// sptask.cpp
// implements a notification callback ISpTask
// created: 12/1/99
#include "private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "sptask.h"
#include "candui.h"
#include "ids.h"
#include "computil.h"
// ctor
CSpTask::CSpTask(CCandidateUI *pcui) { // CSpTask is initialized with an TFX instance
// so store the pointer to the TFX
// init data members here
m_pcui = pcui;
m_fSapiInitialized = FALSE; m_fActive = FALSE; m_fInCallback = FALSE; }
CSpTask::~CSpTask() { _ReleaseGrammars(); }
// CSpTask::_InitializeSAPIObjects
// initialize SAPI objects for SR
// later we'll get other objects initialized here
// (TTS, audio etc)
HRESULT CSpTask::InitializeSAPIObjects(void) { #ifdef _WIN64
return E_NOTIMPL; #else
if (m_fSapiInitialized == TRUE) return m_cpRecoCtxt ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
// do not try again even in failure
m_fSapiInitialized = TRUE;
// m_xxx are CComPtrs from ATL
HRESULT hr = _GetSapilayrEngineInstance(&m_cpRecoEngine);
// create the recognition context
if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = m_cpRecoEngine->CreateRecoContext( &m_cpRecoCtxt ); }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { SPRECOGNIZERSTATUS stat;
if (S_OK == m_cpRecoEngine->GetStatus(&stat)) { m_langid = stat.aLangID[0]; } }
return hr; #endif // _WIN64
// CSpTask::NotifyCallback
// INotifyControl object calls back here
// returns S_OK when it handles notifications
HRESULT CSpTask::NotifyCallback( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { USES_CONVERSION;
// we can't delete reco context while we're in this callback
m_fInCallback = TRUE;
// also we can't terminate candidate UI object while in the callback
{ CSpEvent event;
while ( m_cpRecoCtxt && event.GetFrom(m_cpRecoCtxt) == S_OK ) { switch (event.eEventId) { case SPEI_RECOGNITION: _OnSpEventRecognition(event); break;
default: break; } } } m_fInCallback = FALSE; m_pcui->Release(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSpTask::_OnSpEventRecognition(CSpEvent &event) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ISpRecoResult *pResult = event.RecoResult();
if (pResult) { static const WCHAR szUnrecognized[] = L"<Unrecognized>"; SPPHRASE *pPhrase; hr = pResult->GetPhrase(&pPhrase); if (S_OK == hr) {
if (pPhrase->ullGrammarID == GRAM_ID_CANDCC) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPhrase) { // retrieve LANGID from phrase
LANGID langid = pPhrase->LangID; hr = _DoCommand(pPhrase, langid); } } else if(pPhrase->ullGrammarID == GRAM_ID_DICT) { if (m_pcui->_ptim != NULL) { // Windows bug#508709
// Ignore dictation event during SPTip is in commanding mode
DWORD dwSpeechGlobalState; GetCompartmentDWORD(m_pcui->_ptim, GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_GLOBALSTATE, &dwSpeechGlobalState, TRUE);
if (dwSpeechGlobalState & TF_DICTATION_ON) { hr = _DoDictation(pResult); } } } ::CoTaskMemFree( pPhrase ); } } return hr; }
const WCHAR c_szRuleName[] = L"ID_Candidate"; //
// CSpTask::_DoCommand
// review: the rulename may need to be localizable?
HRESULT CSpTask::_DoCommand(SPPHRASE *pPhrase, LANGID langid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( wcscmp(pPhrase->Rule.pszName, c_szRuleName) == 0) { if (m_pcui) { hr = m_pcui->NotifySpeechCmd(pPhrase, pPhrase->pProperties[0].pszValue, pPhrase->pProperties[0].ulId); } } return hr; } //
// CSpTask::_DoDictation
// support spelling
HRESULT CSpTask::_DoDictation(ISpRecoResult *pResult) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; BYTE bAttr; // no need?
Assert(pResult); // this cotaskmemfree's text we get
CSpDynamicString dstr; hr = pResult->GetText(SP_GETWHOLEPHRASE, SP_GETWHOLEPHRASE, TRUE, &dstr, &bAttr); if (S_OK == hr) { WCHAR sz[2]={0}; StringCchCopyW(sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz), dstr); Assert(m_pcui); hr = m_pcui->FHandleSpellingChar(sz[0]); } return hr; } //
// CSpTask::InitializeCallback
HRESULT CSpTask::InitializeCallback() { #ifdef _WIN64
return E_NOTIMPL; #else
// set recognition notification
CComPtr<ISpNotifyTranslator> cpNotify; HRESULT hr = cpNotify.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SpNotifyTranslator);
// set this class instance to notify control object
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpNotify->InitSpNotifyCallback( (ISpNotifyCallback *)this, 0, 0 ); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_cpRecoCtxt->SetNotifySink(cpNotify); }
// set the events we're interested in
hr = m_cpRecoCtxt->SetInterest(ulInterest, ulInterest); } else { m_cpRecoCtxt.Release(); }
if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = _LoadGrammars(); }
return hr; #endif // _WIN64
// _LoadGrammars
// synopsis - load CFG for dictation and commands available during dictation
HRESULT CSpTask::_LoadGrammars() { // do not initialize grammars more than once
if (m_cpDictGrammar || m_cpCmdGrammar) return S_OK; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (m_cpRecoCtxt) { //
// create grammar object
if ( m_langid != 0x0804 ) // Chinese Engine doesn't support spelling grammar.
