccLocation( &rc );
if (PtInRect( &rc, pt )) { pVarHit->lVal = m_rgAccItem[i]->GetID(); break; } } }
return S_OK; }
/* P U T _ A C C N A M E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// put_accName()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method put_accName().
// Sets the name property for the specified child.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child whose name property is to be
// set. Since CCandAccessible only supports
// child IDs, the vt member of this
// structure must equal VT_I4.
// szName [in] String that specifies the new name for
// this child.
// HRESULT S_FALSE because the name property for any
// child may not be changed.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::put_accName( VARIANT varChild, BSTR szName ) { //-----------------------------------------------------
// We don't allow clients to change the name
// property of any child so we simply return
return S_FALSE; }
/* P U T _ A C C V A L U E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// put_accValue()
// Implements the IAccessible interface method put_accValue().
// Sets the value property for the specified child.
// varChild [in] VARIANT structure that identifies the
// child whose value property is to be
// set. Since CCandAccessible only supports
// child IDs, the vt member of this
// structure must equal VT_I4.
// szValue [in] String that specifies the new value for
// this child.
// HRESULT S_FALSE because the value property for any
// child may not be changed.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CCandAccessible::put_accValue( VARIANT varChild, BSTR szValue ) { //-----------------------------------------------------
// We don't allow clients to change the value
// property of the status bar (the only child that
// has a value property) so we simply return S_FALSE.
return S_FALSE; }
/* I S V A L I D C H I L D V A R I A N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCandAccessible::IsValidChildVariant( VARIANT * pVar ) { return (pVar->vt == VT_I4) && (0 <= pVar->lVal) && (pVar->lVal < m_nAccItem); }
/* A C C I T E M F R O M I D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandAccItem *CCandAccessible::AccItemFromID( int iID ) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_nAccItem; i++) { if (m_rgAccItem[i]->GetID() == iID) { return m_rgAccItem[i]; } }
return NULL; }
/* C L E A R A C C I T E M */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandAccessible::ClearAccItem( void ) { m_nAccItem = 0; }
/* A D D A C C I T E M */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCandAccessible::AddAccItem( CCandAccItem *pAccItem ) { if (CANDACCITEM_MAX <= m_nAccItem) { Assert( FALSE ); /* need more buffer */
return FALSE; }
m_rgAccItem[ m_nAccItem++ ] = pAccItem; pAccItem->Init( this, m_nAccItem /* start from 1 */ ); return TRUE; }
/* N O T I F Y W I N E V E N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandAccessible::NotifyWinEvent( DWORD dwEvent, CCandAccItem *pAccItem ) { Assert( pAccItem != NULL ); OurNotifyWinEvent( dwEvent, m_hWnd, OBJID_CLIENT, pAccItem->GetID() ); }
/* C R E A T E R E F T O A C C O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LRESULT CCandAccessible::CreateRefToAccObj( WPARAM wParam ) { return OurLresultFromObject( IID_IAccessible, wParam, (IAccessible *)this ); }