{ hr = m_cpRecoCtxt->CreateGrammar(GRAM_ID_DICT, &m_cpDictGrammar); if (S_OK == hr) { // specify spelling mode
hr = m_cpDictGrammar->LoadDictation(L"Spelling", SPLO_STATIC); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_cpRecoCtxt->CreateGrammar(GRAM_ID_CANDCC, &m_cpCmdGrammar); } } else hr = m_cpRecoCtxt->CreateGrammar(GRAM_ID_CANDCC, &m_cpCmdGrammar);
// load the command grammar
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Load it from the resource first to speed up the initialization.
if (m_langid == 0x409 || // English
m_langid == 0x411 || // Japanese
m_langid == 0x804 ) // Simplified Chinese
{ hr = m_cpCmdGrammar->LoadCmdFromResource( g_hInst, (const WCHAR*)MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_DICTATION_COMMAND_CFG), L"SRGRAMMAR", m_langid, SPLO_DYNAMIC); }
// in case LoadCmdFromResource returns wrong.
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(!_GetCmdFileName(m_langid)) { hr = E_FAIL; }
if (m_szCmdFile[0]) { hr = m_cpCmdGrammar->LoadCmdFromFile(_GetCmdFileName(m_langid), SPLO_DYNAMIC); }
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_cpCmdGrammar.Release(); } }
hr = S_OK; } } return hr; }
void CSpTask::_ReleaseGrammars(void) { if (!m_fInCallback) { m_cpDictGrammar.Release(); m_cpCmdGrammar.Release(); if (m_cpRecoCtxt) { m_cpRecoCtxt->SetNotifySink(NULL); m_cpRecoCtxt.Release(); } } }
WCHAR * CSpTask::_GetCmdFileName(LANGID langid) {
if (!m_szCmdFile[0]) { // now we only have a command file for English/Japanese
// when cfgs are available, we'll get the name of cmd file
// and the rule names from resources using findresourceex
if (PRIMARYLANGID(langid) == LANG_ENGLISH || PRIMARYLANGID(langid) == LANG_JAPANESE || PRIMARYLANGID(langid) == LANG_CHINESE) { char szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; char *pszExt; char szCp[MAX_PATH]; int ilen;
if (!GetModuleFileName(g_hInst, szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath))) return NULL; // find extension
// is this dbcs safe?
pszExt = strrchr(szFilePath, (int)'.'); if (pszExt) { *pszExt = '\0'; }
ilen = lstrlen(szFilePath); if (!pszExt) { pszExt = szFilePath+ilen; } LoadStringA(g_hInst, IDS_CMD_EXT, pszExt, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath)-ilen); if (GetLocaleInfo(langid, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, szCp, ARRAYSIZE(szCp))>0) { int iACP = atoi(szCp); if (MultiByteToWideChar(iACP, NULL, szFilePath, -1, m_szCmdFile, ARRAYSIZE(m_szCmdFile)) == 0) { m_szCmdFile[0] = 0; return NULL; } } } } return m_szCmdFile; }
HRESULT CSpTask::_Activate(BOOL fActive) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (m_cpRecoCtxt) { // Need SAPI bug# for this workaround.
m_fActive = fActive; //
// Is the NULL rulename fine?
if (m_cpCmdGrammar) hr = m_cpCmdGrammar->SetRuleState(NULL, NULL, m_fActive ? SPRS_ACTIVE : SPRS_INACTIVE);
if (m_cpDictGrammar) hr = m_cpDictGrammar->SetDictationState(m_fActive? SPRS_ACTIVE : SPRS_INACTIVE); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CSpTask::InitializeSpeech() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
#ifdef _WIN64
hr = E_NOTIMPL; #else
hr = InitializeSAPIObjects();
// set callback
if (hr == S_OK) hr = InitializeCallback(); // activate grammars
if (hr == S_OK) hr = _Activate(TRUE); #endif // _WIN64
return hr; }
// _GetSapilayrEngineInstance
HRESULT CSpTask::_GetSapilayrEngineInstance(ISpRecognizer **ppRecoEngine) { #ifdef _WIN64
return E_NOTIMPL; #else
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CComPtr<ITfFunctionProvider> cpFuncPrv; CComPtr<ITfFnGetSAPIObject> cpGetSAPI;
// we shouldn't release this until we terminate ourselves
// so we don't use comptr here
if (m_pcui->_ptim != NULL) { hr = m_pcui->_ptim->GetFunctionProvider(CLSID_SapiLayr, &cpFuncPrv);
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = cpFuncPrv->GetFunction(GUID_NULL, IID_ITfFnGetSAPIObject, (IUnknown **)&cpGetSAPI); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = cpGetSAPI->Get(GETIF_RECOGNIZERNOINIT, (IUnknown **)ppRecoEngine); } } return hr; #endif